path: root/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/zencoding-mode.el
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authorGravatar Tom Willemsen2011-03-23 11:14:27 +0100
committerGravatar Tom Willemsen2011-03-23 11:14:27 +0100
commit0d342f0aee3f2f800e486c0051dabe718a7b2841 (patch)
tree1f55afabb8f4876dbe564f7ed5d8e573ddc78df3 /emacs.d/nxhtml/util/zencoding-mode.el
parentd4510153b17625a3dd2f1852cc6392fc26efecf6 (diff)
I don't like nxhtml
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs.d/nxhtml/util/zencoding-mode.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 801 deletions
diff --git a/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/zencoding-mode.el b/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/zencoding-mode.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 2545491..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/zencoding-mode.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,801 +0,0 @@
-;;; zencoding-mode.el --- Unfold CSS-selector-like expressions to markup
-;; Copyright (C) 2009, Chris Done
-;; Author: Chris Done <>
-(defconst zencoding-mode:version "0.5")
-;; Last-Updated: 2009-11-20 Fri
-;; Keywords: convenience
-;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Unfold CSS-selector-like expressions to markup. Intended to be used
-;; with sgml-like languages; xml, html, xhtml, xsl, etc.
-;; See `zencoding-mode' for more information.
-;; Copy zencoding-mode.el to your load-path and add to your .emacs:
-;; (require 'zencoding-mode)
-;; Example setup:
-;; (add-to-list 'load-path "~/Emacs/zencoding/")
-;; (require 'zencoding-mode)
-;; (add-hook 'sgml-mode-hook 'zencoding-mode) ;; Auto-start on any markup modes
-;; Enable the minor mode with M-x zencoding-mode.
-;; See ``Test cases'' section for a complete set of expression types.
-;; If you are hacking on this project, eval (zencoding-test-cases) to
-;; ensure that your changes have not broken anything. Feel free to add
-;; new test cases if you add new features.
-;;; History:
-;; Modified by Lennart Borgman.
-;;; Code:
-;; Generic parsing macros and utilities
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(defcustom zencoding-preview-default t
- "If non-nil then preview is the default action.
-This determines how `zencoding-expand-line' works by default."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'zencoding)
-(defcustom zencoding-insert-flash-time 0.5
- "Time to flash insertion.
-Set this to a negative number if you do not want flashing the
-expansion after insertion."
- :type '(number :tag "Seconds")
- :group 'zencoding)
-(defmacro zencoding-aif (test-form then-form &rest else-forms)
- "Anaphoric if. Temporary variable `it' is the result of test-form."
- `(let ((it ,test-form))
- (if it ,then-form ,@(or else-forms '(it)))))
-(defmacro zencoding-pif (test-form then-form &rest else-forms)
- "Parser anaphoric if. Temporary variable `it' is the result of test-form."
- `(let ((it ,test-form))
- (if (not (eq 'error (car it))) ,then-form ,@(or else-forms '(it)))))
-(defmacro zencoding-parse (regex nums label &rest body)
- "Parse according to a regex and update the `input' variable."
- `(zencoding-aif (zencoding-regex ,regex input ',(number-sequence 0 nums))
- (let ((input (elt it ,nums)))
- ,@body)
- `,`(error ,(concat "expected " ,label))))
-(defmacro zencoding-run (parser then-form &rest else-forms)
- "Run a parser and update the input properly, extract the parsed
- expression."
- `(zencoding-pif (,parser input)
- (let ((input (cdr it))
- (expr (car it)))
- ,then-form)
- ,@(or else-forms '(it))))
-(defmacro zencoding-por (parser1 parser2 then-form &rest else-forms)
- "OR two parsers. Try one parser, if it fails try the next."
- `(zencoding-pif (,parser1 input)
- (let ((input (cdr it))
- (expr (car it)))
- ,then-form)
- (zencoding-pif (,parser2 input)
- (let ((input (cdr it))
- (expr (car it)))
- ,then-form)
- ,@else-forms)))
-(defun zencoding-regex (regexp string refs)
- "Return a list of (`ref') matches for a `regex' on a `string' or nil."
- (if (string-match (concat "^" regexp "\\([^\n]*\\)$") string)
- (mapcar (lambda (ref) (match-string ref string))
- (if (sequencep refs) refs (list refs)))
- nil))
-;; Zen coding parsers
-(defun zencoding-expr (input)
- "Parse a zen coding expression. This pretty much defines precedence."
- (zencoding-run zencoding-siblings
- it
- (zencoding-run zencoding-parent-child
- it
- (zencoding-run zencoding-multiplier
- it
- (zencoding-run zencoding-pexpr
- it
- (zencoding-run zencoding-tag
- it
- '(error "no match, expecting ( or a-zA-Z0-9")))))))
-(defun zencoding-multiplier (input)
- (zencoding-por zencoding-pexpr zencoding-tag
- (let ((multiplier expr))
- (zencoding-parse "\\*\\([0-9]+\\)" 2 "*n where n is a number"
- (let ((multiplicand (read (elt it 1))))
- `((list ,(make-list multiplicand multiplier)) . ,input))))
- '(error "expected *n multiplier")))
-(defun zencoding-tag (input)
- "Parse a tag."
- (zencoding-run zencoding-tagname
- (let ((result it)
- (tagname (cdr expr)))
- (zencoding-pif (zencoding-run zencoding-identifier
- (zencoding-tag-classes
- `(tag ,tagname ((id ,(cddr expr)))) input)
- (zencoding-tag-classes `(tag ,tagname ()) input))
- (let ((expr-and-input it) (expr (car it)) (input (cdr it)))
- (zencoding-pif (zencoding-tag-props expr input)
- it
- expr-and-input))))
- '(error "expected tagname")))
-(defun zencoding-tag-props (tag input)
- (zencoding-run zencoding-props
- (let ((tagname (cadr tag))
- (existing-props (caddr tag))
- (props (cdr expr)))
- `((tag ,tagname
- ,(append existing-props props))
- . ,input))))
-(defun zencoding-props (input)
- "Parse many props."
- (zencoding-run zencoding-prop
- (zencoding-pif (zencoding-props input)
- `((props . ,(cons expr (cdar it))) . ,(cdr it))
- `((props . ,(list expr)) . ,input))))
-(defun zencoding-prop (input)
- (zencoding-parse
- " " 1 "space"
- (zencoding-run
- zencoding-name
- (let ((name (cdr expr)))
- (zencoding-parse "=\\([^\\,\\+\\>\\ )]*\\)" 2
- "=property value"
- (let ((value (elt it 1))
- (input (elt it 2)))
- `((,(read name) ,value) . ,input)))))))
-(defun zencoding-tag-classes (tag input)
- (zencoding-run zencoding-classes
- (let ((tagname (cadr tag))
- (props (caddr tag))
- (classes `(class ,(mapconcat
- (lambda (prop)
- (cdadr prop))
- (cdr expr)
- " "))))
- `((tag ,tagname ,(append props (list classes))) . ,input))
- `(,tag . ,input)))
-(defun zencoding-tagname (input)
- "Parse a tagname a-zA-Z0-9 tagname (e.g. html/head/xsl:if/br)."
- (zencoding-parse "\\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:-]*\\)" 2 "tagname, a-zA-Z0-9"
- `((tagname . ,(elt it 1)) . ,input)))
-(defun zencoding-pexpr (input)
- "A zen coding expression with parentheses around it."
- (zencoding-parse "(" 1 "("
- (zencoding-run zencoding-expr
- (zencoding-aif (zencoding-regex ")" input '(0 1))
- `(,expr . ,(elt it 1))
- '(error "expecting `)'")))))
-(defun zencoding-parent-child (input)
- "Parse an tag>e expression, where `n' is an tag and `e' is any
- expression."
- (zencoding-run zencoding-multiplier
- (let* ((items (cadr expr))
- (rest (zencoding-child-sans expr input)))
- (if (not (eq (car rest) 'error))
- (let ((child (car rest))
- (input (cdr rest)))
- (cons (cons 'list
- (cons (mapcar (lambda (parent)
- `(parent-child ,parent ,child))
- items)
- nil))
- input))
- '(error "expected child")))
- (zencoding-run zencoding-tag
- (zencoding-child expr input)
- '(error "expected parent"))))
-(defun zencoding-child-sans (parent input)
- (zencoding-parse ">" 1 ">"
- (zencoding-run zencoding-expr
- it
- '(error "expected child"))))
-(defun zencoding-child (parent input)
- (zencoding-parse ">" 1 ">"
- (zencoding-run zencoding-expr
- (let ((child expr))
- `((parent-child ,parent ,child) . ,input))
- '(error "expected child"))))
-(defun zencoding-sibling (input)
- (zencoding-por zencoding-pexpr zencoding-multiplier
- it
- (zencoding-run zencoding-tag
- it
- '(error "expected sibling"))))
-(defun zencoding-siblings (input)
- "Parse an e+e expression, where e is an tag or a pexpr."
- (zencoding-run zencoding-sibling
- (let ((parent expr))
- (zencoding-parse "\\+" 1 "+"
- (zencoding-run zencoding-expr
- (let ((child expr))
- `((zencoding-siblings ,parent ,child) . ,input))
- '(error "expected second sibling"))))
- '(error "expected first sibling")))
-(defun zencoding-name (input)
- "Parse a class or identifier name, e.g. news, footer, mainimage"
- (zencoding-parse "\\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\\)" 2 "class or identifer name"
- `((name . ,(elt it 1)) . ,input)))
-(defun zencoding-class (input)
- "Parse a classname expression, e.g. .foo"
- (zencoding-parse "\\." 1 "."
- (zencoding-run zencoding-name
- `((class ,expr) . ,input)
- '(error "expected class name"))))
-(defun zencoding-identifier (input)
- "Parse an identifier expression, e.g. #foo"
- (zencoding-parse "#" 1 "#"
- (zencoding-run zencoding-name
- `((identifier . ,expr) . ,input))))
-(defun zencoding-classes (input)
- "Parse many classes."
- (zencoding-run zencoding-class
- (zencoding-pif (zencoding-classes input)
- `((classes . ,(cons expr (cdar it))) . ,(cdr it))
- `((classes . ,(list expr)) . ,input))
- '(error "expected class")))
-;; Zen coding transformer from AST to HTML
-;; Fix-me: make mode specific
-(defvar zencoding-single-tags
- '("br"
- "img"))
-(defvar zencoding-inline-tags
- '("a"
- "abbr"
- "acronym"
- "cite"
- "code"
- "dfn"
- "em"
- "h1" "h2" "h3" "h4" "h5" "h6"
- "kbd"
- "q"
- "span"
- "strong"
- "var"))
-(defvar zencoding-block-tags
- '("p"))
-;; li
-;; a
-;; em
-;; p
-(defvar zencoding-leaf-function nil
- "Function to execute when expanding a leaf node in the
- Zencoding AST.")
-(defun zencoding-make-tag (tag &optional content)
- (let* ((name (car tag))
- (lf (if
- (or
- (member name zencoding-block-tags)
- (and
- (> (length name) 1)
- (not (member name zencoding-inline-tags))
- ))
- "\n" ""))
- (single (member name zencoding-single-tags))
- (props (apply 'concat (mapcar
- (lambda (prop)
- (concat " " (symbol-name (car prop))
- "=\"" (cadr prop) "\""))
- (cadr tag)))))
- (concat lf "<" name props ">" lf
- (if single
- ""
- (concat
- (if content content
- (if zencoding-leaf-function
- (funcall zencoding-leaf-function)
- ""))
- lf "</" name ">")))))
-(defun zencoding-transform (ast)
- (let ((type (car ast)))
- (cond
- ((eq type 'list)
- (mapconcat 'zencoding-transform (cadr ast) ""))
- ((eq type 'tag)
- (zencoding-make-tag (cdr ast)))
- ((eq type 'parent-child)
- (let ((parent (cdadr ast))
- (children (zencoding-transform (caddr ast))))
- (zencoding-make-tag parent children)))
- ((eq type 'zencoding-siblings)
- (let ((sib1 (zencoding-transform (cadr ast)))
- (sib2 (zencoding-transform (caddr ast))))
- (concat sib1 sib2))))))
-;; Test-cases
-(defun zencoding-test-cases ()
- (let ((tests '(;; Tags
- ("a" "<a></a>")
- ("a.x" "<a class=\"x\"></a>")
- ("a#q.x" "<a id=\"q\" class=\"x\"></a>")
- ("a#q.x.y.z" "<a id=\"q\" class=\"x y z\"></a>")
- ;; Siblings
- ("a+b" "<a></a><b></b>")
- ("a+b+c" "<a></a><b></b><c></c>")
- ("a.x+b" "<a class=\"x\"></a><b></b>")
- ("a#q.x+b" "<a id=\"q\" class=\"x\"></a><b></b>")
- ("a#q.x.y.z+b" "<a id=\"q\" class=\"x y z\"></a><b></b>")
- ("a#q.x.y.z+b#p.l.m.n" "<a id=\"q\" class=\"x y z\"></a><b id=\"p\" class=\"l m n\"></b>")
- ;; Parent > child
- ("a>b" "<a><b></b></a>")
- ("a>b>c" "<a><b><c></c></b></a>")
- ("a.x>b" "<a class=\"x\"><b></b></a>")
- ("a#q.x>b" "<a id=\"q\" class=\"x\"><b></b></a>")
- ("a#q.x.y.z>b" "<a id=\"q\" class=\"x y z\"><b></b></a>")
- ("a#q.x.y.z>b#p.l.m.n" "<a id=\"q\" class=\"x y z\"><b id=\"p\" class=\"l m n\"></b></a>")
- ("a>b+c" "<a><b></b><c></c></a>")
- ("a>b+c>d" "<a><b></b><c><d></d></c></a>")
- ;; Multiplication
- ("a*1" "<a></a>")
- ("a*2" "<a></a><a></a>")
- ("a*2+b*2" "<a></a><a></a><b></b><b></b>")
- ("a*2>b*2" "<a><b></b><b></b></a><a><b></b><b></b></a>")
- ("a>b*2" "<a><b></b><b></b></a>")
- ("a#q.x>b#q.x*2" "<a id=\"q\" class=\"x\"><b id=\"q\" class=\"x\"></b><b id=\"q\" class=\"x\"></b></a>")
- ;; Properties
- ("a x=y" "<a x=\"y\"></a>")
- ("a x=y m=l" "<a x=\"y\" m=\"l\"></a>")
- ("a#foo x=y m=l" "<a id=\"foo\" x=\"y\" m=\"l\"></a>")
- (" x=y m=l" "<a class=\"foo\" x=\"y\" m=\"l\"></a>")
- (" x=y m=l" "<a id=\"foo\" class=\"bar mu\" x=\"y\" m=\"l\"></a>")
- ("a x=y+b" "<a x=\"y\"></a><b></b>")
- ("a x=y+b x=y" "<a x=\"y\"></a><b x=\"y\"></b>")
- ("a x=y>b" "<a x=\"y\"><b></b></a>")
- ("a x=y>b x=y" "<a x=\"y\"><b x=\"y\"></b></a>")
- ("a x=y>b x=y+c x=y" "<a x=\"y\"><b x=\"y\"></b><c x=\"y\"></c></a>")
- ;; Parentheses
- ("(a)" "<a></a>")
- ("(a)+(b)" "<a></a><b></b>")
- ("a>(b)" "<a><b></b></a>")
- ("(a>b)>c" "<a><b></b></a>")
- ("(a>b)+c" "<a><b></b></a><c></c>")
- ("z+(a>b)+c+k" "<z></z><a><b></b></a><c></c><k></k>")
- ("(a)*2" "<a></a><a></a>")
- ("((a)*2)" "<a></a><a></a>")
- ("((a)*2)" "<a></a><a></a>")
- ("(a>b)*2" "<a><b></b></a><a><b></b></a>")
- ("(a+b)*2" "<a></a><b></b><a></a><b></b>")
- )))
- (mapc (lambda (input)
- (let ((expected (cadr input))
- (actual (zencoding-transform (car (zencoding-expr (car input))))))
- (if (not (equal expected actual))
- (error (concat "Assertion " (car input) " failed:"
- expected
- " == "
- actual)))))
- tests)
- (concat (number-to-string (length tests)) " tests performed. All OK.")))
-;; Zencoding minor mode
-(defgroup zencoding nil
- "Customization group for zencoding-mode."
- :group 'convenience)
-(defun zencoding-expr-on-line ()
- "Extract a zencoding expression and the corresponding bounds
- for the current line."
- (let* ((start (line-beginning-position))
- (end (line-end-position))
- (line (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
- (expr (zencoding-regex "\\([ \t]*\\)\\([^\n]+\\)" line 2)))
- (if (first expr)
- (list (first expr) start end))))
-(defun zencoding-prettify (markup indent)
- (save-match-data
- ;;(setq markup (replace-regexp-in-string "><" ">\n<" markup))
- (setq markup (replace-regexp-in-string "\n\n" "\n" markup))
- (setq markup (replace-regexp-in-string "^\n" "" markup)))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (indent-to indent)
- (insert "<i></i>")
- (insert "\n")
- (let ((here (point)))
- (insert markup)
- (sgml-mode)
- (indent-region here (point-max))
- (buffer-substring-no-properties here (point-max)))))
-(defun zencoding-expand-line (arg)
- "Replace the current line's zencode expression with the corresponding expansion.
-If prefix ARG is given or region is visible call `zencoding-preview' to start an
-interactive preview.
-Otherwise expand line directly.
-For more information see `zencoding-mode'."
- (interactive "P")
- (let* ((here (point))
- (preview (if zencoding-preview-default (not arg) arg))
- (beg (if preview
- (progn
- (beginning-of-line)
- (skip-chars-forward " \t")
- (point))
- (when mark-active (region-beginning))))
- (end (if preview
- (progn
- (end-of-line)
- (skip-chars-backward " \t")
- (point))
- (when mark-active (region-end)))))
- (if beg
- (progn
- (goto-char here)
- (zencoding-preview beg end))
- (let ((expr (zencoding-expr-on-line)))
- (if expr
- (let* ((markup (zencoding-transform (car (zencoding-expr (first expr)))))
- (pretty (zencoding-prettify markup (current-indentation))))
- (save-excursion
- (delete-region (second expr) (third expr))
- (zencoding-insert-and-flash pretty))))))))
-(defvar zencoding-mode-keymap nil
- "Keymap for zencode minor mode.")
-(if zencoding-mode-keymap
- nil
- (progn
- (setq zencoding-mode-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
- (define-key zencoding-mode-keymap (kbd "<C-return>") 'zencoding-expand-line)))
-(define-minor-mode zencoding-mode
- "Minor mode for writing HTML and CSS markup.
-With zen coding for HTML and CSS you can write a line like
- ul#name>li.item*2
-and have it expanded to
- <ul id=\"name\">
- <li class=\"item\"></li>
- <li class=\"item\"></li>
- </ul>
-This minor mode defines keys for quick access:
-Home page URL `'.
-See also `zencoding-expand-line'."
- :lighter " Zen"
- :keymap zencoding-mode-keymap)
-;; Zencoding yasnippet integration
-(defun zencoding-transform-yas (ast)
- (let* ((leaf-count 0)
- (zencoding-leaf-function
- (lambda ()
- (format "$%d" (incf leaf-count)))))
- (zencoding-transform ast)))
-(defun zencoding-expand-yas ()
- (interactive)
- (let ((expr (zencoding-expr-on-line)))
- (if expr
- (let* ((markup (zencoding-transform-yas (car (zencoding-expr (first expr)))))
- (filled (replace-regexp-in-string "><" ">\n<" markup)))
- (delete-region (second expr) (third expr))
- (insert filled)
- (indent-region (second expr) (point))
- (yas/expand-snippet
- (buffer-substring (second expr) (point))
- (second expr) (point))))))
-;;; Real-time preview
-;; Lennart's version
-(defvar zencoding-preview-input nil)
-(make-local-variable 'zencoding-preview-input)
-(defvar zencoding-preview-output nil)
-(make-local-variable 'zencoding-preview-output)
-(defvar zencoding-old-show-paren nil)
-(make-local-variable 'zencoding-old-show-paren)
-(defface zencoding-preview-input
- '((default :box t :inherit secondary-selection))
- "Face for preview input field."
- :group 'zencoding)
-(defface zencoding-preview-output
- '((default :inherit highlight))
- "Face for preview output field."
- :group 'zencoding)
-(defvar zencoding-preview-keymap
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key map (kbd "<return>") 'zencoding-preview-accept)
- (define-key map [(control ?g)] 'zencoding-preview-abort)
- map))
-(defun zencoding-preview-accept ()
- (interactive)
- (let ((ovli zencoding-preview-input))
- (if (not (and (overlayp ovli)
- (bufferp (overlay-buffer ovli))))
- (message "Preview is not active")
- (let* ((indent (current-indentation))
- (markup (zencoding-preview-transformed indent)))
- (when markup
- (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (overlay-end ovli))
- (zencoding-insert-and-flash markup)))))
- (zencoding-preview-abort))
-(defvar zencoding-flash-ovl nil)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'zencoding-flash-ovl)
-(defun zencoding-remove-flash-ovl (buf)
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (when (overlayp zencoding-flash-ovl)
- (delete-overlay zencoding-flash-ovl))
- (setq zencoding-flash-ovl nil)))
-(defun zencoding-insert-and-flash (markup)
- (zencoding-remove-flash-ovl (current-buffer))
- (let ((here (point)))
- (insert markup)
- (setq zencoding-flash-ovl (make-overlay here (point)))
- (overlay-put zencoding-flash-ovl 'face 'zencoding-preview-output)
- (when (< 0 zencoding-insert-flash-time)
- (run-with-idle-timer zencoding-insert-flash-time
- nil 'zencoding-remove-flash-ovl (current-buffer)))))
-(defun zencoding-preview (beg end)
- "Expand zencode between BEG and END interactively.
-This will show a preview of the expanded zen code and you can
-accept it or skip it."
- (interactive (if mark-active
- (list (region-beginning) (region-end))
- (list nil nil)))
- (zencoding-preview-abort)
- (if (not beg)
- (message "Region not active")
- (setq zencoding-old-show-paren show-paren-mode)
- (show-paren-mode -1)
- (let ((here (point)))
- (goto-char beg)
- (forward-line 1)
- (unless (= 0 (current-column))
- (insert "\n"))
- (let* ((opos (point))
- (ovli (make-overlay beg end nil nil t))
- (ovlo (make-overlay opos opos))
- (info (propertize " Zen preview. Choose with RET. Cancel by stepping out. \n"
- 'face 'tooltip)))
- (overlay-put ovli 'face 'zencoding-preview-input)
- (overlay-put ovli 'keymap zencoding-preview-keymap)
- (overlay-put ovlo 'face 'zencoding-preview-output)
- (overlay-put ovlo 'before-string info)
- (setq zencoding-preview-input ovli)
- (setq zencoding-preview-output ovlo)
- (add-hook 'before-change-functions 'zencoding-preview-before-change t t)
- (goto-char here)
- (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'zencoding-preview-post-command t t)))))
-(defvar zencoding-preview-pending-abort nil)
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'zencoding-preview-pending-abort)
-(defun zencoding-preview-before-change (beg end)
- (when
- (or (> beg (overlay-end zencoding-preview-input))
- (< beg (overlay-start zencoding-preview-input))
- (> end (overlay-end zencoding-preview-input))
- (< end (overlay-start zencoding-preview-input)))
- (setq zencoding-preview-pending-abort t)))
-(defun zencoding-preview-abort ()
- "Abort zen code preview."
- (interactive)
- (setq zencoding-preview-pending-abort nil)
- (remove-hook 'before-change-functions 'zencoding-preview-before-change t)
- (when (overlayp zencoding-preview-input)
- (delete-overlay zencoding-preview-input))
- (setq zencoding-preview-input nil)
- (when (overlayp zencoding-preview-output)
- (delete-overlay zencoding-preview-output))
- (setq zencoding-preview-output nil)
- (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'zencoding-preview-post-command t)
- (when zencoding-old-show-paren (show-paren-mode 1)))
-(defun zencoding-preview-post-command ()
- (condition-case err
- (zencoding-preview-post-command-1)
- (error (message "zencoding-preview-post: %s" err))))
-(defun zencoding-preview-post-command-1 ()
- (if (and (not zencoding-preview-pending-abort)
- (<= (point) (overlay-end zencoding-preview-input))
- (>= (point) (overlay-start zencoding-preview-input)))
- (zencoding-update-preview (current-indentation))
- (zencoding-preview-abort)))
-(defun zencoding-preview-transformed (indent)
- (let* ((string (buffer-substring-no-properties
- (overlay-start zencoding-preview-input)
- (overlay-end zencoding-preview-input)))
- (ast (car (zencoding-expr string))))
- (when (not (eq ast 'error))
- (zencoding-prettify (zencoding-transform ast)
- indent))))
-(defun zencoding-update-preview (indent)
- (let* ((pretty (zencoding-preview-transformed indent))
- (show (when pretty
- (propertize pretty 'face 'highlight))))
- (when show
- (overlay-put zencoding-preview-output 'after-string
- (concat show "\n")))))
-;; a+bc
-;; Chris's version
-;; (defvar zencoding-realtime-preview-keymap
-;; (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-;; (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'zencoding-delete-overlay-pair)
-;; map)
-;; "Keymap used in zencoding realtime preview overlays.")
-;; ;;;###autoload
-;; (defun zencoding-realtime-preview-of-region (beg end)
-;; "Construct a real-time preview for the region BEG to END."
-;; (interactive "r")
-;; (let ((beg2)
-;; (end2))
-;; (save-excursion
-;; (goto-char beg)
-;; (forward-line)
-;; (setq beg2 (point)
-;; end2 (point))
-;; (insert "\n"))
-;; (let ((input-and-output (zencoding-make-overlay-pair beg end beg2 end2)))
-;; (zencoding-handle-overlay-change (car input-and-output) nil nil nil)))
-;; )
-;; (defun zencoding-make-overlay-pair (beg1 end1 beg2 end2)
-;; "Construct an input and an output overlay for BEG1 END1 and BEG2 END2"
-;; (let ((input (make-overlay beg1 end1 nil t t))
-;; (output (make-overlay beg2 end2)))
-;; ;; Setup input overlay
-;; (overlay-put input 'face '(:underline t))
-;; (overlay-put input 'modification-hooks
-;; (list #'zencoding-handle-overlay-change))
-;; (overlay-put input 'output output)
-;; (overlay-put input 'keymap zencoding-realtime-preview-keymap)
-;; ;; Setup output overlay
-;; (overlay-put output 'face '(:overline t))
-;; (overlay-put output 'intangible t)
-;; (overlay-put output 'input input)
-;; ;; Return the overlays.
-;; (list input output))
-;; )
-;; (defun zencoding-delete-overlay-pair (&optional one)
-;; "Delete a pair of input and output overlays based on ONE."
-;; (interactive) ;; Since called from keymap
-;; (unless one
-;; (let ((overlays (overlays-at (point))))
-;; (while (and overlays
-;; (not (or (overlay-get (car overlays) 'input)
-;; (overlay-get (car overlays) 'output))))
-;; (setq overlays (cdr overlays)))
-;; (setq one (car overlays))))
-;; (when one
-;; (let ((other (or (overlay-get one 'input)
-;; (overlay-get one 'output))))
-;; (delete-overlay one)
-;; (delete-overlay other)))
-;; )
-;; (defun zencoding-handle-overlay-change (input del beg end &optional old)
-;; "Update preview after overlay change."
-;; (let* ((output (overlay-get input 'output))
-;; (start (overlay-start output))
-;; (string (buffer-substring-no-properties
-;; (overlay-start input)
-;; (overlay-end input)))
-;; (ast (car (zencoding-expr string)))
-;; (markup (when (not (eq ast 'error))
-;; (zencoding-transform ast))))
-;; (save-excursion
-;; (delete-region start (overlay-end output))
-;; (goto-char start)
-;; (if markup
-;; (insert markup)
-;; (insert (propertize "error" 'face 'font-lock-error-face)))
-;; (move-overlay output start (point))))
-;; )
-(provide 'zencoding-mode)
-;;; zencoding-mode.el ends here