path: root/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/new-key-seq-widget.el
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authorGravatar Tom Willemsen2011-03-23 11:14:27 +0100
committerGravatar Tom Willemsen2011-03-23 11:14:27 +0100
commit0d342f0aee3f2f800e486c0051dabe718a7b2841 (patch)
tree1f55afabb8f4876dbe564f7ed5d8e573ddc78df3 /emacs.d/nxhtml/util/new-key-seq-widget.el
parentd4510153b17625a3dd2f1852cc6392fc26efecf6 (diff)
I don't like nxhtml
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs.d/nxhtml/util/new-key-seq-widget.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/new-key-seq-widget.el b/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/new-key-seq-widget.el
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index 7ace679..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/new-key-seq-widget.el
+++ /dev/null
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-;;; new-key-seq-widget.el --- New key-sequence widget for Emacs
-;; Author: Lennart Borgman (lennart O borgman A gmail O com)
-;; Created: Tue Dec 25 23:00:43 2007
-;; Version:
-;; Last-Updated:
-;; URL:
-;; Keywords:
-;; Compatibility:
-;; Features that might be required by this library:
-;; None
-;;; Commentary:
-;; New version of Kim's Emacs key-sequence widget. For inclusion in
-;; Emacs I hope.
-;; Fix-me: check what was included.
-;;; Change log:
-;; I do not know how much I have changed, but I keep it together here
-;; for simplicity.
-;; Note: I have named made `widget-key-sequence-map' a constant for
-;; the moment.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
-;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'wid-edit)
-(require 'edmacro)
-;;; I'm not sure about what this is good for? KFS.
-;;; This should probably be for customize-set-value etc, but it is not
-;;; used. Or for the widget editing, but it is not used there
-;;; either. /Lennart
-(defvar widget-key-sequence-prompt-value-history nil
- "History of input to `widget-key-sequence-prompt-value'.")
-(defvar widget-key-sequence-default-value [ignore]
- "Default value for an empty key sequence.")
-(defconst widget-key-sequence-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (set-keymap-parent map widget-field-keymap)
- (define-key map [(control ?q)] 'widget-key-sequence-read-event)
- (define-key map [(control ?t)] 'widget-key-sequence-toggle-input-format)
- map))
-(defvar widget-key-sequence-input-formats '(key-description vector))
-(defcustom widget-key-sequence-default-input-format 'key-description
- "Format used to edit key sequences.
-This is the format shown and edited in a key-sequence widget."
- :type '(choice (const :tag "Key description" 'key-description)
- (const :tag "Vector" 'vector))
- :group 'widgets)
-(define-widget 'key-sequence 'restricted-sexp
- "A key sequence."
- :prompt-value 'widget-field-prompt-value
- :prompt-internal 'widget-symbol-prompt-internal
-; :prompt-match 'fboundp ;; What was this good for? KFS
- :prompt-history 'widget-key-sequence-prompt-value-history
- :action 'widget-field-action
- :match-alternatives '(stringp vectorp)
- :format "%{%t%}: %v"
- :validate 'widget-key-sequence-validate
- :value-to-internal 'widget-key-sequence-value-to-internal
- :value-to-external 'widget-key-sequence-value-to-external
- :value widget-key-sequence-default-value
- :keymap widget-key-sequence-map
- :help-echo "C-q: insert KEY, EVENT, or CODE; C-t: toggle format"
- :tag "Key sequence")
-;;; Leave these here for testing:
-;; (edmacro-parse-keys "C-x h" t) => [24 104]
-;; (key-description-to-vector "C-x h" ) => [(control 120) 104]
-;; (key-description (key-description-to-vector "C-x h")) => "C-x h"
-;; (key-description (edmacro-parse-keys "C-x h")) => "C-x h"
-;; (key-description [M-mouse-1]) => <M-mouse-1>
-;; (edmacro-parse-keys "<M-mouse-1>") => [M-mouse-1]
-;; (event-modifiers 'mouse-1) => (click mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1)
-;; (event-modifiers 'M-mouse-1) =>
-;; (event-modifiers '(mouse-1)) => (click mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1)
-;; (event-modifiers '(down-mouse-1)) => (click mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1)
-;; (event-modifiers '(S-down-mouse-1)) => (shift down)
-;; (event-modifiers 'S-down-mouse-1) => (shift down)
-;; (event-modifiers 'down-mouse-1) => (click mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1)
-;; (event-modifiers '(down-mouse-1)) => (click mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1 mouse-1)
-;; (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key m [(down mouse-1)] 'hej))
-(defun key-description-to-vector (kd)
- "Convert human readable key description KD to vector format.
-KD should be in the format returned by `key-description'."
- (let ((v
- (vconcat
- (mapcar (lambda (k)
- ;; Fix-me: temporarily clean the event here:
- (when (symbolp k)
- (let ((esem (get k 'event-symbol-element-mask))) (when esem (lwarn t :warning "kd=%s, k=%s, esem=%s" kd k esem)))
- (put k 'event-symbol-element-mask nil))
- (let ((m (event-modifiers k))
- (b (event-basic-type k)))
- (setq m (delq 'click m))
- (if m
- (nconc m (list b))
- b)))
- ;; fix-me: does not always work for menu and tool
- ;; bar event because they may contains spaces.
- (edmacro-parse-keys kd t))))
- (m (make-sparse-keymap))
- )
- ;; Test before returning it:
- (define-key m v 'test)
- v))
-(defun widget-key-sequence-current-input-format ()
- (let ((fmt (or (widget-get (widget-at (point)) :key-sequence-format)
- widget-key-sequence-default-input-format)))
- fmt))
-(defun widget-key-sequence-toggle-input-format ()
- "Toggle key sequence input format."
- (interactive)
- (let* ((widget (widget-at (point)))
- (value (widget-apply widget :value-get))
- (first (string-to-char value))
- (old-fmt
- (let ((fmt (or (widget-get widget :key-sequence-format)
- widget-key-sequence-default-input-format)))
- fmt))
- (new-fmt
- (let ((m (cdr (memq old-fmt widget-key-sequence-input-formats))))
- (if m (car m) (car widget-key-sequence-input-formats))))
- (new-value
- (cond
- ((eq new-fmt 'key-description)
- (setq value (replace-regexp-in-string "\\` *\\(.*?\\) *\\'" "\\1" value))
- (if (string= value "")
- ""
- (key-description (read value))))
- ((eq new-fmt 'vector)
- (format "%S" (key-description-to-vector value)))
- (t
- (error "Bad key seq format spec: %s" new-fmt))))
- (state (widget-get (widget-get widget :parent) :custom-state))
- )
- (widget-put widget :key-sequence-format new-fmt)
- (setq new-value (propertize new-value 'face 'highlight))
- (widget-apply widget :value-set new-value)
- (widget-setup)
- (widget-put (widget-get widget :parent) :custom-state state)
- (cond
- ((eq new-fmt 'key-description)
- (message "Switched to human readable format"))
- ((eq new-fmt 'vector)
- (message "Switched to vector format"))
- (t
- (error "Uh? format=%s" new-fmt)))))
-(defun widget-key-sequence-read-event (ev)
- "Read event or char code and put description in widget.
-The events may come from keyboard, mouse, menu or tool bar.
-If the event is a mouse event then multiple entries will be
-entered. It is not possible to know which one is wanted. Please
-remove those not wanted!
-If 0-7 is pressed then code for an event is prompted for."
- (interactive (list
- (let ((inhibit-quit t) quit-flag)
- (unless (eq 'key-description
- (widget-key-sequence-current-input-format))
- (error "Wrong input format, please do C-t first"))
- (read-event "Insert KEY, EVENT, or CODE: "))))
- (lwarn t :warning "=====> ev=%s" ev)
- (let ((tr (and (keymapp function-key-map)
- (lookup-key function-key-map (vector ev)))))
- (insert (if (= (char-before) ?\s) "" " "))
- ;; Fix-me: change to check for ? instead of 0-7 to allow char
- ;; literal input format
- (when (and (integerp ev)
- (or (and (<= ?0 ev) (< ev (+ ?0 (min 10 read-quoted-char-radix))))
- (and (<= ?a (downcase ev))
- (< (downcase ev) (+ ?a -10 (min 36 read-quoted-char-radix))))))
- (setq unread-command-events (cons ev unread-command-events)
- ev (read-quoted-char (format "Enter code (radix %d)" read-quoted-char-radix))
- tr nil)
- (if (and (integerp ev) (not (characterp ev)))
- (insert (char-to-string ev)))) ;; throw invalid char error
- (setq ev (key-description (list ev)))
- (when (arrayp tr)
- (setq tr (key-description (list (aref tr 0))))
- (when (y-or-n-p (format "Key %s is translated to %s -- use %s? " ev tr tr))
- (setq ev tr)
- ;;(setq ev2 nil)
- ))
- (insert ev " ")
- (when (or (string-match "mouse-" ev)
- (string-match "menu-bar" ev)
- (string-match "tool-bar" ev))
- (let ((ev2 (read-event nil nil (* 0.001 double-click-time))))
- (while ev2
- (lwarn t :warning "(stringp ev2)=%s, (sequencp ev2)=%s, (symbolp ev2)=%s, ev2=%S" (stringp ev2) (sequencep ev2) (symbolp ev2) ev2)
- (if nil ;(memq 32 (append (symbol-name ev2) nil)) ;; Fix-me: contains space
- (insert ?\" (symbol-name ev2) ?\")
- (insert (key-description (list ev2))))
- (insert " ")
- (setq ev2 (read-event nil nil (* 0.001 double-click-time))))))))
-(defun widget-key-sequence-validate (widget)
- "Validate the internal value of the widget.
-Actually there is nothing to validate here. The internal value
-is always valid, but it is however maybe not what the user
-expects. Because of this the internal format is rewritten when
-the user gives the value in a way that is not the normal
-representation of it. A warning is also shown then."
- (condition-case err
- (let* ((int-val (widget-apply widget :value-get))
- (def-desc (key-description (edmacro-parse-keys int-val)))
- (fmt (or (widget-get widget :key-sequence-format)
- widget-key-sequence-default-input-format)))
- ;; Normalize and compare with default description
- (setq int-val
- (replace-regexp-in-string " *" " " int-val t))
- (setq int-val
- (replace-regexp-in-string "\\` *\\(.*?\\) *\\'" "\\1" int-val t))
- (unless (or
- (eq fmt 'vector)
- (string= int-val def-desc))
- ;; Replace with the default description if it is different
- ;; so the user sees what the value actually means:
- (widget-apply widget :value-set def-desc)
- (lwarn t :warning
- (concat "Key description %s means the same as %s\n"
- "\tTip: You can type C-q to insert a key or event")
- int-val def-desc)
- )
- ;; Return nil if there a no problem validating
- nil)
- (error (widget-put widget :error (error-message-string err))
- (lwarn t :warning "invalid %S: %s" widget (error-message-string err))
- ;; Return widget if there was an error
- widget)))
-(defun widget-key-sequence-value-to-internal (widget value)
- (if (widget-apply widget :match value)
- (if (equal value widget-key-sequence-default-value)
- ""
- (let ((fmt (or (widget-get widget :key-sequence-format)
- widget-key-sequence-default-input-format)))
- (if (eq fmt 'vector)
- (format "%S" value)
- (key-description value))))
- value))
-(defun widget-key-sequence-value-to-external (widget value)
- (if (stringp value)
- (if (string-match "\\`[[:space:]]*\\'" value)
- widget-key-sequence-default-value
- ;; Give a better error message and a trace back on debug:
- (condition-case err
- (let* ((fmt (or (widget-get widget :key-sequence-format)
- widget-key-sequence-default-input-format))
- (first (string-to-char value)))
- (cond
- ((eq fmt 'vector)
- (read value)
- )
- (t
- (key-description-to-vector value))))
- (error (error "Bad value: %s" (error-message-string err)))))
- value))
-;; (customize-option 'new-key-seq-widget-test)
-(defcustom new-key-seq-widget-test []
- "Testing only!"
- :type 'key-sequence
- :group 'widgets)
- (provide 'new-key-seq-widget)
-;;; new-key-seq-widget.el ends here