path: root/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/css-color.el
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authorGravatar Tom Willemsen2011-03-23 11:14:27 +0100
committerGravatar Tom Willemsen2011-03-23 11:14:27 +0100
commit0d342f0aee3f2f800e486c0051dabe718a7b2841 (patch)
tree1f55afabb8f4876dbe564f7ed5d8e573ddc78df3 /emacs.d/nxhtml/util/css-color.el
parentd4510153b17625a3dd2f1852cc6392fc26efecf6 (diff)
I don't like nxhtml
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs.d/nxhtml/util/css-color.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 983 deletions
diff --git a/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/css-color.el b/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/css-color.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 38d400c..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/nxhtml/util/css-color.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,983 +0,0 @@
-;;; css-color.el --- Highlight and edit CSS colors
-(defconst css-color:version "0.03")
-;; Copyright (C) 2008 Niels Giesen
-;; Author: Niels Giesen
-;; Keywords: processes, css, extensions, tools
-;; Some smaller changes made by Lennart Borgman
-;; Last-Updated: 2009-10-19 Mon
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Edit css-colors in hex, rgb or hsl notation in-place, with
-;; immediate feedback by font-locking. Cycle between color-spaces.
-;; Usage:
-;; (autoload 'css-color-mode "css-color" "" t)
-;; (add-hook 'css-mode-hook 'css-color-mode-turn-on)
-;; Css-Css-color.el propertizes colours in a CSS stylesheet found by
-;; font-locking code with a keymap. From that keymap, you can easily
-;; adjust values such as red green and blue, hue, saturation and
-;; value, or switch between different color (space) notations.
-;; It supports all 'css-colors', so hex, rgb(), hsl() and even HTML
-;; color names (although I wouldn't use them myself, it is nice to be
-;; able to quickly convert those), can be used and switched between.
-;; The rgb() notation can be expressed either in percentages or in
-;; values between 0-255.
-;; You can cycle between the different formats (with SPACE), so that
-;; it is possible to edit the color in hsl mode (which is more
-;; intuitive than hsv, although hsv has its merits too), and switch
-;; back to rgb or hex if so desired.
-;; With point on a color, the keys - and = to are bound to the down
-;; and up functions for channels (or 'fields'). Toggling percentage
-;; in rgb() is done with the % key (not sure if that is wise
-;; though). The TAB key is bound to go to the next channel, cycling
-;; when at the end. color.el propertizes the longhand hexcolours
-;; found by the
-;; Caveats:
-;; Notation cycling can often introduce small errors inherent to
-;; switching color spaces. Currently there is no check nor a warning
-;; for that.
-;; ToDo:
-;; Try and fix those conversion inaccuracies. This cannot be done
-;; completely I guess. But maybe we can check whether this has
-;; occured, and then warn.
-;;; Change log:
-;; 2009-01-11 Lennart Borgman
-;; - Minor code clean up.
-;; 2009-05-23 Lennart Borgman
-;; - Let bound m1 and m2.
-;;; Code:
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(eval-when-compile (require 'mumamo nil t))
-(defgroup css-color ()
- "Customization group for library `css-color'."
- :group 'css
- :group 'nxhtml)
-(defconst css-color-hex-chars "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
- "Composing chars in hexadecimal notation, save for the hash (#) sign.")
-(defconst css-color-hex-re
- "#\\([a-fA-F[:digit:]]\\{6\\}\\|[a-fA-F[:digit:]]\\{3\\}\\)")
-(defconst css-color-hsl-re
- "hsla?(\\([[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}\\),[[:space:]]*\\([[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}\\(?:\.?[[:digit:]]*\\)\\)%,[[:space:]]*\\([[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}\\)\\(?:\.?[[:digit:]]*\\)%)")
-(defconst css-color-rgb-re
- "rgba?(\\([[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}\\(?:\.?[[:digit:]]*%\\)?\\),[[:space:]]*\\([[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}\\(?:\.?[[:digit:]]*%\\)?\\),[[:space:]]*\\([[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}\\(?:\.?[[:digit:]]*%\\)?\\)\\(:?,[[:space:]]*\\(0\.[0-9]+\\|1\\)\\)?)")
-(defconst css-color-html-colors
- '(("AliceBlue" "#F0F8FF")
- ("AntiqueWhite" "#FAEBD7")
- ("Aqua" "#00FFFF")
- ("Aquamarine" "#7FFFD4")
- ("Azure" "#F0FFFF")
- ("Beige" "#F5F5DC")
- ("Bisque" "#FFE4C4")
- ("Black" "#000000")
- ("BlanchedAlmond" "#FFEBCD")
- ("Blue" "#0000FF")
- ("BlueViolet" "#8A2BE2")
- ("Brown" "#A52A2A")
- ("BurlyWood" "#DEB887")
- ("CadetBlue" "#5F9EA0")
- ("Chartreuse" "#7FFF00")
- ("Chocolate" "#D2691E")
- ("Coral" "#FF7F50")
- ("CornflowerBlue" "#6495ED")
- ("Cornsilk" "#FFF8DC")
- ("Crimson" "#DC143C")
- ("Cyan" "#00FFFF")
- ("DarkBlue" "#00008B")
- ("DarkCyan" "#008B8B")
- ("DarkGoldenRod" "#B8860B")
- ("DarkGray" "#A9A9A9")
- ("DarkGrey" "#A9A9A9")
- ("DarkGreen" "#006400")
- ("DarkKhaki" "#BDB76B")
- ("DarkMagenta" "#8B008B")
- ("DarkOliveGreen" "#556B2F")
- ("Darkorange" "#FF8C00")
- ("DarkOrchid" "#9932CC")
- ("DarkRed" "#8B0000")
- ("DarkSalmon" "#E9967A")
- ("DarkSeaGreen" "#8FBC8F")
- ("DarkSlateBlue" "#483D8B")
- ("DarkSlateGray" "#2F4F4F")
- ("DarkSlateGrey" "#2F4F4F")
- ("DarkTurquoise" "#00CED1")
- ("DarkViolet" "#9400D3")
- ("DeepPink" "#FF1493")
- ("DeepSkyBlue" "#00BFFF")
- ("DimGray" "#696969")
- ("DimGrey" "#696969")
- ("DodgerBlue" "#1E90FF")
- ("FireBrick" "#B22222")
- ("FloralWhite" "#FFFAF0")
- ("ForestGreen" "#228B22")
- ("Fuchsia" "#FF00FF")
- ("Gainsboro" "#DCDCDC")
- ("GhostWhite" "#F8F8FF")
- ("Gold" "#FFD700")
- ("GoldenRod" "#DAA520")
- ("Gray" "#808080")
- ("Grey" "#808080")
- ("Green" "#008000")
- ("GreenYellow" "#ADFF2F")
- ("HoneyDew" "#F0FFF0")
- ("HotPink" "#FF69B4")
- ("IndianRed" "#CD5C5C")
- ("Indigo" "#4B0082")
- ("Ivory" "#FFFFF0")
- ("Khaki" "#F0E68C")
- ("Lavender" "#E6E6FA")
- ("LavenderBlush" "#FFF0F5")
- ("LawnGreen" "#7CFC00")
- ("LemonChiffon" "#FFFACD")
- ("LightBlue" "#ADD8E6")
- ("LightCoral" "#F08080")
- ("LightCyan" "#E0FFFF")
- ("LightGoldenRodYellow" "#FAFAD2")
- ("LightGray" "#D3D3D3")
- ("LightGrey" "#D3D3D3")
- ("LightGreen" "#90EE90")
- ("LightPink" "#FFB6C1")
- ("LightSalmon" "#FFA07A")
- ("LightSeaGreen" "#20B2AA")
- ("LightSkyBlue" "#87CEFA")
- ("LightSlateGray" "#778899")
- ("LightSlateGrey" "#778899")
- ("LightSteelBlue" "#B0C4DE")
- ("LightYellow" "#FFFFE0")
- ("Lime" "#00FF00")
- ("LimeGreen" "#32CD32")
- ("Linen" "#FAF0E6")
- ("Magenta" "#FF00FF")
- ("Maroon" "#800000")
- ("MediumAquaMarine" "#66CDAA")
- ("MediumBlue" "#0000CD")
- ("MediumOrchid" "#BA55D3")
- ("MediumPurple" "#9370D8")
- ("MediumSeaGreen" "#3CB371")
- ("MediumSlateBlue" "#7B68EE")
- ("MediumSpringGreen" "#00FA9A")
- ("MediumTurquoise" "#48D1CC")
- ("MediumVioletRed" "#C71585")
- ("MidnightBlue" "#191970")
- ("MintCream" "#F5FFFA")
- ("MistyRose" "#FFE4E1")
- ("Moccasin" "#FFE4B5")
- ("NavajoWhite" "#FFDEAD")
- ("Navy" "#000080")
- ("OldLace" "#FDF5E6")
- ("Olive" "#808000")
- ("OliveDrab" "#6B8E23")
- ("Orange" "#FFA500")
- ("OrangeRed" "#FF4500")
- ("Orchid" "#DA70D6")
- ("PaleGoldenRod" "#EEE8AA")
- ("PaleGreen" "#98FB98")
- ("PaleTurquoise" "#AFEEEE")
- ("PaleVioletRed" "#D87093")
- ("PapayaWhip" "#FFEFD5")
- ("PeachPuff" "#FFDAB9")
- ("Peru" "#CD853F")
- ("Pink" "#FFC0CB")
- ("Plum" "#DDA0DD")
- ("PowderBlue" "#B0E0E6")
- ("Purple" "#800080")
- ("Red" "#FF0000")
- ("RosyBrown" "#BC8F8F")
- ("RoyalBlue" "#4169E1")
- ("SaddleBrown" "#8B4513")
- ("Salmon" "#FA8072")
- ("SandyBrown" "#F4A460")
- ("SeaGreen" "#2E8B57")
- ("SeaShell" "#FFF5EE")
- ("Sienna" "#A0522D")
- ("Silver" "#C0C0C0")
- ("SkyBlue" "#87CEEB")
- ("SlateBlue" "#6A5ACD")
- ("SlateGray" "#708090")
- ("SlateGrey" "#708090")
- ("Snow" "#FFFAFA")
- ("SpringGreen" "#00FF7F")
- ("SteelBlue" "#4682B4")
- ("Tan" "#D2B48C")
- ("Teal" "#008080")
- ("Thistle" "#D8BFD8")
- ("Tomato" "#FF6347")
- ("Turquoise" "#40E0D0")
- ("Violet" "#EE82EE")
- ("Wheat" "#F5DEB3")
- ("White" "#FFFFFF")
- ("WhiteSmoke" "#F5F5F5")
- ("Yellow" "#FFFF00")
- ("YellowGreen" "#9ACD32")))
-(defvar css-color-html-re
- (concat "\\<\\("
- (funcall 'regexp-opt
- (mapcar 'car css-color-html-colors))
- "\\)\\>"))
- css-color-color-re
- "\\(?:#\\(?:[a-fA-F[:digit:]]\\{6\\}\\|[a-fA-F[:digit:]]\\{3\\}\\)\\|hsl(\\(?:[[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}\\),[[:space:]]*\\(?:[[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}\\)%,[[:space:]]*\\(?:[[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}\\)%)\\|rgba?(\\(?:[[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}%?\\),[[:space:]]*\\(?:[[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}%?\\),[[:space:]]*\\(?:[[:digit:]]\\{1,3\\}%?\\)\\(?:,[[:space:]]*\\(?:0.[0-9]+\\|1\\)\\)?)\\)"
- "Regular expression containing only shy groups matching any type of CSS color")
-;; (defconst css-color-color-re
-;; (concat "\\(?1:"
-;; (mapconcat
-;; 'identity
-;; (list css-color-hex-re
-;; css-color-hsl-re
-;; css-color-rgb-re) "\\|")
-;; "\\)"))
-(defvar css-color-keywords
- `((,css-color-hex-re
- (0
- (progn
- (when (= 7 (- (match-end 0)
- (match-beginning 0)))
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'keymap css-color-map))
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'css-color-type 'hex)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'rear-nonsticky t)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'face (list :background
- (match-string-no-properties 0)
- :foreground
- (css-color-foreground-color
- (match-string-no-properties 0)))))))
- (,css-color-html-re
- (0
- (let ((color
- (css-color-string-name-to-hex (match-string-no-properties 0))))
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'keymap css-color-generic-map)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'css-color-type 'name)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'rear-nonsticky t)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'face (list :background
- color
- :foreground
- (css-color-foreground-color
- color))))))
- (,css-color-hsl-re
- (0
- (let ((color (concat "#" (apply 'css-color-hsl-to-hex
- (mapcar 'string-to-number
- (list
- (match-string-no-properties 1)
- (match-string-no-properties 2)
- (match-string-no-properties 3)))))))
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'keymap css-color-generic-map)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'css-color-type 'hsl)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'rear-nonsticky t)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'face (list :background
- color
- :foreground
- (css-color-foreground-color
- color))))))
- (,css-color-rgb-re
- (0
- (let ((color (css-color-string-rgb-to-hex (match-string-no-properties 0))))
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'keymap css-color-generic-map)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'css-color-type 'rgb)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'rear-nonsticky t)
- (put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- (match-end 0)
- 'face (list :background
- color
- :foreground
- (css-color-foreground-color
- color))))))))
-(define-minor-mode css-color-mode
- "Show hex color literals with the given color as background.
-In this mode hexadecimal colour specifications like #6600ff are
-displayed with the specified colour as background.
-Certain keys are bound to special colour editing commands when
-point is at a hexadecimal colour:
- :initial-value nil
- :group 'css-color
- (unless font-lock-defaults
- (error "Can't use css-color-mode for this major mode"))
- (if css-color-mode
- (progn
- (unless font-lock-mode (font-lock-mode 1))
- (css-color-font-lock-hook-fun)
- (add-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'css-color-font-lock-hook-fun nil t))
- (remove-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'css-color-font-lock-hook-fun t)
- (font-lock-remove-keywords nil css-color-keywords))
- ;;(font-lock-fontify-buffer)
- (save-restriction
- (widen)
- (mumamo-mark-for-refontification (point-min) (point-max))))
-(put 'css-color-mode 'permanent-local t)
-(defun css-color-turn-on-in-buffer ()
- "Turn on `css-color-mode' in `css-mode'."
- (when (derived-mode-p 'css-mode)
- (css-color-mode 1)))
-(define-globalized-minor-mode css-color-global-mode css-color-mode
- css-color-turn-on-in-buffer
- :group 'css-color)
-(defun css-color-font-lock-hook-fun ()
- "Add css-color pattern to font-lock's."
- (if font-lock-mode
- (font-lock-add-keywords nil css-color-keywords t)
- (css-color-mode -1)))
-(defvar css-color-map
- (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap "css-color")))
- (define-key m "=" 'css-color-up)
- (define-key m "-" 'css-color-down)
- (define-key m "h" 'css-color-hue-up)
- (define-key m "H" 'css-color-hue-down)
- (define-key m "s" 'css-color-saturation-up)
- (define-key m "S" 'css-color-saturation-down)
- (define-key m "v" 'css-color-value-up)
- (define-key m "V" 'css-color-value-down)
- (define-key m "\t" 'css-color-next-channel)
- (define-key m " " 'css-color-cycle-type)
- m)
- "Mode map for `css-color-minor-mode'")
-(defvar css-color-generic-map
- (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap "css-color")))
- (define-key m "=" 'css-color-num-up)
- (define-key m "-" 'css-color-num-down)
- (define-key m " " 'css-color-cycle-type)
- (define-key m "%" 'css-color-toggle-percentage)
- (define-key m "\t" 'css-color-next-channel)
- m)
- "Mode map for simple numbers in `css-color-minor-mode'")
-(defun css-color-pal-lumsig (r g b)
- "Return PAL luminance signal, but in range 0-255."
- (+
- (* 0.3 r)
- (* 0.59 g)
- (* 0.11 b)))
-(defun css-color-foreground-color (hex-color)
- (multiple-value-bind (r g b) (css-color-hex-to-rgb hex-color)
- (if (< (css-color-pal-lumsig r g b) 128)
- "#fff"
- "#000")))
-;; Normalizing funs
-(defun css-color-normalize-hue (h)
- (mod (+ (mod h 360) 360) 360))
-(defun css-color-within-bounds (num min max)
- (min (max min num) max))
-;; Source: hex
-(defun css-color-hex-to-rgb (str)
- (cond
- ((not (string-match "^#?[a-fA-F[:digit:]]*$" str))
- (error "No valid hexadecimal: %s" str))
- ((= 0 (length str))
- nil)
- ((= (aref str 0) 35)
- (css-color-hex-to-rgb (substring str 1)))
- (;;(oddp (length str))
- (= (mod (length str) 2) 1)
- (css-color-hex-to-rgb (mapconcat (lambda (c)
- (make-string 2 c))
- (string-to-list str) "")))
- (t (cons (string-to-number (substring str 0 2) 16)
- (css-color-hex-to-rgb (substring str 2))))))
-(defun css-color-hex-to-hsv (hex)
- (multiple-value-bind (r g b) (css-color-hex-to-rgb hex)
- (css-color-rgb-to-hsv r g b)))
-;; Source: rgb
-(defun css-color-rgb-to-hex (r g b)
- "Return r g b as #rrggbb in hexadecimal, propertized to have
-the keymap `css-color-map'"
- (format "%02x%02x%02x" r g b)) ;val
-(defun css-color-rgb-to-hsv (r g b)
- "Return list of (hue saturation value).
-Arguments are: R = red; G = green; B = blue.
-Measure saturation and value on a scale from 0 - 100.
-GIMP-style, that is."
- (let* ((r (float r))
- (g (float g))
- (b (float b))
- (max (max r g b))
- (min (min r g b)))
- (values
- (round
- (cond ((and (= r g) (= g b)) 0)
- ((and (= r max)
- (>= g b))
- (* 60 (/ (- g b) (- max min))))
- ((and (= r max)
- (< g b))
- (+ 360 (* 60 (/ (- g b) (- max min)))))
- ((= max g)
- (+ 120 (* 60 (/ (- b r) (- max min)))))
- ((= max b)
- (+ 240 (* 60 (/ (- r g) (- max min))))))) ;hue
- (round (* 100 (if (= max 0) 0 (- 1 (/ min max))))) ;sat
- (round (/ max 2.55)))))
-(defun css-color-rgb-to-hsl (r g b)
- "Return R G B (in range 0-255) converted to HSL (0-360 for hue, rest in %)"
- (let* ((r (/ r 255.0))
- (g (/ g 255.0))
- (b (/ b 255.0))
- (h 0)
- (s 0)
- (l 0)
- (v (max r g b))
- (m (min r g b))
- (l (/ (+ m v) 2.0))
- (vm 0)
- (r2 0)
- (g2 0)
- (b2 0))
- (multiple-value-bind (h s v)
- (if (<= l 0)
- (values h s l)
- (setq vm (- v m)
- s vm)
- (if (>= 0 s)
- (values h s l)
- (setq s (/ s (if (<= l 0.5)
- (+ v m)
- (- 2.0 v m))))
- (if (not (= 0 vm))
- (setq r2 (/ (- v r) vm)
- g2 (/ (- v g) vm)
- b2 (/ (- v b) vm)))
- (cond ((= r v)
- (setq h (if (= g m)
- (+ 5.0 b2)
- (- 1.0 g2))))
- ((= g v)
- (setq h (if (= b m)
- (+ 1.0 r2)
- (- 3.0 b2))))
- (t
- (setq h (if (= r m)
- (+ 3.0 g2)
- (- 5.0 r2)))))
- (values (/ h 6.0) s l)))
- (list (round(* 360 h))
- (* 100 s)
- (* 100 l)))))
-;; Source: hsv
-(defun css-color-hsv-to-hsl (h s v)
- (multiple-value-bind (r g b) (css-color-hsv-to-rgb h s v)
- (css-color-rgb-to-hsl r g b)))
-(defun css-color-hsv-to-hex (h s v)
- (apply 'css-color-rgb-to-hex (css-color-hsv-to-rgb h s v)))
-(defun css-color-hsv-to-rgb (h s v)
- "Convert a point in the Hue, Saturation, Value (aka Brightness)
-color space to list of normalized Red, Green, Blue values.
-HUE is an angle in the range of 0 degrees inclusive to 360
-exclusive. The remainder of division by 360 is used for
-out-of-range values.
-SATURATION is in the range of 0 to 100.
-VALUE is in the range of 0 to 100.
-Returns a list of values in the range of 0 to 255.
- ;; Coerce to float and get hue into range.
- (setq h (mod h 360.0)
- s (/ (float s) 100)
- v (/ (float v) 100))
- (let* ((hi (floor h 60.0))
- (f (- (/ h 60.0) hi))
- (p (* v (- 1.0 s)))
- (q (* v (- 1.0 (* f s))))
- ;; cannot use variable t, obviously.
- (u (* v (- 1.0 (* (- 1.0 f) s))))
- r g b)
- (case hi
- (0 (setq r v g u b p))
- (1 (setq r q g v b p))
- (2 (setq r p g v b u))
- (3 (setq r p g q b v))
- (4 (setq r u g p b v))
- (5 (setq r v g p b q)))
- (mapcar (lambda (color) (round (* 255 color))) (list r g b))))
-(defun css-color-hsv-to-prop-hexstring (color-data)
- (propertize
- (apply 'css-color-hsv-to-hex color-data)
- 'keymap css-color-map
- 'css-color color-data))
-;; Source: hsl
-(defun css-color-hsl-to-rgb-fractions (h s l)
- (let (m1 m2)
- (if (<= l 0.5)
- (setq m2 (* l (+ s 1)))
- (setq m2 (- (+ l s) (* l s))))
- (setq m1 (- (* l 2) m2))
- (values (css-color-hue-to-rgb m1 m2 (+ h (/ 1 3.0)))
- (css-color-hue-to-rgb m1 m2 h)
- (css-color-hue-to-rgb m1 m2 (- h (/ 1 3.0))))))
-(defun css-color-hsl-to-rgb (h s l)
- (multiple-value-bind (r g b)
- (css-color-hsl-to-rgb-fractions
- (/ h;; (css-color-normalize-hue h)
- 360.0)
- (/ s 100.0)
- (/ l 100.0))
- (values (css-color-within-bounds (* 256 r) 0 255)
- (css-color-within-bounds (* 256 g) 0 255)
- (css-color-within-bounds (* 256 b) 0 255))))
-(defun css-color-hsl-to-hex (h s l)
- (apply 'css-color-rgb-to-hex
- (css-color-hsl-to-rgb h s l)))
-(defun css-color-hue-to-rgb (x y h)
- (when (< h 0) (incf h))
- (when (> h 1) (decf h))
- (cond ((< h (/ 1 6.0))
- (+ x (* (- y x) h 6)))
- ((< h 0.5) y)
- ((< h (/ 2.0 3.0))
- (+ x (* (- y x) (- (/ 2.0 3.0) h) 6)))
- (t x)))
-(defun css-color-parse-hsl (str)
- (string-match
- css-color-hsl-re
- str)
- (mapcar 'string-to-number
- (list
- (match-string 1 str)
- (match-string 2 str)
- (match-string 3 str))))
-(defun css-color-inchue (color incr)
- (multiple-value-bind (h s v) color
- (css-color-hsv-to-prop-hexstring
- (list (+ incr h) s v))))
-(defun css-color-incsat (color incr)
- (multiple-value-bind (h s v) color
- (css-color-hsv-to-prop-hexstring
- (list h (css-color-within-bounds (+ incr s) 0 100) v))))
-(defun css-color-incval (color incr)
- (multiple-value-bind (h s v) color
- (css-color-hsv-to-prop-hexstring
- (list h s (css-color-within-bounds (+ incr v) 0 100)))))
-(defun css-color-hexval-beginning ()
- (skip-chars-backward css-color-hex-chars)
- (if (= (char-after) 35)
- (forward-char 1)))
-(defun css-color-replcolor-at-p (fun increment)
- (let ((pos (point)))
- (css-color-hexval-beginning)
- (insert
- (funcall fun
- (css-color-get-color-at-point)
- increment))
- (delete-region (point) (+ (point) 6))
- (goto-char pos)))
-(defun css-color-get-color-at-point ()
- (save-excursion
- (css-color-hexval-beginning)
- (let ((saved-color (get-text-property (point) 'css-color)))
- (or saved-color
- (css-color-hex-to-hsv
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (+ (point) 6)))))))
-(defun css-color-adj-hue-at-p (increment)
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-replcolor-at-p 'css-color-inchue increment))
-(defun css-color-adj-saturation-at-p (increment)
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-replcolor-at-p 'css-color-incsat increment))
-(defun css-color-adj-value-at-p (increment)
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-replcolor-at-p 'css-color-incval increment))
-(defun css-color-what-channel ()
- (let ((pos (point)))
- (prog1
- (/ (skip-chars-backward css-color-hex-chars) -2)
- (goto-char pos))))
-(defun css-color-adjust-hex-at-p (incr)
- (interactive "p")
- (let ((pos (point))
- (channel (css-color-what-channel)))
- (css-color-hexval-beginning)
- (let ((rgb
- (css-color-hex-to-rgb
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (point)
- (+ 6 (point))))))
- (setf (nth channel rgb)
- (css-color-within-bounds
- (+ incr (nth channel rgb))
- 0 255))
- (delete-region (point) (+ 6 (point)))
- (insert
- (propertize
- (apply 'format "%02x%02x%02x" rgb)
- 'keymap css-color-map
- 'css-color nil
- 'rear-nonsticky t)))
- (goto-char pos)))
-;; channels (r, g, b)
-(defun css-color-up (val)
- "Adjust R/G/B up."
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-adjust-hex-at-p val))
-(defun css-color-down (val)
- "Adjust R/G/B down."
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-adjust-hex-at-p (- val)))
-;; hue
-(defun css-color-hue-up (val)
- "Adjust Hue up."
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-adj-hue-at-p val))
-(defun css-color-hue-down (val)
- "Adjust Hue down."
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-adj-hue-at-p (- val)))
-;; saturation
-(defun css-color-saturation-up (val)
- "Adjust Saturation up."
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-adj-saturation-at-p val))
-(defun css-color-saturation-down (val)
- "Adjust Saturation down."
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-adj-saturation-at-p (- val)))
-;; value
-(defun css-color-value-up (val)
- "Adjust Value up."
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-adj-value-at-p val))
-(defun css-color-value-down (val)
- "Adjust Value down."
- (interactive "p")
- (css-color-adj-value-at-p (- val)))
-(defun css-color-num-up (arg)
- "Adjust HEX number up."
- (interactive "p")
- (save-excursion
- (let ((digits "1234567890"))
- (skip-chars-backward digits)
- (when
- (looking-at "[[:digit:]]+")
- (replace-match
- (propertize
- (let ((num (+ (string-to-number (match-string 0)) arg)))
- ;max = 100 when at percentage
- (save-match-data
- (cond ((looking-at "[[:digit:]]+%")
- (setq num (min num 100)))
- ((looking-back "hsla?(")
- (setq num (css-color-normalize-hue num)))
- ((memq 'css-color-type (text-properties-at (point)))
- (setq num (min num 255)))))
- (number-to-string num))
- 'keymap
- css-color-generic-map))))))
-(defun css-color-num-down (arg)
- "Adjust HEX number down."
- (interactive "p")
- (save-excursion
- (let ((digits "1234567890"))
- (skip-chars-backward digits)
- (when
- (looking-at "[[:digit:]]+")
- (replace-match
- (propertize
- (let ((num (- (string-to-number (match-string 0)) arg)))
- ;max = 100 when at percentage
- (save-match-data
- (cond ((looking-back "hsla?(")
- (setq num (css-color-normalize-hue num)))
- (t (setq num (max 0 num)))))
- (number-to-string num))
- 'keymap css-color-generic-map))))))
-(defun css-color-beginning-of-color ()
- "Skip to beginning of color.
-Return list of point and color-type."
- (while (memq 'css-color-type (text-properties-at (point)))
- (backward-char 1))
- (forward-char 1)
- (cons (point) (plist-get (text-properties-at (point)) 'css-color-type)))
-(defun css-color-end-of-color ()
- "Skip to beginning of color.
-Return list of point and color-type."
- (while (plist-get (text-properties-at (point)) 'css-color-type)
- (forward-char 1))
- (cons (point) (plist-get (text-properties-at (1- (point))) 'css-color-type)))
-(defun css-color-color-info ()
- (destructuring-bind ((beg . type)
- (end . type))
- (list
- (css-color-beginning-of-color)
- (css-color-end-of-color))
- (list beg end type (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))
-(defconst css-color-type-circle '#1=(hex hsl rgb name . #1#))
-(defun css-color-next-type (sym)
- (cadr (member sym css-color-type-circle)))
-(defun css-color-cycle-type ()
- "Cycle color type."
- (interactive)
- (destructuring-bind (beg end type color) (css-color-color-info)
- (if (or (= 0 (length color)) (null type))
- (error "Not at color"))
- (delete-region beg end)
- (insert
- (propertize (funcall
- (intern-soft (format "css-color-string-%s-to-%s"
- type
- (css-color-next-type type)))
- color)
- 'keymap (if (eq (css-color-next-type type) 'hex)
- css-color-map
- css-color-generic-map) 'rear-nonsticky t))
- (goto-char beg)))
-(defun css-color-string-hex-to-hsl (str)
- (multiple-value-bind (h s l)
- (apply 'css-color-rgb-to-hsl
- (css-color-hex-to-rgb str))
- (format "hsl(%d,%d%%,%d%%)"
- h s l)))
-(defun css-color-string-hsl-to-rgb (str)
- (multiple-value-bind (h s l)
- (css-color-parse-hsl str)
- (apply 'format
- "rgb(%d,%d,%d)"
- (mapcar 'round (css-color-hsl-to-rgb h s l)))))
-(defun css-color-string-rgb-to-name (str)
- (let ((color (css-color-string-rgb-to-hex str)))
- (or (car (rassoc (list (upcase color)) css-color-html-colors)) ;if name ok
- color))) ;else return hex
-(defun css-color-string-name-to-hex (str)
- (let ((str (downcase str)))
- (cadr (assoc-if
- (lambda (a)
- (string=
- (downcase a)
- str))
- css-color-html-colors))))
-(defun css-color-string-rgb-to-hex (str)
- (save-match-data
- (string-match css-color-rgb-re str)
- (concat "#"
- (apply 'css-color-rgb-to-hex
- (mapcar
- ;;'string-to-number
- (lambda (s)
- (if (= (aref s (1- (length s))) ?\%)
- (round (* (string-to-number s) 2.55))
- (string-to-number s)))
- (list
- (match-string-no-properties 1 str)
- (match-string-no-properties 2 str)
- (match-string-no-properties 3 str)))))))
-(defun css-color-string-hsl-to-hex (str)
- (concat "#" (apply 'css-color-hsl-to-hex (css-color-parse-hsl str))))
-(defun css-color-next-channel ()
- "Cycle color channel."
- (interactive)
- (multiple-value-bind (beg end type color)
- (save-excursion (css-color-color-info))
- (case type
- ((hsl rgb)
- (if (not (re-search-forward ",\\|(" end t))
- (goto-char (+ beg 4))))
- (hex
- (cond ((> (point) (- end 3))
- (goto-char (+ 1 beg)))
- ((= (char-after) 35)
- (forward-char 1))
- ((evenp (- (point) beg))
- (forward-char 1))
- (t (forward-char 2)))))))
-(defun css-color-hexify-anystring (str)
- (cond ((string-match "^hsl" str)
- (css-color-string-hsl-to-hex str))
- ((string-match "^rgb" str)
- (css-color-string-rgb-to-hex str))
- (t str)))
-(defun css-color-toggle-percentage ()
- "Toggle percent ??"
- (interactive)
- (let ((pos (point)))
- (if (eq (nth 2 (save-excursion (css-color-color-info))) 'rgb)
- (let ((chars "%1234567890."))
- (skip-chars-backward chars)
- (when
- (looking-at "[[:digit:]]+\\(?:\.?[[:digit:]]*%\\)?%?")
- (let ((s (match-string 0)))
- (replace-match
- (propertize
- (if (= (aref s (1- (length s))) ?\%)
- (number-to-string (round (* (string-to-number s) 2.55)))
- (format "%d%%" (/ (string-to-number s) 2.55)))
- 'keymap css-color-generic-map
- 'rear-nonsticky t)))
- ;;(goto-char pos)
- ))
- (message "No toggling at point."))))
-;; provide some backwards-compatibility to hexcolor.el:
-(defvar css-color-fg-history nil)
-(defvar css-color-bg-history nil)
-(defun css-color-test (fg-color bg-color)
- "Test colors interactively.
-The colors are displayed in the echo area. You can specify the
-colors as any viable css color. Example:
- red
- #f00
- #0C0
- #b0ff00
- hsla(100, 50%, 25%)
- rgb(255,100,120)"
- (interactive (list (completing-read "Foreground color: "
- css-color-html-colors
- nil nil nil nil css-color-fg-history)
- (completing-read "Background color: "
- css-color-html-colors
- nil nil nil nil css-color-bg-history)))
- (let* ((s (concat " Foreground: " fg-color ", Background: " bg-color " ")))
- (put-text-property 0 (length s)
- 'face (list
- :foreground (css-color-hexify-anystring fg-color)
- :background (css-color-hexify-anystring bg-color))
- s)
- (message "Here are the colors: %s" s)))
-(defun css-color-run-tests ()
- (interactive)
- (unless
- (progn
- (assert
- (string= (css-color-string-hex-to-hsl "#ffff00") "hsl(60,100%,50%)"))
- (assert
- (string= (css-color-string-rgb-to-hex "rgb(255, 50%, 0)")"#ff7f00"))
- (assert
- (string= (css-color-string-hsl-to-rgb "hsl(60, 100%, 50%)") "rgb(255,255,0)"))
- (assert
- (string= (css-color-string-hsl-to-hex "hsl(60, 100%, 50%)") "#ffff00")))
- (message "All tests passed")))
-(provide 'css-color)
-;;; css-color.el ends here