path: root/emacs.d/elisp/c-eldoc.el
diff options
authorGravatar Tom Willemsen2011-05-27 22:57:40 +0200
committerGravatar Tom Willemsen2011-05-27 22:57:40 +0200
commit136128abd18ca5d0be409473c459ef7ed78031da (patch)
tree5f84588830d20c1029fd6ffd443302e03d62bfbe /emacs.d/elisp/c-eldoc.el
parent273b4940a4866add08cab05cb2e023498808ba55 (diff)
Removed c-eldoc and linum-ex
I didn't use c-eldoc and linum-ex only seemed to cause warnings to show up when loading files, not improve any speed.
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs.d/elisp/c-eldoc.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 304 deletions
diff --git a/emacs.d/elisp/c-eldoc.el b/emacs.d/elisp/c-eldoc.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 732d00d..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/elisp/c-eldoc.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-;;; c-eldoc.el --- helpful description of the arguments to C functions
-;; Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Pogonyshev
-;; Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Matt Strange
-;; Copyright (C) 2010 Nathaniel Flath
-;; This file is NOT a part of GNU Emacs
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
-;; USA
-;;; Commentary:
-;; To enable: put the following in your .emacs file:
-;; (add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'c-turn-on-eldoc-mode)
-;; Nathaniel has submitted a caching patch to make this workable on large projects "like the emacs
-;; codebase"
-;; v0.5 01/02/2010
-;; Provides helpful description of the arguments to C functions.
-;; Uses child process grep and preprocessor commands for speed.
-;; v0.4 01/16/2005
-;; Your improvements are appreciated: I am no longer maintaining this code
-;; m_strange at mail dot utexas dot edu. Instead, direct all requests to
-;;; Code:
-(require 'eldoc)
-;; without this, you can't compile this file and have it work properly
-;; since the `c-save-buffer-state' macro needs to be known as such
-(require 'cc-defs)
-(require 'cl)
-;; make sure that the opening parenthesis in C will work
-(eldoc-add-command 'c-electric-paren)
-;;if cache.el isn't loaded, define the cache functions
-(unless (fboundp 'cache-make-cache)
- (defun* cache-make-cache (init-fun test-fun cleanup-fun
- &optional &key
- (test #'eql)
- (size 65)
- (rehash-size 1.5)
- (rehash-threshold 0.8)
- (weakness nil))
- "Creates a cached hash table. This is a hash table where
-elements expire at some condition, as specified by init-fun and
-test-fun. The three arguments do as follows:
-init-fun is a function that is called when a new item is inserted
-into the cache.
-test-fun is a function that is called when an item in the cache
-is looked up. It takes one argument, and will be passed the
-result of init-fun that was generated when the item was inserted
-into the cache.
-cleanup-fun is called when an item is removed from the hash
-table. It takes one argument, the value of the key-value pair
-being deleted.
-Note that values are only deleted from the cache when accessed.
-This will return a list of 4 elements: a has table and the 3
-arguments. All hash-table functions will work on the car of this
-list, although if accessed directly the lookups will return a pair
-(value, (init-fun)).
-The keyword arguments are the same as for make-hash-table and are applied
-to the created hash table."
- (list (make-hash-table :test test
- :size size
- :rehash-size rehash-size
- :rehash-threshold rehash-threshold
- :weakness weakness) init-fun test-fun cleanup-fun))
- (defun cache-gethash (key cache)
- "Retrieve the value corresponding to key from cache."
- (let ((keyval (gethash key (car cache) )))
- (if keyval
- (let ((val (car keyval))
- (info (cdr keyval)))
- (if (funcall (caddr cache) info)
- (progn
- (remhash key (car cache))
- (funcall (cadddr cache) val)
- nil)
- val)))))
- (defun cache-puthash (key val cache)
- "Puts the key-val pair into cache."
- (puthash key
- (cons val (funcall (cadr cache)))
- (car cache))))
-;; if you've got a non-GNU preprocessor with funny options, set these
-;; variables to fix it
-(defvar c-eldoc-cpp-macro-arguments "-dD -w -P")
-(defvar c-eldoc-cpp-normal-arguments "-w -P")
-(defvar c-eldoc-cpp-command "/lib/cpp ")
-(defvar c-eldoc-includes
- "`pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags` -I./ -I../ "
- "List of commonly used packages/include directories - For
- example, SDL or OpenGL. This shouldn't slow down cpp, even if
- you've got a lot of them.")
-(defvar c-eldoc-reserved-words
- (list "if" "else" "switch" "while" "for" "sizeof")
- "List of commands that eldoc will not check.")
-(defvar c-eldoc-buffer-regenerate-time
- 120
- "Time to keep a preprocessed buffer around.")
-(defun c-eldoc-time-diff (t1 t2)
- "Return the difference between the two times, in seconds.
-T1 and T2 are time values (as returned by `current-time' for example)."
- ;; Pacify byte-compiler with `symbol-function'.
- (time-to-seconds (subtract-time t1 t2)))
-(defun c-eldoc-time-difference (old-time)
- "Returns whether or not old-time is less than c-eldoc-buffer-regenerate-time seconds ago."
- (> (c-eldoc-time-diff (current-time) old-time) c-eldoc-buffer-regenerate-time))
-(defun c-eldoc-cleanup (preprocessed-buffer)
- (kill-buffer preprocessed-buffer))
-(defvar c-eldoc-buffers
- (cache-make-cache #'current-time #'c-eldoc-time-difference #'c-eldoc-cleanup)
- "Cache of buffer->preprocessed file used to speed up finding arguments")
-(defun c-turn-on-eldoc-mode ()
- "Enable c-eldoc-mode"
- (interactive)
- (set (make-local-variable 'eldoc-documentation-function)
- 'c-eldoc-print-current-symbol-info)
- (turn-on-eldoc-mode))
-;; call the preprocessor on the current file
-;; run cpp the first time to get macro declarations, the second time
-;; to get normal function declarations
-(defun c-eldoc-get-buffer (function-name)
- "Call the preprocessor on the current file"
-;; run the first time for macros
- (let ((output-buffer (cache-gethash (current-buffer) c-eldoc-buffers)))
- (if output-buffer output-buffer
- (let* ((this-name (concat "*" buffer-file-name "-preprocessed*"))
- (preprocessor-command (concat c-eldoc-cpp-command " "
- c-eldoc-cpp-macro-arguments " "
- c-eldoc-includes " "
- buffer-file-name))
- (cur-buffer (current-buffer))
- (output-buffer (generate-new-buffer this-name)))
- (bury-buffer output-buffer)
- (call-process-shell-command preprocessor-command nil output-buffer nil)
- ;; run the second time for normal functions
- (setq preprocessor-command (concat c-eldoc-cpp-command " "
- c-eldoc-cpp-normal-arguments " "
- c-eldoc-includes " "
- buffer-file-name))
- (call-process-shell-command preprocessor-command nil output-buffer nil)
- (cache-puthash cur-buffer output-buffer c-eldoc-buffers)
- output-buffer))))
-(defun c-eldoc-function-and-argument (&optional limit)
- "Finds the current function and position in argument list."
- (let* ((literal-limits (c-literal-limits))
- (literal-type (c-literal-type literal-limits)))
- (save-excursion
- ;; if this is a string, move out to function domain
- (when (eq literal-type 'string)
- (goto-char (car literal-limits))
- (setq literal-type nil))
- (if literal-type
- nil
- (c-save-buffer-state ((argument-index 1))
- (while (or (eq (c-forward-token-2 -1 t limit) 0)
- (when (eq (char-before) ?\[)
- (backward-char)
- t))
- (when (eq (char-after) ?,)
- (setq argument-index (1+ argument-index))))
- (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
- (when (eq (char-before) ?\()
- (backward-char)
- (c-forward-token-2 -1)
- (when (looking-at "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*")
- (cons (buffer-substring-no-properties
- (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
- argument-index))))))))
-(defun c-eldoc-format-arguments-string (arguments index)
- "Formats the argument list of a function."
- (let ((paren-pos (string-match "(" arguments))
- (pos 0))
- (when paren-pos
- (setq arguments (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\?[[:space:]\\\n]"
- " "
- (substring arguments paren-pos))
- arguments (replace-regexp-in-string "\\s-+" " " arguments)
- arguments (replace-regexp-in-string " *, *" ", " arguments)
- arguments (replace-regexp-in-string "( +" "(" arguments)
- arguments (replace-regexp-in-string " +)" ")" arguments))
- ;; find the correct argument to highlight, taking `...'
- ;; arguments into account
- (while (and (> index 1)
- pos
- (not (string= (substring arguments (+ pos 2) (+ pos 6))
- "...)")))
- (setq pos (string-match "," arguments (1+ pos))
- index (1- index)))
- ;; embolden the current argument
- (when (and pos
- (setq pos (string-match "[^ ,()]" arguments pos)))
- (add-text-properties pos (string-match "[,)]" arguments pos)
- '(face bold) arguments))
- arguments)))
-(defun c-eldoc-print-current-symbol-info ()
- "Returns documentation string for the current symbol."
- (let* ((current-function-cons (c-eldoc-function-and-argument (- (point) 1000)))
- (current-function (car current-function-cons))
- (current-function-regexp (concat "[ \t\n]+[*]*" current-function "[ \t\n]*("))
- (current-macro-regexp (concat "#define[ \t\n]+[*]*" current-function "[ \t\n]*("))
- (current-buffer (current-buffer))
- (tag-buffer)
- (function-name-point)
- (arguments)
- (type-face 'font-lock-type-face))
- (when (and current-function
- (not (member current-function c-eldoc-reserved-words)))
- (when (setq tag-buffer (c-eldoc-get-buffer current-function))
- ;; setup the buffer
- (set-buffer tag-buffer)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (prog1
- ;; protected regexp search
- (when (condition-case nil
- (progn
- (if (not (re-search-forward current-macro-regexp (point-max) t))
- (re-search-forward current-function-regexp))
- t)
- (error (prog1 nil
- (message "Function doesn't exist..."))))
- ;; move outside arguments list
- (search-backward "(")
- (c-skip-ws-backward)
- (setq function-name-point (point))
- (forward-sexp)
- (setq arguments (buffer-substring-no-properties
- function-name-point (point)))
- (goto-char function-name-point)
- (backward-char (length current-function))
- (c-skip-ws-backward)
- (setq function-name-point (point))
- (search-backward-regexp "[};/#]" (point-min) t)
- ;; check for macros
- (if (= (char-after) ?#)
- (let ((is-define (looking-at "#[[:space:]]*define"))
- (preprocessor-point (point)))
- (while (prog2 (end-of-line)
- (= (char-before) ?\\)
- (forward-char)))
- (when (and is-define (> (point) function-name-point))
- (goto-char preprocessor-point)
- (setq type-face 'font-lock-preprocessor-face)))
- (forward-char)
- (when (looking-back "//")
- (end-of-line)))
- (c-skip-ws-forward)
- ;; colorize
- (concat (propertize (buffer-substring-no-properties
- (point)
- function-name-point)
- 'face type-face)
- " "
- (propertize current-function
- 'face 'font-lock-function-name-face)
- " "
- (c-eldoc-format-arguments-string arguments
- (cdr current-function-cons))))
- (set-buffer current-buffer))))))
-(provide 'c-eldoc)
-;;; c-eldoc.el ends here