diff options
authorGravatar Tom Willemsen2012-10-11 21:30:09 +0200
committerGravatar Tom Willemsen2012-10-11 21:30:09 +0200
commitae8e4f299fba76cb060ccf6dc62b780481629f81 (patch)
parent9eb16a0418eaea8d8bb290bae10ab764ef667e4b (diff)
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.conky_box.lua b/.conky_box.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef53427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.conky_box.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+--[[BOX WIDGET v1.1 by Wlourf 27/01/2011
+This widget can drawn some boxes, even circles in your conky window
+Inspired by Background by londonali1010 (2009), thanks ;-)
+The parameters (all optionals) are :
+x - x coordinate of top-left corner of the box, default = 0 = (top-left corner of conky window)
+y - y coordinate of top-left corner of the box, default = 0 = (top-left corner of conky window)
+w - width of the box, default = width of the conky window
+h - height of the box, default = height of the conky window
+corners - corners is a table for the four corners in this order : top-left, top-right,bottom-right, bottom-left
+ each corner is defined in a table with a shape and a radius, available shapes are : "curve","circle","line"
+ example for the same shapes for all corners:
+ { {"circle",10} }
+ example for first corner different from the three others
+ { {"circle",10}, {"circle",5} }
+ example for top corners differents from bottom corners
+ { {"circle",10}, {"circle",10}, {"line",0} }
+ default = { {"line",0} } i.e=no corner
+operator - set the compositing operator (needs in the conkyrc : own_window_argb_visual yes)
+ see
+ available operators are :
+ "clear","source","over","in","out","atop","dest","dest_over","dest_in","dest_out","dest_atop","xor","add","saturate"
+ default = "over"
+border - if border>0, the script draws only the border, like a frame, default=0
+dash - if border>0 and dash>0, the border is draw with dashes, default=0
+skew_x - skew box around x axis, default = 0
+skew_y - skew box around y axis, default = 0
+scale_x - rescale the x axis, default=1, useful for drawing elipses ...
+scale_y - rescale the x axis, default=1
+angle - angle of rotation of the box in degrees, default = 0
+ i.e. a horizontal graph
+rot_x - x point of rotation's axis, default = 0,
+ relative to top-left corner of the box, (not the conky window)
+rot_y - y point of rotation's axis, default = 0
+ relative to top-left corner of the box, (not the conky window)
+draw_me - if set to false, box is not drawn (default = true or 1)
+ it can be used with a conky string, if the string returns 1, the box is drawn :
+ example : "${if_empty ${wireless_essid wlan0}}${else}1$endif",
+linear_gradient - table with the coordinates of two points to define a linear gradient,
+ points are relative to top-left corner of the box, (not the conky window)
+ {x1,y1,x2,y2}
+radial_gradient - table with the coordinates of two circle to define a radial gradient,
+ points are relative to top-left corner of the box, (not the conky window)
+ {x1,y1,r1,x2,y2,r2} (r=radius)
+colour - table of colours, default = plain white {{1,0xFFFFFF,0.5}}
+ this table contains one or more tables with format {P,C,A}
+ P=position of gradient (0 = start of the gradient, 1= end of the gradient)
+ C=hexadecimal colour
+ A=alpha (opacity) of color (0=invisible,1=opacity 100%)
+ Examples :
+ for a plain color {{1,0x00FF00,0.5}}
+ for a gradient with two colours {{0,0x00FF00,0.5},{1,0x000033,1}} {x=80,y=150,w=20,h=20,
+ radial_gradient={20,20,0,20,20,20},
+ colour={{0.5,0xFFFFFF,1},{1,0x000000,0}},
+ or {{0.5,0x00FF00,1},{1,0x000033,1}} -with this one, gradient will start in the middle
+ for a gradient with three colours {{0,0x00FF00,0.5},{0.5,0x000033,1},{1,0x440033,1}}
+ and so on ...
+To call this script in Conky, use (assuming you have saved this script to ~/scripts/):
+ lua_load ~/scripts/box.lua
+ lua_draw_hook_pre main_box
+And leave one line blank or not after TEXT
++ v1.0 -- Original release (19.12.2010)
++ v1.1 -- Adding parameters: operator, dash, angle, skew_x, skew_y, draw_me
+ corners are described in a table
+-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation version 3 (GPLv3)
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+-- MA 02110-1301, USA.
+require 'cairo'
+function conky_main_box()
+ if conky_window==nil then return end
+ ---------------------- PARAMETERS BEGIN HERE
+ local boxes_settings={
+ {
+ x = conky_window.text_start_x - 10,
+ y = conky_window.text_start_y - 10,
+ w = conky_window.text_width + 20,
+ h = conky_window.text_height + 20,
+ colour = {{1,0x000000,0.4}},
+ },
+ }
+ ---------------------------- PARAMETERS END HERE
+ local cs=cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height)
+ local cr=cairo_create(cs)
+ if tonumber(conky_parse("$updates"))<5 then return end
+ for i in pairs(boxes_settings) do
+ draw_box (cr,boxes_settings[i])
+ end
+ cairo_destroy(cr)
+ cairo_surface_destroy(cs)
+function draw_box(cr,t)
+ if t.draw_me == true then t.draw_me = nil end
+ if t.draw_me ~= nil and conky_parse(tostring(t.draw_me)) ~= "1" then return end
+ local table_corners={"circle","curve","line"}
+ local t_operators={
+ }
+ function rgba_to_r_g_b_a(tc)
+ --tc={position,colour,alpha}
+ local colour = tc[2]
+ local alpha = tc[3]
+ return ((colour / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((colour / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (colour % 0x100) / 255., alpha
+ end
+ function table.copy(t)
+ local t2 = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ t2[k] = {v[1],v[2]}
+ end
+ return t2
+ end
+ function draw_corner(num,t)
+ local shape=t[1]
+ local radius=t[2]
+ local x,y = t[3],t[4]
+ if shape=="line" then
+ if num == 1 then cairo_line_to(cr,radius,0)
+ elseif num == 2 then cairo_line_to(cr,x,radius)
+ elseif num == 3 then cairo_line_to(cr,x-radius,y)
+ elseif num == 4 then cairo_line_to(cr,0,y-radius)
+ end
+ end
+ if shape=="circle" then
+ local PI = math.pi
+ if num == 1 then cairo_arc(cr,radius,radius,radius,-PI,-PI/2)
+ elseif num == 2 then cairo_arc(cr,x-radius,y+radius,radius,-PI/2,0)
+ elseif num == 3 then cairo_arc(cr,x-radius,y-radius,radius,0,PI/2)
+ elseif num == 4 then cairo_arc(cr,radius,y-radius,radius,PI/2,-PI)
+ end
+ end
+ if shape=="curve" then
+ if num == 1 then cairo_curve_to(cr,0,radius ,0,0 ,radius,0)
+ elseif num == 2 then cairo_curve_to(cr,x-radius,0, x,y, x,radius)
+ elseif num == 3 then cairo_curve_to(cr,x,y-radius, x,y, x-radius,y)
+ elseif num == 4 then cairo_curve_to(cr,radius,y, x,y, 0,y-radius)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --check values and set default values
+ if t.x == nil then t.x = 0 end
+ if t.y == nil then t.y = 0 end
+ if t.w == nil then t.w = conky_window.width end
+ if t.h == nil then t.h = conky_window.height end
+ if t.radius == nil then t.radius = 0 end
+ if t.border == nil then t.border = 0 end
+ if t.colour==nil then t.colour={{1,0xFFFFFF,0.5}} end
+ if t.linear_gradient ~= nil then
+ if #t.linear_gradient ~= 4 then
+ t.linear_gradient = {t.x,t.y,t.width,t.height}
+ end
+ end
+ if t.angle==nil then t.angle = 0 end
+ if t.skew_x == nil then t.skew_x=0 end
+ if t.skew_y == nil then t.skew_y=0 end
+ if t.scale_x==nil then t.scale_x=1 end
+ if t.scale_y==nil then t.scale_y=1 end
+ if t.rot_x == nil then t.rot_x=0 end
+ if t.rot_y == nil then t.rot_y=0 end
+ if t.operator == nil then t.operator = "over" end
+ if (t_operators[t.operator]) == nil then
+ print ("wrong operator :",t.operator)
+ t.operator = "over"
+ end
+ if t.radial_gradient ~= nil then
+ if #t.radial_gradient ~= 6 then
+ t.radial_gradient = {t.x,t.y,0, t.x,t.y, t.width}
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1, #t.colour do
+ if #t.colour[i]~=3 then
+ print ("error in color table")
+ t.colour[i]={1,0xFFFFFF,1}
+ end
+ end
+ if t.corners == nil then t.corners={ {"line",0} } end
+ local t_corners = {}
+ local t_corners = table.copy(t.corners)
+ --don't use t_corners=t.corners otherwise t.corners is altered
+ --complete the t_corners table if needed
+ for i=#t_corners+1,4 do
+ t_corners[i]=t_corners[#t_corners]
+ local flag=false
+ for j,v in pairs(table_corners) do flag=flag or (t_corners[i][1]==v) end
+ if not flag then print ("error in corners table :",t_corners[i][1]);t_corners[i][1]="curve" end
+ end
+ --this way :
+ -- t_corners[1][4]=x
+ -- t_corners[2][3]=y
+ --doesn't work
+ t_corners[1]={t_corners[1][1],t_corners[1][2],0,0}
+ t_corners[2]={t_corners[2][1],t_corners[2][2],t.w,0}
+ t_corners[3]={t_corners[3][1],t_corners[3][2],t.w,t.h}
+ t_corners[4]={t_corners[4][1],t_corners[4][2],0,t.h}
+ t.no_gradient = (t.linear_gradient == nil ) and (t.radial_gradient == nil )
+ cairo_save(cr)
+ cairo_translate(cr, t.x, t.y)
+ if t.rot_x~=0 or t.rot_y~=0 or t.angle~=0 then
+ cairo_translate(cr,t.rot_x,t.rot_y)
+ cairo_rotate(cr,t.angle*math.pi/180)
+ cairo_translate(cr,-t.rot_x,-t.rot_y)
+ end
+ if t.scale_x~=1 or t.scale_y~=1 or t.skew_x~=0 or t.skew_y~=0 then
+ local matrix0 = cairo_matrix_t:create()
+ tolua.takeownership(matrix0)
+ cairo_matrix_init (matrix0, t.scale_x,math.pi*t.skew_y/180 , math.pi*t.skew_x/180 ,t.scale_y,0,0)
+ cairo_transform(cr,matrix0)
+ end
+ local tc=t_corners
+ cairo_move_to(cr,tc[1][2],0)
+ cairo_line_to(cr,t.w-tc[2][2],0)
+ draw_corner(2,tc[2])
+ cairo_line_to(cr,t.w,t.h-tc[3][2])
+ draw_corner(3,tc[3])
+ cairo_line_to(cr,tc[4][2],t.h)
+ draw_corner(4,tc[4])
+ cairo_line_to(cr,0,tc[1][2])
+ draw_corner(1,tc[1])
+ if t.no_gradient then
+ cairo_set_source_rgba(cr,rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.colour[1]))
+ else
+ if t.linear_gradient ~= nil then
+ pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear (t.linear_gradient[1],t.linear_gradient[2],t.linear_gradient[3],t.linear_gradient[4])
+ elseif t.radial_gradient ~= nil then
+ pat = cairo_pattern_create_radial (t.radial_gradient[1],t.radial_gradient[2],t.radial_gradient[3],
+ t.radial_gradient[4],t.radial_gradient[5],t.radial_gradient[6])
+ end
+ for i=1, #t.colour do
+ cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, t.colour[i][1], rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.colour[i]))
+ end
+ cairo_set_source (cr, pat)
+ cairo_pattern_destroy(pat)
+ end
+ cairo_set_operator(cr,t_operators[t.operator])
+ if t.border>0 then
+ cairo_close_path(cr)
+ if t.dash ~= nil then cairo_set_dash(cr, t.dash, 1, 0.0) end
+ cairo_set_line_width(cr,t.border)
+ cairo_stroke(cr)
+ else
+ cairo_fill(cr)
+ end
+ cairo_restore(cr)