cleanups, refactorings, what-not
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 369 additions and 507 deletions
@ -33,32 +33,26 @@
#:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
#:use-module (sxml transform)
#:use-module (match-bind)
#:export (comment-from-object comment-sxml-content comment-timestamp build-comment-skeleton comment-readable-date
bad-new-comment-post? make-new-comment))
#:export (blob->comment comment-sxml-content comment-timestamp
comment-readable-date bad-new-comment-post? make-new-comment))
(define *comment-spec*
`((timestamp . ,string->number)))
(define (comment-from-object encoded-name sha1)
(define (blob->comment encoded-name sha1)
(let ((blob (git "show" sha1)))
"\n\n(.*)$" blob (_ content)
(fold cons
(match-lines (substring blob 0 (- (string-length blob)
(string-length _)))
"^([^: ]+): +(.*)$" (_ k v)
(let* ((k (string->symbol k))
(parse (assq-ref *comment-spec* k)))
(if parse
(catch 'parse-error
(lambda ()
(cons k (parse v)))
(lambda args #f))
(cons k v)))))
`((raw-content . ,content)
(sha1 . ,sha1)
(key . ,encoded-name))))))
`((raw-content . ,content)
(sha1 . ,sha1)
(key . ,encoded-name))
(match-lines (substring blob 0 (- (string-length blob)
(string-length _)))
"^([^: ]+): +(.*)$" (_ k v)
(let* ((k (string->symbol k))
(parse (or (assq-ref *comment-spec* k) identity)))
(cons k (parse v))))))))
(define (comment-readable-date comment)
(let ((date (time-utc->date
@ -78,117 +72,21 @@
(define (comment-timestamp comment-alist)
(or (assq-ref comment-alist 'timestamp) #f))
(define (build-comment-skeleton comments)
(fold (lambda (sha1 parent)
(let* ((ts (comment-timestamp sha1))
(env (list "GIT_COMMMITTER=tekuti"
(format #f "GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=~a +0100" ts)
(format #f "GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=~a +0100" ts))))
(git* (cons* "commit-tree" sha1 (if parent (list "-p" parent) '()))
#:input "comment\n" #:env env))))
(define (emailish? x)
(match-bind "^([a-zA-Z0-9.+-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]+$"
x (_ . args)
(define (bad-email? x)
(if (emailish? x)
`(p "Please pretend to specify a valid email address.")))
(define (urlish? x)
(match-bind "^https?://([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]+/[a-zA-Z0-9$_.+!*'(),;/?:@&=-]*$"
x (_ . args)
(define (bad-url? x)
(if (or (string-null? x) (urlish? x))
`(p "Bad URL. (Only http and https are allowed.)")))
(define *allowed-tags*
`((a (href . ,urlish?) title)
(abbr title)
(acronym title)
(blockquote (cite . ,urlish?))
(define (compile-sxslt-rules tags)
(define (ok . body)
(define (compile-attribute-rule rule)
(if (symbol? rule)
`(,rule . ,ok)
`(,(car rule) . ,(lambda (tag text)
(or ((cdr rule) text)
(throw 'bad-attr-value text))
(list tag text)))))
`(,@(map (lambda (spec)
`(,(car spec)
((@ *preorder*
. ,(let ((rules `((@ (,@(map compile-attribute-rule
(cdr spec))
. ,(lambda (tag text) text))
. ,(lambda (tag . body)
(throw 'bad-attr tag))))
. ,ok))))
(lambda tree
(pre-post-order tree rules)))))
. ,ok))
(*text* . ,(lambda (tag text)
(*default* . ,(lambda (tag . body)
(throw 'bad-tag tag)))))
;; could be better, reflect nesting rules...
(define *valid-xhtml-rules*
`((div ,(compile-sxslt-rules *allowed-tags*)
. ,(lambda body body))))
(use-modules (sxml transform) (tekuti filters))
(define (bad-xhtml? x)
(catch #t
(lambda ()
(pre-post-order (wordpress->sxml x) *valid-xhtml-rules*)
(lambda (key . args)
`(div (p "Invalid XHTML")
,(case key
`(pre ,(with-output-to-string
(lambda () (write args)))))
`(p "XHTML tag disallowed: " ,(symbol->string (car args))))
`(p "XHTML attribute disallowed: " ,(symbol->string (car args))))
`(p "XHTML attribute has bad value: " ,(car args)))
(pk key args)
`(p "Jesus knows why, and so do you")))))))
(define *new-comment-spec*
`(("author" ,(lambda (x) #f))
("email" ,bad-email?)
("url" ,bad-url?)
("comment" ,bad-xhtml?)
("comment" ,bad-user-submitted-xhtml?)
("submit" ,(lambda (x) #f))))
(define (bad-new-comment-post? post-data)
@ -204,59 +102,6 @@
((cadr pair) (assoc-ref post-data (car pair))))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-11))
(define (make-tree-deep treeish add remove change)
(define (local? x) (null? (car x)))
(define (assert-added-files-not-present names dents)
(lambda (dent)
(if (member (car dent) names)
(error "file already added" dent)))
(define (assert-referenced-files-present names dents)
(lambda (name)
(if (not (assoc name dent-names))
(error "file already removed" name)))
(let-values (((dents) (if treeish (git-ls-tree treeish #f) '()))
((ladd dadd) (partition local? add))
((lremove dremove) (partition local? remove))
((lchange dchange) (partition local? change)))
(assert-added-files-not-present (map cadr ladd) dents)
(append (map cdr lremove) (map caar lchange)) dents)
; (trc 'make-tree-deep treeish add remove change)
(map cdr ladd)
(lambda (dent)
((member (car dent) (map cdr lremove))
((member (car dent) (map cadr lchange))
(cdr lchange))
((and (eq? (caddr dent) 'tree)
(member (car dent)
(map caar (append dadd dremove dchange))))
(let ((level-down (lambda (x)
(if (equal? (caar x) (car dent))
(cons (cdar x) (cdr x))
(list (car dent)
(make-tree-deep (cadr dent)
(filter-map level-down dadd)
(filter-map level-down dremove)
(filter-map level-down dchange))
(else dent)))
(append (filter-map (lambda (x)
(and (not (assoc (caar x) dents))
(list (caar x) #f 'tree)))
(define de-newline (s///g "[\n\r]" " "))
(define (make-new-comment post post-data)
@ -277,13 +122,10 @@
(lambda (master)
(make-tree-deep master
`(((,(assq-ref post 'key) "comments")
. (,sha1 ,sha1 blob)))
"new comment"
(git-commit-tree (munge-tree master
`(((,(assq-ref post 'key) "comments")
. (,sha1 ,sha1 blob)))
master "new comment" #f))
@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
#:use-module (sxml simple)
#:use-module (sxml transform)
#:use-module (match-bind)
#:export (wordpress->sxml))
#:use-module (tekuti util)
#:export (wordpress->sxml
*allowed-tags* bad-user-submitted-xhtml?))
(define blocks '(table thead tfoot caption colgroup tbody tr td th div
dl dd dt ul ol li pre select form map area blockquote
@ -76,10 +78,6 @@
(lp #f (cdr in)
(cons (car in) (pclose p out))))))))
(wpautop 'div
`((b "foo") "\n\n" (b "bar")))
(define (wordpress->sxml text)
(let ((sxml (cadr (with-input-from-string (string-append "<div>" text "</div>")
@ -91,3 +89,75 @@
(cons tag body))))
(*text* . ,(lambda (tag text)
(define *allowed-tags*
`((a (href . ,urlish?) title)
(abbr title)
(acronym title)
(blockquote (cite . ,urlish?))
(define (compile-sxslt-rules tags)
(define (ok . body)
(define (compile-attribute-rule rule)
(if (symbol? rule)
`(,rule . ,ok)
`(,(car rule) . ,(lambda (tag text)
(or ((cdr rule) text)
(throw 'bad-attr-value text))
(list tag text)))))
`(,@(map (lambda (spec)
`(,(car spec)
((@ *preorder*
. ,(let ((rules `((@ (,@(map compile-attribute-rule
(cdr spec))
. ,(lambda (tag text) text))
. ,(lambda (tag . body)
(throw 'bad-attr tag))))
. ,ok))))
(lambda tree
(pre-post-order tree rules)))))
. ,ok))
(*text* . ,(lambda (tag text)
(*default* . ,(lambda (tag . body)
(throw 'bad-tag tag)))))
;; could be better, reflect nesting rules.
(define *valid-xhtml-rules*
`((div ,(compile-sxslt-rules *allowed-tags*)
. ,(lambda body body))))
(define (bad-user-submitted-xhtml? x)
(catch #t
(lambda ()
(pre-post-order (wordpress->sxml x) *valid-xhtml-rules*)
(lambda (key . args)
`(div (p "Invalid XHTML")
,(case key
`(pre ,(with-output-to-string
(lambda () (write args)))))
`(p "XHTML tag disallowed: " ,(symbol->string (car args))))
`(p "XHTML attribute disallowed: " ,(symbol->string (car args))))
`(p "XHTML attribute has bad value: " ,(car args)))
(pk key args)
`(p "Jesus knows why, and so do you")))))))
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
;;; Commentary:
;; This is the main script that will launch tekuti.
;; Using git's object database as a persistent store.
;;; Code:
@ -31,20 +31,25 @@
#:use-module (tekuti config)
#:use-module (scheme kwargs)
#:use-module (match-bind)
#:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (filter-map partition))
#:use-module (srfi srfi-11) ; let-values
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
#:export (&git-condition git-condition? git-condition-argv
git-condition-output git-condition-status false-if-git-error
git git* ensure-git-repo git-ls-tree git-ls-subdirs
parse-metadata parse-commit commit-utc-timestamp
commit-parents git-mktree git-rev-parse
git-hash-object git-update-ref
git-mktree git-rev-parse git-hash-object git-update-ref
with-output-to-blob with-input-from-blob
munge-tree parse-commit commit-utc-timestamp
with-output-to-blob with-input-from-blob))
write-indices read-indices))
;;; git conditions
(define-condition-type &git-condition &condition git-condition?
(argv git-condition-argv)
@ -55,6 +60,10 @@
`(,guard (c ((,git-condition? c) #f))
;;; running git
(define *debug* #f)
(define (trc . args)
(if *debug*
@ -86,17 +95,7 @@
(output output)
(status ret))))))))
(define (call-with-temp-file contents proc)
(let* ((template (string-copy "/tmp/tekutiXXXXXX"))
(tmp (mkstemp! template)))
(display contents tmp)
(close tmp)
(proc template)
(delete-file template))))
(define/kwargs (git* args (input #f) (env '()))
;; foolishness regarding env
(if input
@ -108,6 +107,10 @@
(define (git . args)
(git* args))
;;; git commands
(define (is-dir? path)
(catch 'system-error
(lambda () (eq? (stat:type (stat path)) 'directory))
@ -137,45 +140,6 @@
(cons name object)))
(define (parse-metadata treeish specs)
(match-lines (git "show" treeish)
"^([^: ]+): +(.*)$" (_ k v)
(let* ((k (string->symbol k))
(parse (assq-ref specs k)))
(if parse
(catch 'parse-error
(lambda ()
(cons k (parse v)))
(lambda args #f))
(cons k v))))))
(define (parse-commit commit)
(let ((text (git "cat-file" "commit" commit)))
"\n\n(.*)$" text (_ message)
'message message
(match-lines (substring text 0 (- (string-length text) (string-length _)))
"^([^ ]+) (.*)$" (_ k v)
(cons (string->symbol k) v))))))
(define (commit-utc-timestamp commit)
"^(.*) ([0-9]+) ([+-][0-9]+)" (assq-ref (parse-commit commit) 'committer)
(_ who ts tz)
(let ((ts (string->number ts)) (tz (string->number tz)))
(- ts (* (+ (* (quotient tz 100) 60) (remainder tz 100)) 60)))))
;; fixme: do to commits what i already did to posts
(define (commit-parents commit)
(map cdr
(lambda (x) (eq? (car x) 'parent))
(parse-commit commit))))
(define (git-mktree alist)
(git* '("mktree")
@ -197,18 +161,6 @@
(git* '("hash-object" "-w" "--stdin") #:input contents)))
(define (with-output-to-blob* thunk)
(git-hash-object (with-output-to-string thunk)))
(define-macro (with-output-to-blob . forms)
`(,with-output-to-blob* (lambda () ,@forms)))
(define (with-input-from-blob* sha1 thunk)
(with-input-from-string (git "show" sha1) thunk))
(define-macro (with-input-from-blob sha1 . forms)
`(,with-input-from-blob* ,sha1 (lambda () ,@forms)))
(define (git-update-ref refname proc count)
(let* ((ref (git-rev-parse refname))
(commit (proc ref)))
@ -233,5 +185,87 @@
(format #f "GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=~a +0100" timestamp))
(list "GIT_COMMMITTER=tekuti")))))
;; fixme: map-pairs
;;; utilities
(define (munge-tree treeish add remove change)
(define (local? x) (null? (car x)))
(define (assert-added-files-not-present names dents)
(lambda (dent)
(if (member (car dent) names)
(error "file already added" dent)))
(define (assert-referenced-files-present names dents)
(lambda (name)
(if (not (assoc name dent-names))
(error "file already removed" name)))
(let-values (((dents) (if treeish (git-ls-tree treeish #f) '()))
((ladd dadd) (partition local? add))
((lremove dremove) (partition local? remove))
((lchange dchange) (partition local? change)))
(assert-added-files-not-present (map cadr ladd) dents)
(append (map cdr lremove) (map caar lchange)) dents)
; (trc 'munge-tree treeish add remove change)
(map cdr ladd)
(lambda (dent)
((member (car dent) (map cdr lremove))
((member (car dent) (map cadr lchange))
(cdr lchange))
((and (eq? (caddr dent) 'tree)
(member (car dent)
(map caar (append dadd dremove dchange))))
(let ((level-down (lambda (x)
(if (equal? (caar x) (car dent))
(cons (cdar x) (cdr x))
(list (car dent)
(munge-tree (cadr dent)
(filter-map level-down dadd)
(filter-map level-down dremove)
(filter-map level-down dchange))
(else dent)))
(append (filter-map (lambda (x)
(and (not (assoc (caar x) dents))
(list (caar x) #f 'tree)))
(define (parse-commit commit)
(let ((text (git "cat-file" "commit" commit)))
"\n\n(.*)$" text (_ message)
'message message
(match-lines (substring text 0 (- (string-length text) (string-length _)))
"^([^ ]+) (.*)$" (_ k v)
(cons (string->symbol k) v))))))
(define (commit-utc-timestamp commit)
"^(.*) ([0-9]+) ([+-][0-9]+)" (assq-ref (parse-commit commit) 'committer)
(_ who ts tz)
(let ((ts (string->number ts)) (tz (string->number tz)))
(- ts (* (+ (* (quotient tz 100) 60) (remainder tz 100)) 60)))))
(define (with-output-to-blob* thunk)
(git-hash-object (with-output-to-string thunk)))
(define-macro (with-output-to-blob . forms)
`(,with-output-to-blob* (lambda () ,@forms)))
(define (with-input-from-blob* sha1 thunk)
(with-input-from-string (git "show" sha1) thunk))
(define-macro (with-input-from-blob sha1 . forms)
`(,with-input-from-blob* ,sha1 (lambda () ,@forms)))
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#:use-module (tekuti comment)
#:use-module (tekuti url)
#:use-module (tekuti request)
#:use-module (tekuti page-helpers)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
#:use-module (scheme kwargs)
@ -52,17 +53,9 @@
(define (relurl path)
(string-append *public-url-base* path))
(define (rellink path . body)
`(a (@ (href ,(relurl path)))
(define (make-post-key . parts)
(url:encode (format #f "~{~a~^/~}" (map url:encode parts))))
@ -73,34 +66,6 @@
(p "Path handler not yet implemented: "
,(rref request 'path-str)))))
(define (post-editing-form post)
`(form (@ (method "POST")
(action ,(string-append *public-url-base*
(if post
(string-append "admin/modify-post/"
(url:encode (assq-ref post 'key)))
(p "title: "
(input (@ (name "title") (type "text")
(value ,(if post (assq-ref post 'title) "")))))
(div (textarea (@ (name "body") (rows "20") (cols "80"))
,(if post (post-raw-content post) "")))
(input (@ (type "submit")
(value ,(if post "edit post" "new post"))))))
(define (sidebar-ul body)
`(div (@ (id "menu"))
(ul ,@body)))
(define (with-authentication request thunk)
(if (request-authenticated? request)
(rcons* (rpush 'output-headers
'("WWW-Authenticate" . "Basic realm=\"Tekuti\"")
'status 401
'body `((p "Authentication required, yo")))))
(define (page-admin request index)
@ -119,24 +84,13 @@
(h2 "new post")
,(post-editing-form #f))))))
(define (admin-post-link post)
(rellink (string-append "admin/posts/"
(url:encode (assq-ref post 'key)))
(assq-ref post 'title)))
(define (post-link post)
(rellink (string-append "archives/" (url:decode (assq-ref post 'key)))
(assq-ref post 'title)))
(define (page-admin-posts request index)
(lambda ()
(define (post-headers)
(map (lambda (post)
;; double-encoding is a hack to trick apache
`(h3 ,(rellink (string-append "admin/posts/" (url:encode (assq-ref post 'key)))
(assq-ref post 'title))))
`(h3 ,(admin-post-link post)))
(assq-ref index 'posts)))
(rcons* request
'body `((h1 "all your posts are belong to tekuti")
@ -148,7 +102,7 @@
(lambda ()
(let ((post (post-from-key (assq-ref index 'master) key)))
(rcons* request
'body `((h1 ,(assq-ref post 'title))
'body `((h1 ,(post-title post))
,(post-editing-form post)))))))
(define (page-admin-new-post request index)
@ -164,25 +118,6 @@
(p "Created new post: " ,(assoc-ref form-data "title"))
(pre ,(assoc-ref form-data "body"))))))))
(define (show-post post comments?)
`((h2 (@ (class "storytitle"))
,(post-link post))
(div (@ (class "post"))
(h3 (@ (class "meta"))
,(post-readable-date post)
" (" ,@(list-intersperse (post-tag-links post)
" | ")
(div (@ (class "storycontent"))
,(post-sxml-content post))
,@(if comments? '()
(list (post-sxml-n-comments post))))
,@(if comments?
(list (post-sxml-comments post))
;; (a (@ (href ,new-url)) ,new-url)
(define (page-admin-modify-post request index key)
@ -191,118 +126,46 @@
(define page-delete-comment not-implemented)
(define page-delete-post not-implemented)
;; fixme: borks in the no-tags case
(define (tag-cloud index)
(define (determine-sizes counts)
(let ((maxcount (apply max counts)))
(map (lambda (x)
(floor (+ 80 (* 120 (/ x maxcount)))))
(let* ((hash (assq-ref index 'tags))
(cats (if hash
(hash-fold (lambda (k v seed) (acons k (length v) seed))
'() hash)
(top-20 (dsu-sort (take-max (dsu-sort cats cdr >) 20)
car string<?)))
`(ul (li (@ (style "line-height: 150%"))
(map (lambda (name size)
`(a (@ (href ,(string-append
*public-url-base* "tags/"
(url:encode name)))
(rel "tag")
(style ,(format #f "font-size: ~d%" size)))
(map car top-20)
(determine-sizes (map cdr top-20)))
" "))
(define (main-sidebar request index)
`((li (h2 (a (@ (href ,(relurl "feed/atom")))
"subscribe "
(img (@ (src ,(relurl "wp-content/feed-icon-14x14.png"))
(alt "subscribe to this feed")))
(li (h2 "tags "
(a (@ (href ,(string-append *public-url-base* "tags/")))
,(tag-cloud index)))))
(define (page-index request index)
(rcons* request
'body `(,(main-sidebar request index)
,@(map (lambda (post)
(show-post post #f))
(take-max (assq-ref index 'posts) 10)))))
(published-posts index 10)))))
(define (page-show-post request index year month day post)
(let ((slug (make-post-key year month day post)))
(git-rev-parse (string-append (assq-ref index 'master) ":" slug)))
=> (lambda (tree)
(let ((post (post-from-tree slug tree)))
(rcons* request
'title (string-append (assq-ref post 'title)
" -- " *title*)
'body (show-post post #t)))))
(page-not-found request index)))))
((post-from-key (assq-ref index 'master)
(make-post-key year month day post))
=> (lambda (post)
(rcons* request
'title (string-append (post-title post) " -- " *title*)
'body (show-post post #t))))
(page-not-found request index))))
(define (page-new-comment request index year month day post)
(let ((slug (make-post-key year month day post))
(data (request-form-data request)))
(define (page-new-comment request index year month day name)
(let ((data (request-form-data request)))
(git-rev-parse (string-append (assq-ref index 'master) ":" slug)))
=> (lambda (tree)
((post-from-key (assq-ref index 'master)
(make-post-key year month day name))
=> (lambda (post)
((bad-new-comment-post? data)
=> (lambda (reason)
(pk reason)
(rcons* request
'body `((p "Bad post data: " ,reason)))))
'body `((p "Bad post data: " ,(pk reason))))))
(let ((comment (make-new-comment (post-from-tree slug tree) data)))
(let ((comment (make-new-comment post data)))
;; nb: at this point, `post' is out-of-date
(rcons* request
'title "comment posted"
'body `((p "Comment, posted, thanks.")
'body `((p "Comment posted, thanks.")
;; fixme: show the post directly; or a redirect?
(p "Back to the post: "
,(rellink (string-append "archives/" (url:decode slug))
(p "Back to the post: " ,(post-link post)))))))))
(page-not-found request index)))))
(define/kwargs (date-increment date (day 0) (month 0) (year 0))
(make-date (date-nanosecond date) (date-second date)
(date-minute date) (date-minute date)
(+ (date-day date) day) (+ (date-month date) month)
(+ (date-year date) year) (date-zone-offset date)))
(define (date-comparator date comp)
(let ((this (time-second (date->time-utc date))))
(lambda (that)
(comp that this))))
(define (date-before? date)
(date-comparator date <))
(define (date-after? date)
(date-comparator date >))
(define (compose1 proc . procs)
(if (null? procs)
(let ((other (apply compose1 procs)))
(lambda (x)
(proc (other x))))))
;; fixme exception handling for input
(define (page-archives request index year month day)
(let ((year (and=> year string->number))
@ -322,7 +185,7 @@
(define (make-date-header post)
(lambda (x) #f))
(let lp ((posts (assq-ref index 'posts)))
(let lp ((posts (published-posts index -1)))
(cond ((or (null? posts) (too-early? (car posts)))
(rcons* request
'title *title*
@ -362,41 +225,16 @@
(define page-search not-implemented)
(define (page-not-found request index)
(pk request)
(rcons* request
(rcons* (pk 'not-found request)
'status 404
'body `((h1 "Page not found")
(p "Unknown path: " ,(rref request 'path-str)))))
(define (page-feed-rss2 request index)
(not-implemented request index))
(define (rfc822-date->timestamp str)
(+ (time-second (date->time-utc
(string->date str "~a, ~d ~b ~Y ~H:~M:~S GMT")))
(date-zone-offset (current-date))))
(define (timestamp->atom-date timestamp)
(date->string (time-utc->date (make-time time-utc 0 timestamp) 0)
(define (timestamp->rfc822-date timestamp)
(date->string (time-utc->date (make-time time-utc 0 timestamp) 0)
"~a, ~d ~b ~Y ~H:~M:~S GMT"))
(define (request-relurl request)
(let ((headers (rref request 'headers)))
(let ((server (or (assoc-ref headers "Host")
(assoc-ref headers "server-ip-addr"))))
(lambda (tail)
(string-append "http://" server "/" tail)))))
(define (page-feed-atom request index)
(let ((last-modified (let ((posts (assq-ref index 'posts)))
(let ((last-modified (let ((posts (published-posts index 1)))
(and (pair? posts)
(assq-ref (car posts) 'timestamp))))
(relurl (request-relurl request)))
(server-name (request-server-name request)))
((let ((since (assoc-ref (rref request 'headers '())
@ -411,31 +249,8 @@
'doctype ""
'content-type "application/atom+xml"
'sxml `(feed
(@ (xmlns "")
(xml:base ,(relurl "feed/atom")))
(title (@ (type "text")) ,*title*)
(subtitle (@ (type "text")) ,*subtitle*)
(updated ,(timestamp->atom-date last-modified))
(generator (@ (uri "")
(version "what"))
(link (@ (rel "alternate") (type "text/html")
(href ,(relurl ""))))
(id ,(relurl "feed/atom"))
(link (@ (rel "self") (type "application/atom+xml")
(href ,(relurl "feed/atom"))))
(lambda (post)
(author (name ,*name*) (uri ,(relurl "")))
(title (@ (type "text")) ,(assq-ref post 'title))
(id ,(relurl (url:decode (assq-ref post 'key)))) ;hack
(published ,(timestamp->atom-date
(assq-ref post 'timestamp)))
(updated ,(timestamp->atom-date
(assq-ref post 'timestamp)))
(content (@ (type "xhtml"))
(div (@ (xmlns ""))
,(post-sxml-content post)))))
(take-max (assq-ref index 'posts) 10))))))))
'sxml (append (atom-header server-name last-modified)
(lambda (post)
(atom-entry server-name post))
(published-posts index 10))))))))
@ -35,16 +35,50 @@
#:use-module (tekuti filters)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
#:export (reindex-posts post-from-tree post-from-key post-tags
post-timestamp post-key
post-sxml-content post-raw-content all-published-posts
post-readable-date post-tag-links post-sxml-n-comments
#:export (post-from-tree post-from-key
;; introducing new assumption: post urls like yyyy/dd/mm/post; post dirnames the urlencoded post
post-tags post-timestamp post-key post-published?
post-sxml-content post-raw-content post-readable-date post-tag-links post-sxml-n-comments
post-sxml-comments post-title
;;; pulling posts out of git
(define *post-spec*
`((timestamp . ,string->number)
(tags . ,(lambda (v) (map string-trim-both (string-split v #\,))))
(title . ,identity)))
(define (post-from-tree encoded-name sha1)
(append `((key . ,encoded-name)
(sha1 . ,sha1))
(git "show" (string-append sha1 ":metadata"))
"^([^: ]+): +(.*)$" (_ k v)
(let* ((k (string->symbol k))
(parse (or (assq-ref *post-spec* k)
(cons k (parse v))))))
(define (post-from-key master key . allow-unpublished)
(let ((pairs (git-ls-subdirs master key)))
(and (= (length pairs) 1)
(let ((post (post-from-tree key (cdar pairs))))
(if (or (post-published? post)
(and (pair? allow-unpublished) (car allow-unpublished)))
;;; accessors
;; perhaps push this processing into post-from-tree
(define (post-published? post-alist)
(equal? (assq-ref post-alist 'status) "publish"))
@ -57,16 +91,8 @@
(define (post-key post)
(assq-ref post 'key))
(define *post-spec*
`((timestamp . ,string->number)
(tags . ,(lambda (v) (map string-trim-both (string-split v #\,))))
(title . ,identity)))
(define (post-from-tree encoded-name sha1)
(acons 'key encoded-name
(acons 'sha1 sha1
(parse-metadata (string-append sha1 ":metadata")
(define (post-title post)
(assq-ref post 'title))
(define (post-raw-content post)
(git "show" (string-append (assq-ref post 'sha1) ":content")))
@ -92,26 +118,10 @@
(define (post-tag-links post)
(map tag-link (post-tags post)))
(define (post-from-key master key)
(let ((pairs (git-ls-subdirs master key)))
(and (= (length pairs) 1)
(post-from-tree key (cdar pairs)))))
(define (all-posts master)
(map (lambda (pair)
(post-from-tree (car pair) (cdr pair)))
(git-ls-subdirs master #f)))
(define (all-published-posts master)
(filter post-published? (all-posts master))
(define (post-comments post)
(map (lambda (pair)
(comment-from-object (car pair) (cadr pair)))
(blob->comment (car pair) (cadr pair)))
(git-ls-tree (string-append (assq-ref post 'sha1) ":comments") #f))
@ -180,6 +190,17 @@
"(" ,(post-n-comments post) ")")))
(define (all-posts master)
(map (lambda (pair)
(post-from-tree (car pair) (cdr pair)))
(git-ls-subdirs master #f)))
(define (all-published-posts master)
(filter post-published? (all-posts master))
(define (hash-fill proc list)
(let ((table (make-hash-table)))
(for-each (lambda (x) (proc x table))
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
#:use-module (tekuti base64)
#:export (make-request rcons rcons* rpush rpush* rref let-request
request-path-case request-authenticated?
request-form-data request-server-name))
(define (header-ref headers key default)
(let ((pair (assoc key headers)))
@ -189,3 +189,10 @@
(,let-request ,request (method path)
(cons method path))
(define (request-server-name request)
(let ((headers (rref request 'headers)))
(or (assoc-ref headers "Host")
(assoc-ref headers "server-ip-addr"))))
@ -20,18 +20,44 @@
;;; Commentary:
;; This is the main script that will launch tekuti.
;; Utility procedures and macros.
;;; Code:
(define-module (tekuti util)
#:use-module (match-bind)
#:use-module (scheme kwargs)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
#:export (expanduser match-lines dbg unwind-protect dbg dsu-sort
hash-push! list-has-length? list-head-match mapn
hash-push! list-has-length? list-head-match mapn filter-mapn
take-max read-hash write-hash shell:quote
call-with-temp-file emailish? urlish?
date-increment date-comparator date-before? date-after? compose1
rfc822-date->timestamp timestamp->rfc822-date timestamp->atom-date
list-intersperse with-backtrace with-time-debugging define-memoized))
(define (emailish? x)
(match-bind "^([a-zA-Z0-9.+-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]+$"
x (_ . args)
(define (urlish? x)
(match-bind "^https?://([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]+/[a-zA-Z0-9$_.+!*'(),;/?:@&=-]*$"
x (_ . args)
(define (call-with-temp-file contents proc)
(let* ((template (string-copy "/tmp/tekutiXXXXXX"))
(tmp (mkstemp! template)))
(display contents tmp)
(close tmp)
(proc template)
(delete-file template))))
(define (shell:quote str)
(lambda ()
@ -103,6 +129,16 @@
(reverse out)
(lp (cdr in) (cons (proc (car in)) out) (1- n)))))
(define (filter-mapn proc l nmax)
(let lp ((in l) (out '()) (n nmax))
(if (or (null? in) (zero? n))
(reverse out)
(let ((val (proc (car in))))
(if val
(lp (cdr in) (cons val out) (1- n))
(lp (cdr in) out n))
(define (list-intersperse src-l elem)
(if (null? src-l) src-l
(let loop ((l (cdr src-l)) (dest (cons (car src-l) '())))
@ -179,3 +215,40 @@
(define/kwargs (date-increment date (day 0) (month 0) (year 0))
(make-date (date-nanosecond date) (date-second date)
(date-minute date) (date-minute date)
(+ (date-day date) day) (+ (date-month date) month)
(+ (date-year date) year) (date-zone-offset date)))
(define (date-comparator date comp)
(let ((this (time-second (date->time-utc date))))
(lambda (that)
(comp that this))))
(define (date-before? date)
(date-comparator date <))
(define (date-after? date)
(date-comparator date >))
(define (compose1 proc . procs)
(if (null? procs)
(let ((other (apply compose1 procs)))
(lambda (x)
(proc (other x))))))
(define (rfc822-date->timestamp str)
(+ (time-second (date->time-utc
(string->date str "~a, ~d ~b ~Y ~H:~M:~S GMT")))
(date-zone-offset (current-date))))
(define (timestamp->atom-date timestamp)
(date->string (time-utc->date (make-time time-utc 0 timestamp) 0)
(define (timestamp->rfc822-date timestamp)
(date->string (time-utc->date (make-time time-utc 0 timestamp) 0)
"~a, ~d ~b ~Y ~H:~M:~S GMT"))
Add table
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