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another checkpoint, tag cloud working...

This commit is contained in:
Andy Wingo 2008-02-23 14:32:48 +01:00
parent cb1e7fd756
commit 8dbbc023a9
2 changed files with 116 additions and 46 deletions

View file

@ -60,9 +60,6 @@
(define (make-post-key . parts)
(url:encode (format #f "~{~a~^/~}" (map url:encode parts))))
(define (show-post slug index)
`(sxml . (p "hello" ,slug)))
(define (not-implemented request . args)
(rcons* request
'status 500
@ -89,20 +86,37 @@
`(div (@ (id "menu"))
(ul ,@body)))
(define (with-authentication request thunk)
(let ((headers (rref request 'headers '())))
(define (authenticated?)
(let ((b64 (assoc-ref headers "Authorization")))
(pk b64) ;; FIXME, decode
(if (authenticated?)
(rcons* (rpush 'output-headers
'("WWW-Authenticate" . "Basic realm=\"Tekuti\"")
'status 401
'body `((p "Authentication required, yo"))))))
(define (page-admin request index)
;; here we need to be giving a dashboard view instead of this
(define (post-links n)
(mapn (lambda (post)
`(li ,(admin-post-link post)))
(assq-ref index 'posts)
(rcons* request
'body `(,(sidebar-ul `((li (h2 ,(relurl "admin/posts" "posts"))
(ul ,@(post-links 10)))
(li (h2 "recent comments")
(p "ain't got none"))))
(h2 "new post")
,(post-editing-form #f))))
(lambda ()
;; here we need to be giving a dashboard view instead of this
(define (post-links n)
(mapn (lambda (post)
`(li ,(admin-post-link post)))
(assq-ref index 'posts)
(rcons* request
'body `(,(sidebar-ul `((li (h2 ,(relurl "admin/posts" "posts"))
(ul ,@(post-links 10)))
(li (h2 "recent comments")
(p "ain't got none"))))
(h2 "new post")
,(post-editing-form #f))))))
(define (admin-post-link post)
(relurl (string-append "admin/posts/"
@ -114,22 +128,27 @@
(assq-ref post 'title)))
(define (page-admin-posts request index)
(define (post-headers)
(map (lambda (post)
;; double-encoding is a hack to trick apache
`(h3 ,(relurl (string-append "admin/posts/" (url:encode (assq-ref post 'key)))
(assq-ref post 'title))))
(assq-ref index 'posts)))
(rcons* request
'body `((h1 "all your posts are belong to tekuti")
(lambda ()
(define (post-headers)
(map (lambda (post)
;; double-encoding is a hack to trick apache
`(h3 ,(relurl (string-append "admin/posts/" (url:encode (assq-ref post 'key)))
(assq-ref post 'title))))
(assq-ref index 'posts)))
(rcons* request
'body `((h1 "all your posts are belong to tekuti")
(define (page-admin-post request index key)
(let ((post (post-from-key (assq-ref index 'master) key)))
(pk 'foo post)
(rcons* request
'body `((h1 ,(assq-ref post 'title))
,(post-editing-form post)))))
(lambda ()
(let ((post (post-from-key (assq-ref index 'master) key)))
(rcons* request
'body `((h1 ,(assq-ref post 'title))
,(post-editing-form post)))))))
(define (decode-form-data request)
(let-request request (headers post-data)
@ -150,14 +169,17 @@
(error "bad content-type" content-type)))))))
(define (page-admin-new-post request index)
(let ((form-data (decode-form-data request)))
(rcons* request
'status 201 ; created
'output-headers (acons "Location" *public-url-base*
(rref request 'output-headers '()))
'body `((h1 "Created")
(p "Created new post: " ,(assoc-ref form-data "title"))
(pre ,(assoc-ref form-data "body"))))))
(lambda ()
(let ((form-data (decode-form-data request)))
(rcons* request
'status 201 ; created
'output-headers (acons "Location" *public-url-base*
(rref request 'output-headers '()))
'body `((h1 "Created")
(p "Created new post: " ,(assoc-ref form-data "title"))
(pre ,(assoc-ref form-data "body"))))))))
(define (show-post post comments?)
`((h2 (@ (class "storytitle"))
@ -169,25 +191,72 @@
" | ")
(div (@ (class "storycontent"))
,(post-sxml-content post)))
,(if comments?
(post-sxml-comments post)
(post-sxml-n-comments post))))
,(post-sxml-content post))
,@(if comments? '()
(list (post-sxml-n-comments post))))
,@(if comments?
(list (post-sxml-comments post))
;; (a (@ (href ,new-url)) ,new-url)
(define (page-admin-modify-post request index key)
(not-implemented request index))
(lambda ()
(not-implemented request index))))
(define page-new-comment not-implemented)
(define page-delete-comment not-implemented)
(define page-delete-post not-implemented)
(define (tag-cloud index)
(define (determine-sizes counts)
(let ((maxcount (apply max counts)))
(map (lambda (x)
(floor (+ 80 (* 120 (/ x maxcount)))))
(let* ((cats (hash-fold (lambda (k v seed) (acons k (length v) seed))
'() (assq-ref index 'categories)))
(top-20 (dsu-sort (take-max (dsu-sort cats cdr >) 20)
car string<?)))
`(ul (li (@ (style "line-height: 150%"))
(map (lambda (name size)
`(a (@ (href ,(string-append
*public-url-base* "tags/"
(url:encode name)))
(rel "tag")
(style ,(format #f "font-size: ~d%" size)))
(map car top-20)
(determine-sizes (map cdr top-20)))
" "))
(define (main-sidebar request index)
`((li (h2 "orbit")
,@(map (lambda (pair)
`(li (a (@ (href ,(car pair))) ,(cdr pair))))
'(("http://advogato.org/recentlog.html?thresh=3" . "advogato")
("http://ambient.2y.net/" . "ambient")
("http://planet.gnome.org/" . "gnome")
("http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/planet/" . "gstreamer")
("http://planet.lisp.org/" . "lisp")))))
(li (h2 "tags "
(a (@ (href ,(string-append *public-url-base* "tags/")))
,(tag-cloud index)))))
(define (page-index request index)
(rcons* request
'title "my bloggidy blog"
'body (map (lambda (post)
(show-post post #f))
(take-max (assq-ref index 'posts) 10))))
'body `(,(main-sidebar request index)
,@(map (lambda (post)
(show-post post #f))
(take-max (assq-ref index 'posts) 10)))))
(define (page-show-post request index year month day post)
(let ((slug (make-post-key year month day post)))

View file

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
(define *status-names*
'((200 . "OK")
(201 . "Created")
(401 . "Unauthorized")
(404 . "Not Found")
(500 . "Internal Server Error")))