path: root/includes/js/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/js/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js')
1 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/js/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js b/includes/js/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..083743d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/js/dijit/_editor/plugins/EnterKeyHandling.js
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._editor.plugins.EnterKeyHandling"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
+dojo._hasResource["dijit._editor.plugins.EnterKeyHandling"] = true;
+dojo.declare("dijit._editor.plugins.EnterKeyHandling", dijit._editor._Plugin, {
+ // summary: this plugin tries to handle enter key events to make all
+ // browsers have identical behaviors.
+ // blockNodeForEnter: String
+ // this property decides the behavior of Enter key. It can be either P,
+ // DIV, BR, or empty (which means disable this feature). Anything else
+ // will trigger errors.
+ blockNodeForEnter: 'P',
+ constructor: function(args){
+ if(args){
+ dojo.mixin(this,args);
+ }
+ },
+ setEditor: function(editor){
+ this.editor = editor;
+ if(this.blockNodeForEnter == 'BR'){
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ editor.contentDomPreFilters.push(dojo.hitch(this, "regularPsToSingleLinePs"));
+ editor.contentDomPostFilters.push(dojo.hitch(this, "singleLinePsToRegularPs"));
+ editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this, "_fixNewLineBehaviorForIE"));
+ }else{
+ editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this,function(d){
+ try{
+ this.editor.document.execCommand("insertBrOnReturn", false, true);
+ }catch(e){}
+ return d;
+ }));
+ }
+ }else if(this.blockNodeForEnter){
+ //add enter key handler
+ // FIXME: need to port to the new event code!!
+ dojo['require']('dijit._editor.range');
+ var h = dojo.hitch(this,this.handleEnterKey);
+ editor.addKeyHandler(13, 0, h); //enter
+ editor.addKeyHandler(13, 2, h); //shift+enter
+ this.connect(this.editor,'onKeyPressed','onKeyPressed');
+ }
+ },
+ connect: function(o,f,tf){
+ if(!this._connects){
+ this._connects=[];
+ }
+ this._connects.push(dojo.connect(o,f,this,tf));
+ },
+ destroy: function(){
+ dojo.forEach(this._connects,dojo.disconnect);
+ this._connects=[];
+ },
+ onKeyPressed: function(e){
+ if(this._checkListLater){
+ if(dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, 'isCollapsed', dijit)){
+ if(!dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, 'hasAncestorElement', dijit._editor.selection, ['LI'])){
+ //circulate the undo detection code by calling RichText::execCommand directly
+ dijit._editor.RichText.prototype.execCommand.apply(this.editor, ['formatblock',this.blockNodeForEnter]);
+ //set the innerHTML of the new block node
+ var block = dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, 'getAncestorElement', dijit._editor.selection, [this.blockNodeForEnter]);
+ if(block){
+ block.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
+ if(dojo.isIE){
+ //the following won't work, it will move the caret to the last list item in the previous list
+// var newrange = dijit.range.create();
+// newrange.setStart(block.firstChild,0);
+// var selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window)
+// selection.removeAllRanges();
+// selection.addRange(newrange);
+ //move to the start by move backward one char
+ var r = this.editor.document.selection.createRange();
+ r.move('character',-1);
+ }
+ }else{
+ alert('onKeyPressed: Can not find the new block node'); //FIXME
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._checkListLater = false;
+ }else if(this._pressedEnterInBlock){
+ //the new created is the original current P, so we have previousSibling below
+ this.removeTrailingBr(this._pressedEnterInBlock.previousSibling);
+ delete this._pressedEnterInBlock;
+ }
+ },
+ bogusHtmlContent: ' ',
+ blockNodes: /^(?:H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|LI)$/,
+ handleEnterKey: function(e){
+ // summary: manually handle enter key event to make the behavior consistant across
+ // all supported browsers. See property blockNodeForEnter for available options
+ if(!this.blockNodeForEnter){ return true; } //let browser handle this
+ var selection, range, newrange;
+ if(e.shiftKey //shift+enter always generates <br>
+ || this.blockNodeForEnter=='BR'){
+ var parent = dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, "getParentElement", dijit._editor.selection);
+ var header = dijit.range.getAncestor(parent,this.editor.blockNodes);
+ if(header){
+ if(header.tagName=='LI'){
+ return true; //let brower handle
+ }
+ selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
+ range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
+ if(!range.collapsed){
+ range.deleteContents();
+ }
+ if(dijit.range.atBeginningOfContainer(header, range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
+'br'), header, "before");
+ }else if(dijit.range.atEndOfContainer(header, range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
+'br'), header, "after");
+ newrange = dijit.range.create();
+ newrange.setStartAfter(header);
+ selection.removeAllRanges();
+ selection.addRange(newrange);
+ }else{
+ return true; //let brower handle
+ }
+ }else{
+ //don't change this: do not call this.execCommand, as that may have other logic in subclass
+ // FIXME
+, 'inserthtml', '<br>');
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ var _letBrowserHandle = true;
+ //blockNodeForEnter is either P or DIV
+ //first remove selection
+ selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
+ range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
+ if(!range.collapsed){
+ range.deleteContents();
+ }
+ var block = dijit.range.getBlockAncestor(range.endContainer, null, this.editor.editNode);
+ if((this._checkListLater = (block.blockNode && block.blockNode.tagName == 'LI'))){
+ return true;
+ }
+ //text node directly under body, let's wrap them in a node
+ if(!block.blockNode){
+ this.editor.document.execCommand('formatblock', false, this.blockNodeForEnter);
+ //get the newly created block node
+ // FIXME
+ block = {blockNode:dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, "getAncestorElement", dijit._editor.selection, [this.blockNodeForEnter]),
+ blockContainer: this.editor.editNode};
+ if(block.blockNode){
+ if(!(block.blockNode.textContent || block.blockNode.innerHTML).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length){
+ this.removeTrailingBr(block.blockNode);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }else{
+ block.blockNode = this.editor.editNode;
+ }
+ selection = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
+ range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
+ }
+ var newblock = this.editor.document.createElement(this.blockNodeForEnter);
+ newblock.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
+ this.removeTrailingBr(block.blockNode);
+ if(dijit.range.atEndOfContainer(block.blockNode, range.endContainer, range.endOffset)){
+ if(block.blockNode === block.blockContainer){
+ block.blockNode.appendChild(newblock);
+ }else{
+, block.blockNode, "after");
+ }
+ _letBrowserHandle = false;
+ //lets move caret to the newly created block
+ newrange = dijit.range.create();
+ newrange.setStart(newblock,0);
+ selection.removeAllRanges();
+ selection.addRange(newrange);
+ if(this.editor.height){
+ newblock.scrollIntoView(false);
+ }
+ }else if(dijit.range.atBeginningOfContainer(block.blockNode,
+ range.startContainer, range.startOffset)){
+, block.blockNode, block.blockNode === block.blockContainer ? "first" : "before");
+ if(newblock.nextSibling && this.editor.height){
+ //browser does not scroll the caret position into view, do it manually
+ newblock.nextSibling.scrollIntoView(false);
+ }
+ _letBrowserHandle = false;
+ }else{ //press enter in the middle of P
+ if(dojo.isMoz){
+ //press enter in middle of P may leave a trailing <br/>, let's remove it later
+ this._pressedEnterInBlock = block.blockNode;
+ }
+ }
+ return _letBrowserHandle;
+ },
+ removeTrailingBr: function(container){
+ var para = /P|DIV|LI/i.test(container.tagName) ?
+ container : dijit._editor.selection.getParentOfType(container,['P','DIV','LI']);
+ if(!para){ return; }
+ if(para.lastChild){
+ if((para.childNodes.length > 1 && para.lastChild.nodeType == 3 && /^[\s\xAD]*$/.test(para.lastChild.nodeValue)) ||
+ (para.lastChild && para.lastChild.tagName=='BR')){
+ dojo._destroyElement(para.lastChild);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!para.childNodes.length){
+ para.innerHTML=this.bogusHtmlContent;
+ }
+ },
+ _fixNewLineBehaviorForIE: function(d){
+ if(this.editor.document.__INSERTED_EDITIOR_NEWLINE_CSS === undefined){
+ var lineFixingStyles = "p{margin:0 !important;}";
+ var insertCssText = function(
+ /*String*/ cssStr,
+ /*Document*/ doc,
+ /*String*/ URI)
+ {
+ // summary:
+ // Attempt to insert CSS rules into the document through inserting a
+ // style element
+ // DomNode Style = insertCssText(String ".dojoMenu {color: green;}"[, DomDoc document, dojo.uri.Uri Url ])
+ if(!cssStr){
+ return null; // HTMLStyleElement
+ }
+ if(!doc){ doc = document; }
+// if(URI){// fix paths in cssStr
+// cssStr = dojo.html.fixPathsInCssText(cssStr, URI);
+// }
+ var style = doc.createElement("style");
+ style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
+ // IE is b0rken enough to require that we add the element to the doc
+ // before changing it's properties
+ var head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
+ if(!head){ // must have a head tag
+ console.debug("No head tag in document, aborting styles");
+ return null; // HTMLStyleElement
+ }else{
+ head.appendChild(style);
+ }
+ if(style.styleSheet){// IE
+ var setFunc = function(){
+ try{
+ style.styleSheet.cssText = cssStr;
+ }catch(e){ console.debug(e); }
+ };
+ if(style.styleSheet.disabled){
+ setTimeout(setFunc, 10);
+ }else{
+ setFunc();
+ }
+ }else{ // w3c
+ var cssText = doc.createTextNode(cssStr);
+ style.appendChild(cssText);
+ }
+ return style; // HTMLStyleElement
+ }
+ insertCssText(lineFixingStyles, this.editor.document);
+ this.editor.document.__INSERTED_EDITIOR_NEWLINE_CSS = true;
+ // this.regularPsToSingleLinePs(this.editNode);
+ return d;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ regularPsToSingleLinePs: function(element, noWhiteSpaceInEmptyP){
+ function wrapLinesInPs(el){
+ // move "lines" of top-level text nodes into ps
+ function wrapNodes(nodes){
+ // nodes are assumed to all be siblings
+ var newP = nodes[0].ownerDocument.createElement('p'); // FIXME: not very idiomatic
+ nodes[0].parentNode.insertBefore(newP, nodes[0]);
+ dojo.forEach(nodes, function(node){
+ newP.appendChild(node);
+ });
+ }
+ var currentNodeIndex = 0;
+ var nodesInLine = [];
+ var currentNode;
+ while(currentNodeIndex < el.childNodes.length){
+ currentNode = el.childNodes[currentNodeIndex];
+ if( (currentNode.nodeName!='BR') &&
+ (currentNode.nodeType==1) &&
+ (, "display")!="block")
+ ){
+ nodesInLine.push(currentNode);
+ }else{
+ // hit line delimiter; process nodesInLine if there are any
+ var nextCurrentNode = currentNode.nextSibling;
+ if(nodesInLine.length){
+ wrapNodes(nodesInLine);
+ currentNodeIndex = (currentNodeIndex+1)-nodesInLine.length;
+ if(currentNode.nodeName=="BR"){
+ dojo._destroyElement(currentNode);
+ }
+ }
+ nodesInLine = [];
+ }
+ currentNodeIndex++;
+ }
+ if(nodesInLine.length){ wrapNodes(nodesInLine); }
+ }
+ function splitP(el){
+ // split a paragraph into seperate paragraphs at BRs
+ var currentNode = null;
+ var trailingNodes = [];
+ var lastNodeIndex = el.childNodes.length-1;
+ for(var i=lastNodeIndex; i>=0; i--){
+ currentNode = el.childNodes[i];
+ if(currentNode.nodeName=="BR"){
+ var newP = currentNode.ownerDocument.createElement('p');
+, el, "after");
+ if (trailingNodes.length==0 && i != lastNodeIndex) {
+ newP.innerHTML = "&nbsp;"
+ }
+ dojo.forEach(trailingNodes, function(node){
+ newP.appendChild(node);
+ });
+ dojo._destroyElement(currentNode);
+ trailingNodes = [];
+ }else{
+ trailingNodes.unshift(currentNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var pList = [];
+ var ps = element.getElementsByTagName('p');
+ dojo.forEach(ps, function(p){ pList.push(p); });
+ dojo.forEach(pList, function(p){
+ if( (p.previousSibling) &&
+ (p.previousSibling.nodeName == 'P' ||, 'display') != 'block')
+ ){
+ var newP = p.parentNode.insertBefore(this.document.createElement('p'), p);
+ // this is essential to prevent IE from losing the P.
+ // if it's going to be innerHTML'd later we need
+ // to add the &nbsp; to _really_ force the issue
+ newP.innerHTML = noWhiteSpaceInEmptyP ? "" : "&nbsp;";
+ }
+ splitP(p);
+ },this.editor);
+ wrapLinesInPs(element);
+ return element;
+ },
+ singleLinePsToRegularPs: function(element){
+ function getParagraphParents(node){
+ var ps = node.getElementsByTagName('p');
+ var parents = [];
+ for(var i=0; i<ps.length; i++){
+ var p = ps[i];
+ var knownParent = false;
+ for(var k=0; k < parents.length; k++){
+ if(parents[k] === p.parentNode){
+ knownParent = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!knownParent){
+ parents.push(p.parentNode);
+ }
+ }
+ return parents;
+ }
+ function isParagraphDelimiter(node){
+ if(node.nodeType != 1 || node.tagName != 'P'){
+ return, 'display') == 'block';
+ }else{
+ if(!node.childNodes.length || node.innerHTML=="&nbsp;"){ return true; }
+ //return node.innerHTML.match(/^(<br\ ?\/?>| |\&nbsp\;)$/i);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ var paragraphContainers = getParagraphParents(element);
+ for(var i=0; i<paragraphContainers.length; i++){
+ var container = paragraphContainers[i];
+ var firstPInBlock = null;
+ var node = container.firstChild;
+ var deleteNode = null;
+ while(node){
+ if(node.nodeType != "1" || node.tagName != 'P'){
+ firstPInBlock = null;
+ }else if (isParagraphDelimiter(node)){
+ deleteNode = node;
+ firstPInBlock = null;
+ }else{
+ if(firstPInBlock == null){
+ firstPInBlock = node;
+ }else{
+ if( (!firstPInBlock.lastChild || firstPInBlock.lastChild.nodeName != 'BR') &&
+ (node.firstChild) &&
+ (node.firstChild.nodeName != 'BR')
+ ){
+ firstPInBlock.appendChild(this.editor.document.createElement('br'));
+ }
+ while(node.firstChild){
+ firstPInBlock.appendChild(node.firstChild);
+ }
+ deleteNode = node;
+ }
+ }
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ if(deleteNode){
+ dojo._destroyElement(deleteNode);
+ deleteNode = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return element;
+ }