Copy of org-contacts with custom patches. Should all be sent off to the maintainers.
* contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el (org-contacts-split-property): Introduce a custom version of split-string that keeps org links intact. * contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el (org-contacts-strip-link): Introduce a new function that removes brackets, description, link type and colon from an org link string returning the pure link target. * contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el (provide 'org-contacts): Remove a redundant line. * contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el (org-contacts-complete-group, org-contacts-complete-name, org-contacts-view-send-email, org-contacts-get-icon, org-contacts-vcard-format): Apply the new functions to the already existing functions extracting telephone numbers and email addresses from the properties. Allowed separators for email addresses and phone numbers are `,', `;' and whitespace. `:' is not allowed anymore as separator to avoid confusion with implicit links. Examples of properties that are possible after those changes: * Surname, Name :PROPERTIES: :EMAIL:; [[]] :PHONE: [[tel:+49 351 4129535]], +491766626196 [[+49 (351) 41295-35]] :END: Phone links of the form [[tel:+49 351 412 95-35][My phone number]] or [[tel:+49 351 41295-35]] are expected. `-', `/', `(', `)' and whitespace characters are allowed in telephone numbers. |
org-contacts.el |