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- SemanticScuttle_Filter
-> class with static filter functions to filter
ids, usernames, passwords, sorting etc.
- find out the reasoning behind define(POST_|GET_)
- when a user gets deleted from database, he should not be
logged in anymore (name not shown on top right)
- Make users inactive by default when registered newly
- have to be activated by admins
- Hide bookmarks with vote < 0 (or threshold) from unregistered users
- Add RDFa to user profile page
- use recaptcha or alike
Tracker items:
#1908041 - klick counter
a counter how many people klicked one link
#1964906 - Page numbers list / alternative pagination
I would love to have page numbers like for example google has for terms
with many hits. You can have a look at what exactly I'm talking about here: .
With this you can more easily browse through the pages by clicking the
numbers and not those 'next' and 'previous' buttons.
#1989984 - Branding Improvements
Create an ability to brand the installed site on several levels:
Level 1 - add a logo and text to the header
Level 2 - add a logo and text to the top header and add html (logos, text,
flickr widgets, youtube widgets, etc.) to the left and right side bars
through an interface similar to the theme editor on Wordpress. Also
include easy interface to Google AdWords.
Level 3 - add the items in Level 2 plus a banner ad manager.
- add comments to the CSS to allow for the novice to edit the CSS based on
known widget or image size. This is an important addition.
#1969682 - private bookmarks
I think the handling of private bookmarks could be improved. Now it is so
that you just see a smaller amount of bookmarks as a visitor as you would
see when you are logged in as a member (and if had added some private
bookmarks to the site).
There should be a separate count of this private bookmarks to indicate that
there are some. Something like '80 public/total bookmark(s) - 5 private
bookmarks(s)'. It also should be easier to find them. Maybe the above
mentioned line counting the private bookmarks could be a link to a page
listing them.
#2035563 - Delete bookmarks based on user votes
I'm using Semantic Scuttle for ONE topic based bookmarks sharing. Sometimes
I, as admin is not sure if the bookmark submitted is right for or not.
I'l like to propose a function, where 5 (numbers can be selected)of top
users (or sub admins if they can be created) of the site marks the bookmark
not applicable to the site, then that bookmark is deleted.
#2862548 - Disable email TLD verification
It should be possible to disable the top level domain verification in the
email verification for new users. Use cases are
a) new top level domains (TLD) that are created in the future
b) company-internal non-standard TLDs
#2830219 - Edit by other people
We use SemanticScruttle to share bookmarks in the company I work for.
It'd be helpful if there was a way all people could edit public bookmarks.
#1969705 - adjustable thumbnail height and width in
I put two vars in the config file to adjust the size of the thumbnails and
accordingly changed the bookmarks.tpl.php file:
$websiteThumbnailsWidth = 90; # width of thumbnails in pixel, max value
$websiteThumbnailsHeight = 68; # height of thumbnails in pixel, max value
#1933227 - custom maximum number of items in RSS-feeds
for Mozilla Firefox's Live Bookmarks feature, the current 15 items
delivered by RSS may not be enough.
note: by changing getPerPageCount() in in a similar
manner, it should be possible to make the max-entries-per-page
#2887063 - Common tag combination description feels broken
When switching tags, the common tag description is only shown for the
"correct" order:
While both URLs are semantically the same, the common tag description I set
for "foo+bar" is not shown on the "bar+foo" page. Those descriptions should
be saved with alphabetically sorted tags.
#1926991 - Admin Approval of New Users
Create a way for admins to select if they have to approve all new users.
Then have the following methods for new user approval:
- by email to selected admin on a per instance basis
- through an admin panel on a per instance basis
- through an admin panel on a batch basis
- through an admin panel by setting up rules for approval (for example:
user admin must have a specific domain - helpful for big companies)
This would help reduce the amount of spam for some users.
#1932109 - tag counting: count each URL only once
I don't know if it's only me, but I have would prefer another way of
calculating a tag's weight:
current behaviour:
existing tags are currently counted by summing up the entries in the system
that have that tag.
one user added with the tag "videos".
one user added with the tag "videos".
ten users added with the tag "books".
the tags are now weighed like this: 2 videos, 10 books.
although there are more unique URLs in the system with the tag "videos".
preferred behaviour:
for tag-weighing, count the unique URLs, instead of the entries.
in the example above: count 2 for "videos", one for "books".
#2830224 - Shorturl/tinyurl service
It would be cool if SemanticScruttle could be used as shorturl service with
configurable short urls.
So I'd define "freddy" as short url name in the bookmark, and anyone could
access it e.g. via and get redirected to the
real url. Useful to get permanent URLs to moving targets.