git-svn-id: b3834d28-1941-0410-a4f8-b48e95affb8f
467 lines
14 KiB
467 lines
14 KiB
<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
<title>dojox.gfx: Career Aptitude Test</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">
@import "../../../dojo/resources/dojo.css";
@import "../../../dijit/tests/css/dijitTests.css";
The next line should include Microsoft's Silverligth.js, if you plan to use the silverlight backend
<script type="text/javascript" src="Silverlight.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dojo/dojo.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Mover.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Moveable.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../move.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../fx.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../shape.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var g = dojox.gfx, m = g.matrix;
var container, surface, surface_size,
vat, freezer, broiler, score, startTime, endTime;
var totalItems = 10, goodItems = 0, badItems = 0;
var radius = 30, // pixels
slowRate = 10, // speed in ms per pixel
fastRate = 2, // speed in ms per pixel
freezeTime = 5000, // ms
frostTime = 2000, // ms
broilTime = 5000, // ms
burnTime = 2000, // ms
pulseTime = 200; // ms
function getRand(from, to){
return Math.random() * (to - from) + from;
function inRect(rect, crd){
return rect.x <= crd.x && crd.x < rect.x + rect.width &&
rect.y <= crd.y && crd.y < rect.y + rect.height;
function getCenter(circle){
var shape = circle.getShape(), matrix = circle.getTransform();
return m.multiplyPoint(matrix ? matrix : m.identity,,;
function getDuration(x1, y1, x2, y2, rate){
return Math.floor(Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)) * rate);
function updateScore(){
var shape = score.getShape();
endTime = (new Date()).getTime();
shape.text = goodItems + " item" + (goodItems != 1 ? "s" : "") +
" in " + ((endTime - startTime) / 1000) + "s"
if(goodItems + badItems != totalItems){ return; }
var rating = goodItems / (endTime - startTime) * 60000 * (40 - radius) / 10;
dojo.byId("result_pass").style.display = badItems || rating < 5 ? "none" : "";
dojo.byId("result_dollar").innerHTML = rating.toFixed(2);
dojo.byId("result_but").style.display = badItems ? "" : "none";
dojo.byId("result_waste").innerHTML = (badItems * 5).toFixed(2);
dojo.byId("result_and").style.display = badItems ? "none" : "";
dojo.byId("result_fail").style.display = badItems ? "" : "none";
var pos;
if(rating < 1){
pos = "Junior Speciment Flipper";
}else if(rating < 2){
pos = "Senior Speciment Flipper";
}else if(rating < 4){
pos = "Shift Supervisor";
}else if(rating < 6){
pos = "Joint Manager";
}else if(rating < 8){
pos = "Night Director";
}else if(rating < 10){
pos = "Morning Director";
}else if(rating < 12){
pos = "Vice President";
}else if(rating < 14){
pos = "Senior Vice President";
}else if(rating < 16){
pos = "Chief of Something";
pos = "Nominal President";
dojo.byId("result_pos").innerHTML = pos;
var anim1 = dojo.fx.wipeOut({
node: "gfx_holder",
duration: 500,
delay: 1000
anim2 = dojo.fx.wipeIn({
node: "result",
duration: 500,
delay: 1000
function showStatus(circle, text){
var c = getCenter(circle),
status = surface.createText({});
status.moveToBack().setFill(new dojo.Color([0, 0, 0, 0.5]))
.setFont({family: "serif", variant: "small-caps", weight: "bold"})
.setShape({x: c.x, y: c.y, text: text, align: "middle"});
var anim = dojo.fx.combine([
shape: status,
duration: 3000,
color: {end: "transparent"}
shape: status,
duration: 3000,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [0, 0], end: [0, 300]},
{name: "original"}
dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", function(){ status.removeShape(); });
function moveToPile(shape, bad){
delete shape.moveable;
var oldColor = shape.getFill(), c = getCenter(shape),
newX = 80 + (bad ? badItems++ : goodItems++) * 2.25 * 10,
newY = bad ? 445 : 415,
duration = getDuration(newX, newY, c.x, c.y, fastRate),
anim = dojo.fx.chain([
shape: shape,
duration: 250,
color: {end: "transparent"}
shape: shape,
duration: duration,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [0, 0], end: [newX - c.x, newY - c.y]},
{name: "original"}
shape: shape,
duration: 250,
color: {end: oldColor}
shape: shape,
duration: duration,
transform: [
{name: "scaleAt", start: [1, newX, newY], end: [10 / radius, newX, newY]},
{name: "original"}
dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", updateScore);
function repeatMove(){
var rect = vat.getShape(), c = getCenter(this),
x = getRand(rect.x + radius, rect.x + rect.width - radius),
y = getRand(rect.y + radius, rect.y + rect.height - radius),
duration = getDuration(x, y, c.x, c.y, slowRate);
this.anim = g.fx.animateTransform({
duration: duration,
shape: this,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [0, 0], end: [x - c.x, y - c.y]},
{name: "original"}
dojo.connect(this.anim, "onEnd", this, repeatMove);
function repeatFrost(){
this.status = "frozen";
this.setStroke({color: "orange", width: 3});
showStatus(this, "Ready");
this.anim = g.fx.animateFill({
duration: frostTime,
shape: this,
color: {end: "white"}
// calculate a shift
var dx = getRand(-radius, radius) / 2, dy = getRand(-radius, radius) / 2, sign = 1;
this.applyLeftTransform({dx: -dx / 2, dy: -dy / 2});
dojo.connect(this.anim, "onAnimate", this, function(){
this.applyLeftTransform({dx: sign * dx, dy: sign * dy});
sign = -sign;
dojo.connect(this.anim, "onEnd", this, function(){
showStatus(this, "Frozen");
moveToPile(this, true);
function repeatFreeze(){
this.status = "freezing";
this.setStroke({color: "black", width: 3});
this.anim = g.fx.animateFill({
duration: freezeTime,
shape: this,
color: {end: "blue"}
// calculate a shift
var dx = getRand(-radius, radius) / 2, dy = getRand(-radius, radius) / 2, sign = 1;
this.applyLeftTransform({dx: -dx / 2, dy: -dy / 2});
dojo.connect(this.anim, "onAnimate", this, function(){
this.applyLeftTransform({dx: sign * dx, dy: sign * dy});
sign = -sign;
dojo.connect(this.anim, "onEnd", this, repeatFrost);
function repeatBurn(){
this.status = "burnt";
this.setStroke({color: "orange", width: 3});
showStatus(this, "Done");
var anim1 = g.fx.animateFill({
duration: burnTime,
shape: this,
color: {end: "black"}
var anim2 = new dojo._Animation({
duration: freezeTime,
curve: [0, freezeTime]
var matrix = this.getTransform(), c = getCenter(this);
dojo.connect(anim2, "onAnimate", this, function(val){
var scale = (val % pulseTime) / pulseTime / 4 + 1;
this.setTransform([m.scaleAt(scale, c), matrix]);
this.anim = dojo.fx.combine([anim1, anim2]);
dojo.connect(this.anim, "onEnd", this, function(){
showStatus(this, "Burnt");
moveToPile(this, true);
function repeatBroil(){
this.status = "broiling";
this.setStroke({color: "black", width: 3});
var anim1 = g.fx.animateFill({
duration: broilTime,
shape: this,
color: {end: "red"}
var anim2 = new dojo._Animation({
duration: freezeTime,
curve: [0, freezeTime]
var matrix = this.getTransform(), c = getCenter(this);
dojo.connect(anim2, "onAnimate", this, function(val){
var scale = (val % pulseTime) / pulseTime / 4 + 1;
this.setTransform([m.scaleAt(scale, c), matrix]);
this.anim = dojo.fx.combine([anim1, anim2]);
dojo.connect(this.anim, "onEnd", this, repeatBurn);
function drag(mover){
var shape = mover.shape;
shape.anim = null;
function drop(mover){
var c = getCenter(mover.shape);
do{ // break block
if(inRect(vat.getShape(), c)){
if(mover.shape.status == "fresh"){
if(inRect(freezer.getShape(), c)){
if(mover.shape.status == "fresh"){
if(inRect(broiler.getShape(), c)){
if(mover.shape.status == "frozen"){
if(mover.shape.status == "burnt"){
moveToPile(mover.shape, false); // good
moveToPile(mover.shape, true); // bad
function makePatties(n){
var rect = vat.getShape();
for(var i = 0; i < n; ++i){
var cx = getRand(rect.x + radius, rect.x + rect.width - radius),
cy = getRand(rect.y + radius, rect.y + rect.height - radius),
patty = surface.createCircle({
cx: cx, cy: cy, r: radius
color: "black",
width: 3
patty.status = "fresh";
patty.moveable = new g.Moveable(patty);
function initGfx(){
container = dojo.byId("gfx_holder");
surface = g.createSurface(container, 500, 500);
surface_size = {width: 500, height: 500};
vat = surface.createRect({x: 10, y: 210, width: 480, height: 180})
.setStroke({color: "black", width: 7, join: "round"});
surface.createText({x: 15, y: 230, text: "Ye Olde Vat v3.2"})
freezer = surface.createRect({x: 10, y: 10, width: 230, height: 180})
.setStroke({color: "blue", width: 7, join: "round"});
surface.createText({x: 15, y: 30, text: "Deep Freeze 7000"})
broiler = surface.createRect({x: 260, y: 10, width: 230, height: 180})
.setStroke({color: "red", width: 7, join: "round"});
surface.createText({x: 265, y: 30, text: "Hellfire Broiler A4"})
surface.createText({x: 15, y: 420, text: "Good:"})
.setFont({weight: "bold"}).setFill("green");
surface.createText({x: 15, y: 450, text: "Bad:"})
.setFont({weight: "bold"}).setFill("red");
surface.createText({x: 15, y: 480, text: "Total:"})
.setFont({weight: "bold"}).setFill("black");
score = surface.createText({x: 80, y: 485, text: "0"})
.setFont({weight: "bold", size: "24pt"}).setFill("black");
surface.createText({x: 120, y: 460, text: "DROP HERE!"})
.setFont({size: "50px"})
.setFill(new dojo.Color([0, 0, 0, 0.1])).moveToBack();
dojo.subscribe("/gfx/move/start", drag);
dojo.subscribe("/gfx/move/stop", drop);
startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
// cancel text selection and text dragging
dojo.connect(container, "ondragstart", dojo, "stopEvent");
dojo.connect(container, "onselectstart", dojo, "stopEvent");
function startTest(level){
radius = level;
var anim = dojo.fx.wipeOut({
node: "explanation",
duration: 500
dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", function(){
dojo.byId("gfx_holder").style.display = "";
<style type="text/css">
.movable { cursor: pointer; }
<h1>dojox.gfx: Career Aptitude Test</h1>
<p>Warning: Canvas renderer doesn't implement event handling.</p>
<div id="explanation">
<p>Thank you for your interest in <em>"I can't believe it's manure" Eateries™</em>
and for submitting your resume for our review. While this is an automated response,
please be assured that every resume is reviewed by us, and forwarded to the hiring
managers if the skills fit our needs.</p>
<p>In order order to evaluate your skills we ask you to take a career aptitude test.
You will have an exciting chance to operate one of our state-of-the-art workstations
remotely. Don't forget:
<li>Fish out a live speciment of <em>dung-42</em> from the container.</li>
<li>Freeze it until you see an orange glow to kill the elements and make it less green.</li>
<li>Broil it until you see the orange glow again, and drop it on the table below.</li>
<li>You have to process all items without wasting resources and in minimal time.</li>
<p>Warnings: don't overfreeze, don't overheat, don't drop the speciment, don't change the sequence,
don't touch the speciment in heating and freezing chambers until it is's ready.</p>
<p>Use your head and your mouse!</p>
<p>Please select the desired position:</p>
<td>Workstation Supervisor </td>
<td><button onclick="startTest(30);">Apply</button></td>
<td>Shift Director </td>
<td><button onclick="startTest(20);">Apply</button></td>
<td>Vice President #49653 </td>
<td><button onclick="startTest(10);">Apply</button></td>
<div id="gfx_holder" style="width: 500px; height: 500px; display: none;"></div>
<div id="result" style="display: none;">
<p id="result_pass"><strong>Impressive! Please contact us immediately.</strong></p>
<p>You have made $<span id="result_dollar"></span> per minute for us.
<span id="result_but">But you wasted $<span id="result_waste"></span> in materials.</span>
<span id="result_and">It qualifies you to be a <em id="result_pos"></em>.</span>
<p id="result_fail">Should our hiring managers have an interest in your skills and
capabilities, they will contact you directly. In addition, we will keep
your resume on file for one year.</p>