1059 lines
36 KiB
1059 lines
36 KiB
<title>dojox.layout.ContentPane test</title>
<script >
function fixPngIE6(){
if(this.complete && dojo.isIE < 7){
var r = this.runtimeStyle;
r.height = this.height;
r.width = this.width;
this.src = this.currentStyle.backgroundImage.replace(/url\(\s*['"]?(.+?)['"]?\s*\)/, "$1");
this.className = this.className.replace('run_png_fix', "");
r.behaviour = 'none';
<style type='text/css'>
.run_png_fix {
behaviour: expression(fixPngIE6.call(this));
<script src='../../../dojo/dojo.js' djConfig='isDebug:true, parseOnLoad:true'></script>
// create a do nothing, only for test widget
[dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], {
templateString: "<span class='dojoxTestWidget'></span>"
// used to test if we fire scrips to document scope
function documentCallback(){
arguments.callee.reached = true;
var unTypedVarInDocScope; // a closure test to make sure we can reach this from evaled scripts
var pane1, pane2;
pane1 = dijit.byId('parsedPane');
function ieTrimSpaceBetweenTags(str){
return str.replace(/(<[a-z]*[^>]*>)\s*/ig, "$1");
function testHandle(t, handle){
doh.register("basicChecks", [
name: 'setContent',
runTest: function(t){
var msg = "Simple Test";
t.assertEqual(msg, pane1.domNode.innerHTML);
name: 'setHref',
timeout: 1800,
runTest: function(t){
var msg = "simple remote Test"
pane1.setHref(dojo.moduleUrl('dijit', 'tests/layout/getResponse.php?message='+encodeURI(msg)));
var d = new t.Deferred();
t.assertEqual(msg, pane1.domNode.innerHTML)
}), 1500);
return d;
name: 'setContent_with_Widgets',
runTest: function(t){
var cont = "<div dojoType='dojox.TestWidget'>Test</div>";
t.assertFalse(cont.toLowerCase() == pane1.domNode.innerHTML.toLowerCase());
t.assertEqual(1, dijit._Container.prototype.getChildren.call(pane1).length);
name: 'changeContentTRHead',
runTest: function(t){
var trHead = dojo.query('table#tableTest > thead > tr')[0];
pane2 = new dojox.layout.ContentPane({} , trHead);
var html = "<td><div>This</div>Should<u>Work</u></td>";
var res = ieTrimSpaceBetweenTags(pane2.domNode.innerHTML.toLowerCase());
t.assertEqual(html.toLowerCase(), res);
tearDown: function(){
name: 'changeContentTHead',
runTest: function(t){
var tHead = dojo.query('table#tableTest > thead')[0];
pane2 = new dojox.layout.ContentPane({}, tHead);
var html = "<tr><td><div>This</div>Should<u>Work</u></td></tr>";
var res = ieTrimSpaceBetweenTags(pane2.domNode.innerHTML.toLowerCase());
t.assertEqual(html.toLowerCase(), res);
tearDown: function(){
name: 'changeContentTRBody',
runTest: function(t){
var trBody = dojo.query('table#tableTest > tbody > tr')[0];
pane2 = new dojox.layout.ContentPane({}, trBody);
var html = "<td><div>This</div>Should<u>Work</u></td>";
var res = ieTrimSpaceBetweenTags(pane2.domNode.innerHTML.toLowerCase());
t.assertEqual(html.toLowerCase(), res);
tearDown: function(){
name: 'changeContentTBody',
runTest: function(t){
var tBody = dojo.query('table#tableTest > tbody')[0];
pane2 = new dojox.layout.ContentPane({}, tBody);
var html = "<tr><td><div>This</div>Should<u>Work</u></td></tr>";
var res = ieTrimSpaceBetweenTags(pane2.domNode.innerHTML.toLowerCase());
t.assertEqual(html.toLowerCase(), res);
tearDown: function(){
name: 'changeContentTable',
runTest: function(t){
var table = dojo.query('table#tableTest')[0];
pane2 = new dojox.layout.ContentPane({}, table);
var html = "<tbody><tr><td><div>This</div>Should<u>Work</u></td></tr></tbody>";
var res = ieTrimSpaceBetweenTags(pane2.domNode.innerHTML.toLowerCase());
t.assertEqual(html.toLowerCase(), res);
tearDown: function(){
name: 'ioArgsSetSyncLoad',
timeout: 1500,
runTest: function(t){
pane1.ioArgs.sync = true;
pane1.setHref(dojo.moduleUrl('dijit', 'tests/layout/getResponse.php?delay=100&message=sync'));
// since it was a sync fetch it should be loaded here
t.assertEqual('sync', pane1.domNode.innerHTML);
tearDown: function(){
pane1.ioArgs = {}; // back to defaults
name: 'ioArgsSetsHeader',
timeout: 1800,
runTest: function(t){
// test if we can set a custom header on every request
pane1.ioArgs.headers = {'X-TestHeader': 'Testing'};
var d = new t.Deferred();
var cont = pane1.domNode.innerHTML;
}), 1500);
return d;
tearDown: function(){
pane1.ioArgs = {}; // back to defaults
name: 'ioMethodPost',
timeout: 1800,
runTest: function(t){
// test to post some content on each request
pane1.ioMethod = dojo.xhrPost;
pane1.ioArgs.content = {test:'it should work'};
var d = new t.Deferred();
t.assertEqual('test=it%20should%20work', pane1.domNode.innerHTML);
}), 1500);
return d;
tearDown: function(){
// back to defaults
pane1.ioMethod = dojo.xhrGet;
pane1.ioArgs = {};
name: 'handleFrom_setContent',
runTest: function(t){
var unLoadCalled, loadCalled;
var handle = pane1.setContent("test 'var handle = setContent()'");
testHandle(t, handle);
loadCalled = true;
unLoadCalled = true;
// test unLoad callback above
handle = pane1.setContent("testing 'addOnUnload(callback)'");
testHandle(t, handle);
name: 'handleFrom_setHref_and_refresh_and_cancelWorking',
timeout: 3400,
runTest: function(t){
var unloadCalled, loadCalled;
var r_unloadCalled, r_loadCalled;
var r_handle, href = dojo.moduleUrl('dijit', 'tests/layout/getResponse.php?delay=100&message=test');
var handle = pane1.setHref(href);
testHandle(t, handle);
loadCalled = 'loadCalled';
unloadCalled = 'unloadCalled';
pane1.href = href;
handle = pane1.refresh();
testHandle(t, handle); // might throw and kill rest of test, infact we rely on that
r_handle = 'refreshHandle ok';
r_loadCalled = 'refresh loadCalled';
pane1.setContent(); // trigger unload
r_unloadCalled = 'refresh unloadCalled';
}, 1500); // wait for page load in case cancel didn't work
var d = new t.Deferred();
// load from the href (was canceled)
t.assertEqual(undefined, loadCalled);
t.assertEqual(undefined, unloadCalled);
// load from the refresh
t.assertEqual('refreshHandle ok', r_handle);
t.assertEqual('refresh loadCalled', r_loadCalled);
t.assertEqual('refresh unloadCalled', r_unloadCalled);
}), 3200);
return d;
name: 'onLoadDeferred|onUnloadDeferred_call_order',
timeout: 6200,
runTest: function(t){
pane1.preventCache = 1;
var count = {u: 0, l: 0}; // need a object for the ref in closures
var href = dojo.moduleUrl('dijit', 'tests/layout/getResponse.php?delay=100&message=test').toString();
function next(){
if(!isNaN(count.u) && !isNaN(count.l)){
if(count.u < 4 && count.l < 4){
pane1.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(makeCallback('l', 'u', 1));
pane1.onUnloadDeferred.addCallback(makeCallback('u', 'l', 0));
pane1.setContent(); // unload to get even
function makeCallback(tryVar, compareVar, inc){
return function(){
//console.debug(tryVar, count[tryVar] + 1, count[compareVar] + inc)
if((++count[tryVar]) === (count[compareVar] + inc)){
if(tryVar == 'l'){
next(); // onload event, trigger new load
tryVar = 'failed '+(tryVar=='u'?'unload':'load')+' on '+count[tryVar]+' try';
next(); // starts the loop
var d = new t.Deferred();
t.assertEqual(4, count.l);
t.assertEqual(4, count.u)
}), 6000); // 1.5 sec max on each load should be enough
return d;
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.preventCache;
name: 'cssPathAdjustments',
runTest: function(t){
// we do this test as one big string to emulate as good as possible,
// but split it later to easily see where we failed
var cssText = ".easy{ background-image:url(images/image.png) }\n"
+".dontReplaceEasy{ background-image:url(images/images/image.png) }\n"
+".hardurl{background-image:url(\t \"../../source/~test/%20t'e(s)t.gif(\"1')?foo=bar11103&bar=baz-foo\" \t);}body{};\n"
+".file{background-image: url(file:///home/nobody/image.png);}\n"
+".http{background-image: url(http://dojotoolkit.org/image.png);}\n"
+".https{background-image: url(https://dojotoolkit.org/image.png);}\n"
+'@import "css/main.css";' + "\n@import \t'css/Newbee Url.css'\t;\n"
+"@import 'http://dojotoolkit.org/dojo.css';\n"
+" @import 'you/never/thought/' print;\n"
+' @import url("it/would/work") tv, screen;'+"\n"
+' @import url(/did/you/now.css);'+"\n"
+' @import "yes.i.did";';
pane1.href = "deep/nested/file";
pane1.adjustPaths = 1;
pane1.renderStyles = 1;
var adjustedCss;
// hijack internals to snatch the styles before they are inserted to DOM (DOM messes formating)
var oldFunc = pane1._renderStyles;
return function(styles){
adjustedCss = styles.join();
pane1._setContent.call(pane1, '<style>'+cssText+'</style>');
pane1._renderStyles = oldFunc;
adjustedCss = adjustedCss.split("\n");
var expectedCss = (".easy{ background-image:url(deep/nested/images/image.png) }\n"
+".dontReplaceEasy{ background-image:url(deep/nested/images/images/image.png) }\n"
+".file{background-image: url(file:///home/nobody/image.png);}\n"
+".http{background-image: url(http://dojotoolkit.org/image.png);}\n"
+".https{background-image: url(https://dojotoolkit.org/image.png);}\n"
+"@import \"deep/nested/css/main.css\";\n@import \"deep/nested/css/Newbee Url.css\"\t;\n"
+"@import 'http://dojotoolkit.org/dojo.css';\n"
+" @import \"deep/nested/you/never/thought/\" print;\n"
+' @import url(deep/nested/it/would/work) tv, screen;'+"\n"
+' @import url(/did/you/now.css);'+"\n"
+' @import "deep/nested/yes.i.did";').split("\n");
// we split and loop to get a faster hint of where it failed
for(var i = 0; i < expectedCss.length; i++){
t.assertEqual(expectedCss[i], adjustedCss[i]);
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.adjustPaths; // get back to defaults
delete pane1.renderStyles;
name: 'htmlPathAdjustments',
timeout: 1800,
runTest: function(t){
var d = new t.Deferred();
// check that images and styles have been applied
var cb = dojo.contentBox(dojo.byId('imgTest'));
t.assertEqual(188, cb.w);
t.assertEqual(125, cb.h);
// make sure we didn't mess up the other inline styles
cb = dojo.contentBox(dojo.byId('inlineStyleTest'));
t.assertEqual(188, cb.w);
t.assertEqual(125, cb.h);
// make sure it is the correct image
var cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(dojo.byId('inlineStyleTest'));
var url = cs.backgroundImage;
//remove url(..)
url = url.replace(/^\s?url\(['"]?/, "").replace(/['"]?\);?\s?$/, "");
// compare image url to full path of this document
imageUrl = dojo.moduleUrl('dojox', 'layout/tests/images/testImage.gif');
t.assertEqual(new dojo._Url(document.location, imageUrl), url);
// make sure we loaded the <link rel='stylesheet' correctly
var mb = dojo.marginBox(dojo.byId('linkCssTest'));
t.assertEqual(112, mb.w); // 100px + 2px border + 4px margin = 112px
t.assertEqual(112, mb.h);
// make sure we loaded the <style>@import '...'; correctly
mb = dojo.marginBox(dojo.byId('importCssTest'));
t.assertEqual(110, mb.w); // 100px + 1px border + 4px margin = 110px
t.assertEqual(110, mb.h);
// make sure we didn't render the <link media='print' rel='stylesheet'
var mb = dojo.marginBox(dojo.byId('linkMediaTest'));
t.assertEqual(212, mb.w); // 100px + 2px border + 4px margin = 112px
t.assertEqual(212, mb.h);
// make sure we didn't render the <style media='print'>@import '...';
mb = dojo.marginBox(dojo.byId('importMediaTest'));
t.assertEqual(210, mb.w); // 100px + 1px border + 4px margin = 110px
t.assertEqual(210, mb.h);
), 1500);
pane1.adjustPaths = 1;pane1.renderStyles = 1;
return d;
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.adjustPaths; // get back to defaults
delete pane1.renderStyles;
name: 'renderStylesOfByDefaultAndOldDeleted',
timeout: 1800,
runTest: function(t){
var d = new t.Deferred();
// innerHTML'ing <link tags works in some browser (IE, moz), but not all
// we can't test if LINK was loaded this way
// make sure we didn't load the <link rel='stylesheet'
//var mb = dojo.marginBox(dojo.byId('linkCssTest'));
//t.assertFalse(112 == mb.w);
//t.assertFalse(112 == mb.h);
// make sure we didn't load the <style>@import '...';
var mb = dojo.marginBox(dojo.byId('importCssTest'));
t.assertFalse(110 == mb.w);
t.assertFalse(110 == mb.h);
), 1500);
pane1.adjustPaths = 1;
return d;
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.adjustPaths;
name: 'leaveDojoMethodScriptsAsIs',
runTest: function(t){
+"script type='dojo/method'>unTypedVarInDocScope = 'failure';<"
var d = new t.Deferred();
// IE req to async this test
t.assertEqual('undefined', typeof unTypedVarInDocScope);
t.assertFalse(unTypedVarInDocScope == 'failure');
}), 40);
return d;
name: 'scripts_evals_in_global_scope',
timeout: 1800, // grabing remote js, wait for that
runTest: function(t){
+"script>function scriptsInGlobalClicked(){ documentCallback(); }<"
+"/script><"+"script src='remote/getResponse.php?mode=remoteJsTrue'></"
+"script>"+"<a href='javascript:scriptsInGlobalClicked()' "
+"onfocus='scriptsInGlobalClicked();' id='anchorTag'>test</a>");
var link = dojo.byId('anchorTag');
dojo.isFunction(link.click) ? /*others*/ link.click() : /*moz*/ link.focus();
var d = new t.Deferred();
t.assertEqual('boolean', typeof documentCallback.reached);
}), 40);
return d;
timeout: 1800,// grabing remote js, wait for that
runTest: function(t){
+"script src='remote/getResponse.php?mode=remoteJsFalse'><"
+"/script><"+"script>unTypedVarInDocScope = 1;<"
+"/script>"); // scripts only test
// we need to make this async because of IEs strange events loops
var d = new t.Deferred();
t.assertEqual('number', typeof unTypedVarInDocScope);
t.assertEqual(1, unTypedVarInDocScope);
}), 40);
return d;
name: 'scriptsWithTypeTextJavascript',
runTest: function(t){
+"script type='text/javascript'> unTypedVarInDocScope = 'text/javascript'; <"
var d = new t.Deferred();
// IE needs async here
t.assertEqual('text/javascript', unTypedVarInDocScope);
}), 40);
return d;
runTest: function(t){
pane1.cleanContent = 1;
+"script><!-- unTypedVarInDocScope = 2; --><"
var d = new t.Deferred();
// IE need a async here
t.assertEqual('number', typeof unTypedVarInDocScope);
t.assertEqual(2, unTypedVarInDocScope);
}), 40);
return d;
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.cleanContent; // go back to default
runTest: function(t){
pane1.cleanContent = 1;
+"script><![CDATA[ unTypedVarInDocScope = 3; ]]><"
var d = new t.Deferred();
// IE need a async here
t.assertEqual('number', typeof unTypedVarInDocScope);
t.assertEqual(3, unTypedVarInDocScope);
}), 40);
return d;
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.cleanContent; // go back to default
name: 'replace_container_with_dijit.byId()',
runTest: function(t){
unTypedVarInDocScope = 'failure';
pane1.scriptHasHooks = true;
+"script>function testReplace(){"
+ "if(typeof _container_ != 'object'){return 'not replaced 1';}\n"
+ "if(_container_ != pane1){ return 'not replaced 2';}\n"
+ "if(!_container_ == pane1){ return 'not replaced 3';}\n"
+ "var tmp =_container_=dojo;\n"
+ "if(tmp != dojo){ return 'replaced when shouldnt 1';}\n"
+ "var tmp = _container_ \t \t = dojo;\n"
+ "if(tmp != dojo){ return 'replaced when shouldnt 2';}\n"
+ "return 'success';\n"
+"unTypedVarInDocScope = testReplace();"
// let IE inhale here
var d = new t.Deferred();
t.assertEqual('success', unTypedVarInDocScope);
}), 40);
return d;
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.scriptHasHooks; // get back to default
runTest: function(t){
pane1.scriptHasHooks = true;
+"var testConn;"
+ "testConn = dojo.connect(dojo.byId('testForm'), 'onsubmit', null, function(){"
+ "unTypedVarInDocScope = dojo.byId('testInput').value;"
+ "});"
+ "dojo.byId('testButton').click();"
+ "unTypedVarInDocScope = 'unloaded';"
+ "dojo.disconnect(testConn);"
+"<"+"/script><form onsubmit='return false;' id='testForm'>"
+ "<input id='testInput' value='loaded'/>"
+ "<input type='submit' id='testButton'/>"
var d = new t.Deferred();
// IE must breathe here
t.assertEqual('loaded', unTypedVarInDocScope);
}), 40);
return d;
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.scriptHasHooks; // get back to default
"t.assertEqual('unloaded', unTypedVarInDocScope)"
name: 'cssPathAdjustments',
runTest: function(t){
// we do this test as one big string to emulate as good as possible,
// but split it later to easily see where we failed
var cssText = ".easy{ background-image:url(images/image.png) }\n"
+".dontReplaceEasy{ background-image:url(images/images/image.png) }\n"
+".hardurl{background-image:url(\t \"../../source/~test/%20t'e(s)t.gif(\"1')?foo=bar11103&bar=baz-foo\" \t);}body{};\n"
+".file{background-image: url(file:///home/nobody/image.png);}\n"
+".http{background-image: url(http://dojotoolkit.org/image.png);}\n"
+".https{background-image: url(https://dojotoolkit.org/image.png);}\n"
+'@import "css/main.css";' + "\n@import \t'css/Newbee Url.css'\t;\n"
+"@import 'http://dojotoolkit.org/dojo.css';\n"
+" @import 'you/never/thought/' print;\n"
+' @import url("it/would/work") tv, screen;'+"\n"
+' @import url(/did/you/now.css);'+"\n"
+' @import "yes.i.did";';
var expectedCss = ".easy{ background-image:url(deep/nested/images/image.png) }\n"
+".dontReplaceEasy{ background-image:url(deep/nested/images/images/image.png) }\n"
+".file{background-image: url(file:///home/nobody/image.png);}\n"
+".http{background-image: url(http://dojotoolkit.org/image.png);}\n"
+".https{background-image: url(https://dojotoolkit.org/image.png);}\n"
+"@import \"deep/nested/css/main.css\";\n@import \"deep/nested/css/Newbee Url.css\"\t;\n"
+"@import 'http://dojotoolkit.org/dojo.css';\n"
+" @import \"deep/nested/you/never/thought/\" print;\n"
+' @import url(deep/nested/it/would/work) tv, screen;'+"\n"
+' @import url(/did/you/now.css);'+"\n"
+' @import "deep/nested/yes.i.did";';
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++){
cssText += cssText;
expectedCss += expectedCss;
expectedCss = expectedCss.split("\n");
pane1.href = "deep/nested/file";
pane1.adjustPaths = 1;
pane1.renderStyles = 1;
var adjustedCss;
// hijack internals to snatch the styles before they are inserted to DOM (DOM messes formating)
var oldFunc = pane1._renderStyles;
pane1._renderStyles = function(styles){
adjustedCss = styles.join();
var start = new Date();
pane1._setContent.call(pane1, '<style>'+cssText+'</style>');
var end = new Date();
pane1._renderStyles = oldFunc;
adjustedCss = adjustedCss.split("\n");
console.info('Time used to regex scan css and adjust relative paths within css:'+
(end - start)+' ms on '+ cssText.split('\n').length
+' css rows, with '+ cssText.length+' characters (roughly '
+Math.round(cssText.length/1024)+ 'Kb) of infile css')
// we split and loop to get a faster hint of where it failed
for(var i = 0; i < expectedCss.length; i++){
t.assertEqual(expectedCss[i], adjustedCss[i]);
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.adjustPaths; // get back to defaults
delete pane1.renderStyles;
pane1.href = "";
runTest: function(t){
var htmlText = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">\n"
+"<title>should be removed</title>\n"
+"<img src=\"images/image.gif\"/>Testing\n"
+"<a href=\"../../topmost.html\">\n"
+" <img src=\"/siteroot/top.html\">\n"
+" <p style='background:url(\"images/back.png\")'>\n"
+" testing link\n"
+"<style \ntype='text/css'>\n"
+" @import 'http://dojotoolkit.org/visible.css' tv, screen;\n"
+" @import \"./audio.css\" audio;\n"
+" @import url(/topsite/css/main.css);\n"
+" div.mywidget, #someId {\n"
+" background-color:url(../../css/main.css);"
+" display:none;\n"
+" background:url(../tmp/css)\n"
+" }\n"
+"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../../css/theme.css\" media=\"all\">\n"
+"<link media='print' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='../../css/theme2.css'/>\n"
+"<a style='display:block; background:url(/topmost/css)' href='../above'>above</a>\n"
+"<sc"+"ript type=\"text/javascript\"\n src=\"..\\windows\\morons\"></scr"+"ipt>\n"
+"<scr"+"ipt type=\"dojo/method\" src=\"/dont/mess/with/this\"></scr"+"ipt>\n"
+"<scr"+"ipt src=\"/dont/mess/here/either\" type=\"dojo/method\"></scr"+"ipt>\n"
+"<scr"+"ipt event=\"/havent/you/listened\" type=\"dojo/method\"></scr"+"ipt>\n"
+"<scr"+"ipt>JS CODE</scr"+"ipt>\n"
+"<a href='javascript:void(0)'>void</a>";
pane1.href = 'deep/nested/file';
var expectedHtml = "\n\n<img src=\"deep/nested/images/image.gif\"/>Testing\n"
+"<a href=\"topmost.html\">\n"
+" <img src=\"/siteroot/top.html\">\n"
+" <p style='background:url(deep/nested/images/back.png)'>\n"
+" testing link\n"
+"<a style='display:block; background:url(/topmost/css)' href='deep/above'>above</a>\n\n"
+"<scr"+"ipt type=\"dojo/method\" src=\"/dont/mess/with/this\"></scr"+"ipt>\n"
+"<scr"+"ipt src=\"/dont/mess/here/either\" type=\"dojo/method\"></scr"+"ipt>\n"
+"<scr"+"ipt event=\"/havent/you/listened\" type=\"dojo/method\"></scr"+"ipt>\n\n"
+"<a href='javascript:void(0)'>void</a>";
var expectedCss = [
"\n @import 'http://dojotoolkit.org/visible.css' tv, screen;\n"
+" @import \"deep/nested/audio.css\" audio;\n"
+" @import url(/topsite/css/main.css);\n"
+" div.mywidget, #someId {\n"
+" background-color:url(css/main.css);"
+" display:none;\n"
+" background:url(deep/tmp/css)\n"
+" }\n", "@import \"css/theme.css\";", "@import \"css/theme2.css\";"];
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++){
htmlText += htmlText;
expectedHtml += expectedHtml;
expectedCss = expectedCss.concat(expectedCss);
pane1.href = "deep/nested/file";
pane1.adjustPaths = 1;
pane1.renderStyles = 1;
pane1.cleanContent = 1;
var adjustedCss, adjustedHtml;
// hijack internals to snatch the styles before they are inserted to DOM (DOM messes formating)
var oldFunc = pane1._renderStyles;
pane1._renderStyles = function(styles){
adjustedCss = styles;
pane1.executeScripts = 0;
var oldSetFunc = dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._setContent;
dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._setContent = function(html){
adjustedHtml = html;
var oldXhr = dojo.xhrGet;
dojo.xhrGet = function(){}; // kill script download
var start = new Date();
pane1._setContent.call(pane1, htmlText);
var end = new Date();
// reset back to the way it was
pane1._renderStyles = oldFunc;
dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._setContent = oldSetFunc;
dojo.xhrGet = oldXhr;
console.info('Time used to regex scan html/css and\n adjust relative paths (adjustPaths=true),\n copy scripts (executeScripts=true) and copy css innerText (renderStyles=true) and adjust paths in there \nTime:'+
(end - start)+' ms on '+ htmlText.split('\n').length
+' html rows, with '+ htmlText.length+' characters (roughly '
+Math.round(htmlText.length/1024)+ 'Kb)');
// we split and loop to get a faster hint of where it failed
adjustedHtml = adjustedHtml.split("\n");
expectedHtml = expectedHtml.split("\n");
for(var i = 0; i < expectedHtml.length; i++){
//console.debug(expectedHtml[i], i);
//console.debug(adjustedHtml[i], i);
t.assertEqual(expectedHtml[i], adjustedHtml[i]);
var exCssBlock, adjCssBlock;
for(var i = 0; i < expectedCss.length; i++){
t.assertEqual('string', typeof adjustedCss[i]);
exCssBlock = expectedCss[i].split('\n');
adjCssBlock = adjustedCss[i].split('\n');
for(var j = 0; j < exCssBlock.length;j++){
t.assertEqual(dojo.trim(exCssBlock[j]), dojo.trim(adjCssBlock[j]));
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.cleanContent;
delete pane1.adjustPaths;
delete pane1.renderStyles;
delete pane1.executeScripts;
runTest: function(t){
console.info('aborting test IE_AlphaImageLoader_PathAdjustments, you dont use IE');
pane1.adjustPaths = 1;
pane1.renderStyles = 1;
pane1.href = "deep/";
var html = "<div style='width:10px;height:10px;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod=\"scale\", src=\"images/alpha(1).png\", nextProperty=\"useless\");'><!-- \n"
+" alpha png in IE 6 --></div>\n"
+" .ie_menu_png {"
+" filter: \t progid:\n"
+" DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(\n"
+" src='../midlevel/alpha(2).png')\n"
+" }\n"
+" #my_transparent_png {filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='/images/alpha(3).png') }\n"
+" #my_transparent_png1 {filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlhaImageLoader(src='http://no.se/images/alpha(4).png')}\n"
var expectedHtml = "<div style='width:10px;height:10px;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod=\"scale\", src=\"deep/images/alpha(1).png\", nextProperty=\"useless\");'><!-- \n"
+" alpha png in IE 6 --></div>\n\n";
var expectedCss = "\n"
+" .ie_menu_png {"
+" filter: \t progid:\n"
+" DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(\n"
+" src='midlevel/alpha(2).png')\n"
+" }\n"
+" #my_transparent_png {filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='/images/alpha(3).png') }\n"
+" #my_transparent_png1 {filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlhaImageLoader(src='http://no.se/images/alpha(4).png')}\n";
for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++){
html += html;
expectedHtml += expectedHtml;
expectedCss += expectedCss;
var adjustedHtml, adjustedCss;
// hijack internals to snatch the content
var oldRenderStyles = pane1._renderStyles;
var oldSetContent = dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._setContent;
pane1._renderStyles = function(styles){ adjustedCss = styles.join(''); };
dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._setContent = function(cont){ adjustedHtml = cont; }
var start = new Date();
pane1._setContent.call(pane1, html);
var end = new Date();
console.info('Time used to replace AlphaImageLoader(src="...") '
+(end - start) + "ms in HTML with "+html.length
+' characters (roughly '+(Math.round(html.length/1024))+'Kb)');
// reset hijacked
pane1._renderStyles = oldRenderStyles;
dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype._setContent = oldSetContent;
// split on newline and run a check on each row to help debugging
expectedHtml = expectedHtml.split("\n");
adjustedHtml = adjustedHtml.split("\n");
for(var i = 0; i < expectedHtml.length; i++){
t.assertEqual(expectedHtml[i], adjustedHtml[i]);
expectedCss = expectedCss.split("\n");
adjustedCss = adjustedCss.split("\n");
for(var i = 0; i < expectedCss.length; i++){
t.assertEqual(expectedCss[i], adjustedCss[i]);
tearDown: function(){
delete pane1.renderStyles;
delete pane1.adjustPaths;
doh.register("A_AlphaImageLoader_inAction", [{
// IE filter alphaimageloader paths must be relative to the page
// not to the cssFile that declares it
// demo a much better way of "Fixing" alpha png in IE6 than inlining in html
var html = "<img src='images/dojoLogo.png' class='run_png_fix'/>"
var showHowHtml = "<pre >\nCode used in IE transparent png example\n"
+"code (declared in main page, not through ContentPane)\n"
+"<script type='text/javascript'>\n"
+fixPngIE6.toString().replace(/\n\t?/g, "\n")
+"<style type='text/css'>\n"
+" .run_png_fix {\n"
+" background-image:url(images/blank.gif);\n"
+" behaviour: expression(fixPngIE6.call(this));\n"
+" }\n"
+"</style>\n\n...\n\nHtml feeded to ContentPane (or your main page):\n"
+"<img src='images/dojoLogo.png' class='run_png_fix'/>\n</pre>";
pane1.executeScripts = 1;
pane1.renderStyles = 1;
@import "../../../dojo/resources/dojo.css";
@import "../../../dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css";
@import "../../../dijit/tests/css/dijitTests.css";
.box {
border: 1px solid black;
height: 190px;
width: 80%;
overflow: auto;
.red {
color: red;
.dojoxTestWidget {
border: 1px dashed red;
background-color: #C0E209 ;
<body class='tundra'>
<h3>As dojox ContentPane is derived from dijit ContentPane, make sure that the dijit test passes before running this test</h3>
<h3 class='red'>Test relies on a php page as backend, so you need php installed on your server</h3>
<div class='box' dojoType="dojox.layout.ContentPane" id='parsedPane'>
Initial value
<table id='tableTest' class='box'>