2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
$userservice =& ServiceFactory::getServiceInstance('UserService');
$bookmarkservice =& ServiceFactory::getServiceInstance('BookmarkService');
2008-02-13 17:34:18 +00:00
$cdservice =& ServiceFactory::getServiceInstance('CommonDescriptionService');
2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
$logged_on_userid = $userservice->getCurrentUserId();
2008-02-20 13:43:06 +00:00
$currentUser = $userservice->getCurrentUser();
$currentUsername = $currentUser[$userservice->getFieldName('username')];
2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
2008-02-13 17:34:18 +00:00
if((isset($currenttag) && $GLOBALS['enableCommonTagDescription'])
|| (isset($hash) && $GLOBALS['enableCommonBookmarkDescription'])):?>
<p class="commondescription">
if(isset($currenttag) && $cdservice->getLastTagDescription($currenttag)) {
$description = $cdservice->getLastTagDescription($currenttag);
2008-02-19 14:19:49 +00:00
echo nl2br(filter($description['cdDescription']));
2008-02-13 17:34:18 +00:00
} elseif(isset($hash) && $cdservice->getLastBookmarkDescription($hash)) {
$description = $cdservice->getLastBookmarkDescription($hash);
2008-02-19 14:19:49 +00:00
echo nl2br(filter($description['cdTitle'])). "<br/>";
echo nl2br(filter($description['cdDescription'])). "<br/>";
2008-02-13 17:34:18 +00:00
if($logged_on_userid>0) {
if(isset($currenttag)) {
echo ' (<a href="'. createURL('tagcommondescriptionedit', $currenttag).'">';
echo T_('edit common description').'</a>)';
} elseif(isset($hash)) {
echo ' (<a href="'.createURL('bookmarkcommondescriptionedit', $hash).'">';
echo T_('edit common description').'</a>)';
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (count($bookmarks) > 0) { ?>
2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = playerLoad;
<p id="sort">
<?php echo T_("Sort by:"); ?>
<a href="?sort=date_desc"><?php echo T_("Date"); ?></a><span> / </span>
<a href="?sort=title_asc"><?php echo T_("Title"); ?></a><span> / </span>
if (!isset($hash)) {
<a href="?sort=url_asc"><?php echo T_("URL"); ?></a>
2008-02-20 13:43:06 +00:00
if(isset($currenttag)) {
if(isset($user)) {
echo ' - ';
echo '<a href="'. createURL('tags', $currenttag) .'">';
echo T_('Bookmarks from other users for these tags').'</a>';
//echo T_(' for these tags');
} else if($logged_on_userid>0){
echo ' - ';
echo '<a href="'. createURL('bookmarks', $currentUsername.'/'.$currenttag) .'">';
echo T_('Only your bookmarks for these tags').'</a>';
//echo T_(' for these tags');
2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
2008-02-20 13:43:06 +00:00
2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
<ol<?php echo ($start > 0 ? ' start="'. ++$start .'"' : ''); ?> id="bookmarks">
foreach(array_keys($bookmarks) as $key) {
$row =& $bookmarks[$key];
switch ($row['bStatus']) {
case 0:
$access = '';
case 1:
$access = ' shared';
case 2:
$access = ' private';
$cats = '';
$tags = $row['tags'];
foreach(array_keys($tags) as $key) {
2008-02-20 13:43:06 +00:00
2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
$tag =& $tags[$key];
2008-02-20 13:43:06 +00:00
$cats .= '<a href="'. sprintf($cat_url, filter($row['username'], 'url'), filter($tag, 'url')) .'" rel="tag">'. filter($tag) .'</a>, ';
2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
$cats = substr($cats, 0, -2);
if ($cats != '') {
$cats = ' to '. $cats;
// Edit and delete links
$edit = '';
if ($bookmarkservice->editAllowed($row['bId'])) {
$edit = ' - <a href="'. createURL('edit', $row['bId']) .'">'. T_('Edit') .'</a><script type="text/javascript">document.write(" - <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"deleteBookmark(this, '. $row['bId'] .'); return false;\">'. T_('Delete') .'<\/a>");</script>';
// User attribution
$copy = '';
if (!isset($user) || isset($watched)) {
$copy = ' '. T_('by') .' <a href="'. createURL('bookmarks', $row['username']) .'">'. $row['username'] .'</a>';
// Udders!
if (!isset($hash)) {
$others = $bookmarkservice->countOthers($row['bAddress']);
$ostart = '<a href="'. createURL('history', $row['bHash']) .'">';
$oend = '</a>';
switch ($others) {
case 0:
case 1:
$copy .= sprintf(T_(' and %s1 other%s'), $ostart, $oend);
$copy .= sprintf(T_(' and %2$s%1$s others%3$s'), $others, $ostart, $oend);
// Copy link
if ($userservice->isLoggedOn() && ($logged_on_userid != $row['uId'])) {
// Get the username of the current user
$currentUser = $userservice->getCurrentUser();
$currentUsername = $currentUser[$userservice->getFieldName('username')];
$copy .= ' - <a href="'. createURL('bookmarks', $currentUsername .'?action=add&address='. urlencode($row['bAddress']) .'&title='. urlencode($row['bTitle'])) .'">'. T_('Copy') .'</a>';
// Nofollow option
$rel = '';
if ($GLOBALS['nofollow']) {
$rel = ' rel="nofollow"';
$address = filter($row['bAddress']);
// Redirection option
if ($GLOBALS['useredir']) {
$address = $GLOBALS['url_redir'] . $address;
// Output
echo '<li class="xfolkentry'. $access .'">'."\n";
2008-03-11 12:36:23 +00:00
if ($GLOBALS['enableWebsiteThumbnails']) {
echo '<a href="'. $address .'"'. $rel .' ><img class="thumbnail" src="http://www.artviper.net/screenshots/screener.php?sdx=1024&sdy=768&w=90&h=68&url='.$address.'"></a>';
2008-03-11 13:50:23 +00:00
echo '<div>';
2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
echo '<div class="link"><a href="'. $address .'"'. $rel .' class="taggedlink">'. filter($row['bTitle']) ."</a></div>\n";
if ($row['bDescription'] != '') {
echo '<div class="description">'. filter($row['bDescription']) ."</div>\n";
2008-02-13 17:41:47 +00:00
if(!isset($hash)) {
echo '<div class="address">'.$address.'</div>';
2008-03-11 12:36:23 +00:00
2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
echo '<div class="meta">'. date($GLOBALS['shortdate'], strtotime($row['bDatetime'])) . $cats . $copy . $edit ."</div>\n";
2008-03-11 13:50:23 +00:00
echo '</div>';
2007-12-12 16:29:16 +00:00
echo "</li>\n";
// Ordering
$sortOrder = '';
if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
$sortOrder = 'sort='. $_GET['sort'];
$sortAmp = (($sortOrder) ? '&'. $sortOrder : '');
$sortQue = (($sortOrder) ? '?'. $sortOrder : '');
// Previous
$perpage = getPerPageCount();
if (!$page || $page < 2) {
$page = 1;
$start = 0;
$bfirst = '<span class="disable">'. T_('First') .'</span>';
$bprev = '<span class="disable">'. T_('Previous') .'</span>';
} else {
$prev = $page - 1;
$prev = 'page='. $prev;
$start = ($page - 1) * $perpage;
$bfirst= '<a href="'. sprintf($nav_url, $user, $currenttag, '') . $sortQue .'">'. T_('First') .'</a>';
$bprev = '<a href="'. sprintf($nav_url, $user, $currenttag, '?') . $prev . $sortAmp .'">'. T_('Previous') .'</a>';
// Next
$next = $page + 1;
$totalpages = ceil($total / $perpage);
if (count($bookmarks) < $perpage || $perpage * $page == $total) {
$bnext = '<span class="disable">'. T_('Next') .'</span>';
$blast = '<span class="disable">'. T_('Last') .'</span>';
} else {
$bnext = '<a href="'. sprintf($nav_url, $user, $currenttag, '?page=') . $next . $sortAmp .'">'. T_('Next') .'</a>';
$blast = '<a href="'. sprintf($nav_url, $user, $currenttag, '?page=') . $totalpages . $sortAmp .'">'. T_('Last') .'</a>';
echo '<p class="paging">'. $bfirst .'<span> / </span>'. $bprev .'<span> / </span>'. $bnext .'<span> / </span>'. $blast .'<span> / </span>'. sprintf(T_('Page %d of %d'), $page, $totalpages) .'</p>';
} else {
<p class="error"><?php echo T_('No bookmarks available'); ?>.</p>