*Eye on Manga* an application for Maemo 5 and the Nokia N900. It lets you keep a list of the manga you have collected, still need to collect and still need to read. When out looking for/buying manga it can be very difficult to remember which volumes exactly you already have and which ones you're looking for. A piece of paper comes in handy, but it gets messy when maintaining large lists. An application for your phone would be much nicer, and this is what *Eye on Manga* is for. * [screenshots](https://ryuslash.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin.fcgi/u/ryuslash/collection/eye-on-manga/). * [source](http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/eye-on-manga/) * [[download]] * [[news]] * [[bugs]] ## Installing For the moment installing it requires you to have the Maemo development environment installed. When running the `FREMANTLE_ARMEL` configuration it should be a matter of issuing, from the *Eye on Manga* directory: sh autogen.sh ./configure dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot Afterwards you should have a debian package in the directory above the *Eye on Manga* directory which you should get to your phone, there you should run: root dpkg -i <> Where `<>` should be replaced with the location of the `.deb` package. ## Development If you would like to mess around with the source code of *Eye on Manga*, you can get it using git: git clone git://ryuslash.org/eye-on-manga.git ### Versioning Eye on Manga uses [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/), read it if you would like to know more about it. In short, it means the version tries to mean something.