*dispass.el* is an [Emacs](http://gnu.org/software/emacs) interface to [DisPass](http://dispass.babab.nl/). It provides a nice and easy interface fo the *DisPass* command-line utility. * [source](http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/dispass.el) * [[download]] * [[news]] * [[bugs]] ## Installing *dispass.el* requires *DisPass* to be installed. See the *DisPass* site/documentation if you don't have it installed already. To install *dispass.el* itself there are a few roads you could take, depending on your preference and emacs version. ### Marmalade *dispass.el* is in the [Marmalade](http://marmalade-repo.org/) repository, for use with either Emacs 24, or Emacs 23 + [package.el](http://tromey.com/elpa/). To install *dispass.el* from Marmalade, just use the `list-packages` command and select it from the list. ### package.el manually If you don't have Marmalade in your repositories list or you dislike something about it, you can also just [[download]] *dispass.el* and use the following to install it: M-x package-install-file RET /path/to/dispass.el RET And the rest should be the same as any other package installation. ### The old way The last option is the traditional one. Just [[download]] *dispass.el*, put its location in your `load-path` and `require` it or `autoload` functions like `dispass` and `dispass-create` in your Emacs init file. ## Development If you would like to mess around with the source code of *dispass.el*, you can get it using git: git clone git://ryuslash.org/emacs/dispass.el.git