#+TITLE: Change Log #+STARTUP: content #+OPTIONS: H:1 num:nil author:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil toc:nil #+HTML_HEAD: #+TODO: ADDED CHANGED DEPRECATED REMOVED FIXED SECURITY All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [[http://semver.org][Semantic Versioning]]. * [[https://github.com/ryuslash/yoshi-theme/compare/v5.13.0...HEAD][Unreleased]] ** ADDED =js2-function-param= face. ** ADDED =magit-log-head-label-head= face. ** ADDED =magit-log-head-label-default= face. ** ADDED Some hydra faces. Add the =hydra-face-amaranth=, =hydra-face-blue=, =hydra-face-pink=, =hydra-face-red= and =hydra-face-teal= faces. ** CHANGED Change faces to stop using certain colors. ** CHANGED Change =gnus-signature= foreground to =fgdim=. ** CHANGED Change =message-header-xheader= foreground to =fgdim= and make it italic. ** CHANGED Change =mode-line= background and box color to =bgblue=. ** CHANGED Change =mode-line-buffer-id= foreground to =fggreen=. ** CHANGED Change =org-agenda-done= foreground to =fgorange=. ** CHANGED Remove =org-block-begin-line= background. ** CHANGED Remove =org-block-end-line= background. ** CHANGED Change =org-headline-done= foreground to =fgdim=. ** CHANGED Remove bold weight from =org-level-1=. ** CHANGED Change =org-level-2= foreground to =fgcyan= and remove bold weight. ** CHANGED Change =org-level-3= foreground to =fgred= and remove bold weight. ** CHANGED Change =org-level-4= foreground to =fgblue= and remove bold weight. ** CHANGED Change =org-level-5= foreground to =fgyellow= and remove bold weight. ** CHANGED Change =org-level-6= foreground to =fgpurple= and remove bold weight. ** CHANGED Change =org-level-7= foreground to =fgturquoise= and remove bold weight. ** CHANGED Change =org-level-8= foreground to =fgorange= and remove bold weight. ** CHANGED Remove =whitespace-tab= foreground and change underline to =bgbright=. ** REMOVED Stop using and remove certain colors for simplicity. Stop using and remove the following colors: =fgdim-1=, =fgdim-2=, =fgorange-1=, =fggreen-1=, =fggreen-2=, =fggreen-3=, =fggreen-4= and =bgblue-1= colors. * COMMENT Local variables # Local Variables: # org-html-validation-link: "" # End: