#+TITLE: Change Log
#+STARTUP: content
#+OPTIONS: H:1 num:nil author:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil toc:nil
#+HTML_HEAD: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/changelog.css"/>

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [[http://semver.org][Semantic Versioning]].

* COMMENT [[https://github.com/ryuslash/yoshi-theme/compare/v6.2.0...HEAD][Unreleased]]

** ADDED Colors and variables for ivy-posframe

   Add the ivy-posframe faces: ~ivy-posframe~, ~ivy-posframe-border~. And variables:
   ~ivy-posframe-border-width~, ~ivy-posframe-style~.

** ADDED Variables for hydra-posframe

   Add the hydra-posframe: ~hydra-posframe-show-params~.

** ADDED Colors and variables for flycheck-posframe

   Add the flycheck-posframe faces: ~flycheck-posframe-background-face~,
   ~flycheck-posframe-border-face~. And variables: ~flycheck-posframe-border-width~.

* [[https://github.com/ryuslash/yoshi-theme/compare/v6.1.0...v6.2.0][6.2.0]] -- 2019-05-05
:CUSTOM_ID: release-6.2.0
** ADDED Colors for modes using ansi-color.el, such as Eshell

** ADDED Some package faces

   Add the package faces: =package-status-avail-obso=,
   =package-status-available=, =package-status-dependency=,

** ADDED Window divider faces

   Add the Window Divider faces: =window-divider=,
   =window-divider-first-pixel= and =window-divider-last-pixel=.

** ADDED Window divider settings

   Enable =window-divider-mode= and set the
   =window-divider-default-right-width= to ~1~.

** ADDED Some js2-mode faces

   Add the JS2 Mode faces: =js2-error=, =js2-function-call=,
   =js2-object-property=, =js2-warning=.

** ADDED Some company-mode faces

   Add the Company faces: =company-preview=, =company-preview-common=,
   =company-scrollbar-bg=, =company-scrollbar-fg=, =company-tooltip=,
   =company-tooltip-annotation=, =company-tooltip-common=,
   =common-tooltip-search=, =common-tooltip-search-selecion=,

** ADDED Some ivy faces

   Add the Ivy faces: =ivy-current-match=,
   =ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1=, =ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2=,
   =ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3=, =ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4=.

** ADDED flycheck-inline faces

   Add the flycheck-inline faces: =flycheck-inline-error=, =flycheck-inline-info=,

** ADDED highlight-indent-guides face

  Add the highlight-indent-guides face: =highlight-indent-guides-character-face=.

** CHANGED the color of high-scoring unread mails in gnus

** CHANGED the color of normal ticked mails in gnus

** CHANGED the padding around the mode-line

** CHANGED the JS2 function param face color

   Inherit from =font-lock-warning-face= and don't specify a special

** CHANGED the Diff Highlight faces

   Make the foreground and background color on the =diff-hl-change=,
   =diff-hl-add= and =diff-hl-remove= the same.

** CHANGED the top 3 Org heading faces

   Make the =org-level-1=, =org-level-2= and =org-level-3= stand out
   more by giving them and underline, bold weight and italic slant
   respectively. Also give the =org-level-1= and =org-level-2= some
   extra height.

** CHANGED the color of comments

   Change the color of =font-lock-comment-face= to stand out more, since comments
   are generally important pieces of information that show up scarcely.

** REMOVED the 10th rainbow delimiters depth face

* [[https://github.com/ryuslash/yoshi-theme/compare/v6.0.0...v6.1.0][6.1.0]] -- 2015-11-20
  :CUSTOM_ID: release-6.1.0
** ADDED Some helm faces

   Add the helm faces: =helm-M-x-key=, =helm-buffer-directory=,
   =helm-buffer-file=, =helm-buffer-not-saved=, =helm-buffer-process=,
   =helm-buffer-size=, =helm-match=, =helm-selection=, =helm-source-header=,
   =helm-ff-directory=, =helm-ff-dotted-directory=, =helm-ff-executable=,
   =helm-ff-file=, =helm-ff-invalid-symlink=, =helm-ff-symlink=.

** ADDED Some circe faces

   Add the circe faces: =circe-highlight-nick-face= and

** ADDED Some lui faces

   Add the lui faces: =lui-button-face=, =lui-time-stamp-face=.

** ADDED CSS faces

   Add the CSS faces: =css-property=, =css-selector= and

** ADDED =magit-section-highlight= face

** ADDED =highlight-numbers-number= face

** FIXED Make markdown header faces work without loading Org

   Stop making the =markdown-header-face-*= faces inherit from the
   equivalent =org-level-*= faces, this kept the markdown faces from
   working if Org mode wasn't loaded.

* [[https://github.com/ryuslash/yoshi-theme/compare/v5.13.0...v6.0.0][6.0.0]] -- 2015-08-31
  :CUSTOM_ID: release-6.0.0

** ADDED =js2-function-param= face.

** ADDED =magit-log-head-label-head= face.

** ADDED =magit-log-head-label-default= face.

** ADDED Some hydra faces.

   Add the =hydra-face-amaranth=, =hydra-face-blue=, =hydra-face-pink=,
   =hydra-face-red= and =hydra-face-teal= faces.

** ADDED Some magit faces.

   Magit came out with a new version and changed (almost) all the face
   names. The following faces have been added because of this:
   =magit-bisect-bad=, =magit-bisect-good=, =magit-bisect-skip=,
   =magit-blame-date=, =magit-blame-hash=, =magit-blame-heading=,
   =magit-blame-name=, =magit-blame-summary=, =magit-branch-current=,
   =magit-branch-local=, =magit-branch-remote=, =magit-diff-added=,
   =magit-diff-added-highlight=, =magit-diff-context=,
   =magit-diff-context-highlight=, =magit-diff-file-heading=,
   =magit-diff-removed=, =magit-diff-removed-highlight=, =magit-process-ng=,
   =magit-process-ok=, =magit-section-heading=.

** ADDED =erc-button= face.

** CHANGED Change faces to stop using certain colors.

** CHANGED Change =gnus-signature= foreground to =fgdim=.

** CHANGED Change =message-header-xheader= foreground to =fgdim= and make it italic.

** CHANGED Change =mode-line= background and box color to =bgblue=.

** CHANGED Change =mode-line-buffer-id= foreground to =fggreen=.

** CHANGED Change =org-agenda-done= foreground to =fgorange=.

** CHANGED Remove =org-block-begin-line= background.

** CHANGED Remove =org-block-end-line= background.

** CHANGED Change =org-headline-done= foreground to =fgdim=.

** CHANGED Remove bold weight from =org-level-1=.

** CHANGED Change =org-level-2= foreground to =fgcyan= and remove bold weight.

** CHANGED Change =org-level-3= foreground to =fgred= and remove bold weight.

** CHANGED Change =org-level-4= foreground to =fgblue= and remove bold weight.

** CHANGED Change =org-level-5= foreground to =fgyellow= and remove bold weight.

** CHANGED Change =org-level-6= foreground to =fgpurple= and remove bold weight.

** CHANGED Change =org-level-7= foreground to =fgturquoise= and remove bold weight.

** CHANGED Change =org-level-8= foreground to =fgorange= and remove bold weight.

** CHANGED Remove =whitespace-tab= foreground and change underline to =bgbright=.

** CHANGED Change the foreground color of =diff-file-header= to bright and add bold weight

** REMOVED Stop using and remove certain colors for simplicity.

   Stop using and remove the following colors: =fgdim-1=, =fgdim-2=,
   =fgorange-1=, =fggreen-1=, =fggreen-2=, =fggreen-3=, =fggreen-4= and =bgblue-1=

* COMMENT Local variables

# Local Variables:
# org-html-validation-link: ""
# End: