#+TITLE: vc-p4 This package provides VC integration with the Perforce version control system. This package is quite old and was written for Emacs 23 I think. I'm trying to pull it into the next generation by making it work on Emacs 26.3 at the moment. * Road to v1 Before I can say that I can release version 1.0.0 of this project, I feel that these features need to be present (this list is subject to change): - Create new changelists. - Modify existing changelists. - Delete existing changelists. - Move files between changelists. - View changelist info in =vc-dir=. - View repository information in =vc-dir=. (Things like the Client name, current workspace, etc.) - +Switch workspaces+. Some of these features may already be present and working and I just haven't discovered them yet, but until I feel confident that it can be done and is part of my workflow, I'm keeping it on the list. * Change log See the [[file:CHANGELOG.org][change log]]. * Switching workspaces To automatically switch workspaces based on the directory you’re in, make sure that you have the [[https://www.perforce.com/manuals/cmdref/Content/CmdRef/P4CONFIG.html][P4CONFIG]] variable set. If this is set, for example to =.p4config=, in any directory that you want to associate with a workspace, add a =.p4config= file and add the following line to it: #+begin_example P4CLIENT=my_client #+end_example Where =my_client= is the name of the client you want to use.