(restas:define-policy datastore (:interface-package #:scrumli.policy.datastore) (:interface-method-template "DATASTORE-~A") (:internal-package #:scrumli.datastore) (define-method init () "Initiate the datastore.") (define-method get-all-stories () "Get all of the stories in the datastore.") (define-method get-story (id) "Get a story from the datastore.") (define-method post-story (role necessity title content reporter) "Post a new story.") (define-method story-get-state (id) "Get the state of a story.") (define-method story-set-state (id state) "Set the state of a story.") (define-method story-change-priority (id dir) "Change the priority of a story in direction DIR.")) (restas:define-module #:scrumli (:use #:cl #:restas #:json #:scrumli.datastore #:drakma) (:export #:start-scrumli)) (defpackage #:scrumli.pg-datastore (:use #:cl #:postmodern #:scrumli.policy.datastore) (:export #:pg-datastore)) (in-package #:scrumli) (defparameter *static-directory* (merge-pathnames #P"static/" scrumli-config:*base-directory*)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (sexml:with-compiletime-active-layers (sexml:standard-sexml sexml:xml-doctype) (sexml:support-dtd (merge-pathnames "html5.dtd" (asdf:system-source-directory "sexml")) :<))) (<:augment-with-doctype "html" "" :auto-emit-p t)