# This is an example PKGBUILD file. Use this as a start to creating your own, # and remove these comments. For more information, see 'man PKGBUILD'. # NOTE: Please fill out the license field for your package! If it is unknown, # then please put 'unknown'. # See http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VCS_PKGBUILD_Guidelines # for more information on packaging from GIT sources. # Maintainer: frio pkgname=lxc-docker pkgver=0.6.3 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Docker - the Linux container runtime" arch=('x86_64') url="https://github.com/dotcloud/docker" license=('Apache License 2.0') depends=('bridge-utils' 'iproute2' 'lxc' 'linux-custom') provides=('lxc-docker') source=( "https://get.docker.io/builds/Linux/x86_64/docker-$pkgver" 'docker.service' ) conflicts=('lxc-docker-git') replaces=('dotcloud-docker') sha1sums=( 'f6c700a8fe20d1399409046ca74bd52c37678c0c' 'b040b6fa5465a4ded3239c58bdcc0195a0d196f0' ) package() { # install systemd service unit install -D -m 644 "$srcdir/docker.service" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service" # install docker binary install -D -m 755 "$srcdir/docker-$pkgver" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/docker" } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: