#+TITLE: dispass.el
#+LINK: src http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/emacs/dispass.el/
#+LINK: tar_gz http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/emacs/dispass.el/snapshot/dispass.el-master.tar.gz
#+LINK: zip http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/emacs/dispass.el/snapshot/dispass.el-master.zip
#+LINK: dispass http://dispass.babab.nl
#+STARTUP: showall
#+INCLUDE: "dlmenu.inc"
* About
[[dispass][DisPass]] is a passphrase generator. ~dispass.el~ is an [[emacs][Emacs]] wrapper
for [[dispass][DisPass]].
| Status | Active |
| Language | Emacs Lisp |
| License | ISC |
* Why?
[[dispass][DisPass]] is written by a [[http://babab.nl][friend]] of mine and I really liked the idea
of it. But the interface he had for it was not to my liking, it
was not Emacs.
** Why the license?
Since [[dispass][DisPass]] uses the ISC license, I thought it would be polite
to use the same license.
* Features
- Copy passwords directly to the clipboard, no need for manual
selection and copying.
- Specify the length of the passphrase by using a numeric prefix
- Input completion for labels.
- Some label management (adding, removing).
* Dependencies
- [[emacs][Emacs]] :: Probably version 24+, since that is what it's being
developed on.
- [[dispass][DisPass]] :: At least v0.1a8, best is a recent git version.
* Download
There are download links for a ~tar.gz~ and a ~zip~ file of the latest
development version at the top of this page.
~dispass.el~ is both in the [[http://marmalade-repo.org/][Marmalade]] and the [[http://melpa.milkbox.net/][MELPA]] repo. The MELPA
version is a direct checkout of the latest development version and
the Marmalade version is an older, possibly more stable, version.
* Install
Once you have [[Download][downloaded]] ~dispass.el~ you have at least 2 choices for
** package.el
If you have Emacs v24+ or [[http://tromey.com/elpa/install.html][package.el]] and either Marmalade or MELPA
configured, you can just:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(package-install "dispass")
** manual
Otherwise you have to [[Download][dowload]] it and then put it somewhere in your
=load-path=, or add that location to your =load-path=:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/location/of/dispass.el")
After which you can either ~require~ the package in your Emacs init
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'dispass)
Or set-up some autoloads:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(autoload 'dispass "dispass" nil t)
(autoload 'dispass-create "dispass" nil t)
(autoload 'dispass-list-labels "dispass" nil t)
* Usage
Once installed you can use ~dispass~ to (re)generate passphrases,
~dispass-create~ to generate a new one (it asks for confirmation on
the password) and ~dispass-list-labels~ to view a list of stored
labels and manage them a little.