#+TITLE: Structure of a (my) home directory
#+STARTUP: content

* home

  The home directory, master of all, where it all begins, which
  contains everything.

** projects

   Contains all my projects, may contain sub-directories for grouping

*** ext

    Projects that are not mine.

    There are certain projects which I use that I compile from source,
    or others where I might wish to inspect the source without
    actually working on it.

*** study

    Does not contain projects, but a somewhat-structured collection
    of code that I write/copy when studying.

*** test

    Scripts/snippets to test a certain feature or algorithm.  Not
    part of any project currently, but perhaps in the future.

*** work

    Contains all projects that are part of my job.  Grouped by
    company I work/have worked for.

** documents

   Contains all of my documents, may contain sub-directories for
   grouping documents.

*** work

    Contains all documents that are part of my job.  Grouped by
    company I work/have worked for.

*** trash

    Projects that I don't work on anymore, that I don't have any
    intention of working on in the future, but that (might) contain
    something that I don't want to lose.

** downloads

   Contains all of my downloads.  Most of these should be sent

** games

   Contains all the games I have acquired/installed.

** share

   Containing files that I wish to share with, for the moment, my
   virtual machines.  This directory might be automatically mounted
   inside such a virtual machine.

** var

   Contains (possibly large) supporting files.  Not projects or files
   I work on or even use directly, but things that I use indirectly.

*** aur

    Packages downloaded from the Arch User Repository.

*** abs

    Packages copied from the Arch Build System for customization.

*** virtualenvs

    Virtualenv installations.