#+TITLE: baps1
#+STARTUP: showall

* What does it do?

  baps1 offers a, hopefully, efficient and easy way to add certain
  data to your PS1 (prompt), regardless of which shell you use.

  A friend of mine wanted a better way to get some functionality into
  his PS1 that he was using a PHP script for, I knew how to do that in
  C and thought it would be a fun project and good learning
  experience, so here we are.

  It shows the following:

  - The PTY or TTY you are using.

  - How long ago the last call to baps1 was on that terminal, which
    should also indicate how long ago your PS1 was printed last.

* Requirements

  It is written for and tested on Linux (specifically Archlinux) and
  it uses the GNU C library.

* Download

  You can browse the [[http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/baps1/][git source]], download a snapshot [[http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/baps1/snapshot/baps1-master.tar.gz][tar.gz]] or [[http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/baps1/snapshot/baps1-master.zip][zip]]
  archive or clone the source using git:

  : git clone git://ryuslash.org/baps1.git

* Documentation

  For further instructions on how to use baps1, see the [[http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/baps1/about/][README]] in the
  source directory (or follow the link).

* Contact

  If you find any bugs, have suggestions or criticisms you can send
  them to [[mailto:tom@ryuslash.org][tom@ryuslash.org]].