diff --git a/site/projects/mode-icons.org b/site/projects/mode-icons.org
index 44bc7ff..6fa42a5 100644
--- a/site/projects/mode-icons.org
+++ b/site/projects/mode-icons.org
@@ -1,61 +1,34 @@
#+TITLE: mode-icons
-#+LINK: src http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/emacs/mode-icons/
-#+LINK: tar_gz http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/emacs/mode-icons/snapshot/mode-icons-master.tar.gz
-#+LINK: zip http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/emacs/mode-icons/snapshot/mode-icons-master.zip
-#+LINK: readme http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/emacs/mode-icons/about/
-#+LINK: manual http://ryuslash.org/projects/mode-icons/manual/
#+STARTUP: showall
+Mode-icons is a package for emacs that, when enabled, replaces certain
+major mode names with icons. This reduces their size in the mode-line.
-#+INCLUDE: "dlmenu.inc"
+Currently it provides icons for:
-* About
+- Common Lisp
+- Emacs Lisp
+- PHP
+- Python
+- Scheme
- Mode-icons is a package for emacs that, when enabled, replaces
- certain major mode names with icons of their logo. This reduces
- the size of their position in the mode-line.
+* License
- | Language | |
- | License | GPLv3 |
+ Mode-icons is released under the GNU General Public License version
+ 3 or newer.
-* Why was it written?
+* Installation
- Because I sometimes have a great deal of trouble with the amount of
- room my mode-line takes up and also because I like some graphical
- elements, when they're useful.
+ - Make sure you have [[http://gnu.org/software/emacs][GNU Emacs]] installed and [[http://marmalade-repo.org/][Marmalade]] set-up.
+ - =M-x package-install mode-icons =
+ - Add =(mode-icons-mode)= to your init file.
-* Who is it for?
+* Bugs / Contributions
- Anyone who likes to have a more visual que of their major mode.
+ If you find bugs or have contributions, you can email me:
+ [[mailto:tom@ryuslash.org][tom@ryuslash.org]], or add an issue [[https://github.com/ryuslash/mode-icons/issues][here]].
-* Data
+* See also
- | Version | 0 (development only) |
- | Language | Emacs Lisp |
- | License | GPLv3 |
-** Features
- - Show icons for major modes:
- - Common Lisp
- - Emacs Lisp
- - HTML
- - PHP
- - Python
- - Scheme
-** Dependencies
- - [[http://gnu.org/software/emacs/][GNU Emacs]] :: Probably version 24 or higher, since that is what
- it has been developed with.
-* More...
- For further instructions I would refer you to the [[readme][README]] and [[manual][manual]].
+ [[http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/mode-icons/about/][README]], [[http://code.ryuslash.org/cgit.cgi/mode-icons/][cgit]]