! Use a nice font.
rofi.font: Fantasque Sans Mono 15

! Use Mod4 (Super, Windows) and r to open Rofis run dialog.
rofi.key-run: SuperR-r

! Use Mod4 (Super, Windows) and w to open Rofis windows dialog.
rofi.key-window: SuperR-w

! Setup the theme to match my Emacs and URxvt colors.
rofi.bg: backgroundColor
rofi.bgalt: backgroundColor
rofi.bc: backgroundColor
rofi.fg: foregroundColor
rofi.fg-urgent: fgred
rofi.fg-active: fgturquoise
rofi.hlbg: bgblue
rofi.hlbg-active: bgyellow
rofi.hlfg: foregroundColor
rofi.hlfg-active: fgbright

! Remove the border
rofi.bw: 0

! Make the window approximately 30 characters wide.
rofi.width: -30

! Put rofi in the top-right corner of the screen.
rofi.location: 3

! Make rofi almost completely opaque.
rofi.opacity: 95

! Give the rofi window 15 pixels padding, just like the Emacs and
! URxvt windows.
rofi.padding: 15

! Always show 41 lines with 6 pixels margin between each. This makes
! it line up (almost) exactly with the bottom of my screen, giving it
! a sidebar look. The fixed-num-lines is required for when there are
! less than 24 possible options when rofi starts. Which happens a lot
! when working with windows.
rofi.lines: 38
rofi.line-margin: 4
rofi.fixed-num-lines: true