# Example color theme for MOC.
# You can use a theme by copying it to ~/.moc/themes directory and using
# Theme config option or -T command line option.
# Fill free to make your own themes and send me them. It will be included in
# official MOC releases or on the MOC web site.
# The format of this file is:
# Lines beginning with # are comments.
# Blank lines are ignored.
# Every other line is expected to be in format:
# or
# Where names are case insensitive.
# ELEMENT is an element of MOC interface. This can be:
# background         - default background for regions when nothing is displayed
# frame              - frames for windows
# window_title       - the title of the window (eg name of the current
#                      directory)
# directory          - a directory in the menu
# selected_directory - a directory that is selected using arrows
# playlist           - playlist file
# selected_playlist  - see selected directory
# file               - an ordinary file in the menu (mp3, ogg, ...)
# selected_file      - see selected directory
# marked_file        - a file that is currently beeing played
# marked_selected_file - a file that is currently beeing played and is also
#                      selected using arrows
# info               - information shown at the right side of files
# status             - the status line with a message
# title              - the title of the file that is currently beeing played
# state              - the state: play, stop, or paus (>, [], ||)
# current_time       - current time of playing
# time_left          - the time left to the end of playing the current file
# total_time         - the length of the currently played file
# time_total_frames  - the brackets outside the total time of a file ([10:13])
# sound_parameters   - the frequency and bitrate numbers
# legend             - "KHz" and "Kbps"
# disabled           - disabled element ([STEREO])
# enabled            - enabled element
# empty_mixer_bar    - "empty" part of the volume bar
# filled_mixer_bar   - "filled" part of the volume bar
# empty_time_bar     - "empty" part of the time bar
# filled_time_bar    - "filled" part of the time bar
# entry              - place wher user can type a search query or a file name
# entry_title        - the title of an entry
# error              - error message
# message            - information message
# plist_time         - total time of displayed items
# FOREGOUND_VOLOR and BACKGROUND_COLOR can have one of the following values:
# black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, default (can be
# transparent), grey (not standard, but works)
# Optional ATTRIBUTE parameters can be (from ncurses manual):
# normal      - default (no highlight)
# standout    - best highlighting mode of the terminal
# underline   - underlining
# reverse     - reverse video
# blink       - blinking
# dim         - half bright
# bold        - extra bright or bold
# protect     - protected mode
# You can specify a list of attributes separated by commas: attr1,attr2,attr3.
# Don't use spaces anywhere in such a list.
# With colordef you can chend the definition of a color. It works only if
# your termina supports it, if not those lines will be silently ignored.
# COLOR must be a valid color name and the RED GREEN and BLUE are numbers
# from 0 to 1000. Example:
# colordef red = 1000 0 0
# HINT: you have only 8 colors, but combined with attributes bold and/or
# reversed you actually get more colors.
# If you don't specify some elements, the default values will be used.
# Here follows the default configuration:
background		= default	default
frame			= default	default
window_title		= default	default
directory		= default	default	bold
selected_directory	= default	black	bold
playlist		= default	default	bold
selected_playlist	= default	black	bold
file			= default	default
selected_file		= default	black
marked_file		= green		default	bold
marked_selected_file	= green		black	bold
info			= blue		default	bold
status			= default	default
title			= default	default	bold
state			= default	default	bold
current_time		= default	default	bold
time_left		= default	default	bold
total_time		= default	default	bold
time_total_frames	= default	default
sound_parameters	= default	default	bold
legend			= default	default
disabled		= blue		default	bold
enabled			= default	default	bold
empty_mixer_bar		= default	default
filled_mixer_bar	= black		cyan
empty_time_bar		= default	default
filled_time_bar		= black		cyan
entry			= default	default
entry_title		= black		cyan
error			= red		default	bold
message			= green		default	bold
plist_time		= default	default