;;; quick-edit-mode.el --- Quickly edit stuff ;; Copyright (C) 2012 Tom Willemsen ;; Author: Tom Willemsen <slash@drd> ;; Keywords: convenience ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ;;; Commentary: ;; Quickly edit stuff ;;; Code: (defvar quick-edit-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "/" 'undo) (define-key map "0" 'delete-window) (define-key map "1" 'delete-other-windows) (define-key map "2" 'split-window-below) (define-key map "3" 'split-window-right) (define-key map "K" 'kill-whole-line) (define-key map "V" 'scroll-down-command) (define-key map "a" 'oni:move-beginning-of-dwim) (define-key map "b" 'backward-char) (define-key map "d" 'oni:kill-region-or-forward-char) (define-key map "e" 'oni:move-end-of-dwim) (define-key map "f" 'forward-char) (define-key map "j" 'newline-and-indent) (define-key map "k" 'oni:kill-region-or-line) (define-key map "n" 'next-line) (define-key map "o" 'other-window) (define-key map "p" 'previous-line) (define-key map "v" 'scroll-up-command) (define-key map "w" 'oni:kill-region-or-backward-char) (define-key map (kbd "C-b") 'electric-buffer-list) (define-key map (kbd "C-g") 'quick-edit-mode) (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'quick-edit-mode) map) "Keymap for quick-edit-mode.") (defun qe-locally-disable () "Disable quick-edit mode in the minibuffer" (when (eq overriding-local-map quick-edit-map) (setq-local overriding-local-map nil))) ;;;###autoload (define-minor-mode quick-edit-mode "Quickly edit stuff." :lighter " qe" :global t (if quick-edit-mode (progn (setq overriding-local-map quick-edit-map) (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'qe-locally-disable) (add-hook 'special-mode-hook 'qe-locally-disable)) (setq overriding-local-map nil) (remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'qe-locally-disable) (remove-hook 'special-mode-hook 'qe-locally-disable))) (provide 'quick-edit-mode) ;;; quick-edit-mode.el ends here