diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 1a35d91..6c0be8f 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ *~ *session.* *\#* -.emacs.d/ac-comphist.dat +*.dat local_* -local_rc.lua feeds fetchlog log error.log +*.elc +auto-save-list diff --git a/emacs b/emacs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec2dc6a --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +;; -*- mode: Emacs-Lisp; mode: whitespace -*- +(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d") + +;; Requires +(require 'paren) +(require 'uniquify) +(require 'autopair) +(require 'color-theme) +(require 'flymake) +(require 'org-install) +(require 'zenburn) +(require 'lua-mode) +(require 'tabbar) +(require 'minimap) +(require 'manage-org) + +;; Auto complete +(require 'auto-complete-config) +(add-to-list 'ac-dictionary-directories "~/.emacs.d//ac-dict") +(ac-config-default) + +;; Autoloads +(autoload 'vala-mode + "vala-mode.elc" "A Major mode for editing Vala files" t) +(autoload 'csharp-mode + "csharp-mode.elc" "A Major mode for editing C# files" t) +(autoload 'javascript-mode + "javascript.elc" "A Major mode for editing JavaScript files" t) +(autoload 'sqlplus-mode + "sqlplus,elc" "A Major mode for communicating with Oracle" t) +(autoload 'batch-mode + "batch-mode.elc" "A Major mode for editing Batch files" t) +(autoload 'rainbow-mode + "rainbow-mode.elc" "A Minor mode for showing colors inline" t) + +;; Functions +(require 'functions) + +;; Platform specifics +(if (eq system-type 'gnu/linux) ; if we're running linux + (set-frame-font "-xos4-terminus-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")) + +;; Variables +(setq + inhibit-startup-message t ; don't show welcom screen + require-final-newline t ; always append a newline to a file, if + ; it doesn't have one + font-lock-maximum-decoration t ; denotes my interest in maximum + ; possible fontification + uniquify-buffer-name-style 'reverse ; reverse uniquify file names + backup-directory-alist `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory)) + ; backup file location + auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory t)) + ; autosave file location + whitespace-line-column 80 ; change color after the 80th column + whitespace-style '(tabs trailing lines-tail) + inhibit-default-init t) + +(setq org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" + "NEXT(n)" + "|" "Done(d!/!)") + (sequence "WAITING(w@/!)" + "SOMEDAY(s!)" + "|" "CANCELLED(c@/!)") + (sequence "QUOTE(q!)" + "QUOTED(Q!)" + "|" "APPROVED(A@)" + "EXPIRED(E@)" + "REJECTED(R@)") + (sequence "OPEN(O)" + "|" "CLOSED(C)")) )) +(setq org-todo-keyword-faces + (quote (("TODO" :foreground "red" :weight bold) + ("NEXT" :foreground "blue" :weight bold) + ("DONE" :foreground "forest green" :weight bold) + ("WAITING" :foreground "yellow" :weight bold) + ("SOMEDAY" :foreground "goldenrod" :weight bold) + ("CANCELLED" :foreground "orangered" :weight bold) + ("QUOTE" :foreground "hotpink" :weight bold) + ("QUOTED" :foreground "indianred1" :weight bold) + ("APPROVED" :foreground "forest green" :weight bold) + ("EXPIRED" :foreground "olivedrab1" :weight bold) + ("REJECTED" :foreground "olivedrab" :weight bold) + ("OPEN" :foreground "magenta" :weight bold) + ("CLOSED" :foreground "forest green" :weight bold)))) +(setq org-use-fast-todo-selection t) +(setq org-todo-state-tags-triggers + (quote (("CANCELLED" + ("CANCELLED" . t)) + ("WAITING" + ("WAITING" . t)) + ("SOMEDAY" + ("WAITING" . t)) + (done + ("WAITING")) + ("TODO" + ("WAITING") + ("CANCELLED")) + ("NEXT" + ("WAITING")) + ("DONE" + ("WAITING") + ("CANCELED"))))) +(setq org-default-notes-file "~/prj/org/refile.org") +(setq org-capture-templates + (quote (("t" "todo" entry (file "~/prj/org/refile.org") "* TODO %? +%U +%a" :clock-in t :clock-resume t) + ("n" "note" entry (file "~/prj/org/refile.org") "* %? +%U +%a +:CLOCK: +:END:" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)))) +(setq org-completion-use-ido t) ; Use IDO for target completion +(setq org-refile-targets + (quote ((org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 5) (nil :maxlevel . 5)))) + ; Targets include this file and any file + ; and any file contributing to the + ; agenda - up to 5 levels deep +(setq org-refile-use-outline-path (quote file)) + ; Targets start with the file name - + ; allows creating level 1 tasks +(setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps t) + ; Targets complete in steps so we start + ; with filename, TAB shows the next + ; level of targets etc +(setq org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes (quote confirm)) + ; Allow refile to create parent tasks + ; with confirmation +(setq org-agenda-custom-commands + (quote + (("w" "Tasks waiting on something" + tags "WAITING/!" + ((org-use-tag-inheritance nil) + (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled nil) + (org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines nil) + (org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date nil) + (org-agenda-overriding-header "Waiting Tasks"))) + ("r" "Refile New Notes and Tasks" + tags "LEVEL=1+REFILE" + ((org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date nil) + (org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines nil) + (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled nil) + (org-agenda-overriding-header "Tasks to Refile"))) + ("N" "Notes" + tags "NOTE" + ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Notes"))) + ("n" "Next" + tags-todo "-WAITING-CANCELLED/!NEXT" + ((org-agenda-overriding-heaer "Next Tasks"))) + ("p" "Projects" + tags-todo "LEVEL=2-REFILE|LEVEL=1+REFILE/!-DONE-CANCELLED" + (;(org-agenda-skip-function 'bh/skip-non-projects) + (org-agenda-overriding-header "Projects"))) + ("o" "other (Non-Project) tasks" + tags-todo "LEVEL=2-REFILE|LEVEL=1+REFILE/!-DONE-CANCELLED" + (;(org-agenda-skip-function 'bh/skip-projects) + (org-agenda-overriding-header "Other Non-Project Tasks"))) + ("A" "Tasks to be Archived" + tags "LEVEL=2-REFILE/DONE|CANCELLED" + ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Tasks to Archive"))) + ("h" "Habits" + tags "STYLE=\"habit\"" + ((org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date nil) + (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled nil) + (org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines nil) + (org-agenda-overriding-header "Habits"))) + ("#" "Stuck Projects" + tags-todo "LEVEL=2-REFILE|LEVEL=1+REFILE/!-DONE-CANCELLED" + ((org-agenda-skip-function 'bh/skip-non-stuck-projects) + (org-agenda-overriding-header "Stuck Projects"))) + ("c" "Select default clocking task" + tags "LEVEL=2-REFILE" + ((org-agenda-skip-function + '(org-agenda-skip-subree-if 'notregexp "^\\*\\* Organization")) + (org-agenda-overriding-header + "Set default clocking task with C-u C-u I")))))) +(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) ; spaces, no tabs + +(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ; switch yes or no answers to y or n + ; answers + +;; Mode settings +( tool-bar-mode -1) ; no toolbar +( menu-bar-mode -1) ; no menu +( line-number-mode -1) ; don't show line numbers in splitter +( global-linum-mode t) ; show line numbers in gutter +( column-number-mode t) ; show column numbers in splitter +(global-font-lock-mode t) ; show syntax highlighting +( show-paren-mode t) ; show matching parens +( autopair-global-mode ) ; enable autopair mode +(delete-selection-mode t) ; delete selection upon typing +(global-auto-complete-mode -1) ; don't enable autocomplete for + ; everything + +;; Keybindings +(global-set-key "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent) ; Automatically indent on newline +;;; Org Mode +(global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link ) +(global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda ) +(global-set-key "\C-cb" 'org-iswitchb ) +(global-set-key (kbd "") 'org-agenda ) +;(global-set-key (kbd "") 'bh/org-todo ) +;(global-set-key (kbd "") 'bh/widen ) +(global-set-key (kbd "") 'set-truncate-lines ) +(global-set-key (kbd "") 'org-cycle-agenda-files ) +;(global-set-key (kbd " b") 'bbdb ) +(global-set-key (kbd " c") 'calendar ) +(global-set-key (kbd " f") 'boxquote-insert-file ) +;(global-set-key (kbd " g") 'gnus ) +(global-set-key (kbd " h") 'bh/hide-other ) +;(global-set-key (kbd " i") 'bh/org-info ) +;(global-set-key (kbd " I") 'bh/clock-in ) +;(global-set-key (kbd " O") 'bh/clock-out ) +(global-set-key (kbd " r") 'boxquote-region ) +(global-set-key (kbd " s") 'bh/go-to-scratch ) +;(global-set-key (kbd " t") 'bh/insert-inactive-timestamp) +(global-set-key (kbd " u") 'bh/untabify ) +(global-set-key (kbd " v") 'visible-mode ) +;(global-set-key (kbd " SPC") 'bh/clock-in-last-task ) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-") 'previous-buffer ) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-x n r") 'narrow-to-region ) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-") 'next-buffer ) +(global-set-key (kbd "") 'org-clock-goto ) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-") 'org-clock-in ) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-s-") 'bh/save-then-publish ) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-") 'org-resolve-clocks ) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-r") 'org-capture ) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-") 'bh/killframe ) +(global-set-key [C-next] 'tabbar-forward ) +(global-set-key [C-prior] 'tabbar-backward ) +(global-set-key [C-tab] 'hs-toggle-hiding ) + +;; File associations +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.vala$" . vala-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.vapi$" . vala-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cs$" . csharp-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.bat$" . batch-mode)) + +(add-to-list 'file-coding-system-alist '("\\.vala$" . utf-8)) +(add-to-list 'file-coding-system-alist '("\\.vapi$" . utf-8)) + +(add-to-list 'compilation-finish-functions 'my-comp-finish-function) + +;; Color theme +;;(require 'color-theme-weirdness) +(color-theme-zenburn) + +;; Hooks +(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flymake-find-file-hook) +(add-hook 'find-file-hook + (lambda () + (whitespace-mode t))) +(add-hook 'after-save-hook + (lambda () + (setq fname (buffer-file-name)) + (setq suffix (file-name-extension fname)) + + (if (string-equal suffix "el") + (byte-compile-file fname)))) +;;; C +(add-hook 'c-mode-hook + (lambda () + (whitespace-mode t) + (hs-minor-mode t))) +;;; CSS +(add-hook 'css-mode-hook + (lambda () + (rainbow-mode))) +;;; Emacs Lisp +(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook + (lambda () + (whitespace-mode t) + (auto-complete-mode t))) +;;; Interactive Lisp +(add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook + (lambda () + (whitespace-mode t) + (auto-complete-mode t))) +;;; Org +(add-hook 'org-mode-hook + (lambda () + (flyspell-mode 1) + (auto-fill-mode 1) + (message "org-mode started"))) + +(defvar org-loaded nil) +(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook + (lambda () + (if (not org-loaded) + (progn + (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook + (lambda () + (save-org-files) + (push-org-files))) + (get-org-files) + (setq org-loaded t))))) +(if (not (file-exists-p "~/prj/org")) + (clone-org-files)) + +(custom-set-variables + ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. + ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. + ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. + ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. + '(org-agenda-files (quote ("~/prj/org/iactor.org" "~/prj/org/peitsman.org" "~/prj/org/tgn.org" "~/Documents/iACTOR/tasks.org" "~/prj/org/seiko.org" "~/prj/org/projects.org" "~/prj/org/refile.org" "~/prj/org/aethon.org"))) + '(tabbar-mode t nil (tabbar))) +(custom-set-faces + ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. + ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. + ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. + ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. + '(tabbar-selected ((t (:inherit tabbar-default :background "#1E2320" :foreground "#F0DFAF")))) + '(tabbar-unselected ((nil (:background "#3F3F3F" :foreground "#DCDCCC"))))) diff --git a/emacs.d/auto-complete-config.el b/emacs.d/auto-complete-config.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26ec044 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/auto-complete-config.el @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ +;;; auto-complete-config.el --- auto-complete additional configuations + +;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Tomohiro Matsuyama + +;; Author: Tomohiro Matsuyama +;; Keywords: convenience +;; Version: 1.3 + +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +;; (at your option) any later version. + +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;; GNU General Public License for more details. + +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with this program. If not, see . + +;;; Commentary: + +;; + +;;; Code: + +(eval-when-compile + (require 'cl)) + +(require 'auto-complete) + + + +;;;; Additional sources + +;; imenu + +(defvar ac-imenu-index nil) + +(ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes 'ac-imenu-index) + +(defun ac-imenu-candidates () + (loop with i = 0 + with stack = (progn + (unless (local-variable-p 'ac-imenu-index) + (make-local-variable 'ac-imenu-index)) + (or ac-imenu-index + (setq ac-imenu-index + (ignore-errors + (with-no-warnings + (imenu--make-index-alist)))))) + with result + while (and stack (or (not (integerp ac-limit)) + (< i ac-limit))) + for node = (pop stack) + if (consp node) + do + (let ((car (car node)) + (cdr (cdr node))) + (if (consp cdr) + (mapc (lambda (child) + (push child stack)) + cdr) + (when (and (stringp car) + (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote ac-prefix)) car)) + ;; Remove extra characters + (if (string-match "^.*\\(()\\|=\\|<>\\)$" car) + (setq car (substring car 0 (match-beginning 1)))) + (push car result) + (incf i)))) + finally return (nreverse result))) + +(ac-define-source imenu + '((depends imenu) + (candidates . ac-imenu-candidates) + (symbol . "s"))) + +;; gtags + +(defface ac-gtags-candidate-face + '((t (:background "lightgray" :foreground "navy"))) + "Face for gtags candidate" + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defface ac-gtags-selection-face + '((t (:background "navy" :foreground "white"))) + "Face for the gtags selected candidate." + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defun ac-gtags-candidate () + (ignore-errors + (split-string (shell-command-to-string (format "global -ci %s" ac-prefix)) "\n"))) + +(ac-define-source gtags + '((candidates . ac-gtags-candidate) + (candidate-face . ac-gtags-candidate-face) + (selection-face . ac-gtags-selection-face) + (requires . 3) + (symbol . "s"))) + +;; yasnippet + +(defface ac-yasnippet-candidate-face + '((t (:background "sandybrown" :foreground "black"))) + "Face for yasnippet candidate." + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defface ac-yasnippet-selection-face + '((t (:background "coral3" :foreground "white"))) + "Face for the yasnippet selected candidate." + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defun ac-yasnippet-table-hash (table) + (cond + ((fboundp 'yas/snippet-table-hash) + (yas/snippet-table-hash table)) + ((fboundp 'yas/table-hash) + (yas/table-hash table)))) + +(defun ac-yasnippet-table-parent (table) + (cond + ((fboundp 'yas/snippet-table-parent) + (yas/snippet-table-parent table)) + ((fboundp 'yas/table-parent) + (yas/table-parent table)))) + +(defun ac-yasnippet-candidate-1 (table) + (with-no-warnings + (let ((hashtab (ac-yasnippet-table-hash table)) + (parent (ac-yasnippet-table-parent table)) + candidates) + (maphash (lambda (key value) + (push key candidates)) + hashtab) + (setq candidates (all-completions ac-prefix (nreverse candidates))) + (if parent + (setq candidates + (append candidates (ac-yasnippet-candidate-1 parent)))) + candidates))) + +(defun ac-yasnippet-candidates () + (with-no-warnings + (if (fboundp 'yas/get-snippet-tables) + ;; >0.6.0 + (apply 'append (mapcar 'ac-yasnippet-candidate-1 (yas/get-snippet-tables major-mode))) + (let ((table + (if (fboundp 'yas/snippet-table) + ;; <0.6.0 + (yas/snippet-table major-mode) + ;; 0.6.0 + (yas/current-snippet-table)))) + (if table + (ac-yasnippet-candidate-1 table)))))) + +(ac-define-source yasnippet + '((depends yasnippet) + (candidates . ac-yasnippet-candidates) + (action . yas/expand) + (candidate-face . ac-yasnippet-candidate-face) + (selection-face . ac-yasnippet-selection-face) + (symbol . "a"))) + +;; semantic + +(defun ac-semantic-candidates (prefix) + (with-no-warnings + (delete "" ; semantic sometimes returns an empty string + (mapcar 'semantic-tag-name + (ignore-errors + (or (semantic-analyze-possible-completions + (semantic-analyze-current-context)) + (senator-find-tag-for-completion prefix))))))) + +(ac-define-source semantic + '((available . (or (require 'semantic-ia nil t) + (require 'semantic/ia nil t))) + (candidates . (ac-semantic-candidates ac-prefix)) + (prefix . c-dot-ref) + (requires . 0) + (symbol . "m"))) + +(ac-define-source semantic-raw + '((available . (or (require 'semantic-ia nil t) + (require 'semantic/ia nil t))) + (candidates . (ac-semantic-candidates ac-prefix)) + (symbol . "s"))) + +;; eclim + +(defun ac-eclim-candidates () + (with-no-warnings + (loop for c in (eclim/java-complete) + collect (nth 1 c)))) + +(ac-define-source eclim + '((candidates . ac-eclim-candidates) + (prefix . c-dot) + (requires . 0) + (symbol . "f"))) + +;; css + +;; Copied from company-css.el +(defconst ac-css-property-alist + ;; see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/propidx.html + '(("azimuth" angle "left-side" "far-left" "left" "center-left" "center" + "center-right" "right" "far-right" "right-side" "behind" "leftwards" + "rightwards") + ("background" background-color background-image background-repeat + background-attachment background-position) + ("background-attachment" "scroll" "fixed") + ("background-color" color "transparent") + ("background-image" uri "none") + ("background-position" percentage length "left" "center" "right" percentage + length "top" "center" "bottom" "left" "center" "right" "top" "center" + "bottom") + ("background-repeat" "repeat" "repeat-x" "repeat-y" "no-repeat") + ("border" border-width border-style border-color) + ("border-bottom" border) + ("border-bottom-color" border-color) + ("border-bottom-style" border-style) + ("border-bottom-width" border-width) + ("border-collapse" "collapse" "separate") + ("border-color" color "transparent") + ("border-left" border) + ("border-left-color" border-color) + ("border-left-style" border-style) + ("border-left-width" border-width) + ("border-right" border) + ("border-right-color" border-color) + ("border-right-style" border-style) + ("border-right-width" border-width) + ("border-spacing" length length) + ("border-style" border-style) + ("border-top" border) + ("border-top-color" border-color) + ("border-top-style" border-style) + ("border-top-width" border-width) + ("border-width" border-width) + ("bottom" length percentage "auto") + ("caption-side" "top" "bottom") + ("clear" "none" "left" "right" "both") + ("clip" shape "auto") + ("color" color) + ("content" "normal" "none" string uri counter "attr()" "open-quote" + "close-quote" "no-open-quote" "no-close-quote") + ("counter-increment" identifier integer "none") + ("counter-reset" identifier integer "none") + ("cue" cue-before cue-after) + ("cue-after" uri "none") + ("cue-before" uri "none") + ("cursor" uri "*" "auto" "crosshair" "default" "pointer" "move" "e-resize" + "ne-resize" "nw-resize" "n-resize" "se-resize" "sw-resize" "s-resize" + "w-resize" "text" "wait" "help" "progress") + ("direction" "ltr" "rtl") + ("display" "inline" "block" "list-item" "run-in" "inline-block" "table" + "inline-table" "table-row-group" "table-header-group" "table-footer-group" + "table-row" "table-column-group" "table-column" "table-cell" + "table-caption" "none") + ("elevation" angle "below" "level" "above" "higher" "lower") + ("empty-cells" "show" "hide") + ("float" "left" "right" "none") + ("font" font-style font-variant font-weight font-size "/" line-height + font-family "caption" "icon" "menu" "message-box" "small-caption" + "status-bar") + ("font-family" family-name generic-family) + ("font-size" absolute-size relative-size length percentage) + ("font-style" "normal" "italic" "oblique") + ("font-variant" "normal" "small-caps") + ("font-weight" "normal" "bold" "bolder" "lighter" "100" "200" "300" "400" + "500" "600" "700" "800" "900") + ("height" length percentage "auto") + ("left" length percentage "auto") + ("letter-spacing" "normal" length) + ("line-height" "normal" number length percentage) + ("list-style" list-style-type list-style-position list-style-image) + ("list-style-image" uri "none") + ("list-style-position" "inside" "outside") + ("list-style-type" "disc" "circle" "square" "decimal" "decimal-leading-zero" + "lower-roman" "upper-roman" "lower-greek" "lower-latin" "upper-latin" + "armenian" "georgian" "lower-alpha" "upper-alpha" "none") + ("margin" margin-width) + ("margin-bottom" margin-width) + ("margin-left" margin-width) + ("margin-right" margin-width) + ("margin-top" margin-width) + ("max-height" length percentage "none") + ("max-width" length percentage "none") + ("min-height" length percentage) + ("min-width" length percentage) + ("orphans" integer) + ("outline" outline-color outline-style outline-width) + ("outline-color" color "invert") + ("outline-style" border-style) + ("outline-width" border-width) + ("overflow" "visible" "hidden" "scroll" "auto") + ("padding" padding-width) + ("padding-bottom" padding-width) + ("padding-left" padding-width) + ("padding-right" padding-width) + ("padding-top" padding-width) + ("page-break-after" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right") + ("page-break-before" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right") + ("page-break-inside" "avoid" "auto") + ("pause" time percentage) + ("pause-after" time percentage) + ("pause-before" time percentage) + ("pitch" frequency "x-low" "low" "medium" "high" "x-high") + ("pitch-range" number) + ("play-during" uri "mix" "repeat" "auto" "none") + ("position" "static" "relative" "absolute" "fixed") + ("quotes" string string "none") + ("richness" number) + ("right" length percentage "auto") + ("speak" "normal" "none" "spell-out") + ("speak-header" "once" "always") + ("speak-numeral" "digits" "continuous") + ("speak-punctuation" "code" "none") + ("speech-rate" number "x-slow" "slow" "medium" "fast" "x-fast" "faster" + "slower") + ("stress" number) + ("table-layout" "auto" "fixed") + ("text-align" "left" "right" "center" "justify") + ("text-decoration" "none" "underline" "overline" "line-through" "blink") + ("text-indent" length percentage) + ("text-transform" "capitalize" "uppercase" "lowercase" "none") + ("top" length percentage "auto") + ("unicode-bidi" "normal" "embed" "bidi-override") + ("vertical-align" "baseline" "sub" "super" "top" "text-top" "middle" + "bottom" "text-bottom" percentage length) + ("visibility" "visible" "hidden" "collapse") + ("voice-family" specific-voice generic-voice "*" specific-voice + generic-voice) + ("volume" number percentage "silent" "x-soft" "soft" "medium" "loud" + "x-loud") + ("white-space" "normal" "pre" "nowrap" "pre-wrap" "pre-line") + ("widows" integer) + ("width" length percentage "auto") + ("word-spacing" "normal" length) + ("z-index" "auto" integer)) + "A list of CSS properties and their possible values.") + +(defconst ac-css-value-classes + '((absolute-size "xx-small" "x-small" "small" "medium" "large" "x-large" + "xx-large") + (border-style "none" "hidden" "dotted" "dashed" "solid" "double" "groove" + "ridge" "inset" "outset") + (color "aqua" "black" "blue" "fuchsia" "gray" "green" "lime" "maroon" "navy" + "olive" "orange" "purple" "red" "silver" "teal" "white" "yellow" + "rgb") + (counter "counter") + (family-name "Courier" "Helvetica" "Times") + (generic-family "serif" "sans-serif" "cursive" "fantasy" "monospace") + (generic-voice "male" "female" "child") + (margin-width "auto") ;; length percentage + (relative-size "larger" "smaller") + (shape "rect") + (uri "url")) + "A list of CSS property value classes and their contents.") + +(defconst ac-css-pseudo-classes + '("active" "after" "before" "first" "first-child" "first-letter" "first-line" + "focus" "hover" "lang" "left" "link" "right" "visited") + "Identifiers for CSS pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes.") + +(defvar ac-css-property nil + "Current editing property.") + +(defun ac-css-prefix () + (when (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\\_<\\(.+?\\)\\_>\\s *:.*\\=" nil t)) + (setq ac-css-property (match-string 1)) + (or (ac-prefix-symbol) (point)))) + +(defun ac-css-property-candidates () + (or (loop with list = (assoc-default ac-css-property ac-css-property-alist) + with value + while (setq value (pop list)) + if (symbolp value) + do (setq list + (append list + (or (assoc-default value ac-css-value-classes) + (assoc-default (symbol-name value) ac-css-property-alist)))) + else collect value) + ac-css-pseudo-classes)) + +(defvar ac-source-css-property + '((candidates . ac-css-property-candidates) + (prefix . ac-css-prefix) + (requires . 0))) + + + +;;;; Not maintained sources + +;; ropemacs + +(defvar ac-ropemacs-loaded nil) +(defun ac-ropemacs-require () + (with-no-warnings + (unless ac-ropemacs-loaded + (pymacs-load "ropemacs" "rope-") + (if (boundp 'ropemacs-enable-autoimport) + (setq ropemacs-enable-autoimport t)) + (setq ac-ropemacs-loaded t)))) + +(defun ac-ropemacs-setup () + (ac-ropemacs-require) + ;(setq ac-sources (append (list 'ac-source-ropemacs) ac-sources)) + (setq ac-omni-completion-sources '(("\\." ac-source-ropemacs)))) + +(defun ac-ropemacs-initialize () + (autoload 'pymacs-apply "pymacs") + (autoload 'pymacs-call "pymacs") + (autoload 'pymacs-eval "pymacs" nil t) + (autoload 'pymacs-exec "pymacs" nil t) + (autoload 'pymacs-load "pymacs" nil t) + (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'ac-ropemacs-setup) + t) + +(defvar ac-ropemacs-completions-cache nil) +(defvar ac-source-ropemacs + '((init + . (lambda () + (setq ac-ropemacs-completions-cache + (mapcar + (lambda (completion) + (concat ac-prefix completion)) + (ignore-errors + (rope-completions)))))) + (candidates . ac-ropemacs-completions-cache))) + +;; rcodetools + +(defvar ac-source-rcodetools + '((init . (lambda () + (require 'rcodetools) + (condition-case x + (save-excursion + (rct-exec-and-eval rct-complete-command-name "--completion-emacs-icicles")) + (error) (setq rct-method-completion-table nil)))) + (candidates . (lambda () + (all-completions + ac-prefix + (mapcar + (lambda (completion) + (replace-regexp-in-string "\t.*$" "" (car completion))) + rct-method-completion-table)))))) + + + +;;;; Default settings + +(defun ac-common-setup () + (add-to-list 'ac-sources 'ac-source-filename)) + +(defun ac-emacs-lisp-mode-setup () + (setq ac-sources (append '(ac-source-features ac-source-functions ac-source-yasnippet ac-source-variables ac-source-symbols) ac-sources))) + +(defun ac-cc-mode-setup () + (setq ac-sources (append '(ac-source-yasnippet ac-source-gtags) ac-sources))) + +(defun ac-ruby-mode-setup () + (make-local-variable 'ac-ignores) + (add-to-list 'ac-ignores "end")) + +(defun ac-css-mode-setup () + (setq ac-sources (append '(ac-source-css-property) ac-sources))) + +(defun ac-config-default () + (setq-default ac-sources '(ac-source-abbrev ac-source-dictionary ac-source-words-in-same-mode-buffers)) + (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'ac-emacs-lisp-mode-setup) + (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'ac-cc-mode-setup) + (add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'ac-ruby-mode-setup) + (add-hook 'css-mode-hook 'ac-css-mode-setup) + (add-hook 'auto-complete-mode-hook 'ac-common-setup) + (global-auto-complete-mode t)) + +(provide 'auto-complete-config) +;;; auto-complete-config.el ends here diff --git a/emacs.d/auto-complete.el b/emacs.d/auto-complete.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2472dc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/auto-complete.el @@ -0,0 +1,1897 @@ +;;; auto-complete.el --- Auto Completion for GNU Emacs + +;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Tomohiro Matsuyama + +;; Author: Tomohiro Matsuyama +;; URL: http://cx4a.org/software/auto-complete +;; Keywords: completion, convenience +;; Version: 1.3 + +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +;; (at your option) any later version. + +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;; GNU General Public License for more details. + +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with this program. If not, see . + +;;; Commentary: +;; +;; This extension provides a way to complete with popup menu like: +;; +;; def-!- +;; +-----------------+ +;; |defun::::::::::::| +;; |defvar | +;; |defmacro | +;; | ... | +;; +-----------------+ +;; +;; You can complete by typing and selecting menu. +;; +;; Entire documents are located in doc/ directory. +;; Take a look for information. +;; +;; Enjoy! + +;;; Code: + + + +(eval-when-compile + (require 'cl)) + +(require 'popup) + +;;;; Global stuff + +(defun ac-error (&optional var) + "Report an error and disable `auto-complete-mode'." + (ignore-errors + (message "auto-complete error: %s" var) + (auto-complete-mode -1) + var)) + + + +;;;; Customization + +(defgroup auto-complete nil + "Auto completion." + :group 'completion + :prefix "ac-") + +(defcustom ac-delay 0.1 + "Delay to completions will be available." + :type 'float + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-auto-show-menu 0.8 + "Non-nil means completion menu will be automatically shown." + :type '(choice (const :tag "Yes" t) + (const :tag "Never" nil) + (float :tag "Timer")) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-show-menu-immediately-on-auto-complete t + "Non-nil means menu will be showed immediately on `auto-complete'." + :type 'boolean + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-expand-on-auto-complete t + "Non-nil means expand whole common part on first time `auto-complete'." + :type 'boolean + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-disable-faces '(font-lock-comment-face font-lock-string-face font-lock-doc-face) + "Non-nil means disable automatic completion on specified faces." + :type '(repeat symbol) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-stop-flymake-on-completing t + "Non-nil means disble flymake temporarily on completing." + :type 'boolean + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-use-fuzzy t + "Non-nil means use fuzzy matching." + :type 'boolean + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-fuzzy-cursor-color "red" + "Cursor color in fuzzy mode." + :type 'string + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-use-comphist t + "Non-nil means use intelligent completion history." + :type 'boolean + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-comphist-threshold 0.7 + "Percentage of ignoring low scored candidates." + :type 'float + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-comphist-file + (expand-file-name (concat (if (boundp 'user-emacs-directory) + user-emacs-directory + "~/.emacs.d/") + "/ac-comphist.dat")) + "Completion history file name." + :type 'string + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-use-quick-help t + "Non-nil means use quick help." + :type 'boolean + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-quick-help-delay 1.5 + "Delay to show quick help." + :type 'float + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-menu-height 10 + "Max height of candidate menu." + :type 'integer + :group 'auto-complete) +(defvaralias 'ac-candidate-menu-height 'ac-menu-height) + +(defcustom ac-quick-help-height 20 + "Max height of quick help." + :type 'integer + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-quick-help-prefer-x t + "Prefer X tooltip than overlay popup for displaying quick help." + :type 'boolean + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-candidate-limit nil + "Limit number of candidates. Non-integer means no limit." + :type 'integer + :group 'auto-complete) +(defvaralias 'ac-candidate-max 'ac-candidate-limit) + +(defcustom ac-modes + '(emacs-lisp-mode + lisp-interaction-mode + c-mode cc-mode c++-mode + java-mode clojure-mode scala-mode + scheme-mode + ocaml-mode tuareg-mode + perl-mode cperl-mode python-mode ruby-mode + ecmascript-mode javascript-mode js-mode js2-mode php-mode css-mode + makefile-mode sh-mode fortran-mode f90-mode ada-mode + xml-mode sgml-mode) + "Major modes `auto-complete-mode' can run on." + :type '(repeat symbol) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-compatible-packages-regexp + "^ac-" + "Regexp to indicate what packages can work with auto-complete." + :type 'string + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-trigger-commands + '(self-insert-command) + "Trigger commands that specify whether `auto-complete' should start or not." + :type '(repeat symbol) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-trigger-commands-on-completing + '(delete-backward-char + backward-delete-char + backward-delete-char-untabify) + "Trigger commands that specify whether `auto-complete' should continue or not." + :type '(repeat symbol) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-trigger-key nil + "Non-nil means `auto-complete' will start by typing this key. +If you specify this TAB, for example, `auto-complete' will start by typing TAB, +and if there is no completions, an original command will be fallbacked." + :type 'string + :group 'auto-complete + :set (lambda (symbol value) + (set-default symbol value) + (when (and value + (fboundp 'ac-set-trigger-key)) + (ac-set-trigger-key value)))) + +(defcustom ac-auto-start 2 + "Non-nil means completion will be started automatically. +Positive integer means if a length of a word you entered is larger than the value, +completion will be started automatically. +If you specify `nil', never be started automatically." + :type '(choice (const :tag "Yes" t) + (const :tag "Never" nil) + (integer :tag "Require")) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-ignores nil + "List of string to ignore completion." + :type '(repeat string) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-ignore-case 'smart + "Non-nil means auto-complete ignores case. +If this value is `smart', auto-complete ignores case only when +a prefix doen't contain any upper case letters." + :type '(choice (const :tag "Yes" t) + (const :tag "Smart" smart) + (const :tag "No" nil)) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-dwim t + "Non-nil means `auto-complete' works based on Do What I Mean." + :type 'boolean + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-use-menu-map nil + "Non-nil means a special keymap `ac-menu-map' on completing menu will be used." + :type 'boolean + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-use-overriding-local-map nil + "Non-nil means `overriding-local-map' will be used to hack for overriding key events on auto-copletion." + :type 'boolean + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defface ac-completion-face + '((t (:foreground "darkgray" :underline t))) + "Face for inline completion" + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defface ac-candidate-face + '((t (:background "lightgray" :foreground "black"))) + "Face for candidate." + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defface ac-selection-face + '((t (:background "steelblue" :foreground "white"))) + "Face for selected candidate." + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defvar auto-complete-mode-hook nil + "Hook for `auto-complete-mode'.") + + + +;;;; Internal variables + +(defvar auto-complete-mode nil + "Dummy variable to suppress compiler warnings.") + +(defvar ac-cursor-color nil + "Old cursor color.") + +(defvar ac-inline nil + "Inline completion instance.") + +(defvar ac-menu nil + "Menu instance.") + +(defvar ac-show-menu nil + "Flag to show menu on timer tick.") + +(defvar ac-last-completion nil + "Cons of prefix marker and selected item of last completion.") + +(defvar ac-quick-help nil + "Quick help instance") + +(defvar ac-completing nil + "Non-nil means `auto-complete-mode' is now working on completion.") + +(defvar ac-buffer nil + "Buffer where auto-complete is started.") + +(defvar ac-point nil + "Start point of prefix.") + +(defvar ac-last-point nil + "Last point of updating pattern.") + +(defvar ac-prefix nil + "Prefix string.") +(defvaralias 'ac-target 'ac-prefix) + +(defvar ac-selected-candidate nil + "Last selected candidate.") + +(defvar ac-common-part nil + "Common part string of meaningful candidates. +If there is no common part, this will be nil.") + +(defvar ac-whole-common-part nil + "Common part string of whole candidates. +If there is no common part, this will be nil.") + +(defvar ac-prefix-overlay nil + "Overlay for prefix string.") + +(defvar ac-timer nil + "Completion idle timer.") + +(defvar ac-show-menu-timer nil + "Show menu idle timer.") + +(defvar ac-quick-help-timer nil + "Quick help idle timer.") + +(defvar ac-triggered nil + "Flag to update.") + +(defvar ac-limit nil + "Limit number of candidates for each sources.") + +(defvar ac-candidates nil + "Current candidates.") + +(defvar ac-candidates-cache nil + "Candidates cache for individual sources.") + +(defvar ac-fuzzy-enable nil + "Non-nil means fuzzy matching is enabled.") + +(defvar ac-dwim-enable nil + "Non-nil means DWIM completion will be allowed.") + +(defvar ac-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap) + "Auto-complete mode map. It is also used for trigger key command. See also `ac-trigger-key'.") + +(defvar ac-completing-map + (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) + (define-key map "\t" 'ac-expand) + (define-key map "\r" 'ac-complete) + (define-key map (kbd "M-TAB") 'auto-complete) + (define-key map "\C-s" 'ac-isearch) + + (define-key map "\M-n" 'ac-next) + (define-key map "\M-p" 'ac-previous) + (define-key map [down] 'ac-next) + (define-key map [up] 'ac-previous) + + (define-key map [f1] 'ac-help) + (define-key map [M-f1] 'ac-persist-help) + (define-key map (kbd "C-?") 'ac-help) + (define-key map (kbd "C-M-?") 'ac-persist-help) + + (define-key map [C-down] 'ac-quick-help-scroll-down) + (define-key map [C-up] 'ac-quick-help-scroll-up) + (define-key map "\C-\M-n" 'ac-quick-help-scroll-down) + (define-key map "\C-\M-p" 'ac-quick-help-scroll-up) + + (dotimes (i 9) + (let ((symbol (intern (format "ac-complete-%d" (1+ i))))) + (fset symbol + `(lambda () + (interactive) + (when (and (ac-menu-live-p) (popup-select ac-menu ,i)) + (ac-complete)))) + (define-key map (read-kbd-macro (format "M-%s" (1+ i))) symbol))) + + map) + "Keymap for completion.") +(defvaralias 'ac-complete-mode-map 'ac-completing-map) + +(defvar ac-menu-map + (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) + (define-key map "\C-n" 'ac-next) + (define-key map "\C-p" 'ac-previous) + (set-keymap-parent map ac-completing-map) + map) + "Keymap for completion on completing menu.") + +(defvar ac-current-map + (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) + (set-keymap-parent map ac-completing-map) + map)) + +(defvar ac-match-function 'all-completions + "Default match function.") + +(defvar ac-prefix-definitions + '((symbol . ac-prefix-symbol) + (file . ac-prefix-file) + (valid-file . ac-prefix-valid-file) + (c-dot . ac-prefix-c-dot) + (c-dot-ref . ac-prefix-c-dot-ref)) + "Prefix definitions for common use.") + +(defvar ac-sources '(ac-source-words-in-same-mode-buffers) + "Sources for completion.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'ac-sources) + +(defvar ac-compiled-sources nil + "Compiled source of `ac-sources'.") + +(defvar ac-current-sources nil + "Current working sources. This is sublist of `ac-compiled-sources'.") + +(defvar ac-omni-completion-sources nil + "Do not use this anymore.") + +(defvar ac-current-prefix-def nil) + +(defvar ac-ignoring-prefix-def nil) + + + +;;;; Intelligent completion history + +(defvar ac-comphist nil + "Database of completion history.") + +(defsubst ac-comphist-make-tab () + (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) + +(defsubst ac-comphist-tab (db) + (nth 0 db)) + +(defsubst ac-comphist-cache (db) + (nth 1 db)) + +(defun ac-comphist-make (&optional tab) + (list (or tab (ac-comphist-make-tab)) (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness t))) + +(defun ac-comphist-get (db string &optional create) + (let* ((tab (ac-comphist-tab db)) + (index (gethash string tab))) + (when (and create (null index)) + (setq index (make-vector (length string) 0)) + (puthash string index tab)) + index)) + +(defun ac-comphist-add (db string prefix) + (setq prefix (min prefix (1- (length string)))) + (when (<= 0 prefix) + (setq string (substring-no-properties string)) + (let ((stat (ac-comphist-get db string t))) + (incf (aref stat prefix)) + (remhash string (ac-comphist-cache db))))) + +(defun ac-comphist-score (db string prefix) + (setq prefix (min prefix (1- (length string)))) + (if (<= 0 prefix) + (let ((cache (gethash string (ac-comphist-cache db)))) + (or (and cache (aref cache prefix)) + (let ((stat (ac-comphist-get db string)) + (score 0.0)) + (when stat + (loop for p from 0 below (length string) + ;; sigmoid function + with a = 5 + with d = (/ 6.0 a) + for x = (- d (abs (- prefix p))) + for r = (/ 1.0 (1+ (exp (* (- a) x)))) + do + (incf score (* (aref stat p) r)))) + ;; Weight by distance + (incf score (max 0.0 (- 0.3 (/ (- (length string) prefix) 100.0)))) + (unless cache + (setq cache (make-vector (length string) nil)) + (puthash string cache (ac-comphist-cache db))) + (aset cache prefix score) + score))) + 0.0)) + +(defun ac-comphist-sort (db collection prefix &optional threshold) + (let (result + (n 0) + (total 0) + (cur 0)) + (setq result (mapcar (lambda (a) + (when (and cur threshold) + (if (>= cur (* total threshold)) + (setq cur nil) + (incf n) + (incf cur (cdr a)))) + (car a)) + (sort (mapcar (lambda (string) + (let ((score (ac-comphist-score db string prefix))) + (incf total score) + (cons string score))) + collection) + (lambda (a b) (< (cdr b) (cdr a)))))) + (if threshold + (cons n result) + result))) + +(defun ac-comphist-serialize (db) + (let (alist) + (maphash (lambda (k v) + (push (cons k v) alist)) + (ac-comphist-tab db)) + (list alist))) + +(defun ac-comphist-deserialize (sexp) + (condition-case nil + (ac-comphist-make (let ((tab (ac-comphist-make-tab))) + (mapc (lambda (cons) + (puthash (car cons) (cdr cons) tab)) + (nth 0 sexp)) + tab)) + (error (message "Invalid comphist db.") nil))) + +(defun ac-comphist-init () + (ac-comphist-load) + (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'ac-comphist-save)) + +(defun ac-comphist-load () + (interactive) + (let ((db (if (file-exists-p ac-comphist-file) + (ignore-errors + (with-temp-buffer + (insert-file-contents ac-comphist-file) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (ac-comphist-deserialize (read (current-buffer)))))))) + (setq ac-comphist (or db (ac-comphist-make))))) + +(defun ac-comphist-save () + (interactive) + (require 'pp) + (ignore-errors + (with-temp-buffer + (pp (ac-comphist-serialize ac-comphist) (current-buffer)) + (write-region (point-min) (point-max) ac-comphist-file)))) + + + +;;;; Auto completion internals + +(defun ac-menu-at-wrapper-line-p () + "Return non-nil if current line is long and wrapped to next visual line." + (and (not truncate-lines) + (eq (line-beginning-position) + (save-excursion + (vertical-motion 1) + (line-beginning-position))))) + +(defun ac-prefix-symbol () + "Default prefix definition function." + (require 'thingatpt) + (car-safe (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))) +(defalias 'ac-prefix-default 'ac-prefix-symbol) + +(defun ac-prefix-file () + "File prefix." + (let ((point (re-search-backward "[\"<>' \t\r\n]" nil t))) + (if point (1+ point)))) + +(defun ac-prefix-valid-file () + "Existed (or to be existed) file prefix." + (let* ((line-beg (line-beginning-position)) + (end (point)) + (start (or (let ((point (re-search-backward "[\"<>'= \t\r\n]" line-beg t))) + (if point (1+ point))) + line-beg)) + (file (buffer-substring start end))) + (if (and file (or (string-match "^/" file) + (and (setq file (and (string-match "^[^/]*/" file) + (match-string 0 file))) + (file-directory-p file)))) + start))) + +(defun ac-prefix-c-dot () + "C-like languages dot(.) prefix." + (if (re-search-backward "\\.\\(\\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\\)?\\)\\=" nil t) + (match-beginning 1))) + +(defun ac-prefix-c-dot-ref () + "C-like languages dot(.) and reference(->) prefix." + (if (re-search-backward "\\(?:\\.\\|->\\)\\(\\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\\)?\\)\\=" nil t) + (match-beginning 1))) + +(defun ac-define-prefix (name prefix) + "Define new prefix definition. +You can not use it in source definition like (prefix . `NAME')." + (push (cons name prefix) ac-prefix-definitions)) + +(defun ac-match-substring (prefix candidates) + (loop with regexp = (regexp-quote prefix) + for candidate in candidates + if (string-match regexp candidate) + collect candidate)) + +(defsubst ac-source-entity (source) + (if (symbolp source) + (symbol-value source) + source)) + +(defun ac-source-available-p (source) + (if (and (symbolp source) + (get source 'available)) + (eq (get source 'available) t) + (let* ((src (ac-source-entity source)) + (avail-pair (assq 'available src)) + (avail-cond (cdr avail-pair)) + (available (and (if avail-pair + (cond + ((symbolp avail-cond) + (funcall avail-cond)) + ((listp avail-cond) + (eval avail-cond))) + t) + (loop for feature in (assoc-default 'depends src) + unless (require feature nil t) return nil + finally return t)))) + (if (symbolp source) + (put source 'available (if available t 'no))) + available))) + +(defun ac-compile-sources (sources) + "Compiled `SOURCES' into expanded sources style." + (loop for source in sources + if (ac-source-available-p source) + do + (setq source (ac-source-entity source)) + (flet ((add-attribute (name value &optional append) (add-to-list 'source (cons name value) append))) + ;; prefix + (let* ((prefix (assoc 'prefix source)) + (real (assoc-default (cdr prefix) ac-prefix-definitions))) + (cond + (real + (add-attribute 'prefix real)) + ((null prefix) + (add-attribute 'prefix 'ac-prefix-default)))) + ;; match + (let ((match (assq 'match source))) + (cond + ((eq (cdr match) 'substring) + (setcdr match 'ac-match-substring))))) + and collect source)) + +(defun ac-compiled-sources () + (or ac-compiled-sources + (setq ac-compiled-sources + (ac-compile-sources ac-sources)))) + +(defsubst ac-menu-live-p () + (popup-live-p ac-menu)) + +(defun ac-menu-create (point width height) + (setq ac-menu + (popup-create point width height + :around t + :face 'ac-candidate-face + :selection-face 'ac-selection-face + :symbol t + :scroll-bar t + :margin-left 1))) + +(defun ac-menu-delete () + (when ac-menu + (popup-delete ac-menu) + (setq ac-menu))) + +(defsubst ac-inline-marker () + (nth 0 ac-inline)) + +(defsubst ac-inline-overlay () + (nth 1 ac-inline)) + +(defsubst ac-inline-live-p () + (and ac-inline (ac-inline-overlay) t)) + +(defun ac-inline-show (point string) + (unless ac-inline + (setq ac-inline (list (make-marker) nil))) + (save-excursion + (let ((overlay (ac-inline-overlay)) + (width 0) + (string-width (string-width string)) + (length 0) + (original-string string)) + ;; Calculate string space to show completion + (goto-char point) + (let (c) + (while (and (not (eolp)) + (< width string-width) + (setq c (char-after)) + (not (eq c ?\t))) ; special case for tab + (incf width (char-width c)) + (incf length) + (forward-char))) + + ;; Show completion + (goto-char point) + (cond + ((= width 0) + (set-marker (ac-inline-marker) point) + (let ((buffer-undo-list t)) + (insert " ")) + (setq width 1 + length 1)) + ((<= width string-width) + ;; No space to show + ;; Do nothing + ) + ((> width string-width) + ;; Need to fill space + (setq string (concat string (make-string (- width string-width) ? ))))) + (setq string (propertize string 'face 'ac-completion-face)) + (if overlay + (progn + (move-overlay overlay point (+ point length)) + (overlay-put overlay 'invisible nil)) + (setq overlay (make-overlay point (+ point length))) + (setf (nth 1 ac-inline) overlay) + (overlay-put overlay 'priority 9999) + ;; Help prefix-overlay in some cases + (overlay-put overlay 'keymap ac-current-map)) + (overlay-put overlay 'display (substring string 0 1)) + ;; TODO no width but char + (overlay-put overlay 'after-string (substring string 1)) + (overlay-put overlay 'string original-string)))) + +(defun ac-inline-delete () + (when (ac-inline-live-p) + (ac-inline-hide) + (delete-overlay (ac-inline-overlay)) + (setq ac-inline nil))) + +(defun ac-inline-hide () + (when (ac-inline-live-p) + (let ((overlay (ac-inline-overlay)) + (marker (ac-inline-marker)) + (buffer-undo-list t)) + (when overlay + (when (marker-position marker) + (save-excursion + (goto-char marker) + (delete-char 1) + (set-marker marker nil))) + (move-overlay overlay (point-min) (point-min)) + (overlay-put overlay 'invisible t) + (overlay-put overlay 'display nil) + (overlay-put overlay 'after-string nil))))) + +(defun ac-inline-update () + (if (and ac-completing ac-prefix (stringp ac-common-part)) + (let ((common-part-length (length ac-common-part)) + (prefix-length (length ac-prefix))) + (if (> common-part-length prefix-length) + (progn + (ac-inline-hide) + (ac-inline-show (point) (substring ac-common-part prefix-length))) + (ac-inline-delete))) + (ac-inline-delete))) + +(defun ac-put-prefix-overlay () + (unless ac-prefix-overlay + (let (newline) + ;; Insert newline to make sure that cursor always on the overlay + (when (and (eq ac-point (point-max)) + (eq ac-point (point))) + (popup-save-buffer-state + (insert "\n")) + (setq newline t)) + (setq ac-prefix-overlay (make-overlay ac-point (1+ (point)) nil t t)) + (overlay-put ac-prefix-overlay 'priority 9999) + (overlay-put ac-prefix-overlay 'keymap (make-sparse-keymap)) + (overlay-put ac-prefix-overlay 'newline newline)))) + +(defun ac-remove-prefix-overlay () + (when ac-prefix-overlay + (when (overlay-get ac-prefix-overlay 'newline) + ;; Remove inserted newline + (popup-save-buffer-state + (goto-char (point-max)) + (if (eq (char-before) ?\n) + (delete-char -1)))) + (delete-overlay ac-prefix-overlay))) + +(defun ac-activate-completing-map () + (if (and ac-show-menu ac-use-menu-map) + (set-keymap-parent ac-current-map ac-menu-map)) + (when (and ac-use-overriding-local-map + (null overriding-terminal-local-map)) + (setq overriding-terminal-local-map ac-current-map)) + (when ac-prefix-overlay + (set-keymap-parent (overlay-get ac-prefix-overlay 'keymap) ac-current-map))) + +(defun ac-deactivate-completing-map () + (set-keymap-parent ac-current-map ac-completing-map) + (when (and ac-use-overriding-local-map + (eq overriding-terminal-local-map ac-current-map)) + (setq overriding-terminal-local-map nil)) + (when ac-prefix-overlay + (set-keymap-parent (overlay-get ac-prefix-overlay 'keymap) nil))) + +(defsubst ac-selected-candidate () + (if ac-menu + (popup-selected-item ac-menu))) + +(defun ac-prefix (requires ignore-list) + (loop with current = (point) + with point + with prefix-def + with sources + for source in (ac-compiled-sources) + for prefix = (assoc-default 'prefix source) + for req = (or (assoc-default 'requires source) requires 1) + + if (null prefix-def) + do + (unless (member prefix ignore-list) + (save-excursion + (setq point (cond + ((symbolp prefix) + (funcall prefix)) + ((stringp prefix) + (and (re-search-backward (concat prefix "\\=") nil t) + (or (match-beginning 1) (match-beginning 0)))) + ((stringp (car-safe prefix)) + (let ((regexp (nth 0 prefix)) + (end (nth 1 prefix)) + (group (nth 2 prefix))) + (and (re-search-backward (concat regexp "\\=") nil t) + (funcall (if end 'match-end 'match-beginning) + (or group 0))))) + (t + (eval prefix)))) + (if (and point + (integerp req) + (< (- current point) req)) + (setq point nil)) + (if point + (setq prefix-def prefix)))) + + if (equal prefix prefix-def) do (push source sources) + + finally return + (and point (list prefix-def point (nreverse sources))))) + +(defun ac-init () + "Initialize current sources to start completion." + (setq ac-candidates-cache nil) + (loop for source in ac-current-sources + for function = (assoc-default 'init source) + if function do + (save-excursion + (cond + ((functionp function) + (funcall function)) + (t + (eval function)))))) + +(defun ac-candidates-1 (source) + (let* ((do-cache (assq 'cache source)) + (function (assoc-default 'candidates source)) + (action (assoc-default 'action source)) + (document (assoc-default 'document source)) + (symbol (assoc-default 'symbol source)) + (ac-limit (or (assoc-default 'limit source) ac-limit)) + (face (or (assoc-default 'face source) (assoc-default 'candidate-face source))) + (selection-face (assoc-default 'selection-face source)) + (cache (and do-cache (assq source ac-candidates-cache))) + (candidates (cdr cache))) + (unless cache + (setq candidates (save-excursion + (cond + ((functionp function) + (funcall function)) + (t + (eval function))))) + ;; Convert (name value) format candidates into name with text properties. + (setq candidates (mapcar (lambda (candidate) + (if (consp candidate) + (propertize (car candidate) 'value (cdr candidate)) + candidate)) + candidates)) + (when do-cache + (push (cons source candidates) ac-candidates-cache))) + (setq candidates (funcall (or (assoc-default 'match source) + ac-match-function) + ac-prefix candidates)) + ;; Remove extra items regarding to ac-limit + (if (and (integerp ac-limit) (> ac-limit 1) (> (length candidates) ac-limit)) + (setcdr (nthcdr (1- ac-limit) candidates) nil)) + ;; Put candidate properties + (setq candidates (mapcar (lambda (candidate) + (popup-item-propertize candidate + 'action action + 'symbol symbol + 'document document + 'popup-face face + 'selection-face selection-face)) + candidates)) + candidates)) + +(defun ac-candidates () + "Produce candidates for current sources." + (loop with completion-ignore-case = (or (eq ac-ignore-case t) + (and (eq ac-ignore-case 'smart) + (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (not (string-match "[[:upper:]]" ac-prefix))))) + with case-fold-search = completion-ignore-case + with prefix-len = (length ac-prefix) + for source in ac-current-sources + append (ac-candidates-1 source) into candidates + finally return + (progn + (delete-dups candidates) + (if (and ac-use-comphist ac-comphist) + (if ac-show-menu + (let* ((pair (ac-comphist-sort ac-comphist candidates prefix-len ac-comphist-threshold)) + (n (car pair)) + (result (cdr pair)) + (cons (if (> n 0) (nthcdr (1- n) result))) + (cdr (cdr cons))) + (if cons (setcdr cons nil)) + (setq ac-common-part (try-completion ac-prefix result)) + (setq ac-whole-common-part (try-completion ac-prefix candidates)) + (if cons (setcdr cons cdr)) + result) + (setq candidates (ac-comphist-sort ac-comphist candidates prefix-len)) + (setq ac-common-part (if candidates (popup-x-to-string (car candidates)))) + (setq ac-whole-common-part (try-completion ac-prefix candidates)) + candidates) + (setq ac-common-part (try-completion ac-prefix candidates)) + (setq ac-whole-common-part ac-common-part) + candidates)))) + +(defun ac-update-candidates (cursor scroll-top) + "Update candidates of menu to `ac-candidates' and redraw it." + (setf (popup-cursor ac-menu) cursor + (popup-scroll-top ac-menu) scroll-top) + (setq ac-dwim-enable (= (length ac-candidates) 1)) + (if ac-candidates + (progn + (setq ac-completing t) + (ac-activate-completing-map)) + (setq ac-completing nil) + (ac-deactivate-completing-map)) + (ac-inline-update) + (popup-set-list ac-menu ac-candidates) + (if (and (not ac-fuzzy-enable) + (<= (length ac-candidates) 1)) + (popup-hide ac-menu) + (if ac-show-menu + (popup-draw ac-menu)))) + +(defun ac-reposition () + "Force to redraw candidate menu with current `ac-candidates'." + (let ((cursor (popup-cursor ac-menu)) + (scroll-top (popup-scroll-top ac-menu))) + (ac-menu-delete) + (ac-menu-create ac-point (popup-preferred-width ac-candidates) (popup-height ac-menu)) + (ac-update-candidates cursor scroll-top))) + +(defun ac-cleanup () + "Cleanup auto completion." + (if ac-cursor-color + (set-cursor-color ac-cursor-color)) + (when (and ac-use-comphist ac-comphist) + (when (and (null ac-selected-candidate) + (member ac-prefix ac-candidates)) + ;; Assume candidate is selected by just typing + (setq ac-selected-candidate ac-prefix) + (setq ac-last-point ac-point)) + (when ac-selected-candidate + (ac-comphist-add ac-comphist + ac-selected-candidate + (if ac-last-point + (- ac-last-point ac-point) + (length ac-prefix))))) + (ac-deactivate-completing-map) + (ac-remove-prefix-overlay) + (ac-remove-quick-help) + (ac-inline-delete) + (ac-menu-delete) + (ac-cancel-timer) + (ac-cancel-show-menu-timer) + (ac-cancel-quick-help-timer) + (setq ac-cursor-color nil + ac-inline nil + ac-show-menu nil + ac-menu nil + ac-completing nil + ac-point nil + ac-last-point nil + ac-prefix nil + ac-prefix-overlay nil + ac-selected-candidate nil + ac-common-part nil + ac-whole-common-part nil + ac-triggered nil + ac-limit nil + ac-candidates nil + ac-candidates-cache nil + ac-fuzzy-enable nil + ac-dwim-enable nil + ac-compiled-sources nil + ac-current-sources nil + ac-current-prefix-def nil + ac-ignoring-prefix-def nil)) + +(defsubst ac-abort () + "Abort completion." + (ac-cleanup)) + +(defun ac-expand-string (string &optional remove-undo-boundary) + "Expand `STRING' into the buffer and update `ac-prefix' to `STRING'. +This function records deletion and insertion sequences by `undo-boundary'. +If `remove-undo-boundary' is non-nil, this function also removes `undo-boundary' +that have been made before in this function." + (when (not (equal string (buffer-substring ac-point (point)))) + (undo-boundary) + ;; We can't use primitive-undo since it undoes by + ;; groups, divided by boundaries. + ;; We don't want boundary between deletion and insertion. + ;; So do it manually. + ;; Delete region silently for undo: + (if remove-undo-boundary + (progn + (let (buffer-undo-list) + (save-excursion + (delete-region ac-point (point)))) + (setq buffer-undo-list + (nthcdr 2 buffer-undo-list))) + (delete-region ac-point (point))) + (insert string) + ;; Sometimes, possible when omni-completion used, (insert) added + ;; to buffer-undo-list strange record about position changes. + ;; Delete it here: + (when (and remove-undo-boundary + (integerp (cadr buffer-undo-list))) + (setcdr buffer-undo-list (nthcdr 2 buffer-undo-list))) + (undo-boundary) + (setq ac-selected-candidate string) + (setq ac-prefix string))) + +(defun ac-set-trigger-key (key) + "Set `ac-trigger-key' to `KEY'. It is recommemded to use this function instead of calling `setq'." + ;; Remove old mapping + (when ac-trigger-key + (define-key ac-mode-map (read-kbd-macro ac-trigger-key) nil)) + + ;; Make new mapping + (setq ac-trigger-key key) + (when key + (define-key ac-mode-map (read-kbd-macro key) 'ac-trigger-key-command))) + +(defun ac-set-timer () + (unless ac-timer + (setq ac-timer (run-with-idle-timer ac-delay ac-delay 'ac-update-greedy)))) + +(defun ac-cancel-timer () + (when (timerp ac-timer) + (cancel-timer ac-timer) + (setq ac-timer nil))) + +(defun ac-update (&optional force) + (when (and auto-complete-mode + ac-prefix + (or ac-triggered + force) + (not isearch-mode)) + (ac-put-prefix-overlay) + (setq ac-candidates (ac-candidates)) + (let ((preferred-width (popup-preferred-width ac-candidates))) + ;; Reposition if needed + (when (or (null ac-menu) + (>= (popup-width ac-menu) preferred-width) + (<= (popup-width ac-menu) (- preferred-width 10)) + (and (> (popup-direction ac-menu) 0) + (ac-menu-at-wrapper-line-p))) + (ac-inline-hide) ; Hide overlay to calculate correct column + (ac-menu-delete) + (ac-menu-create ac-point preferred-width ac-menu-height))) + (ac-update-candidates 0 0) + t)) + +(defun ac-update-greedy (&optional force) + (let (result) + (while (when (and (setq result (ac-update force)) + (null ac-candidates)) + (add-to-list 'ac-ignoring-prefix-def ac-current-prefix-def) + (ac-start :force-init t) + ac-current-prefix-def)) + result)) + +(defun ac-set-show-menu-timer () + (when (and (or (integerp ac-auto-show-menu) (floatp ac-auto-show-menu)) + (null ac-show-menu-timer)) + (setq ac-show-menu-timer (run-with-idle-timer ac-auto-show-menu ac-auto-show-menu 'ac-show-menu)))) + +(defun ac-cancel-show-menu-timer () + (when (timerp ac-show-menu-timer) + (cancel-timer ac-show-menu-timer) + (setq ac-show-menu-timer nil))) + +(defun ac-show-menu () + (when (not (eq ac-show-menu t)) + (setq ac-show-menu t) + (ac-inline-hide) + (ac-remove-quick-help) + (ac-update t))) + +(defun ac-help (&optional persist) + (interactive "P") + (when ac-menu + (popup-menu-show-help ac-menu persist))) + +(defun ac-persist-help () + (interactive) + (ac-help t)) + +(defun ac-last-help (&optional persist) + (interactive "P") + (when ac-last-completion + (popup-item-show-help (cdr ac-last-completion) persist))) + +(defun ac-last-persist-help () + (interactive) + (ac-last-help t)) + +(defun ac-set-quick-help-timer () + (when (and ac-use-quick-help + (null ac-quick-help-timer)) + (setq ac-quick-help-timer (run-with-idle-timer ac-quick-help-delay ac-quick-help-delay 'ac-quick-help)))) + +(defun ac-cancel-quick-help-timer () + (when (timerp ac-quick-help-timer) + (cancel-timer ac-quick-help-timer) + (setq ac-quick-help-timer nil))) + +(defun ac-pos-tip-show-quick-help (menu &optional item &rest args) + (let* ((point (plist-get args :point)) + (around nil) + (parent-offset (popup-offset menu)) + (doc (popup-menu-documentation menu item))) + (when (stringp doc) + (if (popup-hidden-p menu) + (setq around t) + (setq point nil)) + (with-no-warnings + (pos-tip-show doc + 'popup-tip-face + (or point + (and menu + (popup-child-point menu parent-offset)) + (point)) + nil 0 + popup-tip-max-width + nil nil + (and (not around) 0)) + (unless (plist-get args :nowait) + (clear-this-command-keys) + (unwind-protect + (push (read-event (plist-get args :prompt)) unread-command-events) + (pos-tip-hide)) + t))))) + +(defun ac-quick-help (&optional force) + (interactive) + (when (and (or force (null this-command)) + (ac-menu-live-p) + (null ac-quick-help)) + (setq ac-quick-help + (funcall (if (and ac-quick-help-prefer-x + (eq window-system 'x) + (featurep 'pos-tip)) + 'ac-pos-tip-show-quick-help + 'popup-menu-show-quick-help) + ac-menu nil + :point ac-point + :height ac-quick-help-height + :nowait t)))) + +(defun ac-remove-quick-help () + (when ac-quick-help + (popup-delete ac-quick-help) + (setq ac-quick-help nil))) + +(defun ac-last-quick-help () + (interactive) + (when (and ac-last-completion + (eq (marker-buffer (car ac-last-completion)) + (current-buffer))) + (let ((doc (popup-item-documentation (cdr ac-last-completion))) + (point (marker-position (car ac-last-completion)))) + (when (stringp doc) + (if (and ac-quick-help-prefer-x + (eq window-system 'x) + (featurep 'pos-tip)) + (with-no-warnings (pos-tip-show doc nil point nil 0)) + (popup-tip doc + :point point + :around t + :scroll-bar t + :margin t)))))) + +(defmacro ac-define-quick-help-command (name arglist &rest body) + (declare (indent 2)) + `(progn + (defun ,name ,arglist ,@body) + (put ',name 'ac-quick-help-command t))) + +(ac-define-quick-help-command ac-quick-help-scroll-down () + (interactive) + (when ac-quick-help + (popup-scroll-down ac-quick-help))) + +(ac-define-quick-help-command ac-quick-help-scroll-up () + (interactive) + (when ac-quick-help + (popup-scroll-up ac-quick-help))) + + + +;;;; Auto completion isearch + +(defun ac-isearch-callback (list) + (setq ac-dwim-enable (eq (length list) 1))) + +(defun ac-isearch () + (interactive) + (when (ac-menu-live-p) + (ac-cancel-show-menu-timer) + (ac-cancel-quick-help-timer) + (ac-show-menu) + (popup-isearch ac-menu :callback 'ac-isearch-callback))) + + + +;;;; Auto completion commands + +(defun auto-complete (&optional sources) + "Start auto-completion at current point." + (interactive) + (let ((menu-live (ac-menu-live-p)) + (inline-live (ac-inline-live-p))) + (ac-abort) + (let ((ac-sources (or sources ac-sources))) + (if (or ac-show-menu-immediately-on-auto-complete + inline-live) + (setq ac-show-menu t)) + (ac-start)) + (when (ac-update-greedy t) + ;; TODO Not to cause inline completion to be disrupted. + (if (ac-inline-live-p) + (ac-inline-hide)) + ;; Not to expand when it is first time to complete + (when (and (or (and (not ac-expand-on-auto-complete) + (> (length ac-candidates) 1) + (not menu-live)) + (not (let ((ac-common-part ac-whole-common-part)) + (ac-expand-common)))) + ac-use-fuzzy + (null ac-candidates)) + (ac-fuzzy-complete))))) + +(defun ac-fuzzy-complete () + "Start fuzzy completion at current point." + (interactive) + (when (require 'fuzzy nil) + (unless (ac-menu-live-p) + (ac-start)) + (let ((ac-match-function 'fuzzy-all-completions)) + (unless ac-cursor-color + (setq ac-cursor-color (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'cursor-color))) + (if ac-fuzzy-cursor-color + (set-cursor-color ac-fuzzy-cursor-color)) + (setq ac-show-menu t) + (setq ac-fuzzy-enable t) + (setq ac-triggered nil) + (ac-update t))) + t) + +(defun ac-next () + "Select next candidate." + (interactive) + (when (ac-menu-live-p) + (popup-next ac-menu) + (setq ac-show-menu t) + (if (eq this-command 'ac-next) + (setq ac-dwim-enable t)))) + +(defun ac-previous () + "Select previous candidate." + (interactive) + (when (ac-menu-live-p) + (popup-previous ac-menu) + (setq ac-show-menu t) + (if (eq this-command 'ac-previous) + (setq ac-dwim-enable t)))) + +(defun ac-expand () + "Try expand, and if expanded twice, select next candidate." + (interactive) + (unless (ac-expand-common) + (let ((string (ac-selected-candidate))) + (when string + (when (equal ac-prefix string) + (ac-next) + (setq string (ac-selected-candidate))) + (ac-expand-string string (eq last-command this-command)) + ;; Do reposition if menu at long line + (if (and (> (popup-direction ac-menu) 0) + (ac-menu-at-wrapper-line-p)) + (ac-reposition)) + (setq ac-show-menu t) + string)))) + +(defun ac-expand-common () + "Try to expand meaningful common part." + (interactive) + (if (and ac-dwim ac-dwim-enable) + (ac-complete) + (when (and (ac-inline-live-p) + ac-common-part) + (ac-inline-hide) + (ac-expand-string ac-common-part (eq last-command this-command)) + (setq ac-common-part nil) + t))) + +(defun ac-complete () + "Try complete." + (interactive) + (let* ((candidate (ac-selected-candidate)) + (action (popup-item-property candidate 'action)) + (fallback nil)) + (when candidate + (unless (ac-expand-string candidate) + (setq fallback t)) + ;; Remember to show help later + (when (and ac-point candidate) + (unless ac-last-completion + (setq ac-last-completion (cons (make-marker) nil))) + (set-marker (car ac-last-completion) ac-point ac-buffer) + (setcdr ac-last-completion candidate))) + (ac-abort) + (cond + (action + (funcall action)) + (fallback + (ac-fallback-command))) + candidate)) + +(defun* ac-start (&key + requires + force-init) + "Start completion." + (interactive) + (if (not auto-complete-mode) + (message "auto-complete-mode is not enabled") + (let* ((info (ac-prefix requires ac-ignoring-prefix-def)) + (prefix-def (nth 0 info)) + (point (nth 1 info)) + (sources (nth 2 info)) + prefix + (init (or force-init (not (eq ac-point point))))) + (if (or (null point) + (member (setq prefix (buffer-substring-no-properties point (point))) + ac-ignores)) + (prog1 nil + (ac-abort)) + (unless ac-cursor-color + (setq ac-cursor-color (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'cursor-color))) + (setq ac-show-menu (or ac-show-menu (if (eq ac-auto-show-menu t) t)) + ac-current-sources sources + ac-buffer (current-buffer) + ac-point point + ac-prefix prefix + ac-limit ac-candidate-limit + ac-triggered t + ac-current-prefix-def prefix-def) + (when (or init (null ac-prefix-overlay)) + (ac-init)) + (ac-set-timer) + (ac-set-show-menu-timer) + (ac-set-quick-help-timer) + (ac-put-prefix-overlay))))) + +(defun ac-stop () + "Stop completiong." + (interactive) + (setq ac-selected-candidate nil) + (ac-abort)) + +(defun ac-trigger-key-command (&optional force) + (interactive "P") + (if (or force (ac-trigger-command-p last-command)) + (auto-complete) + (ac-fallback-command 'ac-trigger-key-command))) + + + +;;;; Basic cache facility + +(defvar ac-clear-variables-every-minute-timer nil) +(defvar ac-clear-variables-after-save nil) +(defvar ac-clear-variables-every-minute nil) +(defvar ac-minutes-counter 0) + +(defun ac-clear-variable-after-save (variable &optional pred) + (add-to-list 'ac-clear-variables-after-save (cons variable pred))) + +(defun ac-clear-variables-after-save () + (dolist (pair ac-clear-variables-after-save) + (if (or (null (cdr pair)) + (funcall (cdr pair))) + (set (car pair) nil)))) + +(defun ac-clear-variable-every-minutes (variable minutes) + (add-to-list 'ac-clear-variables-every-minute (cons variable minutes))) + +(defun ac-clear-variable-every-minute (variable) + (ac-clear-variable-every-minutes variable 1)) + +(defun ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes (variable) + (ac-clear-variable-every-minutes variable 10)) + +(defun ac-clear-variables-every-minute () + (incf ac-minutes-counter) + (dolist (pair ac-clear-variables-every-minute) + (if (eq (% ac-minutes-counter (cdr pair)) 0) + (set (car pair) nil)))) + + + +;;;; Auto complete mode + +(defun ac-cursor-on-diable-face-p (&optional point) + (memq (get-text-property (or point (point)) 'face) ac-disable-faces)) + +(defun ac-trigger-command-p (command) + "Return non-nil if `COMMAND' is a trigger command." + (and (symbolp command) + (or (memq command ac-trigger-commands) + (string-match "self-insert-command" (symbol-name command)) + (string-match "electric" (symbol-name command))))) + +(defun ac-fallback-command (&optional except-command) + (let* ((auto-complete-mode nil) + (keys (this-command-keys-vector)) + (command (if keys (key-binding keys)))) + (when (and (commandp command) + (not (eq command except-command))) + (setq this-command command) + (call-interactively command)))) + +(defun ac-compatible-package-command-p (command) + "Return non-nil if `COMMAND' is compatible with auto-complete." + (and (symbolp command) + (string-match ac-compatible-packages-regexp (symbol-name command)))) + +(defun ac-handle-pre-command () + (condition-case var + (if (or (setq ac-triggered (and (not ac-fuzzy-enable) ; ignore key storkes in fuzzy mode + (or (eq this-command 'auto-complete) ; special case + (ac-trigger-command-p this-command) + (and ac-completing + (memq this-command ac-trigger-commands-on-completing))) + (not (ac-cursor-on-diable-face-p)))) + (ac-compatible-package-command-p this-command)) + (progn + (if (or (not (symbolp this-command)) + (not (get this-command 'ac-quick-help-command))) + (ac-remove-quick-help)) + ;; Not to cause inline completion to be disrupted. + (ac-inline-hide)) + (ac-abort)) + (error (ac-error var)))) + +(defun ac-handle-post-command () + (condition-case var + (when (and ac-triggered + (or ac-auto-start + ac-completing) + (not isearch-mode)) + (setq ac-last-point (point)) + (ac-start :requires (unless ac-completing ac-auto-start)) + (ac-inline-update)) + (error (ac-error var)))) + +(defun ac-setup () + (if ac-trigger-key + (ac-set-trigger-key ac-trigger-key)) + (if ac-use-comphist + (ac-comphist-init)) + (unless ac-clear-variables-every-minute-timer + (setq ac-clear-variables-every-minute-timer (run-with-timer 60 60 'ac-clear-variables-every-minute))) + (if ac-stop-flymake-on-completing + (defadvice flymake-on-timer-event (around ac-flymake-stop-advice activate) + (unless ac-completing + ad-do-it)) + (ad-disable-advice 'flymake-on-timer-event 'around 'ac-flymake-stop-advice))) + +(define-minor-mode auto-complete-mode + "AutoComplete mode" + :lighter " AC" + :keymap ac-mode-map + :group 'auto-complete + (if auto-complete-mode + (progn + (ac-setup) + (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'ac-handle-pre-command nil t) + (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'ac-handle-post-command nil t) + (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'ac-clear-variables-after-save nil t) + (run-hooks 'auto-complete-mode-hook)) + (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'ac-handle-pre-command t) + (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'ac-handle-post-command t) + (remove-hook 'after-save-hook 'ac-clear-variables-after-save t) + (ac-abort))) + +(defun auto-complete-mode-maybe () + "What buffer `auto-complete-mode' prefers." + (if (and (not (minibufferp (current-buffer))) + (memq major-mode ac-modes)) + (auto-complete-mode 1))) + +(define-global-minor-mode global-auto-complete-mode + auto-complete-mode auto-complete-mode-maybe + :group 'auto-complete) + + + +;;;; Compatibilities with other extensions + +(defun ac-flyspell-workaround () + "Flyspell uses `sit-for' for delaying its process. Unfortunatelly, +it stops auto completion which is trigger with `run-with-idle-timer'. +This workaround avoid flyspell processes when auto completion is being started." + (interactive) + (defadvice flyspell-post-command-hook (around ac-flyspell-workaround activate) + (unless ac-triggered + ad-do-it))) + + + +;;;; Standard sources + +(defmacro ac-define-source (name source) + "Source definition macro. It defines a complete command also." + (declare (indent 1)) + `(progn + (defvar ,(intern (format "ac-source-%s" name)) + ,source) + (defun ,(intern (format "ac-complete-%s" name)) () + (interactive) + (auto-complete '(,(intern (format "ac-source-%s" name))))))) + +;; Words in buffer source +(defvar ac-word-index nil) + +(defun ac-candidate-words-in-buffer (point prefix limit) + (let ((i 0) + candidate + candidates + (regexp (concat "\\_<" (regexp-quote prefix) "\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\_>"))) + (save-excursion + ;; Search backward + (goto-char point) + (while (and (or (not (integerp limit)) (< i limit)) + (re-search-backward regexp nil t)) + (setq candidate (match-string-no-properties 0)) + (unless (member candidate candidates) + (push candidate candidates) + (incf i))) + ;; Search backward + (goto-char (+ point (length prefix))) + (while (and (or (not (integerp limit)) (< i limit)) + (re-search-forward regexp nil t)) + (setq candidate (match-string-no-properties 0)) + (unless (member candidate candidates) + (push candidate candidates) + (incf i))) + (nreverse candidates)))) + +(defun ac-incremental-update-word-index () + (unless (local-variable-p 'ac-word-index) + (make-local-variable 'ac-word-index)) + (if (null ac-word-index) + (setq ac-word-index (cons nil nil))) + ;; Mark incomplete + (if (car ac-word-index) + (setcar ac-word-index nil)) + (let ((index (cdr ac-word-index)) + (words (ac-candidate-words-in-buffer ac-point ac-prefix (or (and (integerp ac-limit) ac-limit) 10)))) + (dolist (word words) + (unless (member word index) + (push word index) + (setcdr ac-word-index index))))) + +(defun ac-update-word-index-1 () + (unless (local-variable-p 'ac-word-index) + (make-local-variable 'ac-word-index)) + (when (and (not (car ac-word-index)) + (< (buffer-size) 1048576)) + ;; Complete index + (setq ac-word-index + (cons t + (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)) + "\\(?:^\\|\\_>\\).*?\\(?:\\_<\\|$\\)"))))) + +(defun ac-update-word-index () + (dolist (buffer (buffer-list)) + (when (or ac-fuzzy-enable + (not (eq buffer (current-buffer)))) + (with-current-buffer buffer + (ac-update-word-index-1))))) + +(defun ac-word-candidates (&optional buffer-pred) + (loop initially (unless ac-fuzzy-enable (ac-incremental-update-word-index)) + for buffer in (buffer-list) + if (and (or (not (integerp ac-limit)) (< (length candidates) ac-limit)) + (if buffer-pred (funcall buffer-pred buffer) t)) + append (funcall ac-match-function + ac-prefix + (and (local-variable-p 'ac-word-index buffer) + (cdr (buffer-local-value 'ac-word-index buffer)))) + into candidates + finally return candidates)) + +(ac-define-source words-in-buffer + '((candidates . ac-word-candidates))) + +(ac-define-source words-in-all-buffer + '((init . ac-update-word-index) + (candidates . ac-word-candidates))) + +(ac-define-source words-in-same-mode-buffers + '((init . ac-update-word-index) + (candidates . (ac-word-candidates + (lambda (buffer) + (derived-mode-p (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buffer))))))) + +;; Lisp symbols source +(defvar ac-symbols-cache nil) +(ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes 'ac-symbols-cache) + +(defun ac-symbol-file (symbol type) + (if (fboundp 'find-lisp-object-file-name) + (find-lisp-object-file-name symbol type) + (let ((file-name (with-no-warnings + (describe-simplify-lib-file-name + (symbol-file symbol type))))) + (when (equal file-name "loaddefs.el") + ;; Find the real def site of the preloaded object. + (let ((location (condition-case nil + (if (eq type 'defun) + (find-function-search-for-symbol symbol nil + "loaddefs.el") + (find-variable-noselect symbol file-name)) + (error nil)))) + (when location + (with-current-buffer (car location) + (when (cdr location) + (goto-char (cdr location))) + (when (re-search-backward + "^;;; Generated autoloads from \\(.*\\)" nil t) + (setq file-name (match-string 1))))))) + (if (and (null file-name) + (or (eq type 'defun) + (integerp (get symbol 'variable-documentation)))) + ;; It's a object not defined in Elisp but in C. + (if (get-buffer " *DOC*") + (if (eq type 'defun) + (help-C-file-name (symbol-function symbol) 'subr) + (help-C-file-name symbol 'var)) + 'C-source) + file-name)))) + +(defun ac-symbol-documentation (symbol) + (if (stringp symbol) + (setq symbol (intern-soft symbol))) + (ignore-errors + (with-temp-buffer + (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))) + (prin1 symbol) + (princ " is ") + (cond + ((fboundp symbol) + (let ((help-xref-following t)) + (describe-function-1 symbol)) + (buffer-string)) + ((boundp symbol) + (let ((file-name (ac-symbol-file symbol 'defvar))) + (princ "a variable") + (when file-name + (princ " defined in `") + (princ (if (eq file-name 'C-source) + "C source code" + (file-name-nondirectory file-name)))) + (princ "'.\n\n") + (princ (or (documentation-property symbol 'variable-documentation t) + "Not documented.")) + (buffer-string))) + ((facep symbol) + (let ((file-name (ac-symbol-file symbol 'defface))) + (princ "a face") + (when file-name + (princ " defined in `") + (princ (if (eq file-name 'C-source) + "C source code" + (file-name-nondirectory file-name)))) + (princ "'.\n\n") + (princ (or (documentation-property symbol 'face-documentation t) + "Not documented.")) + (buffer-string))) + (t + (let ((doc (documentation-property symbol 'group-documentation t))) + (when doc + (princ "a group.\n\n") + (princ doc) + (buffer-string))))))))) + +(defun ac-symbol-candidates () + (or ac-symbols-cache + (setq ac-symbols-cache + (loop for x being the symbols + if (or (fboundp x) + (boundp x) + (symbol-plist x)) + collect (symbol-name x))))) + +(ac-define-source symbols + '((candidates . ac-symbol-candidates) + (document . ac-symbol-documentation) + (symbol . "s") + (cache))) + +;; Lisp functions source +(defvar ac-functions-cache nil) +(ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes 'ac-functions-cache) + +(defun ac-function-candidates () + (or ac-functions-cache + (setq ac-functions-cache + (loop for x being the symbols + if (fboundp x) + collect (symbol-name x))))) + +(ac-define-source functions + '((candidates . ac-function-candidates) + (document . ac-symbol-documentation) + (symbol . "f") + (prefix . "(\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)") + (cache))) + +;; Lisp variables source +(defvar ac-variables-cache nil) +(ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes 'ac-variables-cache) + +(defun ac-variable-candidates () + (or ac-variables-cache + (setq ac-variables-cache + (loop for x being the symbols + if (boundp x) + collect (symbol-name x))))) + +(ac-define-source variables + '((candidates . ac-variable-candidates) + (document . ac-symbol-documentation) + (symbol . "v") + (cache))) + +;; Lisp features source +(defvar ac-emacs-lisp-features nil) +(ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes 'ac-emacs-lisp-features) + +(defun ac-emacs-lisp-feature-candidates () + (or ac-emacs-lisp-features + (if (fboundp 'find-library-suffixes) + (let ((suffix (concat (regexp-opt (find-library-suffixes) t) "\\'"))) + (setq ac-emacs-lisp-features + (append (mapcar 'prin1-to-string features) + (loop for dir in load-path + if (file-directory-p dir) + append (loop for file in (directory-files dir) + if (string-match suffix file) + collect (substring file 0 (match-beginning 0)))))))))) + +(ac-define-source features + '((depends find-func) + (candidates . ac-emacs-lisp-feature-candidates) + (prefix . "require +'\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)*\\)") + (requires . 0))) + +(defvaralias 'ac-source-emacs-lisp-features 'ac-source-features) + +;; Abbrev source +(ac-define-source abbrev + '((candidates . (mapcar 'popup-x-to-string (append (vconcat local-abbrev-table global-abbrev-table) nil))) + (action . expand-abbrev) + (symbol . "a") + (cache))) + +;; Files in current directory source +(ac-define-source files-in-current-dir + '((candidates . (directory-files default-directory)) + (cache))) + +;; Filename source +(defvar ac-filename-cache nil) + +(defun ac-filename-candidate () + (unless (file-regular-p ac-prefix) + (ignore-errors + (loop with dir = (file-name-directory ac-prefix) + with files = (or (assoc-default dir ac-filename-cache) + (let ((files (directory-files dir nil "^[^.]"))) + (push (cons dir files) ac-filename-cache) + files)) + for file in files + for path = (concat dir file) + collect (if (file-directory-p path) + (concat path "/") + path))))) + +(ac-define-source filename + '((init . (setq ac-filename-cache nil)) + (candidates . ac-filename-candidate) + (prefix . valid-file) + (requires . 0) + (action . ac-start) + (limit . nil))) + +;; Dictionary source +(defcustom ac-user-dictionary nil + "User dictionary" + :type '(repeat string) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-user-dictionary-files '("~/.dict") + "User dictionary files." + :type '(repeat string) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defcustom ac-dictionary-directories nil + "Dictionary directories." + :type '(repeat string) + :group 'auto-complete) + +(defvar ac-dictionary nil) +(defvar ac-dictionary-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) + +(defun ac-clear-dictionary-cache () + (interactive) + (clrhash ac-dictionary-cache)) + +(defun ac-read-file-dictionary (filename) + (let ((cache (gethash filename ac-dictionary-cache 'none))) + (if (and cache (not (eq cache 'none))) + cache + (let (result) + (ignore-errors + (with-temp-buffer + (insert-file-contents filename) + (setq result (split-string (buffer-string) "\n")))) + (puthash filename result ac-dictionary-cache) + result)))) + +(defun ac-buffer-dictionary () + (apply 'append + (mapcar 'ac-read-file-dictionary + (mapcar (lambda (name) + (loop for dir in ac-dictionary-directories + for file = (concat dir "/" name) + if (file-exists-p file) + return file)) + (list (symbol-name major-mode) + (ignore-errors + (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name)))))))) + +(defun ac-dictionary-candidates () + (apply 'append `(,ac-user-dictionary + ,(ac-buffer-dictionary) + ,@(mapcar 'ac-read-file-dictionary + ac-user-dictionary-files)))) + +(ac-define-source dictionary + '((candidates . ac-dictionary-candidates) + (symbol . "d"))) + +(provide 'auto-complete) +;;; auto-complete.el ends here diff --git a/emacs.d/autopair.el b/emacs.d/autopair.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31626f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/autopair.el @@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@ +;;; autopair.el --- Automagically pair braces and quotes like TextMate + +;; Copyright (C) 2009,2010 Joao Tavora + +;; Author: Joao Tavora +;; Keywords: convenience, emulations +;; X-URL: http://autopair.googlecode.com +;; URL: http://autopair.googlecode.com +;; EmacsWiki: AutoPairs +;; Version: 0.4 +;; Revision: $Rev$ ($LastChangedDate$) + +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +;; (at your option) any later version. + +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;; GNU General Public License for more details. + +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with this program. If not, see . + +;;; Commentary: +;; +;; Another stab at making braces and quotes pair like in +;; TextMate: +;; +;; * Opening braces/quotes are autopaired; +;; * Closing braces/quotes are autoskipped; +;; * Backspacing an opening brace/quote autodeletes its adjacent pair. +;; * Newline between newly-opened brace pairs open an extra indented line. +;; +;; Autopair deduces from the current syntax table which characters to +;; pair, skip or delete. +;; +;;; Installation: +;; +;; (require 'autopair) +;; (autopair-global-mode) ;; to enable in all buffers +;; +;; To enable autopair in just some types of buffers, comment out the +;; `autopair-global-mode' and put autopair-mode in some major-mode +;; hook, like: +;; +;; (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook #'(lambda () (autopair-mode))) +;; +;; Alternatively, do use `autopair-global-mode' and create +;; *exceptions* using the `autopair-dont-activate' local variable, +;; like: +;; +;; (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook #'(lambda () (setq autopair-dont-activate t))) +;; +;;; Use: +;; +;; The extension works by rebinding the braces and quotes keys, but +;; can still be minimally intrusive, since the original binding is +;; always called as if autopair did not exist. +;; +;; The decision of which keys to actually rebind is taken at +;; minor-mode activation time, based on the current major mode's +;; syntax tables. To achieve this kind of behaviour, an emacs +;; variable `emulation-mode-map-alists' was used. +;; +;; If you set `autopair-pair-criteria' and `autopair-skip-criteria' to +;; 'help-balance (which, by the way, is the default), braces are not +;; autopaired/autoskiped in all situations; the decision to autopair +;; or autoskip a brace is taken according to the following table: +;; +;; +---------+------------+-----------+-------------------+ +;; | 1234567 | autopair? | autoskip? | notes | +;; +---------+------------+-----------+-------------------+ +;; | (()) | yyyyyyy | ---yy-- | balanced | +;; +---------+------------+-----------+-------------------+ +;; | (())) | ------y | ---yyy- | too many closings | +;; +---------+------------+-----------+-------------------+ +;; | ((()) | yyyyyyy | ------- | too many openings | +;; +---------+------------+-----------+-------------------+ +;; +;; The table is read like this: in a buffer with 7 characters laid out +;; like the first column, an "y" marks points where an opening brace +;; is autopaired and in which places would a closing brace be +;; autoskipped. +;; +;; Quote pairing tries to support similar "intelligence", but is less +;; deterministic. Some inside-string or inside-comment situations may +;; not always behave how you intend them to. +;; +;; The variable `autopair-autowrap' tells autopair to automatically +;; wrap the selection region with the delimiters you're trying to +;; insert. This is done conditionally based of syntaxes of the two +;; ends of the selection region. It is compatible with `cua-mode's +;; typing-deletes-selection behaviour. This feature is probably still +;; a little unstable, hence `autopair-autowrap' defaults to nil. +;; +;; If you find the paren-blinking annoying, turn `autopair-blink' to +;; nil. +;; +;; For lisp-programming you might also like `autopair-skip-whitespace'. +;; +;; For further customization have a look at `autopair-dont-pair', +;; `autopair-handle-action-fns' and `autopair-extra-pair'. +;; +;; `autopair-dont-pair' lets you define special cases of characters +;; you don't want paired. Its default value skips pairing +;; single-quote characters when inside a comment literal, even if the +;; language syntax tables does pair these characters. +;; +;; (defvar autopair-dont-pair `(:string (?') :comment (?')) +;; +;; As a further example, to also prevent the '{' (opening brace) +;; character from being autopaired in C++ comments use this in your +;; .emacs. +;; +;; (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook +;; #'(lambda () +;; (push ?{ +;; (getf autopair-dont-pair :comment)))) +;; +;; `autopair-handle-action-fns' lets you override/extend the actions +;; taken by autopair after it decides something must be paired,skipped +;; or deleted. To work with triple quoting in python mode, you can use +;; this for example: +;; +;; (add-hook 'python-mode-hook +;; #'(lambda () +;; (setq autopair-handle-action-fns +;; (list #'autopair-default-handle-action +;; #'autopair-python-triple-quote-action)))) +;; +;; It's also useful to deal with latex's mode use of the "paired +;; delimiter" syntax class. +;; +;; (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook +;; #'(lambda () +;; (set (make-local-variable 'autopair-handle-action-fns) +;; (list #'autopair-default-handle-action +;; #'autopair-latex-mode-paired-delimiter-action)))) +;; +;; `autopair-extra-pairs' lets you define extra pairing and skipping +;; behaviour for pairs not programmed into the syntax table. Watch +;; out, this is work-in-progress, a little unstable and does not help +;; balancing at all. To have '<' and '>' pair in c++-mode buffers, but +;; only in code, use: +;; +;; (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook +;; #'(lambda () +;; (push '(?< . ?>) +;; (getf autopair-extra-pairs :code)))) +;; +;; if you program in emacs-lisp you might also like the following to +;; pair backtick and quote +;; +;; (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook +;; #'(lambda () +;; (push '(?` . ?') +;; (getf autopair-extra-pairs :comment)) +;; (push '(?` . ?') +;; (getf autopair-extra-pairs :string)))) +;; +;;; Bugs: +;; +;; * Quote pairing/skipping inside comments is not perfect... +;; +;; * See the last section on monkey-patching for the `defadvice' +;; tricks used to make `autopair-autowrap' work with `cua-mode' and +;; `delete-selection-mode'. +;; +;;; Credit: +;; +;; Thanks Ed Singleton for early testing. +;; +;;; Code: + +;; requires +(require 'cl) + +;; variables +(defvar autopair-pair-criteria 'help-balance + "How to decide whether to pair opening brackets or quotes. + +Set this to 'always to always pair, or 'help-balance to be more +criterious when pairing.") + +(defvar autopair-skip-criteria 'help-balance + "How to decide whether to skip closing brackets or quotes. + +Set this to 'always to always skip, or 'help-balance to be more +criterious when skipping.") + +(defvar autopair-emulation-alist nil + "A dinamic keymap for autopair set mostly from the current + syntax table.") + +(defvar autopair-dont-activate nil + "If non-nil `autopair-global-mode' does not activate in buffer") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'autopair-dont-activate) + +(defvar autopair-extra-pairs nil + "Extra pairs for which to use pairing. + +It's a Common-lisp-style even-numbered property list, each pair +of elements being of the form (TYPE , PAIRS). PAIRS is a mixed +list whose elements are cons cells, which look like cells look +like (OPENING . CLOSING). Autopair pairs these like +parenthesis. + +TYPE can be one of: + +:string : whereby PAIRS will be considered only when inside a + string literal + +:comment : whereby PAIRS will be considered only when inside a comment + +:code : whereby PAIRS will be considered only when outisde a + string and a comment. + +:everywhere : whereby PAIRS will be considered in all situations + +In Emacs-lisp, this might be useful + +(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook + #'(lambda () + (setq autopair-extra-pairs `(:comment ((?`. ?')))))) + + +Note that this does *not* work for single characters, +e.x. characters you want to behave as quotes. See the +docs/source comments for more details.") + +(make-variable-buffer-local 'autopair-extra-pairs) + +(defvar autopair-dont-pair `(:string (?') :comment (?')) + "Characters for which to skip any pairing behaviour. + +This variable overrides `autopair-pair-criteria' and +`autopair-extra-pairs'. It does not + (currently) affect the skipping behaviour. + +It's a Common-lisp-style even-numbered property list, each pair +of elements being of the form (TYPE , CHARS). CHARS is a list of +characters and TYPE can be one of: + +:string : whereby characters in CHARS will not be autopaired when + inside a string literal + +:comment : whereby characters in CHARS will not be autopaired when + inside a comment + +:never : whereby characters in CHARS won't even have their + bindings replaced by autopair's. This particular option + should be used for troubleshooting and requires + `autopair-mode' to be restarted to have any effect.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'autopair-dont-pair) + +(defvar autopair-action nil + "Autopair action decided on by last interactive autopair command, or nil. + +When autopair decides on an action this is a list whose first +three elements are (ACTION PAIR POS-BEFORE). + +ACTION is one of `opening', `insert-quote', `skip-quote', +`backspace', `newline' or `paired-delimiter'. PAIR is the pair of +the `last-input-event' character, if applicable. POS-BEFORE is +value of point before action command took place .") + + +(defvar autopair-wrap-action nil + "Autowrap action decided on by autopair, if any. + +When autopair decides on an action this is a list whose first +three elements are (ACTION PAIR POS-BEFORE REGION-BEFORE). + +ACTION can only be `wrap' currently. PAIR and POS-BEFORE +delimiter are as in `autopair-action'. REGION-BEFORE is a cons +cell with the bounds of the region before the command takes +place") + +(defvar autopair-handle-action-fns '() + "Autopair handlers to run *instead* of the default handler. + +Each element is a function taking three arguments (ACTION, PAIR +and POS-BEFORE), which are the three elements of the +`autopair-action' variable, which see. + +If non-nil, these functions are called *instead* of the single +function `autopair-default-handle-action', so use this variable +to specify special behaviour. To also run the default behaviour, +be sure to include `autopair-default-handle-action' in the +list, or call it from your handlers.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'autopair-handle-action-fns) + +(defvar autopair-handle-wrap-action-fns '() + "Autopair wrap handlers to run *instead* of the default handler. + +Each element is a function taking four arguments (ACTION, PAIR, +POS-BEFORE and REGION-BEFORE), which are the three elements of the +`autopair-wrap-action' variable, which see. + +If non-nil, these functions are called *instead* of the single +function `autopair-default-handle-wrap-action', so use this +variable to specify special behaviour. To also run the default +behaviour, be sure to include `autopair-default-handle-wrap-action' in +the list, or call it in your handlers.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'autopair-handle-wrap-action-fns) + +;; minor mode and global mode +;; +(define-globalized-minor-mode autopair-global-mode autopair-mode autopair-on) + +(defun autopair-on () (unless (or buffer-read-only autopair-dont-activate) (autopair-mode 1))) + +(define-minor-mode autopair-mode + "Automagically pair braces and quotes like in TextMate." + nil " pair" nil + (cond (autopair-mode + ;; Setup the dynamic emulation keymap + ;; + (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) + (define-key map [remap delete-backward-char] 'autopair-backspace) + (define-key map [remap backward-delete-char-untabify] 'autopair-backspace) + (define-key map (kbd "") 'autopair-backspace) + (define-key map [backspace] 'autopair-backspace) + (define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'autopair-backspace) + (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'autopair-newline) + (dotimes (char 256) ;; only searches the first 256 chars, + ;; TODO: is this enough/toomuch/stupid? + (unless (member char + (getf autopair-dont-pair :never)) + (let* ((syntax-entry (aref (syntax-table) char)) + (class (and syntax-entry + (syntax-class syntax-entry))) + (pair (and syntax-entry + (cdr syntax-entry)))) + (cond ((eq class (car (string-to-syntax "("))) + ;; syntax classes "opening parens" and "close parens" + (define-key map (string char) 'autopair-insert-opening) + (define-key map (string pair) 'autopair-skip-close-maybe)) + ((eq class (car (string-to-syntax "\""))) + ;; syntax class "string quote + (define-key map (string char) 'autopair-insert-or-skip-quote)) + ((eq class (car (string-to-syntax "$"))) + ;; syntax class "paired-delimiter" + ;; + ;; Apropos this class, see Issues 18, 25 and + ;; elisp info node "35.2.1 Table of Syntax + ;; Classes". The fact that it supresses + ;; syntatic properties in the delimited region + ;; dictates that deciding to autopair/autoskip + ;; can't really be as clean as the string + ;; delimiter. + ;; + ;; Apparently, only `TeX-mode' uses this, so + ;; the best is to bind this to + ;; `autopair-insert-or-skip-paired-delimiter' + ;; which defers any decision making to + ;; mode-specific post-command handler + ;; functions. + ;; + (define-key map (string char) 'autopair-insert-or-skip-paired-delimiter)))))) + ;; read `autopair-extra-pairs' + (dolist (pairs-list (remove-if-not #'listp autopair-extra-pairs)) + (dolist (pair pairs-list) + (define-key map (string (car pair)) 'autopair-extra-insert-opening) + (define-key map (string (cdr pair)) 'autopair-extra-skip-close-maybe))) + + (set (make-local-variable 'autopair-emulation-alist) (list (cons t map)))) + + (setq autopair-action nil) + (setq autopair-wrap-action nil) + (add-hook 'emulation-mode-map-alists 'autopair-emulation-alist 'append) + (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'autopair-post-command-handler 'append 'local)) + (t + (setq autopair-emulation-alist nil) + (remove-hook 'emulation-mode-map-alists 'autopair-emulation-alist) + (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'autopair-post-command-handler 'local)))) + +;; helper functions +;; +(defun autopair-syntax-ppss () + "Calculate syntax info relevant to autopair. + +A list of four elements is returned: + +- SYNTAX-INFO is either the result `syntax-ppss' or the result of + calling `parse-partial-sexp' with the appropriate + bounds (previously calculated with `syntax-ppss'. + +- WHERE-SYM can be one of the symbols :string, :comment or :code. + +- QUICK-SYNTAX-INFO is always the result returned by `syntax-ppss'. + +- BOUNDS are the boudaries of the current string or comment if + we're currently inside one." + (let* ((quick-syntax-info (syntax-ppss)) + (string-or-comment-start (nth 8 quick-syntax-info))) + (cond (;; inside a string, recalculate + (nth 3 quick-syntax-info) + (list (parse-partial-sexp (1+ string-or-comment-start) (point)) + :string + quick-syntax-info + (cons string-or-comment-start + (condition-case nil + (scan-sexps string-or-comment-start 1) + (error nil))))) + ((nth 4 quick-syntax-info) + (list (parse-partial-sexp (1+ (nth 8 quick-syntax-info)) (point)) + :comment + quick-syntax-info)) + (t + (list quick-syntax-info + :code + quick-syntax-info))))) + +(defun autopair-find-pair (delim) + (when (and delim + (integerp delim)) + (let ((syntax-entry (aref (syntax-table) delim))) + (cond ((eq (syntax-class syntax-entry) (car (string-to-syntax "("))) + (cdr syntax-entry)) + ((or (eq (syntax-class syntax-entry) (car (string-to-syntax "\""))) + (eq (syntax-class syntax-entry) (car (string-to-syntax "$")))) + delim) + ((eq (syntax-class syntax-entry) (car (string-to-syntax ")"))) + (cdr syntax-entry)) + (autopair-extra-pairs + (some #'(lambda (pair-list) + (some #'(lambda (pair) + (cond ((eq (cdr pair) delim) (car pair)) + ((eq (car pair) delim) (cdr pair)))) + pair-list)) + (remove-if-not #'listp autopair-extra-pairs))))))) + +(defun autopair-calculate-wrap-action () + (when (region-active-p) + (save-excursion + (let* ((region-before (cons (region-beginning) + (region-end))) + (point-before (point)) + (start-syntax (syntax-ppss (car region-before))) + (end-syntax (syntax-ppss (cdr region-before)))) + (when (and (eq (nth 0 start-syntax) (nth 0 end-syntax)) + (eq (nth 3 start-syntax) (nth 3 end-syntax))) + (list 'wrap (or (second autopair-action) + (autopair-find-pair last-input-event)) + point-before + region-before)))))) + +(defun autopair-fallback (&optional fallback-keys) + (let* ((autopair-emulation-alist nil) + (beyond-cua (let ((cua--keymap-alist nil)) + (or (key-binding (this-single-command-keys)) + (key-binding fallback-keys)))) + (beyond-autopair (or (key-binding (this-single-command-keys)) + (key-binding fallback-keys)))) + (when autopair-autowrap + (setq autopair-wrap-action (autopair-calculate-wrap-action))) + + (setq this-original-command beyond-cua) + ;; defer to "paredit-mode" if that is installed and running + (when (and (featurep 'paredit) + (string-match "paredit" (symbol-name beyond-cua))) + (setq autopair-action nil)) + (let ((cua-delete-selection (not autopair-autowrap)) + (blink-matching-paren (not autopair-action))) + (call-interactively beyond-autopair)))) + +(defvar autopair-autowrap nil + "If non-nil autopair attempts to wrap the selected region. + +This is also done in an optimistic \"try-to-balance\" fashion.") + +(defvar autopair-skip-whitespace nil + "If non-nil also skip over whitespace when skipping closing delimiters. + +This will be most useful in lisp-like languages where you want +lots of )))))....") + +(defvar autopair-blink (if (boundp 'blink-matching-paren) + blink-matching-paren + t) + "If non-nil autopair blinks matching delimiters.") + +(defvar autopair-blink-delay 0.1 + "Autopair's blink-the-delimiter delay.") + +(defun autopair-document-bindings (&optional fallback-keys) + (concat + "Works by scheduling possible autopair behaviour, then calls +original command as if autopair didn't exist" + (when (eq this-command 'describe-key) + (let* ((autopair-emulation-alist nil) + (command (or (key-binding (this-single-command-keys)) + (key-binding fallback-keys)))) + (when command + (format ", which in this case is `%s'" command)))) + ".")) + +(defun autopair-escaped-p (syntax-info) + (nth 5 syntax-info)) + +(defun autopair-exception-p (where-sym exception-where-sym blacklist &optional fn) + (and (or (eq exception-where-sym :everywhere) + (eq exception-where-sym where-sym)) + (member last-input-event + (if fn + (mapcar fn (getf blacklist exception-where-sym)) + (getf blacklist exception-where-sym))))) + +(defun autopair-up-list (syntax-info &optional closing) + "Try to uplist as much as possible, moving point. + +Return nil if something prevented uplisting. + +Otherwise return a cons of char positions of the starting +delimiter and end delimiters of the last list we just came out +of. If we aren't inside any lists return a cons of current point. + +If inside nested lists of mixed parethesis types, finding a +matching parenthesis of a mixed-type is considered OK (non-nil is +returned) and uplisting stops there." + (condition-case nil + (let ((howmany (car syntax-info)) + (retval (cons (point) + (point)))) + (while (and (> howmany 0) + (condition-case err + (progn + (scan-sexps (point) (- (point-max))) + (error err)) + (error (let ((opening (and closing + (autopair-find-pair closing)))) + (setq retval (cons (fourth err) + (point))) + (or (not opening) + (eq opening (char-after (fourth err)))))))) + (goto-char (scan-lists (point) 1 1)) + (decf howmany)) + retval) + (error nil))) + +;; interactive commands and their associated predicates +;; +(defun autopair-insert-or-skip-quote () + (interactive) + (let* ((syntax-triplet (autopair-syntax-ppss)) + (syntax-info (first syntax-triplet)) + (where-sym (second syntax-triplet)) + (orig-info (third syntax-triplet)) + ;; inside-string may the quote character itself or t if this + ;; is a "generically terminated string" + (inside-string (and (eq where-sym :string) + (fourth orig-info))) + (escaped-p (autopair-escaped-p syntax-info)) + + ) + (cond (;; decides whether to skip the quote... + ;; + (and (not escaped-p) + (eq last-input-event (char-after (point))) + (or + ;; ... if we're already inside a string and the + ;; string starts with the character just inserted, + ;; or it's a generically terminated string + (and inside-string + (or (eq inside-string t) + (eq last-input-event inside-string))) + ;; ... if we're in a comment and ending a string + ;; (the inside-string criteria does not work + ;; here...) + (and (eq where-sym :comment) + (condition-case nil + (eq last-input-event (char-after (scan-sexps (1+ (point)) -1))) + (error nil))))) + (setq autopair-action (list 'skip-quote last-input-event (point)))) + (;; decides whether to pair, i.e do *not* pair the quote if... + ;; + (not + (or + escaped-p + ;; ... inside a generic string + (eq inside-string t) + ;; ... inside an unterminated string started by this char + (autopair-in-unterminated-string-p syntax-triplet) + ;; ... uplisting forward causes an error which leaves us + ;; inside an unterminated string started by this char + (condition-case err + (progn (save-excursion (up-list)) nil) + (error + (autopair-in-unterminated-string-p (save-excursion + (goto-char (fourth err)) + (autopair-syntax-ppss))))) + (autopair-in-unterminated-string-p (save-excursion + (goto-char (point-max)) + (autopair-syntax-ppss))) + ;; ... comment-disable or string-disable are true here. + ;; The latter is only useful if we're in a string + ;; terminated by a character other than + ;; `last-input-event'. + (some #'(lambda (sym) + (autopair-exception-p where-sym sym autopair-dont-pair)) + '(:comment :string)))) + (setq autopair-action (list 'insert-quote last-input-event (point))))) + (autopair-fallback))) + + (put 'autopair-insert-or-skip-quote 'function-documentation + '(concat "Insert or possibly skip over a quoting character.\n\n" + (autopair-document-bindings))) + +(defun autopair-in-unterminated-string-p (autopair-triplet) + (and (eq last-input-event (fourth (third autopair-triplet))) + (condition-case nil (progn (scan-sexps (ninth (third autopair-triplet)) 1) nil) (error t)))) + + +(defun autopair-insert-opening () + (interactive) + (when (autopair-pair-p) + (setq autopair-action (list 'opening (autopair-find-pair last-input-event) (point)))) + (autopair-fallback)) +(put 'autopair-insert-opening 'function-documentation + '(concat "Insert opening delimiter and possibly automatically close it.\n\n" + (autopair-document-bindings))) + +(defun autopair-skip-close-maybe () + (interactive) + (when (autopair-skip-p) + (setq autopair-action (list 'closing (autopair-find-pair last-input-event) (point)))) + (autopair-fallback)) +(put 'autopair-skip-close-maybe 'function-documentation + '(concat "Insert or possibly skip over a closing delimiter.\n\n" + (autopair-document-bindings))) + +(defun autopair-backspace () + (interactive) + (when (char-before) + (setq autopair-action (list 'backspace (autopair-find-pair (char-before)) (point)))) + (autopair-fallback (kbd "DEL"))) +(put 'autopair-backspace 'function-documentation + '(concat "Possibly delete a pair of paired delimiters.\n\n" + (autopair-document-bindings (kbd "DEL")))) + +(defun autopair-newline () + (interactive) + (let ((pair (autopair-find-pair (char-before)))) + (when (eq (char-after) pair) + (setq autopair-action (list 'newline pair (point)))) + (autopair-fallback (kbd "RET")))) +(put 'autopair-newline 'function-documentation + '(concat "Possibly insert two newlines and place point after the first, indented.\n\n" + (autopair-document-bindings (kbd "RET")))) + +(defun autopair-skip-p () + (interactive) + (let* ((syntax-triplet (autopair-syntax-ppss)) + (syntax-info (first syntax-triplet)) + (orig-point (point))) + (cond ((eq autopair-skip-criteria 'help-balance) + (save-excursion + (let ((pos-pair (autopair-up-list syntax-info last-input-event))) + ;; if `autopair-up-list' returned something valid, we + ;; probably want to skip but only if on of the following is true. + ;; + ;; 1. it returned a cons of equal values (we're not inside any list + ;; + ;; 2. up-listing stopped at a list that contains our original point + ;; + ;; 3. up-listing stopped at a list that does not + ;; contain out original point but its starting + ;; delimiter matches the one we expect. + (and pos-pair + (or (eq (car pos-pair) (cdr pos-pair)) + (< orig-point (cdr pos-pair)) + (eq (char-after (car pos-pair)) + (autopair-find-pair last-input-event))))))) + ((eq autopair-skip-criteria 'need-opening) + (save-excursion + (condition-case err + (progn + (backward-list) + t) + (error nil)))) + (t + t)))) + +(defun autopair-pair-p () + (let* ((syntax-triplet (autopair-syntax-ppss)) + (syntax-info (first syntax-triplet)) + (where-sym (second syntax-triplet)) + (orig-point (point))) + (and (not (some #'(lambda (sym) + (autopair-exception-p where-sym sym autopair-dont-pair)) + '(:string :comment :code :everywhere))) + (cond ((eq autopair-pair-criteria 'help-balance) + (and (not (autopair-escaped-p syntax-info)) + (save-excursion + (let ((pos-pair (autopair-up-list syntax-info)) + (prev-point (point-max)) + (expected-closing (autopair-find-pair last-input-event))) + (condition-case err + (progn + (while (not (eq prev-point (point))) + (setq prev-point (point)) + (forward-sexp)) + t) + (error + ;; if `forward-sexp' (called byp + ;; `autopair-forward') returned an error. + ;; typically we don't want to autopair, + ;; unless one of the following occurs: + ;; + (cond (;; 1. The error is *not* of type "containing + ;; expression ends prematurely", which means + ;; we're in the "too-many-openings" situation + ;; and thus want to autopair. + (not (string-match "prematurely" (second err))) + t) + (;; 2. We stopped at a closing parenthesis. Do + ;; autopair if we're in a mixed parens situation, + ;; i.e. the last list jumped over was started by + ;; the paren we're trying to match + ;; (`last-input-event') and ended by a different + ;; parens, or the closing paren we stopped at is + ;; also different from the expected. The second + ;; `scan-lists' places point at the closing of the + ;; last list we forwarded over. + ;; + (condition-case err + (prog1 + (eq (char-after (scan-lists (point) -1 0)) + last-input-event) + (goto-char (scan-lists (point) -1 -1))) + (error t)) + + (or + ;; mixed () ] for input (, yes autopair + (not (eq expected-closing (char-after (third err)))) + ;; mixed (] ) for input (, yes autopair + (not (eq expected-closing (char-after (point)))) + ;; ()) for input (, not mixed + ;; hence no autopair + )) + (t + nil)) + ;; (eq (fourth err) (point-max)) + )))))) + ((eq autopair-pair-criteria 'always) + t) + (t + (not (autopair-escaped-p))))))) + +;; post-command-hook stuff +;; +(defun autopair-post-command-handler () + "Performs pairing and wrapping based on `autopair-action' and +`autopair-wrap-action'. " + (when (and autopair-wrap-action + (notany #'null autopair-wrap-action)) + + (if autopair-handle-wrap-action-fns + (condition-case err + (mapc #'(lambda (fn) + (apply fn autopair-wrap-action)) + autopair-handle-wrap-action-fns) + (error (progn + (message "[autopair] error running custom `autopair-handle-wrap-action-fns', switching autopair off") + (autopair-mode -1)))) + (apply #'autopair-default-handle-wrap-action autopair-wrap-action)) + (setq autopair-wrap-action nil)) + + (when (and autopair-action + (notany #'null autopair-action)) + (if autopair-handle-action-fns + (condition-case err + (mapc #'(lambda (fn) + (funcall fn (first autopair-action) (second autopair-action) (third autopair-action))) + autopair-handle-action-fns) + (error (progn + (message "[autopair] error running custom `autopair-handle-action-fns', switching autopair off") + (autopair-mode -1)))) + (apply #'autopair-default-handle-action autopair-action)) + (setq autopair-action nil))) + +(defun autopair-blink-matching-open () + (let ((blink-matching-paren autopair-blink) + (show-paren-mode nil) + (blink-matching-delay autopair-blink-delay)) + (blink-matching-open))) + +(defun autopair-blink (&optional pos) + (when autopair-blink + (if pos + (save-excursion + (goto-char pos) + (sit-for autopair-blink-delay)) + (sit-for autopair-blink-delay)))) + +(defun autopair-default-handle-action (action pair pos-before) + ;;(message "action is %s" action) + (cond (;; automatically insert closing delimiter + (and (eq 'opening action) + (not (eq pair (char-before)))) + (insert pair) + (autopair-blink) + (backward-char 1)) + (;; automatically insert closing quote delimiter + (eq 'insert-quote action) + (insert pair) + (autopair-blink) + (backward-char 1)) + (;; automatically skip oper closer quote delimiter + (and (eq 'skip-quote action) + (eq pair (char-after (point)))) + (delete-char 1) + (autopair-blink-matching-open)) + (;; skip over newly-inserted-but-existing closing delimiter + ;; (normal case) + (eq 'closing action) + (let ((skipped 0)) + (when autopair-skip-whitespace + (setq skipped (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward "\s\n\t")))) + (when (eq last-input-event (char-after (+ (point) skipped))) + (unless (zerop skipped) (autopair-blink (+ (point) skipped))) + (delete-char (1+ skipped)) + (autopair-blink-matching-open)))) + (;; autodelete closing delimiter + (and (eq 'backspace action) + (eq pair (char-after (point)))) + (delete-char 1)) + (;; opens an extra line after point, then indents + (and (eq 'newline action) + (eq pair (char-after (point)))) + (save-excursion + (newline-and-indent)) + (indent-according-to-mode) + (when (or (and (boundp 'global-hl-line-mode) + global-hl-line-mode) + (and (boundp 'hl-line-mode) + hl-line-mode)) + (hl-line-unhighlight) (hl-line-highlight))))) + +(defun autopair-default-handle-wrap-action (action pair pos-before region-before) + "Default handler for the wrapping action in `autopair-wrap'" + (when (eq 'wrap action) + (let ((reverse-selected (= (car region-before) pos-before))) + (cond + ((eq 'opening (first autopair-action)) + ;; (message "wrap-opening!") + (cond (reverse-selected + (goto-char (1+ (cdr region-before))) + (insert pair) + (autopair-blink) + (goto-char (1+ (car region-before)))) + (t + (delete-backward-char 1) + (insert pair) + (goto-char (car region-before)) + (insert last-input-event))) + (setq autopair-action nil) ) + (;; wraps + (eq 'closing (first autopair-action)) + ;; (message "wrap-closing!") + (cond (reverse-selected + (delete-backward-char 1) + (insert pair) + (goto-char (1+ (cdr region-before))) + (insert last-input-event)) + (t + (goto-char (car region-before)) + (insert pair) + (autopair-blink) + (goto-char (+ 2 (cdr region-before))))) + (setq autopair-action nil)) + ((eq 'insert-quote (first autopair-action)) + (cond (reverse-selected + (goto-char (1+ (cdr region-before))) + (insert pair) + (autopair-blink)) + (t + (goto-char (car region-before)) + (insert last-input-event) + (autopair-blink))) + (setq autopair-action nil)) + (reverse-selected + (delete-backward-char 1) + (goto-char (cdr region-before)) + (insert last-input-event)))))) + + +;; example python triple quote helper +;; +(defun autopair-python-triple-quote-action (action pair pos-before) + (cond ((and (eq 'insert-quote action) + (>= (point) 3) + (string= (buffer-substring (- (point) 3) + (point)) + (make-string 3 pair))) + (save-excursion (insert (make-string 2 pair)))) + ((and (eq 'backspace action) + (>= (point) 2) + (<= (point) (- (point-max) 2)) + (string= (buffer-substring (- (point) 2) + (+ (point) 2)) + (make-string 4 pair))) + (delete-region (- (point) 2) + (+ (point) 2))) + ((and (eq 'skip-quote action) + (<= (point) (- (point-max) 2)) + (string= (buffer-substring (point) + (+ (point) 2)) + (make-string 2 pair))) + (forward-char 2)) + (t + t))) + +;; example latex paired-delimiter helper +;; +(defun autopair-latex-mode-paired-delimiter-action (action pair pos-before) + "Pair or skip latex's \"paired delimiter\" syntax in math mode." + (when (eq action 'paired-delimiter) + (when (eq (char-before) pair) + (if (and (eq (get-text-property pos-before 'face) 'tex-math) + (eq (char-after) pair)) + (cond ((and (eq (char-after) pair) + (eq (char-after (1+ (point))) pair)) + ;; double skip + (delete-char 1) + (forward-char)) + ((eq (char-before pos-before) pair) + ;; doube insert + (insert pair) + (backward-char)) + (t + ;; simple skip + (delete-char 1))) + (insert pair) + (backward-char))))) + +;; Commands and predicates for the autopair-extra* feature +;; + +(defun autopair-extra-insert-opening () + (interactive) + (when (autopair-extra-pair-p) + (setq autopair-action (list 'opening (autopair-find-pair last-input-event) (point)))) + (autopair-fallback)) +(put 'autopair-extra-insert-opening 'function-documentation + '(concat "Insert (an extra) opening delimiter and possibly automatically close it.\n\n" + (autopair-document-bindings))) + +(defun autopair-extra-skip-close-maybe () + (interactive) + (when (autopair-extra-skip-p) + (setq autopair-action (list 'closing last-input-event (point)))) + (autopair-fallback)) +(put 'autopair-extra-skip-close-maybe 'function-documentation + '(concat "Insert or possibly skip over a (and extra) closing delimiter.\n\n" + (autopair-document-bindings))) + +(defun autopair-extra-pair-p () + (let* ((syntax-triplet (autopair-syntax-ppss)) + (syntax-info (first syntax-triplet)) + (where-sym (second syntax-triplet))) + (some #'(lambda (sym) + (autopair-exception-p where-sym sym autopair-extra-pairs #'car)) + '(:everywhere :comment :string :code)))) + +(defun autopair-extra-skip-p () + (let* ((syntax-triplet (autopair-syntax-ppss)) + (syntax-info (first syntax-triplet)) + (where-sym (second syntax-triplet)) + (orig-point (point))) + (and (eq (char-after (point)) last-input-event) + (some #'(lambda (sym) + (autopair-exception-p where-sym sym autopair-extra-pairs #'cdr)) + '(:comment :string :code :everywhere)) + (save-excursion + (condition-case err + (backward-sexp (point-max)) + (error + (goto-char (third err)))) + (search-forward (make-string 1 (autopair-find-pair last-input-event)) + orig-point + 'noerror))))) + +;; Commands and tex-mode specific handler functions for the "paired +;; delimiter" syntax class. +;; +(defun autopair-insert-or-skip-paired-delimiter () + " insert or skip a character paired delimiter" + (interactive) + (setq autopair-action (list 'paired-delimiter last-input-event (point))) + (autopair-fallback)) + +(put 'autopair-insert-or-skip-paired-delimiter 'function-documentation + '(concat "Insert or possibly skip over a character with a syntax-class of \"paired delimiter\"." + (autopair-document-bindings))) + + + +;; monkey-patching: Compatibility with delete-selection-mode and cua-mode +;; +;; Ideally one would be able to use functions as the value of the +;; 'delete-selection properties of the autopair commands. The function +;; would return non-nil when no wrapping should/could be performed. +;; +;; Until then use some `defadvice' i.e. monkey-patching +;; +(put 'autopair-insert-opening 'delete-selection t) +(put 'autopair-skip-close-maybe 'delete-selection t) +(put 'autopair-insert-or-skip-quote 'delete-selection t) +(put 'autopair-extra-insert-opening 'delete-selection t) +(put 'autopair-extra-skip-close-maybe 'delete-selection t) +(put 'autopair-backspace 'delete-selection 'supersede) +(put 'autopair-newline 'delete-selection t) + +(defun autopair-should-autowrap () + (let ((name (symbol-name this-command))) + (and autopair-mode + (not (eq this-command 'autopair-backspace)) + (string-match "^autopair" (symbol-name this-command)) + (autopair-calculate-wrap-action)))) + +(defadvice cua--pre-command-handler-1 (around autopair-override activate) + "Don't actually do anything if autopair is about to autowrap. " + (unless (autopair-should-autowrap) ad-do-it)) + +(defadvice delete-selection-pre-hook (around autopair-override activate) + "Don't actually do anything if autopair is about to autowrap. " + (unless (autopair-should-autowrap) ad-do-it)) + + +(provide 'autopair) +;;; autopair.el ends here +;; diff --git a/emacs.d/batch-mode.el b/emacs.d/batch-mode.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcc156a --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/batch-mode.el @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +;;; batch-mode.el --- major mode for editing ESRI batch scrips +;;; Copyright (C) 2002, Agnar Renolen +;;; Modified (c) 2009, Matthew Fidler +;;; Fixed indents (and labels) + +;; batch-mode.el is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +;; (at your option) any later version. + +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;; GNU General Public License for more details. + +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + +;; This is version 1.0 of 21 August 2002. + +;;; Comentary: + +;; The batch-mode provides syntax hilighting and auto-indentation for +;; DOS batch files (.bat). and auto-idendation. + +;; Agnar Renolen, + +;;; Code: + +(defgroup batch nil + "Major mode for editing batch code" + :prefix "batch-" + :group 'languages) + +; (defvar batch-mode-hook nil +; "Hooks called when batch mode fires up." +; :type 'hook +; :group 'batch) + +(defvar batch-mode-map nil + "Keymap used with batch code") + +(defcustom batch-indent-level 4 + "Amount by which batch subexpressions are indented." + :type 'integer + :group 'batch) + +(defvar batch-font-lock-keywords + (eval-when-compile + (list + ; since we can't specify batch comments through the syntax table, + ; we have to specify it here, and override whatever is highlighted + '( "^[ \t]*rem\\>.*" (0 font-lock-comment-face t)) + + ; since the argument to the echo command is a string, we format it + ; as a string + '( "\\[ \t]*\\(.*\\)" (1 font-lock-string-face t)) + + ; the argument of the goto statement is a label + '( "\\[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)" (1 + font-lock-constant-face)) + + ; the keywords of batch (which are not built-in commands) + (concat "\\<\\(cmdextversion\\|" + "d\\(efined\\|isableextensions\\|o\\)\\|" + "e\\(lse\\|n\\(ableextensions\\|dlocal\\)" + "\\|qu\\|rrorlevel\\|xist\\)\\|for\\|" + "goto\\|i[fn]\\|n\\(eq\\|ot\\)\\|setlocal\\)\\>") + + ; built-in DOS commands + (cons (concat "\\<\\(a\\(ssoc\\|t\\(\\|trib\\)\\)\\|break\\|" + "c\\(a\\(cls\\|ll\\)\\|d\\|h\\(cp\\|dir\\|k\\(" + "dsk\\|ntfs\\)\\)\\|ls\\|md\\|o\\(lor\\|mp\\(\\|act\\)" + "\\|nvert\\|py\\)\\)\\|d\\(ate\\|el\\|i\\(" + "r\\|skco\\(mp\\|py\\)\\)\\|oskey\\)\\|" + "e\\(cho\\|rase\\|xit\\)\\|" + "f\\(c\\|ind\\(\\|str\\)\\|for\\(\\|mot\\)\\|type\\)\\|" + "graftabl\\|help\\|label\\|" + "m\\(d\\|mkdir\\|o[dvr]e\\)\\|p\\(a\\(th\\|use\\)" + "\\|opd\\|r\\(int\\|opmt\\)\\|ushd\\)\\|" + "r\\(d\\|e\\(cover\\|n\\(\\|ame\\)\\|place\\)\\|mdir\\)\\|" + "s\\(et\\|hift\\|ort\\|tart\\|ubst\\)\\|" + "t\\(i\\(me\\|tle\\)\\|ree\\|ype\\)\\|" + "v\\(er\\(\\|ify\\)\\|ol\\)\\|xcopy\\)\\>") + 'font-lock-builtin-face) + + ; variables are embeded in percent chars + '( "%[a-zA-Z0-9_]+%?" . font-lock-variable-name-face) + ; labels are formatted as constants + '( ":[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" . font-lock-constant-face) + + ; command line switches are hilighted as type-face + '( "[-/][a-zA-Z0-9_]+" . font-lock-type-face) + + ; variables set should also be hilighted with variable-name-face + '( "\\[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)" (1 font-lock-variable-name-face)) + ))) + + +;;;###autoload +(defun batch-mode () + "Major mode for editing batch scripts." + (interactive) + (kill-all-local-variables) + (setq major-mode 'batch-mode) + (setq mode-name "Avenue") + (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'batch-indent-line) + (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "rem") + (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "rem[ \t]*") + (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) + '(batch-font-lock-keywords nil t nil)) + (run-hooks 'batch-mode-hook)) + +(defun batch-indent-line () + "Indent current line as batch script" + (let ((indent (batch-calculate-indent)) + beg shift-amt + (old-pos (- (point-max) (point)))) + (beginning-of-line) + (setq beg (point)) + (skip-chars-forward " \t") + (if (looking-at ")") + (setq indent (max (- indent batch-indent-level)))) + (message "prev indent: %d" indent) + (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-column))) + (if (not (zerop shift-amt)) + (progn + (delete-region beg (point)) + ; ArcView replaces tabs with single spaces, so we only insert + ; spaces to make indentation correct in ArcView. + (insert-char ? indent) + (if (> (- (point-max) old-pos) (point)) + (goto-char (- (point-max) old-pos))))) + shift-amt)) + +(defun batch-calculate-indent () + "Return appropriate indentation for the current line as batch code." + (save-excursion + (beginning-of-line) + (current-indentation) + (if (bobp) + 0 + (if (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*[^ \t\n\r]" nil t) + (if (looking-at "[ \t]*\\()[ \t]*else\\|for\\|if\\)\\>[^(\n]*([^)\n]*") + (+ (current-indentation) batch-indent-level) + (if (looking-at "[ \t]*[^(]*)[ \t]*") + (- (current-indentation) batch-indent-level) + (current-indentation))) + 0)))) + +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.bat\\'" . batch-mode)) + +(provide 'batch-mode) + +;;; batch-mode.el ends here diff --git a/emacs.d/color-theme-gruber-darker.el b/emacs.d/color-theme-gruber-darker.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ee82a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/color-theme-gruber-darker.el @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +;; color-theme-gruber-dark.el +;; Revision 1 +;; +;; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jason R. Blevins +;; +;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person +;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation +;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without +;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, +;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the +;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following +;; conditions: +;; +;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +;; +;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES +;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT +;; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, +;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING +;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR +;; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +(require 'color-theme) + +(defun color-theme-gruber-darker () + "Gruber Darker color theme for Emacs by Jason Blevins. +A darker variant of the Gruber Dark theme for BBEdit +by John Gruber." + (interactive) + (color-theme-install + '(color-theme-gruber-darker + ((foreground-color . "#e4e4ef") + (background-color . "#181818") + (background-mode . dark) + (cursor-color . "#ffdd33") + (mouse-color . "#ffdd33")) + + ;; Standard font lock faces + (default ((t (nil)))) + (font-lock-comment-face ((t (:foreground "#cc8c3c")))) + (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((t (:foreground "#cc8c3c")))) + (font-lock-doc-face ((t (:foreground "#73c936")))) + (font-lock-doc-string-face ((t (:foreground "#73c936")))) + (font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "#73c936")))) + (font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground "#ffdd33")))) + (font-lock-builtin-face ((t (:foreground "#ffdd33")))) + (font-lock-function-name-face ((t (:foreground "#96a6c8")))) + (font-lock-variable-name-face ((t (:foreground "#f4f4ff")))) + (font-lock-preprocessor-face ((t (:foreground "#95a99f")))) + (font-lock-constant-face ((t (:foreground "#95a99f")))) + (font-lock-type-face ((t (:foreground "#95a99f")))) + (font-lock-warning-face ((t (:foreground "#f43841")))) + (font-lock-reference-face ((t (:foreground "#95a99f")))) + (trailing-whitespace ((t (:foreground "#000" :background "#f43841")))) + (link ((t (:foreground "#96A6C8" :underline t)))) + + ;; Search + (isearch ((t (:foreground "#000" :background "#f5f5f5")))) + (isearch-lazy-highlight-face ((t (:foreground "#f4f4ff" :background "#5f627f")))) + (isearch-fail ((t (:foreground "#000" :background "#f43841")))) + + ;; User interface + (fringe ((t (:background "#111" :foreground "#444")))) + (border ((t (:background "#111" :foreground "#444")))) + (mode-line ((t (:background "#453d41" :foreground "#fff")))) + (mode-line-buffer-id ((t (:background "#453d41" :foreground "#fff")))) + (mode-line-inactive ((t (:background "#453d41" :foreground "#999")))) + (minibuffer-prompt ((t (:foreground "#96A6C8")))) + (region ((t (:background "#484848")))) + (secondary-selection ((t (:background "#484951" :foreground "#F4F4FF")))) + (tooltip ((t (:background "#52494e" :foreground "#fff")))) + + ;; Parenthesis matching + (show-paren-match-face ((t (:background "#52494e" :foreground "#f4f4ff")))) + (show-paren-mismatch-face ((t (:foreground "#f4f4ff" :background "#c73c3f")))) + ;; Line highlighting + (highlight ((t (:background "#282828" :foreground nil)))) + (highlight-current-line-face ((t (:background "#282828" :foreground nil)))) + + ;; Calendar + (holiday-face ((t (:foreground "#f43841")))) + + ;; Info + (info-xref ((t (:foreground "#96a6c8")))) + (info-visited ((t (:foreground "#9e95c7")))) + + ;; AUCTeX + (font-latex-sectioning-5-face ((t (:foreground "#96a6c8" :bold t)))) + (font-latex-bold-face ((t (:foreground "#95a99f" :bold t)))) + (font-latex-italic-face ((t (:foreground "#95a99f" :italic t)))) + (font-latex-math-face ((t (:foreground "#73c936")))) + (font-latex-string-face ((t (:foreground "#73c936")))) + (font-latex-warning-face ((t (:foreground "#f43841")))) + (font-latex-slide-title-face ((t (:foreground "#96a6c8")))) + ))) + +(provide 'color-theme-gruber-darker) diff --git a/emacs.d/color-theme-vibrant-ink.el b/emacs.d/color-theme-vibrant-ink.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dee8c6a --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/color-theme-vibrant-ink.el @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +(require 'color-theme) + +;; vibrant-ink color theme +(defun color-theme-vibrant-ink () + (interactive) + (color-theme-install + '(color-theme-ryrobes + ((background-color . "#000000") + (background-mode . dark) + (border-color . "#000000") + (cursor-color . "#FFFFFF") + (foreground-color . "#FFFFFF") + (mouse-color . "#FFFFFF")) + (font-lock-comment-face ((t (:foreground "#9933CC" :italic t)))) + (font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground "#FF6600")))) + (font-lock-type-face ((t (:foreground "#FFCC00")))) + (font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "#66FF00"))))))) +(provide 'color-theme-vibrant-ink) diff --git a/emacs.d/color-theme-weirdness.el b/emacs.d/color-theme-weirdness.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a97cefc --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/color-theme-weirdness.el @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +(require 'color-theme) + +;; weirdness color-theme +(defun color-theme-weirdness () + (interactive) + (color-theme-install + '(color-theme-weirdness + ((background-color . "#000000") + (background-mode . dark) + (border-color . "#000000") + (cursor-color . "#FFFFFF") + (foreground-color . "#FFFFFF") + (mouse-color . "#000000")) + (org-level-1 ((t (:foreground "#5BFD5B" :weight normal)))) + (org-level-2 ((t (:foreground "#379A37" :weight normal)))) + (org-level-3 ((t (:foreground "#757575" :weight normal)))) + (org-level-4 ((t (:foreground "#778899" :weight normal)))) + (org-level-5 ((t (:foreground "#9898FF" :weight normal)))) + (org-level-6 ((t (:foreground "#0000B0" :weight normal)))) + (org-level-7 ((t (:foreground "#740091" :weight normal)))) + (org-level-8 ((t (:foreground "#B275C1" :weight normal)))) + (fringe ((t (:background "#000000")))) + (mode-line ((t (:foreground "#B3B3B3" :background "#43527A" :background "#000000" :box nil)))) + (region ((t (:background "#3D3D3D")))) + (minibuffer-prompt ((t (:foreground "#72F3FF" :bold t)))) + (flymake-warnline ((t (:background "#000060")))) + (flymake-errline ((t (:background "#600000")))) + (font-lock-builtin-face ((t (:foreground "#C436C4")))) + (font-lock-comment-face ((t (:foreground "#00AC00" :background "#004000" :bold t :box (:line-width 1 :color "#006000" :style nil))))) + (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((t (:inherit 'font-lock-comment-face)))) + (font-lock-function-name-face ((t (:foreground "#0FFF28")))) + (font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground "#4E61BB" :bold t)))) + (font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "#E00900")))) + (font-lock-type-face ((t (:foreground "#8522DD")))) + (font-lock-variable-name-face ((t (:foreground "#18EFF2")))) + (font-lock-warning-face ((t (:foreground "#FF0000" :bold t))))))) +(provide 'color-theme-weirdness) diff --git a/emacs.d/color-theme.el b/emacs.d/color-theme.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c92c1a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/color-theme.el @@ -0,0 +1,1668 @@ +;;; color-theme.el --- install color themes + +;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Jonadab the Unsightly One +;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Alex Schroeder +;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Xavier Maillard + +;; Version: 6.6.0 +;; Keywords: faces +;; Author: Jonadab the Unsightly One +;; Maintainer: Xavier Maillard +;; URL: http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ColorTheme + +;; This file is not (YET) part of GNU Emacs. + +;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under +;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free +;; Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later +;; version. +;; +;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +;; for more details. +;; +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the +;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, +;; MA 02111-1307, USA. + +;;; Commentary: + +;; Please read README and BUGS files for any relevant help. +;; Contributors (not themers) should also read HACKING file. + +;;; Thanks + +;; Deepak Goel +;; S. Pokrovsky for ideas and discussion. +;; Gordon Messmer for ideas and discussion. +;; Sriram Karra for the color-theme-submit stuff. +;; Olgierd `Kingsajz' Ziolko for the spec-filter idea. +;; Brian Palmer for color-theme-library ideas and code +;; All the users that contributed their color themes. + + + +;;; Code: +(eval-when-compile + (require 'easymenu) + (require 'reporter) + (require 'sendmail)) + +(require 'cl); set-difference is a function... + +;; for custom-face-attributes-get or face-custom-attributes-get +(require 'cus-face) +(require 'wid-edit); for widget-apply stuff in cus-face.el + +(defconst color-theme-maintainer-address "zedek@gnu.org" + "Address used by `submit-color-theme'.") + +;; Emacs / XEmacs compatibility and workaround layer + +(cond ((and (facep 'tool-bar) + (not (facep 'toolbar))) + (put 'toolbar 'face-alias 'tool-bar)) + ((and (facep 'toolbar) + (not (facep 'tool-bar))) + (put 'tool-bar 'face-alias 'toolbar))) + +(defvar color-theme-xemacs-p (and (featurep 'xemacs) + (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)) + "Non-nil if running XEmacs.") + +;; Add this since it appears to miss in emacs-2x +(or (fboundp 'replace-in-string) + (defun replace-in-string (target old new) + (replace-regexp-in-string old new target))) + +;; face-attr-construct has a problem in Emacs 20.7 and older when +;; dealing with inverse-video faces. Here is a short test to check +;; wether you are affected. + +;; (set-background-color "wheat") +;; (set-foreground-color "black") +;; (setq a (make-face 'a-face)) +;; (face-spec-set a '((t (:background "white" :foreground "black" :inverse-video t)))) +;; (face-attr-construct a) +;; => (:background "black" :inverse-video t) + +;; The expected response is the original specification: +;; => (:background "white" :foreground "black" :inverse-video t) + +;; That's why we depend on cus-face.el functionality. + +(cond ((fboundp 'custom-face-attributes-get) + (defun color-theme-face-attr-construct (face frame) + (if (atom face) + (custom-face-attributes-get face frame) + (if (and (consp face) (eq (car face) 'quote)) + (custom-face-attributes-get (cadr face) frame) + (custom-face-attributes-get (car face) frame))))) + ((fboundp 'face-custom-attributes-get) + (defalias 'color-theme-face-attr-construct + 'face-custom-attributes-get)) + (t + (defun color-theme-face-attr-construct (&rest ignore) + (error "Unable to construct face attributes")))) + +(defun color-theme-alist (plist) + "Transform PLIST into an alist if it is a plist and return it. +If the first element of PLIST is a cons cell, we just return PLIST, +assuming PLIST to be an alist. If the first element of plist is not a +symbol, this is an error: We cannot distinguish a plist from an ordinary +list, but a list that doesn't start with a symbol is certainly no plist +and no alist. + +This is used to make sure `default-frame-alist' really is an alist and not +a plist. In XEmacs, the alist is deprecated; a plist is used instead." + (cond ((consp (car plist)) + plist) + ((not (symbolp (car plist))) + (error "Wrong type argument: plist, %S" plist)) + ((featurep 'xemacs) + (plist-to-alist plist)))); XEmacs only + +;; Customization + +(defgroup color-theme nil + "Color Themes for Emacs. +A color theme consists of frame parameter settings, variable settings, +and face definitions." + :version "20.6" + :group 'faces) + +(defcustom color-theme-legal-frame-parameters "\\(color\\|mode\\)$" + "Regexp that matches frame parameter names. +Only frame parameter names that match this regexp can be changed as part +of a color theme." + :type '(choice (const :tag "Colors only" "\\(color\\|mode\\)$") + (const :tag "Colors, fonts, and size" + "\\(color\\|mode\\|font\\|height\\|width\\)$") + (regexp :tag "Custom regexp")) + :group 'color-theme + :link '(info-link "(elisp)Window Frame Parameters")) + +(defcustom color-theme-legal-variables "\\(color\\|face\\)$" + "Regexp that matches variable names. +Only variables that match this regexp can be changed as part of a color +theme. In addition to matching this name, the variables have to be user +variables (see function `user-variable-p')." + :type 'regexp + :group 'color-theme) + +(defcustom color-theme-illegal-faces "^w3-" + "Regexp that matches face names forbidden in themes. +The default setting \"^w3-\" excludes w3 faces since these +are created dynamically." + :type 'regexp + :group 'color-theme + :link '(info-link "(elisp)Faces for Font Lock") + :link '(info-link "(elisp)Standard Faces")) + +(defcustom color-theme-illegal-default-attributes '(:family :height :width) + "A list of face properties to be ignored when installing faces. +This prevents Emacs from doing terrible things to your display just because +a theme author likes weird fonts." + :type '(repeat symbol) + :group 'color-theme) + +(defcustom color-theme-is-global t + "*Determines wether a color theme is installed on all frames or not. +If non-nil, color themes will be installed for all frames. +If nil, color themes will be installed for the selected frame only. + +A possible use for this variable is dynamic binding. Here is a larger +example to put in your ~/.emacs; it will make the Blue Sea color theme +the default used for the first frame, and it will create two additional +frames with different color themes. + +setup: + \(require 'color-theme) + ;; set default color theme + \(color-theme-blue-sea) + ;; create some frames with different color themes + \(let ((color-theme-is-global nil)) + \(select-frame (make-frame)) + \(color-theme-gnome2) + \(select-frame (make-frame)) + \(color-theme-standard)) + +Please note that using XEmacs and and a nil value for +color-theme-is-global will ignore any variable settings for the color +theme, since XEmacs doesn't have frame-local variable bindings. + +Also note that using Emacs and a non-nil value for color-theme-is-global +will install a new color theme for all frames. Using XEmacs and a +non-nil value for color-theme-is-global will install a new color theme +only on those frames that are not using a local color theme." + :type 'boolean + :group 'color-theme) + +(defcustom color-theme-is-cumulative t + "*Determines wether new color themes are installed on top of each other. +If non-nil, installing a color theme will undo all settings made by +previous color themes." + :type 'boolean + :group 'color-theme) + +(defcustom color-theme-directory nil + "Directory where we can find additionnal themes (personnal). +Note that there is at least one directory shipped with the official +color-theme distribution where all contributed themes are located. +This official selection can't be changed with that variable. +However, you still can decide to turn it on or off and thus, +not be shown with all themes but yours." + :type '(repeat string) + :group 'color-theme) + +(defcustom color-theme-libraries (directory-files + (concat + (file-name-directory (locate-library "color-theme")) + "/themes") t "^color-theme") + "A list of files, which will be loaded in color-theme-initialize depending +on `color-theme-load-all-themes' value. +This allows a user to prune the default color-themes (which can take a while +to load)." + :type '(repeat string) + :group 'color-theme) + +(defcustom color-theme-load-all-themes t + "When t, load all color-theme theme files +as presented by `color-theme-libraries'. Else +do not load any of this themes." + :type 'boolean + :group 'color-theme) + +(defcustom color-theme-mode-hook nil + "Hook for color-theme-mode." + :type 'hook + :group 'color-theme) + +(defvar color-theme-mode-map + (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) + (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'color-theme-install-at-point) + (define-key map (kbd "c") 'list-colors-display) + (define-key map (kbd "d") 'color-theme-describe) + (define-key map (kbd "f") 'list-faces-display) + (define-key map (kbd "i") 'color-theme-install-at-point) + (define-key map (kbd "l") 'color-theme-install-at-point-for-current-frame) + (define-key map (kbd "p") 'color-theme-print) + (define-key map (kbd "q") 'bury-buffer) + (define-key map (kbd "?") 'color-theme-describe) + (if color-theme-xemacs-p + (define-key map (kbd "") 'color-theme-install-at-mouse) + (define-key map (kbd "") 'color-theme-install-at-mouse)) + map) + "Mode map used for the buffer created by `color-theme-select'.") + +(defvar color-theme-initialized nil + "Internal variable determining whether color-theme-initialize has been invoked yet") + +(defvar color-theme-buffer-name "*Color Theme Selection*" + "Name of the color theme selection buffer.") + +(defvar color-theme-original-frame-alist nil + "nil until one of the color themes has been installed.") + +(defvar color-theme-history nil + "List of color-themes called, in reverse order") + +(defcustom color-theme-history-max-length nil + "Max length of history to maintain. +Two other values are acceptable: t means no limit, and +nil means that no history is maintained." + :type '(choice (const :tag "No history" nil) + (const :tag "Unlimited length" t) + integer) + :group 'color-theme) + +(defvar color-theme-counter 0 + "Counter for every addition to `color-theme-history'. +This counts how many themes were installed, regardless +of `color-theme-history-max-length'.") + +(defvar color-theme-entry-path (cond + ;; Emacs 22.x and later + ((lookup-key global-map [menu-bar tools]) + '("tools")) + ;; XEmacs + ((featurep 'xemacs) + (setq tool-entry '("Tools"))) + ;; Emacs < 22 + (t + '("Tools"))) + "Menu tool entry path.") + +(defun color-theme-add-to-history (name) + "Add color-theme NAME to `color-theme-history'." + (setq color-theme-history + (cons (list name color-theme-is-cumulative) + color-theme-history) + color-theme-counter (+ 1 color-theme-counter)) + ;; Truncate the list if necessary. + (when (and (integerp color-theme-history-max-length) + (>= (length color-theme-history) + color-theme-history-max-length)) + (setcdr (nthcdr (1- color-theme-history-max-length) + color-theme-history) + nil))) + +;; (let ((l '(1 2 3 4 5))) +;; (setcdr (nthcdr 2 l) nil) +;; l) + + + +;; List of color themes used to create the *Color Theme Selection* +;; buffer. + +(defvar color-themes + '((color-theme-aalto-dark "Aalto Dark" "Jari Aalto ") + (color-theme-aalto-light "Aalto Light" "Jari Aalto ") + (color-theme-aliceblue "Alice Blue" "Girish Bharadwaj ") + (color-theme-andreas "Andreas" "Andreas Busch ") + (color-theme-arjen "Arjen" "Arjen Wiersma ") + (color-theme-beige-diff "Beige Diff" "Alex Schroeder " t) + (color-theme-bharadwaj "Bharadwaj" "Girish Bharadwaj ") + (color-theme-bharadwaj-slate "Bharadwaj Slate" "Girish Bharadwaj ") + (color-theme-billw "Billw" "Bill White ") + (color-theme-black-on-gray "BlackOnGray" "Sudhir Bhojwani ") + (color-theme-blippblopp "Blipp Blopp" "Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten") + (color-theme-simple-1 "Black" "Jonadab ") + (color-theme-blue-erc "Blue ERC" "Alex Schroeder " t) + (color-theme-blue-gnus "Blue Gnus" "Alex Schroeder " t) + (color-theme-blue-mood "Blue Mood" "Nelson Loyola ") + (color-theme-blue-sea "Blue Sea" "Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-calm-forest "Calm Forest" "Artur Hefczyc ") + (color-theme-charcoal-black "Charcoal Black" "Lars Chr. Hausmann ") + (color-theme-goldenrod "Cheap Goldenrod" "Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-clarity "Clarity and Beauty" "Richard Wellum ") + (color-theme-classic "Classic" "Frederic Giroud ") + (color-theme-comidia "Comidia" "Marcelo Dias de Toledo ") + (color-theme-jsc-dark "Cooper Dark" "John S Cooper ") + (color-theme-jsc-light "Cooper Light" "John S Cooper ") + (color-theme-jsc-light2 "Cooper Light 2" "John S Cooper ") + (color-theme-dark-blue "Dark Blue" "Chris McMahan ") + (color-theme-dark-blue2 "Dark Blue 2" "Chris McMahan ") + (color-theme-dark-green "Dark Green" "eddy_woody@hotmail.com") + (color-theme-dark-laptop "Dark Laptop" "Laurent Michel ") + (color-theme-deep-blue "Deep Blue" "Tomas Cerha ") + (color-theme-digital-ofs1 "Digital OFS1" "Gareth Owen ") + (color-theme-euphoria "Euphoria" "oGLOWo@oGLOWo.cjb.net") + (color-theme-feng-shui "Feng Shui" "Walter Higgins ") + (color-theme-fischmeister "Fischmeister" + "Sebastian Fischmeister ") + (color-theme-gnome "Gnome" "Jonadab ") + (color-theme-gnome2 "Gnome 2" "Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-gray1 "Gray1" "Paul Pulli ") + (color-theme-gray30 "Gray30" "Girish Bharadwaj ") + (color-theme-kingsajz "Green Kingsajz" "Olgierd `Kingsajz' Ziolko ") + (color-theme-greiner "Greiner" "Kevin Greiner ") + (color-theme-gtk-ide "GTK IDE" "Gordon Messmer ") + (color-theme-high-contrast "High Contrast" "Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-hober "Hober" "Edward O'Connor ") + (color-theme-infodoc "Infodoc" "Frederic Giroud ") + (color-theme-jb-simple "JB Simple" "jeff@dvns.com") + (color-theme-jedit-grey "Jedit Grey" "Gordon Messmer ") + (color-theme-jonadabian "Jonadab" "Jonadab ") + (color-theme-jonadabian-slate "Jonadabian Slate" "Jonadab ") + (color-theme-katester "Katester" "Higgins_Walter@emc.com") + (color-theme-late-night "Late Night" "Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-lawrence "Lawrence" "lawrence mitchell ") + (color-theme-lethe "Lethe" "Ivica Loncar ") + (color-theme-ld-dark "Linh Dang Dark" "Linh Dang ") + (color-theme-marine "Marine" "Girish Bharadwaj ") + (color-theme-matrix "Matrix" "Walter Higgins ") + (color-theme-marquardt "Marquardt" "Colin Marquardt ") + (color-theme-midnight "Midnight" "Gordon Messmer ") + (color-theme-mistyday "Misty Day" "Hari Kumar ") + (color-theme-montz "Montz" "Brady Montz ") + (color-theme-oswald "Oswald" "Tom Oswald ") + (color-theme-parus "Parus" "Jon K Hellan ") + (color-theme-pierson "Pierson" "Dan L. Pierson ") + (color-theme-ramangalahy "Ramangalahy" "Solofo Ramangalahy ") + (color-theme-raspopovic "Raspopovic" "Pedja Raspopovic ") + (color-theme-renegade "Renegade" "Dave Benjamin ") + (color-theme-resolve "Resolve" "Damien Elmes ") + (color-theme-retro-green "Retro Green" "Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-retro-orange "Retro Orange" "Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-robin-hood "Robin Hood" "Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-rotor "Rotor" "Jinwei Shen ") + (color-theme-ryerson "Ryerson" "Luis Fernandes ") + (color-theme-salmon-diff "Salmon Diff" "Alex Schroeder " t) + (color-theme-salmon-font-lock "Salmon Font-Lock" "Alex Schroeder " t) + (color-theme-scintilla "Scintilla" "Gordon Messmer ") + (color-theme-shaman "Shaman" "shaman@interdon.net") + (color-theme-sitaramv-nt "Sitaram NT" + "Sitaram Venkatraman ") + (color-theme-sitaramv-solaris "Sitaram Solaris" + "Sitaram Venkatraman ") + (color-theme-snow "Snow" "Nicolas Rist ") + (color-theme-snowish "Snowish" "Girish Bharadwaj ") + (color-theme-standard-ediff "Standard Ediff" "Emacs Team, added by Alex Schroeder " t) + (color-theme-standard "Standard Emacs 20" "Emacs Team, added by Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-emacs-21 "Standard Emacs 21" "Emacs Team, added by Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-emacs-nw "Standard Emacs 21 No Window" "Emacs Team, added by D. Goel ") + (color-theme-xemacs "Standard XEmacs" "XEmacs Team, added by Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-subtle-blue "Subtle Blue" "Chris McMahan ") + (color-theme-subtle-hacker "Subtle Hacker" "Colin Walters ") + (color-theme-taming-mr-arneson "Taming Mr Arneson" "Erik Arneson ") + (color-theme-taylor "Taylor" "Art Taylor ") + (color-theme-tty-dark "TTY Dark" "O Polite ") + (color-theme-vim-colors "Vim Colors" "Michael Soulier ") + (color-theme-whateveryouwant "Whateveryouwant" "Fabien Penso , color by Scott Jaderholm ") + (color-theme-wheat "Wheat" "Alex Schroeder ") + (color-theme-pok-wob "White On Black" "S. Pokrovsky ") + (color-theme-pok-wog "White On Grey" "S. Pokrovsky ") + (color-theme-word-perfect "WordPerfect" "Thomas Gehrlein ") + (color-theme-xp "XP" "Girish Bharadwaj ")) + "List of color themes. + +Each THEME is itself a three element list (FUNC NAME MAINTAINER &optional LIBRARY). + +FUNC is a color theme function which does the setup. The function +FUNC may call `color-theme-install'. The color theme function may be +interactive. + +NAME is the name of the theme and MAINTAINER is the name and/or email of +the maintainer of the theme. + +If LIBRARY is non-nil, the color theme will be considered a library and +may not be shown in the default menu. + +If you defined your own color theme and want to add it to this list, +use something like this: + + (add-to-list 'color-themes '(color-theme-gnome2 \"Gnome2\" \"Alex\"))") + +;;; Functions + +(defun color-theme-backup-original-values () + "Back up the original `default-frame-alist'. +The values are stored in `color-theme-original-frame-alist' on +startup." + (if (null color-theme-original-frame-alist) + (setq color-theme-original-frame-alist + (color-theme-filter (frame-parameters (selected-frame)) + color-theme-legal-frame-parameters)))) +(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'color-theme-backup-original-values) + +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-select (&optional arg) + "Displays a special buffer for selecting and installing a color theme. +With optional prefix ARG, this buffer will include color theme libraries +as well. A color theme library is in itself not complete, it must be +used as part of another color theme to be useful. Thus, color theme +libraries are mainly useful for color theme authors." + (interactive "P") + (unless color-theme-initialized (color-theme-initialize)) + (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create color-theme-buffer-name)) + (setq buffer-read-only nil) + (erase-buffer) + ;; recreate the snapshot if necessary + (when (or (not (assq 'color-theme-snapshot color-themes)) + (not (commandp 'color-theme-snapshot))) + (fset 'color-theme-snapshot (color-theme-make-snapshot)) + (setq color-themes (delq (assq 'color-theme-snapshot color-themes) + color-themes) + color-themes (delq (assq 'bury-buffer color-themes) + color-themes) + color-themes (append '((color-theme-snapshot + "[Reset]" "Undo changes, if possible.") + (bury-buffer + "[Quit]" "Bury this buffer.")) + color-themes))) + (dolist (theme color-themes) + (let ((func (nth 0 theme)) + (name (nth 1 theme)) + (author (nth 2 theme)) + (library (nth 3 theme)) + (desc)) + (when (or (not library) arg) + (setq desc (format "%-23s %s" + (if library (concat name " [lib]") name) + author)) + (put-text-property 0 (length desc) 'color-theme func desc) + (put-text-property 0 (length name) 'face 'bold desc) + (put-text-property 0 (length name) 'mouse-face 'highlight desc) + (insert desc) + (newline)))) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (setq buffer-read-only t) + (set-buffer-modified-p nil) + (color-theme-mode)) + +(when (require 'easymenu) + (easy-menu-add-item nil color-theme-entry-path "--") + (easy-menu-add-item nil color-theme-entry-path + ["Color Themes" color-theme-select t])) + +(defun color-theme-mode () + "Major mode to select and install color themes. + +Use \\[color-theme-install-at-point] to install a color theme on all frames. +Use \\[color-theme-install-at-point-for-current-frame] to install a color theme for the current frame only. + +The changes are applied on top of your current setup. This is a +feature. + +Some of the themes should be considered extensions to the standard color +theme: they modify only a limited number of faces and variables. To +verify the final look of a color theme, install the standard color +theme, then install the other color theme. This is a feature. It allows +you to mix several color themes. + +Use \\[color-theme-describe] to read more about the color theme function at point. +If you want to install the color theme permanently, put the call to the +color theme function into your ~/.emacs: + + \(require 'color-theme) + \(color-theme-gnome2) + +If you worry about the size of color-theme.el: You are right. Use +\\[color-theme-print] to print the current color theme and save the resulting buffer +as ~/.emacs-color-theme. Now you can install only this specific color +theme in your .emacs: + + \(load-file \"~/.emacs-color-theme\") + \(my-color-theme) + +The Emacs menu is not affected by color themes within Emacs. Depending +on the toolkit you used to compile Emacs, you might have to set specific +X ressources. See the info manual for more information. Here is an +example ~/.Xdefaults fragment: + + emacs*Background: DarkSlateGray + emacs*Foreground: wheat + +\\{color-theme-mode-map} + +The color themes are listed in `color-themes', which see." + (kill-all-local-variables) + (setq major-mode 'color-theme-mode) + (setq mode-name "Color Themes") + (use-local-map color-theme-mode-map) + (when (functionp 'goto-address); Emacs + (goto-address)) + (run-hooks 'color-theme-mode-hook)) + +;;; Commands in Color Theme Selection mode + +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-describe () + "Describe color theme listed at point. +This shows the documentation of the value of text-property color-theme +at point. The text-property color-theme should be a color theme +function. See `color-themes'." + (interactive) + (describe-function (get-text-property (point) 'color-theme))) + +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-install-at-mouse (event) + "Install color theme clicked upon using the mouse. +First argument EVENT is used to set point. Then +`color-theme-install-at-point' is called." + (interactive "e") + (save-excursion + (mouse-set-point event) + (color-theme-install-at-point))) + +;;;autoload +(defun color-theme-install-at-point () + "Install color theme at point. +This calls the value of the text-property `color-theme' at point. +The text-property `color-theme' should be a color theme function. +See `color-themes'." + (interactive) + (let ((func (get-text-property (point) 'color-theme))) + ;; install theme + (if func + (funcall func)) + ;; If goto-address is being used, remove all overlays in the current + ;; buffer and run it again. The face used for the mail addresses in + ;; the the color theme selection buffer is based on the variable + ;; goto-address-mail-face. Changes in that variable will not affect + ;; existing overlays, however, thereby confusing users. + (when (functionp 'goto-address); Emacs + (dolist (o (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))) + (delete-overlay o)) + (goto-address)))) + +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-install-at-point-for-current-frame () + "Install color theme at point for current frame only. +Binds `color-theme-is-global' to nil and calls +`color-theme-install-at-point'." + (interactive) + (let ((color-theme-is-global nil)) + (color-theme-install-at-point))) + + + +;; Taking a snapshot of the current color theme and pretty printing it. + +(defun color-theme-filter (old-list regexp &optional exclude) + "Filter OLD-LIST. +The resulting list will be newly allocated and contains only elements +with names matching REGEXP. OLD-LIST may be a list or an alist. If you +want to filter a plist, use `color-theme-alist' to convert your plist to +an alist, first. + +If the optional argument EXCLUDE is non-nil, then the sense is +reversed: only non-matching elements will be retained." + (let (elem new-list) + (dolist (elem old-list) + (setq name (symbol-name (if (listp elem) (car elem) elem))) + (when (or (and (not exclude) + (string-match regexp name)) + (and exclude + (not (string-match regexp name)))) + ;; Now make sure that if elem is a cons cell, and the cdr of + ;; that cons cell is a string, then we need a *new* string in + ;; the new list. Having a new cons cell is of no use because + ;; modify-frame-parameters will modify this string, thus + ;; modifying our color theme functions! + (when (and (consp elem) + (stringp (cdr elem))) + (setq elem (cons (car elem) + (copy-sequence (cdr elem))))) + ;; Now store elem + (setq new-list (cons elem new-list)))) + new-list)) + +(defun color-theme-spec-filter (spec) + "Filter the attributes in SPEC. +This makes sure that SPEC has the form ((t (PLIST ...))). +Only properties not in `color-theme-illegal-default-attributes' +are included in the SPEC returned." + (let ((props (cadar spec)) + result prop val) + (while props + (setq prop (nth 0 props) + val (nth 1 props) + props (nthcdr 2 props)) + (unless (memq prop color-theme-illegal-default-attributes) + (setq result (cons val (cons prop result))))) + `((t ,(nreverse result))))) + +;; (color-theme-spec-filter '((t (:background "blue3")))) +;; (color-theme-spec-filter '((t (:stipple nil :background "Black" :foreground "SteelBlue" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :width semi-condensed :family "misc-fixed")))) + +(defun color-theme-plist-delete (plist prop) + "Delete property PROP from property list PLIST by side effect. +This modifies PLIST." + ;; deal with prop at the start + (while (eq (car plist) prop) + (setq plist (cddr plist))) + ;; deal with empty plist + (when plist + (let ((lastcell (cdr plist)) + (l (cddr plist))) + (while l + (if (eq (car l) prop) + (progn + (setq l (cddr l)) + (setcdr lastcell l)) + (setq lastcell (cdr l) + l (cddr l)))))) + plist) + +;; (color-theme-plist-delete '(a b c d e f g h) 'a) +;; (color-theme-plist-delete '(a b c d e f g h) 'b) +;; (color-theme-plist-delete '(a b c d e f g h) 'c) +;; (color-theme-plist-delete '(a b c d e f g h) 'g) +;; (color-theme-plist-delete '(a b c d c d e f g h) 'c) +;; (color-theme-plist-delete '(a b c d e f c d g h) 'c) + +(if (or (featurep 'xemacs) + (< emacs-major-version 21)) + (defalias 'color-theme-spec-compat 'identity) + (defun color-theme-spec-compat (spec) + "Filter the attributes in SPEC such that is is never invalid. +Example: Eventhough :bold works in Emacs, it is not recognized by +`customize-face' -- and then the face is uncustomizable. This +function replaces a :bold attribute with the corresponding :weight +attribute, if there is no :weight, or deletes it. This undoes the +doings of `color-theme-spec-canonical-font', more or less." + (let ((props (cadar spec))) + (when (plist-member props :bold) + (setq props (color-theme-plist-delete props :bold)) + (unless (plist-member props :weight) + (setq props (plist-put props :weight 'bold)))) + (when (plist-member props :italic) + (setq props (color-theme-plist-delete props :italic)) + (unless (plist-member props :slant) + (setq props (plist-put props :slant 'italic)))) + `((t ,props))))) + +;; (color-theme-spec-compat '((t (:foreground "blue" :bold t)))) +;; (color-theme-spec-compat '((t (:bold t :foreground "blue" :weight extra-bold)))) +;; (color-theme-spec-compat '((t (:italic t :foreground "blue")))) +;; (color-theme-spec-compat '((t (:slant oblique :italic t :foreground "blue")))) + +(defun color-theme-spec-canonical-font (atts) + "Add :bold and :italic attributes if necessary." + ;; add these to the front of atts -- this will keept the old value for + ;; customize-face in Emacs 21. + (when (and (memq (plist-get atts :weight) + '(ultra-bold extra-bold bold semi-bold)) + (not (plist-get atts :bold))) + (setq atts (cons :bold (cons t atts)))) + (when (and (not (memq (plist-get atts :slant) + '(normal nil))) + (not (plist-get atts :italic))) + (setq atts (cons :italic (cons t atts)))) + atts) +;; (color-theme-spec-canonical-font (color-theme-face-attr-construct 'bold (selected-frame))) +;; (defface foo '((t (:weight extra-bold))) "foo") +;; (color-theme-spec-canonical-font (color-theme-face-attr-construct 'foo (selected-frame))) +;; (face-spec-set 'foo '((t (:weight extra-bold))) nil) +;; (face-spec-set 'foo '((t (:bold t))) nil) +;; (face-spec-set 'foo '((t (:bold t :weight extra-bold))) nil) + +;; Handle :height according to NEWS file for Emacs 21 +(defun color-theme-spec-resolve-height (old new) + "Return the new height given OLD and NEW height. +OLD is the current setting, NEW is the setting inherited from." + (cond ((not old) + new) + ((integerp old) + old) + ((and (floatp old) + (integerp new)) + (round (* old new))) + ((and (floatp old) + (floatp new)) + (* old new)) + ((and (functionp old) + (integerp new)) + (round (funcall old new))) + ((and (functionp old) + (float new)) + `(lambda (f) (* (funcall ,old f) ,new))) + ((and (functionp old) + (functionp new)) + `(lambda (f) (* (funcall ,old (funcall ,new f))))) + (t + (error "Illegal :height attributes: %S or %S" old new)))) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-height 12 1.2) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-height 1.2 1.2) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-height 1.2 12) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-height 1.2 'foo) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-height (lambda (f) (* 2 f)) 5) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-height (lambda (f) (* 2 f)) 2.0) +;; the following lambda is the result from the above calculation +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-height (lambda (f) (* (funcall (lambda (f) (* 2 f)) f) 2.0)) 5) + +(defun color-theme-spec-resolve-inheritance (atts) + "Resolve all occurences of the :inherit attribute." + (let ((face (plist-get atts :inherit))) + ;; From the Emacs 21 NEWS file: "Attributes from inherited faces are + ;; merged into the face like an underlying face would be." -- + ;; therefore properties of the inherited face only add missing + ;; attributes. + (when face + ;; remove :inherit face from atts -- this assumes only one + ;; :inherit attribute. + (setq atts (delq ':inherit (delq face atts))) + (let ((more-atts (color-theme-spec-resolve-inheritance + (color-theme-face-attr-construct + face (selected-frame)))) + att val) + (while more-atts + (setq att (car more-atts) + val (cadr more-atts) + more-atts (cddr more-atts)) + ;; Color-theme assumes that no value is ever 'unspecified. + (cond ((eq att ':height); cumulative effect! + (setq atts (plist-put atts + ':height + (color-theme-spec-resolve-height + (plist-get atts att) + val)))) + ;; Default: Only put if it has not been specified before. + ((not (plist-get atts att)) + (setq atts (cons att (cons val atts)))) + +)))) + atts)) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-inheritance '(:bold t)) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-inheritance '(:bold t :foreground "blue")) +;; (color-theme-face-attr-construct 'font-lock-comment-face (selected-frame)) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-inheritance '(:bold t :inherit font-lock-comment-face)) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-inheritance '(:bold t :foreground "red" :inherit font-lock-comment-face)) +;; (color-theme-face-attr-construct 'Info-title-2-face (selected-frame)) +;; (color-theme-face-attr-construct 'Info-title-3-face (selected-frame)) +;; (color-theme-face-attr-construct 'Info-title-4-face (selected-frame)) +;; (color-theme-spec-resolve-inheritance '(:inherit Info-title-2-face)) + +;; The :inverse-video attribute causes Emacs to swap foreground and +;; background colors, XEmacs does not. Therefore, if anybody chooses +;; the inverse-video attribute, we 1. swap the colors ourselves in Emacs +;; and 2. we remove the inverse-video attribute in Emacs and XEmacs. +;; Inverse-video is only useful on a monochrome tty. +(defun color-theme-spec-maybe-invert (atts) + "Remove the :inverse-video attribute from ATTS. +If ATTS contains :inverse-video t, remove it and swap foreground and +background color. Return ATTS." + (let ((inv (plist-get atts ':inverse-video))) + (if inv + (let (result att) + (while atts + (setq att (car atts) + atts (cdr atts)) + (cond ((and (eq att :foreground) (not color-theme-xemacs-p)) + (setq result (cons :background result))) + ((and (eq att :background) (not color-theme-xemacs-p)) + (setq result (cons :foreground result))) + ((eq att :inverse-video) + (setq atts (cdr atts))); this prevents using dolist + (t + (setq result (cons att result))))) + (nreverse result)) + ;; else + atts))) +;; (color-theme-spec-maybe-invert '(:bold t)) +;; (color-theme-spec-maybe-invert '(:foreground "blue")) +;; (color-theme-spec-maybe-invert '(:background "red")) +;; (color-theme-spec-maybe-invert '(:inverse-video t)) +;; (color-theme-spec-maybe-invert '(:inverse-video t :foreground "red")) +;; (color-theme-spec-maybe-invert '(:inverse-video t :background "red")) +;; (color-theme-spec-maybe-invert '(:inverse-video t :background "red" :foreground "blue" :bold t)) +;; (color-theme-spec-maybe-invert '(:inverse-video nil :background "red" :foreground "blue" :bold t)) + +(defun color-theme-spec (face) + "Return a list for FACE which has the form (FACE SPEC). +See `defface' for the format of SPEC. In this case we use only one +DISPLAY, t, and determine ATTS using `color-theme-face-attr-construct'. +If ATTS is nil, (nil) is used instead. + +If ATTS contains :inverse-video t, we remove it and swap foreground and +background color using `color-theme-spec-maybe-invert'. We do this +because :inverse-video is handled differently in Emacs and XEmacs. We +will loose on a tty without colors, because in that situation, +:inverse-video means something." + (let ((atts + (color-theme-spec-canonical-font + (color-theme-spec-maybe-invert + (color-theme-spec-resolve-inheritance + (color-theme-face-attr-construct face (selected-frame))))))) + (if atts + `(,face ((t ,atts))) + `(,face ((t (nil))))))) + +(defun color-theme-get-params () + "Return a list of frame parameter settings usable in a color theme. +Such an alist may be installed by `color-theme-install-frame-params'. The +frame parameters returned must match `color-theme-legal-frame-parameters'." + (let ((params (color-theme-filter (frame-parameters (selected-frame)) + color-theme-legal-frame-parameters))) + (sort params (lambda (a b) (string< (symbol-name (car a)) + (symbol-name (car b))))))) + +(defun color-theme-get-vars () + "Return a list of variable settings usable in a color theme. +Such an alist may be installed by `color-theme-install-variables'. +The variable names must match `color-theme-legal-variables', and the +variable must be a user variable according to `user-variable-p'." + (let ((vars) + (val)) + (mapatoms (lambda (v) + (and (boundp v) + (user-variable-p v) + (string-match color-theme-legal-variables + (symbol-name v)) + (setq val (eval v)) + (add-to-list 'vars (cons v val))))) + (sort vars (lambda (a b) (string< (car a) (car b)))))) + +(defun color-theme-print-alist (alist) + "Print ALIST." + (insert "\n " (if alist "(" "nil")) + (dolist (elem alist) + (when (= (preceding-char) ?\)) + (insert "\n ")) + (prin1 elem (current-buffer))) + (when (= (preceding-char) ?\)) (insert ")"))) + +(defun color-theme-get-faces () + "Return a list of faces usable in a color theme. +Such an alist may be installed by `color-theme-install-faces'. The +faces returned must not match `color-theme-illegal-faces'." + (let ((faces (color-theme-filter (face-list) color-theme-illegal-faces t))) + ;; default face must come first according to comments in + ;; custom-save-faces, the rest is to be sorted by name + (cons 'default (sort (delq 'default faces) 'string-lessp)))) + +(defun color-theme-get-face-definitions () + "Return face settings usable in a color-theme." + (let ((faces (color-theme-get-faces))) + (mapcar 'color-theme-spec faces))) + +(defun color-theme-print-faces (faces) + "Print face settings for all faces returned by `color-theme-get-faces'." + (when faces + (insert "\n ")) + (dolist (face faces) + (when (= (preceding-char) ?\)) + (insert "\n ")) + (prin1 face (current-buffer)))) + +(defun color-theme-reset-faces () + "Reset face settings for all faces returned by `color-theme-get-faces'." + (let ((faces (color-theme-get-faces)) + (face) (spec) (entry) + (frame (if color-theme-is-global nil (selected-frame)))) + (while faces + (setq entry (color-theme-spec (car faces))) + (setq face (nth 0 entry)) + (setq spec '((t (nil)))) + (setq faces (cdr faces)) + (if (functionp 'face-spec-reset-face) + (face-spec-reset-face face frame) + (face-spec-set face spec frame) + (if color-theme-is-global + (put face 'face-defface-spec spec)))))) + +(defun color-theme-print-theme (func doc params vars faces) + "Print a theme into the current buffer. +FUNC is the function name, DOC the doc string, PARAMS the +frame parameters, VARS the variable bindings, and FACES +the list of faces and their specs." + (insert "(defun " (symbol-name func) " ()\n" + " \"" doc "\"\n" + " (interactive)\n" + " (color-theme-install\n" + " '(" (symbol-name func)) + ;; alist of frame parameters + (color-theme-print-alist params) + ;; alist of variables + (color-theme-print-alist vars) + ;; remaining elements of snapshot: face specs + (color-theme-print-faces faces) + (insert ")))\n") + (insert "(add-to-list 'color-themes '(" (symbol-name func) " " + " \"THEME NAME\" \"YOUR NAME\"))") + (goto-char (point-min))) + +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-print (&optional buf) + "Print the current color theme function. + +You can contribute this function to or +paste it into your .emacs file and call it. That should recreate all +the settings necessary for your color theme. + +Example: + + \(require 'color-theme) + \(defun my-color-theme () + \"Color theme by Alex Schroeder, created 2000-05-17.\" + \(interactive) + \(color-theme-install + '(... + ... + ...))) + \(my-color-theme) + +If you want to use a specific color theme function, you can call the +color theme function in your .emacs directly. + +Example: + + \(require 'color-theme) + \(color-theme-gnome2)" + (interactive) + (message "Pretty printing current color theme function...") + (switch-to-buffer (if buf + buf + (get-buffer-create "*Color Theme*"))) + (unless buf + (setq buffer-read-only nil) + (erase-buffer)) + ;; insert defun + (insert "(eval-when-compile" + " (require 'color-theme))\n") + (color-theme-print-theme 'my-color-theme + (concat "Color theme by " + (if (string= "" user-full-name) + (user-login-name) + user-full-name) + ", created " (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d") ".") + (color-theme-get-params) + (color-theme-get-vars) + (mapcar 'color-theme-spec (color-theme-get-faces))) + (unless buf + (emacs-lisp-mode)) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (message "Pretty printing current color theme function... done")) + +(defun color-theme-analyze-find-theme (code) + "Find the sexpr that calls `color-theme-install'." + (let (theme) + (while (and (not theme) code) + (when (eq (car code) 'color-theme-install) + (setq theme code)) + (when (listp (car code)) + (setq theme (color-theme-analyze-find-theme (car code)))) + (setq code (cdr code))) + theme)) + +;; (equal (color-theme-analyze-find-theme +;; '(defun color-theme-blue-eshell () +;; "Color theme for eshell faces only." +;; (color-theme-install +;; '(color-theme-blue-eshell +;; nil +;; (eshell-ls-archive-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "IndianRed")))) +;; (eshell-ls-backup-face ((t (:foreground "Grey")))))))) +;; '(color-theme-install +;; (quote +;; (color-theme-blue-eshell +;; nil +;; (eshell-ls-archive-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "IndianRed")))) +;; (eshell-ls-backup-face ((t (:foreground "Grey"))))))))) + +(defun color-theme-analyze-add-face (a b regexp faces) + "If only one of A or B are in FACES, the other is added, and FACES is returned. +If REGEXP is given, this is only done if faces contains a match for regexps." + (when (or (not regexp) + (catch 'found + (dolist (face faces) + (when (string-match regexp (symbol-name (car face))) + (throw 'found t))))) + (let ((face-a (assoc a faces)) + (face-b (assoc b faces))) + (if (and face-a (not face-b)) + (setq faces (cons (list b (nth 1 face-a)) + faces)) + (if (and (not face-a) face-b) + (setq faces (cons (list a (nth 1 face-b)) + faces)))))) + faces) + +;; (equal (color-theme-analyze-add-face +;; 'blue 'violet nil +;; '((blue ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (bold ((t (:bold t)))))) +;; '((violet ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (blue ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (bold ((t (:bold t)))))) +;; (equal (color-theme-analyze-add-face +;; 'violet 'blue nil +;; '((blue ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (bold ((t (:bold t)))))) +;; '((violet ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (blue ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (bold ((t (:bold t)))))) +;; (equal (color-theme-analyze-add-face +;; 'violet 'blue "foo" +;; '((blue ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (bold ((t (:bold t)))))) +;; '((blue ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (bold ((t (:bold t)))))) +;; (equal (color-theme-analyze-add-face +;; 'violet 'blue "blue" +;; '((blue ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (bold ((t (:bold t)))))) +;; '((violet ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (blue ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (bold ((t (:bold t)))))) + +(defun color-theme-analyze-add-faces (faces) + "Add missing faces to FACES and return it." + ;; The most important thing is to add missing faces for the other + ;; editor. These are the most important faces to check. The + ;; following rules list two faces, A and B. If either of the two is + ;; part of the theme, the other must be, too. The optional third + ;; argument specifies a regexp. Only if an existing face name + ;; matches this regexp, is the rule applied. + (let ((rules '((font-lock-builtin-face font-lock-reference-face) + (font-lock-doc-face font-lock-doc-string-face) + (font-lock-constant-face font-lock-preprocessor-face) + ;; In Emacs 21 `modeline' is just an alias for + ;; `mode-line'. I recommend the use of + ;; `modeline' until further notice. + (modeline mode-line) + (modeline modeline-buffer-id) + (modeline modeline-mousable) + (modeline modeline-mousable-minor-mode) + (region primary-selection) + (region zmacs-region) + (font-lock-string-face dired-face-boring "^dired") + (font-lock-function-name-face dired-face-directory "^dired") + (default dired-face-executable "^dired") + (font-lock-warning-face dired-face-flagged "^dired") + (font-lock-warning-face dired-face-marked "^dired") + (default dired-face-permissions "^dired") + (default dired-face-setuid "^dired") + (default dired-face-socket "^dired") + (font-lock-keyword-face dired-face-symlink "^dired") + (tool-bar menu)))) + (dolist (rule rules) + (setq faces (color-theme-analyze-add-face + (nth 0 rule) (nth 1 rule) (nth 2 rule) faces)))) + ;; The `fringe' face defines what the left and right borders of the + ;; frame look like in Emacs 21. To give them default fore- and + ;; background colors, use (fringe ((t (nil)))) in your color theme. + ;; Usually it makes more sense to choose a color slightly lighter or + ;; darker from the default background. + (unless (assoc 'fringe faces) + (setq faces (cons '(fringe ((t (nil)))) faces))) + ;; The tool-bar should not be part of the frame-parameters, since it + ;; should not appear or disappear depending on the color theme. The + ;; apppearance of the toolbar, however, can be changed by the color + ;; theme. For Emacs 21, use the `tool-bar' face. The easiest way + ;; to do this is to give it the default fore- and background colors. + ;; This can be achieved using (tool-bar ((t (nil)))) in the theme. + ;; Usually it makes more sense, however, to provide the same colors + ;; as used in the `menu' face, and to specify a :box attribute. In + ;; order to alleviate potential Emacs/XEmacs incompatibilities, + ;; `toolbar' will be defined as an alias for `tool-bar' if it does + ;; not exist, and vice-versa. This is done eventhough the face + ;; `toolbar' seems to have no effect on XEmacs. If you look at + ;; XEmacs lisp/faces.el, however, you will find that it is in fact + ;; referenced for XPM stuff. + (unless (assoc 'tool-bar faces) + (setq faces (cons '(tool-bar ((t (nil)))) faces))) + ;; Move the default face back to the front, and sort the rest. + (unless (eq (caar faces) 'default) + (let ((face (assoc 'default faces))) + (setq faces (cons face + (sort (delete face faces) + (lambda (a b) + (string-lessp (car a) (car b)))))))) + faces) + +(defun color-theme-analyze-remove-heights (faces) + "Remove :height property where it is an integer and return FACES." + ;; I don't recommend making font sizes part of a color theme. Most + ;; users would be surprised to see their font sizes change when they + ;; install a color-theme. Therefore, remove all :height attributes + ;; if the value is an integer. If the value is a float, this is ok + ;; -- the value is relative to the default height. One notable + ;; exceptions is for a color-theme created for visually impaired + ;; people. These *must* use a larger font in order to be usable. + (let (result) + (dolist (face faces) + (let ((props (cadar (nth 1 face)))) + (if (and (plist-member props :height) + (integerp (plist-get props :height))) + (setq props (color-theme-plist-delete props :height) + result (cons (list (car face) `((t ,props))) + result)) + (setq result (cons face result))))) + (nreverse result))) + +;; (equal (color-theme-analyze-remove-heights +;; '((blue ((t (:foreground "blue" :height 2)))) +;; (bold ((t (:bold t :height 1.0)))))) +;; '((blue ((t (:foreground "blue")))) +;; (bold ((t (:bold t :height 1.0)))))) + +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-analyze-defun () + "Once you have a color-theme printed, check for missing faces. +This is used by maintainers who receive a color-theme submission +and want to make sure it follows the guidelines by the color-theme +author." + ;; The support for :foreground and :background attributes works for + ;; Emacs 20 and 21 as well as for XEmacs. :inverse-video is taken + ;; care of while printing color themes. + (interactive) + ;; Parse the stuff and find the call to color-theme-install + (save-excursion + (save-restriction + (narrow-to-defun) + ;; define the function + (eval-defun nil) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (let* ((code (read (current-buffer))) + (theme (color-theme-canonic + (eval + (cadr + (color-theme-analyze-find-theme + code))))) + (func (color-theme-function theme)) + (doc (documentation func t)) + (variables (color-theme-variables theme)) + (faces (color-theme-faces theme)) + (params (color-theme-frame-params theme))) + (setq faces (color-theme-analyze-remove-heights + (color-theme-analyze-add-faces faces))) + ;; Remove any variable bindings of faces that point to their + ;; symbol? Perhaps not, because another theme might want to + ;; change this, so it is important to be able to reset them. + ;; (let (result) + ;; (dolist (var variables) + ;; (unless (eq (car var) (cdr var)) + ;; (setq result (cons var result)))) + ;; (setq variables (nreverse result))) + ;; Now modify the theme directly. + (setq theme (color-theme-analyze-find-theme code)) + (setcdr (cadadr theme) (list params variables faces)) + (message "Pretty printing analysed color theme function...") + (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Color Theme*") + (setq buffer-read-only nil) + (erase-buffer) + ;; insert defun + (color-theme-print-theme func doc params variables faces) + (emacs-lisp-mode)) + (message "Pretty printing analysed color theme function... done") + (ediff-buffers (current-buffer) + (get-buffer "*Color Theme*")))))) + +;;; Creating a snapshot of the current color theme + +(defun color-theme-snapshot nil) + +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-make-snapshot () + "Return the definition of the current color-theme. +The function returned will recreate the color-theme in use at the moment." + (eval `(lambda () + "The color theme in use when the selection buffer was created. +\\[color-theme-select] creates the color theme selection buffer. At the +same time, this snapshot is created as a very simple undo mechanism. +The snapshot is created via `color-theme-snapshot'." + (interactive) + (color-theme-install + '(color-theme-snapshot + ;; alist of frame parameters + ,(color-theme-get-params) + ;; alist of variables + ,(color-theme-get-vars) + ;; remaining elements of snapshot: face specs + ,@(color-theme-get-face-definitions)))))) + + + +;;; Handling the various parts of a color theme install + +(defvar color-theme-frame-param-frobbing-rules + '((foreground-color default foreground) + (background-color default background)) + "List of rules to use when frobbing faces based on frame parameters. +This is only necessary for XEmacs, because in Emacs 21 changing the +frame paramters automatically affects the relevant faces.") + +;; fixme: silent the bytecompiler with set-face-property +(defun color-theme-frob-faces (params) + "Change certain faces according to PARAMS. +This uses `color-theme-frame-param-frobbing-rules'." + (dolist (rule color-theme-frame-param-frobbing-rules) + (let* ((param (nth 0 rule)) + (face (nth 1 rule)) + (prop (nth 2 rule)) + (val (cdr (assq param params))) + (frame (if color-theme-is-global nil (selected-frame)))) + (when val + (set-face-property face prop val frame))))) + +(defun color-theme-alist-reduce (old-list) + "Reduce OLD-LIST. +The resulting list will be newly allocated and will not contain any elements +with duplicate cars. This will speed the installation of new themes by +only installing unique attributes." + (let (new-list) + (dolist (elem old-list) + (when (not (assq (car elem) new-list)) + (setq new-list (cons elem new-list)))) + new-list)) + +(defun color-theme-install-frame-params (params) + "Change frame parameters using alist PARAMETERS. + +If `color-theme-is-global' is non-nil, all frames are modified using +`modify-frame-parameters' and the PARAMETERS are prepended to +`default-frame-alist'. The value of `initial-frame-alist' is not +modified. If `color-theme-is-global' is nil, only the selected frame is +modified. If `color-theme-is-cumulative' is nil, the frame parameters +are restored from `color-theme-original-frame-alist'. + +If the current frame parameters have a parameter `minibuffer' with +value `only', then the frame parameters are not installed, since this +indicates a dedicated minibuffer frame. + +Called from `color-theme-install'." + (setq params (color-theme-filter + params color-theme-legal-frame-parameters)) + ;; We have a new list in params now, therefore we may use + ;; destructive nconc. + (if color-theme-is-global + (let ((frames (frame-list))) + (if (or color-theme-is-cumulative + (null color-theme-original-frame-alist)) + (setq default-frame-alist + (append params (color-theme-alist default-frame-alist)) + minibuffer-frame-alist + (append params (color-theme-alist minibuffer-frame-alist))) + (setq default-frame-alist + (append params color-theme-original-frame-alist) + minibuffer-frame-alist + (append params (color-theme-alist minibuffer-frame-alist)))) + (setq default-frame-alist + (color-theme-alist-reduce default-frame-alist) + minibuffer-frame-alist + (color-theme-alist-reduce minibuffer-frame-alist)) + (dolist (frame frames) + (let ((params (if (eq 'only (cdr (assq 'minibuffer (frame-parameters frame)))) + minibuffer-frame-alist + default-frame-alist))) + (condition-case var + (modify-frame-parameters frame params) + (error (message "Error using params %S: %S" params var)))))) + (condition-case var + (modify-frame-parameters (selected-frame) params) + (error (message "Error using params %S: %S" params var)))) + (when color-theme-xemacs-p + (color-theme-frob-faces params))) + +;; (setq default-frame-alist (cons '(height . 30) default-frame-alist)) + +(defun color-theme-install-variables (vars) + "Change variables using alist VARS. +All variables matching `color-theme-legal-variables' are set. + +If `color-theme-is-global' and `color-theme-xemacs-p' are nil, variables +are made frame-local before setting them. Variables are set using `set' +in either case. This may lead to problems if changing the variable +requires the usage of the function specified with the :set tag in +defcustom declarations. + +Called from `color-theme-install'." + (let ((vars (color-theme-filter vars color-theme-legal-variables))) + (dolist (var vars) + (if (or color-theme-is-global color-theme-xemacs-p) + (set (car var) (cdr var)) + (make-variable-frame-local (car var)) + (modify-frame-parameters (selected-frame) (list var)))))) + +(defun color-theme-install-faces (faces) + "Change faces using FACES. + +Change faces for all frames and create any faces listed in FACES which +don't exist. The modified faces will be marked as \"unchanged from +its standard setting\". This is OK, since the changes made by +installing a color theme should never by saved in .emacs by +customization code. + +FACES should be a list where each entry has the form: + + (FACE SPEC) + +See `defface' for the format of SPEC. + +If `color-theme-is-global' is non-nil, faces are modified on all frames +using `face-spec-set'. If `color-theme-is-global' is nil, faces are +only modified on the selected frame. Non-existing faces are created +using `make-empty-face' in either case. If `color-theme-is-cumulative' +is nil, all faces are reset before installing the new faces. + +Called from `color-theme-install'." + ;; clear all previous faces + (when (not color-theme-is-cumulative) + (color-theme-reset-faces)) + ;; install new faces + (let ((faces (color-theme-filter faces color-theme-illegal-faces t)) + (frame (if color-theme-is-global nil (selected-frame)))) + (dolist (entry faces) + (let ((face (nth 0 entry)) + (spec (nth 1 entry))) + (or (facep face) + (make-empty-face face)) + ;; remove weird properties from the default face only + (when (eq face 'default) + (setq spec (color-theme-spec-filter spec))) + ;; Emacs/XEmacs customization issues: filter out :bold when + ;; the spec contains :weight, etc, such that the spec remains + ;; "valid" for custom. + (setq spec (color-theme-spec-compat spec)) + ;; using a spec of ((t (nil))) to reset a face doesn't work + ;; in Emacs 21, we use the new function face-spec-reset-face + ;; instead + (if (and (functionp 'face-spec-reset-face) + (equal spec '((t (nil))))) + (face-spec-reset-face face frame) + (condition-case var + (progn + (face-spec-set face spec frame) + (if color-theme-is-global + (put face 'face-defface-spec spec))) + (error (message "Error using spec %S: %S" spec var)))))))) + +;; `custom-set-faces' is unusable here because it doesn't allow to set +;; the faces for one frame only. + +;; Emacs `face-spec-set': If FRAME is nil, the face is created and +;; marked as a customized face. This is achieved by setting the +;; `face-defface-spec' property. If we don't, new frames will not be +;; created using the face we installed because `face-spec-set' is +;; broken: If given a FRAME of nil, it will not set the default faces; +;; instead it will walk through all the frames and set modify the faces. +;; If we do set a property (`saved-face' or `face-defface-spec'), +;; `make-frame' will correctly use the faces we defined with our color +;; theme. If we used the property `saved-face', +;; `customize-save-customized' will save all the faces installed as part +;; of a color-theme in .emacs. That's why we use the +;; `face-defface-spec' property. + + + +;;; Theme accessor functions, canonicalization, merging, comparing + +(defun color-theme-canonic (theme) + "Return the canonic form of THEME. +This deals with all the backwards compatibility stuff." + (let (function frame-params variables faces) + (when (functionp (car theme)) + (setq function (car theme) + theme (cdr theme))) + (setq frame-params (car theme) + theme (cdr theme)) + ;; optional variable defintions (for backwards compatibility) + (when (listp (caar theme)) + (setq variables (car theme) + theme (cdr theme))) + ;; face definitions + (setq faces theme) + (list function frame-params variables faces))) + +(defun color-theme-function (theme) + "Return function used to create THEME." + (nth 0 theme)) + +(defun color-theme-frame-params (theme) + "Return frame-parameters defined by THEME." + (nth 1 theme)) + +(defun color-theme-variables (theme) + "Return variables set by THEME." + (nth 2 theme)) + +(defun color-theme-faces (theme) + "Return faces defined by THEME." + (nth 3 theme)) + +(defun color-theme-merge-alists (&rest alists) + "Merges all the alist arguments into one alist. +Only the first instance of every key will be part of the resulting +alist. Membership will be tested using `assq'." + (let (result) + (dolist (l alists) + (dolist (entry l) + (unless (assq (car entry) result) + (setq result (cons entry result))))) + (nreverse result))) +;; (color-theme-merge-alists '((a . 1) (b . 2))) +;; (color-theme-merge-alists '((a . 1) (b . 2) (a . 3))) +;; (color-theme-merge-alists '((a . 1) (b . 2)) '((a . 3))) +;; (color-theme-merge-alists '((a . 1) (b . 2)) '((c . 3))) +;; (color-theme-merge-alists '((a . 1) (b . 2)) '((c . 3) (d . 4))) +;; (color-theme-merge-alists '((a . 1) (b . 2)) '((c . 3) (d . 4) (b . 5))) + +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-compare (theme-a theme-b) + "Compare two color themes. +This will print the differences between installing THEME-A and +installing THEME-B. Note that the order is important: If a face is +defined in THEME-A and not in THEME-B, then this will not show up as a +difference, because there is no reset before installing THEME-B. If a +face is defined in THEME-B and not in THEME-A, then this will show up as +a difference." + (interactive + (list + (intern + (completing-read "Theme A: " + (mapcar (lambda (i) (list (symbol-name (car i)))) + color-themes) + (lambda (i) (string-match "color-theme" (car i))))) + (intern + (completing-read "Theme B: " + (mapcar (lambda (i) (list (symbol-name (car i)))) + color-themes) + (lambda (i) (string-match "color-theme" (car i))))))) + ;; install the themes in a new frame and get the definitions + (let ((color-theme-is-global nil)) + (select-frame (make-frame)) + (funcall theme-a) + (setq theme-a (list theme-a + (color-theme-get-params) + (color-theme-get-vars) + (color-theme-get-face-definitions))) + (funcall theme-b) + (setq theme-b (list theme-b + (color-theme-get-params) + (color-theme-get-vars) + (color-theme-get-face-definitions))) + (delete-frame)) + (let ((params (set-difference + (color-theme-frame-params theme-b) + (color-theme-frame-params theme-a) + :test 'equal)) + (vars (set-difference + (color-theme-variables theme-b) + (color-theme-variables theme-a) + :test 'equal)) + (faces (set-difference + (color-theme-faces theme-b) + (color-theme-faces theme-a) + :test 'equal))) + (list 'diff + params + vars + faces))) + + + +;;; Installing a color theme +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-install (theme) + "Install a color theme defined by frame parameters, variables and faces. + +The theme is installed for all present and future frames; any missing +faces are created. See `color-theme-install-faces'. + +THEME is a color theme definition. See below for more information. + +If you want to install a color theme from your .emacs, use the output +generated by `color-theme-print'. This produces color theme function +which you can copy to your .emacs. + +A color theme definition is a list: +\([FUNCTION] FRAME-PARAMETERS VARIABLE-SETTINGS FACE-DEFINITIONS) + +FUNCTION is the color theme function which called `color-theme-install'. +This is no longer used. There was a time when this package supported +automatic factoring of color themes. This has been abandoned. + +FRAME-PARAMETERS is an alist of frame parameters. These are installed +with `color-theme-install-frame-params'. These are installed last such +that any changes to the default face can be changed by the frame +parameters. + +VARIABLE-DEFINITIONS is an alist of variable settings. These are +installed with `color-theme-install-variables'. + +FACE-DEFINITIONS is an alist of face definitions. These are installed +with `color-theme-install-faces'. + +If `color-theme-is-cumulative' is nil, a color theme will undo face and +frame-parameter settings of previous color themes." + (setq theme (color-theme-canonic theme)) + (color-theme-install-variables (color-theme-variables theme)) + (color-theme-install-faces (color-theme-faces theme)) + ;; frame parameters override faces + (color-theme-install-frame-params (color-theme-frame-params theme)) + (when color-theme-history-max-length + (color-theme-add-to-history + (car theme)))) + + + +;; Sharing your stuff +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-submit () + "Submit your color-theme to the maintainer." + (interactive) + (require 'reporter) + (let ((reporter-eval-buffer (current-buffer)) + final-resting-place + after-sep-pos + (reporter-status-message "Formatting buffer...") + (reporter-status-count 0) + (problem "Yet another color-theme") + (agent (reporter-compose-outgoing)) + (mailbuf (current-buffer)) + hookvar) + ;; do the work + (require 'sendmail) + ;; If mailbuf did not get made visible before, make it visible now. + (let (same-window-buffer-names same-window-regexps) + (pop-to-buffer mailbuf) + ;; Just in case the original buffer is not visible now, bring it + ;; back somewhere + (and pop-up-windows (display-buffer reporter-eval-buffer))) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (mail-position-on-field "to") + (insert color-theme-maintainer-address) + (mail-position-on-field "subject") + (insert problem) + ;; move point to the body of the message + (mail-text) + (setq after-sep-pos (point)) + (unwind-protect + (progn + (setq final-resting-place (point-marker)) + (goto-char final-resting-place)) + (color-theme-print (current-buffer)) + (goto-char final-resting-place) + (insert "\n\n") + (goto-char final-resting-place) + (insert "Hello there!\n\nHere's my color theme named: ") + (set-marker final-resting-place nil)) + ;; compose the minibuf message and display this. + (let* ((sendkey-whereis (where-is-internal + (get agent 'sendfunc) nil t)) + (abortkey-whereis (where-is-internal + (get agent 'abortfunc) nil t)) + (sendkey (if sendkey-whereis + (key-description sendkey-whereis) + "C-c C-c")); TBD: BOGUS hardcode + (abortkey (if abortkey-whereis + (key-description abortkey-whereis) + "M-x kill-buffer"))); TBD: BOGUS hardcode + (message "Enter a message and type %s to send or %s to abort." + sendkey abortkey)))) + + + +;; Use this to define themes +(defmacro define-color-theme (name author description &rest forms) + (let ((n name)) + `(progn + (add-to-list 'color-themes + (list ',n + (upcase-initials + (replace-in-string + (replace-in-string + (symbol-name ',n) "^color-theme-" "") "-" " ")) + ,author)) + (defun ,n () + ,description + (interactive) + ,@forms)))) + + +;;; FIXME: is this useful ?? +;;;###autoload +(defun color-theme-initialize () + "Initialize the color theme package by loading color-theme-libraries." + (interactive) + + (cond ((and (not color-theme-load-all-themes) + color-theme-directory) + (setq color-theme-libraries + (directory-files color-theme-directory t "^color-theme"))) + (color-theme-directory + (push (cdr (directory-files color-theme-directory t "^color-theme")) + color-theme-libraries))) + (dolist (library color-theme-libraries) + (load library))) + +(when nil + (setq color-theme-directory "themes/" + color-theme-load-all-themes nil) + (color-theme-initialize) +) +;; TODO: I don't like all those function names cluttering up my namespace. +;; Instead, a hashtable for the color-themes should be created. Now that +;; define-color-theme is around, it should be easy to change in just the +;; one place. + + +(provide 'color-theme) + +;;; color-theme.el ends here diff --git a/emacs.d/csharp-mode.el b/emacs.d/csharp-mode.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cd7914 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/csharp-mode.el @@ -0,0 +1,1977 @@ +;;; csharp-mode.el --- C# mode derived mode + +;; Author: Dylan R. E. Moonfire +;; Maintainer: Dylan R. E. Moonfire +;; Created: Feburary 2005 +;; Modified: February 2010 +;; Version: 0.7.4 - Dino Chiesa +;; Keywords: c# languages oop mode + +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +;; (at your option) any later version. +;; +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;; GNU General Public License for more details. +;; +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to +;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, +;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + +;;; Commentary: +;; +;; This is a separate mode to implement the C# constructs and +;; font-locking. It is based on the java-mode example from cc-mode. +;; +;; csharp-mode requires CC Mode 5.30 or later. It works with +;; cc-mode 5.31.3, which is current at this time. +;; +;; Features: +;; +;; - font-lock and indent of C# syntax including: +;; all c# keywords and major syntax +;; attributes that decorate methods, classes, fields, properties +;; enum types +;; #if/#endif #region/#endregion +;; instance initializers +;; anonymous functions and methods +;; verbatim literal strings (those that begin with @) +;; generics +;; +;; - automagic code-doc generation when you type three slashes. +;; +;; - intelligent inserttion of matched pairs of curly braces. +;; +;; - sets the compiler regex for next-error, for csc.exe output. +;; +;; + + +;;; To use: +;; +;; put this in your .emacs: +;; +;; (autoload 'csharp-mode "csharp-mode" "Major mode for editing C# code." t) +;; +;; or: +;; +;; (require 'csharp-mode) +;; +;; +;; AND: +;; +;; (setq auto-mode-alist +;; (append '(("\\.cs$" . csharp-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) +;; (defun my-csharp-mode-fn () +;; "function that runs when csharp-mode is initialized for a buffer." +;; ...insert your code here... +;; ...most commonly, your custom key bindings ... +;; ) +;; (add-hook 'csharp-mode-hook 'my-csharp-mode-fn t) +;; +;; + + +;;; Bugs: +;; +;; Namespaces in the using statements are not fontified. Should do in +;; c-basic-matchers-before or c-basic-matchers-after. +;; +;; Method names with a preceding attribute are not fontified. +;; +;; Field/Prop names inside object initializers are fontified only +;; if the null constructor is used, with no parens. +;; +;; This code doesn't seem to work when you compile it, then +;; load/require in the emacs file. You will get an error (error +;; "`c-lang-defconst' must be used in a file") which happens because +;; cc-mode doesn't think it is in a buffer while loading directly +;; from the init. However, if you call it based on a file extension, +;; it works properly. Interestingly enough, this doesn't happen if +;; you don't byte-compile cc-mode. +;; +;; +;; +;; Todo: +;; +;; Get csharp-mode.el accepted as part of the emacs standard distribution. +;; Must contact monnier at iro.umontreal.ca to make this happen. +;; +;; +;; +;; Acknowledgements: +;; +;; Thanks to Alan Mackenzie and Stefan Monnier for answering questions +;; and making suggestions. +;; +;; + +;;; Versions: +;; +;; 0.1.0 - Initial release. +;; 0.2.0 - Fixed the identification on the "enum" keyword. +;; - Fixed the font-lock on the "base" keyword +;; 0.3.0 - Added a regex to fontify attributes. It isn't the +;; the best method, but it handles single-like attributes +;; well. +;; - Got "super" not to fontify as a keyword. +;; - Got extending classes and interfaces to fontify as something. +;; 0.4.0 - Removed the attribute matching because it broke more than +;; it fixed. +;; - Corrected a bug with namespace not being properly identified +;; and treating the class level as an inner object, which screwed +;; up formatting. +;; - Added "partial" to the keywords. +;; 0.5.0 - Found bugs with compiled cc-mode and loading from init files. +;; - Updated the eval-when-compile to code to let the mode be +;; compiled. +;; 0.6.0 - Added the c-filter-ops patch for 5.31.1 which made that +;; function in cc-langs.el unavailable. +;; - Added a csharp-lineup-region for indention #region and +;; #endregion block differently. +;; 0.7.0 - Added autoload so update-directory-autoloads works +;; (Thank you, Nikolaj Schumacher) +;; - Fontified the entire #region and #endregion lines. +;; - Initial work to get get, set, add, remove font-locked. +;; 0.7.1 - Added option to indent #if/endif with code +;; - Fixed c-opt-cpp-prefix defn (it must not include the BOL +;; char (^). +;; - proper fontification and indent of classes that inherit +;; (previously the colon was confusing the parser) +;; - reclassified namespace as a block beginner +;; - removed $ as a legal symbol char - not legal in C#. +;; - added struct to c-class-decl-kwds so indent is correct +;; within a struct. +;; 0.7.2 - Added automatic codedoc insertion. +;; 0.7.3 - Instance initializers (new Type { ... } ) and +;; (new Type() { ...} ) are now indented properly. +;; - proper fontification and indent of enums as brace-list-*, +;; including special treatment for enums that explicitly +;; inherit from an int type. Previously the colon was +;; confusing the parser. +;; - proper fontification of verbatim literal strings, +;; including those that end in slash. This edge case was not +;; handled at all before; it is now handled correctly. +;; - code cleanup and organization; removed the linefeed. +;; - intelligent curly-brace insertion +;; 0.7.4 - added a C# style +;; - using is now a keyword and gets fontified +;; - fixed a bug that had crept into the codedoc insertion +;; + + +(require 'cc-mode) + +(message (concat "Loading " load-file-name)) + + +;; ================================================================== +;; c# upfront stuff +;; ================================================================== + +;; This is a copy of the function in cc-mode which is used to handle +;; the eval-when-compile which is needed during other times. +(defun c-filter-ops (ops opgroup-filter op-filter &optional xlate) + ;; See cc-langs.el, a direct copy. + (unless (listp (car-safe ops)) + (setq ops (list ops))) + (cond ((eq opgroup-filter t) + (setq opgroup-filter (lambda (opgroup) t))) + ((not (functionp opgroup-filter)) + (setq opgroup-filter `(lambda (opgroup) + (memq opgroup ',opgroup-filter))))) + (cond ((eq op-filter t) + (setq op-filter (lambda (op) t))) + ((stringp op-filter) + (setq op-filter `(lambda (op) + (string-match ,op-filter op))))) + (unless xlate + (setq xlate 'identity)) + (c-with-syntax-table (c-lang-const c-mode-syntax-table) + (delete-duplicates + (mapcan (lambda (opgroup) + (when (if (symbolp (car opgroup)) + (when (funcall opgroup-filter (car opgroup)) + (setq opgroup (cdr opgroup)) + t) + t) + (mapcan (lambda (op) + (when (funcall op-filter op) + (let ((res (funcall xlate op))) + (if (listp res) res (list res))))) + opgroup))) + ops) + :test 'equal))) + + + +;; These are only required at compile time to get the sources for the +;; language constants. (The cc-fonts require and the font-lock +;; related constants could additionally be put inside an +;; (eval-after-load "font-lock" ...) but then some trickery is +;; necessary to get them compiled.) +(eval-when-compile + (let ((load-path + (if (and (boundp 'byte-compile-dest-file) + (stringp byte-compile-dest-file)) + (cons (file-name-directory byte-compile-dest-file) load-path) + load-path))) + (load "cc-mode" nil t) + (load "cc-fonts" nil t) + (load "cc-langs" nil t))) + +(eval-and-compile + ;; Make our mode known to the language constant system. Use Java + ;; mode as the fallback for the constants we don't change here. + ;; This needs to be done also at compile time since the language + ;; constants are evaluated then. + (c-add-language 'csharp-mode 'java-mode)) + +;; ================================================================== +;; end of c# upfront stuff +;; ================================================================== + + + + + +;; ================================================================== +;; csharp-mode utility and feature defuns +;; ================================================================== + +;; Indention: csharp-mode follows normal indention rules except for +;; when indenting the #region and #endregion blocks. This function +;; defines a custom indention to indent the #region blocks properly +;; + +(defun csharp-lineup-region (langelem) + "Indent all #region and #endregion blocks inline with code while +retaining normal column-zero indention for #if and the other +processing blocks. + +To use this indenting just put the following in your emacs file: + (c-set-offset 'cpp-macro 'csharp-lineup-region) + +An alternative is to use `csharp-lineup-if-and-region'. +" + + (save-excursion + (back-to-indentation) + (if (re-search-forward "#\\(end\\)?region" (c-point 'eol) [0]) 0 [0]))) + + + +(defun csharp-lineup-if-and-region (langelem) + +"Indent all #region/endregion blocks and #if/endif blocks inline +with code while retaining normal column-zero indention for any +other processing blocks. + +To use this indenting just put the following in your emacs file: + (c-set-offset 'cpp-macro 'csharp-lineup-if-and-region) + +Another option is to use `csharp-lineup-region'. + +" + (save-excursion + (back-to-indentation) + (if (re-search-forward "#\\(\\(end\\)?\\(if\\|region\\)\\|else\\)" (c-point 'eol) [0]) 0 [0]))) + + + + + +(defun csharp-insert-open-brace () + "Intelligently insert a pair of curly braces. This fn is most +often bound to the open-curly brace, with + + (local-set-key (kbd \"{\") 'csharp-insert-open-brace) + +The default binding for an open curly brace in cc-modes is often +`c-electric-brace' or `skeleton-pair-insert-maybe'. The former +can be configured to insert newlines around braces in various +syntactic positions. The latter inserts a pair of braces and +then does not insert a newline, and does not indent. + +This fn provides another option, with some additional +intelligence for csharp-mode. When you type an open curly, the +appropriate pair of braces appears, with spacing and indent set +in a context-sensitive manner. + +Within a string literal, you just get a pair of braces, and point +is set between them. Following an equals sign, you get a pair of +braces, with a semincolon appended. Otherwise, you +get the open brace on a new line, with the closing brace on the +line following. + +There may be another way to get this to happen appropriately just within emacs, +but I could not figure out how to do it. So I wrote this alternative. +" + (interactive) + (let + (tpoint + (in-string (string= (csharp-in-literal) "string")) + (preceding3 + (save-excursion + (and + (skip-chars-backward " ") + (> (- (point) 2) (point-min)) + (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (- (point) 3))))) + (one-word-back + (save-excursion + (backward-word 2) + (thing-at-point 'word)))) + + (cond + + ;; Case 1: inside a string literal? + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ;; If so, then just insert a pair of braces and put the point + ;; between them. The most common case is a format string for + ;; String.Format() or Console.WriteLine(). + (in-string + (self-insert-command 1) + (insert "}") + (backward-char)) + + ;; Case 2: the open brace starts an array initializer. + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ;; When the last non-space was an equals sign or square brackets, + ;; then it's an initializer. + ((save-excursion + (backward-sexp) + (looking-at "\\(\\w+\\b *=\\|[[]]+\\)")) + (self-insert-command 1) + (insert " };") + (backward-char 3)) + + ;; Case 3: the open brace starts an instance initializer + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ;; If one-word-back was "new", then it's an object initializer. + ((string= one-word-back "new") + (save-excursion + (message "object initializer") + (setq tpoint (point)) ;; prepare to indent-region later + (newline) + (self-insert-command 1) + (newline-and-indent) + (newline) + (insert "};") + (c-indent-region tpoint (point)) + (previous-line) + (indent-according-to-mode) + (end-of-line) + (setq tpoint (point))) + (goto-char tpoint)) + + ;; Case 4: a lambda initialier. + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ;; If the open curly follows =>, then it's a lambda initializer. + ((string= (substring preceding3 -2) "=>") + (message "lambda init") + (self-insert-command 1) + (insert " }") + (backward-char 2)) + + ;; else, it's a new scope. (if, while, class, etc) + (t + (save-excursion + (message "new scope") + (set-mark (point)) ;; prepare to indent-region later + ;; check if the prior sexp is on the same line + (if (save-excursion + (let ((curline (line-number-at-pos)) + (aftline (progn + (backward-sexp) + (line-number-at-pos)))) + (= curline aftline))) + (newline-and-indent)) + (self-insert-command 1) + (c-indent-line-or-region) + (end-of-line) + (newline) + (insert "}") + ;;(c-indent-command) ;; not sure of the difference here + (c-indent-line-or-region) + (previous-line) + (end-of-line) + (newline-and-indent) + ;; point ends up on an empty line, within the braces, properly indented + (setq tpoint (point))) + + (goto-char tpoint))))) + + + + +;; ================================================================== +;; end of csharp-mode utility and feature defuns +;; ================================================================== + + + + + + +;; ================================================================== +;; c# values for "language constants" defined in cc-langs.el +;; ================================================================== + + +;; Java uses a series of regexes to change the font-lock for class +;; references. The problem comes in because Java uses Pascal (leading +;; space in names, SomeClass) for class and package names, but +;; Camel-casing (initial lowercase, upper case in words, +;; i.e. someVariable) for variables. The notation suggested by EMCA for C# is +;; to use Pascal notation for everything, except inner variables. So, +;; the Java regex and formatting produces very wrong results in C#. +;;(error (byte-compile-dest-file)) +;;(error (c-get-current-file)) +(c-lang-defconst c-opt-after-id-concat-key + csharp (if (c-lang-const c-opt-identifier-concat-key) + (c-lang-const c-symbol-start))) + +(c-lang-defconst c-basic-matchers-before + csharp `( + ;;;; Font-lock the attributes by searching for the + ;;;; appropriate regex and marking it as TODO. + ;;,`(,(concat "\\(" csharp-attribute-regex "\\)") + ;; 0 font-lock-function-name-face) + + ;; Put a warning face on the opener of unclosed strings that + ;; can't span lines. Later font + ;; lock packages have a `font-lock-syntactic-face-function' for + ;; this, but it doesn't give the control we want since any + ;; fontification done inside the function will be + ;; unconditionally overridden. + ,(c-make-font-lock-search-function + ;; Match a char before the string starter to make + ;; `c-skip-comments-and-strings' work correctly. + (concat ".\\(" c-string-limit-regexp "\\)") + '((c-font-lock-invalid-string))) + + ;; Fontify keyword constants. + ,@(when (c-lang-const c-constant-kwds) + (let ((re (c-make-keywords-re nil + (c-lang-const c-constant-kwds)))) + `((eval . (list ,(concat "\\<\\(" re "\\)\\>") + 1 c-constant-face-name))))) + + ;; Fontify all keywords except the primitive types. + ,`(,(concat "\\<" (c-lang-const c-regular-keywords-regexp)) + 1 font-lock-keyword-face) + + ;; Fontify leading identifiers in fully qualified names like + ;; "Foo.Bar". + ,@(when (c-lang-const c-opt-identifier-concat-key) + `((,(byte-compile + `(lambda (limit) + (while (re-search-forward + ,(concat "\\(\\<" ; 1 + "\\(" (c-lang-const c-symbol-key) + "\\)" ; 2 + "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*" + (c-lang-const + c-opt-identifier-concat-key) + "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*" + "\\)" + "\\(" + (c-lang-const + c-opt-after-id-concat-key) + "\\)") + limit t) + (unless (progn + (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) + (c-skip-comments-and-strings limit)) + (or (get-text-property (match-beginning 2) 'face) + (c-put-font-lock-face (match-beginning 2) + (match-end 2) + c-reference-face-name)) + (goto-char (match-end 1))))))))) + )) + + + +;; C# does not allow a leading qualifier operator. It also doesn't +;; allow the ".*" construct of Java. So, we redo this regex without +;; the "\\|\\*" regex. +(c-lang-defconst c-identifier-key + csharp (concat "\\(" (c-lang-const c-symbol-key) "\\)" ; 1 + (concat "\\(" + "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*" + (c-lang-const c-opt-identifier-concat-key) + "[ \t\n\r\f\v]*" + (concat "\\(" + "\\(" (c-lang-const c-symbol-key) "\\)" + "\\)") + "\\)*"))) + +;; C# has a few rules that are slightly different than Java for +;; operators. This also removed the Java's "super" and replaces it +;; with the C#'s "base". +(c-lang-defconst c-operators + csharp `((prefix "base"))) + + +;; C# uses CPP-like prefixes to mark #define, #region/endregion, +;; #if/else/endif, and #pragma. This regexp matches the prefix, +;; not including the beginning-of-line (BOL), and not including +;; the term after the prefix (define, pragma, etc). This regexp says +;; whitespace, followed by the prefix, followed by maybe more whitespace. + +(c-lang-defconst c-opt-cpp-prefix + csharp "\\s *#\\s *") + + +;; there are no message directives in C# +(c-lang-defconst c-cpp-message-directives + csharp nil) + +(c-lang-defconst c-cpp-expr-directives + csharp '("if")) + +(c-lang-defconst c-opt-cpp-macro-define + csharp "define") + +;; $ is not a legal char in an identifier in C#. So we need to +;; create a csharp-specific definition of this constant. +(c-lang-defconst c-symbol-chars + csharp (concat c-alnum "_")) + + +(c-lang-defconst c-colon-type-list-kwds + csharp '("class")) + +(c-lang-defconst c-block-prefix-disallowed-chars + + ;; Allow ':' for inherit list starters. + csharp (set-difference (c-lang-const c-block-prefix-disallowed-chars) + '(?: ?,))) + + +(c-lang-defconst c-assignment-operators + csharp '("=" "*=" "/=" "%=" "+=" "-=" ">>=" "<<=" "&=" "^=" "|=")) + +(c-lang-defconst c-primitive-type-kwds + ;; ECMA-344, S8 + csharp '("object" "string" "sbyte" "short" "int" "long" "byte" + "ushort" "uint" "ulong" "float" "double" "bool" "char" + "decimal" "void")) + +;; The keywords that define that the following is a type, such as a +;; class definition. +(c-lang-defconst c-type-prefix-kwds + ;; ECMA-344, S? + csharp '("class" "interface" "struct")) ;; no enum here. + ;; we want enum to be a brace list. + + +;; Type modifier keywords. They appear anywhere in types, but modify +;; instead of create one. +(c-lang-defconst c-type-modifier-kwds + ;; EMCA-344, S? + csharp '("readonly" "const")) + + +;; Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:02 +;; need to vverify that this works for lambdas... +(c-lang-defconst c-special-brace-lists + csharp '((?{ . ?}) )) + + + +;; dinoch +;; Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:54 +;; +;; No idea why this isn't getting set properly in the first place. +;; In cc-langs.el, it is set to the union of a bunch of things, none +;; of which include "new", or "enum". +;; +;; But somehow both of those show up in the resulting derived regexp. +;; This breaks indentation of instance initializers, such as +;; +;; var x = new Foo { ... }; +;; +;; Based on my inspection, the existing c-lang-defconst should work! +;; I don't know how to fix this c-lang-defconst, so I am re-setting this +;; variable here, to provide the regex explicitly. +;; +(c-lang-defconst c-decl-block-key + + csharp '"\\(namespace\\)\\([^[:alnum:]_]\\|$\\)\\|\\(class\\|interface\\|struct\\)\\([^[:alnum:]_]\\|$\\)" + ) + + + +;; Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:29 +;; I want this to handle var x = new Foo[] { ... }; +;; not sure if necessary. +(c-lang-defconst c-inexpr-brace-list-kwds + csharp '("new")) + + +;; ;;(c-lang-defconst c-inexpr-class-kwds +;; ;; csharp '("new")) + + + +(c-lang-defconst c-class-decl-kwds + ;; EMCA-344, S? + csharp '("class" "interface" "struct" )) ;; no "enum"!! + + +;; The various modifiers used for class and method descriptions. +(c-lang-defconst c-modifier-kwds + csharp '("public" "partial" "private" "const" "abstract" + "protected" "ref" "out" "static" "virtual" + "override" "params" "internal")) + + +;; Thu, 22 Apr 2010 23:02 +;; Based on inspection of the cc-mode code, the c-protection-kwds +;; c-lang-const is used only for objective-c. So the value is +;; irrelevant for csharp. +(c-lang-defconst c-protection-kwds + csharp nil + ;; csharp '("private" "protected" "public" "internal") +) + + +;; Define the keywords that can have something following after them. +(c-lang-defconst c-type-list-kwds + csharp '("struct" "class" "interface" "is" "as" + "delegate" "event" "set" "get" "add" "remove")) + + +;; This allows the classes after the : in the class declartion to be +;; fontified. +(c-lang-defconst c-typeless-decl-kwds + csharp '(":")) + +;; Sets up the enum to handle the list properly, and also the new +;; keyword to handle object initializers. This requires a modified +;; c-basic-matchers-after (see above) in order to correctly fontify C# +;; 3.0 object initializers. +(c-lang-defconst c-brace-list-decl-kwds + csharp '("enum" "new")) + + +;; Statement keywords followed directly by a substatement. +;; catch is not one of them. +(c-lang-defconst c-block-stmt-1-kwds + csharp '("do" "try" "finally")) + + +;; Statement keywords followed by a paren sexp and then by a substatement. +(c-lang-defconst c-block-stmt-2-kwds + csharp '("for" "if" "switch" "while" "catch" "foreach" "using" + "checked" "unchecked" "lock")) + + +;; Statements that break out of braces +(c-lang-defconst c-simple-stmt-kwds + csharp '("return" "continue" "break" "throw" "goto" )) + +;; Statements that allow a label +;; TODO? +(c-lang-defconst c-before-label-kwds + csharp nil) + +;; Constant keywords +(c-lang-defconst c-constant-kwds + csharp '("true" "false" "null")) + +;; Keywords that start "primary expressions." +(c-lang-defconst c-primary-expr-kwds + csharp '("this" "base")) + +;; Treat namespace as an outer block so class indenting +;; works properly. +(c-lang-defconst c-other-block-decl-kwds + csharp '("namespace")) + +(c-lang-defconst c-other-kwds + csharp '("in" "sizeof" "typeof" "is" "as" "yield" + "where" "select" "from")) + +(c-lang-defconst c-overloadable-operators + ;; EMCA-344, S14.2.1 + csharp '("+" "-" "*" "/" "%" "&" "|" "^" + "<<" ">>" "==" "!=" ">" "<" ">=" "<=")) + + +;; This c-cpp-matchers stuff is used for fontification. +;; see cc-font.el +;; + +;; There's no preprocessor in C#, but there are still compiler +;; directives to fontify: "#pragma", #region/endregion, #define, #undef, +;; #if/else/endif. (The definitions for the extra keywords above are +;; enough to incorporate them into the fontification regexps for types +;; and keywords, so no additional font-lock patterns are required for +;; keywords.) + +(c-lang-defconst c-cpp-matchers + csharp (cons + ;; Use the eval form for `font-lock-keywords' to be able to use + ;; the `c-preprocessor-face-name' variable that maps to a + ;; suitable face depending on the (X)Emacs version. + '(eval . (list "^\\s *\\(#pragma\\|undef\\|define\\)\\>\\(.*\\)" + (list 1 c-preprocessor-face-name) + '(2 font-lock-string-face))) + ;; There are some other things in `c-cpp-matchers' besides the + ;; preprocessor support, so include it. + (c-lang-const c-cpp-matchers))) + +(defcustom csharp-font-lock-extra-types nil + "*List of extra types (aside from the type keywords) to recognize in C# mode. +Each list item should be a regexp matching a single identifier." + :type 'list :group 'csharp) + +(defconst csharp-font-lock-keywords-1 (c-lang-const c-matchers-1 csharp) + "Minimal highlighting for C# mode.") + +(defconst csharp-font-lock-keywords-2 (c-lang-const c-matchers-2 csharp) + "Fast normal highlighting for C# mode.") + +(defconst csharp-font-lock-keywords-3 (c-lang-const c-matchers-3 csharp) + "Accurate normal highlighting for C# mode.") + +(defvar csharp-font-lock-keywords csharp-font-lock-keywords-3 + "Default expressions to highlight in C# mode.") + +(defvar csharp-mode-syntax-table nil + "Syntax table used in csharp-mode buffers.") +(or csharp-mode-syntax-table + (setq csharp-mode-syntax-table + (funcall (c-lang-const c-make-mode-syntax-table csharp)))) + +(defvar csharp-mode-abbrev-table nil + "Abbreviation table used in csharp-mode buffers.") +(c-define-abbrev-table 'csharp-mode-abbrev-table + ;; Keywords that if they occur first on a line might alter the + ;; syntactic context, and which therefore should trig reindentation + ;; when they are completed. + '(("else" "else" c-electric-continued-statement 0) + ("while" "while" c-electric-continued-statement 0) + ("catch" "catch" c-electric-continued-statement 0) + ("finally" "finally" c-electric-continued-statement 0))) + +(defvar csharp-mode-map (let ((map (c-make-inherited-keymap))) + ;; Add bindings which are only useful for C# + map) + "Keymap used in csharp-mode buffers.") + + +;; TODO +;; Defines our constant for finding attributes. +;;(defconst csharp-attribute-regex "\\[\\([XmlType]+\\)(") +;;(defconst csharp-attribute-regex "\\[\\(.\\)") +;; This doesn't work because the string regex happens before this point +;; and getting the font-locking to work before and after is fairly difficult +;;(defconst csharp-attribute-regex +;; (concat +;; "\\[[a-zA-Z][ \ta-zA-Z0-9.]+" +;; "\\((.*\\)?" +;;)) + + +;; ================================================================== +;; end of c# values for "language constants" defined in cc-langs.el +;; ================================================================== + + + + +;; ================================================================== +;; C# code-doc insertion magic +;; ================================================================== +;; +;; In Visual Studio, if you type three slashes, it immediately expands into +;; an inline code-documentation fragment. The following method does the +;; same thing. +;; +;; This is the kind of thing that could be handled by YASnippet or +;; another similarly flexible snippet framework. But I don't want to +;; introduce a dependency on yasnippet to csharp-mode. So the capability +;; must live within csharp-mode itself. + +(defun csharp-maybe-insert-codedoc (arg) + + "Insert an xml code documentation template as appropriate, when +typing slashes. This fn gets bound to / (the slash key), in +csharp-mode. If the slash being inserted is not the third +consecutive slash, the slash is inserted as normal. If it is the +third consecutive slash, then a xml code documentation template +may be inserted in some cases. For example, + + a template is inserted if the prior line is empty, + or contains only an open curly brace; + a template is inserted if the prior word + closes the element; + a template is inserted if the prior word + closes the element; + an template is inserted if the prior word closes + the element; + a template is inserted if the prior word closes + a element. + +In all other cases the slash is inserted as normal. + +If you want the default cc-mode behavior, which implies no automatic +insertion of xml code documentation templates, then use this in +your `csharp-mode-hook' function: + + (local-set-key (kbd \"/\") 'c-electric-slash) + + " + (interactive "*p") + ;;(message "csharp-maybe-insert-codedoc") + (let ( + (cur-point (point)) + (char last-command-char) + (cb0 (char-before (- (point) 0))) + (cb1 (char-before (- (point) 1))) + is-first-non-whitespace + did-auto-insert + ) + + ;; check if two prior chars were slash + (if (and + (= char ?/) + cb0 (= ?/ cb0) + cb1 (= ?/ cb1) + ) + + (progn + ;;(message "yes - this is the third consecutive slash") + (setq is-first-non-whitespace + (save-excursion + (back-to-indentation) + (= cur-point (+ (point) 2)))) + + (if is-first-non-whitespace + ;; This is a 3-slash sequence. It is the first non-whitespace text + ;; on the line. Now we need to examine the surrounding context + ;; in order to determine which xml cod doc template to insert. + (let (word-back char0 char1 + word-fore char-0 char-1 + text-to-insert ;; text to insert in lieu of slash + fn-to-call ;; func to call after inserting text + (preceding-line-is-empty (or + (= (line-number-at-pos) 1) + (save-excursion + (previous-line) + (beginning-of-line) + (looking-at "[ \t]*$\\|[ \t]*{[ \t]*$")))) + (flavor 0) ;; used only for diagnostic purposes + ) + + ;;(message "starting a 3-slash comment") + ;; get the prior word, and the 2 chars preceding it. + (backward-word) + + (setq word-back (thing-at-point 'word) + char0 (char-before (- (point) 0)) + char1 (char-before (- (point) 1))) + + ;; restore prior position + (goto-char cur-point) + + ;; get the following word, and the 2 chars preceding it. + (forward-word) + (backward-word) + (setq word-fore (thing-at-point 'word) + char-0 (char-before (- (point) 0)) + char-1 (char-before (- (point) 1))) + + ;; restore prior position again + (goto-char cur-point) + + (cond + ;; The preceding line is empty, or all whitespace, or + ;; contains only an open-curly. In this case, insert a + ;; summary element pair. + (preceding-line-is-empty + (setq text-to-insert "/ \n/// \n/// " + flavor 1) ) + + ;; The preceding word closed a summary element. In this case, + ;; if the forward word does not open a remarks element, then + ;; insert a remarks element. + ((and (string-equal word-back "summary") (eq char0 ?/) (eq char1 ?<)) + (if (not (and (string-equal word-fore "remarks") (eq char-0 ?<))) + (setq text-to-insert "/ \n/// \n/// \n/// \n/// " + flavor 2))) + + ;; The preceding word closed the remarks section. In this case, + ;; insert an example element. + ((and (string-equal word-back "remarks") (eq char0 ?/) (eq char1 ?<)) + (setq text-to-insert "/ \n/// \n/// " + flavor 3)) + + ;; The preceding word closed the example section. In this + ;; case, insert an returns element. This isn't always + ;; correct, because sometimes the xml code doc is attached to + ;; a class or a property, neither of which has a return + ;; value. A more intelligent implementation would inspect the + ;; syntax state and only inject a returns element if + ;; appropriate. + ((and (string-equal word-back "example") (eq char0 ?/) (eq char1 ?<)) + (setq text-to-insert "/ " + fn-to-call (lambda () + (backward-word) + (backward-char) + (backward-char) + (c-indent-line-or-region) + ) + flavor 4)) + + ;; The preceding word opened the remarks section, or it + ;; closed a para section. In this case, insert a para + ;; element, using appropriate indentation with respect to the + ;; prior tag. + ((or + (and (string-equal word-back "remarks") (eq char0 ?<) (or (eq char1 32) (eq char1 9))) + (and (string-equal word-back "para") (eq char0 ?/) (eq char1 ?<))) + + (let (prior-point spacer) + (save-excursion + (backward-word) + (backward-char) + (backward-char) + (setq prior-point (point)) + (skip-chars-backward "\t ") + (setq spacer (buffer-substring (point) prior-point)) + ;;(message (format "pt(%d) prior(%d) spacer(%s)" (point) prior-point spacer)) + ) + + (if (string-equal word-back "remarks") + (setq spacer (concat spacer " "))) + + (setq text-to-insert (format "/%s\n///%s \n///%s" + spacer spacer spacer) + flavor 6))) + + ;; The preceding word opened a para element. In this case, if + ;; the forward word does not close the para element, then + ;; close the para element. + ;; -- + ;; This is a nice idea but flawed. Suppose I have a para element with some + ;; text in it. If I position the cursor at the first line, then type 3 slashes, + ;; I get a close-element, and that would be inappropriate. Not sure I can + ;; easily solve that problem, so the best thing might be to simply punt, and + ;; require people to close their own elements. + ;; + ;; ( (and (string-equal word-back "para") (eq char0 60) (or (eq char1 32) (eq char1 9))) + ;; (if (not (and (string-equal word-fore "para") (eq char-0 47) (eq char-1 60) )) + ;; (setq text-to-insert "/ \n/// \n///" + ;; fn-to-call (lambda () + ;; (previous-line) + ;; (end-of-line) + ;; ) + ;; flavor 7) ) + ;; ) + + ;; the default case - do nothing + (t nil)) + + (if text-to-insert + (progn + ;;(message (format "inserting special text (f(%d))" flavor)) + + ;; set the flag, that we actually inserted text + (setq did-auto-insert t) + + ;; save point of beginning of insertion + (setq cur-point (point)) + + ;; actually insert the text + (insert text-to-insert) + + ;; indent the inserted string, and re-position point, either through + ;; the case-specific fn, or via the default progn. + (if fn-to-call + (funcall fn-to-call) + + (let ((newline-count 0) (pos 0) ix) + + ;; count the number of newlines in the inserted string + (while (string-match "\n" text-to-insert pos) + (setq pos (match-end 0) + newline-count (+ newline-count 1) ) + ) + + ;; indent what we just inserted + (c-indent-region cur-point (point) t) + + ;; move up n/2 lines. This assumes that the + ;; inserted text is ~symmetric about the halfway point. + ;; The assumption holds if the xml code doc uses a + ;; begin-elt and end-elt on a new line all by themselves, + ;; and a blank line in between them where the point should be. + ;; A more intelligent implementation would use a specific + ;; marker string, like @@DOT, to note the desired point. + (previous-line (/ newline-count 2)) + (end-of-line))))))))) + + (if (not did-auto-insert) + (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))))) + +;; ================================================================== +;; end of c# code-doc insertion magic +;; ================================================================== + + + + +;; ================================================================== +;; c# fontification extensions +;; ================================================================== +;; Commentary: +;; +;; The purpose of the following code is to fix font-lock for C#, +;; specifically for the verbatim-literal strings. C# is a cc-mode +;; language and strings are handled mostly like other c-based +;; languages. The one exception is the verbatim-literal string, which +;; uses the syntax @"...". +;; +;; `parse-partial-sexp' treats those strings as just regular strings, +;; with the @ a non-string character. This is fine, except when the +;; verblit string ends in a slash, in which case, font-lock breaks from +;; that point onward in the buffer. +;; +;; This is an attempt to fix that. +;; +;; The idea is to scan the buffer in full for verblit strings, and apply the +;; appropriate syntax-table text properties for verblit strings. Also setting +;; `parse-sexp-lookup-properties' to t tells `parse-partial-sexp' +;; to use the syntax-table text properties set up by the scan as it does +;; its parse. +;; +;; Also need to re-scan after any changes in the buffer, but on a more +;; limited region. +;; + + +;; ;; I don't remember what this is supposed to do, +;; ;; or how I figured out the value. +;; ;; +;; (defconst csharp-font-lock-syntactic-keywords +;; '(("\\(@\\)\\(\"\\)[^\"]*\\(\"\\)\\(\"\\)[^\"]*\\(\"\\)[^\"]" +;; (1 '(6)) (2 '(7)) (3 '(1)) (4 '(1)) (5 '(7)) +;; )) +;; "Highlighting of verbatim literal strings. See also the variable +;; `font-lock-keywords'.") + + + +;; Allow this: +;; (csharp-log 3 "csharp: scan...'%s'" state) + +(defvar csharp-log-level 0 + "The current log level for CSharp-specific operations. +This is used in particular by the verbatim-literal +string scanning. + +Most other csharp functions are not instrumented. +0 = NONE, 1 = Info, 2 = VERBOSE, 3 = DEBUG, 4 = SHUTUP ALREADY. ") + +(defun csharp-log (level text &rest args) + "Log a message at level LEVEL. +If LEVEL is higher than `csharp-log-level', the message is +ignored. Otherwise, it is printed using `message'. +TEXT is a format control string, and the remaining arguments ARGS +are the string substitutions (see `format')." + (if (<= level csharp-log-level) + (let* ((msg (apply 'format text args))) + (message "%s" msg) + ))) + + + +(defun csharp-max-beginning-of-stmt () + "Return the greater of `c-beginning-of-statement-1' and +`c-beginning-of-statement' . I don't understand why both of +these methods are necessary or why they differ. But they do." + + (let (dash + nodash + (curpos (point))) + + ;; I think this may need a save-excursion... + ;; Calling c-beginning-of-statement-1 resets the point! + + (setq dash (progn (c-beginning-of-statement-1) (point))) + (csharp-log 3 "C#: max-bostmt dash(%d)" dash) + (goto-char curpos) + + (setq nodash (progn (c-beginning-of-statement 1) (point))) + (csharp-log 3 "C#: max-bostmt nodash(%d)" nodash) + (goto-char curpos) + + (max dash nodash))) + + +(defun csharp-in-literal (&optional lim detect-cpp) + "Return the type of literal point is in, if any. +Basically this works like `c-in-literal' except it doesn't +use or fill the cache (`c-in-literal-cache'). + +The return value is `c' if in a C-style comment, `c++' if in a C++ +style comment, `string' if in a string literal, `pound' if DETECT-CPP +is non-nil and in a preprocessor line, or nil if somewhere else. +Optional LIM is used as the backward limit of the search. If omitted, +or nil, `c-beginning-of-syntax' is used. + +Note that this function might do hidden buffer changes. See the +comment at the start of cc-engine.el for more info." + + (let ((rtn + (save-excursion + (let* ((pos (point)) + (lim (or lim (progn + (c-beginning-of-syntax) + (point)))) + (state (parse-partial-sexp lim pos))) + (csharp-log 4 "C#: parse lim(%d) state: %s" lim (prin1-to-string state)) + (cond + ((elt state 3) + (csharp-log 4 "C#: in literal string (%d)" pos) + 'string) + ((elt state 4) + (csharp-log 4 "C#: in literal comment (%d)" pos) + (if (elt state 7) 'c++ 'c)) + ((and detect-cpp (c-beginning-of-macro lim)) 'pound) + (t nil)))))) + rtn)) + + +(defun csharp-set-vliteral-syntax-table-properties (beg end) + "Scan the buffer text between BEG and END, a verbatim literal +string, setting and clearing syntax-table text properties where +necessary. + +We need to modify the default syntax-table text property in these cases: + (backslash) - is not an escape inside a verbatim literal string. + (double-quote) - can be a literal quote, when doubled. + +BEG is the @ delimiter. END is the 'old' position of the ending quote. + +see http://www.sunsite.ualberta.ca/Documentation/Gnu/emacs-lisp-ref-21-2.7/html_node/elisp_592.html +for the list of syntax table numeric codes. + +" + + (csharp-log 3 "C#: set-vlit-syntax-table: beg(%d) end(%d)" beg end) + + (if (and (> beg 0) (> end 0)) + + (let ((curpos beg) + (state 0)) + + (c-clear-char-properties beg end 'syntax-table) + + (while (<= curpos end) + + (cond + ((= state 0) + (if (= (char-after curpos) ?@) + (progn + (c-put-char-property curpos 'syntax-table '(3)) ; (6) = expression prefix, (3) = symbol + ;;(message (format "C#: set-s-t: prefix pos(%d) chr(%c)" beg (char-after beg))) + ) + ) + (setq state (+ 1 state))) + + ((= state 1) + (if (= (char-after curpos) ?\") + (progn + (c-put-char-property curpos 'syntax-table '(7)) ; (7) = string quote + ;;(message (format "C#: set-s-t: open quote pos(%d) chr(%c)" + ;; curpos (char-after curpos))) + )) + (setq state (+ 1 state))) + + ((= state 2) + (cond + ;; handle backslash + ((= (char-after curpos) ?\\) + (c-put-char-property curpos 'syntax-table '(2)) ; (1) = punctuation, (2) = word + ;;(message (format "C#: set-s-t: backslash word pos(%d) chr(%c)" curpos (char-after curpos))) + ) + + ;; doubled double-quote + ((and + (= (char-after curpos) ?\") + (= (char-after (+ 1 curpos)) ?\")) + (c-put-char-property curpos 'syntax-table '(2)) ; (1) = punctuation, (2) = word + (c-put-char-property (+ 1 curpos) 'syntax-table '(2)) ; (1) = punctuation + ;;(message (format "C#: set-s-t: double doublequote pos(%d) chr(%c)" curpos (char-after curpos))) + (setq curpos (+ curpos 1)) + ) + + ;; a single double-quote, which should be a string terminator + ((= (char-after curpos) ?\") + (c-put-char-property curpos 'syntax-table '(7)) ; (7) = string quote + ;;(message (format "C#: set-s-t: close quote pos(%d) chr(%c)" curpos (char-after curpos))) + ;;go no further + (setq state (+ 1 state))) + + ;; everything else + (t + ;;(message (format "C#: set-s-t: none pos(%d) chr(%c)" curpos (char-after curpos))) + nil)))) + ;; next char + (setq curpos (+ curpos 1)))))) + + + +(defun csharp-end-of-verbatim-literal-string (&optional lim) + "Moves to and returns the position of the end quote of the verbatim literal +string. When calling, point should be on the @ of the verblit string. +If it is not, then no movement is performed and `point' is returned. + +This function ignores text properties. In fact it is the +underlying scanner used to set the text properties in a C# buffer. +" + + (csharp-log 3 "C#: end-of-vlit-string: point(%d) c(%c)" (point) (char-after)) + + (let (curpos + (max (or lim (point-max)))) + + (if (not (looking-at "@\"")) + (point) + (forward-char 2) ;; pass up the @ sign and first quote + (setq curpos (point)) + + ;; Within a verbatim literal string, a doubled double-quote + ;; escapes the double-quote." + (while (and ;; process characters... + (or ;; while... + (not (eq (char-after curpos) ?\")) ;; it's not a quote + (eq (char-after (+ curpos 1)) ?\")) ;; or, its a double (double) quote + (< curpos max)) ;; and we're not done yet + + (cond + ((and (eq (char-after curpos) ?\") ;; it's a double-quote. + (eq (char-after (+ curpos 1)) ?\")) + (setq curpos (+ 2 curpos))) ;; Skip 2 + (t ;; anything else + (setq curpos (+ 1 curpos))))) ;; skip fwd 1 + curpos))) + + + + +(defun csharp-scan-for-verbatim-literals-and-set-props (&optional beg end) + +"Scans the buffer, between BEG and END, for verbatim literal +strings, and sets override text properties on each string to +allow proper syntax highlighting, indenting, and cursor movement. + +BEG and END define the limits of the scan. When nil, they +default to `point-min' and `point-max' respectively. + +Setting text properties generally causes the buffer to be marked +as modified, but this fn suppresses that via the +`c-buffer-save-state' macro, for any changes in text properties +that it makes. This fn also ignores the read-only setting on a +buffer, using the same macro. + +This fn is called when a csharp-mode buffer is loaded, with BEG +and END set to nil, to do a full scan. It is also called on +every buffer change, with the BEG and END set to the values for +the change. + +The return value is nil if the buffer was not a csharp-mode +buffer. Otherwise it is the last cursor position examined by the +scan. +" + + (if (not (c-major-mode-is 'csharp-mode)) ;; don't scan if not csharp mode + nil + (save-excursion + (c-save-buffer-state + ((curpos (or beg (point-min))) + (lastpos (or end (point-max))) + (state 0) (start 0) (cycle 0) + literal eos limits) + + (csharp-log 3 "C#: scan") + (goto-char curpos) + + (while (and (< curpos lastpos) (< cycle 10000)) + (cond + + ;; Case 1: current char is a @ sign + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ;; Check to see if it demarks the beginning of a verblit + ;; string. + ((= ?@ (char-after curpos)) + + ;; are we in a comment? a string? Maybe the @ is a prefix + ;; to allow the use of a reserved word as a symbol. Let's find out. + + ;; not sure why I need both of the following. + (syntax-ppss-flush-cache 1) + (parse-partial-sexp 1 curpos) + (goto-char curpos) + (setq literal (csharp-in-literal)) + (cond + + ;; Case 1.A: it's a @ within a string. + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ;; This should never happen, because this scanner hops over strings. + ;; But it might happen if the scan starts at an odd place. + ((eq literal 'string) nil) + + ;; Case 1.B: The @ is within a comment. Hop over it. + ((and (memq literal '(c c++)) + ;; This is a kludge for XEmacs where we use + ;; `buffer-syntactic-context', which doesn't correctly + ;; recognize "\*/" to end a block comment. + ;; `parse-partial-sexp' which is used by + ;; `c-literal-limits' will however do that in most + ;; versions, which results in that we get nil from + ;; `c-literal-limits' even when `c-in-literal' claims + ;; we're inside a comment. + ;;(setq limits (c-literal-limits start))) + (setq limits (c-literal-limits))) + + ;; advance to the end of the comment + (if limits + (progn + (csharp-log 4 "C#: scan: jump end comment A (%d)" (cdr limits)) + (setq curpos (cdr limits))))) + + + ;; Case 1.B: curpos is at least 2 chars before the last + ;; position to examine, and, the following char is a + ;; double-quote (ASCII 34). + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ;; This looks like the beginning of a verbatim string + ;; literal. + ((and (< (+ 2 curpos) lastpos) + (= ?\" (char-after (+ 1 curpos)))) + + (setq eos (csharp-end-of-verbatim-literal-string)) + ;; set override syntax properties on the verblit string + (csharp-set-vliteral-syntax-table-properties curpos eos) + + (csharp-log 4 "C#: scan: jump end verblit string (%d)" eos) + (setq curpos eos)))) + + + ;; Case 2: current char is a double-quote. + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ;; If this is a string, we hop over it, on the assumption that + ;; this scanner need not bother with regular literal strings, which + ;; get the proper syntax with the generic approach. + ;; If in a comment, hop over the comment. + ((= ?\" (char-after curpos)) + (goto-char curpos) + (setq literal (c-in-literal)) + (cond + + ;; Case 2.A: a quote within a string + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ;; This shouldn't happen, because we hop over strings. + ;; But it might. + ((eq literal 'string) nil) + + ;; Case 2.B: a quote within a comment + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ((and (memq literal '(c c++)) + ;; This is a kludge for XEmacs where we use + ;; `buffer-syntactic-context', which doesn't correctly + ;; recognize "\*/" to end a block comment. + ;; `parse-partial-sexp' which is used by + ;; `c-literal-limits' will however do that in most + ;; versions, which results in that we get nil from + ;; `c-literal-limits' even when `c-in-literal' claims + ;; we're inside a comment. + ;;(setq limits (c-literal-limits start))) + (setq limits (c-literal-limits))) + + ;; advance to the end of the comment + (if limits + (progn + (setq curpos (cdr limits)) + (csharp-log 3 "C#: scan: jump end comment B (%s)" curpos)))) + + + ;; Case 2.C: Not in a comment, and not in a string. + ;; -------------------------------------------- + ;; This is the beginning of a literal (but not verbatim) string. + (t + (forward-char 1) ;; pass up the quote + (if (consp (setq limits (c-literal-limits))) + (progn + (csharp-log 4 "C#: scan: jump end literal (%d)" (cdr limits)) + (setq curpos (cdr limits)))))))) + + (setq cycle (+ 1 cycle)) + (setq curpos (+ 1 curpos)) + (c-safe (goto-char curpos))))))) + + +(defun csharp-before-font-lock (beg end old-len) + "Adjust`syntax-table' properties on the region affected by the change +in a csharp-mode buffer. + +This function is the C# value for `c-before-font-lock-function'. +It intended to be called only by the cc-mode runtime. + +It prepares the buffer for font locking, hence must get called +before `font-lock-after-change-function'. + +It does hidden buffer changes. + +BEG, END and OLD-LEN have the same meaning here as for any +after-change function. + +Point is undefined both before and after this function call. +The return value is meaningless, and is ignored by cc-mode. +" + (let ((start-scan (progn + (c-beginning-of-statement 1) + (point)))) + (csharp-scan-for-verbatim-literals-and-set-props start-scan end))) + + + +(c-lang-defconst c-before-font-lock-function + csharp 'csharp-before-font-lock) + +;; ================================================================== +;; end of c# fontification extensions +;; ================================================================== + + + + + +;; ================================================================== +;; C#-specific optimizations of cc-mode funcs +;; ================================================================== + + +;; There's never a need to check for C-style macro definitions in +;; a C# buffer. +(defadvice c-beginning-of-macro (around + csharp-mode-advice-1 + compile activate) + (if (c-major-mode-is 'csharp-mode) + nil + ad-do-it) + ) + + +;; There's never a need to move over an Obj-C directive in csharp mode +(defadvice c-forward-objc-directive (around + csharp-mode-advice-2 + compile activate) + (if (c-major-mode-is 'csharp-mode) + nil + ad-do-it) + ) + +;; ================================================================== +;; end of C#-specific optimizations of cc-mode funcs +;; ================================================================== + + + + + + + + +;; ================================================================== +;; c# - monkey-patching of basic parsing logic +;; ================================================================== +;; +;; Here, the model redefines two defuns to add special cases for csharp +;; mode. These primarily deal with indentation of instance +;; initializers, which are somewhat unique to C#. I couldn't figure out +;; how to get cc-mode to do what C# needs, without modifying these +;; defuns. +;; + +(defun c-looking-at-inexpr-block (lim containing-sexp &optional check-at-end) + ;; Return non-nil if we're looking at the beginning of a block + ;; inside an expression. The value returned is actually a cons of + ;; either 'inlambda, 'inexpr-statement or 'inexpr-class and the + ;; position of the beginning of the construct. + ;; + ;; LIM limits the backward search. CONTAINING-SEXP is the start + ;; position of the closest containing list. If it's nil, the + ;; containing paren isn't used to decide whether we're inside an + ;; expression or not. If both LIM and CONTAINING-SEXP are used, LIM + ;; needs to be farther back. + ;; + ;; If CHECK-AT-END is non-nil then extra checks at the end of the + ;; brace block might be done. It should only be used when the + ;; construct can be assumed to be complete, i.e. when the original + ;; starting position was further down than that. + ;; + ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes. + + (save-excursion + (let ((res 'maybe) passed-paren + (closest-lim (or containing-sexp lim (point-min))) + ;; Look at the character after point only as a last resort + ;; when we can't disambiguate. + (block-follows (and (eq (char-after) ?{) (point)))) + + (while (and (eq res 'maybe) + (progn (c-backward-syntactic-ws) + (> (point) closest-lim)) + (not (bobp)) + (progn (backward-char) + (looking-at "[\]\).]\\|\\w\\|\\s_")) + (c-safe (forward-char) + (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) -1)))) + + (setq res + (if (looking-at c-keywords-regexp) + (let ((kw-sym (c-keyword-sym (match-string 1)))) + (cond + ((and block-follows + (c-keyword-member kw-sym 'c-inexpr-class-kwds)) + (and (not (eq passed-paren ?\[)) + + ;; dinoch Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:20 + ;; ============================================ + ;; looking at new MyType() { ... } + ;; means this is a brace list, so, return nil, + ;; implying NOT looking-at-inexpr-block + (not + (and (c-major-mode-is 'csharp-mode) + (looking-at "new\s+\\([[:alnum:]_]+\\)\\b"))) + + (or (not (looking-at c-class-key)) + ;; If the class instantiation is at the start of + ;; a statement, we don't consider it an + ;; in-expression class. + (let ((prev (point))) + (while (and + (= (c-backward-token-2 1 nil closest-lim) 0) + (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?w)) + (setq prev (point))) + (goto-char prev) + (not (c-at-statement-start-p))) + ;; Also, in Pike we treat it as an + ;; in-expression class if it's used in an + ;; object clone expression. + (save-excursion + (and check-at-end + (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode) + (progn (goto-char block-follows) + (zerop (c-forward-token-2 1 t))) + (eq (char-after) ?\()))) + (cons 'inexpr-class (point)))) + ((c-keyword-member kw-sym 'c-inexpr-block-kwds) + (when (not passed-paren) + (cons 'inexpr-statement (point)))) + ((c-keyword-member kw-sym 'c-lambda-kwds) + (when (or (not passed-paren) + (eq passed-paren ?\()) + (cons 'inlambda (point)))) + ((c-keyword-member kw-sym 'c-block-stmt-kwds) + nil) + (t + 'maybe))) + + (if (looking-at "\\s(") + (if passed-paren + (if (and (eq passed-paren ?\[) + (eq (char-after) ?\[)) + ;; Accept several square bracket sexps for + ;; Java array initializations. + 'maybe) + (setq passed-paren (char-after)) + 'maybe) + 'maybe)))) + + (if (eq res 'maybe) + (when (and c-recognize-paren-inexpr-blocks + block-follows + containing-sexp + (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\()) + (goto-char containing-sexp) + (if (or (save-excursion + (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim) + (and (> (point) (or lim (point-min))) + (c-on-identifier))) + (and c-special-brace-lists + (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))) + nil + (cons 'inexpr-statement (point)))) + + res)))) + + + + +(defconst csharp-enum-decl-re + (concat + "\\\s+\\([[:alnum:]_]+\\)\s*:\s*" + "\\(" + (c-make-keywords-re nil + (list "sbyte" "byte" "short" "ushort" "int" "uint" "long" "ulong")) + "\\)") + "Regex that captures an enum declaration in C#" + ) + + + +(defun c-inside-bracelist-p (containing-sexp paren-state) + ;; return the buffer position of the beginning of the brace list + ;; statement if we're inside a brace list, otherwise return nil. + ;; CONTAINING-SEXP is the buffer pos of the innermost containing + ;; paren. PAREN-STATE is the remainder of the state of enclosing + ;; braces + ;; + ;; N.B.: This algorithm can potentially get confused by cpp macros + ;; placed in inconvenient locations. It's a trade-off we make for + ;; speed. + ;; + ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes. + (or + ;; This will pick up brace list declarations. + (c-safe + (save-excursion + (goto-char containing-sexp) + (c-forward-sexp -1) + (let (bracepos) + (if (and (or (looking-at c-brace-list-key) + + (progn (c-forward-sexp -1) + (looking-at c-brace-list-key)) + + ;; dinoch Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:20 + ;; ============================================ + ;; looking enum Foo : int + ;; means this is a brace list, so, return nil, + ;; implying NOT looking-at-inexpr-block + + (and (c-major-mode-is 'csharp-mode) + (progn + (c-forward-sexp -1) + (looking-at csharp-enum-decl-re)))) + + (setq bracepos (c-down-list-forward (point))) + (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (point) + (- bracepos 2)))) + (point))))) + ;; this will pick up array/aggregate init lists, even if they are nested. + (save-excursion + (let ((class-key + ;; Pike can have class definitions anywhere, so we must + ;; check for the class key here. + (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode) + c-decl-block-key)) + bufpos braceassignp lim next-containing) + (while (and (not bufpos) + containing-sexp) + (when paren-state + (if (consp (car paren-state)) + (setq lim (cdr (car paren-state)) + paren-state (cdr paren-state)) + (setq lim (car paren-state))) + (when paren-state + (setq next-containing (car paren-state) + paren-state (cdr paren-state)))) + (goto-char containing-sexp) + (if (c-looking-at-inexpr-block next-containing next-containing) + ;; We're in an in-expression block of some kind. Do not + ;; check nesting. We deliberately set the limit to the + ;; containing sexp, so that c-looking-at-inexpr-block + ;; doesn't check for an identifier before it. + (setq containing-sexp nil) + ;; see if the open brace is preceded by = or [...] in + ;; this statement, but watch out for operator= + (setq braceassignp 'dontknow) + (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim) + ;; Checks to do only on the first sexp before the brace. + (when (and c-opt-inexpr-brace-list-key + (eq (char-after) ?\[)) + ;; In Java, an initialization brace list may follow + ;; directly after "new Foo[]", so check for a "new" + ;; earlier. + (while (eq braceassignp 'dontknow) + (setq braceassignp + (cond ((/= (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim) 0) nil) + ((looking-at c-opt-inexpr-brace-list-key) t) + ((looking-at "\\sw\\|\\s_\\|[.[]") + ;; Carry on looking if this is an + ;; identifier (may contain "." in Java) + ;; or another "[]" sexp. + 'dontknow) + (t nil))))) + ;; Checks to do on all sexps before the brace, up to the + ;; beginning of the statement. + (while (eq braceassignp 'dontknow) + (cond ((eq (char-after) ?\;) + (setq braceassignp nil)) + ((and class-key + (looking-at class-key)) + (setq braceassignp nil)) + ((eq (char-after) ?=) + ;; We've seen a =, but must check earlier tokens so + ;; that it isn't something that should be ignored. + (setq braceassignp 'maybe) + (while (and (eq braceassignp 'maybe) + (zerop (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim))) + (setq braceassignp + (cond + ;; Check for operator = + ((and c-opt-op-identifier-prefix + (looking-at c-opt-op-identifier-prefix)) + nil) + ;; Check for `= in Pike. + ((and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode) + (or (eq (char-after) ?`) + ;; Special case for Pikes + ;; `[]=, since '[' is not in + ;; the punctuation class. + (and (eq (char-after) ?\[) + (eq (char-before) ?`)))) + nil) + ((looking-at "\\s.") 'maybe) + ;; make sure we're not in a C++ template + ;; argument assignment + ((and + (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode) + (save-excursion + (let ((here (point)) + (pos< (progn + (skip-chars-backward "^<>") + (point)))) + (and (eq (char-before) ?<) + (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p + pos< here)) + (not (c-in-literal)) + )))) + nil) + (t t)))))) + (if (and (eq braceassignp 'dontknow) + (/= (c-backward-token-2 1 t lim) 0)) + (setq braceassignp nil))) + (if (not braceassignp) + (if (eq (char-after) ?\;) + ;; Brace lists can't contain a semicolon, so we're done. + (setq containing-sexp nil) + ;; Go up one level. + (setq containing-sexp next-containing + lim nil + next-containing nil)) + ;; we've hit the beginning of the aggregate list + (c-beginning-of-statement-1 + (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state)) + (setq bufpos (point)))) + ) + bufpos)) + )) + +;; ================================================================== +;; end of monkey-patching of basic parsing logic +;; ================================================================== + + + + +;;(easy-menu-define csharp-menu csharp-mode-map "C# Mode Commands" +;; ;; Can use `csharp' as the language for `c-mode-menu' +;; ;; since its definition covers any language. In +;; ;; this case the language is used to adapt to the +;; ;; nonexistence of a cpp pass and thus removing some +;; ;; irrelevant menu alternatives. +;; (cons "C#" (c-lang-const c-mode-menu csharp))) + +;;; Autoload mode trigger +;;;###autoload +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cs$" . csharp-mode)) + + + +(c-add-style "C#" + '("Java" + (c-basic-offset . 4) + (c-comment-only-line-offset . (0 . 0)) + (c-offsets-alist . ( + (access-label . -) + (arglist-close . c-lineup-arglist) + (arglist-cont . 0) + (arglist-cont-nonempty . c-lineup-arglist) + (arglist-intro . c-lineup-arglist-intro-after-paren) + (block-close . 0) + (block-open . 0) + (brace-entry-open . 0) + (brace-list-close . 0) + (brace-list-entry . 0) + (brace-list-intro . +) + (brace-list-open . +) + (c . c-lineup-C-comments) + (case-label . +) + (catch-clause . 0) + (class-close . 0) + (class-open . 0) + (comment-intro . c-lineup-comment) + (cpp-macro . 0) + (cpp-macro-cont . c-lineup-dont-change) + (defun-block-intro . +) + (defun-close . 0) + (defun-open . 0) + (do-while-closure . 0) + (else-clause . 0) + (extern-lang-close . 0) + (extern-lang-open . 0) + (friend . 0) + (func-decl-cont . +) + (inclass . +) + (inexpr-class . +) + (inexpr-statement . 0) + (inextern-lang . +) + (inher-cont . c-lineup-multi-inher) + (inher-intro . +) + (inlambda . c-lineup-inexpr-block) + (inline-close . 0) + (inline-open . 0) + (innamespace . +) + (knr-argdecl . 0) + (knr-argdecl-intro . 5) + (label . 0) + (lambda-intro-cont . +) + (member-init-cont . c-lineup-multi-inher) + (member-init-intro . +) + (namespace-close . 0) + (namespace-open . 0) + (statement . 0) + (statement-block-intro . +) + (statement-case-intro . +) + (statement-case-open . +) + (statement-cont . +) + (stream-op . c-lineup-streamop) + (string . c-lineup-dont-change) + (substatement . +) + (substatement-open . 0) + (template-args-cont c-lineup-template-args +) + (topmost-intro . 0) + (topmost-intro-cont . 0) + )) + )) + + + + +;; Custom variables +;;;###autoload +(defcustom csharp-mode-hook nil + "*Hook called by `csharp-mode'." + :type 'hook + :group 'c) + + + +;;; The entry point into the mode +;;;###autoload +(defun csharp-mode () + "Major mode for editing C# code. This mode is derived from CC Mode to +support C#. + +The hook `c-mode-common-hook' is run with no args at mode +initialization, then `csharp-mode-hook'. + +This mode will automatically add a regexp for Csc.exe error and warning +messages to the `compilation-error-regexp-alist'. + +Key bindings: +\\{csharp-mode-map}" + (interactive) + (kill-all-local-variables) + (make-local-variable 'beginning-of-defun-function) + (make-local-variable 'end-of-defun-function) + (c-initialize-cc-mode t) + (set-syntax-table csharp-mode-syntax-table) + + ;; define underscore as part of a word in the Csharp syntax table + (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" csharp-mode-syntax-table) + + ;; define @ as an expression prefix in Csharp syntax table + (modify-syntax-entry ?@ "'" csharp-mode-syntax-table) + + (setq major-mode 'csharp-mode + mode-name "C#" + local-abbrev-table csharp-mode-abbrev-table + abbrev-mode t) + (use-local-map csharp-mode-map) + + ;; `c-init-language-vars' is a macro that is expanded at compile + ;; time to a large `setq' with all the language variables and their + ;; customized values for our language. + (c-init-language-vars csharp-mode) + + + ;; `c-common-init' initializes most of the components of a CC Mode + ;; buffer, including setup of the mode menu, font-lock, etc. + ;; There's also a lower level routine `c-basic-common-init' that + ;; only makes the necessary initialization to get the syntactic + ;; analysis and similar things working. + (c-common-init 'csharp-mode) + + + ;; csc.exe, the C# Compiler, produces errors like this: + ;; file.cs(6,18): error SC1006: Name of constructor must match name of class + + (add-hook 'compilation-mode-hook + (lambda () + (setq compilation-error-regexp-alist + (cons ' ("^[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z0-9][^(]+\\.cs\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)[,]\\([0-9]+\\)) ?: \\(error\\|warning\\) CS[0-9]+:" 1 2 3) + compilation-error-regexp-alist)))) + + ;; to allow next-error to work with csc.exe: + (setq compilation-scroll-output t) + + ;; allow fill-paragraph to work on xml code doc + (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) + "[ \t]*\\(//+\\|\\**\\)\\([ \t]+\\|[ \t]+<.+?>\\)$\\|^\f") + + + (c-run-mode-hooks 'c-mode-common-hook 'csharp-mode-hook) + + + ;; Need the following for parse-partial-sexp to work properly with + ;; verbatim literal strings Setting this var to non-nil tells + ;; `parse-partial-sexp' to pay attention to the syntax text + ;; properties on the text in the buffer. If csharp-mode attaches + ;; text syntax to @"..." then, `parse-partial-sexp' will treat those + ;; strings accordingly. + (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties) + t) + + ;; scan the entire buffer for verblit strings + (csharp-scan-for-verbatim-literals-and-set-props nil nil) + + + (local-set-key (kbd "/") 'csharp-maybe-insert-codedoc) + (local-set-key (kbd "{") 'csharp-insert-open-brace) + + (c-update-modeline)) + + + +(message (concat "Done loading " load-file-name)) + + +(provide 'csharp-mode) + +;;; csharp-mode.el ends here +;;MD5: 4EDCB2ECE38841F407C7ED3DA8354E15 diff --git a/emacs.d/functions.el b/emacs.d/functions.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6472c82 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/functions.el @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +(defun what-face (pos) + "Find out which face the current position uses" + (interactive "d") + (let ((face (or (get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name) + (get-char-property (point) 'face)))) + (if face + (message "Face: %s" face) + (message "No face at %d" pos)))) + +(defun my-comp-finish-function (buf str) + "Don't show compilation window if everything went ok" + (if (string-match "exited abnormally" str) + ;; there were errors + (message "compilation errors, press C-x ` to visit") + ;; no errors, make the compilation window go away in 0.5 seconds + (run-at-time 0.5 nil 'delete-windows-on bu) + (message "NO COMPILATION ERRORS!"))) + +(defun bh/hide-other () + (interactive) + (save-excursion + (org-back-to-heading) + (org-shifttab) + (org-reveal) + (org-cycle))) + +(defun bh/go-to-scratch () + (interactive) + (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*") + (delete-other-windows)) + +(defun bh/untabify () + (interactive) + (untabify (point-min) (point-max))) + +(defun bh/killframe () + (interactive) + (unless (buffer-modified-p) + (kill-buffer (current-buffer))) + (delete-frame)) + +(defun show-whitespace () + (whitespace-mode t)) + +(provide 'functions) diff --git a/emacs.d/javascript.el b/emacs.d/javascript.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d852f --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/javascript.el @@ -0,0 +1,707 @@ +;;; javascript.el --- Major mode for editing JavaScript source text + +;; Copyright (C) 2006 Karl Landström + +;; Author: Karl Landström +;; Maintainer: Karl Landström +;; Version: 2.0 Beta 8 +;; Date: 2006-12-26 +;; Keywords: languages, oop + +;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +;; any later version. + +;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;; GNU General Public License for more details. + +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to +;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, +;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + +;;; Commentary: +;; +;; The main features of this JavaScript mode are syntactic +;; highlighting (enabled with `font-lock-mode' or +;; `global-font-lock-mode'), automatic indentation and filling of +;; comments. +;; +;; This package has (only) been tested with GNU Emacs 21.4 (the latest +;; stable release). +;; +;; Installation: +;; +;; Put this file in a directory where Emacs can find it (`C-h v +;; load-path' for more info). Then add the following lines to your +;; Emacs initialization file: +;; +;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.js\\'" . javascript-mode)) +;; (autoload 'javascript-mode "javascript" nil t) +;; +;; General Remarks: +;; +;; This mode assumes that block comments are not nested inside block +;; comments and that strings do not contain line breaks. +;; +;; Exported names start with "javascript-" whereas private names start +;; with "js-". +;; +;; Changes: +;; +;; See javascript.el.changelog. + +;;; Code: + +(require 'cc-mode) +(require 'font-lock) +(require 'newcomment) + +(defgroup javascript nil + "Customization variables for `javascript-mode'." + :tag "JavaScript" + :group 'languages) + +(defcustom javascript-indent-level 4 + "Number of spaces for each indentation step." + :type 'integer + :group 'javascript) + +(defcustom javascript-auto-indent-flag t + "Automatic indentation with punctuation characters. If non-nil, the +current line is indented when certain punctuations are inserted." + :type 'boolean + :group 'javascript) + + +;; --- Keymap --- + +(defvar javascript-mode-map nil + "Keymap used in JavaScript mode.") + +(unless javascript-mode-map + (setq javascript-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))) + +(when javascript-auto-indent-flag + (mapc (lambda (key) + (define-key javascript-mode-map key 'javascript-insert-and-indent)) + '("{" "}" "(" ")" ":" ";" ","))) + +(defun javascript-insert-and-indent (key) + "Run command bound to key and indent current line. Runs the command +bound to KEY in the global keymap and indents the current line." + (interactive (list (this-command-keys))) + (call-interactively (lookup-key (current-global-map) key)) + (indent-according-to-mode)) + + +;; --- Syntax Table And Parsing --- + +(defvar javascript-mode-syntax-table + (let ((table (make-syntax-table))) + (c-populate-syntax-table table) + + ;; The syntax class of underscore should really be `symbol' ("_") + ;; but that makes matching of tokens much more complex as e.g. + ;; "\\" matches part of e.g. "_xyz" and "xyz_abc". Defines + ;; it as word constituent for now. + (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" table) + + table) + "Syntax table used in JavaScript mode.") + + +(defun js-re-search-forward-inner (regexp &optional bound count) + "Auxiliary function for `js-re-search-forward'." + (let ((parse) + (saved-point (point-min))) + (while (> count 0) + (re-search-forward regexp bound) + (setq parse (parse-partial-sexp saved-point (point))) + (cond ((nth 3 parse) + (re-search-forward + (concat "\\([^\\]\\|^\\)" (string (nth 3 parse))) + (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t)) + ((nth 7 parse) + (forward-line)) + ((or (nth 4 parse) + (and (eq (char-before) ?\/) (eq (char-after) ?\*))) + (re-search-forward "\\*/")) + (t + (setq count (1- count)))) + (setq saved-point (point)))) + (point)) + + +(defun js-re-search-forward (regexp &optional bound noerror count) + "Search forward but ignore strings and comments. Invokes +`re-search-forward' but treats the buffer as if strings and +comments have been removed." + (let ((saved-point (point)) + (search-expr + (cond ((null count) + '(js-re-search-forward-inner regexp bound 1)) + ((< count 0) + '(js-re-search-backward-inner regexp bound (- count))) + ((> count 0) + '(js-re-search-forward-inner regexp bound count))))) + (condition-case err + (eval search-expr) + (search-failed + (goto-char saved-point) + (unless noerror + (error (error-message-string err))))))) + + +(defun js-re-search-backward-inner (regexp &optional bound count) + "Auxiliary function for `js-re-search-backward'." + (let ((parse) + (saved-point (point-min))) + (while (> count 0) + (re-search-backward regexp bound) + (when (and (> (point) (point-min)) + (save-excursion (backward-char) (looking-at "/[/*]"))) + (forward-char)) + (setq parse (parse-partial-sexp saved-point (point))) + (cond ((nth 3 parse) + (re-search-backward + (concat "\\([^\\]\\|^\\)" (string (nth 3 parse))) + (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)) t)) + ((nth 7 parse) + (goto-char (nth 8 parse))) + ((or (nth 4 parse) + (and (eq (char-before) ?/) (eq (char-after) ?*))) + (re-search-backward "/\\*")) + (t + (setq count (1- count)))))) + (point)) + + +(defun js-re-search-backward (regexp &optional bound noerror count) + "Search backward but ignore strings and comments. Invokes +`re-search-backward' but treats the buffer as if strings and +comments have been removed." + (let ((saved-point (point)) + (search-expr + (cond ((null count) + '(js-re-search-backward-inner regexp bound 1)) + ((< count 0) + '(js-re-search-forward-inner regexp bound (- count))) + ((> count 0) + '(js-re-search-backward-inner regexp bound count))))) + (condition-case err + (eval search-expr) + (search-failed + (goto-char saved-point) + (unless noerror + (error (error-message-string err))))))) + + +(defun js-continued-var-decl-list-p () + "Return non-nil if point is inside a continued variable declaration +list." + (interactive) + (let ((start (save-excursion (js-re-search-backward "\\" nil t)))) + (and start + (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\n" start t)) + (not (save-excursion + (js-re-search-backward + ";\\|[^, \t][ \t]*\\(/[/*]\\|$\\)" start t)))))) + + +;; --- Font Lock --- + +(defun js-inside-param-list-p () + "Return non-nil if point is inside a function parameter list." + (condition-case err + (save-excursion + (up-list -1) + (and (looking-at "(") + (progn (backward-word 1) + (or (looking-at "function") + (progn (backward-word 1) (looking-at "function")))))) + (error nil))) + + +(defconst js-function-heading-1-re + "^[ \t]*function[ \t]+\\(\\w+\\)" + "Regular expression matching the start of a function header.") + +(defconst js-function-heading-2-re + "^[ \t]*\\(\\w+\\)[ \t]*:[ \t]*function\\>" + "Regular expression matching the start of a function entry in + an associative array.") + +(defconst js-keyword-re + (regexp-opt '("abstract" "break" "case" "catch" "class" "const" + "continue" "debugger" "default" "delete" "do" "else" + "enum" "export" "extends" "final" "finally" "for" + "function" "goto" "if" "implements" "import" "in" + "instanceof" "interface" "native" "new" "package" + "private" "protected" "public" "return" "static" + "super" "switch" "synchronized" "this" "throw" + "throws" "transient" "try" "typeof" "var" "void" + "volatile" "while" "with" + "let") 'words) + "Regular expression matching any JavaScript keyword.") + +(defconst js-basic-type-re + (regexp-opt '("boolean" "byte" "char" "double" "float" "int" "long" + "short" "void") 'words) + "Regular expression matching any predefined type in JavaScript.") + +(defconst js-constant-re + (regexp-opt '("false" "null" "true") 'words) + "Regular expression matching any future reserved words in JavaScript.") + + +(defconst js-font-lock-keywords-1 + (list + "\\" + (list js-function-heading-1-re 1 font-lock-function-name-face) + (list js-function-heading-2-re 1 font-lock-function-name-face) + (list "[=(][ \t]*\\(/.*?[^\\]/\\w*\\)" 1 font-lock-string-face)) + "Level one font lock.") + +(defconst js-font-lock-keywords-2 + (append js-font-lock-keywords-1 + (list (list js-keyword-re 1 font-lock-keyword-face) + (cons js-basic-type-re font-lock-type-face) + (cons js-constant-re font-lock-constant-face))) + "Level two font lock.") + + +;; Limitations with variable declarations: There seems to be no +;; sensible way to highlight variables occuring after an initialized +;; variable in a variable list. For instance, in +;; +;; var x, y = f(a, b), z +;; +;; z will not be highlighted. + +(defconst js-font-lock-keywords-3 + (append + js-font-lock-keywords-2 + (list + + ;; variable declarations + (list + (concat "\\<\\(const\\|var\\)\\>\\|" js-basic-type-re) + (list "\\(\\w+\\)[ \t]*\\([=;].*\\|,\\|/[/*]\\|$\\)" + nil + nil + '(1 font-lock-variable-name-face))) + + ;; continued variable declaration list + (list + (concat "^[ \t]*\\w+[ \t]*\\([,;=]\\|/[/*]\\|$\\)") + (list "\\(\\w+\\)[ \t]*\\([=;].*\\|,\\|/[/*]\\|$\\)" + '(if (save-excursion (backward-char) (js-continued-var-decl-list-p)) + (backward-word 1) + (end-of-line)) + '(end-of-line) + '(1 font-lock-variable-name-face))) + + ;; formal parameters + (list + (concat "\\\\([ \t]+\\w+\\)?[ \t]*([ \t]*\\w") + (list "\\(\\w+\\)\\([ \t]*).*\\)?" + '(backward-char) + '(end-of-line) + '(1 font-lock-variable-name-face))) + + ;; continued formal parameter list + (list + (concat "^[ \t]*\\w+[ \t]*[,)]") + (list "\\w+" + '(if (save-excursion (backward-char) (js-inside-param-list-p)) + (backward-word 1) + (end-of-line)) + '(end-of-line) + '(0 font-lock-variable-name-face))))) + "Level three font lock.") + +(defconst js-font-lock-keywords + '(js-font-lock-keywords-3 js-font-lock-keywords-1 js-font-lock-keywords-2 + js-font-lock-keywords-3) + "See `font-lock-keywords'.") + + +;; --- Indentation --- + +(defconst js-possibly-braceless-keyword-re + (regexp-opt + '("catch" "do" "else" "finally" "for" "if" "try" "while" "with" "let") + 'words) + "Regular expression matching keywords that are optionally + followed by an opening brace.") + +(defconst js-indent-operator-re + (concat "[-+*/%<>=&^|?:.]\\([^-+*/]\\|$\\)\\|" + (regexp-opt '("in" "instanceof") 'words)) + "Regular expression matching operators that affect indentation + of continued expressions.") + + +(defun js-looking-at-operator-p () + "Return non-nil if text after point is an operator (that is not +a comma)." + (save-match-data + (and (looking-at js-indent-operator-re) + (or (not (looking-at ":")) + (save-excursion + (and (js-re-search-backward "[?:{]\\|\\" nil t) + (looking-at "?"))))))) + + +(defun js-continued-expression-p () + "Returns non-nil if the current line continues an expression." + (save-excursion + (back-to-indentation) + (or (js-looking-at-operator-p) + (and (js-re-search-backward "\n" nil t) + (progn + (skip-chars-backward " \t") + (backward-char) + (and (> (point) (point-min)) + (save-excursion (backward-char) (not (looking-at "[/*]/"))) + (js-looking-at-operator-p) + (and (progn (backward-char) + (not (looking-at "++\\|--\\|/[/*]")))))))))) + + +(defun js-end-of-do-while-loop-p () + "Returns non-nil if word after point is `while' of a do-while +statement, else returns nil. A braceless do-while statement +spanning several lines requires that the start of the loop is +indented to the same column as the current line." + (interactive) + (save-excursion + (save-match-data + (when (looking-at "\\s-*\\") + (if (save-excursion + (skip-chars-backward "[ \t\n]*}") + (looking-at "[ \t\n]*}")) + (save-excursion + (backward-list) (backward-word 1) (looking-at "\\")) + (js-re-search-backward "\\" (point-at-bol) t) + (or (looking-at "\\") + (let ((saved-indent (current-indentation))) + (while (and (js-re-search-backward "^[ \t]*\\<" nil t) + (/= (current-indentation) saved-indent))) + (and (looking-at "[ \t]*\\") + (not (js-re-search-forward + "\\" (point-at-eol) t)) + (= (current-indentation) saved-indent))))))))) + + +(defun js-ctrl-statement-indentation () + "Returns the proper indentation of the current line if it +starts the body of a control statement without braces, else +returns nil." + (save-excursion + (back-to-indentation) + (when (save-excursion + (and (not (looking-at "[{]")) + (progn + (js-re-search-backward "[[:graph:]]" nil t) + (forward-char) + (when (= (char-before) ?\)) (backward-list)) + (skip-syntax-backward " ") + (skip-syntax-backward "w") + (looking-at js-possibly-braceless-keyword-re)) + (not (js-end-of-do-while-loop-p)))) + (save-excursion + (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) + (+ (current-indentation) javascript-indent-level))))) + + +(defun js-proper-indentation (parse-status) + "Return the proper indentation for the current line." + (save-excursion + (back-to-indentation) + (let ((ctrl-stmt-indent (js-ctrl-statement-indentation)) + (same-indent-p (looking-at "[]})]\\|\\\\|\\")) + (continued-expr-p (js-continued-expression-p))) + (cond (ctrl-stmt-indent) + ((js-continued-var-decl-list-p) + (js-re-search-backward "\\" nil t) + (+ (current-indentation) javascript-indent-level)) + ((nth 1 parse-status) + (goto-char (nth 1 parse-status)) + (if (looking-at "[({[][ \t]*\\(/[/*]\\|$\\)") + (progn + (skip-syntax-backward " ") + (when (= (char-before) ?\)) (backward-list)) + (back-to-indentation) + (cond (same-indent-p + (current-column)) + (continued-expr-p + (+ (current-column) (* 2 javascript-indent-level))) + (t + (+ (current-column) javascript-indent-level)))) + (unless same-indent-p + (forward-char) + (skip-chars-forward " \t")) + (current-column))) + (continued-expr-p javascript-indent-level) + (t 0))))) + + +(defun javascript-indent-line () + "Indent the current line as JavaScript source text." + (interactive) + (let ((parse-status + (save-excursion (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) (point-at-bol)))) + (offset (- (current-column) (current-indentation)))) + (when (not (nth 8 parse-status)) + (indent-line-to (js-proper-indentation parse-status)) + (when (> offset 0) (forward-char offset))))) + + +;; --- Filling --- + +;; FIXME: It should be possible to use the more sofisticated function +;; `c-fill-paragraph' in `cc-cmds.el' instead. However, just setting +;; `fill-paragraph-function' to `c-fill-paragraph' does not work; +;; inside `c-fill-paragraph', `fill-paragraph-function' evaluates to +;; nil!? + +(defun js-backward-paragraph () + "Move backward to start of paragraph. Postcondition: Point is at +beginning of buffer or the previous line contains only whitespace." + (forward-line -1) + (while (not (or (bobp) (looking-at "^[ \t]*$"))) + (forward-line -1)) + (when (not (bobp)) (forward-line 1))) + + +(defun js-forward-paragraph () + "Move forward to end of paragraph. Postcondition: Point is at +end of buffer or the next line contains only whitespace." + (forward-line 1) + (while (not (or (eobp) (looking-at "^[ \t]*$"))) + (forward-line 1)) + (when (not (eobp)) (backward-char 1))) + + +(defun js-fill-block-comment-paragraph (parse-status justify) + "Fill current paragraph as a block comment. PARSE-STATUS is the +result of `parse-partial-regexp' from beginning of buffer to +point. JUSTIFY has the same meaning as in `fill-paragraph'." + (let ((offset (save-excursion + (goto-char (nth 8 parse-status)) (current-indentation)))) + (save-excursion + (save-restriction + (narrow-to-region (save-excursion + (goto-char (nth 8 parse-status)) (point-at-bol)) + (save-excursion + (goto-char (nth 8 parse-status)) + (re-search-forward "*/"))) + (narrow-to-region (save-excursion + (js-backward-paragraph) + (when (looking-at "^[ \t]*$") (forward-line 1)) + (point)) + (save-excursion + (js-forward-paragraph) + (when (looking-at "^[ \t]*$") (backward-char)) + (point))) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (while (not (eobp)) + (delete-horizontal-space) + (forward-line 1)) + (let ((fill-column (- fill-column offset)) + (fill-paragraph-function nil)) + (fill-paragraph justify)) + + ;; In Emacs 21.4 as opposed to CVS Emacs 22, + ;; `fill-paragraph' seems toadd a newline at the end of the + ;; paragraph. Remove it! + (goto-char (point-max)) + (when (looking-at "^$") (backward-delete-char 1)) + + (goto-char (point-min)) + (while (not (eobp)) + (indent-to offset) + (forward-line 1)))))) + + +(defun js-sline-comment-par-start () + "Return point at the beginning of the line where the current +single-line comment paragraph starts." + (save-excursion + (beginning-of-line) + (while (and (not (bobp)) + (looking-at "^[ \t]*//[ \t]*[[:graph:]]")) + (forward-line -1)) + (unless (bobp) (forward-line 1)) + (point))) + + +(defun js-sline-comment-par-end () + "Return point at end of current single-line comment paragraph." + (save-excursion + (beginning-of-line) + (while (and (not (eobp)) + (looking-at "^[ \t]*//[ \t]*[[:graph:]]")) + (forward-line 1)) + (unless (bobp) (backward-char)) + (point))) + + +(defun js-sline-comment-offset (line) + "Return the column at the start of the current single-line +comment paragraph." + (save-excursion + (goto-line line) + (re-search-forward "//" (point-at-eol)) + (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) + (current-column))) + + +(defun js-sline-comment-text-offset (line) + "Return the column at the start of the text of the current +single-line comment paragraph." + (save-excursion + (goto-line line) + (re-search-forward "//[ \t]*" (point-at-eol)) + (current-column))) + + +(defun js-at-empty-sline-comment-p () + "Return non-nil if inside an empty single-line comment." + (and (save-excursion + (beginning-of-line) + (not (looking-at "^.*//.*[[:graph:]]"))) + (save-excursion + (re-search-backward "//" (point-at-bol) t)))) + + +(defun js-fill-sline-comments (parse-status justify) + "Fill current paragraph as a sequence of single-line comments. +PARSE-STATUS is the result of `parse-partial-regexp' from +beginning of buffer to point. JUSTIFY has the same meaning as in +`fill-paragraph'." + (when (not (js-at-empty-sline-comment-p)) + (let* ((start (js-sline-comment-par-start)) + (start-line (1+ (count-lines (point-min) start))) + (end (js-sline-comment-par-end)) + (offset (js-sline-comment-offset start-line)) + (text-offset (js-sline-comment-text-offset start-line))) + (save-excursion + (save-restriction + (narrow-to-region start end) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*//[ \t]*" nil t) + (replace-match "") + (forward-line 1)) + (let ((fill-paragraph-function nil) + (fill-column (- fill-column text-offset))) + (fill-paragraph justify)) + + ;; In Emacs 21.4 as opposed to CVS Emacs 22, + ;; `fill-paragraph' seems toadd a newline at the end of the + ;; paragraph. Remove it! + (goto-char (point-max)) + (when (looking-at "^$") (backward-delete-char 1)) + + (goto-char (point-min)) + (while (not (eobp)) + (indent-to offset) + (insert "//") + (indent-to text-offset) + (forward-line 1))))))) + + +(defun js-trailing-comment-p (parse-status) + "Return non-nil if inside a trailing comment. PARSE-STATUS is +the result of `parse-partial-regexp' from beginning of buffer to +point." + (save-excursion + (when (nth 4 parse-status) + (goto-char (nth 8 parse-status)) + (skip-chars-backward " \t") + (not (bolp))))) + + +(defun js-block-comment-p (parse-status) + "Return non-nil if inside a block comment. PARSE-STATUS is the +result of `parse-partial-regexp' from beginning of buffer to +point." + (save-excursion + (save-match-data + (when (nth 4 parse-status) + (goto-char (nth 8 parse-status)) + (looking-at "/\\*"))))) + + +(defun javascript-fill-paragraph (&optional justify) + "If inside a comment, fill the current comment paragraph. +Trailing comments are ignored." + (interactive) + (let ((parse-status (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) (point)))) + (when (and (nth 4 parse-status) + (not (js-trailing-comment-p parse-status))) + (if (js-block-comment-p parse-status) + (js-fill-block-comment-paragraph parse-status justify) + (js-fill-sline-comments parse-status justify)))) + t) + + +;; --- Imenu --- + +(defconst js-imenu-generic-expression + (list + (list + nil + "function\\s-+\\(\\w+\\)\\s-*(" + 1)) + "Regular expression matching top level procedures. Used by imenu.") + + +;; --- Main Function --- + +;;;###autoload +(defun javascript-mode () + "Major mode for editing JavaScript source text. + +Key bindings: + +\\{javascript-mode-map}" + (interactive) + (kill-all-local-variables) + + (use-local-map javascript-mode-map) + (set-syntax-table javascript-mode-syntax-table) + (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'javascript-indent-line) + (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) (list js-font-lock-keywords)) + + (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) t) + + ;; Comments + (setq comment-start "// ") + (setq comment-end "") + (set (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function) + 'javascript-fill-paragraph) + + ;; Make c-mark-function work + (setq c-nonsymbol-token-regexp "!=\\|%=\\|&[&=]\\|\\*[/=]\\|\\+[+=]\\|-[=-]\\|/[*/=]\\|<\\(?:<=\\|[<=]\\)\\|==\\|>\\(?:>\\(?:>=\\|[=>]\\)\\|[=>]\\)\\|\\^=\\||[=|]\\|[]!%&(-,./:-?[{-~^-]" + c-stmt-delim-chars "^;{}?:" + c-syntactic-ws-end "[ \n \f/]" + c-syntactic-eol "\\(\\s \\|/\\*\\([^*\n ]\\|\\*[^/\n ]\\)*\\*/\\)*\\(\\(/\\*\\([^*\n ]\\|\\*[^/\n ]\\)*\\|\\\\\\)?$\\|//\\)") + + ;; Imenu + (setq imenu-case-fold-search nil) + (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression) + js-imenu-generic-expression) + + (setq major-mode 'javascript-mode) + (setq mode-name "JavaScript") + (run-hooks 'javascript-mode-hook)) + + +(provide 'javascript-mode) +;;; javascript.el ends here diff --git a/emacs.d/manage-org.el b/emacs.d/manage-org.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b2b5bb --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/manage-org.el @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +(defun clone-org-files () + (interactive) + (if (= (shell-command + "git clone git@ ~/prj/org" + "*Messages*" "*Messages*") 0) + (message "success!") + (message "failed!"))) + +(defun get-org-files () + (interactive) + (let ((prev-dir (getenv "PWD"))) + (if (= (shell-command + (format "cd ~/prj/org/; git pull origin master; cd %s" prev-dir) + "*Messages*" "*Messages*") 0) + (message "success!") + (message "failed!")))) + +(defun save-org-files () + (interactive) + (let ((prev-dir (getenv "PWD"))) + (if (= (shell-command + (format + "cd ~/prj/org/; git add .; git commit -m \"Change for %s\"; cd %s" + (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S") + prev-dir) + "*Messages*" "*Messages*") 0) + (message "success!") + (message "failed!")))) + +(defun push-org-files () + (interactive) + (let ((prev-dir (getenv "PWD"))) + (if (= (shell-command + (format + "cd ~/prj/org/; git push origin master; cd %s" prev-dir) + "*Messages*" "*Messages*") 0) + (message "success!") + (message "failed!")))) + +(provide 'manage-org) diff --git a/emacs.d/minimap.el b/emacs.d/minimap.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69db8b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/minimap.el @@ -0,0 +1,630 @@ +;;; minimap.el --- Minimap sidebar for Emacs + +;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 David Engster + +;; Author: David Engster +;; Keywords: +;; Version: 0.7 + +;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. + +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. +;; +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;; GNU General Public License for more details. +;; +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with this program. If not, see . + +;;; Commentary: + +;; This file is an implementation of a minimap sidebar, i.e., a +;; smaller display of the current buffer on the left side. It +;; highlights the currently shown region and updates its position +;; automatically. You can navigate in the minibar by dragging the +;; active region with the mouse, which will scroll the corresponding +;; edit buffer. + +;; Usage: +;; * Put minimap.el in your load path. +;; * (require 'minimap) +;; * Use 'M-x minimap-create' in a buffer you're currently editing. +;; * Use 'M-x minimap-kill' to kill the minimap. +;; * Use 'M-x customize-group RET minimap RET' to adapt minimap to your needs. + +;; Download: +;; You can always get the latest version from the git repository: +;; git://randomsample.de/minimap.git +;; or http://randomsample.de/minimap.git + +;;; KNOWN BUGS: + +;; * Currently cannot deal with images. +;; * Display/movement can be a bit erratic at times. + +;;; TODO: + +;; * Fix known bugs. +;; * Make sidebar permanently visible. This requires something like a +;; 'window group' feature in Emacs, which is currently being worked on. +;; * Moving the active region with the keyboard / mouse-wheel ? + + +;;; Customizable variables: + +(defgroup minimap nil + "A minimap sidebar for Emacs." + :group 'convenience) + +(defface minimap-font-face + '((default :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 30)) + "Face used for text in minimap buffer, notably the font family and height. +This height should be really small. You probably want to use a +TrueType font for this. After changing this, you should +recreate the minimap to avoid problems with recentering." + :group 'minimap) + +(defface minimap-active-region-background + '((((background dark)) (:background "#4517305D0000")) + (t (:background "#C847D8FEFFFF"))) + "Face for the active region in the minimap. +By default, this is only a different background color." + :group 'minimap) + +(defface minimap-semantic-function-face + '((((background dark)) + (:box (:line-width 1 :color "white") + :inherit (font-lock-function-name-face minimap-font-face) + :height 2.5 :background "gray10")) + (t (:box (:line-width 1 :color "black") + :inherit (font-lock-function-name-face minimap-font-face) + :height 2.5 :background "gray90"))) + "Face used for functions in the semantic overlay.") + +(defface minimap-semantic-variable-face + '((((background dark)) + (:box (:line-width 1 :color "white") + :inherit (font-lock-variable-name-face minimap-font-face) + :height 2.5 :background "gray10")) + (t (:box (:line-width 1 :color "black") + :inherit (font-lock-function-name-face minimap-font-face) + :height 2.5 :background "gray90"))) + "Face used for variables in the semantic overlay.") + +(defface minimap-semantic-type-face + '((((background dark)) + (:box (:line-width 1 :color "white") + :inherit (font-lock-type-face minimap-font-face) + :height 2.5 :background "gray10")) + (t (:box (:line-width 1 :color "black") + :inherit (font-lock-function-name-face minimap-font-face) + :height 2.5 :background "gray90"))) + "Face used for types in the semantic overlay.") + +(defcustom minimap-width-fraction 0.2 + "Fraction of width which should be used for minimap sidebar." + :type 'number + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-window-location 'left + "Location of the minimap window. +Can be either the symbol `left' or `right'." + :type '(choice (const :tag "Left" left) + (const :tag "Right" right)) + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-buffer-name-prefix "*MINIMAP* " + "Prefix for buffer names of minimap sidebar." + :type 'string + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-update-delay 0.2 + "Delay in seconds after which sidebar gets updated. +Setting this to 0 will let the minimap react immediately, but +this will slow down scrolling." + :type 'number + :set (lambda (sym value) + (set sym value) + (when (and (boundp 'minimap-timer-object) + minimap-timer-object) + (cancel-timer minimap-timer-object) + (setq minimap-timer-object + (run-with-idle-timer + minimap-update-delay t 'minimap-update)))) + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-always-recenter nil + "Whether minimap sidebar should be recentered after every point movement." + :type 'boolean + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-recenter-type 'relative + "Specifies the type of recentering the minimap should use. +The minimap can use different types of recentering, i.e., how the +minimap should behave when you scroll in the main window or when +you drag the active region with the mouse. The following +explanations will probably not help much, so simply try them and +choose the one which suits you best. + +`relative' -- The position of the active region in the minimap +corresponds with the relative position of this region in the +buffer. This the default. + +`middle' -- The active region will stay fixed in the middle of +the minimap. + +`free' -- The position will be more or less free. When dragging +the active region, the minimap will scroll when you reach the +bottom or top." + :type '(choice (const :tag "Relative" relative) + (const :tag "Middle" middle) + (const :tag "Free" free)) + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-hide-scroll-bar t + "Whether the minimap should hide the vertical scrollbar." + :type 'boolean + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-hide-fringes t + "Whether the minimap should hide the fringes." + :type 'boolean + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-dedicated-window nil + "Whether the minimap should create a dedicated window." + :type 'boolean + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-display-semantic-overlays t + "Display overlays from CEDET's semantic analyzer. +If you use CEDET and the buffer's major-mode is supported, the +minimap can display overlays generated by the semantic analyzer. +By default, it will apply the faces `minimap-semantic--face', +with being \"function\", \"variable\" and \"type\". Also, it +will display the name of the tag in the middle of the overlay in +the corresponding font-lock face. + +See also `minimap-enlarge-certain-faces', which can be used as +fallback." + :type 'boolean + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-enlarge-certain-faces 'as-fallback + "Whether certain faces should be enlarged in the minimap. +All faces listed in `minimap-normal-height-faces' will be +displayed using the default font height, allowing you to still +read text using those faces. By default, this should enlarge all +function names in the minimap, given you have font locking +enabled. This variable can have the following values: + +'as-fallback (the default) -- The feature will only be activated + if information from CEDET's semantic analyzer isn't available + (see: `minimap-display-semantic-overlays'). +'always -- Always active. +nil -- Inactive." + :type '(choice (const :tag "Fallback if CEDET unavailable." 'as-fallback) + (const :tag "Always active." 'always) + (const :tag "Inactive." nil)) + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-normal-height-faces '(font-lock-function-name-face) + "List of faces which should be displayed with normal height. +When `minimap-enlarge-certain-faces' is non-nil, all faces in +this list will be displayed using the default font height. By +default, this list contains `font-lock-function-name-face', so +you can still read function names in the minimap." + :type '(repeat face) + :group 'minimap) + +(defcustom minimap-sync-overlay-properties '(face invisible) + "Specifies which overlay properties should be synced. +Unlike text properties, overlays are not applied automatically to +the minimap and must be explicitly synced. This variable +specifies which overlay properties should be synced by +`minimap-sync-overlays'. Most importantly, this variable should +include 'invisible', so that hidden text does not appear in the +minimap buffer." + :type '(repeat symbol) + :group 'minimap) + +;;; Internal variables + +(defvar minimap-start nil) +(defvar minimap-end nil) +(defvar minimap-active-overlay nil) +(defvar minimap-bufname nil) +(defvar minimap-timer-object nil) +(defvar minimap-active-minimaps 0) +(defvar minimap-base-overlay nil) +(defvar minimap-numlines nil) +(defvar minimap-pointmin-overlay nil) + +(make-variable-buffer-local 'minimap-start) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'minimap-end) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'minimap-active-overlay) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'minimap-bufname) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'minimap-base-overlay) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'minimap-numlines) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'minimap-pointmin-overlay) + +;;; Minimap creation / killing + +;;;###autoload +(defun minimap-create () + "Create a minimap sidebar for the current window." + (interactive) + ;; If minimap is visible, do nothing. + (unless (and minimap-bufname + (get-buffer minimap-bufname) + (get-buffer-window (get-buffer minimap-bufname))) + (let ((bufname (concat minimap-buffer-name-prefix + (buffer-name (current-buffer)))) + (new-win (if (eq minimap-window-location 'left) + (split-window-horizontally + (round (* (window-width) + minimap-width-fraction))) + (split-window-horizontally + (round (* (window-width) + (- 1 minimap-width-fraction)))) + (other-window 1)))) + ;; If minimap exists but isn't visible, reuse it. + (if (and minimap-bufname + (get-buffer minimap-bufname)) + (switch-to-buffer minimap-bufname t) + ;; Otherwise create new minimap + (minimap-new-minimap bufname) + ;; If this is the first minimap, create the idle timer. + (when (zerop minimap-active-minimaps) + (setq minimap-timer-object + (run-with-idle-timer minimap-update-delay t 'minimap-update))) + (setq minimap-active-minimaps + (1+ minimap-active-minimaps)))) + (other-window 1) + (minimap-sync-overlays))) + +(defun minimap-new-minimap (bufname) + "Create new minimap BUFNAME for current buffer and window." + (let ((indbuf (make-indirect-buffer (current-buffer) bufname t)) + (edges (window-pixel-edges))) + (setq minimap-bufname bufname) + (set-buffer indbuf) + (when minimap-hide-scroll-bar + (setq vertical-scroll-bar nil)) + (switch-to-buffer indbuf) + (setq minimap-base-overlay (make-overlay (point-min) (point-max) nil t t)) + (overlay-put minimap-base-overlay 'face 'minimap-font-face) + (overlay-put minimap-base-overlay 'priority 1) + (setq minimap-pointmin-overlay (make-overlay (point-min) (1+ (point-min)))) + (setq minimap-start (window-start) + minimap-end (window-end) + minimap-active-overlay (make-overlay minimap-start minimap-end) + line-spacing 0) + (overlay-put minimap-active-overlay 'face + 'minimap-active-region-background) + (overlay-put minimap-active-overlay 'priority 5) + (minimap-mode 1) + (when (and (boundp 'linum-mode) + linum-mode) + (linum-mode 0)) + (when minimap-hide-fringes + (set-window-fringes nil 0 0)) + (when minimap-dedicated-window + (set-window-dedicated-p nil t)) + (setq buffer-read-only t) + ;; Calculate the actual number of lines displayable with the minimap face. + (setq minimap-numlines + (floor + (/ + (- (nth 3 edges) (nth 1 edges)) + (car (progn (redisplay) (window-line-height)))))))) + +;;;###autoload +(defun minimap-kill () + "Kill minimap for current buffer. +Cancel the idle timer if no more minimaps are active." + (interactive) + (if (null minimap-bufname) + (message "No minimap associated with %s." (buffer-name (current-buffer))) + (let ((curname (buffer-name (current-buffer))) + (buf (get-buffer minimap-bufname)) + (win (get-buffer-window minimap-bufname))) + (setq minimap-bufname nil) + (if (null buf) + (message "No minimap associated with %s." curname) + (when win + (delete-window win)) + (kill-buffer buf) + (when (zerop + (setq minimap-active-minimaps + (1- minimap-active-minimaps))) + (cancel-timer minimap-timer-object) + (setq minimap-timer-object nil)) + (message "Minimap for %s killed." curname))))) + +;;; Minimap update + +(defun minimap-update (&optional force) + "Update minimap sidebar if necessary. +This is meant to be called from the idle-timer or the post command hook. +When FORCE, enforce update of the active region." + (when minimap-bufname + (let ((win (get-buffer-window minimap-bufname)) + start end pt ov) + (when win + (setq start (window-start) + end (window-end) + pt (point) + ov) + (with-selected-window win + (unless (and (not force) + (= minimap-start start) + (= minimap-end end)) + (move-overlay minimap-active-overlay start end) + (setq minimap-start start + minimap-end end) + (minimap-recenter (line-number-at-pos (/ (+ end start) 2)) + (/ (- (line-number-at-pos end) + (line-number-at-pos start)) + 2))) + (goto-char pt) + (when minimap-always-recenter + (recenter (round (/ (window-height) 2))))))))) + +;;; Overlay movement + +(defun minimap-move-overlay-mouse (start-event) + "Move overlay by tracking mouse movement." + (interactive "e") + (mouse-set-point start-event) + (when (get-buffer-window (buffer-base-buffer (current-buffer))) + (let* ((echo-keystrokes 0) + (end-posn (event-end start-event)) + (start-point (posn-point end-posn)) + (make-cursor-line-fully-visible nil) + (cursor-type nil) + (pcselmode pc-selection-mode) + pt ev) + (when pcselmode + (pc-selection-mode -1)) + (move-overlay minimap-active-overlay start-point minimap-end) + (track-mouse + (minimap-set-overlay start-point) + (while (and + (consp (setq ev (read-event))) + (eq (car ev) 'mouse-movement)) + (setq pt (posn-point (event-start ev))) + (when (numberp pt) + (minimap-set-overlay pt)))) + (select-window (get-buffer-window (buffer-base-buffer))) + (minimap-update) + (when pcselmode + (pc-selection-mode 1))))) + +(defun minimap-set-overlay (pt) + "Set overlay position, with PT being the middle." + (goto-char pt) + (let* ((ovstartline (line-number-at-pos minimap-start)) + (ovendline (line-number-at-pos minimap-end)) + (ovheight (round (/ (- ovendline ovstartline) 2))) + (line (line-number-at-pos)) + (winstart (window-start)) + (winend (window-end)) + newstart newend) + (setq pt (point-at-bol)) + (setq newstart (minimap-line-to-pos (- line ovheight))) + ;; Perform recentering + (minimap-recenter line ovheight) + ;; Set new position in main buffer and redisplay + (with-selected-window (get-buffer-window (buffer-base-buffer)) + (goto-char pt) + (set-window-start nil newstart) + (redisplay t) + (setq newend (window-end))) + (when (eq minimap-recenter-type 'free) + (while (> newend winend) + (scroll-up 5) + (redisplay t) + (setq winend (window-end)))) + (move-overlay minimap-active-overlay newstart newend))) + +(defun minimap-line-to-pos (line) + "Return point position of line number LINE." + (save-excursion + (goto-char 1) + (if (eq selective-display t) + (re-search-forward "[\n\C-m]" nil 'end (1- line)) + (forward-line (1- line))) + (point))) + +(defun minimap-recenter (middle height) + "Recenter the minimap according to `minimap-recenter-type'. +MIDDLE is the line number in the middle of the active region. +HEIGHT is the number of lines from MIDDLE to begin/end of the +active region." + (cond + ;; Relative recentering + ((eq minimap-recenter-type 'relative) + (let* ((maxlines (line-number-at-pos (point-max))) + percentage relpos newline start numlines) + (setq numlines (count-lines (window-start) (window-end))) + (setq percentage (/ (float middle) (float maxlines))) + (setq newline (ceiling (* percentage numlines))) + (setq start (minimap-line-to-pos + (- middle height + (floor (* percentage + (- numlines height height)))))) + (or (> start (point-min)) + (setq start (point-min))) + ;; If (point-max) already visible, don't go further + (if (and (> start (window-start)) + (with-selected-window (get-buffer-window (buffer-base-buffer)) + (= (point-max) (window-end)))) + (save-excursion + (goto-char (point-max)) + (recenter -1)) + (unless (and (> start (window-start)) + (= (point-max) (window-end))) + (set-window-start nil start))))) + ;; Middle recentering + ((eq minimap-recenter-type 'middle) + (let ((start (- middle height + (floor (* 0.5 + (- minimap-numlines height height)))))) + (if (< start 1) + (progn + ;; Hack: Emacs cannot scroll down any further, so we fake + ;; it using an overlay. Otherwise, the active region + ;; would move to the top. + (overlay-put minimap-pointmin-overlay + 'display (concat + (make-string (abs start) 10) + (buffer-substring (point-min) (1+ (point-min))))) + (overlay-put minimap-pointmin-overlay + 'face `(:background ,(face-background 'default))) + (overlay-put minimap-pointmin-overlay + 'priority 10) + (setq start 1)) + (overlay-put minimap-pointmin-overlay 'display "") + (overlay-put minimap-pointmin-overlay 'face nil)) + (set-window-start nil (minimap-line-to-pos start)))) + ;; Free recentering + ((eq minimap-recenter-type 'free) + (let ((newstart (minimap-line-to-pos (- middle height))) + (winstart (window-start))) + (while (< newstart winstart) + (scroll-down 5) + (redisplay t) + (setq winstart (window-start))))))) + +;;; Minimap minor mode + +(defvar minimap-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap) + "Keymap used by `minimap-mode'.") + +(define-key minimap-mode-map [down-mouse-1] 'minimap-move-overlay-mouse) +(define-key minimap-mode-map [down-mouse-2] 'minimap-move-overlay-mouse) +(define-key minimap-mode-map [down-mouse-3] 'minimap-move-overlay-mouse) + +(define-minor-mode minimap-mode + "Minor mode for minimap sidebar." + nil "minimap" minimap-mode-map) + +;;; Sync minimap with modes which create/delete overlays. + +(defun minimap-sync-overlays () + "Synchronize overlays between base and minimap buffer. +Apply semantic overlays or face enlargement if necessary." + (interactive) + (when minimap-bufname + (let ((baseov (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))) + (semantic (and (boundp 'semantic-version) + (semantic-active-p))) + ov props p) + (with-current-buffer minimap-bufname + (remove-overlays) + (while baseov + (when (setq props (minimap-get-sync-properties (car baseov))) + (setq ov (make-overlay (overlay-start (car baseov)) + (overlay-end (car baseov)))) + (while (setq p (car props)) + (overlay-put ov (car p) (cadr p)) + (setq props (cdr props)))) + (setq baseov (cdr baseov))) + (move-overlay minimap-pointmin-overlay (point-min) (1+ (point-min))) + ;; Re-apply font overlay + (move-overlay minimap-base-overlay (point-min) (point-max))) + ;; Face enlargement + (when (and font-lock-mode + (or (eq minimap-enlarge-certain-faces 'always) + (and (eq minimap-enlarge-certain-faces 'as-fallback) + (or (not minimap-display-semantic-overlays) + (not semantic))))) + (when (eq font-lock-support-mode 'jit-lock-mode) + (jit-lock-fontify-now)) + (with-current-buffer minimap-bufname + (minimap-enlarge-faces))) + ;; Semantic overlays + (when (and semantic + minimap-display-semantic-overlays) + (minimap-apply-semantic-overlays))) + (minimap-update t))) + +(defun minimap-get-sync-properties (ov) + "Get properties from overlay OV which should be synced. +You can specify those properties with +`minimap-sync-overlay-properties'." + (delq nil + (mapcar + (lambda (p) + (let ((val (overlay-get ov p))) + (if val + (list p val) + nil))) + minimap-sync-overlay-properties))) + +(defun minimap-enlarge-faces () + "Apply default font to all faces in `minimap-normal-height-faces'. +This has to be called in the minimap buffer." + (let ((pos (next-single-property-change (point-min) 'face)) + next ov face) + (while pos + (setq face (get-text-property pos 'face)) + (when (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x) (equal x face)) + minimap-normal-height-faces)) + (setq ov + (make-overlay pos + (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos 'face)))) + (overlay-put ov 'face `(:family ,(face-font 'default))) + (overlay-put ov 'priority 5)) + (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos 'face))))) + +(defun minimap-apply-semantic-overlays () + "Apply semantic overlays to the minimap. +This has to be called from the base buffer." + (let ((tags (semantic-fetch-tags)) + tag class ov ovnew) + (while tags + (setq tag (car tags)) + (setq class (semantic-tag-class tag)) + (setq ov (semantic-tag-overlay tag)) + (when (and (overlayp ov) + (or (eq class 'function) + (eq class 'type) + (eq class 'variable))) + (with-current-buffer minimap-bufname + (let ((start (overlay-start ov)) + (end (overlay-end ov)) + (name (semantic-tag-name tag))) + (overlay-put + (setq ovnew (make-overlay start end)) + 'face `(:background ,(face-background + (intern (format "minimap-semantic-%s-face" + (symbol-name class)))))) + (overlay-put ovnew 'priority 1) + (setq start + (minimap-line-to-pos (/ (+ (line-number-at-pos start) + (line-number-at-pos end)) 2))) + (setq end (progn (goto-char start) (point-at-eol))) + (setq ovnew (make-overlay start end)) + (overlay-put ovnew 'face (format "minimap-semantic-%s-face" + (symbol-name class))) + (overlay-put ovnew 'display (concat " " name " ")) + (overlay-put ovnew 'priority 6)))) + (setq tags (cdr tags))))) + +;; outline-(minor-)mode +(add-hook 'outline-view-change-hook 'minimap-sync-overlays) + +;; hideshow +(add-hook 'hs-hide-hook 'minimap-sync-overlays) +(add-hook 'hs-show-hook 'minimap-sync-overlays) + +(provide 'minimap) + +;;; minimap.el ends here diff --git a/emacs.d/popup.el b/emacs.d/popup.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f14dfe --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/popup.el @@ -0,0 +1,1061 @@ +;;; popup.el --- Visual popup interface + +;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Tomohiro Matsuyama + +;; Author: Tomohiro Matsuyama +;; Keywords: lisp +;; Version: 0.4 + +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +;; (at your option) any later version. + +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;; GNU General Public License for more details. + +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with this program. If not, see . + +;;; Commentary: + +;; + +;;; Code: + +(eval-when-compile + (require 'cl)) + + + +;; Utilities + +(defvar popup-use-optimized-column-computation t + "Use optimized column computation routine. +If there is a problem, please set it to nil.") + +;; Borrowed from anything.el +(defmacro popup-aif (test-form then-form &rest else-forms) + "Anaphoric if. Temporary variable `it' is the result of test-form." + (declare (indent 2)) + `(let ((it ,test-form)) + (if it ,then-form ,@else-forms))) + +(defun popup-x-to-string (x) + "Convert any object to string effeciently. +This is faster than prin1-to-string in many cases." + (typecase x + (string x) + (symbol (symbol-name x)) + (integer (number-to-string x)) + (float (number-to-string x)) + (t (format "%s" x)))) + +(defun popup-substring-by-width (string width) + "Return cons of substring and remaining string by `WIDTH'." + ;; Expand tabs with 4 spaces + (setq string (replace-regexp-in-string "\t" " " string)) + (loop with len = (length string) + with w = 0 + for l from 0 + for c in (append string nil) + while (<= (incf w (char-width c)) width) + finally return + (if (< l len) + (cons (substring string 0 l) (substring string l)) + (list string)))) + +(defun popup-fill-string (string &optional width max-width justify squeeze) + "Split STRING into fixed width strings and return a cons cell like +\(WIDTH . ROWS). Here, the car WIDTH indicates the actual maxim width of ROWS. + +The argument WIDTH specifies the width of filling each paragraph. WIDTH nil +means don't perform any justification and word wrap. Note that this function +doesn't add any padding characters at the end of each row. + +MAX-WIDTH, if WIDTH is nil, specifies the maximum number of columns. + +The optional fourth argument JUSTIFY specifies which kind of justification +to do: `full', `left', `right', `center', or `none' (equivalent to nil). +A value of t means handle each paragraph as specified by its text properties. + +SQUEEZE nil means leave whitespaces other than line breaks untouched." + (if (eq width 0) + (error "Can't fill string with 0 width")) + (if width + (setq max-width width)) + (with-temp-buffer + (let ((tab-width 4) + (fill-column width) + (left-margin 0) + (kinsoku-limit 1) + indent-tabs-mode + row rows) + (insert string) + (untabify (point-min) (point-max)) + (if width + (fill-region (point-min) (point-max) justify (not squeeze))) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (setq width 0) + (while (prog2 + (let ((line (buffer-substring + (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point))))) + (if max-width + (while (progn + (setq row (truncate-string-to-width line max-width) + width (max width (string-width row))) + (push row rows) + (if (not (= (length row) (length line))) + (setq line (substring line (length row)))))) + (setq width (max width (string-width line))) + (push line rows))) + (< (point) (point-max)) + (beginning-of-line 2))) + (cons width (nreverse rows))))) + +(defmacro popup-save-buffer-state (&rest body) + (declare (indent 0)) + `(save-excursion + (let ((buffer-undo-list t) + (buffer-read-only nil) + (modified (buffer-modified-p))) + (unwind-protect + (progn ,@body) + (set-buffer-modified-p modified))))) + +(defun popup-preferred-width (list) + "Return preferred width of popup to show `LIST' beautifully." + (loop with tab-width = 4 + for item in list + for summary = (popup-item-summary item) + maximize (string-width (popup-x-to-string item)) into width + if (stringp summary) + maximize (+ (string-width summary) 2) into summary-width + finally return (* (ceiling (/ (+ (or width 0) (or summary-width 0)) 10.0)) 10))) + +;; window-full-width-p is not defined in Emacs 22.1 +(defun popup-window-full-width-p (&optional window) + (if (fboundp 'window-full-width-p) + (window-full-width-p window) + (= (window-width window) (frame-width (window-frame (or window (selected-window))))))) + +;; truncated-partial-width-window-p is not defined in Emacs 22 +(defun popup-truncated-partial-width-window-p (&optional window) + (unless window + (setq window (selected-window))) + (unless (popup-window-full-width-p window) + (let ((t-p-w-w (buffer-local-value 'truncate-partial-width-windows + (window-buffer window)))) + (if (integerp t-p-w-w) + (< (window-width window) t-p-w-w) + t-p-w-w)))) + +(defun popup-current-physical-column () + (or (when (and popup-use-optimized-column-computation + (eq (window-hscroll) 0)) + (let ((current-column (current-column))) + (if (or (popup-truncated-partial-width-window-p) + truncate-lines + (< current-column (window-width))) + current-column))) + (car (posn-col-row (posn-at-point))))) + +(defun popup-last-line-of-buffer-p () + (save-excursion (end-of-line) (/= (forward-line) 0))) + +(defun popup-lookup-key-by-event (function event) + (or (funcall function (vector event)) + (if (symbolp event) + (popup-aif (get event 'event-symbol-element-mask) + (funcall function (vector (logior (or (get (car it) 'ascii-character) 0) + (cadr it)))))))) + + + +;; Popup common + +(defgroup popup nil + "Visual popup interface" + :group 'lisp + :prefix "popup-") + +(defface popup-face + '((t (:background "lightgray" :foreground "black"))) + "Face for popup." + :group 'popup) + +(defface popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face + '((t (:background "black"))) + "Foreground face for scroll-bar." + :group 'popup) + +(defface popup-scroll-bar-background-face + '((t (:background "gray"))) + "Background face for scroll-bar." + :group 'popup) + +(defvar popup-instances nil + "Popup instances.") + +(defvar popup-scroll-bar-foreground-char + (propertize " " 'face 'popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face) + "Foreground character for scroll-bar.") + +(defvar popup-scroll-bar-background-char + (propertize " " 'face 'popup-scroll-bar-background-face) + "Background character for scroll-bar.") + +(defstruct popup + point row column width height min-height direction overlays + parent depth + face selection-face + margin-left margin-right margin-left-cancel scroll-bar symbol + cursor offset scroll-top current-height list newlines + pattern original-list) + +(defun popup-item-propertize (item &rest properties) + "Same to `propertize` but this avoids overriding existed value with `nil` property." + (let (props) + (while properties + (when (cadr properties) + (push (car properties) props) + (push (cadr properties) props)) + (setq properties (cddr properties))) + (apply 'propertize + (popup-x-to-string item) + (nreverse props)))) + +(defun popup-item-property (item property) + (if (stringp item) + (get-text-property 0 property item))) + +(defun* popup-make-item (name + &key + value + popup-face + selection-face + sublist + document + symbol + summary) + "Utility function to make popup item. +See also `popup-item-propertize'." + (popup-item-propertize name + 'value value + 'popup-face popup-face + 'selection-face selection-face + 'document document + 'symbol symbol + 'summary summary + 'sublist sublist)) + +(defsubst popup-item-value (item) (popup-item-property item 'value)) +(defsubst popup-item-value-or-self (item) (or (popup-item-value item) item)) +(defsubst popup-item-popup-face (item) (popup-item-property item 'popup-face)) +(defsubst popup-item-selection-face (item) (popup-item-property item 'selection-face)) +(defsubst popup-item-document (item) (popup-item-property item 'document)) +(defsubst popup-item-summary (item) (popup-item-property item 'summary)) +(defsubst popup-item-symbol (item) (popup-item-property item 'symbol)) +(defsubst popup-item-sublist (item) (popup-item-property item 'sublist)) + +(defun popup-item-documentation (item) + (let ((doc (popup-item-document item))) + (if (functionp doc) + (setq doc (funcall doc (popup-item-value-or-self item)))) + doc)) + +(defun popup-item-show-help-1 (item) + (let ((doc (popup-item-documentation item))) + (when doc + (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Popup Help*") + (erase-buffer) + (insert doc) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (display-buffer (current-buffer))) + t))) + +(defun popup-item-show-help (item &optional persist) + (when item + (if (not persist) + (save-window-excursion + (when (popup-item-show-help-1 item) + (block nil + (while t + (clear-this-command-keys) + (let ((key (read-key-sequence-vector nil))) + (case (key-binding key) + ('scroll-other-window + (scroll-other-window)) + ('scroll-other-window-down + (scroll-other-window-down nil)) + (t + (setq unread-command-events (append key unread-command-events)) + (return)))))))) + (popup-item-show-help-1 item)))) + +(defun popup-set-list (popup list) + (popup-set-filtered-list popup list) + (setf (popup-pattern popup) nil) + (setf (popup-original-list popup) list)) + +(defun popup-set-filtered-list (popup list) + (setf (popup-list popup) list + (popup-offset popup) (if (> (popup-direction popup) 0) + 0 + (max (- (popup-height popup) (length list)) 0)))) + +(defun popup-selected-item (popup) + (nth (popup-cursor popup) (popup-list popup))) + +(defun popup-selected-line (popup) + (- (popup-cursor popup) (popup-scroll-top popup))) + +(defun popup-line-overlay (popup line) + (aref (popup-overlays popup) line)) + +(defun popup-selected-line-overlay (popup) + (popup-line-overlay popup (popup-selected-line popup))) + +(defun popup-hide-line (popup line) + (let ((overlay (popup-line-overlay popup line))) + (overlay-put overlay 'display nil) + (overlay-put overlay 'after-string nil))) + +(defun popup-line-hidden-p (popup line) + (let ((overlay (popup-line-overlay popup line))) + (and (eq (overlay-get overlay 'display) nil) + (eq (overlay-get overlay 'after-string) nil)))) + +(defun popup-set-line-item (popup line item face margin-left margin-right scroll-bar-char symbol summary) + (let* ((overlay (popup-line-overlay popup line)) + (content (popup-create-line-string popup (popup-x-to-string item) margin-left margin-right symbol summary)) + (start 0) + (prefix (overlay-get overlay 'prefix)) + (postfix (overlay-get overlay 'postfix)) + end) + ;; Overlap face properties + (if (get-text-property start 'face content) + (setq start (next-single-property-change start 'face content))) + (while (and start (setq end (next-single-property-change start 'face content))) + (put-text-property start end 'face face content) + (setq start (next-single-property-change end 'face content))) + (if start + (put-text-property start (length content) 'face face content)) + (unless (overlay-get overlay 'dangle) + (overlay-put overlay 'display (concat prefix (substring content 0 1))) + (setq prefix nil + content (concat (substring content 1)))) + (overlay-put overlay + 'after-string + (concat prefix + content + scroll-bar-char + postfix)))) + +(defun popup-create-line-string (popup string margin-left margin-right symbol summary) + (let* ((popup-width (popup-width popup)) + (summary-width (string-width summary)) + (string (car (popup-substring-by-width string + (- popup-width + (if (> summary-width 0) + (+ summary-width 2) + 0))))) + (string-width (string-width string))) + (concat margin-left + string + (make-string (max (- popup-width string-width summary-width) 0) ? ) + summary + symbol + margin-right))) + +(defun popup-live-p (popup) + (and popup (popup-overlays popup) t)) + +(defun popup-child-point (popup &optional offset) + (overlay-end (popup-line-overlay popup + (or offset + (popup-selected-line popup))))) + +(defun* popup-create (point + width + height + &key + min-height + around + (face 'popup-face) + (selection-face face) + scroll-bar + margin-left + margin-right + symbol + parent + parent-offset) + (or margin-left (setq margin-left 0)) + (or margin-right (setq margin-right 0)) + (unless point + (setq point + (if parent (popup-child-point parent parent-offset) (point)))) + + (save-excursion + (goto-char point) + (let* ((row (line-number-at-pos)) + (column (popup-current-physical-column)) + (overlays (make-vector height nil)) + (popup-width (+ width + (if scroll-bar 1 0) + margin-left + margin-right + (if symbol 2 0))) + margin-left-cancel + (window (selected-window)) + (window-start (window-start)) + (window-hscroll (window-hscroll)) + (window-width (window-width)) + (right (+ column popup-width)) + (overflow (and (> right window-width) + (>= right popup-width))) + (foldable (and (null parent) + (>= column popup-width))) + (direction (or + ;; Currently the direction of cascade popup won't be changed + (and parent (popup-direction parent)) + + ;; Calculate direction + (if (and (> row height) + (> height (- (max 1 (- (window-height) + (if mode-line-format 1 0) + (if header-line-format 1 0))) + (count-lines window-start (point))))) + -1 + 1))) + (depth (if parent (1+ (popup-depth parent)) 0)) + (newlines (max 0 (+ (- height (count-lines point (point-max))) (if around 1 0)))) + current-column) + (when (> newlines 0) + (popup-save-buffer-state + (goto-char (point-max)) + (insert (make-string newlines ?\n)))) + + (if overflow + (if foldable + (progn + (decf column (- popup-width margin-left margin-right)) + (unless around (move-to-column column))) + (when (not truncate-lines) + ;; Cut out overflow + (let ((d (1+ (- popup-width (- window-width column))))) + (decf popup-width d) + (decf width d))) + (decf column margin-left)) + (decf column margin-left)) + (when (and (null parent) + (< column 0)) + ;; Cancel margin left + (setq column 0) + (decf popup-width margin-left) + (setq margin-left-cancel t)) + + (dotimes (i height) + (let (overlay begin w (dangle t) (prefix "") (postfix "")) + (when around + (if (>= emacs-major-version 23) + (vertical-motion (cons column direction)) + (vertical-motion direction) + (move-to-column (+ (current-column) column)))) + (setq around t + current-column (popup-current-physical-column)) + + (when (> current-column column) + (backward-char) + (setq current-column (popup-current-physical-column))) + (when (< current-column column) + ;; Extend short buffer lines by popup prefix (line of spaces) + (setq prefix (make-string (+ (if (= current-column 0) + (- window-hscroll (current-column)) + 0) + (- column current-column)) + ? ))) + + (setq begin (point)) + (setq w (+ popup-width (length prefix))) + (while (and (not (eolp)) (> w 0)) + (setq dangle nil) + (decf w (char-width (char-after))) + (forward-char)) + (if (< w 0) + (setq postfix (make-string (- w) ? ))) + + (setq overlay (make-overlay begin (point))) + (overlay-put overlay 'window window) + (overlay-put overlay 'dangle dangle) + (overlay-put overlay 'prefix prefix) + (overlay-put overlay 'postfix postfix) + (overlay-put overlay 'width width) + (aset overlays + (if (> direction 0) i (- height i 1)) + overlay))) + (loop for p from (- 10000 (* depth 1000)) + for overlay in (nreverse (append overlays nil)) + do (overlay-put overlay 'priority p)) + (let ((it (make-popup :point point + :row row + :column column + :width width + :height height + :min-height min-height + :direction direction + :parent parent + :depth depth + :face face + :selection-face selection-face + :margin-left margin-left + :margin-right margin-right + :margin-left-cancel margin-left-cancel + :scroll-bar scroll-bar + :symbol symbol + :cursor 0 + :scroll-top 0 + :current-height 0 + :list nil + :newlines newlines + :overlays overlays))) + (push it popup-instances) + it)))) + +(defun popup-delete (popup) + (when (popup-live-p popup) + (popup-hide popup) + (mapc 'delete-overlay (popup-overlays popup)) + (setf (popup-overlays popup) nil) + (setq popup-instances (delq popup popup-instances)) + (let ((newlines (popup-newlines popup))) + (when (> newlines 0) + (popup-save-buffer-state + (goto-char (point-max)) + (dotimes (i newlines) + (if (= (char-before) ?\n) + (delete-char -1))))))) + nil) + +(defun popup-draw (popup) + (loop with height = (popup-height popup) + with min-height = (popup-min-height popup) + with popup-face = (popup-face popup) + with selection-face = (popup-selection-face popup) + with list = (popup-list popup) + with length = (length list) + with thum-size = (max (/ (* height height) (max length 1)) 1) + with page-size = (/ (+ 0.0 (max length 1)) height) + with scroll-bar = (popup-scroll-bar popup) + with margin-left = (make-string (if (popup-margin-left-cancel popup) 0 (popup-margin-left popup)) ? ) + with margin-right = (make-string (popup-margin-right popup) ? ) + with symbol = (popup-symbol popup) + with cursor = (popup-cursor popup) + with scroll-top = (popup-scroll-top popup) + with offset = (popup-offset popup) + for o from offset + for i from scroll-top + while (< o height) + for item in (nthcdr scroll-top list) + for page-index = (* thum-size (/ o thum-size)) + for face = (if (= i cursor) + (or (popup-item-selection-face item) selection-face) + (or (popup-item-popup-face item) popup-face)) + for empty-char = (propertize " " 'face face) + for scroll-bar-char = (if scroll-bar + (cond + ((<= page-size 1) + empty-char) + ((and (> page-size 1) + (>= cursor (* page-index page-size)) + (< cursor (* (+ page-index thum-size) page-size))) + popup-scroll-bar-foreground-char) + (t + popup-scroll-bar-background-char)) + "") + for sym = (if symbol + (concat " " (or (popup-item-symbol item) " ")) + "") + for summary = (or (popup-item-summary item) "") + + do + ;; Show line and set item to the line + (popup-set-line-item popup o item face margin-left margin-right scroll-bar-char sym summary) + + finally + ;; Remember current height + (setf (popup-current-height popup) (- o offset)) + + ;; Hide remaining lines + (let ((scroll-bar-char (if scroll-bar (propertize " " 'face popup-face) "")) + (symbol (if symbol " " ""))) + (if (> (popup-direction popup) 0) + (progn + (when min-height + (while (< o min-height) + (popup-set-line-item popup o "" popup-face margin-left margin-right scroll-bar-char symbol "") + (incf o))) + (while (< o height) + (popup-hide-line popup o) + (incf o))) + (loop with h = (if min-height (- height min-height) offset) + for o from 0 below offset + if (< o h) + do (popup-hide-line popup o) + if (>= o h) + do (popup-set-line-item popup o "" popup-face margin-left margin-right scroll-bar-char symbol "")))))) + +(defun popup-hide (popup) + (dotimes (i (popup-height popup)) + (popup-hide-line popup i))) + +(defun popup-hidden-p (popup) + (let ((hidden t)) + (when (popup-live-p popup) + (dotimes (i (popup-height popup)) + (unless (popup-line-hidden-p popup i) + (setq hidden nil)))) + hidden)) + +(defun popup-select (popup i) + (setq i (+ i (popup-offset popup))) + (when (and (<= 0 i) (< i (popup-height popup))) + (setf (popup-cursor popup) i) + (popup-draw popup) + t)) + +(defun popup-next (popup) + (let ((height (popup-height popup)) + (cursor (1+ (popup-cursor popup))) + (scroll-top (popup-scroll-top popup)) + (length (length (popup-list popup)))) + (cond + ((>= cursor length) + ;; Back to first page + (setq cursor 0 + scroll-top 0)) + ((= cursor (+ scroll-top height)) + ;; Go to next page + (setq scroll-top (min (1+ scroll-top) (max (- length height) 0))))) + (setf (popup-cursor popup) cursor + (popup-scroll-top popup) scroll-top) + (popup-draw popup))) + +(defun popup-previous (popup) + (let ((height (popup-height popup)) + (cursor (1- (popup-cursor popup))) + (scroll-top (popup-scroll-top popup)) + (length (length (popup-list popup)))) + (cond + ((< cursor 0) + ;; Go to last page + (setq cursor (1- length) + scroll-top (max (- length height) 0))) + ((= cursor (1- scroll-top)) + ;; Go to previous page + (decf scroll-top))) + (setf (popup-cursor popup) cursor + (popup-scroll-top popup) scroll-top) + (popup-draw popup))) + +(defun popup-scroll-down (popup &optional n) + (let ((scroll-top (min (+ (popup-scroll-top popup) (or n 1)) + (- (length (popup-list popup)) (popup-height popup))))) + (setf (popup-cursor popup) scroll-top + (popup-scroll-top popup) scroll-top) + (popup-draw popup))) + +(defun popup-scroll-up (popup &optional n) + (let ((scroll-top (max (- (popup-scroll-top popup) (or n 1)) + 0))) + (setf (popup-cursor popup) scroll-top + (popup-scroll-top popup) scroll-top) + (popup-draw popup))) + + + +;; Popup isearch + +(defface popup-isearch-match + '((t (:background "sky blue"))) + "Popup isearch match face." + :group 'popup) + +(defvar popup-isearch-cursor-color "blue") + +(defvar popup-isearch-keymap + (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) + ;(define-key map "\r" 'popup-isearch-done) + (define-key map "\C-g" 'popup-isearch-cancel) + (define-key map "\C-h" 'popup-isearch-delete) + (define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'popup-isearch-delete) + map)) + +(defsubst popup-isearch-char-p (char) + (and (integerp char) + (<= 32 char) + (<= char 126))) + +(defun popup-isearch-filter-list (pattern list) + (loop with regexp = (regexp-quote pattern) + for item in list + do + (unless (stringp item) + (setq item (popup-item-propertize (popup-x-to-string item) + 'value item))) + if (string-match regexp item) + collect (let ((beg (match-beginning 0)) + (end (match-end 0))) + (alter-text-property 0 (length item) 'face + (lambda (prop) + (unless (eq prop 'popup-isearch-match) + prop)) + item) + (put-text-property beg end + 'face 'popup-isearch-match + item) + item))) + +(defun popup-isearch-prompt (popup pattern) + (format "Pattern: %s" (if (= (length (popup-list popup)) 0) + (propertize pattern 'face 'isearch-fail) + pattern))) + +(defun popup-isearch-update (popup pattern &optional callback) + (setf (popup-cursor popup) 0 + (popup-scroll-top popup) 0 + (popup-pattern popup) pattern) + (let ((list (popup-isearch-filter-list pattern (popup-original-list popup)))) + (popup-set-filtered-list popup list) + (if callback + (funcall callback list))) + (popup-draw popup)) + +(defun* popup-isearch (popup + &key + (cursor-color popup-isearch-cursor-color) + (keymap popup-isearch-keymap) + callback + help-delay) + (let ((list (popup-original-list popup)) + (pattern (or (popup-pattern popup) "")) + (old-cursor-color (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'cursor-color)) + prompt key binding done) + (unwind-protect + (unless (block nil + (if cursor-color + (set-cursor-color cursor-color)) + (while t + (setq prompt (popup-isearch-prompt popup pattern)) + (setq key (popup-menu-read-key-sequence keymap prompt help-delay)) + (if (null key) + (unless (funcall popup-menu-show-quick-help-function popup nil :prompt prompt) + (clear-this-command-keys) + (push (read-event prompt) unread-command-events)) + (setq binding (lookup-key keymap key)) + (cond + ((and (stringp key) + (popup-isearch-char-p (aref key 0))) + (setq pattern (concat pattern key))) + ((eq binding 'popup-isearch-done) + (return t)) + ((eq binding 'popup-isearch-cancel) + (return nil)) + ((eq binding 'popup-isearch-delete) + (if (> (length pattern) 0) + (setq pattern (substring pattern 0 (1- (length pattern)))))) + (t + (setq unread-command-events + (append (listify-key-sequence key) unread-command-events)) + (return t))) + (popup-isearch-update popup pattern callback)))) + (popup-isearch-update popup "" callback) + t) ; Return non-nil if isearch is cancelled + (if old-cursor-color + (set-cursor-color old-cursor-color))))) + + + +;; Popup tip + +(defface popup-tip-face + '((t (:background "khaki1" :foreground "black"))) + "Face for popup tip." + :group 'popup) + +(defvar popup-tip-max-width 80) + +(defun* popup-tip (string + &key + point + (around t) + width + (height 15) + min-height + truncate + margin + margin-left + margin-right + scroll-bar + parent + parent-offset + nowait + prompt + &aux tip lines) + (if (bufferp string) + (setq string (with-current-buffer string (buffer-string)))) + ;; TODO strip text (mainly face) properties + (setq string (substring-no-properties string)) + + (and (eq margin t) (setq margin 1)) + (or margin-left (setq margin-left margin)) + (or margin-right (setq margin-right margin)) + + (let ((it (popup-fill-string string width popup-tip-max-width))) + (setq width (car it) + lines (cdr it))) + + (setq tip (popup-create point width height + :min-height min-height + :around around + :margin-left margin-left + :margin-right margin-right + :scroll-bar scroll-bar + :face 'popup-tip-face + :parent parent + :parent-offset parent-offset)) + + (unwind-protect + (when (> (popup-width tip) 0) ; not to be corrupted + (when (and (not (eq width (popup-width tip))) ; truncated + (not truncate)) + ;; Refill once again to lines be fitted to popup width + (setq width (popup-width tip)) + (setq lines (cdr (popup-fill-string string width width)))) + + (popup-set-list tip lines) + (popup-draw tip) + (if nowait + tip + (clear-this-command-keys) + (push (read-event prompt) unread-command-events) + t)) + (unless nowait + (popup-delete tip)))) + + + +;; Popup menu + +(defface popup-menu-face + '((t (:background "lightgray" :foreground "black"))) + "Face for popup menu." + :group 'popup) + +(defface popup-menu-selection-face + '((t (:background "steelblue" :foreground "white"))) + "Face for popup menu selection." + :group 'popup) + +(defvar popup-menu-show-tip-function 'popup-tip + "Function used for showing tooltip by `popup-menu-show-quick-help'.") + +(defvar popup-menu-show-quick-help-function 'popup-menu-show-quick-help + "Function used for showing quick help by `popup-menu*'.") + +(defun popup-menu-show-help (menu &optional persist item) + (popup-item-show-help (or item (popup-selected-item menu)) persist)) + +(defun popup-menu-documentation (menu &optional item) + (popup-item-documentation (or item (popup-selected-item menu)))) + +(defun popup-menu-show-quick-help (menu &optional item &rest args) + (let* ((point (plist-get args :point)) + (height (or (plist-get args :height) (popup-height menu))) + (min-height (min height (popup-current-height menu))) + (around nil) + (parent-offset (popup-offset menu)) + (doc (popup-menu-documentation menu item))) + (when (stringp doc) + (if (popup-hidden-p menu) + (setq around t + menu nil + parent-offset nil) + (setq point nil)) + (let ((popup-use-optimized-column-computation nil)) ; To avoid wrong positioning + (apply popup-menu-show-tip-function + doc + :point point + :height height + :min-height min-height + :around around + :parent menu + :parent-offset parent-offset + args))))) + +(defun popup-menu-read-key-sequence (keymap &optional prompt timeout) + (catch 'timeout + (let ((timer (and timeout + (run-with-timer timeout nil + (lambda () + (if (zerop (length (this-command-keys))) + (throw 'timeout nil)))))) + (old-global-map (current-global-map)) + (temp-global-map (make-sparse-keymap)) + (overriding-terminal-local-map (make-sparse-keymap))) + (substitute-key-definition 'keyboard-quit 'keyboard-quit + temp-global-map old-global-map) + (define-key temp-global-map [menu-bar] (lookup-key old-global-map [menu-bar])) + (define-key temp-global-map [tool-bar] (lookup-key old-global-map [tool-bar])) + (set-keymap-parent overriding-terminal-local-map keymap) + (if (current-local-map) + (define-key overriding-terminal-local-map [menu-bar] + (lookup-key (current-local-map) [menu-bar]))) + (unwind-protect + (progn + (use-global-map temp-global-map) + (clear-this-command-keys) + (with-temp-message prompt + (read-key-sequence nil))) + (use-global-map old-global-map) + (if timer (cancel-timer timer)))))) + +(defun popup-menu-fallback (event default)) + +(defun* popup-menu-event-loop (menu keymap fallback &optional prompt help-delay isearch isearch-cursor-color isearch-keymap isearch-callback &aux key binding) + (block nil + (while (popup-live-p menu) + (and isearch + (popup-isearch menu + :cursor-color isearch-cursor-color + :keymap isearch-keymap + :callback isearch-callback + :help-delay help-delay) + (keyboard-quit)) + (setq key (popup-menu-read-key-sequence keymap prompt help-delay)) + (if (null key) + (unless (funcall popup-menu-show-quick-help-function menu nil :prompt prompt) + (clear-this-command-keys) + (push (read-event prompt) unread-command-events)) + (if (eq (lookup-key (current-global-map) key) 'keyboard-quit) + (keyboard-quit)) + (setq binding (lookup-key keymap key)) + (cond + ((eq binding 'popup-close) + (if (popup-parent menu) + (return))) + ((memq binding '(popup-select popup-open)) + (let* ((item (popup-selected-item menu)) + (sublist (popup-item-sublist item))) + (if sublist + (popup-aif (popup-cascade-menu sublist + :around nil + :parent menu + :margin-left (popup-margin-left menu) + :margin-right (popup-margin-right menu) + :scroll-bar (popup-scroll-bar menu)) + (and it (return it))) + (if (eq binding 'popup-select) + (return (popup-item-value-or-self item)))))) + ((eq binding 'popup-next) + (popup-next menu)) + ((eq binding 'popup-previous) + (popup-previous menu)) + ((eq binding 'popup-help) + (popup-menu-show-help menu)) + ((eq binding 'popup-isearch) + (popup-isearch menu + :cursor-color isearch-cursor-color + :keymap isearch-keymap + :callback isearch-callback + :help-delay help-delay)) + ((commandp binding) + (call-interactively binding)) + (t + (funcall fallback key (key-binding key)))))))) + +;; popup-menu is used by mouse.el unfairly... +(defun* popup-menu* (list + &key + point + (around t) + (width (popup-preferred-width list)) + (height 15) + margin + margin-left + margin-right + scroll-bar + symbol + parent + parent-offset + (keymap popup-menu-keymap) + (fallback 'popup-menu-fallback) + help-delay + prompt + isearch + (isearch-cursor-color popup-isearch-cursor-color) + (isearch-keymap popup-isearch-keymap) + isearch-callback + &aux menu event) + (and (eq margin t) (setq margin 1)) + (or margin-left (setq margin-left margin)) + (or margin-right (setq margin-right margin)) + (if (and scroll-bar + (integerp margin-right) + (> margin-right 0)) + ;; Make scroll-bar space as margin-right + (decf margin-right)) + (setq menu (popup-create point width height + :around around + :face 'popup-menu-face + :selection-face 'popup-menu-selection-face + :margin-left margin-left + :margin-right margin-right + :scroll-bar scroll-bar + :symbol symbol + :parent parent)) + (unwind-protect + (progn + (popup-set-list menu list) + (popup-draw menu) + (popup-menu-event-loop menu keymap fallback prompt help-delay isearch + isearch-cursor-color isearch-keymap isearch-callback)) + (popup-delete menu))) + +(defun popup-cascade-menu (list &rest args) + "Same to `popup-menu', but an element of `LIST' can be +list of submenu." + (apply 'popup-menu* + (mapcar (lambda (item) + (if (consp item) + (popup-make-item (car item) + :sublist (cdr item) + :symbol ">") + item)) + list) + :symbol t + args)) + +(defvar popup-menu-keymap + (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) + (define-key map "\r" 'popup-select) + (define-key map "\C-f" 'popup-open) + (define-key map [right] 'popup-open) + (define-key map "\C-b" 'popup-close) + (define-key map [left] 'popup-close) + + (define-key map "\C-n" 'popup-next) + (define-key map [down] 'popup-next) + (define-key map "\C-p" 'popup-previous) + (define-key map [up] 'popup-previous) + + (define-key map [f1] 'popup-help) + (define-key map (kbd "\C-?") 'popup-help) + + (define-key map "\C-s" 'popup-isearch) + map)) + +(provide 'popup) +;;; popup.el ends here diff --git a/emacs.d/rainbow-mode.el b/emacs.d/rainbow-mode.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8207abc --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/rainbow-mode.el @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +;;; rainbow-mode.el --- prints color strings with colored background + +;; Copyright (C) 2010 Julien Danjou + +;; Author: Julien Danjou +;; Keywords: strings, faces + +;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. + +;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +;; (at your option) any later version. + +;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;; GNU General Public License for more details. + +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . + +;;; Commentary: +;; This minor mode will add background to strings that matches color names. +;; i.e. +;; #0000ff +;; Will be printed in white with a blue background. +;; + +;;; Code: + +(eval-when-compile + (require 'cl)) + +(require 'regexp-opt) +(require 'faces) + +(defgroup rainbow nil + "Show color strings with a background color." + :tag "Rainbow" + :group 'help) + +;; Hexadecimal colors +(defvar rainbow-hexadecimal-colors-font-lock-keywords + '("#[0-9a-fA-F]\\{3\\}[0-9a-fA-F]\\{3\\}?" + (0 (rainbow-colorize-itself))) + "Font-lock keywords to add for hexadecimal colors.") + +;; rgb() colors +(defvar rainbow-html-rgb-colors-font-lock-keywords + '(("rgb(\s*\\([0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\(?:\s*%\\)?\\)\s*,\s*\\([0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\(?:\s*%\\)?\\)\s*,\s*\\([0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\(?:\s*%\\)?\\)\s*)" + (0 (rainbow-colorize-rgb))) + ("rgba(\s*\\([0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\(?:\s*%\\)?\\)\s*,\s*\\([0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\(?:\s*%\\)?\\)\s*,\s*\\([0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\(?:\s*%\\)?\\)\s*,\s*[0-9]\\{1,3\\}\s*%?\s*)" + (0 (rainbow-colorize-rgb)))) + "Font-lock keywords to add for RGB colors.") + +;; HTML colors name +(defvar rainbow-html-colors-font-lock-keywords nil + "Font-lock keywords to add for HTML colors.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'rainbow-html-colors-font-lock-keywords) + +(defcustom rainbow-html-colors-alist + '(("black" . "#000000") + ("silver" . "#C0C0C0") + ("gray" . "#808080") + ("white" . "#FFFFFF") + ("maroon" . "#800000") + ("red" . "#FF0000") + ("purple" . "#800080") + ("fuchsia" . "#FF00FF") + ("green" . "#008000") + ("lime" . "#00FF00") + ("olive" . "#808000") + ("yellow" . "#FFFF00") + ("navy" . "#000080") + ("blue" . "#0000FF") + ("teal" . "#008080") + ("aqua" . "#00FFFF")) + "Alist of HTML colors. +Each entry should have the form (COLOR-NAME . HEXADECIMAL-COLOR)." + :group 'rainbow) + +(defcustom rainbow-html-colors-major-mode-list + '(html-mode css-mode php-mode nxml-mode xml-mode) + "List of major mode where HTML colors are enabled when +`rainbow-html-colors' is set to auto." + :group 'rainbow) + +(defcustom rainbow-html-colors 'auto + "When to enable HTML colors. +If set to t, the HTML colors will be enabled. If set to nil, the +HTML colors will not be enabled. If set to auto, the HTML colors +will be enabled if a major mode has been detected from the +`rainbow-html-colors-major-mode-list'." + :group 'rainbow) + +;; X colors +(defvar rainbow-x-colors-font-lock-keywords + `(,(regexp-opt (x-defined-colors) 'words) + (0 (rainbow-colorize-itself))) + "Font-lock keywords to add for X colors.") + +(defcustom rainbow-x-colors-major-mode-list + '(emacs-lisp-mode lisp-interaction-mode c-mode c++-mode java-mode) + "List of major mode where X colors are enabled when +`rainbow-x-colors' is set to auto." + :group 'rainbow) + +(defcustom rainbow-x-colors 'auto + "When to enable X colors. +If set to t, the X colors will be enabled. If set to nil, the +X colors will not be enabled. If set to auto, the X colors +will be enabled if a major mode has been detected from the +`rainbow-x-colors-major-mode-list'." + :group 'rainbow) + +;; Functions +(defun rainbow-colorize-match (color) + "Return a matched string propertized with a face whose +background is COLOR. The foreground is computed using +`rainbow-color-luminance', and is either white or black." + (put-text-property + (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) + 'face `((:foreground ,(if (> 128.0 (rainbow-x-color-luminance color)) + "white" "black")) + (:background ,color)))) + +(defun rainbow-colorize-itself () + "Colorize a match with itself." + (rainbow-colorize-match (match-string-no-properties 0))) + +(defun rainbow-colorize-by-assoc (assoc-list) + "Colorize a match with its association from ASSOC-LIST." + (rainbow-colorize-match (cdr (assoc (match-string-no-properties 0) assoc-list)))) + +(defun rainbow-rgb-relative-to-absolute (number) + "Convert a relative NUMBER to absolute. If NUMBER is absolute, return NUMBER. +This will convert \"80 %\" to 204, \"100 %\" to 255 but \"123\" to \"123\"" + (let ((string-length (- (length number) 1))) + ;; Is this a number with %? + (if (eq (elt number string-length) ?%) + (/ (* (string-to-number (substring number 0 string-length)) 255) 100) + (string-to-number number)))) + +(defun rainbow-colorize-rgb () + "Colorize a match with itself." + (let ((r (rainbow-rgb-relative-to-absolute (match-string-no-properties 1))) + (g (rainbow-rgb-relative-to-absolute (match-string-no-properties 2))) + (b (rainbow-rgb-relative-to-absolute (match-string-no-properties 3)))) + (rainbow-colorize-match (format "#%02X%02X%02X" r g b)))) + +(defun rainbow-color-luminance (red green blue) + "Calculate the luminance of color composed of RED, BLUE and GREEN." + (floor (+ (* .2126 red) (* .7152 green) (* .0722 blue)) 256)) + +(defun rainbow-x-color-luminance (color) + "Calculate the luminance of a color string (e.g. \"#ffaa00\", \"blue\")." + (let* ((values (x-color-values color)) + (r (car values)) + (g (cadr values)) + (b (caddr values))) + (rainbow-color-luminance r g b))) + +(defun rainbow-turn-on () + "Turn on raibow-mode." + (font-lock-add-keywords nil + (list rainbow-hexadecimal-colors-font-lock-keywords)) + ;; Activate X colors? + (when (or (eq rainbow-x-colors t) + (and (eq rainbow-x-colors 'auto) + (memq major-mode rainbow-x-colors-major-mode-list))) + (font-lock-add-keywords nil + (list rainbow-x-colors-font-lock-keywords))) + ;; Activate HTML colors? + (when (or (eq rainbow-html-colors t) + (and (eq rainbow-html-colors 'auto) + (memq major-mode rainbow-html-colors-major-mode-list))) + (setq rainbow-html-colors-font-lock-keywords + `(,(regexp-opt (mapcar 'car rainbow-html-colors-alist) 'words) + (0 (rainbow-colorize-by-assoc rainbow-html-colors-alist)))) + (font-lock-add-keywords nil + `(,rainbow-html-colors-font-lock-keywords + ,@rainbow-html-rgb-colors-font-lock-keywords)))) + +(defun rainbow-turn-off () + "Turn off rainbow-mode." + (font-lock-remove-keywords + nil + (list + rainbow-hexadecimal-colors-font-lock-keywords + rainbow-html-colors-font-lock-keywords + rainbow-x-colors-font-lock-keywords + rainbow-html-rgb-colors-font-lock-keywords))) + +;;;###autoload +(define-minor-mode rainbow-mode + "Colorize strings that represent colors. +This will fontify with colors the string like \"#aabbcc\" or \"blue\"" + :lighter " Rbow" + (progn + (if rainbow-mode + (rainbow-turn-on) + (rainbow-turn-off)) + ;; Turn on font lock + (font-lock-mode 1))) + +(provide 'rainbow-mode) diff --git a/emacs.d/sqlplus.el b/emacs.d/sqlplus.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d5e7d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/sqlplus.el @@ -0,0 +1,5151 @@ +;;; sqlplus.el --- User friendly interface to SQL*Plus and support for PL/SQL compilation + +;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Peter Karpiuk, Scott Tiger S.A. + +;; Author: Peter Karpiuk +;; Maintainer: Peter Karpiuk +;; Created: 25 Nov 2007 +;; Version 0.9.0 +;; Keywords: sql sqlplus oracle plsql + +;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published +;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your +;; option) any later version. + +;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +;; General Public License for more details. + +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the +;; Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + +;;; Commentary: + +;; Facilitates interaction with Oracle via SQL*Plus (GNU Emacs only). +;; Moreover, this package complements plsql.el (Kahlil Hodgson) +;; upon convenient compilation of PL/SQL source files. +;; +;; This package was inspired by sqlplus-mode.el (Rob Riepel, Peter +;; D. Pezaris, Martin Schwenke), but offers more features: +;; - tables are parsed, formatted and rendered with colors, like in +;; many GUI programs; you can see raw SQL*Plus output also, +;; if you wish +;; - table will be cutted if you try to fetch too many rows +;; (SELECT * FROM MY_MILLION_ROWS_TABLE); current SQL*Plus command +;; will be automatically interrupted under the hood in such cases +;; - you can use many SQL*Plus processes simultaneously, +;; - font locking (especially if you use Emacs>=22), with database +;; object names highlighting, +;; - history (log) of executed commands - see` sqlplus-history-dir` +;; variable, +;; - commands for fetching any database object definition +;; (package, table/index/sequence script) +;; - query result can be shown in HTML, +;; - input buffer for each connection can be saved into file on +;; disconnect and automatically restored on next connect (see +;; 'sqlplus-session-cache-dir' variable); if you place some +;; SQL*Plus commands between '/* init */' and '/* end */' +;; comments in saved input buffer, they will be automatically +;; executed on every connect +;; - if you use plsql.el for editing PL/SQL files, you can compile +;; such sources everytime with C-cC-c; error messages will be +;; parsed and displayed for easy source navigation +;; - M-. or C-mouse-1 on database object name will go to definition +;; in filesystem (use arrow button on toolbar to go back) +;; +;; The following commands should be added to a global initialization +;; file or to any user's .emacs file to conveniently use +;; sqlplus-mode: +;; +;; (require 'sqlplus) +;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.sqp\\'" . sqlplus-mode)) +;; +;; If you want PL/SQL support also, try something like this: +;; +;; (require 'plsql) +;; (setq auto-mode-alist +;; (append '(("\\.pls\\'" . plsql-mode) ("\\.pkg\\'" . plsql-mode) +;; ("\\.pks\\'" . plsql-mode) ("\\.pkb\\'" . plsql-mode) +;; ("\\.sql\\'" . plsql-mode) ("\\.PLS\\'" . plsql-mode) +;; ("\\.PKG\\'" . plsql-mode) ("\\.PKS\\'" . plsql-mode) +;; ("\\.PKB\\'" . plsql-mode) ("\\.SQL\\'" . plsql-mode) +;; ("\\.prc\\'" . plsql-mode) ("\\.fnc\\'" . plsql-mode) +;; ("\\.trg\\'" . plsql-mode) ("\\.vw\\'" . plsql-mode) +;; ("\\.PRC\\'" . plsql-mode) ("\\.FNC\\'" . plsql-mode) +;; ("\\.TRG\\'" . plsql-mode) ("\\.VW\\'" . plsql-mode)) +;; auto-mode-alist )) +;; +;; M-x sqlplus will start new SQL*Plus session. +;; +;; C-RET execute command under point +;; S-C-RET execute command under point and show result table in HTML +;; buffer +;; M-RET explain execution plan for command under point +;; M-. or C-mouse-1: find database object definition (table, view +;; index, synonym, trigger, procedure, function, package) +;; in filesystem +;; C-cC-s show database object definition (retrieved from database) +;; +;; Use describe-mode while in sqlplus-mode for further instructions. +;; +;; Many useful commands are defined in orcl-mode minor mode, which is +;; common for input and otput SQL*Plus buffers, as well as PL/SQL +;; buffers. +;; +;; For twiddling, see 'sqlplus' customization group. +;; +;; If you find this package useful, send me a postcard to address: +;; +;; Peter Karpiuk +;; Scott Tiger S.A. +;; ul. Gawinskiego 8 +;; 01-645 Warsaw +;; Poland + +;;; Known bugs: + +;; 1. Result of SQL select command can be messed up if some columns +;; has newline characters. To avoid this, execute SQL*Plus command +;; column truncated +;; before such select + +;;; Code: + +(require 'recentf) +(require 'font-lock) +(require 'cl) +(require 'sql) +(require 'tabify) +(require 'skeleton) + +(defconst sqlplus-revision "$Revision: 1.7 $") + +;;; Variables - + +(defgroup sqlplus nil + "SQL*Plus" + :group 'tools + :version 21) + +(defcustom plsql-auto-parse-errors-flag t + "Non nil means parse PL/SQL compilation results and show them in the compilation buffer." + :group 'sqlplus + :type '(boolean)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-init-sequence-start-regexp "/\\* init \\*/" + "SQL*Plus start of session init command sequence." + :group 'sqlplus + :type '(regexp)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-init-sequence-end-regexp "/\\* end \\*/" + "SQL*Plus end of session init command sequence." + :group 'sqlplus + :type '(regexp)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-explain-plan-warning-regexps '("TABLE ACCESS FULL" "INDEX FULL SCAN") + "SQL*Plus explain plan warning regexps" + :group 'sqlplus + :type '(repeat regexp)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-syntax-faces + '((schema font-lock-type-face nil) + (table font-lock-type-face ("dual")) + (synonym font-lock-type-face nil) + (view font-lock-type-face nil) + (column font-lock-constant-face nil) + (sequence font-lock-type-face nil) + (package font-lock-type-face nil) + (trigger font-lock-type-face nil) + (index font-lock-type-face) nil) + "Font lock configuration for database object names in current schema. +This is alist, and each element looks like (SYMBOL FACE LIST) +where SYMBOL is one of: schema, table, synonym, view, column, +sequence, package, trigger, index. Database objects means only +objects from current schema, so if you want syntax highlighting +for other objects (eg. 'dual' table name), you can explicitly +enumerate them in LIST as strings." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "Oracle SQL Syntax Faces" + :type '(repeat (list symbol face (repeat string)))) + +(defcustom sqlplus-output-buffer-max-size (* 50 1000 1000) + "Maximum size of SQL*Plus output buffer. +After exceeding oldest results are deleted." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Output Buffer Max Size" + :type '(integer)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-select-result-max-col-width nil + "Maximum width of column in displayed database table, or nil if there is no limit. +If any cell value is longer, it will be cutted and terminated with ellipsis ('...')." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Select Result Max Column Width" + :type '(choice integer (const nil))) + +(defcustom sqlplus-format-output-tables-flag t + "Non-nil means format result if it looks like database table." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Format Output Table" + :type '(boolean)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-kill-processes-without-query-on-exit-flag t + "Non-nil means silently kill all SQL*Plus processes on Emacs exit." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Kill Processes Without Query On Exit" + :type '(boolean)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-multi-output-tables-default-flag t + "Non-nil means render database table as set of adjacent tables so that they occupy all width of output window. +For screen space saving and user comfort." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Multiple Tables In Output by Default" + :type '(boolean)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-source-buffer-readonly-by-default-flag t + "Non-nil means show database sources in read-only buffer." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Source Buffer Read Only By Default" + :type '(boolean)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-command "sqlplus" + "SQL*Plus interpreter program." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Command" + :type '(string)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-history-dir nil + "Directory of SQL*Plus command history (log) files, or nil (dont generate log files). +History file name has format '-history.txt'." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus History Dir" + :type '(choice directory (const nil))) + +(defvar sqlplus-session-file-extension "sqp") + +(defcustom sqlplus-session-cache-dir nil + "Directory of SQL*Plus input buffer files, or nil (dont save user session). +Session file name has format '.sqp'" + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus History Dir" + :type '(choice directory (const nil))) + +(defcustom sqlplus-save-passwords nil + "Non-nil means save passwords between Emacs sessions. (Not implemented yet)." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Save Passwords" + :type '(boolean)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-pagesize 200 + "Approximate number of records in query results. +If result has more rows, it will be cutted and terminated with '. . .' line." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Max Rows Count" + :type '(integer)) + +(defvar sqlplus-default-wrap "on") + +(defcustom sqlplus-initial-strings + (list "set sqlnumber off" + "set tab off" + "set linesize 4000" + "set echo off" + "set newpage 1" + "set space 1" + "set feedback 6" + "set heading on" + "set trimspool off" + (format "set wrap %s" sqlplus-default-wrap) + "set timing on" + "set feedback on") + "Initial commands to send to interpreter. +Customizing this variable is dangerous." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Initial Strings" + :type '(repeat string)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-table-col-separator " | " + "Database table column separator (text-only terminals)." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Table Col Separator" + :type '(string)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-table-col-head-separator "-+-" + "Database table header-column separator (text-only terminals)." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus Table Col Separator" + :type '(string)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-html-output-file-name "$HOME/sqlplus_report.html" + "Output file for HTML result." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus HTML Output File Name" + :type '(file)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-html-output-encoding "iso-8859-1" + "Encoding for SQL*Plus HTML output." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus HTML Output Encoding" + :type '(string)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-html-output-sql t + "Non-nil means put SQL*Plus command in head of HTML result." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus HTML Output Encoding" + :type '(choice (const :tag "Elegant" 'elegant) + (const :tag "Simple" t) + (const :tag "No" nil))) + +(defcustom sqlplus-html-output-header (concat (current-time-string) "

") + "HTML header sexp (result must be string)." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus HTML Output Header" + :type '(sexp)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-command-highlighting-percentage 7 + "SQL*Plus command highlighting percentage (0-100), only if sqlplus-command-highlighting-style is set." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plus command highlighting percentage" + :type '(integer)) + +(defcustom sqlplus-command-highlighting-style nil + "How to highlight current command in sqlplus buffer." + :group 'sqlplus + :tag "SQL*Plud command highlighting style" + :type '(choice (const :tag "Fringe" fringe) + (const :tag "Background" background) + (const :tag "Fringe and background" fringe-and-background) + (const :tag "None" nil))) + +(defvar sqlplus-elegant-style window-system) + +(defvar sqlplus-cs nil) + +(defun sqlplus-shine-color (color percent) + (when (equal color "unspecified-bg") + (setq color (if (< percent 0) "white" "black"))) + (apply 'format "#%02x%02x%02x" + (mapcar (lambda (value) + (min 65535 (max 0 (* (+ (/ value 650) percent) 650)))) + (color-values color)))) + +(defvar sqlplus-table-head-face 'sqlplus-table-head-face) +(defface sqlplus-table-head-face + (list + (list '((class mono)) + '(:inherit default :weight bold :inverse-video t)) + (list '((background light)) + (append (list :inherit 'default :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) -70) :foreground (face-background 'default)) + (when (and sqlplus-elegant-style (>= emacs-major-version 22)) '(:box (:style released-button))))) + (list '((background dark)) + (append (list :inherit 'default :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) +70) :foreground (face-background 'default)) + (when (and sqlplus-elegant-style (>= emacs-major-version 22)) '(:box (:style released-button))))) + '(t (:inherit default))) + "Face for table header" + :group 'sqlplus) + +(defvar sqlplus-table-even-rows-face 'sqlplus-table-even-rows-face) +(defface sqlplus-table-even-rows-face + (list + (list '((class mono)) '()) + (list '((type tty)) '()) + (list '((background light)) + (append (list :inherit 'default :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) -20) :overline (face-background 'default)))) + (list '((background dark)) + (append (list :inherit 'default :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) +20) :overline (face-background 'default)))) + '(t ())) + "Face for table even rows" + :group 'sqlplus) + +(defvar sqlplus-table-odd-rows-face 'sqlplus-table-odd-rows-face) +(defface sqlplus-table-odd-rows-face + (list + (list '((class mono)) '(:inherit default)) + (list '((background light)) + (append (list :inherit 'default :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) -30) :overline (face-background 'default)))) + (list '((background dark)) + (append (list :inherit 'default :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) +30) :overline (face-background 'default)))) + '(t (:inherit default))) + "Face for table even rows" + :group 'sqlplus) + +(defvar sqlplus-command-highlight-face 'sqlplus-command-highlight-face) +(defface sqlplus-command-highlight-face + (list + '(((class mono)) ()) + '(((type tty)) ()) + (list '((background light)) + (append (list :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) (- sqlplus-command-highlighting-percentage))))) + (list '((background dark)) + (append (list :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) sqlplus-command-highlighting-percentage)))) + '(t ())) + "Face for highlighting command under point" + :group 'sqlplus) + +(defvar sqlplus-plsql-compilation-results-buffer-name "*PL/SQL Compilation*") + +(defvar sqlplus-fan "|" + "Local in input buffers") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-fan) + +(defvar orcl-mode-map nil + "Keymap used in Orcl mode.") + +(define-minor-mode orcl-mode + "Mode for executing SQL*Plus commands and scrolling results. + +Mode Specific Bindings: + +\\{orcl-mode-map}" + nil ; init value + (" " (:eval sqlplus-fan) " " (:eval (connect-string-to-string))) ; mode indicator + orcl-mode-map ; keymap + ;; body + (setq sqlplus-fan "|") + (unless (assq 'orcl-mode minor-mode-map-alist) + (push (cons 'orcl-mode orcl-mode-map) minor-mode-map-alist))) + +(defvar sqlplus-user-variables (makehash 'equal)) + +(defvar sqlplus-user-variables-history nil) + +(defvar sqlplus-get-source-history nil) + +(defvar sqlplus-process-p nil + "Non-nil (connect string) if current buffer is SQL*Plus process buffer. +Local in process buffer.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-process-p) + +(defvar sqlplus-command-seq 0 + "Sequence for command id within SQL*Plus connection. +Local in process buffer.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-command-seq) + +;;; :id - unique command identifier (from sequence, for session) +;;; :sql - content of command +;;; :dont-parse-result - process data online as it comes from sqlplus, with sqlplus-result-online or with :result-function function +;;; :result-function - function for processing sqlplus data; must have signature (context connect-string begin end interrupted); +;;; if nil then it is sqlplus-result-online for :dont-parse-result set to non-nil and sqlplus-process-command-output for :dont-parse-result set to nil +;;; :current-command-input-buffer-name - buffer name from which command was initialized +(defvar sqlplus-command-contexts nil + "Command options list, for current and enqueued commands, in chronological order. +Local in process buffer.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-command-contexts) + +(defvar sqlplus-connect-string nil + "Local variable with connect-string for current buffer (input buffers, output buffer).") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-connect-string) + +(defvar sqlplus-connect-strings-alist nil + "Connect strings in format (CS . PASSWD), where PASSWD can be nil.") + +(defvar sqlplus-connect-string-history nil) + +(defvar sqlplus-prompt-prefix "SQL[") +(defvar sqlplus-prompt-suffix "]# ") + +(defvar sqlplus-page-separator "@!%#!") + +(defvar sqlplus-repfooter "##%@!") + +(defvar sqlplus-mode-map nil + "Keymap used in SQL*Plus mode.") + +(defvar sqlplus-output-separator "@--" + "String printed between sets of SQL*Plus command output.") + +;;; Markers - + +(defvar sqlplus-buffer-mark (make-marker) + "Marks the current SQL command in the SQL*Plus output buffer. +Local in output buffer.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-buffer-mark) + +(defvar sqlplus-region-beginning-pos nil + "Marks the beginning of the region to sent to the SQL*Plus process. +Local in input buffer with sqlplus-mode.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-region-beginning-pos) + +(defvar sqlplus-region-end-pos nil + "Marks the end of the region to sent to the SQL*Plus process. +Local in input buffer with sqlplus-mode.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-region-end-pos) + +(defvar sqlplus-connections-menu + '("SQL*Plus" + :filter sqlplus-connections-menu) + "Menu for database connections") + +(defconst sqlplus-kill-xpm "\ +/* XPM */ +static char * reload_page_xpm[] = { +\"24 24 100 2\", +\" c None\", +\". c #000000\", +\"+ c #2A5695\", +\"@ c #30609E\", +\"# c #3363A2\", +\"$ c #3969A6\", +\"% c #3D6BA6\", +\"& c #3C68A3\", +\"* c #35619C\", +\"= c #244F8D\", +\"- c #3364A3\", +\"; c #3162A1\", +\"> c #3867A4\", +\", c #3F6DA8\", +\"' c #4672AC\", +\") c #4B76AE\", +\"! c #4E78AF\", +\"~ c #537CB1\", +\"{ c #547DB0\", +\"] c #446BA1\", +\"^ c #2E5D9C\", +\"/ c #234F8C\", +\"( c #214C89\", +\"_ c #244E8C\", +\": c #3A649D\", +\"< c #517BB0\", +\"[ c #517BB1\", +\"} c #4874AD\", +\"| c #6086B7\", +\"1 c #5F84B4\", +\"2 c #4B71A6\", +\"3 c #7B9BC4\", +\"4 c #224C89\", +\"5 c #3865A2\", +\"6 c #406FAB\", +\"7 c #436BA3\", +\"8 c #648ABA\", +\"9 c #4D78AF\", +\"0 c #4B77AE\", +\"a c #6E91BE\", +\"b c #809EC6\", +\"c c #204A87\", +\"d c #4974AF\", +\"e c #2B5590\", +\"f c #6487B5\", +\"g c #678CBB\", +\"h c #3465A4\", +\"i c #84A1C8\", +\"j c #6D8FBA\", +\"k c #4F7AB0\", +\"l c #8BA7CB\", +\"m c #7E9DC5\", +\"n c #83A1C7\", +\"o c #91ACCE\", +\"p c #89A4C9\", +\"q c #8FA9CB\", +\"r c #85A2C7\", +\"s c #90ABCC\", +\"t c #3E6CA8\", +\"u c #87A3C8\", +\"v c #4B6DA1\", +\"w c #91ABCD\", +\"x c #3768A5\", +\"y c #8AA5C9\", +\"z c #2D5690\", +\"A c #204A86\", +\"B c #93ADCE\", +\"C c #7294BF\", +\"D c #6288B9\", +\"E c #86A3C8\", +\"F c #466EA3\", +\"G c #3864A1\", +\"H c #285390\", +\"I c #234E8C\", +\"J c #95AECF\", +\"K c #7493BC\", +\"L c #86A2C7\", +\"M c #7999C3\", +\"N c #5B82B5\", +\"O c #6C8EBB\", +\"P c #4B71A5\", +\"Q c #26508B\", +\"R c #2B5792\", +\"S c #305E9B\", +\"T c #31619F\", +\"U c #7895BD\", +\"V c #819DC3\", +\"W c #688DBB\", +\"X c #6288B8\", +\"Y c #5880B4\", +\"Z c #577FB3\", +\"` c #547DB2\", +\" . c #416FAA\", +\".. c #3564A2\", +\"+. c #577AAB\", +\"@. c #6286B6\", +\"#. c #668BBA\", +\"$. c #507AB0\", +\"%. c #426EA8\", +\"&. c #2F5B97\", +\" \", +\" \", +\" \", +\" . . . . . . . . \", +\" . . + @ # $ % & * . . . . \", +\" . = - ; @ > , ' ) ! ~ { . . . ] . \", +\" . ^ / ( _ . . . : < [ } | 1 2 3 . \", +\" . _ 4 5 6 . . . 7 8 9 0 a b . \", +\" . c d . . . e f g h i . \", +\" . . . . . j k h l . \", +\" . . f m n l o . \", +\" . . . . . . . . \", +\" . . . . . . . . \", +\" . p q q q r . . \", +\" . s , t u v . . . . \", +\" . w x | y z . . . . A . \", +\" . B C 9 D E F . . . G H I . \", +\" . J K L M N C O P . . . Q R S T . \", +\" . U . . . V W X | Y Z ` ) .... \", +\" . . . . +.@.#.N $.%.&.. . \", +\" . . . . . . . . \", +\" \", +\" \", +\" \"}; +" + "XPM format image used as Kill icon") + +(defconst sqlplus-cancel-xpm "\ +/* XPM */ +static char * process_stop_xpm[] = { +\"24 24 197 2\", +\" c None\", +\". c #000000\", +\"+ c #C92B1E\", +\"@ c #DA432F\", +\"# c #E95941\", +\"$ c #F26B50\", +\"% c #ED6047\", +\"& c #DF4A35\", +\"* c #CE3324\", +\"= c #BF1D13\", +\"- c #EA5942\", +\"; c #EF563A\", +\"> c #F14D2C\", +\", c #F1431F\", +\"' c #F23A12\", +\") c #F2421C\", +\"! c #F24D2A\", +\"~ c #F15737\", +\"{ c #F0644A\", +\"] c #CF3121\", +\"^ c #D83828\", +\"/ c #ED5840\", +\"( c #EC3B1C\", +\"_ c #EE310B\", +\": c #F1350C\", +\"< c #F4380D\", +\"[ c #F53A0D\", +\"} c #F53B0D\", +\"| c #F4390D\", +\"1 c #F2360C\", +\"2 c #EF3A15\", +\"3 c #F05A3D\", +\"4 c #E44D37\", +\"5 c #CD2B1E\", +\"6 c #EA4D35\", +\"7 c #E92D0C\", +\"8 c #ED2F0B\", +\"9 c #F0330C\", +\"0 c #F3380D\", +\"a c #F63C0E\", +\"b c #F93F0F\", +\"c c #F9400F\", +\"d c #F73D0E\", +\"e c #F1340C\", +\"f c #EE300B\", +\"g c #EC482C\", +\"h c #E04532\", +\"i c #E84E3A\", +\"j c #E62A0E\", +\"k c #EA2B0A\", +\"l c #F83F0E\", +\"m c #FC4310\", +\"n c #FC4410\", +\"o c #F63B0E\", +\"p c #EB2C0A\", +\"q c #EB5139\", +\"r c #C8251A\", +\"s c #DD3D2E\", +\"t c #E5341D\", +\"u c #E62508\", +\"v c #F9BEB2\", +\"w c #FBCFC5\", +\"x c #F54C23\", +\"y c #F95125\", +\"z c #FDD4CB\", +\"A c #FABFB2\", +\"B c #E83013\", +\"C c #E84F3B\", +\"D c #E54737\", +\"E c #E22007\", +\"F c #E92A09\", +\"G c #FBD2CA\", +\"H c #FFFFFF\", +\"I c #FDDFD9\", +\"J c #F64E24\", +\"K c #FDE0D9\", +\"L c #E72609\", +\"M c #E7452F\", +\"N c #E33D2D\", +\"O c #E11E07\", +\"P c #E52308\", +\"Q c #E82809\", +\"R c #EC3F21\", +\"S c #FCDED8\", +\"T c #F55C37\", +\"U c #FCDFD8\", +\"V c #F04521\", +\"W c #EC2E0A\", +\"X c #E92909\", +\"Y c #E62408\", +\"Z c #E53823\", +\"` c #CE2B1F\", +\" . c #C62018\", +\".. c #E03120\", +\"+. c #E01C06\", +\"@. c #E32107\", +\"#. c #ED4121\", +\"$. c #FEF9F8\", +\"%. c #E72709\", +\"&. c #E42208\", +\"*. c #E32D17\", +\"=. c #D83729\", +\"-. c #CB231B\", +\";. c #DE2A1B\", +\">. c #DE1A06\", +\",. c #EE5135\", +\"'. c #EF5335\", +\"). c #EC2D0A\", +\"!. c #E82709\", +\"~. c #E21F07\", +\"{. c #E02511\", +\"]. c #DC392C\", +\"^. c #BE1612\", +\"/. c #DD2E21\", +\"(. c #DC1705\", +\"_. c #DF1B06\", +\":. c #E42308\", +\"<. c #E93A20\", +\"[. c #FBDDD8\", +\"}. c #EB3D20\", +\"|. c #DF2A18\", +\"1. c #D02A1F\", +\"2. c #DC3328\", +\"3. c #DA1404\", +\"4. c #DD1805\", +\"5. c #E3331E\", +\"6. c #FADCD8\", +\"7. c #FBDCD8\", +\"8. c #EB4C34\", +\"9. c #E6361F\", +\"0. c #DD1905\", +\"a. c #DF2F21\", +\"b. c #C21A14\", +\"c. c #DA3128\", +\"d. c #D81408\", +\"e. c #F7C9C4\", +\"f. c #FADBD8\", +\"g. c #E5341E\", +\"h. c #E5351E\", +\"i. c #F8CEC9\", +\"j. c #DB1505\", +\"k. c #DD3429\", +\"l. c #C31613\", +\"m. c #D9281F\", +\"n. c #D71003\", +\"o. c #D91304\", +\"p. c #F3B5B0\", +\"q. c #F7CDC9\", +\"r. c #E12F1D\", +\"s. c #DF1C06\", +\"t. c #E2301D\", +\"u. c #F4B6B0\", +\"v. c #DC1605\", +\"w. c #DB2317\", +\"x. c #D2271F\", +\"y. c #D1231D\", +\"z. c #D61A10\", +\"A. c #D60F03\", +\"B. c #D81104\", +\"C. c #DB1605\", +\"D. c #D81204\", +\"E. c #D81509\", +\"F. c #DA2F26\", +\"G. c #D52620\", +\"H. c #D51A12\", +\"I. c #D50D03\", +\"J. c #D60E03\", +\"K. c #D6170D\", +\"L. c #D92B23\", +\"M. c #BD100D\", +\"N. c #AB0404\", +\"O. c #CE1D19\", +\"P. c #D6231C\", +\"Q. c #D41008\", +\"R. c #D40B02\", +\"S. c #D40C02\", +\"T. c #D50C03\", +\"U. c #D40E05\", +\"V. c #D62018\", +\"W. c #D4251F\", +\"X. c #B30A09\", +\"Y. c #A20000\", +\"Z. c #BC0F0E\", +\"`. c #D2211E\", +\" + c #D52520\", +\".+ c #D5201A\", +\"++ c #D41A14\", +\"@+ c #D51F19\", +\"#+ c #D62620\", +\"$+ c #D52420\", +\"%+ c #C51614\", +\"&+ c #A30101\", +\"*+ c #A30303\", +\"=+ c #AE0909\", +\"-+ c #BD0E0E\", +\";+ c #B30B0B\", +\">+ c #A30404\", +\" \", +\" . . . . . . . \", +\" . . + @ # $ % & * . . \", +\" . = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] . \", +\" . ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 4 . \", +\" . 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d | e f g h . \", +\" . i j k f : [ l m n c o 1 _ p q r . \", +\" . s t u k v w x l m n y z A _ p B C . \", +\" . D E u F G H I J b y K H w f k L M . \", +\" . N O P Q R S H I T K H U V W X Y Z ` . \", +\" . ...+.@.u F #.S H $.H U V 8 k %.&.*.=.. \", +\" . -.;.>.O &.L F ,.$.H $.'.).k !.P ~.{.].. \", +\" . ^./.(._.~.:.<.[.H $.H [.}.L P E +.|.1.. \", +\" . 2.3.4._.5.6.H 7.8.7.H 6.9.~.+.0.a.b.. \", +\" . c.d.3.(.e.H f.g.@.h.6.H i._.4.j.k.. \", +\" . l.m.n.o.p.q.r._.s.s.t.e.u.v.3.w.x.. \", +\" . y.z.A.B.o.j.C.(.(.v.j.3.D.E.F.. \", +\" . G.H.I.J.n.B.B.B.B.n.A.K.L.M.. \", +\" . N.O.P.Q.R.S.T.T.S.U.V.W.X.. \", +\" . Y.Z.`. +.+++@+#+$+%+&+. \", +\" . . . *+=+-+;+>+Y.. . \", +\" . . . . . . \", +\" \", +\" \"}; +" + "XPM format image used as Cancel icon") + +(defconst sqlplus-rollback-xpm "\ +/* XPM */ +static char * rollback_xpm[] = { +\"24 24 228 2\", +\" c None\", +\". c #000000\", +\"+ c #F8F080\", +\"@ c #FEF57B\", +\"# c #FFF571\", +\"$ c #FFF164\", +\"% c #FFED58\", +\"& c #FFE748\", +\"* c #FEDE39\", +\"= c #F8F897\", +\"- c #FFFE96\", +\"; c #FFFA8A\", +\"> c #FFF67C\", +\", c #FFF16E\", +\"' c #FFEC62\", +\") c #FFE956\", +\"! c #FFE448\", +\"~ c #FFE03C\", +\"{ c #FFDD30\", +\"] c #FED821\", +\"^ c #F1CB15\", +\"/ c #FFFC92\", +\"( c #FFFC91\", +\"_ c #FFFC90\", +\": c #FFFB8D\", +\"< c #FFF67D\", +\"[ c #FFEB5E\", +\"} c #FFEA5B\", +\"| c #FFE958\", +\"1 c #FFE855\", +\"2 c #FFE752\", +\"3 c #FDD41C\", +\"4 c #FDD319\", +\"5 c #FDD416\", +\"6 c #FFFF9D\", +\"7 c #FFFF99\", +\"8 c #FFFD94\", +\"9 c #FFFA89\", +\"0 c #FFDC2F\", +\"a c #FED315\", +\"b c #FFD808\", +\"c c #FFFC9F\", +\"d c #FFFE99\", +\"e c #FFDF3B\", +\"f c #F7C909\", +\"g c #F8EA86\", +\"h c #FEFCB7\", +\"i c #FFFDA6\", +\"j c #FFFA91\", +\"k c #FFF681\", +\"l c #FFF171\", +\"m c #FFED64\", +\"n c #FFE44A\", +\"o c #FFE03D\", +\"p c #FEDB2F\", +\"q c #F9D21E\", +\"r c #E9BC0F\", +\"s c #CE9C02\", +\"t c #F3E36A\", +\"u c #FCF899\", +\"v c #FFFCA3\", +\"w c #FEF694\", +\"x c #FFF284\", +\"y c #FFEE71\", +\"z c #FFEA62\", +\"A c #FDDC40\", +\"B c #F8D22F\", +\"C c #F1C61B\", +\"D c #DDAD0A\", +\"E c #CC9A02\", +\"F c #C89500\", +\"G c #F4EA77\", +\"H c #F7EF7F\", +\"I c #FFF16A\", +\"J c #FFEF68\", +\"K c #FFEE66\", +\"L c #FED622\", +\"M c #FED51E\", +\"N c #FED419\", +\"O c #E9B90E\", +\"P c #E7B509\", +\"Q c #D4A202\", +\"R c #CA9700\", +\"S c #F6E67C\", +\"T c #F3E67F\", +\"U c #FCEE7A\", +\"V c #FDEB66\", +\"W c #FEE44E\", +\"X c #FED313\", +\"Y c #FDCA03\", +\"Z c #F2BE01\", +\"` c #D4A60D\", +\" . c #D4A206\", +\".. c #D19C00\", +\"+. c #CF9800\", +\"@. c #E3AF02\", +\"#. c #F9EB81\", +\"$. c #FBF096\", +\"%. c #F9E67C\", +\"&. c #F8DC5F\", +\"*. c #F8D548\", +\"=. c #F9D02D\", +\"-. c #F9C915\", +\";. c #F7C104\", +\">. c #EEB606\", +\",. c #E9B704\", +\"'. c #DEAE08\", +\"). c #414D7B\", +\"!. c #3C5CA2\", +\"~. c #3A65B3\", +\"{. c #3668BB\", +\"]. c #325EAF\", +\"^. c #F3E46E\", +\"/. c #FCFA9B\", +\"(. c #FFF89C\", +\"_. c #FDEC81\", +\":. c #FCE668\", +\"<. c #FDDF4E\", +\"[. c #FCDA3C\", +\"}. c #FCD52E\", +\"|. c #FAD026\", +\"1. c #4662A2\", +\"2. c #465A8D\", +\"3. c #3F6CBA\", +\"4. c #3A68B7\", +\"5. c #2E529E\", +\"6. c #2655AC\", +\"7. c #F0DC69\", +\"8. c #FBF78C\", +\"9. c #FFF880\", +\"0. c #FFF06B\", +\"a. c #FFE03E\", +\"b. c #FFD828\", +\"c. c #FED015\", +\"d. c #F5C40A\", +\"e. c #4B70B4\", +\"f. c #4870B7\", +\"g. c #3C5CA1\", +\"h. c #4070BF\", +\"i. c #3759A0\", +\"j. c #1D469C\", +\"k. c #214493\", +\"l. c #F2DD6C\", +\"m. c #F8EB7E\", +\"n. c #FBEE7A\", +\"o. c #FBE461\", +\"p. c #FADB48\", +\"q. c #FBD631\", +\"r. c #FED10F\", +\"s. c #FECD07\", +\"t. c #F1BD00\", +\"u. c #456AAE\", +\"v. c #4C7ECA\", +\"w. c #487AC8\", +\"x. c #35528F\", +\"y. c #1B4294\", +\"z. c #1B4193\", +\"A. c #F9EA83\", +\"B. c #FCF08E\", +\"C. c #F6E16E\", +\"D. c #F4D559\", +\"E. c #F5CF45\", +\"F. c #F6CB2E\", +\"G. c #F8C611\", +\"H. c #F6C005\", +\"I. c #E8B300\", +\"J. c #4268AE\", +\"K. c #4375C4\", +\"L. c #3F71C1\", +\"M. c #33569B\", +\"N. c #173F94\", +\"O. c #183A8B\", +\"P. c #F3E36E\", +\"Q. c #FCF7A1\", +\"R. c #FEF9A1\", +\"S. c #FEEE7D\", +\"T. c #FCE360\", +\"U. c #FAD946\", +\"V. c #F9D132\", +\"W. c #F8CD26\", +\"X. c #F7CA20\", +\"Y. c #3B589A\", +\"Z. c #395FA9\", +\"`. c #3359A5\", +\" + c #3056A3\", +\".+ c #2B468D\", +\"++ c #0A3897\", +\"@+ c #E6D465\", +\"#+ c #FDFA90\", +\"$+ c #FFF885\", +\"%+ c #FFF074\", +\"&+ c #FFEA60\", +\"*+ c #FFE246\", +\"=+ c #FFDC31\", +\"-+ c #FED51F\", +\";+ c #F7CB14\", +\">+ c #173788\", +\",+ c #063494\", +\"'+ c #E8DE7B\", +\")+ c #FFFA86\", +\"!+ c #FFF26A\", +\"~+ c #FFE84F\", +\"{+ c #FFD415\", +\"]+ c #FDCC04\", +\"^+ c #F3C001\", +\"/+ c #EBB600\", +\"(+ c #E3AF01\", +\"_+ c #D7A100\", +\":+ c #2D3E7F\", +\"<+ c #033396\", +\"[+ c #CFB954\", +\"}+ c #DBC347\", +\"|+ c #DEBF2C\", +\"1+ c #DFB718\", +\"2+ c #DFB206\", +\"3+ c #D6A505\", +\"4+ c #C6970A\", +\"5+ c #B48413\", +\"6+ c #374682\", +\"7+ c #023398\", +\"8+ c #0E3287\", +\"9+ c #253775\", +\"0+ c #05318F\", +\"a+ c #10358B\", +\"b+ c #183888\", +\"c+ c #053495\", +\"d+ c #0E348D\", +\"e+ c #183585\", +\" . . . . . . . \", +\" . . + @ # $ % & * . . . \", +\" . = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ . \", +\". / ( _ : ; < [ } | 1 2 3 4 5 . \", +\". 6 7 8 9 > , ' ) ! ~ 0 ] a b . \", +\". c d 8 9 > , ' ) ! e 0 ] a f . \", +\". g h i j k l m | n o p q r s . \", +\". t u v w x y z 2 A B C D E F . \", +\". G H I J K L M N O P Q R F F . \", +\". S T U V W p X Y Z ` ...+.@.. . . . . \", +\". #.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.. . ,.'.. ).!.~.{.].. \", +\". ^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.. 1.. . 2.3.4.. . 5.6.. \", +\". a.b.c.d.. e.f.g.h.i.. . j.k.. \", +\". l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.. u.v.w.x.. . y.z.. \", +\". A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.. J.K.L.M.. . N.O.. \", +\". P.Q.R.S.T.U.V.W.X.. Y.Z.`. +.+. . ++. \", +\". @+#+$+%+&+*+=+-+;+. . . . . . . . >+,+. \", +\" . '+)+!+~+{ {+]+^+/+(+_+. . :+<+. \", +\" . . [+}+|+1+2+3+4+5+. . 6+7+8+. \", +\" . . . . . . . . . 9+0+a+. \", +\" . b+c+d+. \", +\" . e+. . \", +\" . \", +\" \"}; +" + "XPM format image used as Rollback icon") + +(defconst sqlplus-commit-xpm "\ +/* XPM */ +static char * commit_xpm[] = { +\"24 24 276 2\", +\" c None\", +\". c #000000\", +\"+ c #FDF57D\", +\"@ c #FFF676\", +\"# c #FFF36C\", +\"$ c #FFF05D\", +\"% c #FFEB51\", +\"& c #FFE445\", +\"* c #FDDC35\", +\"= c #EFEA85\", +\"- c #FBF68D\", +\"; c #FCF482\", +\"> c #FCF178\", +\", c #FCEE6E\", +\"' c #FCEB66\", +\") c #FCE85B\", +\"! c #FCE551\", +\"~ c #FDE147\", +\"{ c #FDDF3D\", +\"] c #FEDD2D\", +\"^ c #FCD621\", +\"/ c #E5BF16\", +\"( c #D8D479\", +\"_ c #FCF587\", +\": c #FAEF78\", +\"< c #FAEA6B\", +\"[ c #FAEA6A\", +\"} c #FAE968\", +\"| c #FAE967\", +\"1 c #FAE865\", +\"2 c #FAE864\", +\"3 c #FDDD3C\", +\"4 c #FED621\", +\"5 c #FFD51D\", +\"6 c #FFD51B\", +\"7 c #FFD519\", +\"8 c #D8B82B\", +\"9 c #FCF790\", +\"0 c #FBF587\", +\"a c #F8EF7D\", +\"b c #F8EC75\", +\"c c #F7E86B\", +\"d c #F8E868\", +\"e c #F9E663\", +\"f c #F9E45A\", +\"g c #F9E253\", +\"h c #F9E04C\", +\"i c #FBDD40\", +\"j c #FBDB38\", +\"k c #FAD933\", +\"l c #FAD529\", +\"m c #FDD810\", +\"n c #FFFD9E\", +\"o c #FFFF9A\", +\"p c #FFFE96\", +\"q c #FFFB8C\", +\"r c #FFF781\", +\"s c #FFF375\", +\"t c #FFEF69\", +\"u c #FFEA5B\", +\"v c #FFE750\", +\"w c #FFE345\", +\"x c #FFDF38\", +\"y c #FFDB2B\", +\"z c #FFD81F\", +\"A c #FFD313\", +\"B c #FBD007\", +\"C c #FBF090\", +\"D c #FFFDAE\", +\"E c #FFFEA2\", +\"F c #FFFA8C\", +\"G c #FFF780\", +\"H c #F6CA11\", +\"I c #E1AF03\", +\"J c #F4E36D\", +\"K c #FCF7A4\", +\"L c #FFFEBB\", +\"M c #FEFAA6\", +\"N c #FFF990\", +\"O c #FFF57E\", +\"P c #FFEE6F\", +\"Q c #FFEB61\", +\"R c #FFE856\", +\"S c #FFE34A\", +\"T c #FBDD44\", +\"U c #F7D535\", +\"V c #EBBF13\", +\"W c #D5A406\", +\"X c #C99500\", +\"Y c #F0DC5F\", +\"Z c #F3E772\", +\"` c #F7EC76\", +\" . c #F6E56D\", +\".. c #F6E369\", +\"+. c #F6E264\", +\"@. c #F5DF5C\", +\"#. c #F3DB53\", +\"$. c #F3D849\", +\"%. c #EFD245\", +\"&. c #ECCE3F\", +\"*. c #E3B91F\", +\"=. c #D3A40B\", +\"-. c #C99600\", +\";. c #C69200\", +\">. c #EED95E\", +\",. c #EDDA60\", +\"'. c #F1DF64\", +\"). c #F2DF5E\", +\"!. c #F2DD57\", +\"~. c #F2D94E\", +\"{. c #F2D644\", +\"]. c #EFD038\", +\"^. c #ECCB34\", +\"/. c #E6C430\", +\"(. c #DFB71F\", +\"_. c #D9AD17\", +\":. c #CC9907\", +\"<. c #C69000\", +\"[. c #D39E00\", +\"}. c #BB1503\", +\"|. c #F9EA7D\", +\"1. c #F6E57A\", +\"2. c #F5E370\", +\"3. c #F5DE62\", +\"4. c #F9DF52\", +\"5. c #FBDB3E\", +\"6. c #FCD526\", +\"7. c #FCCE0F\", +\"8. c #F7C50A\", +\"9. c #EEBA08\", +\"0. c #E2AB03\", +\"a. c #D7A000\", +\"b. c #D59D00\", +\"c. c #DFA901\", +\"d. c #E7B402\", +\"e. c #C91800\", +\"f. c #F6E676\", +\"g. c #FCF4A1\", +\"h. c #FDF096\", +\"i. c #FAE167\", +\"j. c #F7D64F\", +\"k. c #F7CF38\", +\"l. c #F7CB26\", +\"m. c #F6BF0C\", +\"n. c #F1B905\", +\"o. c #ECB309\", +\"p. c #EBB60A\", +\"q. c #F0BF0B\", +\"r. c #F3C206\", +\"s. c #E5B201\", +\"t. c #CF9C01\", +\"u. c #C21602\", +\"v. c #C21703\", +\"w. c #F2E067\", +\"x. c #FBF78F\", +\"y. c #FEF28A\", +\"z. c #FEED74\", +\"A. c #FFE85F\", +\"B. c #FFE24D\", +\"C. c #FFDE3A\", +\"D. c #FED92F\", +\"E. c #FCD325\", +\"F. c #F8CD1A\", +\"G. c #EDBD0A\", +\"H. c #D9A701\", +\"I. c #C79200\", +\"J. c #D11D00\", +\"K. c #EFDA64\", +\"L. c #F7EF7F\", +\"M. c #FCF47F\", +\"N. c #FDEE6C\", +\"O. c #FDE85B\", +\"P. c #FDE249\", +\"Q. c #FDDC36\", +\"R. c #FCD423\", +\"S. c #F9CC14\", +\"T. c #F0C10E\", +\"U. c #E6B507\", +\"V. c #DCA900\", +\"W. c #D29F00\", +\"X. c #C69400\", +\"Y. c #C99200\", +\"Z. c #CC1B02\", +\"`. c #C61A04\", +\" + c #E1CF5F\", +\".+ c #EAD862\", +\"++ c #ECDB63\", +\"@+ c #EFDC5E\", +\"#+ c #EFD955\", +\"$+ c #EFD74D\", +\"%+ c #EFD444\", +\"&+ c #F0D23E\", +\"*+ c #EECE37\", +\"=+ c #E8C731\", +\"-+ c #E0B922\", +\";+ c #D09E03\", +\">+ c #CB9700\", +\",+ c #C39100\", +\"'+ c #C99400\", +\")+ c #E12400\", +\"!+ c #F2E47C\", +\"~+ c #F8ED8C\", +\"{+ c #F4E171\", +\"]+ c #F0D65B\", +\"^+ c #F0D24F\", +\"/+ c #F1CF43\", +\"(+ c #F2CD34\", +\"_+ c #F2C824\", +\":+ c #EEC527\", +\"<+ c #E7BD23\", +\"[+ c #DFAC12\", +\"}+ c #DAA203\", +\"|+ c #E5B202\", +\"1+ c #EDBA01\", +\"2+ c #D69F00\", +\"3+ c #D21E01\", +\"4+ c #D01C00\", +\"5+ c #F2E16A\", +\"6+ c #FBF59D\", +\"7+ c #FEFBAA\", +\"8+ c #FEF084\", +\"9+ c #FCE567\", +\"0+ c #FBDD50\", +\"a+ c #F8D23B\", +\"b+ c #F8CD28\", +\"c+ c #EEB51C\", +\"d+ c #DA8A13\", +\"e+ c #E29A16\", +\"f+ c #EDB111\", +\"g+ c #E5AE08\", +\"h+ c #D19C01\", +\"i+ c #C79400\", +\"j+ c #BF1603\", +\"k+ c #DD2300\", +\"l+ c #E6D261\", +\"m+ c #FCF88C\", +\"n+ c #FFF27A\", +\"o+ c #FFEC6A\", +\"p+ c #FFE655\", +\"q+ c #FFE041\", +\"r+ c #FFDA2B\", +\"s+ c #E49D14\", +\"t+ c #BA4F02\", +\"u+ c #BB6A00\", +\"v+ c #B37102\", +\"w+ c #DD2200\", +\"x+ c #CA1B02\", +\"y+ c #E6DB78\", +\"z+ c #FEFB8B\", +\"A+ c #FFF470\", +\"B+ c #FFEA56\", +\"C+ c #FFE13E\", +\"D+ c #FFDA24\", +\"E+ c #FECF0A\", +\"F+ c #F5BE01\", +\"G+ c #D37800\", +\"H+ c #D72000\", +\"I+ c #C61802\", +\"J+ c #EBD55C\", +\"K+ c #FCE353\", +\"L+ c #FFE33E\", +\"M+ c #FFDB26\", +\"N+ c #FFD20B\", +\"O+ c #FCCB01\", +\"P+ c #F0B900\", +\"Q+ c #D47D00\", +\"R+ c #E42500\", +\"S+ c #EB2900\", +\"T+ c #DF2301\", +\"U+ c #E82700\", +\"V+ c #D31F04\", +\"W+ c #C71F01\", +\"X+ c #EA2800\", +\"Y+ c #E92800\", +\"Z+ c #DD2301\", +\"`+ c #E22501\", +\" . . . . . . . \", +\" . . . + @ # $ % & * . . . \", +\" . = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / . \", +\". ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . \", +\". 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m . \", +\". n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B . \", +\". C D E F G s t u v w x y z H I . \", +\". J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X . \", +\". Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.. . . \", +\". >.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.. . }.. \", +\". |. . e.. \", +\". f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.s.t.. . u.v.. \", +\". w.x.n y.z.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.-.I.. . J.. \", +\". K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.S.T.U.V.W.X.Y.. . Z.`.. \", +\". +.+++@+#+$+%+&+*+=+-+;+>+,+'+. . )+. \", +\". !+~+{+]+^+/+(+_+:+<+[+}+|+1+2+. . 3+4+. \", +\". 5+6+7+8+9+0+a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+. j+k+. \", +\". l+m+q n+o+p+q+r+s+. . . t+u+v+. w+x+. \", +\" . y+z+A+B+C+D+E+F+G+. H+. . . I+)+. \", +\" . . J+K+L+M+N+O+P+Q+. R+S+T+U+V+. \", +\" . . . . . . . . . . W+X+Y+. \", +\" . Z+`+. \", +\" . . \", +\" . \"}; +" + "XPM format image used as Commit icon") + +(defconst plsql-prev-mark-xpm "\ +/* XPM */ +static char * go_previous_xpm[] = { +\"24 24 59 1\", +\" c None\", +\". c #000000\", +\"+ c #355D96\", +\"@ c #3C639B\", +\"# c #6E92BF\", +\"$ c #41679D\", +\"% c #6990BE\", +\"& c #6D94C2\", +\"* c #456DA2\", +\"= c #628BBC\", +\"- c #4D7BB4\", +\"; c #6991C0\", +\"> c #4971A6\", +\", c #5D87BA\", +\"' c #4B7BB3\", +\") c #4979B3\", +\"! c #5884B9\", +\"~ c #638CBC\", +\"{ c #638BBC\", +\"] c #6089BA\", +\"^ c #4B73A9\", +\"/ c #5883B8\", +\"( c #4A7AB3\", +\"_ c #618ABB\", +\": c #4C74AB\", +\"< c #547FB5\", +\"[ c #4972A9\", +\"} c #4D79B1\", +\"| c #4171AD\", +\"1 c #4071AD\", +\"2 c #4070AD\", +\"3 c #4171AC\", +\"4 c #4071AC\", +\"5 c #4070AC\", +\"6 c #3F70AC\", +\"7 c #3F70AB\", +\"8 c #406FAC\", +\"9 c #5781B5\", +\"0 c #4A74AC\", +\"a c #3E6CA8\", +\"b c #3465A4\", +\"c c #4E78AF\", +\"d c #446FA8\", +\"e c #4A75AD\", +\"f c #3F6CA6\", +\"g c #3C6BA7\", +\"h c #3B6BA7\", +\"i c #4471AB\", +\"j c #4572AB\", +\"k c #4672AC\", +\"l c #4571AB\", +\"m c #3A68A3\", +\"n c #3B6AA7\", +\"o c #406EA9\", +\"p c #3564A0\", +\"q c #3868A6\", +\"r c #305E9D\", +\"s c #3767A5\", +\"t c #2E5D9B\", +\" \", +\" \", +\" \", +\" .. \", +\" .+. \", +\" .@#. \", +\" .$%&. \", +\" .*=-;......... \", +\" .>,')!~{{{{{~]. \", +\" .^/()))(((((('_. \", +\" .:<)))))))))))),. \", +\" .[}|1123455567589. \", +\" .0abbbbbbbbbbbbc. \", +\" .dabbbbbbbbbbbe. \", +\" .fgbbhijjjjjkl. \", +\" .mnbo......... \", +\" .pqh. \", +\" .rs. \", +\" .t. \", +\" .. \", +\" . \", +\" \", +\" \", +\" \"}; +" + "XPM format image used as Previous Mark icon") + +(defconst plsql-next-mark-xpm "\ +/* XPM */ +static char * go_next_xpm[] = { +\"24 24 63 1\", +\" c None\", +\". c #000000\", +\"+ c #365F97\", +\"@ c #6B8FBE\", +\"# c #41689E\", +\"$ c #6990BF\", +\"% c #466EA4\", +\"& c #678EBD\", +\"* c #4E7DB5\", +\"= c #638CBC\", +\"- c #4B72A7\", +\"; c #5B83B5\", +\"> c #628BBB\", +\", c #5A86BA\", +\"' c #4979B3\", +\") c #4B7AB3\", +\"! c #5E87B9\", +\"~ c #4E76AA\", +\"{ c #5B84B8\", +\"] c #4E7CB5\", +\"^ c #4A7AB3\", +\"/ c #5883B7\", +\"( c #5178AD\", +\"_ c #5982B6\", +\": c #4C7BB4\", +\"< c #537FB5\", +\"[ c #5079AE\", +\"} c #507BB0\", +\"| c #4272AD\", +\"1 c #4070AC\", +\"2 c #3F70AB\", +\"3 c #3F70AC\", +\"4 c #4071AC\", +\"5 c #4171AC\", +\"6 c #4070AD\", +\"7 c #4071AD\", +\"8 c #4171AD\", +\"9 c #4D79B1\", +\"0 c #4E76AD\", +\"a c #4872AA\", +\"b c #3767A5\", +\"c c #3465A4\", +\"d c #3D6CA8\", +\"e c #4C76AD\", +\"f c #2B548E\", +\"g c #446FA8\", +\"h c #3C6BA7\", +\"i c #4772AA\", +\"j c #29528E\", +\"k c #3F6CA6\", +\"l c #4471AB\", +\"m c #4371AB\", +\"n c #3B6BA7\", +\"o c #416EA8\", +\"p c #3F6CA7\", +\"q c #3A69A6\", +\"r c #3C6AA5\", +\"s c #3B6AA5\", +\"t c #3868A6\", +\"u c #3765A2\", +\"v c #3666A3\", +\"w c #32619F\", +\"x c #2F5D9B\", +\" \", +\" \", +\" \", +\" .. \", +\" .+. \", +\" .@#. \", +\" .$$%. \", +\" .........&*=-. \", +\" .;>>>>>>=,')!~. \", +\" .{]^^^^^^''''/(. \", +\" ._:'''''''''''<[. \", +\" .}|12311145677890. \", +\" .abcccccccccccde. \", +\" .gbcccccccccchi. \", +\" .klmlllllhccno. \", +\" .........pcqr. \", +\" .stu. \", +\" .vw. \", +\" .x. \", +\" .. \", +\" . \", +\" \", +\" \", +\" \"}; +" + "XPM format image used as Next Mark icon") + +(defconst sqlplus-kill-image + (create-image sqlplus-kill-xpm 'xpm t)) + +(defconst sqlplus-cancel-image + (create-image sqlplus-cancel-xpm 'xpm t)) + +(defconst sqlplus-commit-image + (create-image sqlplus-commit-xpm 'xpm t)) + +(defconst sqlplus-rollback-image + (create-image sqlplus-rollback-xpm 'xpm t)) + +(defconst plsql-prev-mark-image + (create-image plsql-prev-mark-xpm 'xpm t)) + +(defconst plsql-next-mark-image + (create-image plsql-next-mark-xpm 'xpm t)) + +(defvar sqlplus-mode-syntax-table nil + "Syntax table used while in sqlplus-mode.") + +(defvar sqlplus-suppress-show-output-buffer nil) + +;; Local in input buffers +(defvar sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-1 nil) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-1) +(defvar sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-2 nil) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-2) +(defvar sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-3 nil) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-3) + +(defvar sqlplus-font-lock-defaults '((sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-1 sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-2 sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-3) nil t nil nil)) + +(defvar sqlplus-oracle-extra-builtin-functions-re + (concat "\\b" + (regexp-opt '("acos" "asciistr" "asin" "atan" "atan2" "bfilename" "bin_to_num" "bitand" "cardinality" "cast" "coalesce" "collect" + "compose" "corr" "corr_s" "corr_k" "covar_pop" "covar_samp" "cume_dist" "current_date" "current_timestamp" "cv" + "dbtimezone" "decompose" "dense_rank" "depth" "deref" "empty_blob, empty_clob" "existsnode" "extract" + "extractvalue" "first" "first_value" "from_tz" "group_id" "grouping" "grouping_id" "iteration_number" + "lag" "last" "last_value" "lead" "lnnvl" "localtimestamp" "make_ref" "median" "nanvl" "nchr" "nls_charset_decl_len" + "nls_charset_id" "nls_charset_name" "ntile" "nullif" "numtodsinterval" "numtoyminterval" "nvl2" "ora_hash" "path" + "percent_rank" "percentile_cont" "percentile_disc" "powermultiset" "powermultiset_by_cardinality" "presentnnv" + "presentv" "previous" "rank" "ratio_to_report" "rawtonhex" "ref" "reftohex" "regexp_instr" "regexp_replace" + "regexp_substr" "regr_slope" "regr_intercept" "regr_count" "regr_r2" "regr_avgx" "regr_avgy" "regr_sxx" "regr_syy" + "regr_sxy" "remainder" "row_number" "rowidtonchar" "scn_to_timestamp" "sessiontimezone" "stats_binomial_test" + "stats_crosstab" "stats_f_test" "stats_ks_test" "stats_mode" "stats_mw_test" "stats_one_way_anova" "stats_t_test_one" + "stats_t_test_paired" "stats_t_test_indep" "stats_t_test_indepu" "stats_wsr_test" "stddev_pop" "stddev_samp" + "sys_connect_by_path" "sys_context" "sys_dburigen" "sys_extract_utc" "sys_guid" "sys_typeid" "sys_xmlagg" "sys_xmlgen" + "systimestamp" "timestamp_to_scn" "to_binary_double" "to_binary_float" "to_clob" "to_dsinterval" "to_lob" "to_nchar" + "to_nclob" "to_timestamp" "to_timestamp_tz" "to_yminterval" "treat" "tz_offset" "unistr" "updatexml" "value" "var_pop" + "var_samp" "width_bucket" "xmlagg" "xmlcolattval" "xmlconcat" "xmlelement" "xmlforest" "xmlsequence" "xmltransform") t) + "\\b")) +(defvar sqlplus-oracle-extra-warning-words-re + (concat "\\b" + (regexp-opt '("access_into_null" "case_not_found" "collection_is_null" "rowtype_mismatch" + "self_is_null" "subscript_beyond_count" "subscript_outside_limit" "sys_invalid_rowid") t) + "\\b")) +(defvar sqlplus-oracle-extra-keywords-re + (concat "\\b\\(" + "\\(at\\s-+local\\|at\\s-+time\\s-+zone\\|to\\s-+second\\|to\\s-+month\\|is\\s-+present\\|a\\s-+set\\)\\|" + (regexp-opt '("case" "nan" "infinite" "equals_path" "empty" "likec" "like2" "like4" "member" + "regexp_like" "submultiset" "under_path" "mlslabel") t) + "\\)\\b")) +(defvar sqlplus-oracle-extra-pseudocolumns-re + (concat "\\b" + (regexp-opt '("connect_by_iscycle" "connect_by_isleaf" "versions_starttime" "versions_startscn" + "versions_endtime" "versions_endscn" "versions_xid" "versions_operation" "object_id" "object_value" "ora_rowscn" + "xmldata") t) + "\\b")) +(defvar sqlplus-oracle-plsql-extra-reserved-words-re + (concat "\\b" + (regexp-opt '("array" "at" "authid" "bulk" "char_base" "day" "do" "extends" "forall" "heap" "hour" + "interface" "isolation" "java" "limited" "minute" "mlslabel" "month" "natural" "naturaln" "nocopy" "number_base" + "ocirowid" "opaque" "operator" "organization" "pls_integer" "positive" "positiven" "range" "record" "release" "reverse" + "rowtype" "second" "separate" "space" "sql" "timezone_region" "timezone_abbr" "timezone_minute" "timezone_hour" "year" + "zone") t) + "\\b")) +(defvar sqlplus-oracle-extra-types-re + (concat "\\b" + (regexp-opt '("nvarchar2" "binary_float" "binary_double" "timestamp" "interval" "interval_day" "urowid" "nchar" "clob" "nclob" "bfile") t) + "\\b")) + +(defvar sqlplus-commands-regexp-1 nil) +(defvar sqlplus-commands-regexp-23 nil) +(defvar sqlplus-system-variables-regexp-1 nil) +(defvar sqlplus-system-variables-regexp-23 nil) +(defvar sqlplus-v22-commands-font-lock-keywords-1 nil) +(defvar sqlplus-v22-commands-font-lock-keywords-23 nil) +(defvar font-lock-sqlplus-face nil) + +(defvar sqlplus-output-buffer-keymap nil + "Local in output buffer.") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-output-buffer-keymap) + +(defvar sqlplus-kill-function-inhibitor nil) + +(defvar sqlplus-slip-separator-width 2 + "Only for classic table style.") + +(defvar sqlplus-user-string-history nil) + +(defvar sqlplus-object-types '( "CONSUMER GROUP" "SEQUENCE" "SCHEDULE" "PROCEDURE" "OPERATOR" "WINDOW" + "PACKAGE" "LIBRARY" "PROGRAM" "PACKAGE BODY" "JAVA RESOURCE" "XML SCHEMA" + "JOB CLASS" "TRIGGER" "TABLE" "SYNONYM" "VIEW" "FUNCTION" "WINDOW GROUP" + "JAVA CLASS" "INDEXTYPE" "INDEX" "TYPE" "EVALUATION CONTEXT" )) + +(defvar sqlplus-end-of-source-sentinel "%%@@end-of-source-sentinel@@%%") + +(defconst sqlplus-system-variables + '("appi[nfo]" "array[size]" "auto[commit]" "autop[rint]" "autorecovery" "autot[race]" "blo[ckterminator]" "cmds[ep]" + "colsep" "com[patibility]" "con[cat]" "copyc[ommit]" "copytypecheck" "def[ine]" "describe" "echo" "editf[ile]" + "emb[edded]" "esc[ape]" "feed[back]" "flagger" "flu[sh]" "hea[ding]" "heads[ep]" "instance" "lin[esize]" + "lobof[fset]" "logsource" "long" "longc[hunksize]" "mark[up]" "newp[age]" "null" "numf[ormat]" "num[width]" + "pages[ize]" "pau[se]" "recsep" "recsepchar" "serverout[put]" "shift[inout]" "show[mode]" "sqlbl[anklines]" + "sqlc[ase]" "sqlco[ntinue]" "sqln[umber]" "sqlpluscompat[ibility]" "sqlpre[fix]" "sqlp[rompt]" "sqlt[erminator]" + "suf[fix]" "tab" "term[out]" "ti[me]" "timi[ng]" "trim[out]" "trims[pool]" "und[erline]" "ver[ify]" "wra[p]")) + +(defconst sqlplus-commands + '(("@[@]") + (("/" "r[un]")) + ("acc[ept]" + (font-lock-type-face "num[ber]" "char" "date" "binary_float" "binary_double") + (font-lock-keyword-face "for[mat]" "def[ault]" "[no]prompt" "hide")) + ("a[ppend]") + ("archive log" + (font-lock-keyword-face "list" "stop" "start" "next" "all" "to")) + ("attribute" + (font-lock-keyword-face "ali[as]" "cle[ar]" "for[mat]" "like" "on" "off")) + ("bre[ak]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "on" "row" "report" "ski[p]" "page" "nodup[licates]" "dup[licates]")) + ("bti[tle]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "on" "off") + (font-lock-builtin-face "bold" "ce[nter]" "col" "format" "le[ft]" "r[ight]" "s[kip]" "tab")) + ("c[hange]") + ("cl[ear]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "bre[aks]" "buff[er]" "col[umns]" "comp[utes]" "scr[een]" "sql" "timi[ng]")) + ("col[umn]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "ali[as]" "cle[ar]" "entmap" "on" "off" "fold_a[fter]" "fold_b[efore]" "for[mat]" "hea[ding]" + "jus[tify]" "l[eft]" "c[enter]" "r[ight]" "like" "newl[ine]" "new_v[alue]" "nopri[nt]" "pri[nt]" + "nul[l]" "old_v[alue]" "wra[pped]" "wor[d_wrapped]" "tru[ncated]")) + ("comp[ute]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "lab[el]" "of" "on" "report" "row") + (font-lock-builtin-face "avg" "cou[nt]" "min[imum]" "max[imum]" "num[ber]" "sum" "std" "var[iance]")) + ("conn[ect]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "as" "sysoper" "sysdba")) + ("copy") + ("def[ine]") + ("del" + (font-lock-keyword-face "last")) + ("desc[ribe]") + ("disc[onnect]") + ("ed[it]") + ("exec[ute]") + (("exit" "quit") + (font-lock-keyword-face "success" "failure" "warning" "commit" "rollback")) + ("get" + (font-lock-keyword-face "file" "lis[t]" "nol[ist]")) + ("help") + (("ho[st]" "!" "$")) + ("i[nput]") + ("l[ist]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "last")) + ("passw[ord]") + ("pau[se]") + ("pri[nt]") + ("pro[mpt]") + ("recover" + (font-lock-keyword-face "begin" "end" "backup" "automatic" "from" "logfile" "test" "allow" "corruption" "continue" "default" "cancel" + "standby" "database" "until" "time" "change" "using" "controlfile" "tablespace" "datafile" + "consistent" "with" "[no]parallel" "managed" "disconnect" "session" "[no]timeout" "[no]delay" "next" "no" "expire" + "current" "through" "thread" "sequence" "all" "archivelog" "last" "switchover" "immediate" "[no]wait" + "finish" "skip")) + ("rem[ark]") + ("repf[ooter]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "page" "on" "off") + (font-lock-builtin-face "bold" "ce[nter]" "col" "format" "le[ft]" "r[ight]" "s[kip]" "tab")) + ("reph[eader]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "page" "on" "off") + (font-lock-builtin-face "bold" "ce[nter]" "col" "format" "le[ft]" "r[ight]" "s[kip]" "tab")) + ("sav[e]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "file" "cre[ate]" "rep[lace]" "app[end]")) + ("set" + (font-lock-builtin-face sqlplus-system-variables) + (font-lock-keyword-face "on" "off" "immediate" "trace[only]" "explain" "statistics" "native" "v7" "v8" "all" "linenum" "indent" + "entry" "intermediate" "full" "local" "head" "html" "body" "table" "entmap" "spool" "[pre]format" + "none" "[word_]wrapped" "each" "truncated" "[in]visible" "mixed" "lower" "upper")) + ("sho[w]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "all" "bti[tle]" "err[ors]" "function" "procedure" "package[ body]" "trigger" "view" "type[ body]" + "dimension" "java class" "lno" "parameters" "pno" "recyc[lebin]" "rel[ease]" "repf[ooter]" "reph[eader]" + "sga" "spoo[l]" "sqlcode" "tti[tle]" "user") + (font-lock-builtin-face sqlplus-system-variables)) + ("shutdown" + (font-lock-keyword-face "abort" "immediate" "normal" "transactional" "local")) + ("spo[ol]" + ("cre" "create" "rep" "replace" "app" "append" "off" "out")) + ("sta[rt]") + ("startup" + (font-lock-keyword-face "force" "restrict" "pfile" "quiet" "mount" "open" "nomount" "read" "only" "write" "recover")) + ("store" + (font-lock-keyword-face "set" "cre[ate]" "rep[lace]" "app[end]")) + ("timi[ng]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "start" "show" "stop")) + ("tti[tle]" + (font-lock-keyword-face "tti[tle]" "on" "off") + (font-lock-builtin-face "bold" "ce[nter]" "col" "format" "le[ft]" "r[ight]" "s[kip]" "tab")) + ("undef[ine]") + ("var[iable]" + (font-lock-type-face "number" "[n]char" "byte" "[n]varchar2" "[n]clob" "refcursor" "binary_float" "binary_double")) + ("whenever oserror" + (font-lock-keyword-face "exit" "success" "failure" "commit" "rollback" "continue" "commit" "rollback" "none")) + ("whenever sqlerror" + (font-lock-keyword-face "exit" "success" "failure" "warning" "commit" "rollback" "continue" "none")))) + +(defvar plsql-mode-map nil) + +(defstruct sqlplus-global-struct + font-lock-regexps + objects-alist + side-view-buffer + root-dir +) + +(defvar sqlplus-global-structures (make-hash-table :test 'equal) + "Connect string -> sqlplus-global-struct") + +(defun sqlplus-get-objects-alist (&optional connect-string) + (let ((struct (gethash (car (refine-connect-string (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string sqlplus-process-p))) + sqlplus-global-structures))) + (when struct + (sqlplus-global-struct-objects-alist struct)))) + +(defun sqlplus-set-objects-alist (objects-alist &optional connect-string) + (let ((struct (gethash (car (refine-connect-string (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string sqlplus-process-p))) + sqlplus-global-structures))) + (when struct + (setf (sqlplus-global-struct-objects-alist struct) objects-alist)))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-font-lock-regexps (&optional connect-string) + (let ((struct (gethash (car (refine-connect-string (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string sqlplus-process-p))) + sqlplus-global-structures))) + (when struct + (sqlplus-global-struct-font-lock-regexps struct)))) + +(defun sqlplus-set-font-lock-regexps (font-lock-regexps &optional connect-string) + (let ((struct (gethash (car (refine-connect-string (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string sqlplus-process-p))) + sqlplus-global-structures))) + (when struct + (setf (sqlplus-global-struct-font-lock-regexps struct) font-lock-regexps)))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-side-view-buffer (&optional connect-string) + (let ((struct (gethash (car (refine-connect-string (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string sqlplus-process-p))) + sqlplus-global-structures))) + (when struct + (sqlplus-global-struct-side-view-buffer struct)))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-root-dir (&optional connect-string) + (let ((struct (gethash (car (refine-connect-string (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string sqlplus-process-p))) + sqlplus-global-structures))) + (when struct + (sqlplus-global-struct-root-dir struct)))) + +(defun sqlplus-set-root-dir (root-dir &optional connect-string) + (let ((struct (gethash (car (refine-connect-string (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string sqlplus-process-p))) + sqlplus-global-structures))) + (when struct + (setf (sqlplus-global-struct-root-dir struct) root-dir)))) + +;;; --- + +(defun sqlplus-initial-strings () + (append sqlplus-initial-strings + (list + (concat "btitle left '" sqlplus-page-separator "'") + (concat "repfooter left '" sqlplus-repfooter "'") + (concat "set pagesize " (number-to-string sqlplus-pagesize))))) + +(defun sqlplus-connect-string-lessp (cs1 cs2) + "Compare two connect strings" + (let ((cs1-pair (split-string cs1 "@")) + (cs2-pair (split-string cs2 "@"))) + (or (string< (cadr cs1-pair) (cadr cs2-pair)) + (and (string= (cadr cs1-pair) (cadr cs2-pair)) + (string< (car cs1-pair) (car cs2-pair)))))) + +(defun sqlplus-divide-connect-strings () + "Returns (active-connect-string-list . inactive-connect-string-list)" + (let* ((active-connect-strings + (sort (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (buffer) + (with-current-buffer buffer + (when (and (eq major-mode 'sqlplus-mode) + sqlplus-connect-string) + (let ((cs (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-connect-string)))) + (when (and (get-buffer (sqlplus-get-process-buffer-name cs)) + (get-process (sqlplus-get-process-name cs))) + (downcase cs)))))) + (buffer-list))) + 'sqlplus-connect-string-lessp)) + (inactive-connect-strings + (sort (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (pair) + (unless (member (downcase (car pair)) active-connect-strings) (downcase (car pair))) ) + sqlplus-connect-strings-alist)) + 'sqlplus-connect-string-lessp))) + (setq active-connect-strings (remove-duplicates active-connect-strings :test 'equal)) + (setq inactive-connect-strings (remove-duplicates inactive-connect-strings :test 'equal)) + (cons active-connect-strings inactive-connect-strings))) + +(defun sqlplus-connections-menu (menu) + (condition-case err + (let* ((connect-strings-pair (sqlplus-divide-connect-strings)) + (active-connect-strings (car connect-strings-pair)) + (inactive-connect-strings (cdr connect-strings-pair))) + (append + (list ["New connection..." sqlplus t]) + (list ["Tnsnames.ora" sqlplus-find-tnsnames t]) + (list ["Command Line" sqlplus-command-line t]) + (when (eq major-mode 'sqlplus-mode) + (list + "----" + ["Evaluate Statement" sqlplus-send-current sqlplus-connect-string] + ["Explain Statement" sqlplus-explain sqlplus-connect-string] + ["Evaluate Statement (HTML)" sqlplus-send-current-html sqlplus-connect-string] + ["Evaluate Region" sqlplus-send-region (and (mark) sqlplus-connect-string)])) + (when orcl-mode + (list + "----" + ["Send Commit" sqlplus-send-commit sqlplus-connect-string] + ["Send Rollback" sqlplus-send-rollback sqlplus-connect-string] + ["Restart Connection" sqlplus-restart-connection sqlplus-connect-string] + ["Show History" sqlplus-show-history sqlplus-connect-string] + ["Get Source from DB" sqlplus-get-source sqlplus-connect-string] + ["Interrupt Evaluation" sqlplus-send-interrupt sqlplus-connect-string] + ["Compare schema to filesystem" sqlplus-compare-schema-to-filesystem sqlplus-connect-string] + "----" + (list "Output" + ["Show window" sqlplus-buffer-display-window t] + "----" + ["Redisplay" sqlplus-buffer-redisplay-current t] + ["Previous" sqlplus-buffer-prev-command t] + ["Next" sqlplus-buffer-next-command t] + "----" + ["Scroll Right" sqlplus-buffer-scroll-right t] + ["Scroll Left" sqlplus-buffer-scroll-left t] + ["Scroll Down" sqlplus-buffer-scroll-down t] + ["Scroll Up" sqlplus-buffer-scroll-up t] + "----" + ["Bottom" sqlplus-buffer-bottom t] + ["Top" sqlplus-buffer-top t] + "----" + ["Erase" sqlplus-buffer-erase t]) + )) + (when inactive-connect-strings + (append + (list "----") + (list (append (list "Recent Connections") + (mapcar (lambda (connect-string) + (vector connect-string (list 'apply ''sqlplus + (list 'sqlplus-read-connect-string connect-string)) t)) inactive-connect-strings))))) + (when active-connect-strings + (append + (list "----") + (mapcar (lambda (connect-string) + (vector connect-string (list 'apply ''sqlplus + (list 'sqlplus-read-connect-string connect-string)) t)) active-connect-strings))) + )) + (error (message (error-message-string err))))) + +(defun sqlplus-send-commit () + "Send 'commit' command to SQL*Process." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-check-connection) + (sqlplus-execute sqlplus-connect-string "commit;" nil nil)) + +(defun sqlplus-send-rollback () + "Send 'rollback' command to SQL*Process." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-check-connection) + (sqlplus-execute sqlplus-connect-string "rollback;" nil nil)) + +(defun sqlplus-show-history () + "Show command history for current connection." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-check-connection) + (sqlplus-verify-buffer sqlplus-connect-string) + (switch-to-buffer (sqlplus-get-history-buffer sqlplus-connect-string))) + +(defun sqlplus-restart-connection () + "Kill SQL*Plus process and start again." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-check-connection) + (sqlplus-verify-buffer sqlplus-connect-string) + (let ((connect-stringos sqlplus-connect-string)) + (unwind-protect + (progn + (setq sqlplus-kill-function-inhibitor t) + (sqlplus-shutdown connect-stringos t)) + (setq sqlplus-kill-function-inhibitor nil)) + (sqlplus connect-stringos (sqlplus-get-input-buffer-name connect-stringos)))) + +(define-skeleton plsql-begin + "begin..end skeleton" + "" ; interactor + "begin" ?\n + > _ ?\n + "end;" >) + +(define-skeleton plsql-loop + "loop..end loop skeleton" + "" ; interactor + "loop" ?\n + > _ ?\n + "end loop;" >) + +(define-skeleton plsql-if + "if..end if skeleton" + "" ; interactor + "if " _ " then" ?\n + > ?\n + "end if;" >) + +;;; SQLPLUS-mode Keymap - + +(unless orcl-mode-map + (setq orcl-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-o" 'sqlplus-buffer-display-window) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-l" 'sqlplus-buffer-redisplay-current) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-p" 'sqlplus-buffer-prev-command) + (define-key orcl-mode-map [C-S-up] 'sqlplus-buffer-prev-command) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-n" 'sqlplus-buffer-next-command) + (define-key orcl-mode-map [C-S-down] 'sqlplus-buffer-next-command) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-b" 'sqlplus-buffer-scroll-right) + (define-key orcl-mode-map [C-S-left] 'sqlplus-buffer-scroll-right) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-f" 'sqlplus-buffer-scroll-left) + (define-key orcl-mode-map [C-S-right] 'sqlplus-buffer-scroll-left) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\M-v" 'sqlplus-buffer-scroll-down) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-v" 'sqlplus-buffer-scroll-up) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c>" 'sqlplus-buffer-bottom) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c<" 'sqlplus-buffer-top) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-w" 'sqlplus-buffer-erase) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-m" 'sqlplus-send-commit) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-a" 'sqlplus-send-rollback) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-k" 'sqlplus-restart-connection) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-t" 'sqlplus-show-history) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-s" 'sqlplus-get-source) + (define-key orcl-mode-map "\C-c\C-i" 'sqlplus-send-interrupt) + (define-key orcl-mode-map [S-return] 'sqlplus-send-user-string) + (define-key orcl-mode-map [tool-bar sqlplus-restart-connection] + (list 'menu-item "Restart connection" 'sqlplus-restart-connection :image sqlplus-kill-image)) + (define-key orcl-mode-map [tool-bar sqlplus-cancel] + (list 'menu-item "Cancel" 'sqlplus-send-interrupt :image sqlplus-cancel-image)) + (define-key orcl-mode-map [tool-bar sqlplus-rollback] + (list 'menu-item "Rollback" 'sqlplus-send-rollback :image sqlplus-rollback-image)) + (define-key orcl-mode-map [tool-bar sqlplus-commit] + (list 'menu-item "Commit" 'sqlplus-send-commit :image sqlplus-commit-image))) + +(unless sqlplus-mode-map + (setq sqlplus-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map "\C-c\C-g" 'plsql-begin) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map "\C-c\C-q" 'plsql-loop) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" 'plsql-if) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map "\C-c\C-r" 'sqlplus-send-region) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map [C-return] 'sqlplus-send-current) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map [M-return] 'sqlplus-explain) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map "\C-c\C-e" 'sqlplus-send-current) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map "\C-c\C-j" 'sqlplus-send-current-html) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map [C-S-return] 'sqlplus-send-current-html) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map "\M-." 'sqlplus-file-get-source) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map [C-down-mouse-1] 'sqlplus-mouse-select-identifier) + (define-key sqlplus-mode-map [C-mouse-1] 'sqlplus-file-get-source-mouse) + ) + +(easy-menu-add-item nil nil sqlplus-connections-menu t) + +(unless sqlplus-mode-syntax-table + (setq sqlplus-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table)) + (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 14" sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) ; comment start + (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23" sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?. "." sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "." sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "." sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?- ". 12b" sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b" sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?% "w" sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?< "." sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?> "." sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?& "w" sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?| "." sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) ; _ is word char + (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" sqlplus-mode-syntax-table)) + +;;; SQL*Plus mode + +(defun connect-string-to-string () + (let ((txt (or (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-connect-string)) "disconnected")) + (result)) + (if (string-match "^\\(.*?\\)\\(\\w*prod\\w*\\)$" txt) + (if (>= emacs-major-version 22) + (setq result (list (list :propertize (substring txt 0 (match-beginning 2)) 'face '((:foreground "blue"))) + (list :propertize (substring txt (match-beginning 2)) 'face '((:foreground "red")(:weight bold))))) + (setq result (setq txt (propertize txt 'face '((:foreground "blue"))))) + (put-text-property (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2) 'face '((:foreground "red")(:weight bold)) txt)) + (setq result + (if (>= emacs-major-version 22) + (list :propertize txt 'face '((:foreground "blue"))) + (setq txt (propertize txt 'face '((:foreground "blue"))))))) + result)) + +(defun sqlplus-font-lock (type-symbol limit) + (let ((sqlplus-font-lock-regexps (sqlplus-get-font-lock-regexps))) + (when sqlplus-font-lock-regexps + (let ((regexp (gethash type-symbol sqlplus-font-lock-regexps))) + (when regexp + (re-search-forward regexp limit t)))))) + +;; Local in input buffer (sqlplus-mode) +(defvar sqlplus-command-overlay nil) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-command-overlay) +(defvar sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position nil) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position) +(defvar sqlplus-end-command-overlay-arrow-position nil) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-end-command-overlay-arrow-position) + +(defun sqlplus-highlight-current-sqlplus-command() + (when (and window-system sqlplus-command-highlighting-style) + (let* ((pair (sqlplus-mark-current)) + (begin (and (car pair) (save-excursion (goto-char (car pair)) (skip-chars-forward " \t\n") (point)))) + (end (and (cdr pair) (save-excursion (goto-char (cdr pair)) (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") (beginning-of-line) (point)))) + (point-line-beg (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point))) + (overlay-begin begin) + (overlay-end end)) + (when (and begin end) + (when (< end point-line-beg) + (save-excursion (goto-char point-line-beg) (when (eobp) (insert "\n"))) + (setq end point-line-beg) + (setq overlay-end end)) + (when (or (>= begin end) (< (point) begin)) + (when (or (< (point) begin) (> begin end)) + (setq overlay-begin nil + overlay-end nil)) + (setq begin nil + end nil))) + (if (and overlay-begin overlay-end (memq sqlplus-command-highlighting-style '(background fringe-and-background))) + (progn + (setq overlay-end (save-excursion + (goto-char overlay-end) + (beginning-of-line 2) + (point))) + (move-overlay sqlplus-command-overlay overlay-begin overlay-end)) + (move-overlay sqlplus-command-overlay 1 1)) + (if (memq sqlplus-command-highlighting-style '(fringe fringe-and-background)) + (progn + (put 'sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position 'overlay-arrow-bitmap 'top-left-angle) + (put 'sqlplus-end-command-overlay-arrow-position 'overlay-arrow-bitmap 'bottom-left-angle) + (set-marker sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position begin) + (set-marker sqlplus-end-command-overlay-arrow-position end)) + (set-marker sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position nil) + (set-marker sqlplus-end-command-overlay-arrow-position nil))))) + +(defun sqlplus-find-begin-of-sqlplus-command () + (save-excursion + (beginning-of-line) + (while (and (not (bobp)) (save-excursion (end-of-line 0) (skip-chars-backward " \t") (equal (char-before) ?-))) + (beginning-of-line 0)) + (point))) + +(defun sqlplus-find-end-of-sqlplus-command () + (save-excursion + (end-of-line) + (while (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (and (not (eobp)) (equal (char-before) ?-))) + (end-of-line 2)) + (point))) + +(defun sqlplus-set-font-lock-emacs-structures-for-level (level mode-symbol) + (let ((result (append sql-mode-oracle-font-lock-keywords + (default-value (cond ((equal level 3) 'sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-3) + ((equal level 2) 'sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-2) + ((equal level 1) 'sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-1) + (t nil)))))) + (when (featurep 'plsql) + (setq result (append (symbol-value 'plsql-oracle-font-lock-fix-re) result))) + (setq result + (append + ;; Names for schemas, tables, synonyms, views, columns, sequences, packages, triggers and indexes + (when (> level 2) + (mapcar (lambda (pair) + (let ((type-symbol (car pair)) + (face (cadr pair))) + (cons (eval `(lambda (limit) (sqlplus-font-lock ',type-symbol limit))) face))) + sqlplus-syntax-faces)) + ;; SQL*Plus + (when (eq mode-symbol 'sqlplus-mode) + (unless sqlplus-commands-regexp-1 + (flet ((first-form-fun (cmds) (mapcar (lambda (name) (car (sqlplus-full-forms name))) cmds)) + (all-forms-fun (cmds) (mapcan 'sqlplus-full-forms cmds)) + (sqlplus-commands-regexp-fun (form-fun cmds) (concat "^" (regexp-opt (funcall form-fun cmds) t) "\\b")) + (sqlplus-system-variables-fun (form-fun vars) (concat "\\b" (regexp-opt (funcall form-fun vars) t) "\\b"))) + (flet ((sqlplus-v22-commands-font-lock-keywords-fun + (form-fun) + (delq nil + (mapcar + (lambda (command-info) + (let* ((names (car command-info)) + (names-list (if (listp names) names (list names))) + (sublists (cdr command-info))) + (when sublists + (append (list (sqlplus-commands-regexp-fun form-fun names-list)) + (mapcar (lambda (sublist) + (let ((face (car sublist)) + (regexp (concat "\\b" + (regexp-opt (mapcan (lambda (name) (sqlplus-full-forms name)) + (mapcan (lambda (elem) + (if (symbolp elem) + (copy-list (symbol-value elem)) + (list elem))) + (cdr sublist))) + t) + "\\b"))) + (list regexp '(sqlplus-find-end-of-sqlplus-command) nil (list 1 face)))) + sublists) + (list '("\\(\\w+\\)" (sqlplus-find-end-of-sqlplus-command) nil (1 font-lock-sqlplus-face))))))) + sqlplus-commands)))) + (let ((commands (mapcan + (lambda (command-info) (let ((names (car command-info))) (if (listp names) (copy-list names) (list names)))) + sqlplus-commands))) + (setq sqlplus-commands-regexp-1 (sqlplus-commands-regexp-fun 'first-form-fun commands)) + (setq sqlplus-commands-regexp-23 (sqlplus-commands-regexp-fun 'all-forms-fun commands)) + (if (<= emacs-major-version 21) + (setq sqlplus-system-variables-regexp-1 (sqlplus-system-variables-fun 'first-form-fun sqlplus-system-variables) + sqlplus-system-variables-regexp-23 (sqlplus-system-variables-fun 'all-forms-fun sqlplus-system-variables)) + (setq sqlplus-v22-commands-font-lock-keywords-1 (sqlplus-v22-commands-font-lock-keywords-fun 'first-form-fun) + sqlplus-v22-commands-font-lock-keywords-23 (sqlplus-v22-commands-font-lock-keywords-fun 'all-forms-fun))))))) + (append (list + ;; Comments (REM command) + (cons "^\\(rem\\)\\b\\(.*?\\)$" '((1 font-lock-keyword-face nil nil) (2 font-lock-comment-face t nil))) + ;; Predefined SQL*Plus variables + (cons (concat "\\b" + (regexp-opt '("_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER" "_DATE" "_EDITOR" "_O_VERSION" "_O_RELEASE" "_PRIVILEGE" + "_SQLPLUS_RELEASE" "_USER") t) + "\\b") + 'font-lock-builtin-face) + ;; SQL*Plus commands (+ shortcuts if level >= 2) + (cons + (concat (if (>= level 2) sqlplus-commands-regexp-23 sqlplus-commands-regexp-1) "\\|^\\(@@\\|@\\|!\\|/\\|\\$\\)" ) + 'font-lock-keyword-face)) + (if (<= emacs-major-version 21) + ;; SQL*Plus system variables (+ shortcuts if level >= 2) + (list (cons (if (>= level 2) sqlplus-system-variables-regexp-23 sqlplus-system-variables-regexp-1) 'font-lock-builtin-face)) + ;; ver. >= 22 + (if (>= level 2) sqlplus-v22-commands-font-lock-keywords-23 sqlplus-v22-commands-font-lock-keywords-1)))) + ; (cons "\\b\\([a-zA-Z$_#0-9]+\\)\\b\\.\\(\\b[a-zA-Z$_#0-9]+\\b\\)" '((1 font-lock-type-face nil nil)(2 font-lock-variable-name-face nil nil))) + (list + ;; Extra Oracle syntax highlighting, not recognized by sql-mode or plsql-mode + (cons sqlplus-oracle-extra-types-re 'font-lock-type-face) + (cons sqlplus-oracle-extra-warning-words-re 'font-lock-warning-face) + (cons sqlplus-oracle-extra-types-re 'font-lock-type-face) + (cons sqlplus-oracle-extra-keywords-re 'font-lock-keyword-face) + (cons sqlplus-oracle-plsql-extra-reserved-words-re 'font-lock-keyword-face) + (if (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version) + (cons sqlplus-oracle-extra-pseudocolumns-re 'font-lock-preprocessor-face) + (cons sqlplus-oracle-extra-pseudocolumns-re 'font-lock-builtin-face)) + (if (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version) + (cons sqlplus-oracle-extra-builtin-functions-re 'font-lock-preprocessor-face) + (cons sqlplus-oracle-extra-builtin-functions-re 'font-lock-builtin-face)) + ;; SQL*Plus variable names, like '&name' or '&&name' + (cons "\\(\\b&[&a-zA-Z$_#0-9]+\\b\\)" 'font-lock-variable-name-face)) + result + ;; Function calls + (when (>= level 2) + (list (cons "\\b\\(\\([a-zA-Z$_#0-9]+\\b\\)\\.\\)?\\(\\b[a-zA-Z$_#0-9]+\\b\\)\\s-*(" + '((2 font-lock-type-face nil t) + (3 font-lock-function-name-face nil nil))))))) + result)) + +(defun sqlplus-mode nil + "Mode for editing and executing SQL*Plus commands. Entry into this mode runs the hook +'sqlplus-mode-hook'. + +Use \\[sqlplus] to start the SQL*Plus interpreter. + +Just position the cursor on or near the SQL*Plus statement you +wish to send and press '\\[sqlplus-send-current]' to run it and +display the results. + +Mode Specific Bindings: + +\\{sqlplus-mode-map}" + (interactive) + (run-hooks 'change-major-mode-hook) + (setq major-mode 'sqlplus-mode + mode-name "SQL*Plus") + (use-local-map sqlplus-mode-map) + (set-syntax-table sqlplus-mode-syntax-table) + (make-local-variable 'comment-start) + (make-local-variable 'comment-end) + (setq comment-start "/* " + comment-end " */") + (orcl-mode 1) + (setq sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-1 (sqlplus-set-font-lock-emacs-structures-for-level 1 major-mode) + sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-2 (sqlplus-set-font-lock-emacs-structures-for-level 2 major-mode) + sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-3 (sqlplus-set-font-lock-emacs-structures-for-level 3 major-mode)) + (when (featurep 'plsql) + (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) + (lambda () (interactive) (condition-case err (funcall (symbol-function 'plsql-indent)) (error (message "Error: %S" err))))) + (set (make-local-variable 'indent-region-function) 'plsql-indent-region) + (set (make-local-variable 'align-mode-rules-list) 'plsql-align-rules-list)) + (setq font-lock-defaults sqlplus-font-lock-defaults) + (unless sqlplus-connect-string + (let ((potential-connect-string (sqlplus-get-potential-connect-string (buffer-file-name)))) + (when (and potential-connect-string + (get-process (sqlplus-get-process-name potential-connect-string))) + (setq sqlplus-connect-string potential-connect-string)))) + (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-extend-after-change-region-function) + (lambda (beg end old-len) + (cons (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (sqlplus-find-begin-of-sqlplus-command)) + (save-excursion (goto-char end) (sqlplus-find-end-of-sqlplus-command))))) + (unless font-lock-sqlplus-face + (copy-face 'default 'font-lock-sqlplus-face) + (setq font-lock-sqlplus-face 'font-lock-sqlplus-face)) + (turn-on-font-lock) + (unless frame-background-mode + (setq frame-background-mode (if (< (sqlplus-color-percentage (face-background 'default)) 50) 'dark 'light))) + (setq imenu-generic-expression '((nil "^--[ ]*\\([^;.\n]*\\)" 1))) + ;; if input buffer has sqlplus-mode then prepare it for command under cursor selection + (when (and (eq major-mode 'sqlplus-mode) (null sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position)) + (setq sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position (make-marker) + sqlplus-end-command-overlay-arrow-position (make-marker) + sqlplus-command-overlay (make-overlay 1 1)) + (overlay-put sqlplus-command-overlay 'face 'sqlplus-command-highlight-face) + (when (and (>= emacs-major-version 22) (not (memq 'sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position overlay-arrow-variable-list))) + (push 'sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position overlay-arrow-variable-list)) + (when (and (>= emacs-major-version 22) (not (memq 'sqlplus-end-command-overlay-arrow-position overlay-arrow-variable-list))) + (push 'sqlplus-end-command-overlay-arrow-position overlay-arrow-variable-list)) + (add-hook 'pre-command-hook (lambda () + (set-marker sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position nil) + (set-marker sqlplus-end-command-overlay-arrow-position nil)) + nil t) + (add-hook 'post-command-hook (lambda () + (sqlplus-clear-mouse-selection) + (set-marker sqlplus-begin-command-overlay-arrow-position nil) + (set-marker sqlplus-end-command-overlay-arrow-position nil)) + nil t)) + (run-hooks 'sqlplus-mode-hook)) + +(defun sqlplus-color-percentage (color) + (truncate (* (/ (/ (reduce '+ (color-values color)) 3.0) 65535.0) 100.0))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-potential-connect-string (file-path) + (when file-path + (let* ((file-name (file-name-nondirectory file-path)) + (extension (file-name-extension file-name)) + (case-fold-search t)) + (when (and extension + (string-match (concat "^" sqlplus-session-file-extension "$") extension) + (string-match "@" file-name)) + (car (refine-connect-string (file-name-sans-extension file-name))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-check-connection () + (if orcl-mode + (unless sqlplus-connect-string + (let* ((potential-connect-string (sqlplus-get-potential-connect-string (buffer-file-name))) + (connect-string (car (sqlplus-read-connect-string nil (or potential-connect-string + (caar (sqlplus-divide-connect-strings))))))) + (sqlplus connect-string (buffer-name)))) + (error "Current buffer is not determined to communicate with Oracle"))) + +;;; Utilitities + +(defun sqlplus-echo-in-buffer (buffer-name string &optional force-display hide-after-head) + "Displays string in the named buffer, creating the buffer if needed. If force-display is true, the buffer will appear +if not already shown." + (let ((buffer (get-buffer buffer-name))) + (when buffer + (if force-display (display-buffer buffer)) + (with-current-buffer buffer + (while (and (> (buffer-size) sqlplus-output-buffer-max-size) + (progn (goto-char (point-min)) + (unless (eobp) (forward-char)) + (re-search-forward (concat "^" (regexp-quote sqlplus-output-separator)) nil t))) + (delete-region 1 (- (point) (length sqlplus-output-separator)))) + + (goto-char (point-max)) + (let ((start-point (point))) + (insert string) + (when hide-after-head + (let ((from-pos (string-match "\n" string)) + (keymap (make-sparse-keymap)) + overlay) + (when from-pos + (setq overlay (make-overlay (+ start-point from-pos) (- (+ start-point (length string)) 2))) + (when (or (not (consp buffer-invisibility-spec)) + (not (assq 'hide-symbol buffer-invisibility-spec))) + (add-to-invisibility-spec '(hide-symbol . t))) + (overlay-put overlay 'invisible 'hide-symbol) + (put-text-property start-point (- (+ start-point (length string)) 2) 'help-echo string) + (put-text-property start-point (- (+ start-point (length string)) 2) 'mouse-face 'highlight) + (put-text-property start-point (- (+ start-point (length string)) 2) 'keymap sqlplus-output-buffer-keymap))))) + (if force-display + (set-window-point (get-buffer-window buffer-name) (point-max))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-verify-buffer (connect-string) + (let ((output-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name connect-string)) + (process-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-process-buffer-name connect-string))) + (when (not (get-buffer process-buffer-name)) + (sqlplus-shutdown connect-string) + (error "No SQL*Plus session! Use 'M-x sqlplus' to start the SQL*Plus interpreter")) + (unless (get-buffer-process process-buffer-name) + (sqlplus-shutdown connect-string) + (error "Buffer '%s' is not talking to anybody!" output-buffer-name))) + t) + +(defun sqlplus-get-context (connect-string &optional id) + (let ((process-buffer (sqlplus-get-process-buffer-name connect-string))) + (when process-buffer + (with-current-buffer process-buffer + (when id + (while (and sqlplus-command-contexts + (not (equal (sqlplus-get-context-value (car sqlplus-command-contexts) :id) id))) + (setq sqlplus-command-contexts (cdr sqlplus-command-contexts)))) + (car sqlplus-command-contexts))))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-context-value (context var-symbol) + (cdr (assq var-symbol context))) + +(defun sqlplus-set-context-value (context var-symbol value) + (let ((association (assq var-symbol context))) + (if association + (setcdr association value) + (setcdr context (cons (cons var-symbol value) (cdr context)))) + context)) + +(defun sqlplus-mark-current () + "Marks the current SQL for sending to the SQL*Plus process. Marks are placed around a region defined by empty lines." + (let (begin end empty-line-p empty-line-p next-line-included tail-p) + (save-excursion + (beginning-of-line) + (setq empty-line-p (when (looking-at "^[ \t]*\\(\n\\|\\'\\)") (point))) + (setq next-line-included (and empty-line-p (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward " \t\n") (> (current-column) 0)))) + (setq tail-p (and empty-line-p + (or (bobp) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line 0) (looking-at "^[ \t]*\n")))))) + (unless tail-p + (save-excursion + (end-of-line) + (re-search-backward "\\`\\|\n[\r\t ]*\n[^ \t]" nil t) + (skip-syntax-forward "-") + (setq begin (point))) + (save-excursion + (beginning-of-line) + (re-search-forward "\n[\r\t ]*\n[^ \t]\\|\\'" nil t) + (unless (zerop (length (match-string 0))) + (backward-char 1)) + (skip-syntax-backward "-") + (setq end (or (and (not next-line-included) empty-line-p) (point))))) + (cons begin end))) + +;;; Transmission Commands + +(defun sqlplus-send-current (arg &optional html) + "Send the current SQL command(s) to the SQL*Plus process. With argument, show results in raw form." + (interactive "P") + (sqlplus-check-connection) + (when (buffer-file-name) + (condition-case err + (save-buffer) + (error (message (error-message-string err))))) + (let ((region (sqlplus-mark-current))) + (setq sqlplus-region-beginning-pos (car region) + sqlplus-region-end-pos (cdr region))) + (if (and sqlplus-region-beginning-pos sqlplus-region-end-pos) + (sqlplus-send-region arg sqlplus-region-beginning-pos sqlplus-region-end-pos nil html) + (error "Point doesn't indicate any command to execute"))) + +(defun sqlplus-send-current-html (arg) + (interactive "P") + (sqlplus-send-current arg t)) + + +;;; SQLPLUS-Output Buffer Operations - + +(defun sqlplus--show-buffer (connect-string fcn args) + (let* ((output-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name connect-string))) + (sqlplus-verify-buffer connect-string) + (if sqlplus-suppress-show-output-buffer + (with-current-buffer (get-buffer output-buffer-name) + (if fcn (condition-case err (apply fcn args) (error (message (error-message-string err)))))) + (if (not (eq (window-buffer (selected-window)) (get-buffer output-buffer-name))) + (switch-to-buffer-other-window output-buffer-name)) + (if fcn (condition-case err (apply fcn args) (error (message (error-message-string err)))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-show-buffer (&optional connect-string fcn &rest args) + "Makes the SQL*Plus output buffer visible in the other window." + (interactive) + (setq connect-string (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string)) + (unless connect-string + (error "Current buffer is disconnected!")) + (let ((output-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name connect-string))) + (if (and output-buffer-name + (eq (current-buffer) (get-buffer output-buffer-name))) + (sqlplus--show-buffer connect-string fcn args) + (save-excursion + (save-selected-window + (sqlplus--show-buffer connect-string fcn args)))))) + +(fset 'sqlplus-buffer-display-window 'sqlplus-show-buffer) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-scroll-up (&optional connect-string) + "Scroll-up in the SQL*Plus output buffer window." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'scroll-up)) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-scroll-down (&optional connect-string) + "Scroll-down in the SQL*Plus output buffer window." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'scroll-down)) + +(defun sqlplus-scroll-left (num) + (call-interactively 'scroll-left)) + +(defun sqlplus-scroll-right (num) + (call-interactively 'scroll-right)) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-scroll-left (num &optional connect-string) + "Scroll-left in the SQL*Plus output buffer window." + (interactive "p") + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'sqlplus-scroll-left (* num (/ (window-width) 2)))) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-scroll-right (num &optional connect-string) + "Scroll-right in the SQL*Plus output buffer window." + (interactive "p") + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'sqlplus-scroll-right (* num (/ (window-width) 2)))) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-mark-current (&optional connect-string) + "Mark the current position in the SQL*Plus output window." + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'sqlplus-buffer-make-mark)) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-make-mark (&optional connect-string) + "Set the sqlplus-buffer-marker." + (setq sqlplus-buffer-mark (copy-marker (point)))) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-redisplay-current (&optional connect-string) + "Go to the current sqlplus-buffer-mark." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'sqlplus-goto-mark)) + +(defun sqlplus-goto-mark () + (goto-char sqlplus-buffer-mark) + (recenter 0)) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-top (&optional connect-string) + "Goto the top of the SQL*Plus output buffer." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'sqlplus-beginning-of-buffer)) + +(defun sqlplus-beginning-of-buffer nil (goto-char (point-min))) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-bottom (&optional connect-string) + "Goto the bottom of the SQL*Plus output buffer." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'sqlplus-end-of-buffer)) + +(defun sqlplus-end-of-buffer nil (goto-char (point-max)) (unless sqlplus-suppress-show-output-buffer (recenter -1))) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-erase (&optional connect-string) + "Clear the SQL output buffer." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'erase-buffer)) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-next-command (&optional connect-string) + "Search for the next command in the SQL*Plus output buffer." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'sqlplus-next-command)) + +(defun sqlplus-next-command nil + "Search for the next command in the SQL*Plus output buffer." + (cond ((re-search-forward (concat "^" (regexp-quote sqlplus-output-separator)) nil t) + (forward-line 2) + (recenter 0)) + (t (beep) (message "No more commands.")))) + +(defun sqlplus-buffer-prev-command (&optional connect-string) + "Search for the previous command in the SQL*Plus output buffer." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-show-buffer (or connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) 'sqlplus-previous-command)) + +(defun sqlplus-previous-command nil + "Search for the previous command in the SQL*Plus output buffer." + (let ((start (point))) + (re-search-backward (concat "^" (regexp-quote sqlplus-output-separator)) nil t) + (cond ((re-search-backward (concat "^" (regexp-quote sqlplus-output-separator)) nil t) + (forward-line 2) + (recenter 0)) + (t + (message "No more commands.") (beep) + (goto-char start))))) + +(defun sqlplus-send-interrupt nil + "Send an interrupt the the SQL*Plus interpreter process." + (interactive) + (sqlplus-check-connection) + (let ((connect-string sqlplus-connect-string)) + (sqlplus-verify-buffer connect-string) + (interrupt-process (get-process (sqlplus-get-process-name connect-string))))) + + +;;; SQL Interpreter + +(defun refine-connect-string (connect-string &optional no-slash) + "Z connect stringa do SQL*Plusa wycina haslo, tj. np. 'ponaglenia/x@SID' -> ('ponaglenia@SID' . 'x')." + (let (result passwd) + (when connect-string + (setq result + (if (string-match "\\(\\`[^@/]*?\\)/\\([^/@:]*\\)\\(.*?\\'\\)" connect-string) + (progn + (setq passwd (match-string 2 connect-string)) + (concat (match-string 1 connect-string) (match-string 3 connect-string))) + connect-string)) + (when no-slash + (while (string-match "/" result) + (setq result (replace-match "!" nil t result))))) + (cons result passwd))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name (connect-string) + (concat "*" (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)) "*")) + +(defun sqlplus-get-input-buffer-name (connect-string) + (concat (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)) (concat "." sqlplus-session-file-extension))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-history-buffer-name (connect-string) + (concat " " (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)) "-hist")) + +(defun sqlplus-get-process-buffer-name (connect-string) + (concat " " (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-process-name (connect-string) + (car (refine-connect-string connect-string))) + +(defun sqlplus-read-connect-string (&optional connect-string default-connect-string) + "Ask user for connect string with password, with DEFAULT-CONNECT-STRING proposed. +DEFAULT-CONNECT-STRING nil means first inactive connect-string on sqlplus-connect-strings-alist. +CONNECT-STRING non nil means ask for password only if CONNECT-STRING has no password itself. +Returns (qualified-connect-string refined-connect-string)." + (unless default-connect-string + (let ((inactive-connect-strings (cdr (sqlplus-divide-connect-strings)))) + (setq default-connect-string + (some (lambda (pair) + (when (member (car pair) inactive-connect-strings) (car pair))) + sqlplus-connect-strings-alist)))) + (let* ((cs (downcase (or connect-string + (read-string (format "Connect string%s: " (if default-connect-string (format " [default %s]" default-connect-string) "")) + nil 'sqlplus-connect-string-history default-connect-string)))) + (pair (refine-connect-string cs)) + (refined-cs (car pair)) + (password (cdr pair)) + (was-password password) + (association (assoc refined-cs sqlplus-connect-strings-alist))) + (unless (or password current-prefix-arg) + (setq password (cdr association))) + (unless password + (setq password (read-passwd (format "Password for %s: " cs)))) + (unless was-password + (if (string-match "@" cs) + (setq cs (replace-match (concat "/" password "@") t t cs)) + (setq cs (concat cs "/" password)))) + (list cs refined-cs))) + +(defun sqlplus (connect-string &optional input-buffer-name output-buffer-flag) + "Create SQL*Plus process connected to Oracle according to +CONNECT-STRING, open (or create) input buffer with specified +name (do not create if INPUT-BUFFER-NAME is nil). +OUTPUT-BUFFER-FLAG has meanings: nil or SHOW-OUTPUT-BUFFER - +create output buffer and show it, DONT-SHOW-OUTPUT-BUFFER - +create output buffer but dont show it, DONT-CREATE-OUTPUT-BUFFER +- dont create output buffer" + (interactive (let ((pair (sqlplus-read-connect-string))) + (list (car pair) (concat (cadr pair) (concat "." sqlplus-session-file-extension))))) + (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "/\\*+ *\\|--+ *") + (set (make-local-variable 'comment-multi-line) t) + ;; create sqlplus-session-cache-dir if not exists + (when sqlplus-session-cache-dir + (condition-case err + (unless (file-directory-p sqlplus-session-cache-dir) + (make-directory sqlplus-session-cache-dir t)) + (error (message (error-message-string err))))) + (let* ((was-input-buffer (and input-buffer-name (get-buffer input-buffer-name))) + (input-buffer (or was-input-buffer + (when input-buffer-name + (if sqlplus-session-cache-dir + (let ((buf (find-file-noselect + (concat + (file-name-as-directory sqlplus-session-cache-dir) + (car (refine-connect-string connect-string t)) + (concat "." sqlplus-session-file-extension))))) + (condition-case nil + (with-current-buffer buf + (rename-buffer input-buffer-name)) + (error nil)) + buf) + (get-buffer-create input-buffer-name))))) + (output-buffer (or (and (not (eq output-buffer-flag 'dont-create-output-buffer)) + (get-buffer-create (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name connect-string))) + (get-buffer (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name connect-string)))) + (process-name (sqlplus-get-process-name connect-string)) + (process-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-process-buffer-name connect-string)) + (was-process (get-process process-name)) + process-created + (process (or was-process + (let (proc) + (puthash (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)) + (make-sqlplus-global-struct :font-lock-regexps (make-hash-table :test 'equal) + :side-view-buffer (when (featurep 'ide-skel) (sqlplus-create-side-view-buffer connect-string))) + sqlplus-global-structures) + ;; push current connect string to the beginning of sqlplus-connect-strings-alist + (let* ((refined-cs (refine-connect-string connect-string))) + (setq sqlplus-connect-strings-alist (delete* (car refined-cs) sqlplus-connect-strings-alist :test 'string= :key 'car)) + (push refined-cs sqlplus-connect-strings-alist)) + (sqlplus-get-history-buffer connect-string) + (when output-buffer + (with-current-buffer output-buffer + (erase-buffer))) + (setq process-created t + proc (start-process process-name process-buffer-name sqlplus-command connect-string)) + (set-process-sentinel proc (lambda (process event) + (let ((proc-buffer (buffer-name (process-buffer process))) + (output-buffer (get-buffer (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name (process-name process)))) + err-msg + (exited-abnormally (string-match "\\`exited abnormally with code" event))) + (when output-buffer + (with-current-buffer output-buffer + (goto-char (point-max)) + (insert (format "\n%s" event)) + (when exited-abnormally + (setq sqlplus-connect-strings-alist + (delete* (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-connect-string)) + sqlplus-connect-strings-alist :test 'string= :key 'car)) + (when proc-buffer + (with-current-buffer proc-buffer + (save-excursion + (goto-char (point-min)) + (when (re-search-forward "^ORA-[0-9]+.*$" nil t) + (setq err-msg (match-string 0)))) + (erase-buffer))) + (when err-msg + (insert (concat "\n" err-msg))))))))) + (process-kill-without-query proc (not sqlplus-kill-processes-without-query-on-exit-flag)) + (set-process-filter proc 'sqlplus-process-filter) + (with-current-buffer (get-buffer process-buffer-name) + (setq sqlplus-process-p connect-string)) + proc)))) + (when output-buffer + (with-current-buffer output-buffer + (orcl-mode 1) + (set (make-local-variable 'line-move-ignore-invisible) t) + (setq sqlplus-output-buffer-keymap (make-sparse-keymap) + sqlplus-connect-string connect-string + truncate-lines t) + (define-key sqlplus-output-buffer-keymap "\C-m" (lambda () (interactive) (sqlplus-output-buffer-hide-show))) + (define-key sqlplus-output-buffer-keymap [S-mouse-2] (lambda (event) (interactive "@e") (sqlplus-output-buffer-hide-show))) + (local-set-key [S-return] 'sqlplus-send-user-string))) + (when input-buffer + (with-current-buffer input-buffer + (setq sqlplus-connect-string connect-string))) + ;; if input buffer was created then switch it to sqlplus-mode + (when (and input-buffer (not was-input-buffer)) + (with-current-buffer input-buffer + (unless (eq major-mode 'sqlplus-mode) + (sqlplus-mode))) + (when font-lock-mode (font-lock-mode 1)) + (set-window-buffer (sqlplus-get-workbench-window) input-buffer)) + ;; if process was created then get information for font lock + (when process-created + (sqlplus-execute connect-string nil nil (sqlplus-initial-strings) 'no-echo) + (let ((plsql-font-lock-level (sqlplus-font-lock-value-in-major-mode font-lock-maximum-decoration 'plsql-mode)) + (sqlplus-font-lock-level (sqlplus-font-lock-value-in-major-mode font-lock-maximum-decoration 'sqlplus-mode))) + (when (or (equal plsql-font-lock-level t) (equal sqlplus-font-lock-level t) + (and (numberp plsql-font-lock-level) (>= plsql-font-lock-level 2)) + (and (numberp sqlplus-font-lock-level) (>= sqlplus-font-lock-level 2))) + (sqlplus-hidden-select connect-string + (concat "select distinct column_name, 'COLUMN', ' ' from user_tab_columns where column_name not like 'BIN$%'\n" + "union\n" + "select username, 'SCHEMA', ' ' from all_users where username not like 'BIN$%'\n" + "union\n" + "select object_name, object_type, decode( status, 'INVALID', 'I', ' ' ) from user_objects\n" + "where object_name not like 'BIN$%'\n" + "and object_type in ('VIEW', 'SEQUENCE', 'PACKAGE', 'TRIGGER', 'TABLE', 'SYNONYM', 'INDEX', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE');") + 'sqlplus-my-handler)))) + (when input-buffer + (save-selected-window + (when (equal (selected-window) (sqlplus-get-side-window)) + (select-window (sqlplus-get-workbench-window))) + (switch-to-buffer input-buffer))) + (let ((saved-window (cons (selected-window) (window-buffer (selected-window)))) + (input-buffer (get-buffer (sqlplus-get-input-buffer-name connect-string)))) + (when (or (eq output-buffer-flag 'show-output-buffer) (null output-buffer-flag)) + (sqlplus-show-buffer connect-string)) + (if (window-live-p (car saved-window)) + (select-window (car saved-window)) + (if (get-buffer-window (cdr saved-window)) + (select-window (get-buffer-window (cdr saved-window))) + (when (and input-buffer + (get-buffer-window input-buffer)) + (select-window (get-buffer-window input-buffer)))))) + ;; executing initial sequence (between /* init */ and /* end */) + (when (and (not was-process) input-buffer) + (with-current-buffer input-buffer + (save-excursion + (goto-char (point-min)) + (when (re-search-forward (concat "^" sqlplus-init-sequence-start-regexp "\\s-*\n\\(\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\\)\n" sqlplus-init-sequence-end-regexp) nil t) + (when (match-string 1) + (sqlplus-send-region nil (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) t)))))))) + +;; Command under cursor selection mechanism +(when window-system + (run-with-idle-timer 0 t (lambda () (when (eq major-mode 'sqlplus-mode) (sqlplus-highlight-current-sqlplus-command)))) + (run-with-idle-timer 1 t (lambda () + (when (eq major-mode 'sqlplus-mode) + (if (>= (sqlplus-color-percentage (face-background 'default)) 50) + (set-face-attribute 'sqlplus-command-highlight-face nil + :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) (- sqlplus-command-highlighting-percentage))) + (set-face-attribute 'sqlplus-command-highlight-face nil + :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) sqlplus-command-highlighting-percentage))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-output-buffer-hide-show () + (if (and (consp buffer-invisibility-spec) + (assq 'hide-symbol buffer-invisibility-spec)) + (remove-from-invisibility-spec '(hide-symbol . t)) + (add-to-invisibility-spec '(hide-symbol . t))) + (let ((overlay (car (overlays-at (point))))) + (when overlay + (goto-char (overlay-start overlay)) + (beginning-of-line))) + (recenter 0)) + +(defun sqlplus-font-lock-value-in-major-mode (alist mode-symbol) + (if (consp alist) + (cdr (or (assq mode-symbol alist) (assq t alist))) + alist)) + +(defun sqlplus-get-history-buffer (connect-string) + (let* ((history-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-history-buffer-name connect-string)) + (history-buffer (get-buffer history-buffer-name))) + (unless history-buffer + (setq history-buffer (get-buffer-create history-buffer-name)) + (with-current-buffer history-buffer + (setq sqlplus-cs connect-string) + (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'sqlplus-history-buffer-kill-function nil t))) + history-buffer)) + +(defun sqlplus-history-buffer-kill-function () + (when sqlplus-history-dir + (condition-case err + (progn + (unless (file-directory-p sqlplus-history-dir) + (make-directory sqlplus-history-dir t)) + (append-to-file 1 (buffer-size) (concat (file-name-as-directory sqlplus-history-dir) (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-cs t)) "-hist.txt"))) + (error (message (error-message-string err)))))) + +(defun sqlplus-soft-shutdown (connect-string) + (unless (some (lambda (buffer) + (with-current-buffer buffer + (and sqlplus-connect-string + (equal (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-connect-string)) + (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)))))) + (buffer-list)) + (sqlplus-shutdown connect-string))) + +(defun sqlplus-shutdown (connect-string &optional dont-kill-input-buffer) + "Kill input, output and process buffer for specified CONNECT-STRING." + (let ((input-buffers (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer + (when (and (eq major-mode 'sqlplus-mode) + (equal (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-connect-string)) + (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)))) + buffer))) (buffer-list)))) + (output-buffer (get-buffer (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name connect-string))) + (history-buffer (get-buffer (sqlplus-get-history-buffer-name connect-string))) + (process-buffer (get-buffer (sqlplus-get-process-buffer-name connect-string)))) + (when history-buffer + (kill-buffer history-buffer)) + (when (and process-buffer + (with-current-buffer process-buffer sqlplus-process-p)) + (when (get-process (sqlplus-get-process-name connect-string)) + (delete-process (sqlplus-get-process-name connect-string))) + (kill-buffer process-buffer)) + (when (and output-buffer + (with-current-buffer output-buffer sqlplus-connect-string)) + (when (buffer-file-name output-buffer) + (with-current-buffer output-buffer + (save-buffer))) + (kill-buffer output-buffer)) + (dolist (input-buffer input-buffers) + (when (buffer-file-name input-buffer) + (with-current-buffer input-buffer + (save-buffer))) + (unless dont-kill-input-buffer + (kill-buffer input-buffer))))) + +(defun sqlplus-magic () + (let (bottom-message pos) + (delete-region (point) (progn (beginning-of-line 3) (point))) + (setq bottom-message (buffer-substring (point) (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))) + (setq pos (point)) + (when (re-search-forward "^-------" nil t) + (delete-region pos (progn (beginning-of-line 2) (point))) + (while (re-search-forward "|" (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t) + (save-excursion + (backward-char) + (if (or (bolp) (save-excursion (forward-char) (eolp))) + (while (member (char-after) '(?- ?|)) + (delete-char 1) + (sqlplus-next-line)) + (while (member (char-after) '(?- ?|)) + (delete-char 1) + (insert " ") + (backward-char) + (sqlplus-next-line))))) + (beginning-of-line 3) + (re-search-forward "^---" nil t) + (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) + (delete-region (point) (point-max)) + (insert (format "%s\n\n%s\n" sqlplus-repfooter bottom-message)) + ))) + + +(defun sqlplus-process-command-output (context connect-string begin end interrupted) + (let* ((output-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name connect-string)) + (output-buffer (get-buffer output-buffer-name)) + (process-buffer (sqlplus-get-process-buffer-name connect-string)) + str + error-list show-errors-p + slips-count + (user-function (sqlplus-get-context-value context :user-function)) + (result-function (sqlplus-get-context-value context :result-table-function)) + (last-compiled-file-path (sqlplus-get-context-value context :last-compiled-file-path)) + (compilation-expected (sqlplus-get-context-value context :compilation-expected)) + (columns-count (sqlplus-get-context-value context :columns-count)) + (sql (sqlplus-get-context-value context :sql)) + (original-buffer (current-buffer)) + explain-plan + table-data) + (setq slips-count columns-count) + (with-temp-buffer + (insert-buffer-substring original-buffer begin end) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (while (re-search-forward (concat "\n+" (regexp-quote sqlplus-page-separator) "\n") nil t) + (replace-match "\n")) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (setq str (buffer-string)) + (while (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote sqlplus-repfooter) "\n") str) + (setq str (replace-match "" nil t str))) + + ;; compilation errors? + (goto-char (point-min)) + (skip-chars-forward "\n\t ") + (when (and ;;(not (equal (point) (point-max))) + plsql-auto-parse-errors-flag + output-buffer + last-compiled-file-path + (re-search-forward "^\\(LINE/COL\\|\\(SP2\\|CPY\\|ORA\\)-[0-9]\\{4,5\\}:\\|No errors\\|Nie ma b..d.w\\|Keine Fehler\\|No hay errores\\|Identificateur erron\\|Nessun errore\\|N..o h.. erros\\)" nil t)) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (setq error-list (plsql-parse-errors last-compiled-file-path) + show-errors-p compilation-expected)) + + ;; explain? + (let ((case-fold-search t)) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (skip-chars-forward "\n\t ") + (when (and sql + (string-match "^[\n\t ]*explain\\>" sql) + (looking-at "Explained[.]")) + (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) + (setq str "") + (sqlplus--send connect-string + "select plan_table_output from table(dbms_xplan.display(null, null, 'TYPICAL'));" + nil + 'no-echo + nil))) + + ;; plan table output? + (goto-char (point-min)) + (skip-chars-forward "\n\t ") + (when (and (looking-at "^PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT\n") + sqlplus-format-output-tables-flag + (not compilation-expected) + (not show-errors-p)) + (sqlplus-magic) ;; TODO + (goto-char (point-min)) + (re-search-forward "^[^\n]+" nil t) + (delete-region (point-min) (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))) + ;; (setq slips-count 1) + (setq explain-plan t) + (setq table-data (save-excursion (sqlplus-parse-output-table interrupted)))) + + ;; query result? + (goto-char (point-min)) + (when (and sqlplus-format-output-tables-flag + (not compilation-expected) + (not table-data) + (not show-errors-p) + (not (re-search-forward "^LINE/COL\\>" nil t))) + (setq table-data (save-excursion (sqlplus-parse-output-table interrupted)))) + (if user-function + (funcall user-function connect-string context (or table-data str)) + (when output-buffer + (with-current-buffer output-buffer + (save-excursion + (goto-char (point-max)) + (cond (show-errors-p + (insert str) + (plsql-display-errors (file-name-directory last-compiled-file-path) error-list) + (let* ((plsql-buf (get-file-buffer last-compiled-file-path)) + (win (when plsql-buf (car (get-buffer-window-list plsql-buf))))) + (when win + (select-window win)))) + ((and table-data + (car table-data)) + (if result-function + (funcall result-function connect-string table-data) + (let ((b (point)) + (warning-regexp (regexp-opt sqlplus-explain-plan-warning-regexps)) + e) + (sqlplus-draw-table table-data slips-count) + (when interrupted (insert ". . .\n")) + (setq e (point)) + (when explain-plan + (save-excursion + (goto-char b) + (while (re-search-forward warning-regexp nil t) + (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) + (list 'face (list (cons 'foreground-color "red") (list :weight 'bold) + (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'face)))))))))) + (t + (insert str)))))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-result-online (connect-string context string last-chunk) + (let ((output-buffer (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name connect-string))) + (when output-buffer + (with-current-buffer output-buffer + (save-excursion + (goto-char (point-max)) + (insert string)))))) + +(defvar sqlplus-prompt-regexp (concat "^" (regexp-quote sqlplus-prompt-prefix) "\\([0-9]+\\)" (regexp-quote sqlplus-prompt-suffix))) + +(defvar sqlplus-page-separator-regexp (concat "^" (regexp-quote sqlplus-page-separator))) + +(defun sqlplus-process-filter (process string) + (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process) + (let* ((prompt-safe-len (+ (max (+ (length sqlplus-prompt-prefix) (length sqlplus-prompt-suffix)) (length sqlplus-page-separator)) 10)) + current-context-id filter-input-processed + (connect-string sqlplus-process-p) + (chunk-begin-pos (make-marker)) + (chunk-end-pos (make-marker)) + (prompt-found (make-marker)) + (context (sqlplus-get-context connect-string current-context-id)) + (current-command-input-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-context-value context :current-command-input-buffer-name)) + (current-command-input-buffer-names (when current-command-input-buffer-name (list current-command-input-buffer-name)))) + (set-marker chunk-begin-pos (max 1 (- (point) prompt-safe-len))) + (goto-char (point-max)) + (insert string) + (unless current-command-input-buffer-names + (setq current-command-input-buffer-names + (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer + (when (and (memq major-mode '(sqlplus-mode plsql-mode)) + sqlplus-connect-string + (equal (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-connect-string)) + (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)))) + buffer))) (buffer-list))))) + ;; fan animation + (dolist (current-command-input-buffer-name current-command-input-buffer-names) + (let ((input-buffer (get-buffer current-command-input-buffer-name))) + (when input-buffer + (with-current-buffer input-buffer + (setq sqlplus-fan + (cond ((equal sqlplus-fan "|") "/") + ((equal sqlplus-fan "/") "-") + ((equal sqlplus-fan "-") "\\") + ((equal sqlplus-fan "\\") "|"))) + (put-text-property 0 (length sqlplus-fan) 'face '((foreground-color . "red")) sqlplus-fan) + (put-text-property 0 (length sqlplus-fan) 'help-echo (sqlplus-get-context-value context :sql) sqlplus-fan) + (force-mode-line-update))))) + (unwind-protect + (while (not filter-input-processed) + (let* ((context (sqlplus-get-context connect-string current-context-id)) + (dont-parse-result (sqlplus-get-context-value context :dont-parse-result)) + (current-command-input-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-context-value context :current-command-input-buffer-name)) + (result-function (sqlplus-get-context-value context :result-function)) + (skip-to-the-end-of-command (sqlplus-get-context-value context :skip-to-the-end-of-command))) + (set-marker prompt-found nil) + (goto-char chunk-begin-pos) + (set-marker chunk-end-pos + (if (or (re-search-forward sqlplus-prompt-regexp nil t) + (re-search-forward "^SQL> " nil t)) + (progn + (set-marker prompt-found (match-end 0)) + (when (match-string 1) + (setq current-context-id (string-to-number (match-string 1)))) + (match-beginning 0)) + (point-max))) + (cond ((and (equal chunk-begin-pos chunk-end-pos) ; at the end of command + (marker-position prompt-found)) + ;; deactivate fan + (dolist (current-command-input-buffer-name current-command-input-buffer-names) + (let ((input-buffer (get-buffer current-command-input-buffer-name))) + (when input-buffer + (with-current-buffer input-buffer + (remove-text-properties 0 (length sqlplus-fan) '(face nil) sqlplus-fan) + (force-mode-line-update))))) + (delete-region 1 prompt-found) + (when dont-parse-result + (funcall (or result-function 'sqlplus-result-online) connect-string context "" t)) + (sqlplus-set-context-value context :skip-to-the-end-of-command nil) + (set-marker chunk-begin-pos 1)) + ((equal chunk-begin-pos chunk-end-pos) + (when dont-parse-result + (delete-region 1 (point-max))) + (setq filter-input-processed t)) + (dont-parse-result + (funcall (or result-function 'sqlplus-result-online) + connect-string + context + (buffer-substring chunk-begin-pos chunk-end-pos) + (marker-position prompt-found)) + (set-marker chunk-begin-pos chunk-end-pos)) + (t + (when (not skip-to-the-end-of-command) + (goto-char (max 1 (- chunk-begin-pos 4010))) + (let ((page-separator-found + (save-excursion (let ((pos (re-search-forward (concat sqlplus-page-separator-regexp "[^-]*\\(^-\\|^ e b) + (buffer-substring b e) + ""))) + (col-preferred-width (string-width col-name))) + ;; (put-text-property 0 (length col-name) 'face '(bold) col-name) + (push (make-col-desc :id col-counter :name col-name :start-pos col-begin + :end-pos col-end :max-width col-max-width :preferred-width col-preferred-width :min-prefix-len col-max-width) + column-infos) + (incf col-counter) + (goto-char ed) + (if (equal (char-after) ?\n) + (progn + (beginning-of-line 3) + (incf record-lines)) + (forward-char))) + (setq finish t))) + (decf record-lines) + (setq column-infos (nreverse column-infos)) + (forward-line -1) + + ;; at the first char of first data cell. + ;; table parsing... + (while (< (point) end) + (let (record last-start-pos) + (dolist (column-info column-infos) + (let ((start-pos (col-desc-start-pos column-info)) + (end-pos (col-desc-end-pos column-info)) + width len value b e l) + (when (and last-start-pos + (<= start-pos last-start-pos)) + (forward-line)) + (setq last-start-pos start-pos) + (move-to-column start-pos) + (setq b (point)) + (move-to-column end-pos) + (setq e (point)) + (move-to-column start-pos) + (setq l (skip-chars-forward " " e)) + (when (and (col-desc-min-prefix-len column-info) + (< l (- e b)) + (< l (col-desc-min-prefix-len column-info))) + (setf (col-desc-min-prefix-len column-info) + (if (looking-at "[0-9]") l nil))) + (move-to-column end-pos) + (skip-chars-backward " " b) + (setq value (if (> (point) b) (buffer-substring b (point)) "")) + (setq len (length value) + width (string-width value)) + (when (and sqlplus-select-result-max-col-width + (> len sqlplus-select-result-max-col-width)) + (setq value (concat (substring value 0 sqlplus-select-result-max-col-width) "...") + len (length value) + width (string-width value))) + (when (> width (col-desc-preferred-width column-info)) + (setf (col-desc-preferred-width column-info) width)) + (when (and (< l (- e b)) + (memq (col-desc-numeric column-info) '(nil y))) + (setf (col-desc-numeric column-info) + (if (string-match "\\` *[-+0-9Ee.,$]+\\'" value) 'y 'n))) + (push value record))) + (forward-line) + (when (> record-lines 1) + (forward-line)) + (setq last-start-pos nil + record (nreverse record)) + (push record rows))) + (setq rows (nreverse rows)) + (list column-infos rows last-msg))))) + +(defun sqlplus-draw-table (lst &optional slips-count) + "SLIPS-COUNT (nil means compute automatically)." + ;; current buffer: SQL*Plus output buffer + (when window-system + (if (>= (sqlplus-color-percentage (face-background 'default)) 50) + (progn + (set-face-attribute 'sqlplus-table-head-face nil + :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) -70) :foreground (face-background 'default)) + (set-face-attribute 'sqlplus-table-even-rows-face nil + :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) -20) :overline (face-background 'default)) + (set-face-attribute 'sqlplus-table-odd-rows-face nil + :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) -30) :overline (face-background 'default))) + (set-face-attribute 'sqlplus-table-head-face nil + :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) +70) :foreground (face-background 'default)) + (set-face-attribute 'sqlplus-table-even-rows-face nil + :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) +20) :overline (face-background 'default)) + (set-face-attribute 'sqlplus-table-odd-rows-face nil + :background (sqlplus-shine-color (face-background 'default) +30) :overline (face-background 'default)))) + (let* ((column-infos (car lst)) + (rows (cadr lst)) + (slip-width 0) + (table-header-height 1) + (table-area-width (1- (let ((side-window (sqlplus-get-side-window))) (if side-window (window-width side-window) (frame-width))))) + ;; may be nil, which means no limit + (table-area-height (let ((side-window (sqlplus-get-side-window))) + (when side-window + (- (window-height side-window) 2 (if mode-line-format 1 0) (if header-line-format 1 0))))) + (column-separator-width (if sqlplus-elegant-style 1.2 (max (length sqlplus-table-col-separator) (length sqlplus-table-col-head-separator)))) + rows-per-slip ;; data rows per slip + (slip-separator-width (if sqlplus-elegant-style 1.5 sqlplus-slip-separator-width)) + (slip-separator (make-string (max 0 (if sqlplus-elegant-style 1 sqlplus-slip-separator-width)) ?\ )) + (last-msg (caddr lst))) + (when sqlplus-elegant-style + (put-text-property 0 1 'display (cons 'space (list :width slip-separator-width)) slip-separator)) + (when (<= table-area-height table-header-height) + (setq table-area-height nil)) + (when (and window-system sqlplus-elegant-style table-area-height (> table-area-height 3)) + ;; overline makes glyph higher... + (setq table-area-height (- table-area-height (round (/ (* 20.0 (- table-area-height 3)) (face-attribute 'default :height)))))) + (when column-infos + (goto-char (point-max)) + (beginning-of-line) + ;; slip width (without separator between slips) + (dolist (col-info column-infos) + (when (col-desc-min-prefix-len col-info) + (setf (col-desc-preferred-width col-info) (max (string-width (col-desc-name col-info)) + (- (col-desc-preferred-width col-info) (col-desc-min-prefix-len col-info))))) + (incf slip-width (+ (col-desc-preferred-width col-info) column-separator-width))) + (when (> slip-width 0) + (setq slip-width (+ (- slip-width column-separator-width) (if sqlplus-elegant-style 1.0 0)))) + ;; computing slip count if not known yet + (unless slips-count + (setq slips-count + (if table-area-height (min (ceiling (/ (float (length rows)) (max 1 (- table-area-height table-header-height 2)))) + (max 1 (floor (/ (float table-area-width) (+ slip-width slip-separator-width))))) + 1))) + (setq slips-count (max 1 (min slips-count (length rows)))) ; slip count <= data rows + (setq rows-per-slip (ceiling (/ (float (length rows)) slips-count))) + (when (> rows-per-slip 0) + (setq slips-count (max 1 (min (ceiling (/ (float (length rows)) rows-per-slip)) slips-count)))) + + (let ((table-begin-point (point))) + (dotimes (slip-no slips-count) + (let ((row-no 0) + (slip-begin-point (point)) + (rows-processed 0)) + ;; column names + (dolist (col-info column-infos) + (let* ((col-name (col-desc-name col-info)) + (spaces (max 0 (- (col-desc-preferred-width col-info) (string-width col-name)))) + (last-col-p (>= (1+ (col-desc-id col-info)) (length column-infos))) + (val (format (if sqlplus-elegant-style " %s%s %s" "%s%s%s") + col-name + (make-string spaces ?\ ) + (if last-col-p "" (if sqlplus-elegant-style " " sqlplus-table-col-separator))))) + (put-text-property 0 (if (or (not sqlplus-elegant-style) last-col-p) (length val) (1- (length val))) + 'face 'sqlplus-table-head-face val) + (when sqlplus-elegant-style + (put-text-property 0 1 'display '(space . (:width 0.5)) val) + (put-text-property (- (length val) (if last-col-p 1 2)) (- (length val) (if last-col-p 0 1)) 'display '(space . (:width 0.5)) val) + (unless last-col-p + (put-text-property (- (length val) 1) (length val) 'display '(space . (:width 0.2)) val))) + (insert val))) + (insert slip-separator) + (insert "\n") + ;; data rows + (while (and (< rows-processed rows-per-slip) + rows) + (let ((row (car rows))) + (setq rows (cdr rows)) + (incf rows-processed) + (let ((col-infos column-infos)) + (dolist (value row) + (let* ((col-info (car col-infos)) + (numeric-p (eq (col-desc-numeric col-info) 'y)) + (min-prefix (col-desc-min-prefix-len col-info))) + (when (and min-prefix + value + (>= (length value) min-prefix)) + (setq value (substring value min-prefix))) + (let* ((spaces (max 0 (- (col-desc-preferred-width col-info) (string-width value)))) + (val (if numeric-p + (format (if sqlplus-elegant-style " %s%s %s" "%s%s%s") + (make-string spaces ?\ ) + value + (if (cdr col-infos) (if sqlplus-elegant-style " " sqlplus-table-col-separator) "")) + (format (if sqlplus-elegant-style " %s%s %s" "%s%s%s") + value + (make-string spaces ?\ ) + (if (cdr col-infos) (if sqlplus-elegant-style " " sqlplus-table-col-separator) ""))))) + (put-text-property 0 (if (and sqlplus-elegant-style (cdr col-infos)) (- (length val) 1) (length val)) + 'face (if (evenp row-no) + 'sqlplus-table-even-rows-face + 'sqlplus-table-odd-rows-face) val) + (when sqlplus-elegant-style + (put-text-property 0 1 'display '(space . (:width 0.5)) val) + (put-text-property (- (length val) (if (cdr col-infos) 2 1)) + (- (length val) (if (cdr col-infos) 1 0)) + 'display '(space . (:width 0.5)) val) + (when (cdr col-infos) + (put-text-property (- (length val) 1) (length val) 'display '(space . (:width 0.2)) val))) + (setq col-infos (cdr col-infos)) + (insert val)))) + (incf row-no) + (insert slip-separator) + (insert "\n")))) + (when (> slip-no 0) + (delete-backward-char 1) + (let ((slip-end-point (point))) + (kill-rectangle slip-begin-point slip-end-point) + (delete-region slip-begin-point (point-max)) + (goto-char table-begin-point) + (end-of-line) + (yank-rectangle) + (goto-char (point-max)) + )))) + (goto-char (point-max)) + (when (and last-msg (> (length last-msg) 0)) + (unless sqlplus-elegant-style (insert "\n")) + (let ((s (format "%s\n\n" (replace-regexp-in-string "\n+" " " last-msg)))) + (when sqlplus-elegant-style + (put-text-property (- (length s) 2) (1- (length s)) 'display '(space . (:height 1.5)) s)) + (insert s))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-send-user-string (str) + (interactive (progn (sqlplus-check-connection) + (if sqlplus-connect-string + (list (read-string "Send to process: " nil 'sqlplus-user-string-history "")) + (error "Works only in SQL*Plus buffer")))) + (let ((connect-string sqlplus-connect-string)) + (sqlplus-verify-buffer connect-string) + (let* ((process (get-process (sqlplus-get-process-name connect-string))) + (output-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name connect-string))) + (sqlplus-echo-in-buffer output-buffer-name (concat str "\n")) + (send-string process (concat str "\n"))))) + +(defun sqlplus-prepare-update-alist (table-data) + (let ((column-infos (car table-data)) + (rows (cadr table-data)) + (msg (caddr table-data)) + alist) + (dolist (row rows) + (let* ((object-name (car row)) + (object-type (intern (downcase (cadr row)))) + (status (caddr row)) + (regexp-list (cdr (assq object-type alist))) + (pair (cons object-name (equal status "I")))) + (if regexp-list + (setcdr regexp-list (cons pair (cdr regexp-list))) + (setq regexp-list (list pair)) + (setq alist (cons (cons object-type regexp-list) alist))))) + alist)) + +(defun sqlplus-my-update-handler (connect-string table-data) + (let ((alist (sqlplus-prepare-update-alist table-data))) + (when (featurep 'ide-skel) + (funcall 'sqlplus-side-view-update-data connect-string alist)))) + +(defun sqlplus-my-handler (connect-string table-data) + (let ((alist (sqlplus-prepare-update-alist table-data)) + (sqlplus-font-lock-regexps (sqlplus-get-font-lock-regexps connect-string))) + (sqlplus-set-objects-alist alist connect-string) + (when (featurep 'ide-skel) + (funcall 'sqlplus-side-view-update-data connect-string alist)) + (clrhash sqlplus-font-lock-regexps) + (dolist (lst sqlplus-syntax-faces) + (let* ((object-type (car lst)) + (regexp-list (append (caddr lst) (mapcar 'car (cdr (assq object-type alist)))))) + (when regexp-list + (puthash object-type (concat "\\b" (regexp-opt regexp-list t) "\\b") sqlplus-font-lock-regexps)))) + (let ((map sqlplus-font-lock-regexps)) + (mapc (lambda (buffer) + (with-current-buffer buffer + (when (and (memq major-mode '(sqlplus-mode plsql-mode)) + (equal sqlplus-connect-string connect-string)) + (when font-lock-mode (font-lock-mode 1))))) + (buffer-list))))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-source-function (connect-string context string last-chunk) + (let* ((source-text (sqlplus-get-context-value context :source-text)) + (source-type (sqlplus-get-context-value context :source-type)) + (source-name (sqlplus-get-context-value context :source-name)) + (source-extension (sqlplus-get-context-value context :source-extension)) + (name (concat (upcase source-name) "." source-extension)) + finish) + (unless (sqlplus-get-context-value context :finished) + (setq source-text (concat source-text string)) + (sqlplus-set-context-value context :source-text source-text) + (when last-chunk + (if (string-match (regexp-quote sqlplus-end-of-source-sentinel) source-text) + (when (< (length source-text) (+ (length sqlplus-end-of-source-sentinel) 5)) + (setq last-chunk nil + finish "There is no such database object")) + (setq last-chunk nil))) + (when last-chunk + (setq finish t)) + (when finish + (sqlplus-set-context-value context :finished t) + (if (stringp finish) + (message finish) + (with-temp-buffer + (insert source-text) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (re-search-forward (regexp-quote sqlplus-end-of-source-sentinel) nil t) + (replace-match "") + (goto-char (point-max)) + (forward-comment (- (buffer-size))) + (when (equal source-type "TABLE") + (goto-char (point-min)) + (insert (format "table %s\n(\n" source-name)) + (goto-char (point-max)) + (delete-region (re-search-backward "," nil t) (point-max)) + (insert "\n);")) + (insert "\n/\n") + (unless (member source-type '("SEQUENCE" "TABLE" "SYNONYM" "INDEX")) + (insert "show err\n")) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (insert "create " (if (member source-type '("INDEX" "SEQUENCE" "TABLE")) "" "or replace ")) + (setq source-text (buffer-string))) + (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create name) + (setq buffer-read-only nil) + (erase-buffer) + (insert source-text) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (set-visited-file-name (concat (file-name-as-directory temporary-file-directory) + (concat (make-temp-name (sqlplus-canonize-file-name (concat (upcase source-name) "_") "[$]")) "." source-extension))) + (rename-buffer name) + (condition-case err + (funcall (symbol-function 'plsql-mode)) + (error nil)) + (setq sqlplus-connect-string connect-string + buffer-read-only sqlplus-source-buffer-readonly-by-default-flag) + (save-buffer) + (save-selected-window + (let ((win (selected-window))) + (when (or (equal win (sqlplus-get-side-window)) + (and (fboundp 'ide-skel-side-view-window-p) + (funcall 'ide-skel-side-view-window-p win))) + (setq win (sqlplus-get-workbench-window))) + (set-window-buffer win (current-buffer)))))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-source (connect-string name type &optional schema-name) + "Fetch source for database object NAME in current or specified SCHEMA-NAME, and show the source in new buffer. +Possible TYPE values are in 'sqlplus-object-types'." + (interactive (let* ((thing (thing-at-point 'symbol)) + (obj-raw-name (read-string (concat "Object name" (if thing (concat " [default " thing "]") "") ": ") + nil + 'sqlplus-get-source-history (when thing thing))) + (completion-ignore-case t) + (type (completing-read "Object type: " (mapcar (lambda (type) (cons type nil)) sqlplus-object-types) nil t))) + (string-match "^\\(\\([^.]+\\)[.]\\)?\\(.*\\)$" obj-raw-name) + (list sqlplus-connect-string (match-string 3 obj-raw-name) type (match-string 2 obj-raw-name)))) + (setq type (upcase type)) + (let* ((sql + (cond ((equal type "SEQUENCE") + (format (concat "select 'sequence %s' || sequence_name || " + "decode( increment_by, 1, '', ' increment by ' || increment_by ) || " + "case when increment_by > 0 and max_value >= (1.0000E+27)-1 or increment_by < 0 and max_value = -1 then '' " + "else decode( max_value, null, ' nomaxvalue', ' maxvalue ' || max_value) end || " + "case when increment_by > 0 and min_value = 1 or increment_by < 0 and min_value <= (-1.0000E+26)+1 then '' " + "else decode( min_value, null, ' nominvalue', ' minvalue ' || min_value) end || " + "decode( cycle_flag, 'Y', ' cycle', '' ) || " + "decode( cache_size, 20, '', 0, ' nocache', ' cache ' || cache_size ) || " + "decode( order_flag, 'Y', ' order', '' ) " + "from %s where sequence_name = '%s'%s;") + (if schema-name (concat (upcase schema-name) ".") "") + (if schema-name "all_sequences" "user_sequences") + (upcase name) + (if schema-name (format " and sequence_owner = '%s'" (upcase schema-name)) ""))) + ((equal type "TABLE") + (format (concat "select ' ' || column_name || ' ' || data_type || " + "decode( data_type," + " 'VARCHAR2', '(' || to_char( data_length, 'fm9999' ) || ')'," + " 'NUMBER', decode( data_precision," + " null, ''," + " '(' || to_char( data_precision, 'fm9999' ) || decode( data_scale," + " null, ''," + " 0, ''," + " ',' || data_scale ) || ')' )," + " '') || " + "decode( nullable, 'Y', ' not null', '') || ','" + "from all_tab_columns " + "where owner = %s and table_name = '%s' " + "order by column_id;") + (if schema-name (concat "'" (upcase schema-name) "'") "user") + (upcase name))) + ((equal type "SYNONYM") + (format (concat "select " + "decode( owner, 'PUBLIC', 'public ', '' ) || 'synonym ' || " + "decode( owner, 'PUBLIC', '', user, '', owner || '.' ) || synonym_name || ' for ' || " + "decode( table_owner, user, '', table_owner || '.' ) || table_name || " + "decode( db_link, null, '', '@' || db_link ) " + "from all_synonyms where (owner = 'PUBLIC' or owner = %s) and synonym_name = '%s';") + (if schema-name (concat "'" (upcase schema-name) "'") "user") + (upcase name))) + ((equal type "VIEW") + (if schema-name (format "select 'view %s.' || view_name || ' as ', text from all_views where owner = '%s' and view_name = '%s';" + (upcase schema-name) (upcase schema-name) (upcase name)) + (format "select 'view ' || view_name || ' as ', text from user_views where view_name = '%s';" (upcase name)))) + ((or (equal type "PROCEDURE") + (equal type "FUNCTION")) + (if schema-name (format "select text from all_source where owner = '%s' and name = '%s' and type in ('PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION') order by line;" + (upcase schema-name) (upcase name)) + (format "select text from user_source where name = '%s' and type in ('PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION') order by line;" + (upcase name)))) + (t + (if schema-name (format "select text from all_source where owner = '%s' and name = '%s' and type = '%s' order by line;" + (upcase schema-name) (upcase name) (upcase type)) + (format "select text from user_source where name = '%s' and type = '%s' order by line;" + (upcase name) (upcase type)))))) + (prolog-commands (list "set echo off" + "set newpage 0" + "set space 0" + "set pagesize 0" + "set feedback off" + "set long 4000" + "set longchunksize 4000" + "set wrap on" + "set heading off" + "set trimspool on" + "set linesize 4000" + "set timing off")) + (extension (if (equal (downcase type) "package") "pks" "sql")) + (source-buffer-name (concat " " (upcase name) "." extension)) + (context-options (list (cons :dont-parse-result 'dont-parse) + (cons :source-text nil) + (cons :source-type type) + (cons :source-name name) + (cons :source-extension extension) + (cons :result-function 'sqlplus-get-source-function)))) + (sqlplus-execute connect-string sql context-options prolog-commands t t) + (sqlplus-execute connect-string (format "select '%s' from dual;" sqlplus-end-of-source-sentinel) context-options prolog-commands t t))) + +(defun sqlplus-canonize-file-name (file-name regexp) + (while (string-match regexp file-name) + (setq file-name (replace-match "!" nil t file-name))) + file-name) + +(defun sqlplus-define-user-variables (string) + (when string + (let (variables-list + define-commands + (index 0)) + (while (setq index (string-match "&+\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)" string index)) + (let ((var-name (match-string 1 string))) + (setq index (+ 2 index)) + (unless (member var-name variables-list) + (push var-name variables-list)))) + (dolist (var-name (reverse variables-list)) + (let* ((default-value (gethash var-name sqlplus-user-variables nil)) + (value (read-string (format (concat "Variable value for %s" (if default-value (format " [default: %s]" default-value) "") ": ") var-name) + nil 'sqlplus-user-variables-history default-value))) + (unless value + (error "There is no value for %s defined" var-name)) + (setq define-commands (cons (format "define %s=%s" var-name value) define-commands)) + (puthash var-name value sqlplus-user-variables))) + define-commands))) + +(defun sqlplus-parse-region (start end) + (let ((sql (buffer-substring start end))) + (save-excursion + ;; Strip whitespace from beginning and end, just to be neat. + (if (string-match "\\`[ \t\n]+" sql) + (setq sql (substring sql (match-end 0)))) + (if (string-match "[ \t\n]+\\'" sql) + (setq sql (substring sql 0 (match-beginning 0)))) + (setq sql (replace-regexp-in-string "^[ \t]*--.*[\n]?" "" sql)) + (when (zerop (length sql)) + (error "Nothing to send")) + ;; Now the string should end with an sqlplus-terminator. + (if (not (string-match "\\(;\\|/\\|[.]\\)\\'" sql)) + (setq sql (concat sql ";")))) + sql)) + +(defun sqlplus-show-html-fun (context connect-string begin end interrupted) + (let ((output-file (expand-file-name (substitute-in-file-name sqlplus-html-output-file-name))) + (sql (sqlplus-get-context-value context :htmlized-html-command)) + (html (buffer-substring begin end)) + (header-html (eval sqlplus-html-output-header))) + (let ((case-fold-search t)) + (while (and (string-match "\\`[ \t\n]*\\(

\\)?" html) (match-string 0 html) (> (length (match-string 0 html)) 0)) + (setq html (replace-match "" nil t html))) + (when (> (length html) 0) + (sqlplus-execute connect-string "" nil '("set markup html off") 'no-echo 'dont-show-output-buffer) + (find-file output-file) + (erase-buffer) + (insert (concat "\n" + "\n" + " \n" + (sqlplus-get-context-value context :head) "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + (if header-html header-html "") + (if sqlplus-html-output-sql sql "") + "

" + html "\n" + "\n" + "")) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (save-buffer))))) + +(defun sqlplus-refine-html (html remove-entities) + (string-match "\\`\"?\\(\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\\)\"?[ \t\n]*\\'" html) + (setq html (match-string 1 html)) + (if remove-entities + (progn + (while (string-match """ html) (setq html (replace-match "\"" nil t html))) + (while (string-match "<" html) (setq html (replace-match "<" nil t html))) + (while (string-match ">" html) (setq html (replace-match ">" nil t html))) + (while (string-match "&" html) (setq html (replace-match "&" nil t html)))) + (while (string-match "&" html) (setq html (replace-match "&" nil t html))) + (while (string-match ">" html) (setq html (replace-match ">" nil t html))) + (while (string-match "<" html) (setq html (replace-match "<" nil t html))) + (while (string-match "\"" html) (setq html (replace-match """ nil t html)))) + (string-match "\\`\"?\\(\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\\)\"?[ \t\n]*\\'" html) + (setq html (match-string 1 html)) + html) + +(defun sqlplus-show-markup-fun (context connect-string begin end interrupted) + (goto-char begin) + (let ((head "") + (body "") + preformat) + (when (re-search-forward (concat "\\bHEAD\\b[ \t\n]*\\(\\(.\\|\n\\)*\\)[ \t\n]*" + "\\bBODY\\b[ \t\n]*\\(\\(.\\|\n\\)*\\)[ \t\n]*" + "\\bTABLE\\b\\(.\\|\n\\)*PREFORMAT[ \t\n]+\\(ON\\|OFF\\)\\b") nil t) + (setq head (match-string 1) + body (match-string 3) + preformat (string= (downcase (match-string 6)) "on")) + (setq head (sqlplus-refine-html head t) + body (sqlplus-refine-html body t)) + (let ((context-options (list (cons :result-function 'sqlplus-show-html-fun) + (cons :current-command-input-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-context-value context :current-command-input-buffer-name)) + (cons :html-command (sqlplus-get-context-value context :html-command)) + (cons :htmlized-html-command (sqlplus-get-context-value context :htmlized-html-command)) + (cons :head head) + (cons :body body))) + (prolog-commands (list "set wrap on" + (format "set linesize %S" (if preformat (1- (frame-width)) 4000)) + "set pagesize 50000" + "btitle off" + "repfooter off" + "set markup html on"))) + (sqlplus-execute connect-string (sqlplus-get-context-value context :html-command) context-options prolog-commands 'no-echo 'dont-show-output-buffer))))) + +(defun sqlplus-htmlize (begin end) + (let (result) + (when (featurep 'htmlize) + (let* ((htmlize-output-type 'font) + (buffer (funcall (symbol-function 'htmlize-region) begin end))) + (with-current-buffer buffer + (goto-char 1) + (re-search-forward "

[ \t\n]*\\(\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\\)[ \t\n]*
" nil t) + (setq result (concat "
" (match-string 1) "
"))) + (kill-buffer buffer))) + (unless result + (setq result (sqlplus-refine-html (buffer-substring begin end) nil))) + result)) + +(defun sqlplus--send (connect-string sql &optional arg no-echo html start end) + (if html + (let* ((context-options (list (cons :result-function 'sqlplus-show-markup-fun) + (cons :current-command-input-buffer-name (buffer-name)) + (cons :html-command sql) + (cons :htmlized-html-command (if (and (eq sqlplus-html-output-sql 'elegant) (featurep 'htmlize)) + (sqlplus-htmlize start end) + (sqlplus-refine-html sql nil)))))) + (sqlplus-execute connect-string "show markup\n" context-options nil 'no-echo 'dont-show-output-buffer)) + (let* ((no-parse (consp arg)) + (context-options (list (cons :dont-parse-result (consp arg)) + (cons :columns-count (if (integerp arg) + (if (zerop arg) nil arg) + (if sqlplus-multi-output-tables-default-flag nil 1))) + (cons :current-command-input-buffer-name (buffer-name)))) + (prolog-commands (list (format "set wrap %s" (if no-parse "on" sqlplus-default-wrap)) + (format "set linesize %s" (if (consp arg) (1- (frame-width)) 4000)) + (format "set pagesize %S" (if no-parse 50000 sqlplus-pagesize)) + (format "btitle %s" + (if no-parse "off" (concat "left '" sqlplus-page-separator "'"))) + (format "repfooter %s" + (if no-parse "off" (concat "left '" sqlplus-repfooter "'")))))) + (sqlplus-execute connect-string sql context-options prolog-commands no-echo)))) + +(defun sqlplus-explain () + (interactive) + (sqlplus-check-connection) + (when (buffer-file-name) + (condition-case err + (save-buffer) + (error (message (error-message-string err))))) + (let* ((region (sqlplus-mark-current))) + (setq sqlplus-region-beginning-pos (car region) + sqlplus-region-end-pos (cdr region)) + (if (and sqlplus-region-beginning-pos sqlplus-region-end-pos) + (let ((sql (sqlplus-parse-region (car region) (cdr region))) + (case-fold-search t)) + (if (string-match "^[\n\t ]*explain[\n\t ]+plan[\t\t ]+for\\>" sql) + (sqlplus--send sqlplus-connect-string sql nil nil nil) + (setq sql (concat (sqlplus-fontify-string sqlplus-connect-string "explain plan for ") sql)) + (sqlplus--send sqlplus-connect-string sql nil nil nil))) + (error "Point doesn't indicate any command to execute")))) + +(defun sqlplus-send-region (arg start end &optional no-echo html) + "Send a region to the SQL*Plus process." + (interactive "P\nr") + (sqlplus-check-connection) + (sqlplus--send sqlplus-connect-string (sqlplus-parse-region start end) arg no-echo html start end)) + +(defun sqlplus-user-command (connect-string sql result-proc) + (let* ((context-options (list (cons :user-function result-proc) + (cons :columns-count 1))) + (prolog-commands (list (format "set wrap %s" sqlplus-default-wrap) + "set linesize 4000" + "set timing off" + "set pagesize 50000" + "btitle off" + (format "repfooter %s" (concat "left '" sqlplus-repfooter "'"))))) + (sqlplus-execute connect-string sql context-options prolog-commands 'no-echo 'dont-show-output-buffer))) + + +(defun sqlplus-hidden-select (connect-string sql result-proc) + (let* ((context-options (list (cons :result-table-function result-proc) + (cons :columns-count 1))) + (prolog-commands (list (format "set wrap %s" sqlplus-default-wrap) + "set linesize 4000" + "set pagesize 50000" + "btitle off" + (format "repfooter %s" (concat "left '" sqlplus-repfooter "'"))))) + (sqlplus-execute connect-string sql context-options prolog-commands 'no-echo 'dont-show-output-buffer))) + +;; "appi[nfo]" -> '("appinfo" "appi") +(defun sqlplus-full-forms (name) + (if (string-match "\\`\\([^[]*\\)?\\[\\([^]]+\\)\\]\\([^]]*\\)?\\'" name) + (list (replace-match "\\1\\2\\3" t nil name) + (replace-match "\\1\\3" t nil name)) + (list name))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-canonical-command-name (name) + (let ((association (assoc (downcase name) sqlplus-system-variables))) + (if association (cdr association) name))) + + +(defun sqlplus-execute (connect-string sql context-options prolog-commands &optional no-echo dont-show-output-buffer) + (sqlplus-verify-buffer connect-string) + (let* ((process-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-process-buffer-name connect-string)) + (process-buffer (get-buffer process-buffer-name)) + (output-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-output-buffer-name connect-string)) + (echo-prolog (concat "\n" sqlplus-output-separator " " (current-time-string) "\n\n")) + (process (get-buffer-process process-buffer-name)) + set-prolog-commands commands command-no + (history-buffer (sqlplus-get-history-buffer connect-string)) + (defines (sqlplus-define-user-variables sql))) + (setq prolog-commands (append (sqlplus-initial-strings) prolog-commands)) + (when process-buffer + (with-current-buffer process-buffer + (setq command-no sqlplus-command-seq) + (incf sqlplus-command-seq) + (setq context-options (append (list (cons :id command-no) (cons :sql sql)) (copy-list context-options))) + (setq sqlplus-command-contexts (reverse (cons context-options (reverse sqlplus-command-contexts)))))) + ;; move all "set" commands from prolog-commands to set-prolog-commands + (setq prolog-commands (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (command) (if (string-match "^\\s-*[sS][eE][tT]\\s-+" command) + (progn + (setq set-prolog-commands + (append set-prolog-commands + (list (substring command (length (match-string 0 command)))))) + nil) + command)) + prolog-commands))) + ;; remove duplicates commands from prolog-commands (last entries win) + (let (spc-alist) + (dolist (command prolog-commands) + (let* ((name (progn (string-match "^\\S-+" command) (downcase (match-string 0 command)))) + (association (assoc name spc-alist))) + (if (and association (not (equal name "define"))) + (setcdr association command) + (setq spc-alist (cons (cons name command) spc-alist))))) + (setq prolog-commands (mapcar (lambda (pair) (cdr pair)) (reverse spc-alist)))) + + (setq prolog-commands (append prolog-commands defines)) + (setq set-prolog-commands (append (list (format "sqlprompt '%s%S%s'" sqlplus-prompt-prefix command-no sqlplus-prompt-suffix)) set-prolog-commands)) + + ;; remove duplicates from set-prolog-commands (last entries win) + (let (spc-alist) + (dolist (set-command set-prolog-commands) + (let* ((name (progn (string-match "^\\S-+" set-command) (downcase (sqlplus-get-canonical-command-name (match-string 0 set-command))))) + (association (assoc name spc-alist))) + (if association + (setcdr association set-command) + (setq spc-alist (cons (cons name set-command) spc-alist))))) + (setq set-prolog-commands (mapcar (lambda (pair) (cdr pair)) (reverse spc-alist)))) + + (setq commands (concat (mapconcat 'identity (append + (list (concat "set " (mapconcat 'identity set-prolog-commands " "))) + prolog-commands + (list sql)) "\n") + "\n")) + (when history-buffer + (with-current-buffer history-buffer + (goto-char (point-max)) + (insert echo-prolog) + (insert (concat commands "\n")))) + (let ((saved-window (cons (selected-window) (window-buffer (selected-window)))) + (input-buffer (get-buffer (sqlplus-get-input-buffer-name connect-string)))) + (unless no-echo + (sqlplus-echo-in-buffer output-buffer-name echo-prolog) + (let ((old-suppress-show-output-buffer sqlplus-suppress-show-output-buffer)) + (unwind-protect + (save-selected-window + (setq sqlplus-suppress-show-output-buffer dont-show-output-buffer) + (when (and output-buffer-name + (get-buffer output-buffer-name)) + (with-current-buffer (get-buffer output-buffer-name) + (sqlplus-buffer-bottom connect-string) + (sqlplus-buffer-mark-current connect-string)))) + (setq sqlplus-suppress-show-output-buffer old-suppress-show-output-buffer))) + (sqlplus-echo-in-buffer output-buffer-name (concat sql "\n\n") nil t) + (save-selected-window + (unless dont-show-output-buffer + (when (and output-buffer-name + (get-buffer output-buffer-name)) + (with-current-buffer (get-buffer output-buffer-name) + (sqlplus-buffer-redisplay-current connect-string)))))) + (if (window-live-p (car saved-window)) + (select-window (car saved-window)) + (if (get-buffer-window (cdr saved-window)) + (select-window (get-buffer-window (cdr saved-window))) + (when (and input-buffer + (get-buffer-window input-buffer)) + (select-window (get-buffer-window input-buffer)))))) + (send-string process commands))) + +(defun sqlplus-fontify-string (connect-string string) + (let* ((input-buffer-name (sqlplus-get-input-buffer-name connect-string)) + (input-buffer (when input-buffer-name (get-buffer input-buffer-name))) + (result string)) + (when (and input-buffer (buffer-live-p input-buffer)) + (with-current-buffer input-buffer + (save-excursion + (goto-char (point-max)) + (let ((pos (point))) + (insert "\n\n") + (insert string) + (font-lock-fontify-block (+ (count "\n" string) 2)) + (setq result (buffer-substring (+ pos 2) (point-max))) + (delete-region pos (point-max)))))) + result)) + +(defvar plsql-mark-backward-list nil) + +(unless plsql-mode-map + (setq plsql-mode-map (copy-keymap sql-mode-map)) + (define-key plsql-mode-map "\M-." 'sqlplus-file-get-source) + (define-key plsql-mode-map [C-down-mouse-1] 'sqlplus-mouse-select-identifier) + (define-key plsql-mode-map [C-mouse-1] 'sqlplus-file-get-source-mouse) + (define-key plsql-mode-map "\C-c\C-g" 'plsql-begin) + (define-key plsql-mode-map "\C-c\C-q" 'plsql-loop) + (define-key plsql-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" 'plsql-if) + (define-key plsql-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'plsql-compile) + (define-key plsql-mode-map [tool-bar plsql-prev-mark] + (list 'menu-item "Previous mark" 'plsql-prev-mark + :image plsql-prev-mark-image + :enable 'plsql-mark-backward-list))) + +(defvar plsql-continue-anyway nil + "Local in input buffer (plsql-mode).") +(make-variable-buffer-local 'plsql-continue-anyway) + +(defun sqlplus-switch-to-buffer (buffer-or-path &optional line-no) + (if (fboundp 'ide-skel-select-buffer) + (funcall 'ide-skel-select-buffer buffer-or-path line-no) + (let ((buffer (or (and (bufferp buffer-or-path) buffer-or-path) + (find-file-noselect buffer-or-path)))) + (switch-to-buffer buffer) + (goto-line line-no)))) + +(defun plsql-prev-mark () + (interactive) + (let (finish) + (while (and plsql-mark-backward-list + (not finish)) + (let* ((marker (pop plsql-mark-backward-list)) + (buffer (marker-buffer marker)) + (point (marker-position marker))) + (set-marker marker nil) + (when (and buffer + (or (not (eq (current-buffer) buffer)) + (not (eql (point) point)))) + (sqlplus-switch-to-buffer buffer) + (goto-char point) + (setq finish t)))) + ;; (message "BACK: %S -- FORWARD: %S" plsql-mark-backward-list plsql-mark-forward-list) + (force-mode-line-update) + (sit-for 0))) + +(defun sqlplus-mouse-select-identifier (event) + (interactive "@e") + (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event)) + (save-excursion + (let* ((point (posn-point (event-start event))) + (identifier (progn (goto-char point) (thing-at-point 'symbol))) + (ident-regexp (when identifier (regexp-quote identifier)))) + (push (point-marker) plsql-mark-backward-list) + (when ident-regexp + (save-excursion + (while (not (looking-at ident-regexp)) + (backward-char)) + (sqlplus-mouse-set-selection (current-buffer) (point) (+ (point) (length identifier)) 'highlight))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-file-get-source-mouse (event) + (interactive "@e") + (let (ident) + (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event)) + (save-excursion + (goto-char (posn-point (event-start event))) + (setq ident (thing-at-point 'symbol)))) + (sqlplus-file-get-source sqlplus-connect-string ident nil) + (sit-for 0))) + +(defun plsql-compile (&optional arg) + "Save buffer and send its content to SQL*Plus. +You must enter connect-string if buffer is disconnected; with +argument you can change connect-string even for connected +buffer." + (interactive "P") + (let (aborted + exists-show-error-command + (case-fold-search t)) + (save-window-excursion + (save-excursion + ;; ask for "/" and "show err" if absent + (let ((old-point (point)) + show-err-needed + exists-run-command best-point finish) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (setq show-err-needed (let ((case-fold-search t)) + (re-search-forward "create\\([ \t\n]+or[ \t\n]+replace\\)?[ \t\n]+\\(package\\|procedure\\|function\\|trigger\\|view\\|type\\)" nil t))) + (goto-char (point-max)) + (forward-comment (- (buffer-size))) + (re-search-backward "^\\s-*show\\s-+err" nil t) + (forward-comment (- (buffer-size))) + (condition-case nil (forward-char) (error nil)) + (setq best-point (point)) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (setq exists-run-command (re-search-forward "^\\s-*/[^*]" nil t)) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (setq exists-show-error-command (or (not show-err-needed) (re-search-forward "^\\s-*show\\s-+err" nil t))) + (while (and (not plsql-continue-anyway) (or (not exists-run-command) (not exists-show-error-command)) (not finish)) + (goto-char best-point) + (let ((c (read-char + (format "Cannot find %s. (I)nsert it at point, (A)bort, (C)ontinue anyway" + (concat (unless exists-run-command "\"/\"") + (unless (or exists-run-command exists-show-error-command) " and ") + (unless exists-show-error-command "\"show err\"")))))) + (cond ((memq c '(?i ?I)) + (unless exists-run-command (insert "/\n")) + (unless exists-show-error-command (insert "show err\n")) + (setq finish t)) + ((memq c '(?a ?A)) + (setq aborted t + finish t)) + ((memq c '(?c ?C)) + (setq plsql-continue-anyway t) + (setq finish t)))))))) + (unless aborted + (save-buffer) + (let* ((buffer (current-buffer)) + (input-buffer-name (buffer-name)) + (file-path (sqlplus-file-truename (buffer-file-name))) + (compilation-buffer (get-buffer sqlplus-plsql-compilation-results-buffer-name)) + (context-options (list (cons :last-compiled-file-path file-path) + (cons :current-command-input-buffer-name input-buffer-name) + (cons :compilation-expected exists-show-error-command))) + (prolog-commands (list (format "set wrap %s" sqlplus-default-wrap) + "set linesize 4000" + (format "set pagesize %S" sqlplus-pagesize) + (format "btitle %s" (concat "left '" sqlplus-page-separator "'")) + (format "repfooter %s" (concat "left '" sqlplus-repfooter "'"))))) + (when (or (not sqlplus-connect-string) + arg) + (setq sqlplus-connect-string (car (sqlplus-read-connect-string nil (caar (sqlplus-divide-connect-strings)))))) + (sqlplus sqlplus-connect-string nil (when plsql-auto-parse-errors-flag 'dont-show-output-buffer)) + (set-buffer buffer) + (force-mode-line-update) + (when font-lock-mode (font-lock-mode 1)) + (when compilation-buffer + (with-current-buffer compilation-buffer + (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) + (erase-buffer)))) + (setq prolog-commands (append prolog-commands (sqlplus-define-user-variables (buffer-string)))) + (sqlplus-execute sqlplus-connect-string (concat "@" file-path) context-options prolog-commands nil exists-show-error-command))))) + +(defun plsql-parse-errors (last-compiled-file-path) + (let ((file-name (file-name-nondirectory last-compiled-file-path)) + error-list) + (put-text-property 0 (length file-name) 'face 'font-lock-warning-face file-name) + (save-excursion + (when (re-search-forward "^LINE/COL\\>" nil t) + (beginning-of-line 3) + (while (re-search-forward "^\\([0-9]+\\)/\\([0-9]+\\)\\s-*\\(\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\\)[\r\t ]*\n\\([\r\t ]*\\(\n\\|\\'\\)\\|[0-9]+\\)" nil t) + (let ((line-no (match-string 1)) + (column-no (match-string 2)) + (errmsg (match-string 3)) + label) + (goto-char (match-beginning 5)) + (while (string-match "\\s-\\s-+" errmsg) + (setq errmsg (replace-match " " nil t errmsg))) + (put-text-property 0 (length line-no) 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face line-no) + (put-text-property 0 (length column-no) 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face column-no) + (setq label (concat file-name ":" line-no ":" column-no ": " errmsg)) + (put-text-property 0 (length label) 'mouse-face 'highlight label) + (push label error-list))))) + (save-excursion + (while (re-search-forward "\\s-\\([0-9]+\\):\n\\(ORA-[0-9]+[^\n]*\\)\n" nil t) + (let ((line-no (match-string 1)) + (errmsg (match-string 2)) + label) + (put-text-property 0 (length line-no) 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face line-no) + (setq label (concat file-name ":" line-no ": " errmsg)) + (put-text-property 0 (length label) 'mouse-face 'highlight label) + (push label error-list)))) + (save-excursion + (while (re-search-forward "\\(\\(SP2\\|CPY\\)-[0-9]+:[^\n]*\\)\n" nil t) + (let ((errmsg (match-string 1)) + label) + (setq label (concat file-name ":" errmsg)) + (put-text-property 0 (length label) 'mouse-face 'highlight label) + (push label error-list)))) + error-list)) + +(defun plsql-display-errors (dir error-list) + (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create sqlplus-plsql-compilation-results-buffer-name))) + (save-selected-window + (save-excursion + (set-buffer buffer) + (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) + (erase-buffer) + (setq default-directory dir) + (insert (format "cd %s\n" default-directory)) + (insert (format "Compilation results\n")) + (compilation-minor-mode 1) + (dolist (msg (reverse error-list)) + (insert msg) + (insert "\n")) + (insert (format "\n(%s errors)\n" (length error-list)))) + (when (and error-list (fboundp 'compile-reinitialize-errors) (funcall (symbol-function 'compile-reinitialize-errors) t))) + (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer) + (goto-line 1) + (goto-line 3))))) + + +(defun sqlplus-file-truename (file-name) + (if file-name + (file-truename file-name) + file-name)) + +(defun sqlplus--hidden-buffer-name-p (buffer-name) + (equal (elt buffer-name 0) 32)) + +(defun sqlplus-get-workbench-window () + "Return upper left window" + (if (fboundp 'ide-get-workbench-window) + (funcall (symbol-function 'ide-get-workbench-window)) + (let (best-window) + (dolist (win (copy-list (window-list nil 1))) + (when (not (sqlplus--hidden-buffer-name-p (buffer-name (window-buffer win)))) + (if (null best-window) + (setq best-window win) + (let* ((best-window-coords (window-edges best-window)) + (win-coords (window-edges win))) + (when (or (< (cadr win-coords) (cadr best-window-coords)) + (and (= (cadr win-coords) (cadr best-window-coords)) + (< (car win-coords) (car best-window-coords)))) + (setq best-window win)))))) + ;; (message "BEST-WINDOW: %S" best-window) + best-window))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-side-window () + "Return bottom helper window, or nil if not found" + (if (fboundp 'ide-get-side-window) + (funcall (symbol-function 'ide-get-side-window)) + (let* ((workbench-window (sqlplus-get-workbench-window)) + best-window) + (dolist (win (copy-list (window-list nil 1))) + (when (and (not (sqlplus--hidden-buffer-name-p (buffer-name (window-buffer win)))) + (not (eq win workbench-window))) + (if (null best-window) + (setq best-window win) + (when (> (cadr (window-edges win)) (cadr (window-edges best-window))) + (setq best-window win))))) + best-window))) + +(defvar sqlplus--idle-tasks nil) + +(defun sqlplus--enqueue-task (fun &rest params) + (setq sqlplus--idle-tasks (reverse (cons (cons fun params) (reverse sqlplus--idle-tasks))))) + +(defun sqlplus--execute-tasks () + (dolist (task sqlplus--idle-tasks) + (let ((fun (car task)) + (params (cdr task))) + (condition-case var + (apply fun params) + (error (message (error-message-string var)))))) + (setq sqlplus--idle-tasks nil)) + +(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'sqlplus--execute-tasks) + +(defvar sqlplus-mouse-selection nil) + +(defun sqlplus-mouse-set-selection (buffer begin end mouse-face) + (interactive "@e") + (let ((old-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))) + (when (buffer-live-p buffer) + (with-current-buffer buffer + (unwind-protect + (put-text-property begin end 'mouse-face mouse-face) + (set-buffer-modified-p old-buffer-modified-p) + (setq sqlplus-mouse-selection (when mouse-face (list buffer begin end)))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-clear-mouse-selection () + (when (and sqlplus-mouse-selection + (eq (event-basic-type last-input-event) 'mouse-1) + (not (memq 'down (event-modifiers last-input-event)))) + (sqlplus-mouse-set-selection (car sqlplus-mouse-selection) (cadr sqlplus-mouse-selection) (caddr sqlplus-mouse-selection) nil))) + +(add-hook 'plsql-mode-hook + (lambda () + (modify-syntax-entry ?. "." sql-mode-syntax-table) + (setq sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-1 (sqlplus-set-font-lock-emacs-structures-for-level 1 major-mode)) + (setq sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-2 (sqlplus-set-font-lock-emacs-structures-for-level 2 major-mode)) + (setq sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-3 (sqlplus-set-font-lock-emacs-structures-for-level 3 major-mode)) + (setq font-lock-defaults '((sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-1 sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-2 sqlplus-font-lock-keywords-3) + nil t ((?_ . "w") (?$ . "w") (?# . "w") (?& . "w")))) + (orcl-mode 1) + (use-local-map plsql-mode-map) ; std + (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'sqlplus-clear-mouse-selection nil t))) + +(setq recentf-exclude (cons (concat "^" (regexp-quote (file-name-as-directory temporary-file-directory))) + (when (boundp 'recentf-exclude) + recentf-exclude))) + +(when (fboundp 'ide-register-persistent-var) + (funcall (symbol-function 'ide-register-persistent-var) 'sqlplus-connect-strings-alist + ;; save proc + (lambda (alist) + (mapcar (lambda (pair) + (if sqlplus-save-passwords + pair + (cons (car pair) nil))) + alist)) + ;; load proc + (lambda (alist) + (setq sqlplus-connect-string-history (mapcar (lambda (pair) (car pair)) alist)) + alist))) + +(defun get-all-dirs (root-dir) + (let ((list-to-see (list root-dir)) + result-list) + (while list-to-see + (let* ((dir (pop list-to-see)) + (children (directory-files dir t))) + (push dir result-list) + (dolist (child children) + (when (and (not (string-match "^[.]+"(file-name-nondirectory child))) + (file-directory-p child)) + (push child list-to-see))))) + result-list)) + +(defun sqlplus-command-line () + (interactive) + (if (comint-check-proc "*SQL*") + (pop-to-buffer "*SQL*") + (let* ((pair (sqlplus-read-connect-string nil (when sqlplus-connect-string (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-connect-string))))) + (qualified-cs (car pair)) + (refined-cs (cadr pair)) + (password (cdr (refine-connect-string qualified-cs)))) + (if (string-match "^\\([^@]*\\)@\\(.*\\)$" refined-cs) + (let ((old-sql-get-login-fun (symbol-function 'sql-get-login))) + (setq sql-user (match-string 1 refined-cs) + sql-password password + sql-database (match-string 2 refined-cs)) + (unwind-protect + (progn + (fset 'sql-get-login (lambda (&rest whatever) nil)) + (sql-oracle)) + (fset 'sql-get-login old-sql-get-login-fun))) + (error "Connect string must be in form login@sid"))))) + +(defun sqlplus-find-tnsnames () + (interactive) + (let* ((ora-home-dir (or (getenv "ORACLE_HOME") (error "Environment variable ORACLE_HOME not set"))) + found + (list-to-see (list ora-home-dir))) + (while (and (not found) list-to-see) + (let* ((dir (pop list-to-see)) + (children (condition-case nil (directory-files dir t) (error nil)))) + (dolist (child children) + (unless found + (if (string-match "admin.tnsnames\.ora$" child) + (progn + (setq found t) + (find-file child)) + (if (and (not (string-match "^[.]+" (file-name-nondirectory child))) + (file-directory-p child)) + (push child list-to-see))))))) + (unless found + (message "File tnsnames.ora not found")))) + +(defun sqlplus-remove-help-echo (list) + "Remove all HELP-ECHO properties from mode-line format value" + (when (listp list) + (if (eq (car list) :propertize) + (while list + (when (eq (cadr list) 'help-echo) + (setcdr list (cdddr list))) + (setq list (cdr list))) + (dolist (elem list) (sqlplus-remove-help-echo elem))))) + +(when (>= emacs-major-version 22) + (sqlplus-remove-help-echo mode-line-modes)) + +(defun sqlplus-get-project-root-dir (path) + (let ((path (file-truename (substitute-in-file-name path))) + dir) + (if (file-directory-p path) + (progn + (setq path (file-name-as-directory path)) + (setq dir path)) + (setq dir (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory path)))) + (let ((last-project-dir dir) + (dir-list (split-string dir "/")) + is-project) + (while (directory-files dir t (concat "^" "\\(\\.svn\\|CVS\\)$") t) + (setq is-project t + last-project-dir (file-name-as-directory dir) + dir (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))) + (when is-project + (let ((list (nthcdr (1- (length (split-string last-project-dir "/"))) dir-list))) + (cond ((equal (car list) "trunk") + (setq last-project-dir (concat last-project-dir "trunk/"))) + ((member (car list) '("branches" "tags")) + (setq last-project-dir (concat last-project-dir (car list) "/" (when (cdr list) (concat (cadr list) "/"))))) + (t))) + (setq dir last-project-dir))) + dir)) + +(defvar sqlplus-search-buffer-name "*search*") + +(defvar sqlplus-object-types-regexps + '( + ("TABLE" . "\\bcreate\\s+table\\s+[^(]*?\\b#\\b") + ("VIEW" . "\\bview\\s+.*?\\b#\\b") + ("INDEX" . "\\b(constraint|index)\\s+.*?\\b#\\b") + ("TRIGGER" . "\\btrigger\\s+.*?\\b#\\b") + ("SEQUENCE" . "\\bsequence\\s+.*?\\b#\\b") + ("SYNONYM" . "\\bsynonym\\s+.*?\\b#\\b") + ("SCHEMA" . "\\bcreate\\b.*?\\buser\\b.*?\\b#\\b") + ("PROCEDURE" . "\\b(procedure|function)\\b[^(]*?\\b#\\b") + ("PACKAGE" . "\\bpackage\\s+.*?\\b#\\b"))) + +(defvar sqlplus-root-dir-history nil) + +(defvar sqlplus-compare-report-buffer-name "*Comparation Report*") + +(defun sqlplus-compare-schema-to-filesystem (&optional arg) + (interactive "P") + (let* ((connect-string sqlplus-connect-string) + (objects-alist (sqlplus-get-objects-alist sqlplus-connect-string)) + (report-buffer (get-buffer-create sqlplus-compare-report-buffer-name)) + (types-length (- (length objects-alist) 2)) + (root-dir (or (sqlplus-get-root-dir connect-string) + (sqlplus-set-project-for-connect-string connect-string) + (error "Root dir not set"))) + (counter 0)) + (unless objects-alist + (error "Not ready yet - try again later")) + (save-excursion + (switch-to-buffer-other-window report-buffer)) + (with-current-buffer report-buffer + (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) + (erase-buffer) + (insert (format "%s %s vs. %s\n\n" (current-time-string) (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)) root-dir)) + (sit-for 0))) + (dolist (pair objects-alist) + (let ((type (upcase (format "%s" (car pair)))) + (names (cdr pair))) + (unless (member type '("SCHEMA" "COLUMN")) + (incf counter) + (message (format "%s (%d/%d)..." type counter types-length)) + (dolist (name-pair names) + (let* ((name (car name-pair)) + (grep-result (sqlplus-file-get-source sqlplus-connect-string name type 'batch-mode))) + (with-current-buffer report-buffer + (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) + (goto-char (point-max)) + (cond ((eql (length grep-result) 0) + (insert (format "%s %s: not found\n" type name)) + (sit-for 0)) + ((and arg + (> (length grep-result) 1)) + (insert (format "%s %s:\n" type name)) + (dolist (list grep-result) + (insert (format " %s:%d %s\n" (car list) (cadr list) (caddr list)))) + (sit-for 0)) + (t))))))))) + (message "Done.") + (with-current-buffer report-buffer + (goto-char (point-min))))) + +(defun sqlplus-proj-find-files (dir file-predicate &optional dir-predicate) + (setq dir (file-name-as-directory (file-truename (substitute-in-file-name dir)))) + (let (result-list) + (mapcar (lambda (path) + (if (file-directory-p path) + (when (and (file-accessible-directory-p path) + (or (null dir-predicate) + (funcall dir-predicate path))) + (setq result-list (append result-list (sqlplus-proj-find-files path file-predicate dir-predicate)))) + (when (or (null file-predicate) + (funcall file-predicate path)) + (push path result-list)))) + (delete (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) ".") + (delete (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) "..") + (directory-files dir t nil t)))) + result-list)) + +(defvar sqlplus-proj-ignored-extensions '("semantic.cache")) + +(defun sqlplus-mode-file-regexp-list (mode-symbol-list) + (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (element) + (let ((fun-name (if (listp (cdr element)) (cadr element) (cdr element)))) + (when (memq fun-name mode-symbol-list) (cons (car element) fun-name)))) + auto-mode-alist))) + +(defun sqlplus-find-project-files (root-dir mode-symbol-list predicate) + (let ((obj-file-regexp-list (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (element) + (let ((len (length element))) + (unless (and (> len 0) + (equal (elt element (1- len)) ?/)) + (concat (regexp-quote element) "$")))) + (append sqlplus-proj-ignored-extensions completion-ignored-extensions)))) + (mode-file-regexp-list (sqlplus-mode-file-regexp-list mode-symbol-list))) ; (file-path-regexp . major-mode-function-symbol) + (when (and mode-symbol-list + (not mode-file-regexp-list)) + (error (format "No rules for %s major modes in auto-mode-alist." (mapconcat 'identity mode-symbol-list ", ")))) + (sqlplus-proj-find-files root-dir + (lambda (file-name) + (and (not (string-match "#" file-name)) + (not (string-match "semantic.cache" file-name)) + (or (and (not mode-symbol-list) + (not (some (lambda (regexp) + (string-match regexp file-name)) + obj-file-regexp-list))) + (and mode-symbol-list + (some (lambda (element) + (let ((freg (if (string-match "[$]" (car element)) + (car element) + (concat (car element) "$")))) + (when (string-match freg file-name) + (cdr element)))) + mode-file-regexp-list))) + (or (not predicate) + (funcall predicate file-name)))) + (lambda (dir-path) + (not (string-match "/\\(\\.svn\\|CVS\\)$" dir-path)))))) + + +(defun sqlplus-file-get-source (connect-string object-name object-type &optional batch-mode) + (interactive + (progn + (push (point-marker) plsql-mark-backward-list) + (list sqlplus-connect-string (thing-at-point 'symbol) nil))) + (unless object-name + (error "Nothing to search")) + (let* ((root-dir (or (and (not object-type) + (eq major-mode 'plsql-mode) + (buffer-file-name) + (sqlplus-get-project-root-dir (buffer-file-name))) + (sqlplus-get-root-dir connect-string) + (sqlplus-set-project-for-connect-string connect-string) + (error "Root dir not set"))) + (mode-symbol-list '(plsql-mode sql-mode)) + (files-to-grep (sqlplus-find-project-files root-dir mode-symbol-list nil)) + (temp-file-path (concat (file-name-as-directory temporary-file-directory) (make-temp-name "ide-"))) + (search-buffer (get-buffer sqlplus-search-buffer-name)) + (regexp (let ((index 0) + (len (length object-name)) + result) + (setq result + (if object-type + (let ((type (cond ((equal object-type "FUNCTION") "PROCEDURE") + ((equal object-type "PACKAGE BODY") "PACKAGE") + (t object-type)))) + (cdr (assoc type sqlplus-object-types-regexps))) + (mapconcat 'cdr sqlplus-object-types-regexps "|"))) + (unless result + (error "Not implemented")) + (while (and (< index (length result)) + (string-match "#" result index)) + (setq index (+ (match-beginning 0) len)) + (setq result (replace-match object-name t t result))) + (setq index 0) + (while (and (< index (length result)) + (string-match "[$]\\(\\\\b\\)?" result index)) + (setq index (+ (match-end 0) 1)) + (setq result (replace-match "\\$" t t result))) + result)) + grep-command + grep-result) + (when search-buffer + (with-current-buffer search-buffer + (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) + (erase-buffer)))) + ;; (message "Object type: %S, object name: %S, regexp: %S" object-type object-name regexp) + (with-temp-file temp-file-path + (dolist (path files-to-grep) + (insert (concat "'" path "'\n")))) + (let* ((grep-command (format "cat %s | xargs grep -nHiE -e '%s'" temp-file-path regexp)) + (raw-grep-result (split-string (shell-command-to-string grep-command) "\n" t)) + (grep-result (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (line) + (string-match "^\\(.*?\\):\\([0-9]+\\):\\(.*\\)$" line) + (let* ((path (match-string 1 line)) + (line-no (string-to-number (match-string 2 line))) + (text (match-string 3 line)) + (text2 text) + (syn-table (copy-syntax-table)) + (case-fold-search t)) + (modify-syntax-entry ?$ "w" syn-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?# "w" syn-table) + (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" syn-table) + (with-syntax-table syn-table + (when (and (or (and (not object-type) + (> (length raw-grep-result) 1)) + (equal object-type "SYNONYM")) + (string-match "\\<\\(for\\|from\\|on\\|as\\)\\>" text2)) + (setq text2 (substring text2 0 (match-beginning 0)))) + ;; (message "GREP-RESULT: %s" text2) + (unless (or (not (string-match (concat "\\<" (regexp-quote object-name) "\\>") text2)) + (string-match (concat "\\(--\\|\\\\|\\\\|\\\\|\\\\).*\\<" + (regexp-quote object-name) "\\>") text2) + (and (or (and (not object-type) + (> (length raw-grep-result) 1)) + (equal object-type "TRIGGER")) + (string-match "\\<\\(alter\\|disable\\|enable\\)\\>" text2)) + (and (or (and (not object-type) + (string-match "\\" text2) + current-prefix-arg) + (equal object-type "PACKAGE")) + (string-match "\\" text2)) + (and (or (and (not object-type) + (string-match "\\" text2) + (not current-prefix-arg)) + (equal object-type "PACKAGE BODY")) + (not (string-match "\\" text2))) + (and (not object-type) + (not current-prefix-arg) + (string-match "[.]pks$" path))) + (list path line-no text))))) + raw-grep-result)))) + (if batch-mode + grep-result + (cond ((not grep-result) + (error "Not found")) + ((eql (length grep-result) 1) + (sqlplus-switch-to-buffer (caar grep-result) (cadar grep-result)) + (when connect-string + (setq sqlplus-connect-string connect-string))) + (t + (let ((search-buffer (get-buffer-create sqlplus-search-buffer-name))) + (with-current-buffer search-buffer + (setq buffer-read-only t) + (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) + (setq default-directory root-dir) + (erase-buffer) + (insert "Root dir: ") + (sqlplus-proj-insert-with-face root-dir 'font-lock-keyword-face) + (insert "; Range: ") + (sqlplus-proj-insert-with-face (mapconcat (lambda (sym) (sqlplus-mode-name-stringify sym)) mode-symbol-list ", ") + 'font-lock-keyword-face) + (insert "; Object type: ") + (sqlplus-proj-insert-with-face (or object-type "unspecified") 'font-lock-keyword-face) + (insert "; Object name: ") + (sqlplus-proj-insert-with-face object-name 'font-lock-keyword-face) + (insert "\n\n") + (compilation-minor-mode 1) + (dolist (result grep-result) + (let ((relative-path (concat "./" (file-relative-name (car result) root-dir))) + (line-no (cadr result)) + (text (caddr result))) + (put-text-property 0 (length relative-path) 'mouse-face 'highlight relative-path) + (insert relative-path) + (insert (format ":%S:1 %s\n" line-no text)))) + (insert (format "\n%d matches found." (length grep-result))) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (when (and grep-result (fboundp 'compile-reinitialize-errors) (funcall (symbol-function 'compile-reinitialize-errors) t))) + (switch-to-buffer-other-window search-buffer) + (goto-line 1) + (goto-line 3)))))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-mode-name-stringify (mode-name) + (let ((name (format "%s" mode-name))) + (replace-regexp-in-string "-" " " + (capitalize + (if (string-match "^\\(.*\\)-mode" name) + (match-string 1 name) + name))))) + +(defun sqlplus-proj-insert-with-face (string face) + (let ((point (point))) + (insert string) + (let ((overlay (make-overlay point (point)))) + (overlay-put overlay 'face face)))) + +(defun sqlplus-set-project-for-connect-string (connect-string) + (if (featurep 'ide-skel) + ;; Prepare sqlplus-root-dir-history (file-name-history) for user convenience + ;; 0. previous project root + ;; 1. current editor file project root + ;; 2. previous choices + ;; 3. new project roots + (let* ((prev-proj-root-dir (sqlplus-get-root-dir connect-string)) + (last-sel-window (funcall 'ide-skel-get-last-selected-window)) + (editor-file-proj-root-dir (when last-sel-window + (let* ((buffer (window-buffer last-sel-window)) + (path (and buffer (buffer-file-name buffer))) + (project (and path (car (funcall 'ide-skel-proj-get-project-create path))))) + (when (funcall 'ide-skel-project-p project) + (funcall 'ide-skel-project-root-path project)))))) + (setq sqlplus-root-dir-history + (delete-dups + (delq nil + (mapcar (lambda (dir) + (when dir + (directory-file-name (file-truename (substitute-in-file-name dir))))) + (append + (list editor-file-proj-root-dir prev-proj-root-dir) + sqlplus-root-dir-history + (mapcar (lambda (project) (funcall 'ide-skel-project-root-path project)) + (symbol-value 'ide-skel-projects))))))) + (let* ((file-name-history (cdr sqlplus-root-dir-history)) + (use-file-dialog nil) + (dir (directory-file-name (file-truename (substitute-in-file-name + (read-directory-name (format "Root dir for %s: " (car (refine-connect-string connect-string))) + (car sqlplus-root-dir-history) + (car sqlplus-root-dir-history) + t + nil)))))) + (funcall 'ide-skel-proj-get-project-create dir) + (sqlplus-set-root-dir dir connect-string) + (message (format "Root dir for %s set to %s" (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)) dir)) + dir)) + (let* ((use-file-dialog nil) + (dir (directory-file-name (file-truename (substitute-in-file-name + (read-directory-name (format "Root dir for %s: " (car (refine-connect-string connect-string))) + nil nil t nil)))))) + (sqlplus-set-root-dir dir connect-string) + (message (format "Root dir for %s set to %s" (car (refine-connect-string connect-string)) dir)) + dir))) + +;;; Plugin for ide-skel.el + +(defstruct sqlplus-tab + id + name ; tab name + symbol ; view/sequence/schema/trigger/index/table/package/synonym/procedure + help-string + (display-start 1) ; display-start in side view window + (data nil) ; '(("name" . status)...), where status t means 'invalid' + draw-function ; parameters: sqlplus-tab + click-function ; parameters: event "@e" + (errors-count 0) + (refresh-in-progress t) + update-select) + +(defvar sqlplus-side-view-connect-string nil) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-side-view-connect-string) + +(defvar sqlplus-side-view-active-tab nil) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-side-view-active-tab) + +(defvar sqlplus-side-view-tabset nil) +(make-variable-buffer-local 'sqlplus-side-view-tabset) + +(defface sqlplus-side-view-face '((t :inherit variable-pitch :height 0.8)) + "Default face used in right view" + :group 'sqlplus) + +(defvar sqlplus-side-view-keymap nil) +(unless sqlplus-side-view-keymap + (setq sqlplus-side-view-keymap (make-sparse-keymap)) + (define-key sqlplus-side-view-keymap [mode-line down-mouse-1] 'ignore) + (define-key sqlplus-side-view-keymap [mode-line mouse-1] 'sqlplus-side-view-tab-click)) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-tab-click (event) + (interactive "@e") + (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event)) + (let* ((previous-sel-tab-info (nth sqlplus-side-view-active-tab sqlplus-side-view-tabset)) + (target (posn-string (event-start event))) + (tab-info (get-text-property (cdr target) 'tab-info (car target)))) + (setf (sqlplus-tab-display-start previous-sel-tab-info) (line-number-at-pos (window-start))) + (setq sqlplus-side-view-active-tab (sqlplus-tab-id tab-info)) + (sqlplus-side-view-redraw (current-buffer) t) + (sqlplus-side-view-buffer-mode-line)))) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-buffer-mode-line () + (let* ((separator (propertize " " + 'face 'header-line + 'display '(space :width 0.2) + 'pointer 'arrow))) + (setq mode-line-format + (concat separator + (mapconcat (lambda (tab) + (let ((face (if (eq (sqlplus-tab-id tab) sqlplus-side-view-active-tab) + 'tabbar-selected + 'tabbar-unselected)) + (help-echo (concat (sqlplus-tab-help-string tab) + (if (> (sqlplus-tab-errors-count tab) 0) + (format "\n(%s error%s)" (sqlplus-tab-errors-count tab) + (if (> (sqlplus-tab-errors-count tab) 1) "s" "")) + "")))) + (propertize (format " %s " (sqlplus-tab-name tab)) + 'local-map sqlplus-side-view-keymap + 'tab-info tab + 'help-echo help-echo + 'mouse-face 'tabbar-highlight + 'face (if (> (sqlplus-tab-errors-count tab) 0) + (list '(foreground-color . "red") face) + face) + 'pointer 'hand))) + sqlplus-side-view-tabset + separator) + separator)))) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-click-on-default-handler (event) + (interactive "@e") + (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event)) + (let* ((posn-point (posn-point (event-start event))) + (object-name (get-text-property posn-point 'object-name)) + (object-type (get-text-property posn-point 'object-type)) + (type (car event))) + (when (eq type 'mouse-3) + (setq type (car (x-popup-menu t (append (list 'keymap object-name) + (list '(sqlplus-refresh-side-view-buffer "Refresh" t)) + (list '(mouse-1 "Get source from Oracle" t)) + (list '(M-mouse-1 "Search source in filesystem" t)) + (list (list 'C-M-mouse-1 (concat "Set root dir for " (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string))) t)) + ))))) + (cond ((eq type 'mouse-1) + (sqlplus-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name object-type)) + ((eq type 'M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-file-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name object-type)) + ((eq type 'C-M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-set-project-for-connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string)) + ((eq type nil)) + (t + (condition-case err + (funcall type) + (error nil))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-click-on-index-handler (event) + (interactive "@e") + (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event)) + (let* ((posn-point (posn-point (event-start event))) + (object-name (get-text-property posn-point 'object-name)) + (object-type (get-text-property posn-point 'object-type)) + (type (car event))) + (when (eq type 'mouse-3) + (setq type (car (x-popup-menu t (append (list 'keymap object-name) + (list '(sqlplus-refresh-side-view-buffer "Refresh" t)) + (list '(mouse-1 "Get source from Oracle" t)) + (list '(M-mouse-1 "Search source in filesystem" t)) + (list (list 'C-M-mouse-1 (concat "Set root dir for " (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string))) t)) + ))))) + (cond ((eq type 'mouse-1) + (sqlplus-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name object-type)) + ((eq type 'M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-file-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name object-type)) + ((eq type 'C-M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-set-project-for-connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string)) + ((eq type nil)) + (t + (condition-case err + (funcall type) + (error nil))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-click-on-schema-handler (event) + (interactive "@e") + (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event)) + (let* ((posn-point (posn-point (event-start event))) + (object-name (get-text-property posn-point 'object-name)) + (object-type (get-text-property posn-point 'object-type)) + (last-selected-win (funcall 'ide-skel-get-last-selected-window)) + (type (car event))) + (when (eq type 'mouse-3) + (setq type (car (x-popup-menu t (append (list 'keymap object-name) + (list '(sqlplus-refresh-side-view-buffer "Refresh" t)) + (list '(mouse-1 "Connect to schema" t)) + (list '(M-mouse-1 "Search source in filesystem" t)) + (list (list 'C-M-mouse-1 (concat "Set root dir for " (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string))) t)) + ))))) + (cond ((eq type 'mouse-1) + (when (string-match "@.*$" sqlplus-side-view-connect-string) + (let* ((cs (downcase (concat object-name (match-string 0 sqlplus-side-view-connect-string)))) + (pair (sqlplus-read-connect-string cs cs))) + (select-window (or last-selected-win (funcall 'ide-skel-get-editor-window))) + (sqlplus (car pair) (concat (cadr pair) (concat "." sqlplus-session-file-extension)))))) + ((eq type 'M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-file-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name object-type)) + ((eq type 'C-M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-set-project-for-connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string)) + ((eq type nil)) + (t + (condition-case err + (funcall type) + (error nil)))) + (select-window (funcall 'ide-skel-get-last-selected-window))))) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-click-on-table-handler (event) + (interactive "@e") + (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event)) + (let* ((posn-point (posn-point (event-start event))) + (object-name (get-text-property posn-point 'object-name)) + (object-type (get-text-property posn-point 'object-type)) + (type (car event))) + (when (eq type 'mouse-3) + (setq type (car (x-popup-menu t (append (list 'keymap object-name) + (list '(sqlplus-refresh-side-view-buffer "Refresh" t)) + (list '(mouse-1 "Show description" t)) + (list '(C-mouse-1 "Select *" t)) + (list '(S-mouse-1 "Get source from Oracle" t)) + (list '(M-mouse-1 "Search source in filesystem" t)) + (list (list 'C-M-mouse-1 (concat "Set root dir for " (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string))) t)) + ))))) + (cond ((eq type 'mouse-1) + (sqlplus-execute sqlplus-side-view-connect-string + (sqlplus-fontify-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string (format "desc %s;" object-name)) + nil nil)) + ((eq type 'C-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-execute sqlplus-side-view-connect-string + (sqlplus-fontify-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string (format "select * from %s;" object-name)) + nil nil)) + ((eq type 'S-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name object-type)) + ((eq type 'M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-file-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name object-type)) + ((eq type 'C-M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-set-project-for-connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string)) + ((eq type nil)) + (t + (condition-case err + (funcall type) + (error nil)))) + (select-window (funcall 'ide-skel-get-last-selected-window))))) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-click-on-package-handler (event) + (interactive "@e") + (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event)) + (let* ((posn-point (posn-point (event-start event))) + (object-name (get-text-property posn-point 'object-name)) + (object-type (get-text-property posn-point 'object-type)) + (type (car event))) + (when (eq type 'mouse-3) + (setq type (car (x-popup-menu t (append (list 'keymap object-name) + (list '(sqlplus-refresh-side-view-buffer "Refresh" t)) + (list '(S-mouse-1 "Get package header from Oracle" t)) + (list '(mouse-1 "Get package body from Oracle" t)) + (list '(S-M-mouse-1 "Search header source in filesystem" t)) + (list '(M-mouse-1 "Search body source in filesystem" t)) + (list (list 'C-M-mouse-1 (concat "Set root dir for " (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string))) t)) + ))))) + (cond ((eq type 'S-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name object-type)) + ((eq type 'mouse-1) + (sqlplus-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name "PACKAGE BODY")) + ((eq type 'M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-file-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name "PACKAGE BODY")) + ((eq type 'S-M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-file-get-source sqlplus-side-view-connect-string object-name "PACKAGE")) + ((eq type 'C-M-mouse-1) + (sqlplus-set-project-for-connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string)) + ((eq type nil)) + (t + (condition-case err + (funcall type) + (error nil))))))) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-default-draw-panel (tab-info click-function) + (let ((pairs (sort (sqlplus-tab-data tab-info) + (lambda (pair1 pair2) (string< (car pair1) (car pair2))))) + (type-name (upcase (symbol-name (sqlplus-tab-symbol tab-info))))) + (dolist (pair pairs) + (let* ((label (format " % -100s" (car pair))) + (km (make-sparse-keymap))) + (define-key km [down-mouse-1] 'ignore) + (define-key km [mouse-1] click-function) + (define-key km [C-down-mouse-1] 'ignore) + (define-key km [C-mouse-1] click-function) + (define-key km [S-down-mouse-1] 'ignore) + (define-key km [S-mouse-1] click-function) + (define-key km [down-mouse-3] 'ignore) + (define-key km [mouse-3] click-function) + (setq label (propertize label + 'mouse-face 'ide-skel-highlight-face + 'face (if (cdr pair) + '(sqlplus-side-view-face (foreground-color . "red")) + 'sqlplus-side-view-face) + 'local-map km + 'pointer 'hand + 'object-name (car pair) + 'object-type type-name)) + (insert label) + (insert "\n"))))) + +(defun sqlplus-refresh-side-view-buffer () + (let* ((tab-info (nth sqlplus-side-view-active-tab sqlplus-side-view-tabset)) + (update-select (sqlplus-tab-update-select tab-info))) + (unless (sqlplus-tab-refresh-in-progress tab-info) + (sqlplus-hidden-select sqlplus-side-view-connect-string update-select 'sqlplus-my-update-handler)))) + +(defun sqlplus-get-default-update-select (symbol) + (concat "select object_name, object_type, decode( status, 'INVALID', 'I', ' ' ) from user_objects\n" + "where object_name not like 'BIN$%'\n" + (format "and object_type = '%s';" (upcase (symbol-name symbol))))) + +(defun sqlplus-create-side-view-buffer (connect-string) + (let* ((original-connect-string connect-string) + (connect-string (car (refine-connect-string connect-string))) + (buffer (funcall 'ide-skel-get-side-view-buffer-create + (concat " Ide Skel Right View SQL " connect-string) + 'right "SQL" (concat "SQL Panel for " connect-string) + (lambda (editor-buffer) + (let ((connect-string sqlplus-side-view-connect-string)) + (with-current-buffer editor-buffer + (and connect-string + (equal (car (refine-connect-string sqlplus-connect-string)) + (car (refine-connect-string connect-string))) + ))))))) + (with-current-buffer buffer + (set 'ide-skel-tabbar-menu-function + (lambda () + (let ((tab-info (nth sqlplus-side-view-active-tab sqlplus-side-view-tabset))) + (list + (unless (sqlplus-tab-refresh-in-progress tab-info) + '(sqlplus-refresh-side-view-buffer "Refresh" t)))))) + (setq sqlplus-side-view-connect-string original-connect-string + sqlplus-side-view-active-tab 0 + sqlplus-side-view-tabset + (list + (make-sqlplus-tab :id 0 :name "Tab" :symbol 'table :help-string "Tables" :draw-function 'sqlplus-side-view-default-draw-panel + :update-select (sqlplus-get-default-update-select 'table) + :click-function 'sqlplus-side-view-click-on-table-handler) + (make-sqlplus-tab :id 1 :name "Vie" :symbol 'view :help-string "Views" :draw-function 'sqlplus-side-view-default-draw-panel + :update-select (sqlplus-get-default-update-select 'view) + :click-function 'sqlplus-side-view-click-on-table-handler) + (make-sqlplus-tab :id 2 :name "Idx" :symbol 'index :help-string "Indexes" :draw-function 'sqlplus-side-view-default-draw-panel + :update-select (sqlplus-get-default-update-select 'index) + :click-function 'sqlplus-side-view-click-on-index-handler) + (make-sqlplus-tab :id 3 :name "Tri" :symbol 'trigger :help-string "Triggers" :draw-function 'sqlplus-side-view-default-draw-panel + :update-select (sqlplus-get-default-update-select 'trigger) + :click-function 'sqlplus-side-view-click-on-default-handler) + (make-sqlplus-tab :id 4 :name "Seq" :symbol 'sequence :help-string "Sequences" :draw-function 'sqlplus-side-view-default-draw-panel + :update-select (sqlplus-get-default-update-select 'sequence) + :click-function 'sqlplus-side-view-click-on-default-handler) + (make-sqlplus-tab :id 5 :name "Syn" :symbol 'synonym :help-string "Synonyms" :draw-function 'sqlplus-side-view-default-draw-panel + :update-select (sqlplus-get-default-update-select 'synonym) + :click-function 'sqlplus-side-view-click-on-default-handler) + (make-sqlplus-tab :id 6 :name "Pkg" :symbol 'package :help-string "PL/SQL Packages" :draw-function 'sqlplus-side-view-default-draw-panel + :update-select (sqlplus-get-default-update-select 'package) + :click-function 'sqlplus-side-view-click-on-package-handler) + (make-sqlplus-tab :id 7 :name "Prc" :symbol 'procedure :help-string "PL/SQL Functions & Procedures" :draw-function 'sqlplus-side-view-default-draw-panel + :update-select (concat "select object_name, object_type, decode( status, 'INVALID', 'I', ' ' ) from user_objects\n" + "where object_name not like 'BIN$%'\n" + "and object_type in ('FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE');") + :click-function 'sqlplus-side-view-click-on-default-handler) + (make-sqlplus-tab :id 8 :name "Sch" :symbol 'schema :help-string "Schemas" :draw-function 'sqlplus-side-view-default-draw-panel + :update-select "select username, 'SCHEMA', ' ' from all_users where username not like 'BIN$%';" + :click-function 'sqlplus-side-view-click-on-schema-handler) + )) + (sqlplus-side-view-buffer-mode-line)) + buffer)) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-redraw (sql-view-buffer &optional window-start-from-tab-info) + (with-current-buffer sql-view-buffer + (let* ((point (point)) + (tab-info (nth sqlplus-side-view-active-tab sqlplus-side-view-tabset)) + (window-start (when (and (symbol-value 'ide-skel-current-right-view-window) + (eq (window-buffer (symbol-value 'ide-skel-current-right-view-window)) (current-buffer))) + (if window-start-from-tab-info + (sqlplus-tab-display-start tab-info) + (line-number-at-pos (window-start (symbol-value 'ide-skel-current-right-view-window))))))) + (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) + (setq buffer-read-only nil) + (erase-buffer) + (when (sqlplus-tab-draw-function tab-info) + (funcall (sqlplus-tab-draw-function tab-info) tab-info (sqlplus-tab-click-function tab-info)))) + (if window-start + (let ((pos (save-excursion + (goto-line window-start) + (beginning-of-line) + (point)))) + (set-window-start (symbol-value 'ide-skel-current-right-view-window) pos) + (setf (sqlplus-tab-display-start tab-info) window-start)) + (goto-char point) + (beginning-of-line))))) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-update-data (connect-string alist) + (let* ((connect-string (car (refine-connect-string connect-string))) + (sql-view-buffer (sqlplus-get-side-view-buffer connect-string)) + was-proc) + (when sql-view-buffer + (with-current-buffer sql-view-buffer + (dolist (pair alist) + (let* ((symbol (if (eq (car pair) 'function) 'procedure (car pair))) + (data-list (cdr pair)) + (tab-info (some (lambda (tab) + (when (eq (sqlplus-tab-symbol tab) symbol) + tab)) + sqlplus-side-view-tabset))) + (when tab-info + (setf (sqlplus-tab-refresh-in-progress tab-info) nil) + (setf (sqlplus-tab-data tab-info) + (if (and (eq symbol 'procedure) + was-proc) + (append (sqlplus-tab-data tab-info) (copy-list data-list)) + data-list)) + (when (eq symbol 'procedure) + (setq was-proc t)) + (setf (sqlplus-tab-errors-count tab-info) + (count t (mapcar 'cdr data-list))) + (when (eql sqlplus-side-view-active-tab (sqlplus-tab-id tab-info)) + (sqlplus-side-view-redraw (current-buffer)))))) + (sqlplus-side-view-buffer-mode-line) + (force-mode-line-update))))) + +(defun sqlplus-side-view-window-function (side event &rest list) + (when (and (eq side 'right) + (symbol-value 'ide-skel-current-right-view-window) + (with-current-buffer (symbol-value 'ide-skel-current-editor-buffer) + sqlplus-connect-string)) + (cond ((memq event '(show editor-buffer-changed)) + (let ((sql-view-buffer (sqlplus-get-side-view-buffer (with-current-buffer (symbol-value 'ide-skel-current-editor-buffer) + sqlplus-connect-string)))) + (when sql-view-buffer + (with-current-buffer sql-view-buffer + (set 'ide-skel-tabbar-enabled t) + (funcall 'ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer (symbol-value 'ide-skel-current-right-view-window) sql-view-buffer))))))) + nil) + +(add-hook 'ide-skel-side-view-window-functions 'sqlplus-side-view-window-function) + + +(provide 'sqlplus) + +;;; sqlplus.el ends here diff --git a/emacs.d/tabbar.el b/emacs.d/tabbar.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09db712 --- /dev/null +++ b/emacs.d/tabbar.el @@ -0,0 +1,1932 @@ +;;; Tabbar.el --- Display a tab bar in the header line + +;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 David Ponce + +;; Author: David Ponce +;; Maintainer: David Ponce +;; Created: 25 February 2003 +;; Keywords: convenience +;; Revision: $Id: tabbar.el,v 1.69 2006/06/08 08:27:39 ponced Exp $ + +(defconst tabbar-version "2.0") + +;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. + +;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at +;; your option) any later version. + +;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +;; General Public License for more details. + +;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to +;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth +;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + +;;; Commentary: +;; +;; This library provides the Tabbar global minor mode to display a tab +;; bar in the header line of Emacs 21 and later versions. You can use +;; the mouse to click on a tab and select it. Also, three buttons are +;; displayed on the left side of the tab bar in this order: the +;; "home", "scroll left", and "scroll right" buttons. The "home" +;; button is a general purpose button used to change something on the +;; tab bar. The scroll left and scroll right buttons are used to +;; scroll tabs horizontally. Tabs can be divided up into groups to +;; maintain several sets of tabs at the same time (see also the +;; chapter "Core" below for more details on tab grouping). Only one +;; group is displayed on the tab bar, and the "home" button, for +;; example, can be used to navigate through the different groups, to +;; show different tab bars. +;; +;; In a graphic environment, using the mouse is probably the preferred +;; way to work with the tab bar. However, you can also use the tab +;; bar when Emacs is running on a terminal, so it is possible to use +;; commands to press special buttons, or to navigate cyclically +;; through tabs. +;; +;; These commands, and default keyboard shortcuts, are provided: +;; +;; `tabbar-mode' +;; Toggle the Tabbar global minor mode. When enabled a tab bar is +;; displayed in the header line. +;; +;; `tabbar-local-mode' (C-c ) +;; Toggle the Tabbar-Local minor mode. Provided the global minor +;; mode is turned on, the tab bar becomes local in the current +;; buffer when the local minor mode is enabled. This permits to +;; see the tab bar in a buffer where the header line is already +;; used by another mode (like `Info-mode' for example). +;; +;; `tabbar-mwheel-mode' +;; Toggle the Tabbar-Mwheel global minor mode. When enabled you +;; can use the mouse wheel to navigate through tabs of groups. +;; +;; `tabbar-press-home' (C-c ) +;; `tabbar-press-scroll-left' (C-c ) +;; `tabbar-press-scroll-right' (C-c ) +;; Simulate a mouse-1 click on respectively the "home", "scroll +;; left", and "scroll right" buttons. A numeric prefix argument +;; value of 2, or 3, respectively simulates a mouse-2, or mouse-3 +;; click. +;; +;; `tabbar-backward' (C-c ) +;; `tabbar-forward' (C-c ) +;; Are the basic commands to navigate cyclically through tabs or +;; groups of tabs. The cycle is controlled by the +;; `tabbar-cycle-scope' option. The default is to navigate +;; through all tabs across all existing groups of tabs. You can +;; change the default behavior to navigate only through the tabs +;; visible on the tab bar, or through groups of tabs only. Or use +;; the more specialized commands below. +;; +;; `tabbar-backward-tab' +;; `tabbar-forward-tab' +;; Navigate through the tabs visible on the tab bar. +;; +;; `tabbar-backward-group' (C-c ) +;; `tabbar-forward-group' (C-c ) +;; Navigate through existing groups of tabs. +;; +;; +;; Core +;; ---- +;; +;; The content of the tab bar is represented by an internal data +;; structure: a tab set. A tab set is a collection (group) of tabs, +;; identified by an unique name. In a tab set, at any time, one and +;; only one tab is designated as selected within the tab set. +;; +;; A tab is a simple data structure giving the value of the tab, and a +;; reference to its tab set container. A tab value can be any Lisp +;; object. Each tab object is guaranteed to be unique. +;; +;; A tab set is displayed on the tab bar through a "view" defined by +;; the index of the leftmost tab shown. Thus, it is possible to +;; scroll the tab bar horizontally by changing the start index of the +;; tab set view. +;; +;; The visual representation of a tab bar is a list of valid +;; `header-line-format' template elements, one for each special +;; button, and for each tab found into a tab set "view". When the +;; visual representation of a tab is required, the function specified +;; in the variable `tabbar-tab-label-function' is called to obtain it. +;; The visual representation of a special button is obtained by +;; calling the function specified in `tabbar-button-label-function', +;; which is passed a button name among `home', `scroll-left', or +;; `scroll-right'. There are also options and faces to customize the +;; appearance of buttons and tabs (see the code for more details). +;; +;; When the mouse is over a tab, the function specified in +;; `tabbar-help-on-tab-function' is called, which is passed the tab +;; and should return a help string to display. When a tab is +;; selected, the function specified in `tabbar-select-tab-function' is +;; called, which is passed the tab and the event received. +;; +;; Similarly, to control the behavior of the special buttons, the +;; following variables are available, for respectively the `home', +;; `scroll-left' and `scroll-right' value of `