#+TITLE: git-auto-commit-mode #+STARTUP: showall * NAME git-auto-commit-mode - Emacs minor mode to automatically commit (and push) a git repository. [[http://melpa.org/#/git-auto-commit-mode][file:http://melpa.org/packages/git-auto-commit-mode-badge.svg]] [[http://stable.melpa.org/#/git-auto-commit-mode][file:http://stable.melpa.org/packages/git-auto-commit-mode-badge.svg]] * SYNOPSIS =M-x git-auto-commit-mode = * DESCRIPTION git-auto-commit-mode is an Emacs minor mode that tries to commit changes to a file after every save. The commit message sent to git is always the filename of the file saved, relative to the root of the git repository. * USAGE When enabled, git-auto-commit-mode uses the =after-save-hook= to commit changes to git each time. If =gac-automatically-push-p= is non-nil it also tries to push the ~HEAD~ to the current upstream. Making sure that upstream is properly set is the responsibility of the user. ** Enabling Since git-auto-commit-mode is a regular minor mode you have more than one option to enable it. *** As a file-local variable If you're using Emacs 24 or newer you should set an =eval= file-local variable: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE ;; -*- eval: (git-auto-commit-mode 1) -*- #+END_EXAMPLE If you're using an older version of Emacs, that should be: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE ;; -*- mode: git-auto-commit -*- #+END_EXAMPLE *** As a directory-local variable If you're using Emacs 24 or newer you should set an =eval= variable: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE ((nil . ((eval git-auto-commit-mode 1)))) #+END_EXAMPLE If you're using an older version of Emacs, that should be: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE ((nil . ((mode . git-auto-commit)))) #+END_EXAMPLE *** As a hook To enable git-auto-commit-mode each time a ~certain-hook~ runs: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE (add-hook 'certain-hook 'git-auto-commit-mode) #+END_EXAMPLE * CUSTOMIZATION git-auto-commit-mode is a simple mode, as such it offers little customization. - =gac-automatically-push-p= :: A boolean value indicating whether or not git-auto-commit-mode should try to push the git repository's ~HEAD~ to its default upstream. Setting up the upstream is the user's responsibility.