# -*- mode: org; -*- #+STARTUP: showall In order to use git-auto-commit-mode you need to make sure that it can be found in your =load-path=. You can do this either by installing it through ELPA or you can do it manually. * ELPA git-auto-commit-mode can be found in both [[http://marmalade-repo.org/][Marmalade]] and [[http://melpa.milkbox.net/][MELPA]], so if you have either of those set-up installing should be as easy as: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE M-x package-install <RET> git-auto-commit-mode <RET> #+END_EXAMPLE And you're done. * Manual To install git-auto-commit-mode manually you should download the sources from one of the several places it can be found, after which you should extract the archive and add the resulting directory to you load path: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/git-auto-commit-mode") #+END_EXAMPLE Once it can be found in your =load-path= you can =load=, =require= or =autoload= it, whichever you like: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE (require 'git-auto-commit-mode) ;; Or... (autoload 'git-auto-commit-mode "git-auto-commit-mode") #+END_EXAMPLE