diff --git a/oni-core.el b/oni-core.el index a8c2ef0..ce65991 100644 --- a/oni-core.el +++ b/oni-core.el @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ;; Author: Tom Willemse ;; Keywords: local -;; Version: 2021.0425.174950 +;; Version: 2021.0425.175316 ;; Package-Requires: (oni-data-dir oni-embrace oni-hydra expand-region multiple-cursors gcmh diminish ws-butler which-key insert-char-preview) ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -137,6 +137,12 @@ _s_: String list" (setq electric-pair-skip-whitespace 'chomp) (setq fit-window-to-buffer-horizontally t) +(setq initial-major-mode 'org-mode) +(setq initial-scratch-message "# This buffer is for text that is not saved. +# To create a file, visit it with [[help:find-file][find-file]] and enter text in its buffer. + +") + ;; Increase the threshold for garbage collection for increased performance. ;; Apparently there are some (lsp-mode for example) packages that generate a lot ;; of garbage.