;; -*- mode: lisp; -*-
(in-package :stumpwm-user)

(require 'swm-gaps)

;;; Redefine this function again because for some reason on my system
;;; `(frame-width ...)' returns a ratio, not an integer, which is not accepted
;;; by `xlib:drawable-width'.
(defun stumpwm::maximize-window (win)
  "Redefined gaps aware maximize function."
  (multiple-value-bind (x y wx wy width height border stick)
      (stumpwm::geometry-hints win)

    (let ((ox 0) (oy 0) (ow 0) (oh 0)
          (frame (stumpwm::window-frame win)))
      (if (swm-gaps::apply-gaps-p win)
          (multiple-value-setq (ox oy ow oh) (swm-gaps::gaps-offsets win)))

      ;; Only do width or height subtraction if result will be positive,
      ;; otherwise stumpwm will crash. Also, only modify window dimensions
      ;; if needed (i.e. window at least fills frame minus gap).
      (when (and (< ow width)
                 (>= width (- (frame-width frame) ow)))
        (setf width (- width ow)))
      (when (and (< oh height)
                 (>= height (- (frame-height frame) oh)))
        (setf height (- height oh)))

      (setf x (+ x ox)
            y (+ y oy))

      ;; This is the only place a window's geometry should change
      (set-window-geometry win :x wx :y wy :width width :height height :border-width 0)
      (xlib:with-state ((window-parent win))
        ;; FIXME: updating the border doesn't need to be run everytime
        ;; the window is maximized, but only when the border style or
        ;; window type changes. The overhead is probably minimal,
        ;; though.
        (setf (xlib:drawable-x (window-parent win)) x
              (xlib:drawable-y (window-parent win)) y
              (xlib:drawable-border-width (window-parent win)) border)
        ;; the parent window should stick to the size of the window
        ;; unless it isn't being maximized to fill the frame.
        (if (or stick
                (find *window-border-style* '(:tight :none)))
            (setf (xlib:drawable-width (window-parent win)) (window-width win)
                  (xlib:drawable-height (window-parent win)) (window-height win))
            (let ((frame (stumpwm::window-frame win)))
              (setf (xlib:drawable-width (window-parent win)) (- (round (frame-width frame))
                                                                 (* 2 (xlib:drawable-border-width (window-parent win)))
                    (xlib:drawable-height (window-parent win)) (- (stumpwm::frame-display-height (window-group win) frame)
                                                                  (* 2 (xlib:drawable-border-width (window-parent win)))
        ;; update the "extents"
        (xlib:change-property (window-xwin win) :_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS
                              (list wx
                                    (- (xlib:drawable-width (window-parent win)) width wx)
                                    (- (xlib:drawable-height (window-parent win)) height wy))
                              :cardinal 32))
      (update-configuration win))))

(setf swm-gaps:*head-gaps-size* 0)
(setf swm-gaps:*inner-gaps-size* 15)
(setf swm-gaps:*outer-gaps-size* 15)
