#!/usr/bin/scsh -s
;; hlwm-run-or-raise --- Raise a window or start a new process
;; Tries to find a window ID for a window with a given class value. If
;; no such window can be found treat the rest of the command line as
;; the command to start.
;; This script depends on both herbstluftwm and wmctrl.

(define (get-current-window-id)
  (let* ((output (run/string (wmctrl -v -a ":ACTIVE:") (= 2 1)))
         (re (rx "Using window: "
                 (submatch "0x" (+ hex-digit))
         (match (regexp-search re output)))
    (and match (match:substring match 1))))

(define (pull-element-to-front elt collection)
  (if (string= (car collection) elt)
      (pull-element-to-front elt (rotate collection))))

(define (rotate lst)
  (append (cdr lst) (list (car lst))))

(define current-window-id

(define window-ids
   (pipe (wmctrl -lx)
         (awk "{ print $1, $3 }")
         (grep ,(string-append "\\." (car command-line-arguments)))
         (awk "{ print $1 }"))))

(if (not (null? window-ids))
    (let ((next-window
           (if (member current-window-id window-ids)
               (cadr (pull-element-to-front current-window-id window-ids))
               (car window-ids))))
      (run (hlwm-switch-to-window ,next-window)))
    (exec-epf (,@(cdr command-line-arguments))))