/* Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Willemsen <tom at ryuslash dot org> This file is part of CLark CLark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CLark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CLark. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /// Commentary: // A wrapper script that should allow conkeror to interface with // CLark. /// Code: define_variable("clark_program", "clark", "The location of the clark executable."); define_variable("clark_bookmarked_string", "+", "Text to show if the current url has been bookmarked."); define_variable("clark_not_bookmarked_string", "-", "Text to show it the current url has not been" + " bookmarked."); define_browser_object_class( "clark-bookmark", null, function (I, prompt) { check_buffer(I.buffer, content_buffer); var result = yield I.buffer.window.minibuffer.read( $prompt = prompt, $completer = clark_complete ); yield co_return(result); } ); function clark_add_url(I, url, title) { // Add URL to clark, ask for a title (provide TITLE as a // default), description and any number of tags. let url_string = load_spec_uri_string(load_spec(url)); let title = yield I.minibuffer.read($prompt="name (required): ", $initial_value=title); let description = yield I.minibuffer.read( $prompt="extended description: " ); let tags = yield I.minibuffer.read( $prompt="tags (comma delimited): " ); let command = clark_program + ' add "' + url_string + '" "' + title + '" "' + description + '" \'' + tags.split(',').map(function (str) { return str.trim(); }).join("' '") + "'"; yield clark_shell_command(command); } function clark_add(I) { check_buffer(I.buffer, content_buffer); let result = yield clark_add_url(I, I.buffer.top_frame, I.buffer.title); if (!result) I.window.minibuffer.message('Added to clark'); else I.window.minibuffer.message('Couldn\'t add to clark'); } interactive("clark-add", "Bookmark the current page in clark", clark_add); function clark_add_link(I) { check_buffer(I.buffer, content_buffer); var bo = yield read_browser_object(I); let result = yield clark_add_url(I, encodeURIComponent(bo), bo.textContent); if (!result) I.window.minibuffer.message('Added to clark'); else I.window.minibuffer.message('Couldn\'t add to clark'); } interactive("clark-add-link", "Select and bookmark a link in clark", clark_add_link); function clark_bookmarked_widget(window) { this.class_name = "clark-bookmark-widget"; text_widget.call(this, window); this.add_hook("current_content_buffer_location_change_hook"); this.add_hook("select_buffer_hook"); } clark_bookmarked_widget.prototype = { constructor: clark_bookmarked_widget, __proto__: text_widget.prototype, update: function () { var obj = this; function doit () { var result = yield clark_exists_p( obj.window.buffers.current.description ); obj.view.text = result == "yes" ? clark_bookmarked_string : clark_not_bookmarked_string; } co_call(doit()); } }; function clark_complete(input, pos, conservative) { if (pos == 0 && conservative) yield co_return(undefined); let str = input.substring(0, pos); var data = "", error = "", ret = []; var result = 0; if (str == "") result = yield shell_command( clark_program + " --script", $fds = [{ output: async_binary_string_writer("") }, { input: async_binary_reader( function (s) data += s || "") }, { input: async_binary_reader( function (s) error += s || "") }]); else result = yield shell_command_with_argument( clark_program + " --script search {}", str, $fds = [{ output: async_binary_string_writer("") }, { input: async_binary_reader( function (s) data += s || "") }, { input: async_binary_reader( function (s) error += s || "") }]); if (result != 0 || error != "") throw new Error("result: " + result + ", error: " + error); else if (data != "") { data.split('').forEach(function (row) { ret.push(row.split('')); }); let c = { count: ret.length, get_string: function (i) ret[i][0], get_description: function (i) ret[i][1], get_input_state: function (i) [ret[i][2]] }; yield co_return(c); } } interactive("clark-find-url", "Find a page from clark in the current buffer", "find-url", $browser_object = browser_object_clark_bookmark); interactive("clark-find-url-new-buffer", "Find a page from clark in a new buffer", "find-url-new-buffer", $browser_object = browser_object_clark_bookmark); function clark_edit(I) { check_buffer(I.buffer, content_buffer); let url_string = load_spec_uri_string(load_spec(I.buffer.top_frame)); let title = yield I.minibuffer.read( $prompt="name (leave empty to skip): ", $initial_value=I.buffer.title ); let description = yield I.minibuffer.read( $prompt="description (leave empty to skip): " ); let command = clark_program + ' edit "' + url_string + '" '; if (title == "" && description == "") I.window.minibuffer.message('Nothing to change'); else { if (title != "") command += "--name '" + title + "' "; if (description != "") command += "--description '" + description + "' "; var result = yield clark_shell_command(command); if (result) I.window.minibuffer.message("CLark done"); else I.window.minibuffer.message("Error during CLark operation."); } } interactive("clark-edit", "Edit information for the current URL.", clark_edit); function clark_exists_p(url) { let command = clark_program + ' exists "' + url + '"'; var data = "", error = ""; var result = yield shell_command( command, $fds = [{ output: async_binary_string_writer("") }, { input: async_binary_reader( function (s) data += s || "") }, { input: async_binary_reader( function (s) error += s || "") }] ); if (error != "") throw new Error("Error occurred with CLark: " + error); yield co_return(data.trim()); } interactive("clark-exists-p", "Check to see if the current url" + " exists in the database.", function (I) { check_buffer(I.buffer, content_buffer); let data = yield clark_exists_p( load_spec_uri_string(load_spec(I.buffer.top_frame)) ); I.window.minibuffer.message(data); }); function clark_remove(I) { check_buffer(I.buffer, content_buffer); let url_string = load_spec_uri_string(load_spec(I.buffer.top_frame)); let command = clark_program + ' remove "' + url_string + '"'; let result = yield clark_shell_command(command); if (result) I.window.minibuffer.message("CLark done"); else I.window.minibuffer.message("Error during CLark operation."); } interactive("clark-remove", "Remove the bookmark of the current URL" + " from the database.", clark_remove); function clark_set_tags(I) { check_buffer(I.buffer, content_buffer); let url_string = load_spec_uri_string(load_spec(I.buffer.top_frame)); let tags = yield I.minibuffer.read( $prompt="tags (comma delimited): " ); let command = clark_program + ' set-tags "' + url_string + '" ' + tags.split(',').map( function (str) { return "'" + str.trim() + "'"; } ).join(" "); let result = yield clark_shell_command(command); if (result) I.window.minibuffer.message("CLark done"); else I.window.minibuffer.message("Error during CLark operation."); } interactive("clark-set-tags", "Replace the tags for the bookmark of" + " the current URL.", clark_set_tags); function clark_shell_command(command) { let data = "", error = ""; yield shell_command( command, $fds = [{ output: async_binary_string_writer("") }, { input: async_binary_reader( function (s) data += s || "" )}, { input: async_binary_reader( function (s) error += s || "" )}] ); yield co_return(error == ""); } define_keymap("clark_keymap"); define_key(clark_keymap, "?", "clark-exists-p"); define_key(clark_keymap, "a", "clark-add"); define_key(clark_keymap, "A", "clark-add-link"); define_key(clark_keymap, "e", "clark-edit"); define_key(clark_keymap, "f", "clark-find-url"); define_key(clark_keymap, "F", "clark-find-url-new-buffer"); define_key(clark_keymap, "r", "clark-remove"); define_key(clark_keymap, "t", "clark-set-tags"); provide("clark");