# -*- mode: org; -*-
#+STARTUP: showall

* v0.1.1

  - Any errors that are caught will now exit with status code 1. This
    makes it easier for other programs, like Conkeror, to determine
    if an action was succesful.

  - Errors are now printed to ~stderr~ more consistently.

  - Fixed a bug that would cause an exception if the =XDG_DATA_HOME= or
    =XDG_CONFIG_HOME= were not set.

  - Removed the McCLIM dependency. It will be back, but is not used
    at the moment, so it should not be required.

  - Add ~NEWS~, ~CONTRIBUTING~, ~INSTALL~ and a ~js/README.org~.

  - Fixed a bug that would cause an infinite loop with unrecognized
    command-line options.

* Changes since Markam

  - Add command system. Instead of trying to figure out if we're
    searching or adding a new URL from the arguments use =add= and
    =search= commands.

  - Add =edit=, =exists=, =remove= and =set-tags= commands.

  - =help= will show a list of available commands and switches, and can
    show a help message for each available command.

** Conkeror interface

   - Add commands for the =edit=, =exists=, =remove= and =set-tags= commands.

   - Add indicator for the mode-line which shows whether or not the
     current URL had been bookmarked in markam.