#+TITLE: org #+STYLE: #+LINK_UP: ../index.html #+LINK_HOME: ../index.html #+OPTIONS: H:5 * About No I don't mean that I have anything to do with [[http://orgmode.org][org-mode]], but trying to find a nice and effective structure to my org files is an ongoing project for me. * Organizational ** inbox.org The ~inbox.org~ file is used as, surprise surprise, an inbox. Whenever ~org-capture~ is used to create a new task, appointment or note, it is placed in this file, from here it should be distributed to one of the other org files. - appointments New appointments that should be placed in one of the other files are first placed here. - notes New notes that should be placed in one of the other files are first placed here. - tasks New tasks that should be placed in one of the other files are first placed here. ** personal.org The ~personal.org~ file is used for private tasks, appointments and notes. Not specifically actually private, just not belonging to any of the other org files. - appointments Appointments of a personal nature, not specifically about any of the other org files. - birthdays Birthdays of friends and family are noted here. - bookmarks Some very interesting links that I should keep an eye on. - notes Notes about personal things should be placed here. - rss I have a single RSS feed that I load with org, this is a feed from [[http://www.myepisodes.com][MyEpisodes]] which tells me when new episodes of shows I watch air. - tasks Tasks of a personal nature, not belonging to any of the other files/categories. ** contacts.org Just keeps my contacts. ** projects Org files about projects I work on. *** any org files ** work Org files about work-related things.