#+TITLE: dispass.el #+LINK_UP: ../index.html #+LINK_HOME: http://ryuslash.org #+LINK: src https://github.com/ryuslash/dispass.el #+LINK: tar_gz https://github.com/ryuslash/dispass.el/tarball/master #+LINK: zip https://github.com/ryuslash/dispass.el/zipball/master #+LINK: dispass http://dispass.babab.nl #+STARTUP: showall #+begin_html #+end_html #+INCLUDE: "dlmenu.inc" * About [[dispass][DisPass]] is a passphrase generator. ~dispass.el~ is an [[emacs][Emacs]] wrapper for [[dispass][DisPass]]. ** Features - Copy passwords directly to the clipboard, no need for manual selection and copying. - Specify the length of the passphrase by using a numeric prefix argument. ** Requirements - [[emacs][Emacs]] - [[dispass][DisPass]] * Usage First place ~dispass.el~ somewhere in your load path, or add its location to your load path: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'load-path "~/location/of/dispass.el") #+end_src Then you need to load it up: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (require 'dispass) #+end_src After that everything should be simple, either call =dispass= or =dispass-create= to generate the passphrase. =dispass-create= will ask for your password twice, for confirmation purposes. To specify a length of the generated passphrase, use numeric prefix arguments: =C-8 M-x dispass = to create a passphrase of 8 characters.