#+TITLE: oni org #+STYLE: #+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil author:nil email:nil creator:nil #+LANGUAGE: en #+LINK_HOME: http://ryuslash.org #+LINK_UP: http://ryuslash.org #+STARTUP: showall @
[[http://ryuslash.org/][Front page]] || [[file:blog/index.org][Blog]] @
* About I'm a programming, free software and GNU/Linux enthusiast. I'm also a programmer professionally, so that works out well. I was born in the Netherlands, live in Belgium and work for a dutch company. I have been using GNU/Linux since 2008, having settled on [[http://www.archlinux.org][Archlinux]] after trying [[http://www.ubuntu.com][Ubuntu]], [[http://fedoraproject.org][Fedora]] and [[http://zenwalk.org][Zenwalk]]. I have been using [[http://www.gnu.org][GNU Emacs]] since not long after switching over to GNU/Linux. I can be contacted through email (tom at ryuslash dot org) or any other place you can find me, really. ** Other places to find me - [[https://diasp.org/u/ryuslash][Diasp*]] - [[http://gitorious.org/%7Eryuslash][Gitorious]] - [[http://identi.ca/ryuslash][identi.ca]] - [[http://www.emacswiki.org][EmacsWiki]] * Configuration files I'm working on putting all of my configuration files (dotfiles) in ~org-mode~, with ~org-babel~'s literate programming support. [[http://org.ryuslash.org/dotfiles/][Here]] is what I have so far. * Projects - [[file:projects/git-auto-commit-mode.org][git-auto-commit-mode]] - [[file:projects/ryuslash.org][ryuslash.org]] - [[file:projects/eye-on-manga.org][eye-on-manga]] - [[file:projects/org-blog.org][org-blog]] - [[file:projects/org.org][org]]