#+TITLE: Removing a service manually in Windows Server 2008 #+DATE: 2009-11-09 12:24 #+TAGS: services windows I was writing a test Windows Service and accidentally removed it through the Programs and Features dialog, which removes the files, but doesn't actually remove the service from the service list. So when I tried to install the 2nd version of this test service it was complaining that it already existed. I looked around a little and found that I could delete the Service from the registry in ~HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\[YourService]~. I deleted the key (the little folder thingy) and it did show some change, but my service was still there and the newer version still wouldn't install. After a little more looking around I found out that to fix it I could use ~sc delete [YourService]~ to fix it. And it did! Next time, though, I really should use the installer I used to install it to remove it...