#+TITLE: A new org-blog #+DATE: 2012-04-24 00:52:00 #+TAGS: org-blog project I've taken it upon myself to update the ~org-blog.el~ that was written a long time ago. I want something other than an extra layer over some other system, ~org-mode~ has everything a blog needs, but it doesn't generate an RSS feed or a special index page. There was the ~org-blog.el~, but that uses some old functions that don't exist anymore, so I thought I'd try to update it. I just barely got it working, as you can see from this post. It generates an RSS feed, but the links don't work. It generates an index page, but no links to the individual pages (not that it needs it, really). It doesn't listen to some of the settings (toc, sections) the rest of the publishing projects do. I'd also like to have all posts in a single file and use things like a post's category and tags and such. It'll be interesting to see what else I can fix.