#+TITLE: ryuslash #+SUBTITLE: Vae Victis, dood! #+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil #+STARTUP: showall This is the website of Tom Willemse. I'm a software developer. * Gardening After reading [[https://joelhooks.com/digital-garden][this post]] I'm fascinated by the idea of seeing my website as a digital garden. As opposed to a newspaper where people come and find out all the latest news about what I've been up to. I have no interest in providing a news service. I really want to just write, even if it isn't useful for anyone. [[https://www.masteringemacs.org/][Mastering Emacs]] seems to do this. The front page is not a list of posts by date, but it seems just an excerpt from the very last one and then some paragraphs about different good articles on the site. * Emacs The first topic I pay any attention to of course has to be Emacs. I write all the content for this site in Emacs, I try to work as much as I can in Emacs, and I have a couple of small contributions to Emacs. - [[file:emacs/package-based-configuration.org][Package-based configuration]] * Software I generally like trying out different programs. - [[file:software/android-launchers.org][Android Launchers]] - [[file:software/ci-cd-pipelines.org][CI/CD Pipelines]]