#+title: XDG User Directory Configuration #+property: header-args:conf-unix :tangle user-dirs.dirs I don't generally show a desktop, so just use home as my desktop directory. #+begin_src conf-unix XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/" #+end_src Use =documents=, =downloads=, =music=, =pictures=, and =videos= instead of their capitalized cousins. I just prefer seeing them that way. #+begin_src conf-unix XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR="$HOME/downloads" XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR="$HOME/documents" XDG_MUSIC_DIR="$HOME/music" XDG_PICTURES_DIR="$HOME/pictures" XDG_VIDEOS_DIR="$HOME/videos" #+end_src I don't actually think I use anything that uses these at all, so #+begin_src conf-unix XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR="$HOME/" XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR="$HOME/" #+end_src