;; -*- mode: scheme; -*- (define modkey 'mod4) (define (reset-top-level-binding) "Reset the keybindings to the top-level ones." (ungrab-all-keys) (remove-all-keys) (first-binding) (grab-all-keys)) (define (first-binding) "First binding" ;; These are dangerous keybindings, they could be very annoying if they're ;; accidentally pressed, so using Shift here to make it a little less easy to ;; do this is a good idea. (xbindkey `(,modkey q) "shutdown-rofi") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift r) "herbstclient reload") ;; Usually I close the applications I use through a menu or keybinding inside ;; the application, but not all applications offer this. Sometimes need to ;; tell the window manager to do so. (xbindkey `(,modkey k) "herbstclient close") ;; Normally I try to have frames set-up the way I like them programmatically, ;; not manually, but sometimes I need to do it manually anyway and remove them ;; afterwards. (xbindkey `(,modkey mod1 k) "herbstclient remove") ;; Always spawn an instance of kitty. (xbindkey `(,modkey Return) "herbstclient spawn kitty") ;; Switch to a running instance of URxvt, Hyper, or kitty or start one. (xbindkey `(,modkey t) "herbstclient spawn hlwm-run-or-raise \"\\(URxvt\\|Hyper\\|kitty\\)\" kitty") ;; Switch to a running instance of Conceror, Firefox, Chromium, Nyxt, or ;; qutebrowser or start one. (xbindkey `(,modkey b) "herbstclient spawn hlwm-run-or-raise \"\\(Conkeror\\|[Ff]irefox\\|Chromium\\|Nyxt\\|qutebrowser\\)\" firefox") ;; Switch to a running instance of Emacs, or create an Emacs client frame. (xbindkey `(,modkey e) "herbstclient spawn hlwm-run-or-raise Emacs emacsclient --create-frame") ;; Lock the screen with C-M-l. (xbindkey '(control mod1 l) "herbstclient spawn i3lock") ;; Swap visible tags (xbindkey `(,modkey x) "herbstclient spawn hlwm-switch-tags") ;; Since I use the colemak keyboard layout, hjkl doesn't make much sense. I ;; use bnpf instead since that is what I'm used to using in Emacs. I try to ;; use my run-or-raise script as much as I can, and have the layouts set-up ;; correctly already, but sometimes I still need to move around, resize and ;; move clients. (xbindkey `(,modkey shift b) "herbstclient shift left") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift n) "herbstclient shift down") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift p) "herbstclient shift up") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift f) "herbstclient shift right") (xbindkey `(,modkey control b) "herbstclient resize left +0.05") (xbindkey `(,modkey control n) "herbstclient resize down +0.05") (xbindkey `(,modkey control p) "herbstclient resize up +0.05") (xbindkey `(,modkey control f) "herbstclient resize right +0.05") ;; I usually try to have my layouts set-up programmatically, but this isn't ;; always possible or practical. (xbindkey `(,modkey shift underscore) "herbstclient split bottom 0.5") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift bar) "herbstclient split right 0.5") ;; Switching tags by number (key) isn't always practical, sometimes switching ;; to next/previous tag is easiest. (xbindkey `(,modkey period) "herbstclient use_index +1 --skip-visible") (xbindkey `(,modkey comma) "herbstclient use_index -1 --skip-visible") ;; Games and sometimes other applications don't always like being forced into ;; a strangely sized box, floating mode helps. (xbindkey `(,modkey shift control f) "herbstclient floating toggle") ;; Playing games in fullscreen mode can end badly by having the game spread ;; across both monitors. Also watching a twitch stream with lots of text is ;; best in fullscreen. (xbindkey `(,modkey f) "herbstclient cycle_layout 1 vertical max") (xbindkey `(,modkey m) "herbstclient fullscreen toggle") (xbindkey `(,modkey p) "herbstclient pseudotile toggle") ;; The following cycles through the available layouts within a frame, but ;; skips layouts, if the layout change wouldn't affect the actual window ;; positions. I.e. if there are two windows within a frame, the grid layout is ;; skipped. (xbindkey `(,modkey space) "herbstclient or , and . compare tags.focus.curframe_wcount = 2 . cycle_layout +1 vertical horizontal max vertical grid , cycle_layout +1") ;; focus (xbindkey `(,modkey BackSpace) "herbstclient cycle_monitor") ;; Use u because i is already used by by navigation commands. (xbindkey `(,modkey u) "herbstclient jumpto urgent") ;; Add some media key bindings for MPD. (xbindkey '(XF86AudioPlay) "herbstclient spawn mpc toggle") (xbindkey '(XF86AudioNext) "herbstclient spawn mpc next") (xbindkey '(XF86AudioPrev) "herbstclient spawn mpc prev") (xbindkey-function `(,modkey c) move-bindings) (xbindkey-function `(,modkey s) screenshot-bindings) (xbindkey `(,modkey bracketleft) "herbstclient use_index 0") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift bracketleft) "herbstclient use_index 1") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift bracketright) "herbstclient use_index 2") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift "9") "herbstclient use_index 3") (xbindkey `(,modkey equal) "herbstclient use_index 4") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift "8") "herbstclient use_index 5") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift "0") "herbstclient use_index 6") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift equal) "herbstclient use_index 7") (xbindkey `(,modkey bracketright) "herbstclient use_index 8") (xbindkey `(,modkey shift "1") "herbstclient use_index 9") (xbindkey `(,modkey r) "herbstclient spawn rofi -modi drun -show drun -config /home/chelys/.config/rofi/rofi.rasi") (xbindkey `(,modkey w) "herbstclient spawn rofi -show window -window-command \"/home/chelys/usr/bin/hlwm-switch-to-window {window}\" -config /home/chelys/.config/rofi/windows.rasi")) (define (move-bindings) "Second bind" (ungrab-all-keys) (remove-all-keys) (xbindkey "1" "herbstclient move_index 0") (xbindkey-function '(release "1") reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey "2" "herbstclient move_index 1") (xbindkey-function '(release "2") reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey "3" "herbstclient move_index 2") (xbindkey-function '(release "3") reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey "4" "herbstclient move_index 3") (xbindkey-function '(release "4") reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey "5" "herbstclient move_index 4") (xbindkey-function '(release "5") reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey "6" "herbstclient move_index 5") (xbindkey-function '(release "6") reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey "7" "herbstclient move_index 6") (xbindkey-function '(release "7") reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey "8" "herbstclient move_index 7") (xbindkey-function '(release "8") reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey "9" "herbstclient move_index 8") (xbindkey-function '(release "9") reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey "0" "herbstclient move_index 9") (xbindkey-function '(release "0") reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey-function '(control g) reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey-function '(Return) reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey-function '(Escape) reset-top-level-binding) (grab-all-keys)) (define (screenshot-bindings) "Bindings for taking screenshots" (ungrab-all-keys) (remove-all-keys) (xbindkey "f" "flameshot full ~/pictures/screenshots/") (xbindkey-function '(release f) reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey "c" "flameshot gui") (xbindkey-function '(release c) reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey-function '(control g) reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey-function '(Return) reset-top-level-binding) (xbindkey-function '(Escape) reset-top-level-binding) (grab-all-keys)) (first-binding)