;; -*- mode: lisp; -*- (in-package :stumpwm-user) (ql:quickload "swank") (load-module "swm-gaps") (defvar *lock-screen-hook* nil "Hook that gets run right before the screen gets locked.") (defvar *screen-unlocked-hook* nil "Hook that gets run right after the screen is unlocked.") (defun run-stumpwm-hook-on-exit (process) "Run `*screen-unlocked-hook*' if PROCESS' status is `:exited'." (when (eq (sb-ext:process-status process) :exited) (run-hook *screen-unlocked-hook*))) (defcommand lock-screen () () "Lock the screen using i3lock. Run `*lock-screen-hook*' before locking it and run `*screen-unlocked-hook*' after it has been unlocked." (run-hook *lock-screen-hook*) (sb-ext:run-program "/usr/bin/i3lock" '("-n" "-c" "000000") :wait nil :status-hook #'run-stumpwm-hook-on-exit)) (setf swm-gaps:*inner-gaps-size* 7) (setf swm-gaps:*outer-gaps-size* 7) (set-prefix-key (kbd "C-z")) (define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-M-l") "lock-screen") (swm-gaps:toggle-gaps) (swank:create-server :dont-close t)