(define-module (oni home data config) #:use-module (gnu home) #:use-module (gnu home services) #:use-module (gnu home services shells) #:use-module (gnu home services desktop) #:use-module (gnu services) #:use-module (gnu packages) #:use-module (gnu packages admin) #:use-module (gnu packages shellutils) #:use-module (guix gexp) #:use-module (oni home services xdisorg) #:use-module (oni home services xmodmap) #:use-module (oni home services kitty) #:use-module (oni home services xsession)) (home-environment (packages (list (specification->package+output "glibc-locales") zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions)) (services (list (simple-service 'some-useful-env-vars-service home-environment-variables-service-type `(("LESS" . "FXRSi") ("MY_GUIX_CONFIGURED" . "1") ("DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT" . "1") ("EDITOR" . "emacsclient") ("CALIBRE_USE_DARK_PALETTE" . "1") ("GUIX_LOCPATH" . "$HOME/.guix-home/profile/lib/locale"))) (service home-redshift-service-type (home-redshift-configuration (location-provider 'manual) (latitude 49.2127205) (longitude 122.9267927))) (service home-zsh-service-type (home-zsh-configuration (environment-variables '(("HISTFILE" . "$HOME/.zsh/histfile") ("HISTSIZE" . "1000") ("SAVEHIST" . "1000"))) (zshrc (list (mixed-text-file "zshrc" "fpath=($HOME/.zsh/functions $fpath)\n" "autoload -U $HOME/.zsh/functions/*(:t)\n" "alias csi=\"rlwrap csi\"\n" "alias scsh=\"rlwrap scsh\"\n" "alias sbcl=\"rlwrap sbcl\"\n" "alias hc=herbstclient\n" "setopt SHARE_HISTORY\n" "setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS\n" "zle -N x-copy-region-as-kill\n" "zle -N x-kill-region\n" "zle -N x-yank\n" "bindkey -e '^[w' x-copy-region-as-kill\n" "bindkey -e '^W' x-kill-region\n" "bindkey -e '^Y' x-yank\n" "autoload -Uz compinit\n" "compinit\n" "source " zsh-autosuggestions "/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh\n" ;; This has to be last "source " zsh-syntax-highlighting "/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh\n"))))) (service home-rofi-service-type (home-rofi-configuration (config '((kb-cancel . "Escape,Control+g") (window-format . "{c} {t}"))) (theme '((* ((text-color . "#bfbfbf") (background-color . "#3f4242") (lightbg . "#5b6161") (red . "#a85454") (orange . "#faa41a") (blue . "#1f2c3f") (selected-normal-foreground . "@foreground") (normal-foreground . "@foreground") (alternate-normal-background . "@background") (selected-urgent-foreground . "@foreground") (urgent-foreground . "@foreground") (alternate-urgent-background . "@background") (active-foreground . "@text-color") (selected-active-foreground . "@foreground") (alternate-normal-foreground . "@foreground") (alternate-active-background . "@blue") (bordercolor . "@foreground") (normal-background . "@background") (selected-normal-background . "@blue") (separatorcolor . "@orange") (spacing . 2) (urgent-background . "@red") (alternate-urgent-foreground . "@foreground") (selected-urgent-background . "@red") (alternate-active-foreground . "@foreground") (selected-active-background . "@blue") (active-background . "@red") (font . "Fantasque Sans Mono 14"))) (window ((border . 0) (text-color . "@foreground") (background-color . "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0%)") (padding . 5) (text-color . "@bordercolor") (background-color . "@background"))) (mainbox ((border . 0) (padding . 0))) (message ((border . "1px dash 0px 0px") (text-color . "@separatorcolor") (padding . "2px 0px 0px"))) (textbox ((text-color . "@foreground"))) (listview ((fixed-height . 0) (border . "2px 0px 0px") (padding . "2px 0px 0px") (text-color . "@separatorcolor"))) (element ((border . 0) (children "element-icon" "element-text") (spacing . "5px"))) (element-text element-icon ((background-color . "inherit") (text-color . "inherit"))) (element.normal.normal ((text-color . "@normal-foreground") (background-color . "@normal-background"))) (element.normal.urgent ((text-color . "@urgent-foreground") (background-color . "@urgent-background"))) (element.normal.active ((text-color . "@active-foreground") (background-color . "@active-background"))) (element.selected.normal ((text-color . "@selected-normal-foreground") (background-color . "@selected-normal-background"))) (element.selected.urgent ((text-color . "@selected-urgent-foreground") (background-color . "@selected-urgent-background"))) (element.selected.active ((text-color . "@selected-active-foreground") (background-color . "@selected-active-foreground"))) (element.alternate.normal ((text-color . "@alternate-normal-foreground") (background-color . "@alternate-normal-background"))) (element.alternate.urgent ((text-color . "@alternate-urgent-foreground") (background-color . "@alternate-urgent-background"))) (element.alternate.active ((text-color . "@alternate-active-foreground") (background-color . "@alternate-active-background"))) (mode-switcher ((border . "1px dash 0px 0px"))) (#{button selected}# ((text-color . "@selected-normal-foreground") (background-color . "@selected-normal-background"))) (inputbar ((spacing . 0) (border . "0px") (children "prompt" "textbox-prompt-colon" "entry" "case-indicator"))) (#{button normal}# ((text-color . "@foreground"))) (text-prompt-color ((expand . #f) (str . ":") (margin . "0px 0.3em 0em 0em") (text-color . "@normal-foreground"))))))) (service home-xmodmap-service-type (home-xmodmap-configuration (pointer '(3 2 1)) (extra '("remove Mod5 = ISO_Level3_Shift" "keycode 108 = Alt_L" "add Mod1 = Alt_L")))) (service home-kitty-service-type (home-kitty-configuration (configuration '((font-family . "Fantasque Sans Mono") (bold-font . "Fantasque Sans Mono Bold") (italic-font . "Fantasque Sans Mono Italic") (bold-italic-font . "Fantasque Sans Mono Bold Italic") (font-size . 14) (symbol-map . "U+f002 Font Awesome 5 Free Solid") (cursor-shape . beam) (cursor-blink-interval . 0) (url-style . single) (open-url-with . firefox) (copy-on-select . #f) (enable-audio-bell . #f) (visual-bell-duration . 0) (window-padding-width . 11.25) (active-tab-font-style . normal) (editor . emacsclient) (allow-remote-control . #t) (enabled-layouts vertical stack tall fat grid horizontal) (cursor . "#969696") (url-color . "#a88654") (active-border-color . "#1f2c3f") (inactive-border-color . "#3d3d3d") (bell-border-color . "#3f1a1a") (active-tab-foreground . "#65a854") (active-tab-background . "#1f2c3f") (inactive-tab-foreground . "#65a854") (inactive-tab-background . "#3d3d3d") (foreground . "#bfbfbf") (background . "#222424") (selection-foreground . "#bfbfbf") (selection-background . "#1f2c3f") (color0 . "#222222") (color8 . "#3d3d3d") (color1 . "#3f1a1a") (color9 . "#da9d9d") (color2 . "#65a854") (color10 . "#a9d39e") (color3 . "#8d995c") (color11 . "#c2ca9e") (color4 . "#5476a8") (color12 . "#a2b8b8") (color5 . "#9754a8") (color13 . "#d0a8da") (color6 . "#54a8a8") (color14 . "#abdddd") (color7 . "#969696") (color15 . "#ededed"))))) (service home-xsession-service-type (home-xsession-configuration (configuration (list "xrdb -cpp m4 -merge \"${HOME}/.config/X11/Xresources\" -I\"${HOME}/.config/X11/Xresources.d\"" "xrandr --setprovideroutputsource modesetting NVIDIA-0" "xrandr --auto" "xrandr --dpi 96")))))))