#!/usr/local/bin/scsh \ -o define-record-types -s !# ;; hlwm-switch-tags --- Switch the currently visible tags ;; ;; Given there are two monitors, get the active tag for each and ;; switch them around. This saves me the trouble of having to switch ;; them manually. ;; ;; This script depends on herbstluftwm. (define-record-type monitor :monitor (monitor id tag focus) monitor? (id monitor-id) (tag monitor-tag) (focus monitor-focused?)) (define-record-discloser :monitor (lambda (m) `(monitor ,(monitor-id m) ,(monitor-tag m) ,(monitor-focused? m)))) (define (make-monitor str) (let* ((re (rx bos (submatch (+ digit)) ": " (+ digit) "x" (+ digit) "+" (+ digit) "+" (+ digit) " with tag \"" (submatch (+ any)) "\"" (submatch (? " [FOCUS]")) eos)) (match (regexp-search re str))) (monitor (string->number (match:substring match 1)) (match:substring match 2) (> (string-length (match:substring match 3)) 0)))) (define monitors (map make-monitor (run/strings (herbstclient list_monitors)))) (run (herbstclient lock)) (run (herbstclient add switch_tmp)) (run (herbstclient focus_monitor ,(monitor-id (car monitors)))) (run (herbstclient use switch_tmp)) (run (herbstclient focus_monitor ,(monitor-id (cadr monitors)))) (run (herbstclient use ,(monitor-tag (car monitors)))) (run (herbstclient focus_monitor ,(monitor-id (car monitors)))) (run (herbstclient use ,(monitor-tag (cadr monitors)))) (run (herbstclient focus_monitor ,(monitor-id (find monitor-focused? monitors)))) (run (herbstclient merge_tag switch_tmp)) (run (herbstclient unlock))