function fish_title echo "$TERM:" (status current-command) ' ' prompt_pwd end function fish_prompt --description 'Write out the prompt' set -l last_pipestatus $pipestatus set -l normal (set_color normal) # Color the prompt differently when we're root set -l color_cwd $fish_color_cwd set -l prefix set -l suffix '>' if contains -- $USER root toor if set -q fish_color_cwd_root set color_cwd $fish_color_cwd_root end set suffix '#' end # If we're running via SSH, change the host color. set -l color_host $fish_color_host if set -q SSH_TTY set color_host $fish_color_host_remote end # Write pipestatus set -l prompt_status (__fish_print_pipestatus " [" "]" "|" (set_color $fish_color_status) (set_color --bold $fish_color_status) $last_pipestatus) if test -n "$GUIX_ENVIRONMENT" echo -n "[env]" end echo -n -s (set_color $fish_color_user) "$USER" $normal @ (set_color $color_host) (prompt_hostname) $normal ' ' (set_color $color_cwd) (prompt_pwd) $normal (fish_vcs_prompt) $normal $prompt_status $suffix " " end function hc herbstclient $argv end function myctl systemctl --user $argv end function fpn --description="Search for any .pacnew files in /etc" sudo find /etc/ -type f -name '*.pacnew' end bind \ep up-or-search bind \en down-or-search set -x PATH ~/usr/bin $PATH set -x LESS FXRSi set -x EDITOR emacsclient set -x DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT true # Turn Calibre into a dark themed application set -x CALIBRE_USE_DARK_PALETTE 1 set -x BROWSER firefox kitty + complete setup fish | source if test -n "$DESKTOP_SESSION" set -x (gnome-keyring-daemon --start | string split "=") end