Add commands to search through and open links from history. #+BEGIN_SRC js define_browser_object_class( "history-url", null, function (I, prompt) { check_buffer(I.buffer, content_buffer); var result = yield I.buffer.window.minibuffer.read_url( $prompt = prompt, $use_webjumps = false, $use_history = true, $use_bookmarks = false, $sort_order = 'date_descending' ); yield co_return(result); } ); interactive("find-url-from-history", "Find a page from history in the current buffer", "find-url", $browser_object = browser_object_history_url); interactive("find-url-from-history-new-buffer", "Find a page from history in a new buffer", "find-url-new-buffer", $browser_object = browser_object_history_url); define_key(content_buffer_normal_keymap, "H", "find-url-from-history"); define_key(content_buffer_normal_keymap, "h", "find-url-from-history-new-buffer"); #+END_SRC Set the hints digits to the keys on my keyboard's home row, for easy access. #+BEGIN_SRC js hint_digits = "arstdhneio"; #+END_SRC Add the ~search-engines/~ directory to the opensearch load path. #+BEGIN_SRC js function add_to_opensearch_load_path(new_path) { if (new_path.startsWith('/')) { opensearch_load_paths.push(new_path); } else { let path = get_home_directory(); path.append('.conkerorrc'); path.append(new_path); opensearch_load_paths.push(path); } } add_to_opensearch_load_path('search-engines'); #+END_SRC Add a Mozilla Developer Network webjump. This uses their OpenSearch description. #+BEGIN_SRC js define_opensearch_webjump("mdn", "mozilla-developer-network.xml"); #+END_SRC Add a Duck Duck Go webjump. This uses the OpenSearch description. Conkeror has a =duckduck= webjump, but I prefer the shorter ddg. #+BEGIN_SRC js define_opensearch_webjump("ddg", "duckduckgo.xml"); #+END_SRC Add the ~site-js/~ directory to the load path. #+BEGIN_SRC js function add_to_load_path(new_path) { if (new_path.startsWith('/')) { load_paths.push("file://" + new_path); } else { let path = get_home_directory(); path.append('.conkerorrc'); path.append(new_path); load_paths.push("file://" + path.path); } } add_to_load_path('site-js'); #+END_SRC * Scuttle Load the scuttle module. #+BEGIN_SRC js require('scuttle'); #+END_SRC Set the URL of my scuttle installation. #+BEGIN_SRC js scuttle_url = ''; #+END_SRC Add the bookmarked widget to the mode line. This requires my customized version of Scuttle to be able to check if a buffer has been bookmarked or not. #+BEGIN_SRC js add_hook('mode_line_hook', mode_line_adder(scuttle_bookmarked_widget)); #+END_SRC Set-up keybindings for posting to scuttle. #+BEGIN_SRC js define_key(default_global_keymap, 'p', 'scuttle-post'); define_key(default_global_keymap, 'P', 'scuttle-post-link'); #+END_SRC