path: root/inkplate/lowlevel.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'inkplate/lowlevel.scm')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inkplate/lowlevel.scm b/inkplate/lowlevel.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c26daa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inkplate/lowlevel.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+(define-module (inkplate lowlevel)
+ #:use-module ((ice-9 format) #:select (format))
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-9) #:select (define-record-type))
+ #:export (<inkplate>
+ make-inkplate
+ inkplate?
+ inkplate-input-port
+ inkplate-output-port
+ convert-string-to-hex
+ open
+ close
+ echo
+ draw-pixel
+ draw-line
+ draw-fast-vertical-line
+ draw-fast-horizontal-line
+ draw-rectangle
+ draw-circle
+ draw-triangle
+ draw-rounded-rectangle
+ fill-rectangle
+ fill-circle
+ fill-triangle
+ fill-rounded-rectangle
+ print
+ set-text-size
+ set-cursor
+ set-text-wrap
+ set-rotation
+ draw-bitmap
+ set-display-mode
+ get-display-mode
+ clear-screen
+ update
+ partial-update
+ read-temperature
+ read-touchpad
+ read-battery
+ panel-supply
+ get-panel-state
+ draw-image
+ draw-thick-line
+ draw-ellipse
+ fill-ellipse
+ send))
+(define-record-type <inkplate>
+ (make-inkplate input-port output-port)
+ inkplate?
+ (input-port inkplate-input-port)
+ (output-port inkplate-output-port))
+(define (convert-string-to-hex string)
+ "Convert STRING to a hexadecimal representation of the text."
+ (string-join
+ (map (lambda (x) (format #f "~2,'0x" (char->integer x)))
+ (string->list string))
+ ""))
+(define (open device-path)
+ "Open a connection to an Inkplate on the named DEVICE-PATH."
+ (let ((port (open-file device-path "r+")))
+ (make-inkplate port port)))
+(define (close device)
+ "Close a connection to an Inkplate in DEVICE."
+ (close-port (inkplate-output-port device))
+ (close-port (inkplate-input-port device)))
+(define (echo device)
+ "Send a command to check if the DEVICE is receiving commands."
+ (display "#?*" (inkplate-output-port device)))
+(define (draw-pixel device x y color)
+ "Draw a pixel on DEVICE at coordinates X and Y in COLOR."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#0(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*" x y color))
+(define (draw-line device x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
+ "Draw a line on DEVICE from coordinates X1,Y1 to X2,Y2 in COLOR."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#1(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*" x1 y1 x2 y2 color))
+(define (draw-fast-vertical-line device x y length color)
+ "Draw a vertical line on DEVICE from X,Y for LENGTH pixels in COLOR."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#2(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*" x y length color))
+(define (draw-fast-horizontal-line device x y length color)
+ "Draw a horizontal line on DEVICE from X,Y for LENGTH pixels in COLOR."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#3(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*" x y length color))
+(define (draw-rectangle device x y width height color)
+ "Draw a rectangle on DEVICE at X,Y WIDTH wide by HEIGHT high in COLOR.
+This function draws an outline of a rectangle whereas ‘fill-rectangle’ fills the
+rectangle with the specified color."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#4(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*" x y width height color))
+(define (draw-circle device x y radius color)
+ "Draw a circle on DEVICE at X,Y with RADIUS in COLOR.
+This function draws an outline of a circle whereas ‘fill-circle’ fills the
+circle with the specified color."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#5(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*" x y radius color))
+(define (draw-triangle device x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 color)
+ "Draw a triangle on DEVICE at points X1,Y1, X2,Y2, and X3,Y3 in COLOR.
+This function draws an outline of a triangle whereas ‘fill-triangle’ fills the
+triangle with the specified color."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#6(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*"
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 color))
+(define (draw-rounded-rectangle device x y width height radius color)
+ "Draw a rounded rectangle on DEVICE at X,Y WIDTH wide by HEIGHT high.
+RADIUS is the radius of the rounded corners. Draw the rectangle in COLOR."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#7(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*"
+ x y width height radius color))
+(define (fill-rectangle device x y width height color)
+ "Draw a rectangle on DEVICE at X,Y WIDTH wide by HEIGHT high in COLOR.
+This function fills the entire rectangle with COLOR while ‘draw-rectangle’ only
+draws an outline."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#8(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*" x y width height color))
+(define (fill-circle device x y radius color)
+ "Draw a circle on DEVICE at X,Y with RADIUS.
+This function fills the entire circle with COLOR while ‘draw-circle’ only draws
+an outline."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#9(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*" x y radius color))
+(define (fill-triangle device x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 color)
+ "Draw a triangle on DEVICE at points X1,Y1, X2,Y2, and X3,Y3 in COLOR.
+This function fills the entire triangle with COLOR while ‘draw-triangle’ only
+draws an outline."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#A(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*"
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 color))
+(define (fill-rounded-rectangle device x y width height radius color)
+ "Draw a rounded rectangle on DEVICE at X,Y WIDTH wide by HEIGHT high.
+CORNER-RADIUS is the radius of the rounded corners. Fill the rectangle with
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#B(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*"
+ x y width height radius color))
+(define (print device text)
+ "Print the TEXT onto the screen of DEVICE.
+TEXT should be a hex string as produced by ‘convert-string-to-hex’."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#C(~s)*" text))
+(define (set-text-size device size)
+ "Set the text size for the next print command to SIZE for DEVICE."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#D(~2,'0d)*" size))
+(define (set-cursor device x y)
+ "Move the cursor on DEVICE to the X and Y coordinates."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#E(~3,'0d,~3,'0d)*" x y))
+(define (set-text-wrap device enable)
+ "Enable or disable text wrapping on DEVICE depending on the value of ENABLE.
+If ENABLE is #t, enable text wrapping. Otherwise disable it."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#F(~a)*" (if enable "T" "F")))
+(define (set-rotation device rotation)
+ "Set the screen rotation on DEVICE.
+ROTATION can be one of:
+- 0: 0 degrees rotation
+- 1: 90 degrees rotation
+- 2: 180 degrees rotation
+- 3: 270 degrees rotation"
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#G(~3,'0d)*" rotation))
+(define (draw-bitmap device x y path)
+ "Draw a bitmap on DEVICE at coordinates X,Y.
+PATH should be a path on the SD card and should be a hex string
+as produced by ‘inkplate--convert-string-to-hex’. This command
+puts a response in the output buffer. It should be one of:
+- #H(0)*: Image load failed
+- #H(1)*: Image loaded successfully
+- #H(-1)*: SD Card Init Error"
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#H(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~s)*" x y path))
+(define (set-display-mode device mode)
+ "Set the display mode for DEVICE to MODE.
+Mode can be one of:
+- 1: 1-bit mode
+- 3: 3-bit mode"
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#I(~d)*" mode))
+(define (get-display-mode device)
+ "Query the DEVICE for which display mode is active.
+This puts one of the following responses into the output buffer:
+- #J(0): 1-bit mode
+- #J(1): 3-bit mode"
+ (display "#J(?)*" (inkplate-output-port device)))
+(define (clear-screen device)
+ "Send the command to clear the screen to DEVICE."
+ (display "#K(1)*" (inkplate-output-port device)))
+(define (update device)
+ "Send the command to update the display to DEVICE."
+ (display "#L(1)*" (inkplate-output-port device)))
+(define (partial-update device yy1 xx2 yy2)
+ "Send the command to update the display to DEVICE.
+Tell it to only do a partial update."
+ ;; I guess that xx1 is implicitly 0? It's not mentioned in the documentation.
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#M(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d)*" yy1 xx2 yy2))
+(define (read-temperature device)
+ "Query DEVICE for its current temperature.
+This will produce a response in the output buffer in the form or #N(22)* which
+means its temperature is 22 degrees Celsius."
+ (display "#N(?)*" (inkplate-output-port device)))
+(define (read-touchpad device touchpad)
+ "Query DEVICE for the state of TOUCHPAD.
+TOUCHPAD can be 1, 2, or 3. This will produce a response in the
+output buffer which can be read with ‘inkplate-read-output’.
+Possible responses are:
+- #O(1)*: The touch pad is in the high state
+- #O(0)*: The touch pad is in the low state"
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#O(~d)*" touchpad))
+(define (read-battery device)
+ "Query DEVICE for the current voltage on the battery.
+This produces a response in the output buffer which can be read using
+‘read-output’. The response is in the form of #P(3.65)* meaning the measured
+voltage on the battery is 3.65VDC."
+ (display "#P(?)*" (inkplate-output-port device)))
+(define (panel-supply device enable)
+ "Turn DEVICE on or off depending on the value of ENABLE.
+If ENABLE is #t turn DEVICE on, otherwise turn it off."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#Q(~d)*" (if enable 1 0)))
+(define (get-panel-state device)
+ "Query DEVICE for the state of the panel.
+This command produces a response in the output buffer which can be read using
+‘read-output’. The response can be one of:
+- #R(1)*: Panel has power
+- #R(0)*: Panel has no power"
+ (display "#R(?)*" (inkplate-output-port device)))
+(define (draw-image device x y path)
+ "Draw an image on DEVICE at coordinates X,Y.
+PATH should be a path on the SD card and a hex string as produced by
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device) "#S(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~s)*" x y path))
+(define (draw-thick-line device x1 y1 x2 y2 thickness color)
+ "Draw a line on DEVICE from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2 in THICKNESS and COLOR."
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#T(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d,~2,'0d)*"
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 thickness color))
+(define (draw-ellipse device x y x-radius y-radius color)
+ "Draw an ellipse on DEVICE at coordinates X,Y.
+X-RADIUS and Y-RADIUS specify the x and y radius of the ellipse. Draw it in
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#U(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*" x y x-radius y-radius color))
+(define (fill-ellipse device x y x-radius y-radius color)
+ "Draw and fill an ellipse on DEVICE at coordinates X,Y.
+X-RADIUS and Y-RADIUS specify the x and y radius of the ellipse. Draw it in
+ (format (inkplate-output-port device)
+ "#V(~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~3,'0d,~2,'0d)*" x y x-radius y-radius color))
+(define (send device)
+ "Send the accumulated commands to DEVICE."
+ (force-output (inkplate-output-port device)))