#+TITLE: mg #+PROPERTY: tangle .mg #+STARTUP: showall #+OPTIONS: author:nil num:nil toc:nil #+HTML_HEAD: I don't use mg to look at C files often, but when I do, I want =c-mode= to be activated. #+BEGIN_SRC fundamental auto-execute *.c c-mode #+END_SRC One of the nicest features of Emacs, for me, is its automatic indent system. Mg can do this too. #+BEGIN_SRC fundamental auto-indent-mode 1 #+END_SRC I don't like how backup files clutter my directories. I do like having them around, just in case. So instead of saving them wherever we find them, save them in =~/.mg.d=. #+BEGIN_SRC fundamental backup-to-home-directory #+END_SRC